View Full Version : The Temple of Dagon IC

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-09, 11:25 PM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_U4lG174J6debFuMW3BWW1M0M7Ucb_ P5DWpxVaveo9vjrcBFAUQ

The Temple of Dagon
An Underdark Adventure

You had fallen on hard times. There was an ever-increasing number of competing merchants, and your revenue was dropping with every visit to Menzoberranzan. The area around the city was being picked clean by competitors, so every treasure hunting expedition was resulting in less treasure than the last, which was sold at a lower price.

Then an idea struck you. A stupid idea. An idea so dangerous it had seldom been tried before. You would steal the eggs from a kou-toa nest. One was known to be located nearby, so you pooled your remaining money, and and hired a student wizard to teleport you into the heart of the den. Getting out would be the hard part.

Something went wrong.

It seems that the colony was warded against teleportation, causing you to be thrown off course. You found yourself in complete darkness on some strange slimy shore at the edge of some vast Underdark sea. Now you stand there, dazed and disoriented, becoming aware that something is moving just out of sight. Moving around you in circles.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-11, 12:01 PM
Um, guys, something is moving out there. says Elkandar.

2012-01-11, 02:43 PM
"Yes I noticed, seems are luck took a turn for the worse. How utterly miserable I was hoping not to fight these savages as little as possible." Slyph states turning to be back to back with Elkandar

2012-01-11, 03:04 PM
Azotar - Knight
"Stupid... blasted... wizards. I'm going to skin him alive when I get back." Azotar hisses through clenched teeth. His heavy armour creaks slightly as he steadies himself on the unfamiliar ground.

Azotar shakes his head and draws a heavy breath, trying to clear his mind. As the flickers of movement seem to circle around, he grips his flail tightly.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-11, 03:23 PM
Elkandar squeezes Slyph's hand.Don't worry. We'll be OK.He also goes back to back with Slyph.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-11, 07:56 PM
The stench of decay, blood, and rotten seaweed wafts through the damp air, bringing to mind a stagnant pool tinged with gore. It is accompanied by a throaty gurgle, although it seems to have been projected directly into your brain without bothering to pass through your ears. Your skin feels itchy.

2012-01-11, 08:37 PM
Gnarsh pulls out his flail, and spins it around a few times over his head. "I hate Drow wizards, along with the rest of them." He mutters to himself.

2012-01-11, 08:57 PM
"Be quite Orc, Elkandar or Azotar will cut your tongue out for me." Slyph pulls her hand from Elkandar's grip after giving it a squeeze. Glaring Slyph holds herself at the ready

(I will assume we know each others names)

2012-01-11, 09:52 PM
"I'd like to see them try."

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-11, 11:34 PM
"Let's all calm down. I know we're not off on a good start, but I will cut out your tongue if you keep disrespecting this lady. I hope I won't have to, but if any more threats come Slyph's way, it will come to that." He glances at Azotar. "I'm sure the apprentice wizard did his best."

2012-01-12, 12:13 AM
"Yes killing her would be kindness Azotar, buy her as a slave. Or I'll buy her as a gift for you, we don't need to create enemies by blind rage." Slyph's hand glows she scans the creatures looking for a cluster or other grouping.
"As for your kind words Elkandar your charm will come in handy soothing these two so we don't destroy ourselves."

Slyph readies a Faerie Fire to blast a group of Kou-toa when 3or more can be target by the power.

2012-01-12, 02:11 PM
Azotar - Knight
Azotar sneers at his bickering partners. "Save your sympathies for us. Who knows where we've been sent, or what's waiting for us. The wizard was probably paid off by some other group looking to remove some competition."

"First things first: where are we, and what else is here?" To Gnarsh, "Slave. Your fortunes are tied to ours, unless you feel the kuo-toa would make kinder masters. Does that nose of yours pick up anything useful?"

Perception [roll0] to try and identify whatever is moving around us.
Dungeoneering [roll1] to try and figure something out about where we are.

2012-01-12, 02:59 PM
"If he was hired to remove us why not a destination like the Buzzing Vaults or some equally treacherous area? It's not a kindness Azotar after all you can do much more with your property then just kill it."

Perception & Dungeoneering
[roll0] Perception for hiding indivduals etc.
[roll1] Dungeoneering, Location

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-12, 03:08 PM
Five horrifying creatures emerge from the murky blackness. They are a disturbing mix of humanoid and fish, with diseased milky white skin and horribly torn flesh. Their stomachs seem to have been slashed open, leaving their insides to hang free, and insects crawl in and out of their broken bodies.

The fiends gasp and gurgle as they advance, flexing their awful claws.

You guys win init. Act in any order you like. Light blue is shallow water, dark blue is deep water, light brown is difficult terrain, and dark brown is 7-foot high rock.

2012-01-12, 05:22 PM
Slyph pionts at the two close together the waters around there ankles rushing out to strike them.

Grasping Tide (The attack is versus there Fortitude)
[roll0]Wight 1
[roll1]Wight 2

If it hits they take [roll2] damage
And if they try to leave the area I get a secondary attack on them.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-12, 05:30 PM
The waters rise up and violently strip much of the flesh from the undead kou-toa before descending back to the ground. The vile things seem not to notice their new wounds, and continue to methodically advance.

2012-01-12, 05:55 PM
Azotar - Knight
Upon seeing these abominations shamble towards him, Azotar's lip curls back in disgust. He raises his shield before him, slowly begins to move in the direction of the closest creature, then with a savage yell he spins his flail above him and charges.

Minor Action: Defender's Aura
Move Action: Move four squares towards Wight3
Standard Action: Charge Wight3
Attack: [roll0] (+1 from charge)
Damage: [roll1]

If successful:
Free Action: Power Strike
Damage: [roll2]

Wight3 is pushed 2 squares and Azotar shifts 2 squares to stand adjacent.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-12, 06:32 PM
The drow's flail tears out more than half of the abomination's ribcage, throwing it off balance and causing a spray of black slime to ride the stinking air and land on Azotar's armour.

The koa-toa wight is now bloodied.

2012-01-12, 10:56 PM
If Azotar pushes the Kuo Toa out of the area of effect of the Grasping Tide
[roll0] and the Kuo Toa is knocked prone

2012-01-13, 10:28 AM
Updated map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1618)

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-13, 10:44 AM
Elkandar moves in front of Slyph, as she's the only female in this group, and must be protected at all costs. He snaps his fingers, and a bluish light hits Wight 1, seemingly coming frfom Azotar.
Misdirected Mark: (vs. Reflex) at Wight 1:
Attack: [1d20+10] Total of 20
If it hits, it does 10 damage, and it is marked by Azotar until the end of my next turn.
(Am I doing this right?!)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-13, 12:17 PM
The bolt of magic hits the undead thing between the eyes, ripping open its skull. It opens its mouth to cry out, but its lower jaw and tongue fall off.

Wight 1 is now bloodied.

The waters become hard and trip the other wight as it is pushed out of the aura.

Wight 3 is now prone, as well as bloodied.

2012-01-13, 04:34 PM
Gnarsh pulls out his shield, then charges at one of the Ghouls, swinging his flail with reckless abandon.

Minor: Pull out shield
Standard: Charge Ghoul 1
Attack Roll: [roll0] VS AC
Damage [roll1] Damage

New map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1637)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-13, 06:57 PM
The flail slams into the side of the fish-ghoul's head, and several of its pointed teeth are carried on a spray of blood that erupts from its shredded cheek. The thing tires to shriek, but instead gurgles because of its blood-clogged throat.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-14, 01:13 AM
Out of the water, drawn by the smell of blood, come three bizarre sea creatures. They simultaneously resemble men, lobsters, and insects, with crimson shells and massive powerful claws.

The first is thin and agile, with long legs and a spiky shell. The second is stout and tough, with huge pincers and thick armour. The third it tall and disgustingly regal, with spines on its deformed head that resemble a crown.

The lobster-men do not act until the nest round.

Both injured wights attack Azotar, one from its feet and one from the ground.

Wight One
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage, and the target loses a healing surge.

Wight Three
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: [roll3] damage, and the target loses a healing surge.

