View Full Version : Master of Nine Build

Master Thrower
2012-01-08, 07:23 PM
Hello playground, Master of Nine has long been one of my more like PrC's, but I have never had the chance to play one until now, however im not quite sure what is the best way to make one. I have heard it is a better class to enter using crusader then warblade, so my current build is-

Crusader 6, Swordsage 1, Master of Nine X


1- Improved Initiative Adaptive Style (swordsage?) (I would take swordsage at first level then)
3- Blind Fight
6- Dodge
7- (IUS)

Becase of Swordsage I get to take-

Shadow Jaunt (from shadow hand)
Moment of Perfect Mind (Diamond mind)
Then I need one manuever from either, Desert Wind or Setting sun, up to second level. So any advice would be helpful.

With that I qualify for Master of Nine, So build critiques would be helpful, especially other manuevers, what I should take through master of nine, and fighting style options (although I would prefere to take master of nine, I am open to other PrC's)

2012-01-08, 08:57 PM
I played a crusader 11/swordsage 2/master of nine 5. Indeed, improving crusader progression is terrific. By campaign end, with Extra Granted Maneuver, I had 11 maneuvers readied, 9 granted start of each round and upon refreshing, and refreshed every 3 rounds.

See if you can use the unarmored swordsage variant to save yourself a feat instead of spending one on Improved Unarmed Strike. You get the armor proficiency back with crusader. If the DM doesn't like that trick, you can respond that if you do wear armor you're not getting the wisdom bonus to AC.

Take a swordsage level when its initiator level would be 3 and a second one when it will be 5 before entering master of nine. That allows you to have all three individual Diamond Mind saving throw maneuvers. Have enough Shadow Hand maneuvers in swordsage so you can take Shadow Stride and later Shadow Blink as a master of nine. They will help a lot.

Taking a second level of swordsage before master of nine is also important for another reason. Enter master of nine at 11th level as crusader 8/swordsage 2. Taking both swordsage levels before reaching crusader 8 allows you a 5th level stance at crusader 8. This build allows you 5th-7th level maneuvers from the prestige class. Also, when you reach master of nine 2, you'll be 11th initiator level as a crusader allowing you take one of the Devoted Spirit 6th level stances without having to spend a feat! I'm partial to Aura of Perfect Order myself. An auto 11 on a d20 roll helps a lot for either an auto-hit on a strike or an auto-save on a saving throw, especially if you need to make a second one in a round after already using up your immediate action for one of the Diamond Mind saving throws.

If you can fit Extra Granted Maneuver into your feat choices I recommend it, especially if you can save a feat using the unarmored swordsage variant.

Master Thrower
2012-01-08, 09:31 PM
I played a crusader 11/swordsage 2/master of nine 5. Indeed, improving crusader progression is terrific. By campaign end, with Extra Granted Maneuver, I had 11 maneuvers readied, 9 granted start of each round and upon refreshing, and refreshed every 3 rounds.

See if you can use the unarmored swordsage variant to save yourself a feat instead of spending one on Improved Unarmed Strike. You get the armor proficiency back with crusader. If the DM doesn't like that trick, you can respond that if you do wear armor you're not getting the wisdom bonus to AC.

Take a swordsage level when its initiator level would be 3 and a second one when it will be 5 before entering master of nine. That allows you to have all three individual Diamond Mind saving throw maneuvers. Have enough Shadow Hand maneuvers in swordsage so you can take Shadow Stride and later Shadow Blink as a master of nine. They will help a lot.

Taking a second level of swordsage before master of nine is also important for another reason. Enter master of nine at 11th level as crusader 8/swordsage 2. Taking both swordsage levels before reaching crusader 8 allows you a 5th level stance at crusader 8. This build allows you 5th-7th level maneuvers from the prestige class. Also, when you reach master of nine 2, you'll be 11th initiator level as a crusader allowing you take one of the Devoted Spirit 6th level stances without having to spend a feat! I'm partial to Aura of Perfect Order myself. An auto 11 on a d20 roll helps a lot for either an auto-hit on a strike or an auto-save on a saving throw, especially if you need to make a second one in a round after already using up your immediate action for one of the Diamond Mind saving throws.

If you can fit Extra Granted Maneuver into your feat choices I recommend it, especially if you can save a feat using the unarmored swordsage variant.

I am using the unarmed swordsage variant, sorry if that wasnt clear, I thought putting the improved unarmed strike at 7th level would show that, my bad:smallredface: so I should delay entry until 9th level? So something like Crusader 6 Unarmed swordsage 2 Master of Nine 5?

2012-01-08, 10:03 PM
2 Levels of Chameleon (Races of Destiny and online: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20041210b

Gives you a floating feat that can take Martial Study or Martial Stance to add an additional feat each day.

Also gives you ability to cast Heroics which lets you take any Fighter Feat. Again allowing you to take Martial Study or Martial Stance.

These extra feats allow you to pick up the highest level maneuvers you can qualify for. Its a lot of utility.

2012-01-09, 07:11 PM
I am using the unarmed swordsage variant, sorry if that wasnt clear, I thought putting the improved unarmed strike at 7th level would show that, my bad:smallredface: so I should delay entry until 9th level? So something like Crusader 6 Unarmed swordsage 2 Master of Nine 5?

That can work too. You get a 5th level stance at Master of Nine 2 and can still take a 6th level stance at Master of Nine 4. The only difference is your maneuvers for Master of Nine will be 4th-6th level. That's not a terrible thing, just something to note.

I am biased from my own build and Shadow Blink was a lot of help. Shadow Blink as swift action, Shadow Stride as move action, use a Strike maneuver as a standard action after moving 100ft! That's just so AWESOME! Auto-hit on 11 because of Aura of Perfect Order stance for bonus major win. Make it White Raven Hammer for a no-save stun for a round to boot. Darn it, now I'm "homesick" for the character, grumble playing a Sorcerer in current campaign. :smallbiggrin:

You won't be able to get it unless you spend a feat after finishing the prestige class. However, it's not the be all end all of maneuvers. Just a personal preference, and you don't absolutely need it.