View Full Version : Council of Thieves - The Bastards of Erebus (Group 1)

2012-01-08, 01:10 PM
Westcrown: the seat of Aroden in ages past. Now fell to diabolical hands, it's no less than a cesspool of crime, strife and political warfare. Murders have been constant in the last few weeks, and yet the ever-present threat of shadow creatures at night in the unlit streets keeps all of those who care for their lives home at night.

The sun rises again, as is one of the few constants one can depend on now. It is the day of Firstbloom, the celebration of the coming of spring. The grand temple of Shelyn has prepared dances, an art show and gardening help to those that wish it with the start of spring. It's a beautiful affair, one that is surely not to be missed. Our story beings on this auspicious day.

A middle-aged human woman with short red hair approaches you at some point through the early part of the day, appearing interested in your healing. She smiles, nodding as you speak with genuine interest. It's odd, you may even think, to get some much attention with your heritage so obviously pronounced.

Midway through the conversation, the woman smiles, almost beaming at you. "You're talented," she says as if she's stating fact. "That much is obvious. And you talent is wasted here on the streets. You can show the people of Westcrown that yours are ones we shouldn't fear by appearance alone." She motions to your horns, obviously speaking to the dislike of Tieflings in the city. "I have need of someone with your talents and wish for you to meet me at Vizio's Tavern an hour before sunset." She waits, almost anxiously for a reply.

A woman dwarfed by your height finds you in the early part of the afternoon, stating words very simply. She folds her arms over her chest as she speaks with you, not in a manner of arrogance or hostility, but rather of strength and near defiance. She looks over her should as you speak, checking the streets for any passersby or those that might eavesdrop.

"I know of your plight. Word travels this city like a brush fire. I'm sorry," she states simply, her green eyes betraying her genuine feelings. "I may have an answer for you, but it may take some time. We are both victims, as are the other people of Westcrown. Help me, and them, and I believe you'll find the answers you are looking for as well." She pauses, checking over her shoulder again. "Meet me at Vizio's Tavern, an hour before sunset. I can explain more there."

2012-01-08, 01:22 PM

He smiled warmly at her, accepting her invitation with a simple nod, and then turned to walk away. He said not a word to her after that, but before disappearing into the crowds that were beginning to form, he turned and smiled once more, as if to assure her she'd see him at the appointed time

2012-01-08, 01:26 PM

He takes a heated breath in through his nose, and practically blowing out steam from his mouth. His elven ears twitch at the news, and after the conversation, he feels less need to talk to the woman. Shifting in his tattered black cloak, he shives off without a word of conformation. In the final second, he turns pale grey eyes into the woman's strong green eyes. Near death inside of him, he nods to her, and then vanishes into the glare of the sun, his pale skin matching the hue easily.

2012-01-08, 01:41 PM

The man continued his day as he normally would, but a few hours before sunset, he made his way to the tavern the woman mentioned. He had found nothing more to do with his day, and upon entering, sat at the table in the corner. For the next few hours, while waiting for the woman, he merely sat at his table, sipping his ale periodically while he waited.

2012-01-08, 01:46 PM

Having a while before his meet, Sheamus decided to get a quick job in, and was paid to go to the bottom of the city, near a wooded spot, and hunt some elk-like animals. He was particularly skilled at this, collecting a nifty bit of meat. Refusing the pay, is it was close to time to meet the woman, he simply left with a nod, and made it to the tavern in enough time to sit and stare at his one coin. He flipped it with skill, tossing it around one hand, balancing in, and amongst other things, spinning it. He waited for his 'date', noticing the people in the location. He wasn't cold, but kept his hood up, to cover his elven likenesses.

2012-01-08, 01:58 PM
The day continues with celebrations and dances, yet as the afternoon light begins to fade the crowd begins to thin. By the time the sun is low in the sky, most of everyone has returned home as to not get caught unawares on a dark street.

Vizio's Tavern is situated on the corner of a back road that obviously lacks any torches or the like, leaving the street completely dark once the sun sets. The windows to the tavern are open, and upon looking inside it's obviously barren, save for the solitary table in the center, chairs, roaring fire within and the bar itself. The door is open and the two of you enter. The woman, you both recognize, smiles at the pair, offering you drinks as you arrive.

"Dinner will be ready soon," she notes as she brings around Sheamus' drink and a refill for Xiro by this point. She looks out the window briefly before looking back to the table. "Make yourselves comfortable."

2012-01-08, 02:03 PM

Taking a sip of his ale after she had it refilled, he smiled at her and spoke up. "So, are we gonna get down to business before or after the food?" He set his ale back down on the table, looking back and forth between the two he was sharing the table with, then resting his hands on the table.

2012-01-08, 02:20 PM

Sitting comfortably with his back against the frame of his chair, he rests his hands inside his cloak, and basically stare at the moving woman, and glance at the man across from him. Albeit his clan is into drinking ale and other alcoholic beverages, Sheamus enjoys clean drinks. So, he wastes little time asserting his wants. "Ma'am, I'd rather have water, than ale." After his soft words, he goes back to just waiting.

2012-01-08, 04:11 PM
"My apologies," she says to Sheamus, excusing himself to get him some water. She returns with dinner as well which she lays out. It's a meal, but nothing spectacular with beef, a small roll and beans. The woman disappears behind the bar again, letting the pair eat by the time she returns. The door is locked and the windows shuttered, not before another near longingly glance out of them, before the woman turns to the pair at the table. She speaks in deliberate words, her strong demeanor presenting itself.

"I am Janiven Corscow, and I must say I'm glad both of you came tonight. I have chosen each of you for a singular reason — everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to
our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses has prospered—but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other
governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history—she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters!" She pauses, blushing from the outcry and her words.

"With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!”

Janiven's words are not something heard on the street, even not behind locked doors and her anxious eyes reveal her hope she had sought out the people. She looks to the pair of you, gauging your reactions and sympathies.

2012-01-08, 04:17 PM

He took a sip of his ale, setting it back on the table while taking a moment to take in her words. Smiling at her, he'd hold out his hand. "The way this land has been growing, those such as myself are treated worse than dirt. You have my support, provided your words are your true goal, and you do not hide anything from us."

2012-01-08, 04:28 PM

With little to no motion, as well, not a word spoken, Sheamus pulls down his hood with the shine of his pale light skin catching the dim lit area with a shimmer of unnatural gusto. He meets eye contact with the women he met before, and then with the man, beast, across from him. Admiring the voice and charisma of this, being, he nods, and agrees with the same prerequisites as the man across him. And with that, he dug his roll into the beans, using it as a spoon, to eat savagely into the meat after his large and gruesome bite. He wasn't only just tall, he was quick with his hands, and proportional to all his features.

2012-01-08, 09:25 PM
Janiven smiles again, shaking Xiro's hand. "My goal is simply to aid the people of Westcrown, and it seems I have found two more to welcome into our fold." She sits for the first time, straddling the chair with her arms over the backrest. "Now, I've-"

She's rudely interrupted by a loud rapping at the door. Startled, Janiven stands to check out the window (the sun now getting low, though light still visible). Her brow furrows upon seeing the caller, unlocking the door with haste. In tumbles a teen-aged tiefling, doubling over short of breath.

"They have Arael!" he exclaims when Janiven has slammed the door shut, locking it again.

"They what?" Janiven questions the boy.

The teenager gasps as he regains his composure for the briefest of moments before he speaks again. "The dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There's a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just made it here now; they might already have us surrounded!"

Janiven frowns for the first time since you've met and looks again outside. "It seems our meeting has been cut short gentlemen."

Perception Check DC 15:
You hear the sound of clanking, heavy armor from outside the tavern affirming the boys words that he was followed.

2012-01-08, 09:46 PM

The man stood quickly, pulling his longsword from his belt, he stepped up towards the door, beckoning for the boy to step back. "If your words speak true, then there we shall stand and fight. Unless you have an escape planned." He smiled, and took up a fighting stance, ready to rout those who would break through the door.


2012-01-08, 10:01 PM

Sheamus finished the last of his meal, and stood up following the crowd. He heard nothing too over powering, but after seeing his new 'Ally' jump up, he took a stance all the same. Pulling off his short bow, he took aim at the door, medium range away, with an arrow drawn in the string. "No idea what is going on, but i kinda like it..." He was soft spoken, yes, but he enjoyed destroying evil, to a sense, that is.


2012-01-08, 10:55 PM
The now-open window at the entrance harkens a contingent of heavily armored Hellkinghts making their way down the road, and yet Janiven is calm.

"I'm sorry for invoking you so, but we must leave. Now." She helps the boy to his feet. "The hatch, Morisono. NOW!"

The boy, Morisono, dives behind the counter, opening a hatch in the floor with quick fingers while Janiven shutters the window again. Her eyes are wide at the weapons drawn, shaking her head. As she speaks, moving toward the decrepit bar, the thundering sound of hammering on the door nearly drowns her out.

"If you've a death threat, you're welcome to stay though you'll do Westcrown no use that way! This shaft leads to the sewers below. Follow me!" Morisino has disappeared below and from view. Janiven stands over the trapdoor, looking to Xiro and Sheamus anxiously.

From behind the door, the muffled sound of yelling is heard. "LET US IN BY THE ORDER OF THE WESTCROWN HELLKNIGHTS!"

2012-01-08, 11:13 PM

The man moved to the trapdoor, turning back to the door for a second while he sheathed his sword, before grabbing onto the ladder to descend to the ground below. Sliding down to the ground, he stepped back, waiting for the other two to follow, he sighed a little. Turning to look down the area he had entered, he took in the sights in the few moments before the others would be joining him.

2012-01-09, 11:12 AM
Below, Westcrown’s sewer system is a marvel of ancient engineering, designed by the same geniuses who built the Arch of Aroden in Corentyn that spans that outlet of the inner sea. Though Westcrown is barely above sea level, the cleverly designed sewer tunnels continue to carry Westcrown’s filth away, and for the most part, citizens never think about the sanitation process that keeps the city relatively free of waste-borne illness. Individual tunnels are buttressed and rarely more than 5 feet high, forcing taller characters to stoop but not otherwise hindering most activity. Most tunnels are 10 feet wide, with a 3-foot-deep trench for sewage and water taking up half that width—even at peak flow the water level is an inch or more below the level of the walking side
of the tunnel. The smell is horrendous, as would be expected, and the tunnels themselves dark without light at this time. The only shaft of light comes from above Xiro where he just climbed down from.

Morisono climbs down the ladder himself after Xiro, Janiven still standing over the trapdoor, looking towards Sheamus.

"Come on!" she urges again, pulling an long object close to her. Even more muffled now while in the sewer, Xiro can hear the Hellknights on the other side of the tavern door, banging.

2012-01-09, 06:33 PM

Silently plucking the arrow off the string, and placing it back in his quiver, Sheamus placed his bow back over his shoulder, and walked calmly around the counter, making no sound. He then used ample agility, to slide swiftly down the ladder.

2012-01-09, 06:42 PM

He cast his gaze down the tunnels, only taking a moment for his vision to adjust properly, he took the few moments it was taking for the others to follow behind him to take stock of his surroundings, searching even, for indications that the woman spoke the truth. Its not to say he didn't trust her, rather, he had learned a couple years ago that nobody ever tells you everything about a job, and he had learned to be cautious since then.

2012-01-09, 09:40 PM
Janiven tumbles down the shaft, pulling the trap door with her with a sharp SMACK! Unceremoniously fallen to the ground, Janiven picks herself up as Morisono lights a torch. He offers it to Janiven as soon as she dusts herself off.

Above, the sound of heavy footsteps above. Janiven holds a finger to lips to signify for silence. The steps above die only slightly, though move around above. After a minute of listening, Janiven motions the boys all to follow her. A short ways away, she stops, pointing and whispering.

"Arael and I marked the path some time ago, and it looks like it's still here." She points to a very slight sword carving. "Find these, follow the blades and it will take us to the safehouse."

Above, the trapdoor jiggles as if threatening to come down. Janiven's eyes go wide immediately. "GO!"

Perception checks and Knowledge Religion (no ranks okay) needed.

2012-01-09, 09:46 PM

He started down the hall, squinting his eyes momentarily. The adjustment from his darkvision to ordinary light always hurt his eyes. He followed in the same direction Janiven went down, casting his gaze down for the marks on the wall. He was surprised he didn't notice them before, although he certainly wasn't looking for them.

Perception check[roll0]

Knowledge check? [roll1]

I thought we couldn't make knowledge checks untrained, but i did just in case.

2012-01-09, 10:18 PM

Digging his right hand, his good hand, into his cloak for what presumes to be warmth, Sheamus walks at a quickening pace behind his acquaintances. Following the path of the little blades, of course using his superior vision, as well as the lit path from the woman at the tavern he met. ".... Kinda fun..." Sheamus says, hand on War Razor from within his cloak, making use of his common hunter sense.

Perception Check [roll0]

Knowledge check? [roll1]

2012-01-10, 11:10 AM
Regarding Knowledge Checks:
You can always attempt a DC 10 knowledge check with no ranks, it's just a matter of what info you get. For instance, when identifying monsters, a DC 10 check will give you their creature type, but nothing more. In this case, hitting a DC 10 would identify the marker in some way. Xiro recognizes the vague carving as the holy symbol of Iomedae.

The party quickly moves to the point where the sounds of the tavern above fade, Janiven continuing the hunt.

"they'll only take a few quick minutes to search the tavern, then they'll follow. Or try and head us off..." she trails off, shaking her head. She stops at an intersection, spinning around as she looks. She snaps her finger, moving toward a wall with a stone protruding, smiling as she removes the stone. "There's still here," she whispers, offering vials to the both of you. (Three Cure Light Wounds a piece.)

"Come on, this way," she points down a corridor, motioning to where the marker is carved into the wall again, moving quickly.

Perception checks again. First intersection picture. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/FirstIntersection.jpg) The password for the album is Janiven, if needed. I included full size images of your PCs in there too. This is how most maps will appear through the campaign. When there's an actual combat, I'll show the grid and label them for ease of telling where you're moving to. If you have comments/suggestions, please don't hesitate to say!

2012-01-10, 02:05 PM

The man slipped the potions into his pouch, then followed after the marks as he could see them. He moved slowly, but ahead of the others, trying to find his way. He was more curious now than before, but didn't say anything. He cast his gaze down the path, looking for any change to show the end of the path.


2012-01-10, 05:27 PM

Sheamus continues down the path, more likely to follow the light that surrounds the head of the party, using his low-light vision simply to gain colour out of the torch. He placed the bottles into his belt pouch with his left hand, still holding onto his concealed weapon with his better hand.


2012-01-10, 10:23 PM
OOC: I made a mistake in my last post. It's been corrected. The symbols are that of Iomedae, not Sarenrae.

Janiven allows the two of you to continue ahead of her, and at the next juncture it is Xiro that spots the signage first. You don't notice until you come to another intersection that the light from Janiven's torch is missing. You still hear footsteps echoing along, yet they could be your own, it's hard to tell.

You round a corner, hurrying along still when the smell of the place turn toxic with mold and decay. Ahead, stumbling from what may be a room, a small contingent of walking dead form, moving to block you path.

Map (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1.jpg)
Knowledge Religion is useful here. DC 10 tells you they're undead.

Xiro: [roll0]
Sheamus: [roll1]
Monsters: [roll2]

2012-01-10, 11:05 PM

Sheamus pulls his hand out, not wanting to get TOO close to the beasts of thought. He can barely see, no light to actually see the monsters, he just smells the decay in the air. Sighing, somewhat undone with the light, he dons his bow with expert ability. The action to pick the bow up, was only to twist his shoulde, and let the bow drop to his hand. With his other, he plucks an arrow, and places the feather quill to the ox string, and lined up for his glinted stare. Silent, just like the hunter he is proud to be. He moves a soft while to place himself behind Xiro, and closer to the THINGS at the end. He sighs one last time, looking swiftly at his cloak.

Move Action: Draw bow with a readied arrow.
Standard Action: Make Perception check for other various things in his area of a close vicinity. Also, in sight, using Knowledge to check the things.
Swift Action: Take a soft five-step action towards Xiro.
Free Action: Bless (Fluff) his Dabloon with a soft sigh.

Perception Check [roll0]

Knowledge Check [roll1]


Hp - 16
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 40/40

2012-01-10, 11:17 PM

Xiro turned for a second, studying the man behind him. He spoke out softly to the man, turning his gaze back to the enemy, keeping his voice down while he spoke. "Cover me, and i'll keep them off your ass. Fair trade?" The man moved forward a few paces then, judging his distance carefully from the foe. He slid into place, about halfway between his ally and his enemies, drawing his sword from its sheath in one swift move. Spinning his sword in his hand, he lowered his body just a little, reducing his center of gravity while also giving the man behind him an easier shot towards the foe.
Free action: Speak to Sheamus
Swift action: None
Move action:Move 20 to Q18
tandard action: Draw sword (Oracle curse makes retrieving item from gear a standard action only)


Knowledge Religion, [roll0]

2012-01-11, 12:30 PM
The skeletons shamble forward towards Xiro while two stay back, slinging arrows themselves. these particular skeletons apparently need more practice, missing all around.

On Xiro
Skeleton_c (right) charges: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_b: Double move.
Skeleton_a (right): [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

On Sheamus
Skeleton_d: [roll4]
Damage (if a hit): [roll5]

OOC note:
There is a very small bit of light coming from a grate above Xiro, so Sheamus can see due to low-light vision, though in dim lighting.

Also, meemaas, the brown squares are boards, making a bridge. :) You're good.

2012-01-11, 06:12 PM

Caring more for the battle and hunt, rather than his personal accommodations, Sheamus steps his long legs into the sewage. He rolls his cloak up, and lets only his pants become drenched in the liquids. He keeps ready on the bow, moving up ten feet to his ally, and drawing aim on the skeleton to the far right of Xiro. Making good on promise for covering, he used his expert shot at a closer range to make a clean shot for the baddy. Letting his arrow stride fast and true, he then quickly recovers, going for another arrow.

Move action: Move diagonal to the right, and then one sqaure (Five-feet) forward, towards Skeleton on the right of Xiro.
Standard action: Fire arrow within the thirty-range mark of Point-Blank Shot's feat.
-Attack [roll0] (Actually a 19.)
-Damage [roll1]
Swift action: Start, or completely, draw a new arrow from quiver.
Free action: None.


Hp - 16
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 39/40

2012-01-11, 06:26 PM

He heard the arrow shoot past him, and smiled. He knew he could trust this man now. But then, he was sure of it in the first place. Focusing on the skeleton directly in front of him. Its attack had bounced off his scale armor like it was nothing, doing naught but slightly irritating the swordsman. He pulled his right hand together with the sword in his left hand, gripping the blade tight with both hands, as he swung the blade down towards its ribcage, hoping to cut the abomination in two.

Free action: Put both hands on sword, using it two handed
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the skeleton directly in front of me.
damage if a hit. [roll1]


2012-01-11, 07:11 PM
While Sheamus' arrow strikes true, it wiggles its way through the ribcage of the skeleton with seemingly little effect. Xiro swings and misses the skeleton beside him, swinging wide to clatter the steel of his sword against the wall.

On Xiro
Skeleton_b: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_c: [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

On Sheamus
Skeleton_d: [roll4]
Damage (if a hit): [roll5]
Skeleton_a: [roll6]
Damage (if a hit): [roll7]

Map (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1-3.jpg)

2012-01-11, 08:52 PM

Sheamus repeats his past actions, taking his bow down the line of his string, and pushed the arrow forward to attempt to hit the same target, once more. But before it all, he stupors down, being mostly defensive, he stupors around his bow, crouching for a hunter's stance.

Move action: None
Standard action: Range attack on same target.
-Attack [roll0]
-Damage [roll1]
Swift action: Start, or completely, draw new arrow.
Free action: None


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 38/40

2012-01-11, 09:02 PM

He cursed as his sword passed right by the skeleton. He lifted it back up, readying a second swing, clasping his hands together as he uttered a short prayer. Swinging his blade down once more, he squeezed the hilt tight, hoping to ensure another powerful swing.

Free action: None
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the skeleton directly in front of me.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1] Moved to OOC, accidentely rolled d20


2012-01-11, 09:06 PM
Critical confirmation[roll0]
Critical damage [roll1]

2012-01-11, 09:12 PM
Sheamus' arrow again finds its home between two ribcage bones. An obvious hit, by all hunting standards, yet it does no damage.

On the other hand, Xiro brings the sword to bear with a terrible SMASH! The skeleton in front of him shatters to the ground, lifeless. Again.

No movement, so map will remain the same, just with the first skeleton down.

On Xiro
Skeleton_b: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_a: [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

On Sheamus
Skeleton_d: [roll4]
Damage (if a hit): [roll5]

2012-01-11, 09:29 PM

Putting his bow across his shoulder, realizing how little effect shooting an undead is, if the arrows simply fall between bones. Using that, he jumps to the bridge behind Xiro, and lifted it out of the water. Shifting it forward, he uses his make shift cover to place it standing in-between the arrows and his body. he then followed up with one more single move.

Move action: Move to square P17.
Standard Action: Pick up Wooden bridge, placing it infront of me, and resting it on the horizontal board in front.
Swift action: Sneeze.
Free action: Sneeze again.


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 38/40

2012-01-11, 09:34 PM

Watching the skeleton fall to pieces in front of him, he tightened his grip on his blade, and twirled around, sliding a few steps forward as he did, he'd finish his spin pulling the blade upwards from below towards the skeleton next to him. Taking that motion to slide out of the path of the same skeleton's attack, he grimaced just slightly as one arrow found its way between the scales of his armor, piercing into his side to cause a slight bit of blood.

Free action: Five foot step forward to the space the skeleton occupied.
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the skeleton next to me.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]


2012-01-11, 09:51 PM
Sheamus sets up a barricade for himself as Xiro misses. The skeletons continue their same formation.

On Xiro
Skeleton_b: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_a: [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

On Sheamus
Skeleton_d: [roll4]
Damage (if a hit): [roll5]

Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1-4.jpg) With my mad photoshop skillz. :) The square in front of Sheamus is impassible, unless you go into the muck. Also, Sheamus, did you mean to remain in the muck? That is where P17 left you. If not, assume you're in 18 and I'll move you next round.

2012-01-11, 10:08 PM

Using his instincts, he stays down in the muk, withdrawing his bow with an arrow, and then took this time to look around the junction he sits in, letting Xiro have his lock on battle. Standing up as a swift motion, he takes in a breath, and exhales on his cloak, hoping to get luck from his ancestors. Going for medium range shots, he fires off at the thirty-range increment at the farthest left skeleton under the dim light. Sheamus instinctively falls back behind his cover.

Move action: Drawing his bow and arrow, aiming it at the targeted skeleton.
Standard action: Point-blank shot at said skeleton.
-Attack [roll0]
-Damage [roll1]
Swift action: Duck back behind the border.
Free action: Blows luck onto his cloak, blessing his Doubloon.


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 37/40

2012-01-11, 10:14 PM

Xiro groaned, as the skeleton had somehow moved out of the way of his blade before it could connect. These skeletons were annoying him, and he was gonna break them to pieces. Raising his sword high above his head, he heard the arrow Sheamus fired whiz past him and his target, and in the moment afterwards, he pulled his sword down with all his strength towards the skeleton's head. As he swung, he spoke quietly to himself, praying that this strike would shatter the skeleton as the one before had been.

Free action: None
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the skeleton directly next to me.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]


2012-01-11, 10:36 PM
Sheamus misses this time, the arrow clattering on the floor. Xiro brings the blade down again, his prayers seemingly being answered as the next skeleton falls to bits beside him.

Down the corridor, the two skeletons rush up to Xiro.

New Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1-5.jpg)

On Xiro
Skeleton_d (left): [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_a (right): [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

2012-01-11, 10:52 PM

Sheamus followed his same patern, attacking the farthest one from Xiro, with the brunt of his statistics. He wished upon his medal once more, hoping to hit this time.

Move action: Drawing his arrow, aiming it at the targeted skeleton.
Standard action: Point-blank shot at said skeleton.
-Attack [roll0]
-Damage [roll1]
Swift action: Duck back behind the border.
Free action: Blows luck onto his cloak, blessing his Doubloon.


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 36/40

2012-01-11, 10:57 PM

The man smiled, watching yet another skeleton fall to pieces. He spun his sword around in both hands, turning it horizontally, as he swung it towards the side of the skeleton directly in front of him. He grimaced as he swung, hoping for the best.

Free action: None
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the skeleton directly in front of me.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]


2012-01-11, 11:29 PM
Both attacks missing outright, the skeletons continue their assault. The one on the right takes a five foot step back to use his bow on the crouching elf.

On Xiro
Skeleton_d (left): [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

On Sheamus (cover figured into this)
Skeleton_a (right): [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

No new map. skeleton move to T17 - one remains in S18. I'll edit map next round.

2012-01-11, 11:36 PM

Poking his body back out, he flips his new arrow directly at the moved skeleton. Being out of the melee action, Sheamus now has a clearer shot on him. Before all this though. He finally reaches into his cloak, pulling the coin from his person, and kissing the viper with a rough twitch. His hair and skin turns more grey, and he feels the viper invoke himself. He becomes more attuned to his family's spirit, and wants to win this bout their way.

Move action: Standing up fully, and aiming his bow and arrow with new, snakeish eyes.
Standard action: Point-blank shot at the moved target.
-Attack [roll0]
-Damage [roll1]
Swift action: Drawing out his coin, and kissing it. All other things happening were simply fluff and for role-play purpose.
Free action: Re-pocketing the coin after his session.


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 35/40

2012-01-11, 11:42 PM

Xiro grimaced in pain, the skeletons attack had cut open his right arm, blood leaking out as he stumbled for a second. Letting go of his sword for a moment, he placed his hand on his wound, sighing for a second as he felt his blood. He quickly wiped the blood off on his clothing, taking hold of his sword with both hands again, he pulled it up over his head. He spoke a prayer once more, swinging the blade downwards at the skeleton with his full strength, hoping to destroy it.

Free action: None
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the skeleton directly in front of me.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]


2012-01-12, 10:51 AM
Sheamus scores another obvious hit to the trained eye, yet again the arrow slides itself through the bones ineffectively. Xiro misses, swinging widely.

The skeletons continue their assault.

On Xiro
Skeleton_d (left): [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

On Sheamus (cover figured into this)
Skeleton_a (right):[roll2]
Damage (if a hit):[roll3]

Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1-6.jpg)

2012-01-12, 05:12 PM

Pushing the barrier that is already up, to the right, he flips to the left, pulling up another board, same dimensions, slipping it down right next the other. After such a feat, he readies the action of pulling up the barrier for a quick exit or enter.

Move action: None.
Standard action: Full turn to reposition the two boards, as well as readying the second board.
Swift action: None.
Free action: Face new board.


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 35/40

2012-01-12, 06:26 PM

He winced as the attack cut deep into his shoulder. He knew he couldnt last much longer against these unholy monsters. He could see his allies movements out of the corner of his eyes, and slid himself backwards, ducking down as his partner lifted up the board to cover him. Pressing his back against the barricade, he stabbed his blade into the ground, speaking a small incantation while pressing his right hand onto his shoulder, a blueish light eveloping his wound and causing it to close up. "I need to take a breather. Thanks for the save. Please. Use my sword. Hold them off for me. Ill make it up to you. " He breathed heavy as he spoke, the extent of the pain was obvious.

Free action: Five foot step behind the barrier.
Swift action: Stab sword into ground between me and sheamus.
Move action: Duck behind the board taking cover
Standard action: Cast Cure light wounds on myself

HP: 3

2012-01-12, 08:37 PM
Map (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/combat1-7.jpg)

Sheamus comes to Xiro's rescue, giving him at least a small bit of cover to work with. The second skeleton moves forward, both moving in to attack Sheamus.

On Sheamus
Skeleton_a (right): [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_d (left): [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

I did not take into account cover, so the 17 will miss.

2012-01-12, 08:48 PM

Picking through his cloak, he kisses his coin, and then nods to his new friend. Pushing the coin back into the safety of his armour pocket, he flicks his wrist, grapples the sword into his great right hand ,and then attempts to jump the table, going directly into a defensive position. He does all of this to land with his back against the cement wall, allowing him safety from flanking maneuvers. He raises the sword mainly for defense at this time, still using both hands to take hold of it. He crouches low, taking the appropriate stance he saw from Xiro, lowering his gravity. He constantly checks for small things around him, being a hunter, and liking to stay aware of his surroundings.

Move action: Picking up sword. Hopping over the barrier. Acrobatics [roll0]
Standard action: Total defense. (Ac +4 to equal 20 AC Total for one round.)
Swift action: Perception check on the general area Sheamus is located in.
Free action: Coin praise.


Hp - 15
AC - 20
CMD - 16
Arrows - 35/40

2012-01-12, 08:55 PM

The man grimaced, wiping the blood from his hand on his pants. He was gonna have to replace these sooner or later, he knew that for sure. He felt reinvigorated, but knew that walking back out into the open would probably get him cut up again. He started to carefully pick through his belt pouch, feeling the malevolent spirits trying to mess him up, he took his time to withdraw a scroll. He smiled, opening it up slowly.

Free action: None
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Retrieve a scroll of Summon monster I


2012-01-13, 04:57 PM
Sheamus finds himself the in the junction of two excessively long corridors. the corridor he stands in continues past the range of his low-light vision and he'd image for quite some time based on his short excursion thus far.

The skeletons tear his thoughts and eyes back to the fight.

On Sheamus
Skeleton_a (right): [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]
Skeleton_a (left): [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

2012-01-13, 05:10 PM

He kept winking his eyes down such the corridor he saw, wondering how long it would go. Not relying on his sight, due to lighting, he decided sound. He kept his ally's sword covering most of his mass, and then yelled down the corridor, trying to use the echoes to gather the dimensions of the tunnel, I.E How long, what material, if any enemies lived down it.

Standard action: Total defense for the same increase of AC.
Move action: None.
Swift action: Yelling and then perception check on the echo pattern.
Free action: Tell a "yo momma joke" to Charlie Sheen.


Hp - 15
AC - 20
CMD - 16
Arrows - 35/40

2012-01-13, 05:23 PM
Perception check, sorry. [roll0]

2012-01-13, 05:31 PM

He read aloud from his scroll, turning and peeking over the cover so he could see past it. He finished the incantation, holding his hand out a blue light spread from it towards the skeletons. The light took up a space directly in front of the skeleton in front of Sheamus, as a large brightly glowing beetle appeared behind it. The beetle made a few odd noises, and lifting itself up into the air just a little, it attempted to bite into the skeleton directly in front of it.

Free action: Five foot step backwards out of melee range
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Cast scroll of Summon monster I, summoning a Celestial Fire Beetle at S17, causing the skeleton in R17 to be flanked


Summoned Celestial Fire Beetle
Standard action: Attacks Skeleton, applying smite evil
Attack roll:[roll0]
Damage roll:[roll]1d4+1[roll]
(assumed that the skeletons are evil. if not, disregard the damage bonus)

2012-01-13, 06:40 PM
Sheamus' yells reverberate harshly on the stone. It would seem that the corridor continues for at least for another 80 feet, if not more, in both directions.

Meanwhile, the skeletons continue their barrage, the flanked on turning his sword on the summoned creature.

On Sheamus
Skeleton_a: [roll]1d20['roll]
Damage (if a hit): [roll0]

On Beetle
Skeleton_d: [roll]1d20['roll]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1-8.jpg) Not Photoshopped, but positions are correct.

2012-01-13, 06:57 PM

Satisfied with his attempts of finding the dimensions of his space, Sheamus lifted his borrowed sword, proficient with it by some off chance, he attacks the flanked skeleton in an attempt to disturb it. After the strike attempt, he then swaddles his hand into his pouch in order to grab a batch of marbles.

Standard action: Attack with Longsword.
-Attack: [roll0]
-Damage: [roll1]
Move action: Retrieve a batch of 2 pound marbles once let go of the sword with off-hand.
Swift action: None.
Free action: None.


Hp - 15
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 35/40

2012-01-13, 07:08 PM

He groaned. His plan had all been for naught, his summon had vanished already, and all he succeeded in doing was annoying them, if they had the intellect to be annoyed. He began to speak, a soft yet powerful incantation, as his left hand glowed with the blue aura that marked his spellcasting. He stepped forward softly, pressing his foot to the board in front of him to push it to the ground. As it slid, it caused the other one that was supporting it to slide also, and he stepped his other foot on top of it, as he reached out with his left hand, trying to grab the skeleton's shoulder with it. "I'm gonna need my sword back, no offense, but it seems like this is gonna last forever without me." He held out his right hand towards his ally, not turning his gaze to look at him for even a moment.

Free action: Five foot step to Q18
Free touch attack on skeleton directly in front of me.
Swift action: None
Move action: Slide board so it slides to the ground, taking the one behind Sheamus with it, and step on it.
Standard action: Cast Cure light wounds, hold the charge till after movement.

Touch attack roll: [roll0]
Cure light wounds (if hit): [roll1]


2012-01-14, 12:02 PM

2012-01-16, 02:11 PM
The duo, summoned beetle included, misses again with their eager attempt of attacks. Xiro's spell is still charged, ready for his confirmed hit!

The skeletons continue their pressure.

Map (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%201/Combat1-9.jpg)! Just ignore the purple token. :) That was your summon.

On Sheamus
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

On Xiro
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

2012-01-16, 05:19 PM

Sheamus flinches from the attack, and then sighed. Taking a step back, he flicked the sword back over to his ally, while he kept looking around. Dropping the marbles into the square he was just in, he took the rest of his turn to get his bow and arrow back ready.

Standard action: Pulling out bow and readying an arrow.
Move action: Releasing both items from hands. Sword goes to Xiro, marbles in previous square.
Swift action: Taking a five-foot step backwards before releasing items.
Free action: Sleight of hand check to hide the dropping of the marbles. [roll0]


Hp - 12
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 35/40

2012-01-16, 07:26 PM

The man spun around, grabbing hold of his sword with his right hand as Sheamus had lobbed it to him, and then turned back to the skeleton in front of him, shoving his left palm in towards its ribcage the spell still glowing upon his hand.

Free action: None
Swift action: None
Move action: Spin and catch my sword
Standard action: Touch attack. Cure light wounds

Touch attack roll: [roll0]
Cure light wounds (if hit): [roll1]


2012-01-17, 11:48 AM
Sheamus lets loose his marbles ((no pun intended)) while Xiro reaches again for the skeleton. His fingers graze the swaying creature; almost had contact!

The skeleton in front of Sheamus mindlessly steps into the square of marbles and promptly falls prone. He stands up, provoking an AoO from Xiro. The other continues his attack.

Reflex Save: [roll0]

On Xiro
Attack: [roll1]
Damage (if a hit): [roll2]

2012-01-17, 06:46 PM

Sheamus let's loose with his arrow, attacking on the Skeleton nearest Xiro, the one always standing. He does this to give Xiro a nice opening for a swift attack on the off balance skeleton. Using his quick hands, Sheamus drops his left arm through his bow and the bow's string, holding it. Using his right and primary hand, he digs through his cloak, and hastily pulls out a war razor, flicking it open upon command of his swift deed.

Standard action: Attack on skelly.
-Attack: [roll0]
-Damage: [roll1]
Move action: Place bow on left shoulder, take out razor with right hand.
Swift action: Open, prepare, razor for fighting.
Free action: Five-foot step, or less, to threaten standing up skelly. (Only if not already threatening.)


Hp - 12
AC - 16
CMD - 16
Arrows - 34/40

2012-01-17, 06:51 PM

As the skeleton standing beside him stood up, Xiro took the opportunity to swing his blade towards the skeleton, upwards from below, as the blade reached the peak of the swing, he raised up his left hand, still glowing, and pulled it down hard towards the skeleton directly in front of him, with all his strength

Free action: None
Swift action: Put left hand on sword, using it two handed
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack on skeleton standing in front of me

Attack of opportunity:[roll0]
Damage (if hit):[roll1]

Standard attack:[roll2]
Damage (if hit):[roll3]


2012-01-17, 06:58 PM
Crit confirmation roll [roll0]
Crit damage roll [roll1]

2012-01-17, 10:02 PM
Xiro's inner reserves of strength crush the skeleton before him, leaving the solitary one standing before Sheamus. The final skeleton brings his broken scimitar to bear on Sheamus.

You're both now in melee with the last skeleton.

On Sheamus
Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

2012-01-18, 05:06 PM

Sheamus dips past the blade barely making it miss, before going in for a shot with his well made Razor. The razor is larger than the one in his shaving kit, but not by too much. He launches an attack in more of a feeler attack. he's fighting quite defensively before he can gather more and more about his foes. He looks for his scattered marbles, seeing if some were still at his foe's feet.

Standard Action: Attack with War Razor Defensively. -4 Atk +2 AC
-Attack: [roll0]
-Damage: [roll1]
Move action: None.
Swift action: Perception Check on area. [roll2]
Free action: None.


Hp - 12
AC - 18
CMD - 16
Arrows - 34/40

2012-01-18, 05:11 PM

The man spun around, sliding behind the final skeleton, so that he was on the exact opposite side that Sheamus had been on, as he finished his spin to be facing his target, he pulled his blade upwards from below, hoping to smash through its ribcage.

Free action: Five foot step to R17
Swift action: None
Move action: None
Standard action: Attack the final skeleton

Standard attack:[roll0] (+2 flanking bonus)
Damage (if hit):[roll1]


2012-01-19, 12:30 PM
The last of the skeletons fall to Xiro, his hand still charged with his spell of healing. The four corridors stretch out before you as you both stand in the intersection.

You can roll Intelligence checks to remember which way you came from, or Perception checks to try and find the next marker.

2012-01-19, 12:48 PM

He took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts. Sliding his sword back into its sheath, he pulled himself up out of the sewage, stepping up next to Sheamus and placing his hand upon the mans shoulder, the magic spreading out from there to close up his wounds, restoring his allies energy. He then turned in all directions, his sense of direction off, he looked instead for the markings that would lead him further on, and also straining his hearing for the sound of the two he had been following, and likewise the others he expected to be fleeing. He had spent entirely too long there, and he knew it instinctively. Recognizing a mark upon one of the walls, he started off in that direction, intent on catching up to the other two who had vanished from his sight.

Cure light wounds on Sheamus [roll0]
Perception check for new marks [roll1]
I posted on the assumption that the perception check didn't have a DC higher than 20

2012-01-19, 08:27 PM

Thanking Xiro for the bump in health, Sheamus looks around the ways, using his past notices to help dictate the next marker.

Perception check: [roll0]

2012-01-20, 09:35 PM
Both of you are able to easily find the next marker. It leads you down the same corridor you were in, further into the heart of the city itself, you might imagine. The pair easily finds the trail, and yet as you turn a corner, you come to a dead end, only a small room with a wooden door hanging ajar.

2012-01-20, 09:40 PM

The man looked back at Sheamus following him. He gestured at him, and then pulled out his sword slowly. Holding it with his right hand, trailing it just above the ground, as he peeked his head into the room. Stepping into the room softly, he lifted his blade up, searching back and forth from one end to the other, as if expecting an attack.

2012-01-20, 10:26 PM

Sheamus nodded to his ally, pulling his arm through his bow as to hold it better. Once through the gap that the open door made, he softly closed the latch. Picking a bow, he plucked the string, and went with his back towards Xiro, making sure they wouldn't be surprised too easily.

2012-01-20, 10:37 PM
The room is tiny, barely big enough to be hospitable or so it may appear. Within, a decrepit desk is accompanied by a solitary chair, the legs of both worse for wear and the wood mildewed from the moisture within. Under the desk, as if having curled up there to sleep, is a humanoid skeleton devoid of its skin entirely. The stench of decay is present, but not as strong as one might image.

2012-01-20, 10:46 PM

The man approached the skeleton slowly, his sword at the ready, he stared intently at it as thought expecting the creature to stand up and attack him. Holding onto his sword tight, he reached out with his free hand to try and poke the skeleton's skull, while surveying the room for any other exits. "Feels like a dead end. Figures we were left behind." He gestured for Sheamus, still keeping his gaze mostly on the skeleton in front of him.

Perception check [roll0]

2012-01-20, 10:53 PM

Sheamus took the nod, and walked calmly over to Xiro. Still looking around with his hunter's trained eyes, he tries to find a latch, light, smell, sound, anything to tip off to a new location, hopefully a more discreet one.

Perception Check: [roll0]

2012-01-22, 05:59 PM
The skeleton remains on the floor, quite obviously dead. despite searching the room, the men find only a small bit of coin (40 gold pieces), but no doors or exits.

2012-01-22, 06:12 PM

Scooping up the coin and slipping it into his pocket, Xiro pulled the skeletons skull off of its body, and then led the way out the door, waving for Sheamus to follow. "Can't believe they'd lead us to a dead end. Figures i shouldn't have been able to trust her." He scoured the hallways looking for more of the marks on the wall, hoping to find the path back the way he came.

Perception check [roll0]

2012-01-22, 06:34 PM

Following his ally around, he keeps his bow and arrow in hands, he looked in the same fashion as Xiro, Sheamus picked through it all to find the same things. He kept on his feet, balanced and steady. He looks in directions constantly, in case of ambush.

Perception Check: [roll0]

2012-01-25, 07:35 AM
Xiro finds what he thinks may be a marker, pointing down a corridor you've yet to walk. Or so you may think. It's twisting and turning until it opens up to a large junction, the ceiling here some 40 feet high. Ahead are two figures, one helping another that appears to be injured.

2012-01-25, 07:41 AM

Making a signal to his companion, he gestures to the man to cover his back, as he slowly approaches the two figures, sword at the ready in case they weren't his assumed allies. He reaches into his belt pouch, drawing out one of his scrolls with his right hand, squeezing the parchment just slightly in anticipation.

Pulled out a scroll of Summon monster, just in case

2012-01-26, 11:03 AM
"There you are!" exclaims Janiven who is kneeling over Morisono. "I had thought you might have been caught. Are you both all right?"

2012-01-26, 09:14 PM

"Not for lack of trying for the opposite, mind you. Managed to get lost too. Honestly, i'm surprised the hellknights didn't catch you." Lowering his guard, he slipped the scroll back into its pouch as he approached her.

2012-01-27, 03:41 PM

Staying at the ready, Sheamus purposely kept his bow and arrow cocked and ready, following Xiro. He trusted little of the mysterious woman and her 'Injured' friend. He followed with ten steps between himself and Xiro, in case of ambush.

2012-01-27, 09:05 PM
"We lost them a few turns back, the boy here falling and hurting himself," she turns back to the tiefling boy, helping him up. "We'll have to keep moving if we wish to remain ahead. Are you two well?"

2012-01-27, 09:08 PM

"We're fine, a couple of walking skeletons got in the way. Nothing we couldn't handle though. Can you carry the boy? Or can he walk on his own? The faster we can get him up and get moving, the faster we can get where we're going. I can take point, if you are willing to point the way." He rested the flat of his blade on his shoulder, watching her, while keeping an eye on his ally behind him.

2012-01-27, 09:56 PM

Never once lowering the bow below his center of gravity, Sheamus stepped up none the less, to a maximum of a few steps behind Xiro. This way, he could protect easily, in case of a backstabbing gesture.

2012-01-27, 10:13 PM
Janiven helps the youth to his feet. He stands, if shaky, of his own according, limping as he moves.

"Come on, this way," she points down a hall, the opposite one of where you thought the markers directed. Albeit, Janiven appears determined and begins down the corridor.

2012-01-27, 10:18 PM

He quickly overtook Janiven, keeping her and the boy between himself and Sheamus so that they wouldn't get seperated again. Moving quietly down the path she led them to, he begins to speak to her under his breath as they move. "Where are we going, and what are we gonna be doing about what we talked about back in the tavern?"

2012-01-28, 06:15 PM

Sheamus kept a steady pace in the new formation, picking up on Xiro's idea quickly. Although, he still had distrust near his mind, so his bow never rested. He looked like a true hunter, how swift he marched on, center of gravity never failing him. His ability to walk firmly on the balls of his feet let him move at a quicker pace, so he rarely rested. Not only that, but he stayed mostly silent in the steps he took. He keep a quick eye out before and around him, looking around the walls with a quick, but efficient, look.

Perception on the new corridor: [roll0]

2012-01-31, 11:02 AM
Janiven leads the duo around some more corridors before she reaches a ladder. Looking up, she almost smiles. "This is our exit." She doesn't explain otherwise and climbs the ladder to the grate which she opens with ease. Darkness has fallen on Westcrown above and Janiven leads the party to a large stone building. The other buildings around this one are old, decrepit and falling apart, yet this one has a very feint glow from within.

Full description later when I have the book in front of me.

2012-02-01, 05:12 PM

Following closely behind the two, he keeps arrow and bow ready. Checking out the area, he looks around with nice precision.

Perception Check for oddities: [roll0]

2012-02-01, 06:56 PM

He looks back and forth, finally sheathing his blade before following the woman into the building. He felt like he was safe here, for once.