View Full Version : Council of Thieves - The Bastards of Erebus (Group 2)

2012-01-08, 10:32 PM
Westcrown: the seat of Aroden in ages past. Now fell to diabolical hands, it's no less than a cesspool of crime, strife and political warfare. Murders have been constant in the last few weeks, and yet the ever-present threat of shadow creatures at night in the unlit streets keeps all of those who care for their lives home at night.

The sun rises again, as is one of the few constants one can depend on now. It is the day of Firstbloom, the celebration of the coming of spring. The grand temple of Shelyn has prepared dances, an art show and gardening help to those that wish it with the start of spring. It's a beautiful affair, one that is surely not to be missed. Our story beings on this auspicious day.

You're approached during the day by a woman that seems rather interested in you. She seemingly stares before she finally speaks to you. "Forgive my curiosity, child, I do not mean you harm or discomfort, you are simply... beautiful," she settles on the word. "What brings a creature of your beauty here? To little, old Westcrown?"

Early in the day as you're walking the streets, a human woman with short, red hair stops to watch you. She seems happy to see you with the warm smile she offers, though she does not offer her name when she says some simple words. "My, you have your mother's eyes." She pauses, almost surprised by even her own audacity. "Forgive my interruption. I'm an old friend of your mother's and..." She chuckles. "I didn't believe how akin to her you looked. Perhaps, we could discuss her and her fight over drinks? Tonight?"

Alexander spots a woman whom seems to be tailing him during the day and when found and approached, she raises her hands. "I'm only curious how someone of your skill has evaded the dottari thus far. Those like you could be useful, if you wish to step from the meager life you've been shouldered with. I aim to help you - and all of us as we're all victims." she raises her brows, giving you a very slight bow. "I am Janiven, and if you're interested, I should love to speak with you this evening, about 2 hours before dusk."

Approached by a teen-aged tiefling, Jack is offered a solitary note. It's written in a blocky handwriting that he's never seen before, although instructions such as this is hard to misinterpret.

'Vizio's Tavern. 5 PM on Firstbloom - that is if you wish to prove your strength of character. -A.'

Early in the day, a patron at the bar sits and stays for what is hours. While not always an odd occurrence, this is made odd by the fact that the woman is always alone, and you're told has asked to see you specifically. She smiles when you finally do come around to her, offering you the seat beside her. "Your performance was spectacular," she states simply under her breath. "And I, for one, am glad to see you survived. Should you wish to work to end the choke hold this city is held under, I think I have a way. Are you available tonight for drinks and dinner?"

Your day goes without fuss, though as you you stumble upon a woman who sits on a bench on the road who motions to her, beckoning you closer. She's a human woman with short red hair and an obvious air of importance to her. She stands to speak to you, her arms crossed over her chest. "The dottari may very well find your facade as humorous as I did when all is said and done," she speaks candidly, "yet, somehow it makes me wonder... why? What did you have to gain?"

2012-01-08, 10:58 PM
Jack arrives an hour early. He carefully cases the joint examining doors and windows, as he prefers a choice of exits should a rapid retreat be necessary. He purchases a jack of ale. He then finds the shadiest spot he can, blowing out a candle or lantern if needed, and keeps his back to the wall. Blending into the shadow he tips his cap low, appearing half asleep. In actuality his eyes repeatedly scan the room, he expects he will recognize his contact, but in any case he stays patiently alert.

Prove my strength of character? I wonder what reward she has in mind for such a proof.

2012-01-08, 11:14 PM
Roland smiles warmly back. "Iomedea's blessing to you. I'm always happy to hear how my mother touched others. I'd love to meet with you tonight. When and where? I'm Roland, by the way."

2012-01-09, 12:17 AM
Phenomena Plath

Phenomena freezes and her large moist violet eyes widen in shock at the woman's words. Her thoughts, which had been focused on past unpleasantness involving fire and murder, shift up to a whole new level of paranoia.

"O blessed Shelyn, curse you for making me so beautiful. I've been discovered. My tremulous veils have been pierced by the winged arrows of her gaze."

"Who is spectre of the distant past? I don't recognize her. A fan stalker? A relative of the trampled, seeking vengeance?"

"Waitaminute, what is this about a chokehold? Why is she talking politics of all things?"

Then her mind shrieks the obvious cynical conclusion.

"Oh, bloody manure, this is blackmail. She's threatening to expose me."

Phenomena takes a deep breath and suppresses her terror, except for a minor trembling in the tray she's holding. She smiles a practiced professional smile and makes her eyes narrow a little from their former wide-openness, until she guesses (and hopes) she only looks pleased rather than horrified.

"Why, thank you. And I never pass up free grub and drinks. I'd love to come. Where and what time?"

"Also, what can I get you? Just ale, or some of our fancier drinks? I recommend the Burning Draught."

2012-01-09, 01:37 AM
Verstand, DMUgh, now what? Who are these Dottari? Verstand clutches his spellbook as he raises one eyebrow in reply. "I've no idea what you're talking about. You are?"

2012-01-09, 07:53 AM
Alexander carefully considered the offer, worried of traps and betrayal. But what the hell, you only live once and you never get there by being so paranoid you miss what could be your one shot.

"So where is it i should be meeting you, two hours before dusk? Let me know and I'll be there."

2012-01-09, 08:56 AM

2012-01-09, 01:52 PM
Jack (and others when they arrive):
Vizio's Tavern is situated the corner of a back road that is quite devoid of torches or anything to light the street come nightfall. the door is wide open when you arrive, the windows unshuttered. There is a singular round table in the center of the main room, seven chairs around it. A fire burns brightly in the hearth opposite the bar.

When you enter, a red headed human woman greets you, offering a drink. She looks at you curiously, raising her brows and nodding slightly. She offers little in conversation other then to explain when you've gone through the first drink "We'll wait for the others. Dinner should be ready soon."

The woman smiles again, nodding. "Vizio's Tavern. You've heard of it?"

(Knowledge Local, should you wish. DC 10, so no ranks is fine)

"Janiven," she states simply. "Though that helps you little. Your mentor," she rolls her eyes a little, whispering now, "was a thorn in my side for some time, and you rouse that has the dottari in a fuss has made his death amusing. We can use your theatrics, perhaps. Come see me tonight, Vizio's Tavern, 5 PM. You'll get home before the shadow beasts start their prowl, I can promise that."

(Knowledge Local, should you wish. DC 10, so no ranks is fine)

The woman watches Phenomena's eyes with great interest before offering a slight, though warm, smile in hope to calm any worry. "5 PM, Vizio's Tavern just down the way. Others will be there - They'll need your help." She shakes her head, standing. "I'll see you then." Unless stopped, the woman exits without so much as another word.

"Janiven," she offers her hand. "5 PM, a few hours before sunset. Meet me at Vizio's Tavern. You will be there, yes?"

(Knowledge Local, should you wish. DC 10, so no ranks is fine)

2012-01-09, 02:24 PM
Roland grins. "Of course I will," as he takes her in hand in what he hopes is a reassuring way.
He pauses for a moment, considering what has transpired. It was very convenient that this woman would identify him just by his eyes. He knew why his mother disappeared. For someone to be talking about something like that, in the open street, was certainly cause for suspect. It could be a trap.
Sense motive: [roll0]
Knowledge local [roll1]

2012-01-09, 02:48 PM
Well i would hate for you to be seen talking to a teifling like me for to much longer. I shall be there, i promise.
I'll just take ten on the knowledge local it that's ok.

With that Alexander quickly turns around and pulls his cloak back over his head, trying to slip into the background before anyone starts to notice his face.

Two hours before dusk he arrives, and graciously accepts the drinks. If no one asks him any questions he doesn't speak much.

2012-01-09, 05:44 PM
Does Jack recognize this woman? In any case he waits patiently.

King Tius
2012-01-09, 07:21 PM
Faelyn blushes at the compliment and nods politely to the woman.

"Oh...my...yes...thank you. That is oh so kind of you. I've come into town for the Firstbloom. I've heard the dances are quite beautiful."

Dressed in simple yet elegant greens and browns, Fae looks every bit the typical Elven ranger.

2012-01-09, 09:30 PM
No, I apologize if that was not clear.

You know that Vizio's Tavern recently came under new ownership, a half-elven man. It's been in need of repair for about a month now, if longer.

Despite the shady nature of your recent contact, the woman displayed no insincerity. She appeared to be well aware of her words, yet still asked you to join her.

The name Janiven does ring a bell, now that you think of it. She's a known scout and sellsword, usually hired for protection jobs.

"They are indeed, aren't they?" The woman glances about the street, finally looking back to you. She's shorter than you, thus must look up to meet your eyes. "Are you available tonight for dinner, traveller? Myself and some... friends are gathering at Vizio's Tavern for some reverie. Join us. 5 PM?"

Everyone, as you arrive:

The tavern is a solitary table in a large common room, a fire burning merrily in the corner. Janiven, the red-haired woman, greets each of you as you enter, beckoning you to take a seat at the table. She offers drinks to those as they wait, assuring each should they ask "You'll be home before nightfall, I promise."

2012-01-09, 10:31 PM
Well, you're not being arrested. Yet. That's probably a good thing. But how could he be a thorn... unless... Verse remains lost in thought until Janiven leaves. He decides to take up her offer, if only because it has the best chance of getting him out of trouble.

Verse enters the tavern and locates the rival of his mentor. He sits next to her, casually asking, "So, Jan -- May I call you Jan? Anyway, who actually names someone Bolsam Bosselfoot? I mean, really. It's like a name I'd come up with off the top of my head." He gives a big, beaming smile.

Knowledge Local

2012-01-09, 10:38 PM
Jack is displeased, the tavern is too small and feels like a trap. He finds a shadowy spot by one of the walls and prepares to listen or fade into shadows as things develop.

2012-01-09, 11:30 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phenomena dithers for the rest of her work shift. She is so upset and bewildered the the woman's visit that she takes ordered drinks to the wrong tables three times in a row.

Finally she goes to her nearby rat-hole apartment and picks out her attire for the meeting. She wears black, of course, but for this occasion she wears a black veil to hide her distinct features. She also carries her daggers with her.

On the way to Vizio's, Phenomena fingers the hilt of one of her daggers and mentally rehearses the words and gestures to her spells. She nervously looks over her shoulder a lot.

When she actually arrives at the tavern, her voice is listless as she speaks.

"I'll have just an ale, thanks."

She does not imbibe, though. She glances around to see if anyone sips and then keels over unconscious.

2012-01-10, 10:07 AM
Roland glances around at the group that's seated with him. Realizing that this will not be a private dinner between him and Janiven, he begins to wonder if this has a different purpose. It was clear to him from their brief conversation that she intended to focus on his mother's feelings about overthrowing the devil-worshiping elite.
What an interesting group to start a rebellion with. He sips at his drink. Inheritor protect us from what we are about to do...

2012-01-10, 11:46 AM
Janiven smiles to Verstand as he speaks. "A man with very little to lose." She offers ales all around, standing at the table to talk with others. Dinner is served by Janiven herself, a decent meal of meats, breads and beans. She glides to the corner that Jack resides, placing a plate before him as well. "Ailyn sends her regards," she whispers.

She becomes quiet, contemplative after dinner is served, gauging each at the time table silently. Nodding to herself, Janiven peers out the window by the door. She shutters said window once everyone has had a few bites to eat, locking the door even. She positions herself between where the main body of the group sits and Jack, drawing herself to stand tall and squaring her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, she finally welcomes all of you.

"Thank you all of coming - on such short notice for some. I have chosen each of you to be here for a singular reason—everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to
our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses has prospered—but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history—she is also her people." She pauses, quite obviously blushing with the zeal of her words.

"Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters! With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!”

Janiven's words are not something heard on the street, even not behind locked doors and her anxious eyes reveal her hope she had sought out the people. She looks to the pair of you, gauging your reactions and sympathies.

2012-01-10, 12:13 PM
Jack feels simultaneously moved and embarrassed by Janiven's words. He has had similar thoughts, but never so eloquent. And he recognizes that such words are very dangerous, leading logically to actions almost certain to be fatal.

I am crazy to even consider what this foolish woman has to say. It will almost certainly be the death of me, of her, of us all.

Jack smiles and approaches Janiven, nods his head and says:

Your argument is compelling, your words are true. You may count on Jack to keep your secrets, and to do what must be done.

He returns to his spot with his back against the wall, and re-examines the small tavern room for emergency exits.

She has invited six of us to this meeting, six people who it seems she hardly knows. What are the odds that at least one of them is a rat? I'm an idiot to have said anything.

2012-01-10, 02:32 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phen's voice is soft but quite clear; years on stage have taught her how to project her voice and capture an audience.

"I agree that living well in Westcrown can take some doing."

"But what do you want us to do about it? Perhaps others here are influential or powerful, but I am not. I'm just a waitress."

The others present can see her eyes darting about behind her veil, assessing the other people present as she speaks.

2012-01-10, 02:53 PM
Roland's stomach filled with anxiety. He hadn't expected her words to affect him so much. She'd hit the nail on the head. This city was living in fear. But what she proposed was monumental. Just a small group, trying to overcome an entire culture. A culture backed with money, magic, and devils. He lost himself momentarily in the overwhelming challenge. They were a handful, against a legion.

Suddenly, he remembered who he was. He was a paladin. A warrior called forth to do good. There was no room in his heart for fear. His sword is what brings justice and peace to the world. This is what he was called to do. No longer afraid by the future, Roland stands.

Placing one hand on the hilt of his sword, Rolands looks at the gathered companions, and finally at Janiven "Too long has darkness ruled this city. Too many mothers weep for children lost in the night. It is time to reclaim Westcrown in the name of its people. I am with you"

2012-01-10, 04:59 PM
Verstand shrinks in his seat. He whispers "Um, perhaps we should keep our voices down. Eavesdroppers tend to focus on the most interesting conversations... and this definitely qualifies." He pauses, looking around.

"To answer the waitress' question, I'm not of much importance myself. A farmer's boy, come to the city to make a modest life for myself." The more suspicious and observant can detect a bit of a smirk at that last part. "To be honest, unless someone speaks to the contrary, it may be our relative anonymity, and our... positions regarding the law... that attracted Janiven to us in the first place." He turns back to Janiven. "That said, I'm not in the business of honorable suicide, so I'll need to know what exactly you expect us to be doing in service of our fair city."

2012-01-10, 08:07 PM
Janiven smiles with Jack and Roland's affirmations of help, giving them thankful nods. "But that's actually just what we need!" she exclaims at Phenomena. "You're familiar with the people, the city. Those of influence wish to further their influence only. Not help the suffering people." She nods to Verstand. "You have a fair question. We will start with the shadow beasts, but it may take some time and... political manipulations on our part. But this much I can promise," she continues, turning her gaze to everyone present, "I aim to unite this people again. I want to be proud of Westcrown again."

King Tius
2012-01-10, 10:22 PM
Faelyn nods as Janiven speaks, clearly agreeing with her. "I will help in whatever way I can. How will politics help us fight the beasts outside? I fear that talking may do little to sway the creatures in the night."

2012-01-10, 10:39 PM
I... I feel this is a cause i could really get behind. A real and true opportunity to show the true worth that some of my blood can achieve.

With that Alexander pulls back his hood, a gesture of friendliness from him.

How exactly will we go about dealing with the shadow beasts is my wonder. They are certainly the most vile and prominent of the dangers faced here.

2012-01-10, 11:22 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phen gives a start as Alexander withdraws his hood and reveals his blackened face and small horns.

She reassesses the chances of this being a setup and concludes it might not be; no con game would include a tiefling. Too many people were superstitious and refused to have anything to do with the spawn of Hell.

With some pauses for hesitation, Phenomena takes off her veil and looks around. Her features are beautiful and half-elven, and her eyes are large, moist, and violet.

"All right. This fair damsel knows her cue. It's not for beauty true to hide its face and serve the dark. Dispelling cursed shadow beasts will be a lovely lark."

She does not smile, though, and her eyes keep moving from one face to the other probingly.

2012-01-10, 11:43 PM
I seems we are all agreed. Or close enough.

Jack glares at Verstand.

Now what?

2012-01-11, 12:11 PM
"Not speaking at them, dear girl. Finding what causes the beasts to roam, how to stop them," Janiven answers Faelyn's question off the top of her head.

She looks around the table, biting her lip as she nods. She takes the seventh chair, turning it around to straddle it as she sits with the party. "My plans are vague still, but-"

She's rudely interrupted by a loud, frantic banging at the locked door behind her. She stands, motioning her company to be quiet before approaching the window. She moves the shutter aside, her brow furrowing upon seeing the caller. She unlocks the door with haste, in tumbles a teen-aged tiefling, doubling over short of breath.

"They have Arael!" he exclaims when Janiven has slammed the door shut, locking it again.

"They what?" Janiven questions the boy.

The teenager gasps as he regains his composure for the briefest of moments before he speaks again. "The dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There's a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just made it here now; they might already have us surrounded!"

Janiven frowns for the first time since you've met and looks again outside. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems our meeting has been cut short."

Perception check DC 15:
You hear the sound of clanking, heavy armor from outside the tavern affirming the boys words that he was followed.

2012-01-11, 12:29 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Phenomena Plath

Phenomena's pale cheeks flush with color and she asks the boy, "Where is this Arael and what does he look like? How many dottari have him?"

She sounds quite excited.

2012-01-11, 12:36 PM

The boy has led them right to us. Sounds like armored Hellknights. Do we bluff, fight or run?

Jack draws rapier and dagger, and fades back in the darkest part of the room, prepared to either ambush the enemy or withdraw through the most promising exit.

2012-01-11, 03:37 PM

"Well i suppose that clinking noise is them then. I don't fancy our odds of taking them in a fight, are there any other options?"

As he speaks Alexander stands and pulls his duelists blade forth from his cloak, clearly prepared to fight if he must.

2012-01-11, 05:55 PM
Janiven moves with what can only be described as grace. She races behind the bar, stooping and pulling open a trap door covered by a fur pelt rug.

"Come, all of you. We'll take the sewer to the safehouse. It will buy us time at least!"

2012-01-11, 06:07 PM
The sewers never looked so good.

Jack leads the way.

King Tius
2012-01-11, 10:15 PM
Faelyn reaches for her bow but leaves it on her quiver as the trap door is revealed. She moves to the door quickly and drops down, waiting until she is safely below to draw her bow.

"Lead the way! We'll have a better chance against them in the sewers."

2012-01-11, 11:03 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phenomena looks panicked upon hearing confirmation that Hellknights are after them here at Vizio's. She whimpers.

"But we can't fight them here. Too many people would die."

And she looks inexplicably down at her soft bare hands, her expression one of dread.

Janiven moves with what can only be described as grace. She races behind the bar, stooping and pulling open a trap door covered by a fur pelt rug.

"Come, all of you. We'll take the sewer to the safehouse. It will buy us time at least!"

Then Phen's expression changes to one of relief.

"Yes. Sewers. So much better than fighting here."

She rushes to join the exodus down the trap door.

2012-01-12, 12:16 AM
Verstand silently follows Janiven down to the sewers. Can't be much worse than working with the pigs...

2012-01-12, 08:36 AM
I've hear it said that the sewers can smell better then the city depending on your point of view.

Alexander follows, not putting his blade away.

2012-01-12, 09:47 AM
Roland pushes his simple cloak out of his way. He draws his longsword, and arms his shield. He waits until last to go down the tunnel, standing facing the door, prepared to defend everyone.

If no one comes in, he'll move down the trap last.

2012-01-12, 11:10 AM
Roland stands watch as the others leave to the hammering at the locked door. "LET US IN BY THE ORDER OF THE WESTCROWN HELLKNIGHTS!"

Janiven jumps into the sewers as soon as all are present, pulling the hide rug with her over the trap door. She uses a small dowel to 'lock' the door. Above, the sound of heavy boots stomp around. Morisono, with the group below, lights a torch some ten feet away, shedding light into the sewers.

Westcrown’s sewer system is a marvel of ancient engineering, designed by the same geniuses who built the Arch of Aroden in Corentyn that spans that outlet of the inner sea. Though Westcrown is barely above sea level, the cleverly designed sewer tunnels continue to carry Westcrown’s filth away, and for the most part, citizens never think about the sanitation process that keeps the city relatively free of waste-borne illness. Individual tunnels are buttressed and rarely more than 5 feet high, forcing taller characters to stoop but not otherwise hindering most activity. Most tunnels are 10 feet wide, with a 3-foot-deep trench for sewage and water taking up half that width—even at peak flow the water level is an inch or more below the level of the walking side of the tunnel. The smell is horrendous, as would be expected, and the tunnels themselves dark without light, save the torch Morisono holds.

"Come on," Janiven says in a whisper. "They'll search the tavern for a few minutes, giving us a head start." She moves to an intersection, her hands on the wall in search of... something. "Here it is," she breaths a sigh of relief. She pulls a corner stone from the edge and pulls out a box which she passes to the one closest to her. "There should be enough for everyone. Watch for these signs, they'll point you to the safehouse. Now, let's move."

I need Perception checks from everyone. DC 20 actually sees the marker Janiven points out, otherwise you're not able to spot it. I also need a Knowledge Religion check (no ranks is fine - it's DC 10). If you saw the marker with the Perception check, you recognize it as the holy symbol of Iomedae with the sword pointing down the passage.

Finally, everyone add three potions of Cure Light Wounds to your inventory.

2012-01-12, 12:04 PM
I need Perception checks from everyone. DC 20 actually sees the marker Janiven points out, otherwise you're not able to spot it. I also need a Knowledge Religion check (no ranks is fine - it's DC 10). If you saw the marker with the Perception check, you recognize it as the holy symbol of Iomedae with the sword pointing down the passage.

Perception [roll0]

Jack whispers:Look, there is a sword symbol of some sort pointing the way

2012-01-12, 01:56 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Knowledge (Religion)(untrained): [roll1]

Phenomena Plath

Phen accepts the vials of potion gladly.

"Wow. Thanks!"

She is woefully underequipped for this venture. Since she was not expecting to travel far, she brought no equipment whatsoever except for her daggers. Thus the potion vials were exceptionally valuable to her.

2012-01-12, 02:00 PM
Perception [roll0]
Knowledge Religion [roll1]
Do I need to make the roll? It'd be rather silly if I didn't recognize my own deity's symbol...

Edit: Well it doesn't matter anyway, because I didn't spot it

Roland takes the potions and pockets them inside his cloak. "I'm willing to take point, if someone with sharper eyes would like spot out where we need to go." He tactfully looks at the tiefling, suspecting he has darkvision.

2012-01-12, 02:13 PM
Perception [roll0]
K: Religion [roll1]Verstand stares at the potions for a moment. "I suppose we'll be needing these shortly." He sighs and continues to follow Janiven. What have I gotten myself into...

2012-01-12, 02:14 PM
Making the rolls, ill shape my post after

If i make the spot ill take ten

Alexander murmurs thanks and slips the potions into his cloak with his free hand, and glances about the darkness. "Don't look at me, im lucky to find my own pants in the morning, but i can help you see better."

With that he raises one gloved hand to Roland's sword. If Roland does not protest the sword begins to glow much brighter shedding light as if a torch.

2012-01-12, 08:20 PM
The party hurries from the tavern's entrance to the sewers, the sounds of the Hellknights above finally fading. Janiven leads the party around a few corners, following the figures. She finally insists the party leads, in case the Hellknights come from behind and she takes up the rear of the procession.

The party comes upon a T in the path, and as they had before, begin searching for the marker.

Perception Checks from all.

2012-01-12, 10:23 PM


2012-01-12, 11:00 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Phenomena Plath

Phenomena keeps wrinkling her nose. Clutching her dagger in one hand, her other hand is laid over her pouch so that the vials of potion in them do not clink too much and make noise that might give the party away.

"The smell is awful! Foetid stench of the foul Abyss, it smells like."

Making the rolls, ill shape my post after

If i make the spot ill take ten

Alexander murmurs thanks and slips the potions into his cloak with his free hand, and glances about the darkness. "Don't look at me, im lucky to find my own pants in the morning, but i can help you see better."

With that he raises one gloved hand to Roland's sword. If Roland does not protest the sword begins to glow much brighter shedding light as if a torch.

Phen glances sharply at Alexander as he casts his spell. Her wide violet eyes widen in interest and she smiles for the first time since she stepped into Vizio's.

2012-01-12, 11:28 PM
More... intense smelling than the pigs. Didn't know that was possible.

Perception [roll0]

2012-01-12, 11:32 PM
Roland nods as his sword is lit as their beacon. Neat trick. Wish I could do that...

He marches the group forward, eyes and ears alert for any movement.

Perception [roll0]

2012-01-13, 06:59 AM

Alexander falls into place, keeping his sword In hand.

2012-01-13, 01:33 PM
It's Roland who finds the marker this time, pointing the way. The sewers seem to continue for ever, and even at one point you swear you hear the pounding footsteps of metal armor following you. The party turns a corner, finding themselves in another long corridor. The first door you've seen is on the left, another corridor on the right. Before much is able to be done, the clanking footsteps are heard again, then they stop. They start again, this time more slowly, becoming louder and louder.

Initiative rolls
Phenomena: [roll0]
Jack: [roll1]
Roland: [roll2]
Faelyn: [roll3]
Verstand: [roll4]
Alexander: [roll5]

You do not see anything as of yet, but it is quite obvious that someone is aware of you.

Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%202/2combat1.jpg)

Initiative Order

2012-01-13, 01:55 PM
As the hairs on Alexanders neck begin to stand up he takes a wary stance, prepared to strike at the first thing he sees.

I'm holding my action till i see something i can stab.

2012-01-13, 02:36 PM
Phenomena Plath

Looking back and forth as she tries to figure out from which direction the clanking boots are coming, Phenomena softly frets.

"In such a narrow corridor, only one person can meet an enemy head on. The rest have to attack over the front person's shoulders or something."

She hesitates, then speaks.

"When they come for us, I want... no, need to be in the second rank."

She tries to smile and only half-succeeds.

"Please? It'll be a good idea, I promise. Or it should be, anyway."

Phenomena is trying to recall what she knows about the Hellknights, especially combatwise.

She is also trying to recall what sort of people wander around in the sewers.

The first Knowledge (Local) check is for the Hellknights issue. The second is for the sewers issue.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

Knowledge (Local): [roll1]

If other Knowledges apply, Moonlight, please let me know so I can roll for them if I have them. :smallsmile:

2012-01-13, 05:30 PM
Phenomena Plath

Then Phen says, "Oh, wait. No, that wouldn't work. Never mind, forget what I said about me being near the front."

She looks and sounds embarrassed.

2012-01-13, 08:20 PM
"Ugh, here they come." Verstand delays.

2012-01-13, 08:58 PM
My actions depend on Roland.

If Roland stays still I will hide in shadows behind him, ready to strike by surprise the first enemy to enter square P8.

If Roland moves forward I will move forward and try to open the door to the left, maybe I can find a line of escape or some new exciting monsters to fight.

If another party member enters P8, and Roland doesn't move, I will withdraw to the back rank to protect the rear.

King Tius
2012-01-14, 12:39 AM
Fae draws an arrow and notches it, waiting for an enemy to co,e within 30 feet to fire.

She whispers to the others: "My master taught me to shoot through branches, fences, and even his legs. Don't worry, I won't hit you by mistake."

Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot ftw!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-01-15, 08:18 PM
Roland steadies himself, reasoning that this was just as good as any of a place to fight. "Brace yourselves" he hisses.

2012-01-15, 08:31 PM
Don't worry Roland I've got your back.

2012-01-16, 02:23 PM
The party readies themselves, Faelyn knocking an arrow on her bow should she get a clear shot. Around the corner ahead, five Hellknights step out, weapons drawn and ready. Faelyn takes her shot, her aim true yet the arrow plinks off the heavy, blackened armor of the Hellknight.

Two bolts whiz past the party, its target Faelyn and Roland.

Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%202/2Combat1-2.jpg)

On Faelyn
Crossbow Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit):[roll1]

On Roland
Crossbow Attack: [roll2]
Damage (if a hit):[roll3]

Positions (for your reference)
Hellknight1: O10
Hellknight2: O14
Hellknight3: P10
Hellknight4: P14
Hellknight5: P13

2012-01-16, 03:03 PM
Jack remains in place ready to sneak attack the Hellknight advancing through the muck towards Roland.

2012-01-16, 07:40 PM
Verstand takes a step back (O2) and begins casting a spell.

DM or Spellcraft 16Sleep

2012-01-16, 09:30 PM
Now that the enemy is clear Alexander moves forward to p8 and prepares an attack at the first person to step in range.

Attack [roll]1d20+5[roll]
Damage [roll0]
I miss typed the attack roll, so that i can avoid any double posting ill post it in the occ. It was a 20 to hit.

2012-01-16, 10:20 PM
As Alexander has occupied the square Jack was prepared to sneak attack Jack will instead retreat to the rear of the column, and wait to ambush anything that may approach us from the rear.

2012-01-16, 11:22 PM
Phenomena Plath

In this desperate hour, Phen does not dare let her guard down. Concentrating on avoiding attack, she raises her hands and begins to chant, focusing on one of the crossbow-wielding Hellknights as she seeks to make him loyal to her.

Phenomena is casting Charm Person on one of the crossbow wielders. I can't tell which one uses what weapons, so I simply ask Moonlight to pick one randomly.

DC for a defensive casting is 17. Phen has +8 due to her being level 1, Charisma 17, and the feat Combat Casting.

Concentration: [roll0]

Unfortunately her concentration fizzles and her spell fails when she loses concentration.

She cries out to the Hellknights and especially the one she is enchanting, "Stop, stop! If you keep firing your weapons, you might hit me!"

2012-01-17, 10:27 AM
Roland barely manages to get his shield up in time to block the crossbow bolt coming towards him. Deflecting it, he takes a resolute step forward. "For the Inheritor!" he bellows, swinging his longsword in an overhanded sweep.

Roland moves to O9
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

King Tius
2012-01-17, 01:17 PM
Now with a clear view of her enemies, Fae fires twice in rapid succession, holding her ground.

In light of recent Cover rules discussions, Fae will try and aim for a Hellknight that doesn't have cover. Since she has Precise Shot it doesn't matter if that Hellknight is in melee. If necessary she will take her five foot step to the right to get a clearer shot.

Ranged Flurry of Blows!
(If enemy is within 30 feet, add +1 to both attack and damage for each)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2012-01-17, 05:22 PM
Alexander moves ahead, his blade finding a hole in the Hellknight's armor when he steps forward. Faelyn's arrows whiz over the heads of Roland and Alexander, missing their marks. Phenomena manages to earn herself some odd looks and two trained crossbows on her as behind, Verstand casts a spell. Roland's wide arching attacks comes down the side of the Hellknight's armor, bouncing harmlessly along the plates. Jack moves to protect Verstand and watch the rear.

The Hellknights move into position, two toe-to-toe with Roland and Alexander while the others shoot between legs and armor in hopes of any kind of hit.

New Map! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%202/2Combat1-3.jpg)

Verstand, just tell me what intersection you're targeting for the burst and I'll put it on the next map.

On Roland
Hellknight1 (O9): [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

On Alexander
Hellknight3 (P9): [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

Hellknight5 (P13) - Firing into Melee: [roll4]
Damage (if a hit): [roll5]

On Phenomena
Hellknight2 (O14): [roll6]
Damage (if a hit): [roll7]

Hellknight4 (P14): [roll8]
Damage (if a hit): [roll9]

2012-01-17, 06:38 PM
DMCentered at O/P 13/14. 10' radius, Will Save DC 17, 4 HD max.

2012-01-17, 10:09 PM
Saves for the round vs. Sleep
Hellknight2: [roll0]
Hellknight4: [roll1]
Hellknight5: [roll2]

New map including the sleep AoE (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v53/SweetCharity2005/CoT%20-%20Group%202/2Combat1-4.jpg).

2012-01-17, 10:18 PM
Nice work Verstand!

2012-01-17, 11:15 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phenomena drops to the dirty sewer floor, bleeding badly from her two crossbow wounds.

Dying, at -8 hit points now.

2012-01-18, 12:59 AM
Jack gently feeds a cure light wounds potion to the unconscious Phen.


King Tius
2012-01-18, 08:41 AM
Seeing the three hellknights fall asleep brings a smile to Fae's face. She draws two more arrows, aiming for the injured Hellknight.

Ranged Flurry of Blows!
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2012-01-18, 11:03 AM
Roland grunts as the Hellknight leaves a long gash on his leg. His determined face breaks momentarily as the pain surges through his body. Grimacing now, he swings again at his assiliant, not speaking this time.

Attacking O9 again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-01-18, 01:35 PM
Alexander shifts his weight, trying more to keep safe then to strike a telling blow.

Fighting defensivly so -4 to hit +2 to ac
and yea i know i butchered defensivley but my phone refuses to admit its a word.

2012-01-18, 02:02 PM
Phenomena Plath

As the potion trickles down her throat, Phen's wounds stop gushing blood, but she still looks very pale and she does not regain consciousness.

At -6 hit points and stabilized.

2012-01-18, 07:06 PM
Verstand begins casting another spell. The incantations sound familiar to last time.

DM, Spellcraft DC 16Sleep again.

2012-01-19, 01:12 PM
Alexander and Faelyn both miss their targets, their respective weapons both grazing off the chain of the Hellknight's armor. Verstand begins the incantation of another spell. Phenomena's life hangs on the edge until Jack comes over to heal her. Roland attacks the Hellknight before him, swinging widely again with a miss.

Phen: I do need you to roll a stabilization check as your turn falls before Jack's in the init order. DC 10 Con check with a penalty of your previous -HP total. You'll still heal and be stabilized by the potion after Jack's turn.

Verstand: same as before, let me know the origin point of your spell please.

I'll update the map after I know that.

Now, for rolls:

On Roland
Hellkinght1: [roll0]
Damage (if a hit): [roll1]

On Alexander
Hellkinght3: [roll2]
Damage (if a hit): [roll3]

2012-01-19, 01:32 PM
Constitution check at -8 hit points: [roll0]

2012-01-19, 03:15 PM
DMThe last map is accurate, right? If so, O/P 10/11

King Tius
2012-01-19, 03:25 PM
Fae, determined to do some good, draws and double fires again.

Ranged Flurry of Blows!
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2012-01-19, 06:40 PM
Will saves vs. sleep

Hellknight1: [roll0]
Hellknight3: [roll1]

Unless anyone is going to attack the Hellknights, a few of them even snore as they sleep. One threatens to fall into the muck, their arm and leg hanging precariously over the edge of the walkway.

You can use a perception check to try and find the next marker.

And, for the record: the 17 you rolled King T. would hit. :)

2012-01-19, 09:18 PM
Roland swings again, swiping at the hellknight with his sword

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-01-20, 12:17 AM
"Wait, you're going to wake them up. Besides, killing a man while he's asleep is a bit cold, even if it's a Hellknight. Let's just tie them up and let them sort it out. I bet they have rope, or even manacles..."

King Tius
2012-01-20, 08:48 AM
Fae quickly goes about trying to retrieve her arrows (and not wake the Hellknights in the process.

"Does anyone have rope? I agree we should tie them up and make ourselves scarce."

2012-01-20, 12:08 PM
Roland realizes the man is asleep midswing. He catches himself to avoid hurting the prone man. He looks embarassed. "Good spell, that. Caught me off guard."
He coughs into his shield, hiding his red face.
"How long does this spell last? Perhaps we should just make a run for it. I do have some rope, if we want to tie them up...."

2012-01-20, 02:42 PM
"A few minutes at best. Perhaps you're right; it would be best if we just got out of here. But I would check them to see if they have manacles first. That's fast." I hope they didn't see my face... Verstand starts checking the sleeping hellknights.

2012-01-20, 05:30 PM
Jack prepares to carry Phenomena Plath.

Anyone have any healing for the elf? Or should we just use some potions?

2012-01-20, 09:50 PM
Little is found on the Hellknights themselves: their weapons, armor, some rope and a potion of Cure Light Wounds on a few.

The party has an additional 2 potions of cure Light Wounds.

When players are ready to move on, roll a perception check to try finding the next marker, or an Intelligence check to recall which way you had come from.

2012-01-20, 09:55 PM
Jack appropriates one of the Hellknight's cure potions for himself, to make up for the one he used, and takes the other and feeds it to Phen.


2012-01-20, 11:27 PM
I guess we are not in combat rounds anymore so perhaps it is reasonable for Jack to take another action. If not I can always delete the post.

Jack feeds Phen another potion. While he would like to use one of hers, it seems a little much to be feeling around her unconscious body seeking out potion bottles. So instead he uses one of his own.


2012-01-21, 12:53 AM
Phenomena Plath

Phen wakes up. She looks around woozily at all the people looking down at her or at something else out of her line of sight.

"Why does it smell so bad? Did I drink too much again?"

Then she sits up, looks down at herself, and she blanches and shrieks.

"Ah! I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding!"

Her hands cover the holes in her dress and futilely try to stanch the (nonexistent) flows of blood gushing from her body.

2012-01-21, 01:26 PM
Alex reaches forward to stop Phenomena from hurting herself again in her panic.

Your ok, your ok. We gave you some healing potions. We need to get moving before more people get here.

Once she calms down he offers her a hand to get back up.

2012-01-21, 01:41 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phen takes the incredibly ugly tiefling's hand and smiles gratefully.

"Thank you."

Then she sees the Hellknights. She takes the opportunity to take her hand out of the fellow's hand.

"Oh, they're dead. Wait, no... My sharp elven eyes see clearly even in this dank sewer. They're only sleeping."

She looks at the others.

"Why are they still alive?"

2012-01-22, 06:07 PM
Roland looks at Phen. "They have been defeated. Isn't that enough? Killing them now would be murder." He pauses, trying not to appear as if he was lecturing. "If we are ready, we should move on."

2012-01-22, 06:51 PM
We can kill them or spare them, it matters not to me.

Damsel, I'd drink a healing potion if I were you, you look like you need it.

Anyway we should get moving, tarrying here will get us all killed.

perception, seeking the next marker:


2012-01-22, 09:53 PM
Roland looks at Phen. "They have been defeated. Isn't that enough? Killing them now would be murder." He pauses, trying not to appear as if he was lecturing. "If we are ready, we should move on."

Phen speaks right back to Roland.

"They saw our faces. They can identify us. My features are quite distinctive, as are his and this guy's and even yours."

She nods first to Verstand, then to Alexander, then to Roland.

"If we let them live, they give our descriptions to the police. We get arrested on sight. Our families may be taken hostage to force our submission."

She pauses, then adds.

"Well, your families anyway. Mine are dead."

Then her voice becomes even hotter.

"Besides, I don't remember any mercy on their parts when they shot two crossbow bolts into my smooth, lithe and beautiful body. When I pled for mercy, did they show any? Not one jot."

"So, you either let me slice their throats or you -actively- permit them and more like them to shoot more bolts into my heart in the future. I prefer self-defense against those who would murder me. Which will it be, hmm?"

2012-01-22, 10:13 PM
Jack carefully considers her argument.

My face is quit unremarkable, and I was in back, it is highly unlikely that I was recognized. On the other hand the girl's argument seems compelling. Especially the 'smooth, lithe and beautiful body' part. Into which I have already invested three healing potions.

Jack speaks:

The damsel has the right of it. I would hate to have anything bad happen to her or any of the rest of you, should these nasty Hellknights report on us.

Jack begins to cut throats.

2012-01-23, 12:52 PM
While one can visibly see Alex finds the killing of the knights distasteful he chooses instead to take that time to do a thorough search for the next marker.


2012-01-23, 02:37 PM

Roland grimaces as the sounds of dying men reach his ears. His thoughts echo loudly in his ears, yet not moving past his mouth. They have families too. If we kill them, we are not any better than them. We must be the change we want to see. Instead, he swallows his feelings, and avoids looking at the others.

Instead, he searches for the next symbol. His cheeks are flushed at the thought that it is the very symbol of those who taught him his ideals. It burns like a mockery in his face. I've chosen a different path than these. I must be the example. Perhaps I can influence them someday. Today is not that day. Today, we must move on and live to see that "someday".

Perception: [roll0]

King Tius
2012-01-23, 04:07 PM
Faelyn Sindori
The young elven woman watches silently as the Hellknights are slaughtered. Her face grows even paler and she shakes her head as tears begin to appear and slide down her cheeks.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" She asks, sniffling as she wipes her cheeks with her non-bow hand. "I'd never shot a person before today, and now we are butchering them like livestock?"

She cleans her arrows off and returns them to her quiver, all the crying but making no sounds. She clamps her eyes shut and wipes away the tears again, trying to get her bearings as to where they are. Truth be told Fae had never been underground before, either. It was truly turning into a day of firsts.

Perception: [roll0]

2012-01-24, 12:33 AM
Verstand seemed lost in panicked thought and only speaks up once Jack starts slitting the guards' throats. If only he could have spoken sooner. "Ugh, killing in cold blood... And now what? Before, we were just a random group of malcontents running from the guard. In this light, maybe they recognize our features, many of which we can easily change. Maybe we lay low for a while, and they stop looking for us. Now we're killers - killers of hellknights, no less. We have to make sure no one figures out what happened, or half of Cheliax will be on us soon enough. That's right - if you're gonna slit their throats, you'll have to hide the bodies, too. This teaches me to leave anyone helpless in front of you all..."

2012-01-24, 02:37 AM
Alex looks to Verstand, "I wouldn't call this cold blooded, this is more lukewarm blooded. They were trying to kill us just moments ago, and given the chance they would do worse to us. I wish we could just tie them up here and leave them, but they could too easily track us down with what they have seen here. This is what rebellion is i guess."

