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2012-01-05, 01:16 PM
Hello all!

I recently had a fun idea inspired by some character optimization threads. I won't go into a lot of technical details, but it involves a HUGE swath of a world being level drained 17 times. So, here is the help I need. I know that when humans get level drained to death, they become wraiths. What happens when animals, other sentient races, and higher level entities get level drained? And are there a number of ways to ramp up wraiths or at least add more flavor?

I appreciate the help, and will pop in to answer and extra questions.

2012-01-05, 01:33 PM
I'm pretty sure all humanoids get turned in to wraiths, not just humans. Not sure what happens to animals, etc.

However, I would suggest that you not get too hung up on "the rules" of what's supposed to happen with level drain - rather, think of what kind of setting and quest lines you want and plan accordingly.

The idea that jumped almost immediately to my mind was something akin to the plane of shadow. The areas of the world that were drained have become dark, haunted places where spirits of the damned stalk the living. In perpetual twilight and chill, the areas have geographically remained largely the same but subtle differences exist: most of the trees are dead, some buildings have been reduced to ruin, rivers run black and icy. Strangest of all, the areas seem to be locked in time: unless disturbed, nothing changes in the cursed lands.

Besides regular ol' wraiths, I think it would be cool if some animals and NPC's are turned in to twisted, evil versions of their previous selves, like a mirror image made by an evil deity. NPC's like this could even be interacted with, they would just act completely oppositely to the way they would have acted before (of course, only characters who knew them before the event would realize it).

2012-01-05, 01:42 PM
I agree as far as not adhering to the rules to a religious extent, but it would be nice to know what officially happens as a jumping point.

As far as the area, yeah its weird for sure now. Twisted, necromatic plants, what life that has returned is darker, and a general feeling of WRONGNESS.
The event that caused this is now 4-5 generations back. A few of the outlying areas have started to be "reclaimed" but it is only for the brave and hearty. I think the area may not allow human births, and young children brought into the area may occasionally just BURST into wraithhood. Which, you know, would suck.

2012-01-05, 06:00 PM
Running away from a baby wraith wouldn't be that hard, but nursing would be tricky.

It doesn't sound too difficult to implement. Just build your encounter tables for that region of the world appropriately, and put a few undead power-brokers into play operating out of that region.

The trick is turning the gimmick into a CAMPAIGN. For that you'll want to settle down a bit more on a theme (horror or standard heroic probably fits best), plot hooks, questgivers, goals, foils, etc.

2012-01-05, 07:13 PM
Hello all!

I recently had a fun idea inspired by some character optimization threads. I won't go into a lot of technical details, but it involves a HUGE swath of a world being level drained 17 times. So, here is the help I need. I know that when humans get level drained to death, they become wraiths. What happens when animals, other sentient races, and higher level entities get level drained? And are there a number of ways to ramp up wraiths or at least add more flavor?

I appreciate the help, and will pop in to answer and extra questions.

So, Wightacolapse-locate-city-bomb? :smalltongue:

I'd definitely break open Heroes of Horror. It has rules for tainted areas, and I think that's pretty much wha you're looking for.

Also, humaniods become wights when level-drained to death. Wraiths deal Con-drain, while wights deal energy-drain, although I do admit that wraiths are cooler and more thematic.

Other ideas: Wraiths seem to be semi-normal humaniods during the day, which is, but once night falls, they shed the masquerade and go on prowl.

2012-01-06, 09:07 AM
Reltzik: Going from the gimmick to the campaign would have been a great way for me to phrase my request in the first place. The encounter tables are something that I probably wouldn't have thought of for months and will save me quite a lot of effort, so thank you for sure.

Machineking: Yes, Locate city. Also, did the math for the area as per cast by a 17th level caster. Its the size of minesotta. Heroes of horror is a good idea for this, again I wouldn't have come to that book for a while as its not one I use often. A tainted area does make perfect sense.

2012-01-06, 12:57 PM
Machineking: Yes, Locate city. Also, did the math for the area as per cast by a 17th level caster. Its the size of minesotta. Heroes of horror is a good idea for this, again I wouldn't have come to that book for a while as its not one I use often. A tainted area does make perfect sense.

In that case, you should give all the wraiths thick Minnesotan accents. :smalltongue: