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View Full Version : Paper Cut: Weapon (3.5 PEACH)

2012-01-05, 09:57 AM
Both the Book of True Binds and the Tome of Truenaming were created by the same being. He made a third book that chronicled the history and truename of everything that was and would be. A few gods grew worried about this and sent their champions to destroy it. They killed its creator and imprisoned his soul in one of his books. But try as they might the book withstood all but the highest magic and when forced to use that magic the book exploded, burning. One page was saved by its creators apprentice. He forged this page into a mighty weapon and named it Paper Cut.

Paper Cut is a lightweight sword that is thin as a sheet of paper but as sharp as a Tarrasque's claw. Though it looks like a toy it is firm as steel and hard as Adamantine surprising foes for the first, and normally, last time. The blade also drinks in ink and blood leaving the paper clean.

Paper Cut is a +1 Adamantine Longsword that has a slew of ability that focus knowing the name of its foe. When someones name is written on the blade the paper changes to a random color, matching its 'foe', and gains the Bane property for that one foe. When a name is written on the blade the last name written is earsed. Spell casters using Paper Cut can forgo the Bane bonus to gain a +2 spell save DC for that target. Truenamers using utterance on the target do not count as using an utterance for the law of resistance.

If the truename of a foe is written on the blade damage done from attacks with the blade doubles. Casters forgoing this bonus can cast touch spells on the target as if the blade was the target. Truenamers can add one Meta-Utterance to utterance's used on the target without increasing it truenaming DC.

Last if a foe is slain by Paper Cut its truename is absorbed into it letting you call them forth from the dead once. You can summon a copy of the foe as they were when they were killed but at full health, spells regained as if they slept for the night, and the law of resistance reset. The spells prepared, if recalling a prepared caster, are the same chosen when the caster was killed, spent spells become regained. This foe serves you for one minute per HD it has and during this time all other abilities of Paper Cut are suppressed. The foe knows everything is did before death and has all equipment it had before death, which fades away when the summoning expires. You can only use this ability once a day plus once more per every 7 ranks in truespeak you have but never more than once per creature slain. Foes whose truenames that are stored in this way are treated as if they were Unnamed* so long as their truename is remains unused.

*See Tome of Magic Sidebar on Unnamed page 261

Comments? Suggestions? Thought this up last night after a dream and rereading Wise Man's Fear.

2012-01-05, 10:04 AM
Sounds kinda cool although shouldnt it be an Adamantine longsword? Also how do you write a foes name on the sword when it absorbes all ink?

2012-01-05, 10:09 AM
Sounds kinda cool although shouldnt it be an Adamantine longsword? Also how do you write a foes name on the sword when it absorbes all ink?

Adamantine part I forgot about. The name just needs to be written on the blade, it doesn't need to show the name though.

2012-01-05, 03:00 PM
Let me see if I can give you a LITTLE help with grammar and such. Tried to mark my changes in red.

Both the Book of True Binds and the Tome of Truenaming were created by the same being. He made a third book that chronicled the history and truename of everything that was and would be. A few gods grew worried about this and sent their champions to destroy it. They killed its creator and imprisoned his soul in one of his books. But try as they might the book withstood all but the highest magic and when forced to use that magic the book exploded, burning. One page was saved by its creators apprentice. He forged this page into a ((You have a double space here)) mighty weapon and named it Paper Cut.

Paper Cut is a lightweight sword that is thin as a sheet of paper but as sharp as a Tarrasque's claw. Though it looks like a toy it is firm as steel and hard as Adamantine surprising foes for the first, and normally last, time. The blade also drinks in ink and blood leaving the paper clean. ((I would try to combine this paragraph and the next actually... or make this "box text" that the GM can read when describing the sword, and italicize it.))

Paper Cut is a +1 Adamantine Longsword that has a slew of ability that focus knowing the name of its foe. When someones name is written on the blade the paper changes to a random color, matching its 'foe', and gains the Bane property for that one foe. When a name is written on the blade the last name written is earsed. Spell casters using Paper Cut can forgo the Bane bonus to gain a bonus to spell save DC for that target by the bonus sacrificed((What does "by the the bonus sacrificed" mean? +2? If so, why not just say +2?)). Truenamers using an utterance on the target do not count as using the utterance for the law of resistance.

If the truename of a foe is written on the blade damage done from attacks with the blade doubles. Casters forgoing this bonus can cast touch spells on the target as if the blade was the target. Truenamers can add one Meta-Utterance to utterance's used on the target without increasing it truenaming DC.

Last if a foe is slain by Paper Cut its truename is absorbed into it letting you call them forth from the dead once. You can summon a copy of the foe as they were when they were killed but at full health, spells regained as if they slept for the night((Needs to specify how selection of spells for prepared casters works. I would suggest that it uses the spells they had prepared before any spellcasting at the time you killed them. In other words, anything they had cast that day is prepared rather than cast.)), and the law of resistance reset. This foe serves you for one minute per HD it has and during this time all other abilities of Paper Cut are suppressed. The foe knows everything is did before death and has all equipment it had before death, which fades away when the summoning expires. You can only use this ability once a day plus once more per every 7 ranks in truespeak you have. But never more than once per creature slain. ((You need rules for handling if they are resurrected... can they not BE resurrected while the sword holds their Truename? In any case, what happens if you kill them again? Might need some boiler plate about destroyed = killed for undead/deathless.))

2012-01-05, 10:05 PM
Reminds me of a certain librarian....

2012-01-06, 12:43 AM
Let me see if I can give you a LITTLE help with grammar and such. Tried to mark my changes in red.

Thanks, I know I have bad grammar to start with but word-pad doesn't help when it comes to typing up anything.

Reminds me of a certain librarian....

I do like the theme :smallredface: If I ever make him again he will need one of these.

2012-01-06, 10:51 AM
When someone's name is written on the blade, the paper changes to a random color, matching its 'foe', and gains the Bane property for that one foe.

So which color designates which foes? Are outsiders shocking pink and fey emerald green?


2012-01-07, 08:14 PM
So which color designates which foes? Are outsiders shocking pink and fey emerald green?


It would be up to the DM. It's mainly flavor thing.

And for the record I have no idea how you would handle someone who you fight and then they legally change their name after said fight :smalltongue: