View Full Version : Ma'arivi PTA Campaign

2012-01-09, 01:17 PM
Here we go.

Map of the region again.

To lazy to fix the map orientation.

It is just another day in Soln, the large oaks giving shade to buildings at the towns edge. Rapidly the trees part and open into the large plains that lead onto Route1.
A few flying pokemon dot the air. Some of the younger kids are heading to the school well others are practicing with there pokemon.
The town bell tower chimes 8times. Startling some young wild pokemon venturing into the town and making some of the kids hurry along.
The few adults not already at work are getting to there destinations.
There is a smell in the air and its time for to adventure.

2012-01-10, 07:01 AM
"Yaaaaah!" yawned Alice as she walked back from the bakery. This past year at her Uncle Owen's had been unusual, not the least being his insistance on fresh bread in the morning. Last day. I'll finally got that tent and we'll leave after breakfast. That thought brought a smile to her face.

2012-01-10, 12:44 PM
Come get up Akupara. He leaves his make shift shelter as he heard the bells. He then starts talking to Akupara. So where should we be heading? His turtwig yawned and pointed north. Okay then lets go. He and Turtwig start walking.

2012-01-10, 10:04 PM
Nothing quite like the early morning. You can really move at your own pace. Of course, Martin's pace is always set on "Go, Go, Go!" Running so fast down the street he might get a speeding, he's got one goal in mind. Outta here. He said goodbye to his family, and that they'd see him soon, and they would. His family will see him on the T.V. when he's a champion. No. THE Champion!

2012-01-11, 09:28 PM
Sighing lightly, Scott pushed himself up to a standing position. He looked around the room, glancing briefly at the tv, the video games, the books, everything in his room which he held dear. Today he was saying goodbye to it all, and he was unsure of when he would return. Deciding that it was best to not get overly worked up about it, Scott grabbed the belt that he had prepared for today and fastened it around his waist. On it rested his pokenav and the pokeball the contained his Treecko. Grabbing his backpack he slung it over his shoulder and made his way to the kitchen where he knew his mom was was working on putting together a big breakfast for their last meal.

His mom was laboring away over the stove as she cooked eggs and grilled French Toast. Herring him come on she looked around him and gave him a big grin of a smile. Scott walked over to the table and sat, setting the backpack down beside him. He waited in silence for the food to finish. The only sound was the sizzling of the eggs and toast. Scott was surprised that his mom remained so quite.

When the food was finished she piled two eggs, and three pieces of toast onto a plate and set it down in front him. Shortly after she set out a fork and the bottle of maple syrup. Eat up, you've got a long trip ahead of you and you'll need your strength. Her voice was cheery and bright, not what you'd expect from a mother who was about to lose her son to the world.

Thanks mom. Scott said quietly and dug in. The food was delicious as it always was, but something about it was even better than usual. Maybe his tongue was savoring the taste of home cooking that it wouldn't have again for a very long time. When the food had all bit disappeared into Scotts stomach, he stood and stretched. Time to get going. I'll see you mom. Don't worry, I have all of the supplies, I went over everything last night. I'm set. He decided to head her off before she asked any questions.

Smiling she responded, I know, you're not the forgetful type. There was a brief moment of silence and then she wrapped her arms tightly around him in a hug. Scott squeezed lightly back. Take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid. Have fun. I know you'll be fine and that you'll do great. Her voice was still excited and jovial, but he knew it was only a otter of time before she broke down.

Swinging the pack over his shoulder once again, Scott left his house. As he walked down the street he began counting down. 3, 2, 1, aaaand... The croak of his mothers first choking sob could be heard. Scott turned to face her and put on one of his rare smiles. The sight of it seemed to put his mother at ease and she just smiled back and waved.

Breakfast eaten, tears shed, worries out at ease, Scott was finally made his way towards the towns exit. He was kind of depressed that he wouldn't be seeing his mom again for what could easily amount to months. Putting it out of his mind, he readjusted his glasses and made for the entrance of Route 1.

2012-01-14, 08:50 AM
Attention Passengers, the ship has safely arrived on Soln, you can exit by taking...
Jackson doesn't even wait until the announcement is finished - the moment he saw the door opens, he immediately darted away from the ship back into dry land. If there aren't any other people around, he would probably kiss the earth, missing it greatly after being on a ship for days.

Instead, his mind snaps back into focus. His eyes takes in the full view of the land of Soln, and he likes what he sees. Definitely much bigger than Dewford, and the air feels nice too. Looks like this will be a great place for me to start my adventure - no, my new life, even. Isn't that right, Owen? Jackson looks at the Mudkip in his pokeball, who looks happy to be in the new region as well.

He casts one final glance to the vast expanse of water behind him, then turns away sharply. With any luck, I wouldn't have to see the ocean again...He muttered slowly while walking toward the new land ahead of him.