View Full Version : Help me stat up a Lich!

2012-01-09, 01:51 AM
So! In my Pathfinder campaign, the DM has begun taking characters back to their respective hometowns, tying in backstory elements to the campaign. This is cool. The downside is my character has a backstory that includes a level 12 gnome illusionist who became a lich, and has a large, heavilly trapped dungeon full of undead.

While I'd normally gleefully stat him up myself, I believe player-creating-villain is too prone to me metagaming it. (I know all the abilities of my party, I'd probably overlook things that I know wouldn't work, etc.)

So, given the need for a well-built villain that could challenge a party, without actually having knowledge of that party (Because this lich does not, he's mostly busy fighting a red dragon.) I approach the playground and ask for help putting him together!

Here's the rules I'm playing under:

The lich uses the Elite array (Before becomming a Lich).
Pathfinder sources and Dungeonscape only. (Other sources may be allowed, but would have to clear with the DM first, adding a third step to this.)
The lich starts out as a Gnome Illusionist, becomes a lich at 12th level.
Evocation and Conjuration are his "Prohibited" schools. Like that means anything anymore.
This Lich was undeadified on unholy ground, and gets 120 HP (12 maximized D8+Cha)

Everything else is currently up for grabs. If you were a 2,000 year old Lich that hates Kobolds and Dragons, what would your sheet look like?

2012-01-10, 01:55 PM
Here's what I have so far:

HP: 120
DEX: 12 AC: 16 (10+ Armor: Shield: Size:+1 Natural:+5 Deflection:)
CON: - Speed: 20
INT: 20
WIS: 16
CHA: 15

Fort: (Base:+4 Ability:0 Other:)
Ref: (Base:+4 Ability:+1 Other:)
Will (Base:+8 Ability:+3 Other:)

Base Attack: +6/+1

Appraise: +20
Craft (Trap): +22
Fly: +16
Knowledge (Arcana): +22
Spellcraft: +22

Feats and Special Abilities:
Arcane Bond
Arcane School (Illusion)
Scribe Scroll
Spell Focus: Illusion
Greater Spell Focus
Invisible Spell
Craft Wonderous Item
Retributive Strike
Still Spell
Silent Spell
Eschew Materials

Gnome Traits:
Low Light Vision
Gnome Magic (+1 Illusion DC)
1/day: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak With Animals
Illusion Resistance (+2 to saves)
Keen Senses: +2 to Perception
Obsessive: +2 to Craft: Trap

Lich traits:
+5 Natural Armor
Darkvision 60
Life Sight
Channel Resistance +4
Paralyzing Touch
Grave Touch (9/Day)
Power over Undead (9/Day)
Fear Aura (5HD or less only)
DR 15/Bludgeoning and Magic
Immunity: Cold, Electric, Polymorph, Mind Effecting
Perception, Stealth, Sense Motive +8

Daily Spells:
4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2 Base
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Specialist
2, 1, 1, 1, 1 Ability

1st: 7
2nd: 6
3rd: 6
4th: 5
5th: 5
6th: 3


48 HD of Undead minions

What I'd like:
-Some suggestions on how to break down the undead minions. I really like the idea of Shadows, Juju zombies, and other things immune to cold and electrical damage.

-Any ideas for magic items. Particularly ones on his person. He'll craft anything Wonderous himself, and add restriction: Undead, making it cheaper AND less useful to potential thieves.

-Trap ideas, prefferably with associated cost.

2012-01-10, 02:37 PM
Look up the Killer Gnome build, it fits perfectly here both with respect to fluff and crunch. I think there is a shadowcraft mage handbook that would detail it pretty well, somewhere. That literally means that the prohibited schools means nothing, and the lich will be able to cast spontaneously from them via shadow spells.

2012-01-10, 03:13 PM
Well, in Pathfinder, undead have d8 hit dice, but add their charisma modifier to each one instead of constitution.

2012-01-12, 03:49 AM
Thanks for the catch! The Pathfinder Lich oesn't have a "How to make one" sidebar, so I defaulted to 3.5. Adjusting HP now.