View Full Version : Planejumper IC

2012-01-06, 09:50 AM
The Planejumper Temple was a curious mixture of old and new. It's weathered columns and and ancient architecture spoke of its age, but certain aspects of it spoke of other, newer things. The sentinels, those immortal monks who had guarded it for centuries, carried assault weapons, and wore tinted shades to keep the golden sun out of their eyes. This was a strange contrast, especially considering that they still wore the yellow robes and simple sandals that they had in the years gone past.

This was not to say that the Temple had lost any of its grandeur, however. As you had travelled the planes, you had heard many tales of its majesty, but none of them had evoked images like this. Its architecture was borne of a rich blend of Chinese and Greek, with the incorporation of trees and plants typical of the Primordials. There were a few decorated platforms rising from it, perches for dragons. Upon one lay Marathoen, the ancient golden dragon who had built this entire place, turning a plane forgotten since the Primordials into one of the most famous planes ever to exist.

As you approached, she turned her massive head towards you, and spread her wings. Despite her bulk, it was with incredible poise and grace that she descended, her form changing slowly as she came to the ground. When she landed, she was no longer a dragon, but a human woman, with skin and hair the colour of her scales. Her eyes remained the same, though, angular, and looking like pools of molten metal. Even though she was now no larger than you all, she was still just as imposing.
"So you wish to join my company."
It was not a question.

Sorry, I forgot to mention earlier who the Primordials were - they were an ancient intra-planar civilisation from before history. Little is known about them, and nothing remains but their ruins.

2012-01-07, 01:48 AM
Watching the transformation, Ciarán smirks lightly.

"Indeed. Well, at least I do. No better source of glory and battle than a group who trawls the planes, after all." He says, bowing slightly.

"Also, is there any chance that I could learn to do that? I mean the shapeshifting thing. Because that looks cool."

2012-01-07, 05:53 AM
"Show respect for the Honored Matron!" Midetanti hissed at Ciarán, desperately wishing that the matron wouldn't golf their frontman's actions against the group. The last thing they needed wa a pissed off dragon looking for them. Or flashfrying them where they stood. Whichever, really.

2012-01-07, 10:12 AM
Kalimba jumped about four feet into the air as the dragon changes shape, but recovered with a level of grace and a sweeping bow. "Indeedy we does, my dragon-lady-woman-boss," he said, his nose inches from the floor.

bindin garoth
2012-01-07, 12:11 PM
Ardon is stunned by the looks of the place. Just one being build all of this!? Sure, he heard tales of the place, but he always brushed them aside, assuming they were exaggerating.

"I see the rumors weren't an exaggeration....." He mutters to himself.

As the dragon swoops down he bows, knowing respect is the first thing to show such a mighty being. He is amused by his companions reactions, but he dares not show it. He was along the lines of agreeing with Midetanti, definitly don't want to aggrevate Marathoen. He stays silent admist the remarks, prefering to listen rather than speak.

2012-01-07, 12:57 PM
Noctis, as is his perennial habit, says nothing as he witnesses the unusual transformation from dragon to woman. His eyes, however, reflect a clear interest, and he bows deeply in her prescence, though his eyes remain locked on the woman, rather than the floor.

This is not a man for whom obiescence comes easy.

2012-01-07, 01:14 PM
Bowing slightly, Viktor hopes his words won't make him seem presumptious.

"While I do not presume to speak for the others, as my own being I do wish to do so."

Having spoken, he curses slightly in his mind at his inability to bow further lest his oversized sword drag him forward.

2012-01-07, 08:06 PM
I'm assuming that Ciaran's at the front, given he spoke first.

Marathoen nodded, and stepped forwards until she was face to face with Ciaran. She studied his face calmly, nodding gently to herself.

"Tell me, Ciaran, do you think you payed me enough respect there?" she said, her voice faintly Eastern European.

And then, quicker than any of them could see, she grabbed his arm, spun him around and twisted it behind his back. A claw-like dagger materialised in her free hand, and she set it to his throat.

"How about now?" she sneered, "Are you ready to grovel? Or are you going to try and fight?"

She looked up at his friends.

"And what are you going to do?"

Rolls for reference...
Touch Attack: [roll0]
Grapple Check: [roll1] (I think there's very little point in opposing this one).

2012-01-08, 07:14 PM

Kalimba's nostrils flare, his previously clumsy and endearing persona falling away like a cloak. His walking stick flashes into his left hand and his other rises up, ready to direct the winds in his defense. "Lady....every moment you hold his throat, I like your offer a little less. Those who deserve respect need not bully like little kids with mean parents to get it. Let the warrior go and I'll consider your offer."

Readying an action to use Embrace of the Air should the dragon-woman attack. Flying backwards, 10 feet up, as far as I can get in a round.

2012-01-08, 07:42 PM
Midetanti's first move is to step forward, her glowing blade of energy forming in her hands as she doubles in size, moving closer at the same time.

"Honored Matron, I would suggest releasing my companion. Loud and aggravating as he might be, I will not allow you to harm him without exacting retribution."

Summoning Soulbound Weapon for 1 PP; Expansion for 3 PP (extended duration); Hustle for 3 PP, for extra move to close distance.

2012-01-08, 08:15 PM
As Viktor rights himself he is no longer alone.
His point in space suddenly appears to house a flurry of activity as his sword glides from his back to his hand in the blink of an eye and he suddenly appears to multiply.

Where there was only one before, now 7 goliaths look towards the lady in grim determination, as a united front.

free action to draw his sword (lesser crystal of returning)
swift action to create [roll0] images (think mirror image).
These last for 3 rounds.
Their formation is that of a line perpendicular to the connection between him and the lady.

2012-01-08, 08:27 PM
Noctis remains silent, then seemingly out of nowhere bursts out laughing. "How absurd! Here we are, about to engage a dragon, and there she stands, ready to engage us! For what? What gain is there for any of us?!"

Noctis shakes his head, knowing that few dragons would act without definite goals in mind.

2012-01-08, 08:51 PM
Kalimba hardly twitches. "Oh, I'm not going to engage. I'm going to make her put down my traveling companion. Not exactly the same thing. And if she's the type who thinks a simple request is disrespectful enough to choke a man - and threaten to cut his throat - over, I'm going to leave as soon as I do so. If you're not willing to help, I suggest you move out of our way."

2012-01-08, 11:42 PM
"Wait a moment!" Ciarán says as loudly as he can manage. "I think this may just be a cultural difference."

"See, where I come from, you treat those who hold your respect as warriors as equals, and compliment them on their abilities. I'm taking a guess that it's not the same here?-" He continues.

"So, see, a simple cultural difference."

2012-01-08, 11:58 PM
"Or it's a test to see if we would sacrifice one of our own. And we won't. Damn ancient spirit mind games are like that sometimes. Secret tests of character and dozens of possible meanings to every action. I'm sure the Honored Matron would not have invited us in planning to kill us."

2012-01-09, 12:05 AM
Noctis nods. "Such was my hope, and my expectation."

2012-01-09, 03:03 AM
Marathoen smiled, before releasing Ciaran gently.

"You aren't fools," she said, "Nor are you cowards, and I have need for neither. You tried diplomacy first, but you didn't shy away from the fight if it became necessary to help your friend."

She the blade and threw it into the air, where it faded from reality in a shower of sparks.

"And what's more, you managed to work out what I was doing," she continued, "All of which tells me that each of you has a place among the Planejumpers."

She turned around, and began to walk away.

"Meet me at sundown in the Moon Gardens," she called back, not turning around, "In the meantime, Azeus will show you around."

As she spoke, you became aware of a man behind you who looked as if he had been formed from a boulder - not carved, but created by natural causes - who was apparently Azeus. He wore no clothes, (but this didn't seem to matter, as he lacked definition on his body anyway) other than a little red bow-tie. He smiled shyly at you with his massive stony jaw.

bindin garoth
2012-01-09, 06:40 AM
When Marathoen had grabbed Ciaran, Ardon was surprised. Sure, Ciaran's words could be seen as disrespectful, but this was a bit over the edge. Still, not will to let a comrade get hurt for something as simple as this, Ardon proceeded to gather light into his hands ready to release at the dragon on a moments notice.......

But suddenly she released him! He hadn't been expecting this, however he simply dispurses the energy gathered in his hand and turns to Azeus when mentioned. Truth be told, he was annoyed at the testing, but decides not to bring it up as it wouldn't do any good.

"Nice to meet you Azeus." He says to the boulder-man.

2012-01-09, 05:01 PM
Of the seven goliaths six dissipate as Viktor disperses the technique. He exhales audibly, wanting to give his comrades an outward sign of him being relieved over not having to fight a dragon without actually saying so.

While he is confident in his abilities, such an enemy is still beyond his capabilities to fight. In fact, he is sure that such a beings abilities themselves are beyond his ken.

Once more securing his greatsword on his back, he approaches the Stone man his friend is already talking to. Unsure on how to proceed and not wanting to interrupt whatever conversation was already begun, he simply stops some ten feet away from him and nods deeply in respect.
He is sure that even the servant of a being such as this dragon must assuredly be someone worthy of it.

2012-01-11, 08:17 PM
As the warrior is released, Kalimba relaxes visibly, his gnarled walking stick pointing again at his side and his hand turning from a weapon into a part of him again. "My lady, I apologize for any offense taken," He says with a much more genuine bow than his previous. "I was much more concerned for my friend's safety than your feelings. Please allow us to let that float on as the wind as I accept you as my chieftain. Now if you'll excuse me, there's an exceedingly interesting stone man over there who I would like to compliment on his bow tie..." He scampers off like an excited child, his flamboyant attitude returning with his impish smile. He composes a short poem in his head as he runs, in a style not of his culture but of a traveling artist who he traveled with a couple months ago.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your bow tie's rather interesting,
And you are too.

2012-01-11, 08:25 PM
Noctis smiles and says nothing, glad that his assessment of the situation had been correct, and taking some small satisfaction in the fact that he had proven himself in yet another tense situation.

2012-01-12, 12:28 AM
After Marathoen leaves, Ciarán streches, grunting a litle as his neck pops.

"I am so glad she didn't think to ask how we treat people we respect as leaders back on Mag Mell." He mutters, before turning to the rest of the group.

"Right. Bored now. Where's something to fight?" He continues, finishing his streching and looking around for something to attack.

2012-01-20, 07:31 PM
"All in good time, young master Ciaran, all in good time," Azeus boomed. He turned to Kalimba.
"I'm glad you like my bow tie, I always thought it was rather fetching, but so few people comment on it. Or think about it, as it may be. It's a good poem, by the way, maybe you should say it out loud so everyone else can hear it."

He waited for a reaction, before turning and walking across the temple grounds.
"Come! I have much to show you! Let us start with the dojo."

He moved to a patch of stone slightly raised from the ground, looked at it for a moment, and then stamped down. Suddenly, a stone door shot up from the ground beneath it, not appearing to lead into anywhere. Azeus opened it, and went through.

Inside was a large arena, circular, made from polished wood, mixed with living plants. In the centre, an incredibly frail-looking elderly man stood suspended in the air. Around him, vines grew and snaked along the floor. As you entered, the vines stopped for a moment, before shooting across the floor to you, ending right at your feet.

bindin garoth
2012-01-21, 04:14 PM
"Hmmmm....... Would anyone like a sparring match perhaps?" Ardon says. He could really use a good warm-up practice match.

2012-01-21, 04:39 PM
"Only if you don't mind being beaten up too much." Ciarán returns, before turning to Azeus.

"Also, a tiny thing to note. You're pronouncing my name Ciaran, when it's actually pronounced Ciarán. Just something that bugs me a bit." He says fairly quietly, before increasing hsi volume to normal.

"At any rate, if there are training swords here, I'd like one for this. Wouldn't want to accidentally kill my new sparring partner, now would I?"

2012-01-21, 04:41 PM
Kalimba stared consideringly at the giant rocky man who had evidently read his thoughts as they walked towards the dojo, although he made little response to the unusual manner in which they got there. He'd seen stuff like that before.

When the vines raced at them, though....

"Fils de pute!" He exclaimed, gathering the wind and leaping some ten feet into the air. As he realized that they has stopped he drifted down awkwardly, looking like he was trying to whistle. Budding master of the winds, able to slice a man's head from his shoulders from sixty feet away, able to fly with the zephyrs themselves and master of Upepo, spirit of the winds, and I can't whistle. Who'da thunkit?

He politely declines Ardon's suggestion for a sparring match and instead wanders around the room, his gnarled stick tapping around him as he goes.

2012-01-21, 05:20 PM
'Its just one strangeness after the other,' Viktor thinks to himself as he clamps down on the involuntary muscle spasm that comes as a reaction to the vines. It wouldn't do much good to have his companions see him jumping in fright from some plants. Especially plants that apparently are non-threatening it seems.

They are interesting however. The movement shows some form of sentience or at least reactionary system in place, perhaps based on sensing vibrations in the ground? Back home most of the floor tended to be rock so he never had much experience with them until he met Master Tromsen. Now if only he could remember what the master had told him about...

'Wait, did someone just mention sparring?'

Viktor looks up as his brain finally catches up to the conversation between Ciarán and Ardon. His thoughts momentarily flash back to the roughhousing he and the other children used to pass the time in his village. Back then, he tended to get shunned due to the erratic and dangerous nature of his powers, but these people can take the results of those powers without being too hurt.

His face betraying the childlike glee bubbling forth from deep within him, he moves towards the two that started talking about it.

"I would not be adverse to testing my abilities against yours in a friendly match."

2012-01-21, 05:27 PM
"There will always be time for sparring later, for now..." Meditanti tilts his head, looking to Azeus and indicating his tie. "Where, might I ask, did you come by such an intriguing item?"

2012-01-21, 07:46 PM
"I'm glad you asked that," Azeus replied, "I bought it from a rather lovely store in England back in the days of old Vicky Hanover. The fellow who sold me it was very kind, gave it to me for cheap, though he seemed somewhat frightened. I cannot think why..."

At this, he gave Meditanti a sly wink, and a smile spread across his large, boulderous face. He turned to the others.

"Mr Ardon, I'm afriad I must decline your offer, on virtue of not wanting to anger my mistress. Miss Marathoen prefers that I not fight when on duty. Later perhaps, if you don't mind a few broken bones."

The man in the middle of the room opened his eyes and grinned. Two trees shot up from the ground, and formed a seat, which gradually lowered him to the floor. He snapped a branch off one of them, and used it as a cane, hobbling towards you.

"If someone mentioned sparring," he said quietly, his voice as frail as his body, "I'd be rather interested..."

I've just realised I've been writing Azeus's lines in Steven Fry's voice...

2012-01-23, 07:14 PM
'This is bad,' was among the thoughts suddenly running through Viktor's head. It was certainly the most pronounced, though 'Old and frail man wants to spar, probably means he is a wizard, which means bad things,' came close but was ultimately too long to hold attention in his shocked mind and as such was quickly subsumed into the former.

He had heard enough tales of great and powerful wizards from master Tromsen to know that most of the time it was the ones who looked like they would die from old age any second that you should be very afraid of.

While his pride would not allow him to shrink back or even answer in the negative to the man's question, he looked surreptitiously from one of his companions to the other with only one wish.

'Please be rash enough to take him up on the offer before I have to. PLEASE!'

bindin garoth
2012-01-24, 02:40 PM

Ardon smirks at the old man. Surely he was joking, how could such a frail man spar with one trained such as himself. He quick steps up.

"I'll take you on!" He says rather loudly, and a light from the ceiling suddenly streaks down unto him, surrounding him in a light blue glow. The glow feels hot and cold at the same time.

Activates auras

2012-01-24, 06:31 PM

Grey - Azeus
Pale Green - Elderly man

Additional Info: Any square occupied in full or in part by the plants - those weird green patches - is considered difficult terrain.

The old man smiled in a friendly fashion, his palms outstretched.
"I'll tell you what," he said, in a manner similar to that of an aged grandfather, "I'll let you take the first move..."

Check OOC for info on how I will run these combats.