View Full Version : Heavy Undead Campaign. Level 3-6?

2012-01-08, 10:58 PM
My group is is level 3, well, two of us are still barely level 2, but we about 90% through an abandoned crypt i made, mostly to test the waters at how the group handled it, and it went well enough. We ended the session having to hunker down in a locked room, over night. We had a shadow encounter first off, that made the rest of the fights drag on. Simple ones like zombies and skeletons.

Once we are done though, we'll make our way into two other entrances to this place that are occupied by a bandit gang. I foresee most of us being close to level 4 at the end of it all, if not some of us being level 4.

I do what to have a session where we know well ahead of time, the dungeon will be crawling with undead (maybe a city that's being haunted and tormented by undead that just wont seem to stop rising from graveyard near the outskirts of the city and so on.)

Any good modules that can be easily adapted?

2012-01-09, 12:13 AM
Off the top of my head, some of the early adventures in the Age of Worms Adventure Path might fit the bill.

2012-01-09, 10:03 AM
Found it (thanks wiki! lol), it looks interesting. I'll give that a shot, thanks!

2012-01-10, 01:27 AM
Oh man, this campaign is better than I thought. the PF guys give you all the web supplements for free. I kinda feel bad for not going pathfinder now lol. This is really good quality stuff.

Did WOTC own paizo at one time or something?

2012-01-10, 01:49 AM
Oh man, this campaign is better than I thought. the PF guys give you all the web supplements for free. I kinda feel bad for not going pathfinder now lol. This is really good quality stuff.

Did WOTC own paizo at one time or something?

Paizo used to be the people who did Dragon and Dungeon Magazine, licensed by WotC. Dungeon Magazine did the Adventure Paths before Pathfinder.