View Full Version : To Anger The Gods

2012-01-07, 02:52 AM
Slowly light fills your vision--or at least, it fills something. you're pretty sure your eyes were closed before this, but you really can't remember. Unfortunately, it seems everything but your name has fled your mind. An immense voice fills your head, "ENOUGH RAMBLING ALREADY, LISTEN TO ME, YEE PUNY MORTAL AND DESPAIR", who the heck is this guy, you wonder he see--"NO DAYDREAMING MAGGOT", a massive face fills your vision, this must be the person speaking to you. "IT IS, NOW PAY ATTENTION: FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST THE GODS OF DRACH"-- you start wonder what crime you could have possibly committed, but the voice interjects again "THE CRIME IS IRRELEVANT, AS I WAS SAYING, YOU HAVE COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST THE GODS OF DRACHMOORE, AND FOR THIS YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED; YOU MUST FIND YOUR WAY THROUGH OUR LABYRINTH IF YOU WISH THE FREEDOM TO LIVE A NATURAL LIFE. SO WE HAVE DECREED, YOU WILL BE RELEASED TO YOUR PUNISHMENT MOMENTARILY." with that, both the voice and the face seem to cutoff abruptly and you feel that peculiar sensation of falling that only comes in dreams; you try to look around but there's nothing there, just darkness, and then with an audible pop the sensation disappears and light floods the area.

You are currently standing in a small stone room with four other people of varying size shape and race, though the rough stone walls are only perhaps 15 feet apart, the lighting is to dim to make out anything but their presence. A door lies along one wall, oddly well illuminated compared to the room, bearing a strange mix of ornately carved flowers and execution scenes.

You are now free to act: