View Full Version : demonologist build help

2012-01-07, 08:13 PM
Hi all!
A friend of mine want to play a caster who summon fiends and slowly turn into one himself.I need your help since all I can think of is demonologist(which sucks),diabolist(which is only using spell to damage foe)malconvoker(which calls fiends while he isn't evil) and thaumaturge(which summons things).
So as you see,I find nothing that turns you into a fiend,even partially.So do you have any idea for a class or prestige class or a build that gives you fiendish powers?
He begin level 5 probably in a homebrew setting.
So any help is welcomed!
Thanks in advance.

2012-01-07, 08:43 PM
Fiend-Blooded from Heroes of Horror is a spontaneous arcane spellcaster prc that slowly turns the character into a fiend. They get a cool ability to add in spells known from other class lists (with limitations). It's a decent PrC.

The rarely noticed Fiendbinder is an arcane casting prc that gains the ability to summon fiends and bind them to their control using their truenames. Luckily, you don't have to use much truenaming stuff to play the class. (I think.) It's in Tome of Magic.


The best suggestion I can give is to craft a slightly homebrewed version of the Master of Shrouds from Libris Mortis. You could allow Arcane entry but then not allow them the benefit of Extra rebuking and rebuke undead. I'd then replace the list of undead with some similar types and equal CR list of demons.

Finally, throw in 3 or 4 free Abyssal Heritor feats from the Fiendish Codex 1. Pick some of the weaker ones, but still allow them to count towards additional abyssal heritor feats that the character obtains. A good spread would be:

Claws of the Beast -> Vestigal Wings -> Cloak of the Obyrith -> Demonic Skin

2012-01-07, 08:55 PM
It's not the greatest PrC out there, but the Acolyte of the Skin out of Complete Arcane turns you into an outsider. The net results are not quite a half-fiend, but it's basically the same idea. Grants a couple ability increases, some elemental resistances, and a couple other abilities. It's a ten level half-caster progression class, so you would be losing 5 caster levels total.

2012-01-07, 09:30 PM
Thanks for the quick answers guys.While I was checking on my side I found the demonbinder from drow of the underdark,is it any good?
Also,how can I gain truespeak as a class skill without being a truenamer?

2012-01-07, 11:20 PM
Thanks for the quick answers guys.While I was checking on my side I found the demonbinder from drow of the underdark,is it any good?
Also,how can I gain truespeak as a class skill without being a truenamer?

Factotum dip or Human Paragon come to mind.

Also the Truename Training Feat.

2012-01-07, 11:25 PM
Take the "Truespeak Training" feat, it even has a nice bonus where if you have crossclass ranks in it and take it they become full class ranks.

I.e I am level 6 with 4.5 ranks in truespeak, I take the truespeak training feat I now have 9 ranks in truespeak!

2012-01-08, 02:18 AM
While I was checking on my side I found the demonbinder from drow of the underdark,is it any good?

It's not particularly good, but it advances 9/10 levels of warlock invocations and all the demonbinds are accessible whether you take all 10 levels or not, so you should jump off early. It's playable. The real catch is that it's Drow only, and drow have +2 level adjustment. If you waive the drow prerequisite or play some kind of half-drow, it's okay. Warlocks aren't too great at summoning fiends, though.

Sorcerer/Fiend-Blooded looks like your best bet. Take Summon Monster, Planar Binding, and so on. You might even be able to fit Nar Demonbinder (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030502a&page=2) in there somewhere.

2012-01-10, 01:42 AM
Hi all!
A friend of mine want to play a caster who summon fiends and slowly turn into one himself.I need your help since all I can think of is demonologist(which sucks),diabolist(which is only using spell to damage foe)malconvoker(which calls fiends while he isn't evil) and thaumaturge(which summons things).
So as you see,I find nothing that turns you into a fiend,even partially.So do you have any idea for a class or prestige class or a build that gives you fiendish powers?
He begin level 5 probably in a homebrew setting.
So any help is welcomed!
Thanks in advance.

what's the general power level of your friend's campaign? nar demonbinders can make for a pretty nasty base for the arcane half of a theurge, but if the rest of the party'd be unlikely to be able to keep up its obviously not a good suggestion.

demonologist is indeed quite awful, diablolist while full casting requires a couple of bad feats and is sort of flavourless (along with providing a big headache if you're killed without tucking your soul away somewhere safe first)

acolyte of the skin is a really fun class if optimisation's not super important. if you advance an accelerated progression with its casting, then you can actually not end up losing any caster levels at all (assassin, fatemaker, etc) a good way to get a high enough caster level is 5 levels of factotum. what they ain't good for?

factotum5/spellcastingprc1/acolyte of the skin 10/ xx 4

alternatively, if you wanted to try to wedge nar demonbinder in there and didn't care about having a little less room:

sorc6 /acolyte of the skin 2/nar demonbinder1/acoltye 10/ xx3

advance sorcerer with the first 2 lvls of acolyte to get 4th lvl spells to qualify for nar demonbinder, dip 1 level for spells, go back into acolyte, advance its spellcasting for 6 levels till you're done and then go back to sorcerer. casting as a 7th lvl demonbinder and 10th lvl sorcerer at level 17 isn't too bad.

you're lobbing around 8th lvl demonbinder spells at level 15, right on time for wizards (a level early for sorcerers like you) in addition to 4th level sorcerer spells, which are nice.

fiendform is a really cool 5th lvl spell that allows a wide degree of versatility., which is totally worth it as one of your sorcerer slots since alter self's got that annoying 5HD cap

being an outsider is a lot of fun. like all transformative prcs, you can still be res'd. enjoy alter self abuse and have fun!

2012-01-10, 06:58 AM
There's another "Demonbinder" in Drow of the Underdark. It requires invocations and race = drow, but has these very interesting damnation points that allow you to transform parts of your body into various kinds of demons. Even better, the damnation points regenerate after 5 minutes, so you can keep shifting forms all day.

2012-01-10, 07:28 AM
Alternately consider the Binder class from ToM

You can bind a vestige to yourself and summon monsters at will
You take Knight of the Sacred Seal and become an outsider (Though when the above is bound you gain the psudonatural template as is)

refluff to demonic rather than eldritch and it should fit all criteria. Bonus points for using bloodlines which can rocket up your soul binding without costing real levels.

2012-01-22, 02:21 PM
Thanks all!
My friend has made his mind but sadly won't tell me what it is before he finish the character.
Again thank you for the help!