2012-01-24, 10:42 AM
Verstand seemed lost in panicked thought and only speaks up once Jack starts slitting the guards' throats. If only he could have spoken sooner. "Ugh, killing in cold blood... And now what? Before, we were just a random group of malcontents running from the guard. In this light, maybe they recognize our features, many of which we can easily change. Maybe we lay low for a while, and they stop looking for us. Now we're killers - killers of hellknights, no less. We have to make sure no one figures out what happened, or half of Cheliax will be on us soon enough. That's right - if you're gonna slit their throats, you'll have to hide the bodies, too. This teaches me to leave anyone helpless in front of you all..."

Phenomena Plath

Phen shakes her head.

"You don't look in a mirror much, do you? You're too good looking to hide easily. So am I."

"And he" she nods to Alexander, "is much much too distinctive to hide. What with the black face and horns and all."

She pauses and ponders when Verstand mentions hiding the bodies.

"I might be able to get rid of the bodies if you all help me take the armor off first."

Phenomena waits until Jack is done killing the hellknights, then she begins stripping the bodies of metal.

2012-01-24, 10:55 AM
Jack, although unsure of what Phen intends, assists with stripping the corpses.

Whatever we are going to do we should hurry, before we encounter another group of Hellknights.

King Tius
2012-01-24, 01:25 PM
Fae regains her composure and knocks an arrow, keeping a sharp ear out for any more company.

OOC: If possible, I'd love to use my nat 20 perception to find where to go next to ALSO listen for more hellknights...

2012-01-25, 07:32 AM
Blood begins to mix and swirl with the muck in the sewer, and what was once filth now appears almost vile to the sight. Jack makes quick work of the sleeping forms as Phen begins to strip them of their armors. She has a bit of difficulty with the limp bodies in chain shirts but is able to manage.

Meanwhile, of those looking for the next marker, it is Faelyn who finds it, pointing down the passage the Hellknights came from. She finds herself standing under a street grate, some 40 feet above and she vaguely hears the heavy sounds of footsteps as she had before the Hellknights bursted into the tavern.

2012-01-25, 08:31 AM
Jack looks up towards the street gate. Does he see metal rungs or some other way up? Does it look climbable? Does the grate look moveable?

Perception check if necessary:[roll0]

2012-01-25, 10:06 AM
Phenomena Plath

Once the metal armor and weapons are taken away from the dead Hellknights, Phen first drags the corpses so that they are relatively close to each other, and then she motions at the other party members and Janiven.

"Everyone stand back. I've never done this before. I pray to Shelyn that this works."

When everyone is away from the corpses, she raises her hands before her and begins chanting and gesturing. In seconds, a cone of red fire flows from her hands over all the corpses.

Phenomena is casting Burning Hands on the corpses, trying to catch them all in the area of effect.

She wants to burn the bodies to cinders, but she'll settle for rendering them unidentifiable.

If the first casting does not work, she'll try a second casting.

When the magical fire dies, she waves her hands in front of her face and comes closer to see how much the fire has altered the bodies.

King Tius
2012-01-26, 03:17 PM
Fae drops to a crouch and points towards the grate.

"I hear Hellknights. We need to move. This way."

She points towards the next marker but waits for someone else to take point.

2012-01-27, 10:15 PM
The faces of the Hellknights are still recognizable, though the magical fire does seem to have the effect Phen is looking for.

One more and it'll be satisfactory.

2012-01-27, 11:24 PM
Phenomena Plath

Phenomena peers quickly.

"One more time..."

She does the sequence of words and gestures again, and again bright red flame flows forth.

Casting Burning Hands again.

"Now they're unidentifiable and ashy. Push them and the armor into the sewers. Carry the weapons away if you like. Sell them later."

With or without help from the others, Phenomena starts pushing charred corpses into the sewer water, and carefully does the same to the armor.

When all the nonportable evidence has been submerged and disposed of, she then picks up a couple of crossbows and bolt quivers.

2012-01-27, 11:28 PM
Did someone say something about weapons? Good idea, I could use a better missile weapon.

Jack grabs a couple of crossbows and a quiver of bolts.

2012-01-30, 10:50 AM
As soon as everyone is ready, Roland takes point, leading in the direction that Fae noted.

2012-01-30, 04:37 PM
Alex takes up a position at the rear when the group begins moving again.

2012-01-30, 04:43 PM
Jack follows Roland.

2012-01-31, 10:56 AM
The party continues along the passageways, Faelyn pointing the way at the moment. The running sewage leave little to the imagination with its stench and the lack of light in the sewers means each step is precarious. The party finds itself at another junture and when they turn to look for Janiven and the tiefling boy, they find them mysteriously gone.

Perception checks to find the next marker. DC 20.

2012-01-31, 11:16 AM
Phenomena Plath

Phen cries out in shock, "Where did they go?"

Perception: [roll0]

While she and the others look for the next marker, Phenomena does some cleaning. She gestures and murmurs a spell.

Casting Prestidigitation. Intention is to first clean everyone off of blood.

The blood drying and coating Phen's clothes and body slowly but visibly vanish into thin air.

Then she points at Roland, and the blood from his wounds also begin to vanish.

2012-01-31, 05:52 PM

Looking around in shock, Roland finds it hard to believe they lost some of their party. "Quick, look around. Does anyone know where they went? Anyone have any magic to try and find them?"

King Tius
2012-01-31, 09:49 PM

"Should we backtrack and look for them? Those Hellknights are likely to be awake by now."

Go Go Elven Sight!: [roll0]

2012-02-01, 05:13 PM
"Well. That's ominous. I hope this wasn't some elaborate trap we just walked into killing those knights. "


2012-02-01, 05:26 PM

My guess is the hellknights will be asleep for awhile longer. I suggest we keep moving, perhaps the other two moved on while we looted the bodies. The best thing is to keep following the markers.

2012-02-02, 02:19 AM
Phenomena Plath

Cognizant of the approaching footsteps, Phenomena silently points out the next marker.

She whispers, "There."

Around her, blood continues to disappear from the rest of the party's clothes, cleaned magically by Phen's spell.