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View Full Version : Gaze Through the Tear (3.5 PrC PEACH WiP)

2012-01-07, 01:11 AM

Class Features

Hit Die: D6

Requirements: Ability to cast 4th level spells or the ability to manifest 4th level powers or the Strange Movement class feature.

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Psionic Device (Cha).
In addition the Riven may start with one of these skills groups: Autohypnosis (Wis), Knowledge [Psionic] (Int), Psicraft (Int) OR Spellcraft (Int), Knowledge [Arcana], Knowledge [Religion], OR Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge [Dungeoneering (Int)
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier, x4 at 1st level

{table=head]Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special | Class Bonus |Portal Pool
1 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Open Rift, Close Rift | +1 level of existing class | 1
2 | +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | Portal | +1 level of existing class | 2
3 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Slit, Minor Augment | +1 level of existing class | 3
4 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +4 | ? | +1 level of existing class | 4
5 | +3 | +1 | +1 | +5 | ? | +1 level of existing class | 5
6 | +4 | +2 | +2 | +6 | ? | +1 level of existing class | 6
Each level the Riven gains a bonus to Power Points, Form Points or spells per day and an increase in caster level or manifester level as if she had advanced a level in her highest leveled class. For classes with form points please refer to this thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153536)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Rivens gain no additional weapon or armor proficiency.

Portal Point Reserve:
You gain a portal point reserve equal to your Riven class level, this is used to maintain rifts, portals, augments and other such things. While Portal Points (pP) are in use they may not be used for other means, you may spend a standard action to recover any pP which are not currently in use. Utilizing additional pP to intensify or augment burns an additional +1 spell level, +5PP or +2FP.

Open Rift (Su):
As a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity the riven may expend a portal point to tear an object or creature with a ray touch attack (vs SR = 10 + Cha + Riven Level) by burning a 3rd level spell slot, 5PP reserve or their 2FP from her maximum form point reserve.
This ray creates a number of effects depending on how it is used:
Creating a rift on or near an object starts by targeting a square that the object is in, if the object has a surface as large as the square it may hold a rift on it as a solid ellipse (a solid object is not needed, only the rim of the tear or ellipse needs to connect physically to bind to it), an open tear, or any other formation within that square that the player chooses. Creatures within the rift are subject to 1d6 force damage x Riven Level/round but may make a Reflex Save DC 10 + Riven Level to move 5'.
Hitting a creature with your ray attack instead deals 1d20 force damage (SR Applies), if a medium creature is downed by this ray they are consumed by the energy and a rift forms centered on their square.
You may intensify this rift with additional pP, adding 1d20 damage and increasing rift size by 5' per point you use.

Close Rift (Su):
Rivens also have the ability to repair rifts, as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity they may make a will save of DC 10 + Portal Pool Used + Chaos to close a single rift, a riven must be within 30' of a portal to use this ability.
Every round that a rift is open makes it more difficult to close, the threads of reality frey and the connection between the rift and the riven becomes more distorted. After 10 rounds a rift destabilizes and it's connection to the riven becomes hazardous, the riven gains a Chaos pool with 1 point of chaos for every 1 portal point in your destabilized portals. Every *10 rounds after that (100, 1000, 10,000) the chaos pool doubles and Hazardous Effects (listed below) occur.
Hazardous Effects: After 10 rounds and every *10 rounds after the destabilized rift acts as though your chaos pool (divided equally between your destabilized rifts) had been portal points used to create it, in addition the riven gains negative temporary HP and negative temporary Sanity equal to her chaos pool that cannot be remedied unless the chaos pool is emptied and the rift is closed. Additionally every time a rift grows through destabilization the riven takes Sanity damage equal to 1/5th her chaos pool (rounded up).

Portal (Su):
At second level the riven gains the ability to create a stable portal between two rifts, or from one rift to another plane.
After one or more rifts are formed the riven may use her Close Portal ability to "stabilize" a rift into a portal, if there are two rifts within 50' * Riven Level away from each other she may fold space so that one portal opening is spatially the same as the opposite side. You may see through the portal and out the opening of the other.
Creating a rift to another plane requires an additional Knowledge [Planes] check equal to the close portal check, an unsuccessful Knowledge [Planes] check results in an incorrect plane, the better the check the more hospitable or advantageous the portal's end location is. Portals to other planes are one-way and close after a number of creatures equal to the pP used to create them pass through. Other-plane portals lose 1pP every 10 rounds and *10 rounds after and automatically close in this way.
Other plane portals will not visually appear to lead to their exact destination, instead they reveal a distorted image of the landmarks and geography within a few kilometers of the destination.

Portalizing rifts larger than 5' require 1 Portal Point for each 5' larger they are (1pP/2 Rifts or 1pP for one rift to another plane), you may add pP to any portal without augmenting it specifically.

Slit (Su):
Starting at 3rd level by using 1pP you may create a one-dimensional "slit" portal from your square to another. Slits are created with a swift action, they are large enough for a single limb, weapon, or other such attended object to fit through and can have a destination of any square up to 20' * Riven Level away. Slits are precise enough to grapple through or grab an object, though because they do not technically have an opening you cannot see through them. Slits close at the end of the round they were created unless occupied by an attended object, weapon or limb in which case they can lose stability the same as a regular rift in 10 rounds and are subject to hazardous effects.

Minor Augment (Su):
Starting at level 3 the Riven may augment her rifts, portals and slits with a number of minor augments equal to half her Portal Pool (rounded down):

Elemental Rift - 0pP
Requirement: Knowledge [Planes] 10 Ranks
Effect: You may exchange your rift's original damage for fire, cold, electrical or acidic damage.

Kinetic Rift - 0pP
Requirement: Knowledge [Planes] 10 Ranks
Effect: You may exchange your rift's force damage for slashing, piercing or bludgeoning damage.

Creeping Seam - 1pP
Requirement: Riven level 3
Effect: Every time a spell or power is used within 20' of a rift the rift moves up to 5' towards the square the caster is in. Rifts may move into allies and opponents squares with impunity.

Zipper - 1pP
Requirements: Disguise, Spellcraft or Psicraft 10 Ranks
Effect: Zippering a rift uses a mundane 500g item and acts as an anchor, this item is damaged equally for every non-mundane repair means is used to restore the object's HP, temporary sealing a rift. The riven may use this anchor to open and close the rift, using a full round action to step into the closest square the rift occupies and then moving to the farthest square the rift occupies, or if opening the zipper you may take a 5' step at the end of this movement. Slits require you be in the same square to open and close them as a move action.

When a zipper is closed the portal, rift or slit virtually does not exist, "cheating" the hazardous effects of a rift left open. Firstly, Zippers protect the object a rift forms upon (if any), secondly any hazardous effects are "sealed" within the zipper and as long as the zipper is intact the hazardous effects do not occur. If the anchor's HP reaches 0 the zipper is destroyed, destabilizing any portal or slit and transforming it into rift (slits become 5' rifts). Destroying a zipper immediately restores the hazardous effects as if the round counter had started when the rift, portal or slit was first created.

Major Augment (Su):
Starting at level 6 the Riven may augment her rifts, portals and slits with major augments:

(((More info, features, and graphic polishing to come! Feel free to comment and critique!)))

2012-01-07, 01:37 AM

The flavor I'm going for with this one is a mixture of portal, Myst (Booking) and STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, it applies or can apply to the OotS arch. I also strongly wanted a "horror peeking through a tear in the universe" feel, which is why the ozodrin has been worked in.

Rivens are compatible with most casters, psionic classes and interestingly the Ozodrin from tooth and tentacle, a homebrew base class by Owrtho.

Because of nature of the class, the end product is going to be able to explain natural disasters such as the rifts in OotS, STALKER anomalies, dead magic zones, chaotic and/or wild magic zones, or other such glitches in planes.

2012-01-07, 01:51 AM
Prerequisites: You don't "use" spells or powers. You cast spells, and you manifest powers.

Also, it's a bit strange to have a psionic-lite PrC without Know (Psionics) or Autohypnosis. (Same with a spellcasting-lite PrC and no Know (Arcana), (Nature), or (Religion).)

Chassis: Your Base Attack Bonus progression is abnormal. It's not 3/4, it's Full, but one level behind. It's...abnormal.

Advancement: You need to specify that this class also advances caster/manifester level.

Open Rift: You said "subject to 1d6 x Riven level". I think you mean 1d6 damage per level, so I'm just pointing out you left that word off. Also, is that damage untyped?

If SR applies to the ray, how does a manifester or an ozodrin penetrate it? Neither of them have a caster level.

Also, you say "You have to hit with a ray touch attack (DC 10+Cha+Riven Level)." You didn't mention a saving throw at all, or which type of save the enemy has to make against this DC.

Eh, that's all I'll say for now, I'll check it out tomorrow and give you a full critique then.

2012-01-07, 02:16 AM
Prerequisites: You don't "use" spells or powers. You cast spells, and you manifest powers.

Also, it's a bit strange to have a psionic-lite PrC without Know (Psionics) or Autohypnosis. (Same with a spellcasting-lite PrC and no Know (Arcana), (Nature), or (Religion).)

Chassis: Your Base Attack Bonus progression is abnormal. It's not 3/4, it's Full, but one level behind. It's...abnormal.

Advancement: You need to specify that this class also advances caster/manifester level.

Open Rift: You said "subject to 1d6 x Riven level". I think you mean 1d6 damage per level, so I'm just pointing out you left that word off. Also, is that damage untyped?

If SR applies to the ray, how does a manifester or an ozodrin penetrate it? Neither of them have a caster level.

Also, you say "You have to hit with a ray touch attack (DC 10+Cha+Riven Level)." You didn't mention a saving throw at all, or which type of save the enemy has to make against this DC.

Eh, that's all I'll say for now, I'll check it out tomorrow and give you a full critique then.
Ran through your critique and changed it accordingly, as for advancement I guess I misunderstood the standard trend-- do you think that they should also gain spell caster advancement?

Thanks for your critique, I work clumsily and slow so help is appreciated.

2012-01-07, 02:22 AM
Each level the Riven gains a bonus to Power Points, Form Points or spells per day as if she had advanced a level in her highest leveled class

You need to add the following text before "as if"- "and an increase in caster level or manifester level".

As in, a wizard 7/riven 5 as it is now would be able to cast 6th level spells, but with a caster level of 7 instead of 12.

2012-01-07, 02:49 AM
Done, the help is def. appreciated as my focus has very much drifted away from DnD since my IRL injuries have healed-- I do still very much enjoy homebrew and specifically your work.

Just as scrap, I'm planning to add slits that can interact wit Strange Movement to host ozodrin features as if they were the body, minor will be something like a tentacle or an eye, major will be a mouth or puppet or something.

Planning to add the ability to create non-linked rifts that become somewhat like a living spell (both in remote access flavors or free-roaming anomalies), creating stable-ish rifts to make them viable as something a DM could throw into the world without having to use the class.

The other-world portals I want to kind of have the flavor of myst or Reboot, so rifts can have Reboot "tear" physics as well-- takes some pondering.

"Portalization" is essentially energy which has the principle of folding space (or dimensions) together, this means that unstable portals essentially disintegrate matter (think of the stargate1 portal when it's first created, that big "fwoom" is a stabilized portal where as the shimmering pool is the stable portal.), because of that the riven is both flavored to linking and disintegration, thus "portal traps" become an interesting twist. Because of the range of augmentation that can be applied to a portal or rift something similar to radiation can be applied to a portal, either contained within the opening or emitted.
Contained "radiation" essentially pokes holes and scrambles molecules, harming living matter and leaving nonliving matter completely unharmed. I'm thinking variable dose, perhaps Sickened then diseased then damage + disease depending on exposure to the opening.
Summoning portals or summoning rifts are also an option, following the reboot theme we can follow the line to "opening a portal to the web", in which creatures may be attracted to the portal and come through.

I do want this class to remain fairly chaotic though, control over rifts, creatures and effects should be kept minimal, the more mobile or strong they are the more difficult they should be to manage, similar to handle animal IMO.