View Full Version : Armor Problem..

2012-01-07, 07:09 PM
Well, i'm having a problem with rules and roleplaying here...
I'm going to let to my players, an good loot of an +1 GloryBorn MythrilBreastPlate...
Its suposed to then to sell it and devide the gold or do whatever with it.. But knowing the freak rogue i have.. I'm antecipating something.. Everyone in the party has managed to get an magic armor... He, doesnt. So i know for sure he is going to try taking the armor to him.. But the thing is.. His an tiny little male tiefling, and the armor is going to be got from an female genasi barbarian...
So, there are actually any rule, that deny an humanoid man of using an female armor? Other then common sense?

2012-01-07, 07:14 PM
No, and there's no reason there should be. The closest there is is the rule requiring a suit of full plate to be resized to fit a new owner for 2d4x100 gp, a restriction which does not apply to breastplates regardless.

2012-01-07, 07:31 PM
IIRC magic armor resizes

2012-01-07, 07:41 PM
IIRC magic armor resizesIt doesn't.

Still, would a breastplate for a female be so different? I mean, if you're making one for actual combat, you're not going to have a pair of cones sticking out of it guiding the enemy hits straight into your solar plexus, will you?

2012-01-07, 07:47 PM
And if your worry is that he will be absorbing to party's WBL by taking the equipment rather then selling it, the players could always make him bid on it.

What we do in my group for situations like this is to figure the items GP value (for being sold, so 1/2 list price). If someone wants that gear, they can put their own gold towards it at that reduced price, and the rest of the party splits to proceeds. It keeps the other players happy by giving them gold, and it prevents players from taking items they don't really need.

Edit: yeah, I forgot to mention the part where you divide the price by the number of party members, and only pay that amount to the rest of party. So you don't over pay, and your buddies all get the same amount of gold they would have if the item was sold and gold spread out amongst the party.

So if you had an 8k item, take it's selling price of 4k and divide that by # of party members. Let's use a party of 4, so that it divides out to 1k per person. If you really want that Item, you can pay off your party mates (3k). You get the item on the cheap, and they get their gold.