Both ghouls claw at Gnarsh.

]Ghoul One
Attack: [roll4] vs AC
Hit: [roll5] damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

Ghoul Two
Attack: [roll6] vs AC
Hit: [roll7] damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

The other wight moves around towards the druid and the bard.

New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1650)

2012-01-14, 10:04 AM
Slyph steps away from the savage repulsed and wanting to avoid it.
After that her hands cup together releasing the light onto the pair of Ghouls attacking Gnarsh.
"Elkandar please remove this monstrosity from my sight"

Faerie Fire, attack vs Will
[roll0] Ghoul1
[roll1] Ghoul2
Hit: Targets are slowed and grants Combat Advantage [Save Ends]
Miss: Target grants Combat Advantage until the end of Slyphs next turn and takes [roll2] radiant damage

If/When the ghouls save they take [roll3] radiant damage and the Ghouls grant Combat Advantage until the end of Slyphs next turn

And New Map

2012-01-14, 01:08 PM
Azotar - Knight
Azotar glances back at this new threat emerging from the sea, and shouts out to Elkandar and Sylph. "You two! Get away from the water! Take cover in the rocks!" Then the fighter returns his attention to the more immediate threat in front of him. He has to finish these two off before these strange lobster-men can join the attack.

Looking down at the decrepit creature on the ground before him, Azotar reels his flail back and brings it crashing down.


Standard Action: Melee Basic Attack (MBA) against Wight 3
Attack: [roll0] (+2 for CA from prone)
Damage: [roll1]
(If the hit is successful but the Wight is still alive: Power Strike: +[roll2] damage)

(Next actions will depend on whether with Wight is still alive. I'll edit this post after Twilight Muse responds.)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-14, 05:27 PM
The flail comes down hard and shatters the wight's spine. It coughs up blood, twitches, and goes limp.

Wight 3 is defeated.

New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1687)

2012-01-15, 11:07 AM
Azotar - Knight
Azotar follows through on his swing with a powerful backhand strike against the other wight still attacking him. The force of his hit drives the wight out of attacking range, freeing Azotar to turn and run back to his less-armoured allies.

Action Point: MBA against Wight 1

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], Wight 1 is pushed one square

Move Action: Move towards Sylph
Minor Action: Sudden Sprint, move adjacent to Wight 2
New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1764)

HP: 56/56 | Surges: 12/12
AC: 24 | FORT: 17 | REF: 18 | WILL: 14
Conditions: none

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-15, 04:09 PM
The flail tares off the wight's head with a satisfying thud.

Slyph's magic hits both of the ghouls, but only one seems to be effected.

Wight 1 is defeated.

Ghoul 1 is slowed and is granting combat advantage.

New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1773)

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-15, 06:38 PM
Slyph steps away from the savage repulsed and wanting to avoid it.
After that her hands cup together releasing the light onto the pair of Ghouls attacking Gnarsh.
"Elkandar please remove this monstrosity from my sight"

Anything for you! He winks and shoots his enormous bow.Jinx Shot, CHA vs. AC
[1d20 + 10] Total of 24
If it hits, it does 12 damage, and the first time it misses an attack before the end of my next turn, it falls prone.
New Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1806)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-15, 06:53 PM
The arrow sinks into the wight's chest. It shrieks and claws at its wound.

2012-01-15, 07:56 PM
The ghouls' attacks simply bounce of off Gnarsh's armor, and he swings his flail hard at the one affected by Slyph's magic.

Vengeance Strike on Ghoul 1
[roll0] VS AC
[roll1] Damage

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-16, 11:15 PM
The arrow hits the ghoul directly in the eye. It staggers around, screaming and swinging its arms. The undead thing finally tears the arrow free, causing rancid blood to spurt from the socket onto the wet stone floor.

Wight 1 is now bloodied. Unfortunately, it also recovers from its other conditions.

The two wights shift around Gnarsh and strike.

Ghoul One
Attack: [roll0]
Hit: [roll1] damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

Ghoul Three
Attack: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3] damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

EDIT: That's a crit, so 30 damage.

The remaining wight Shifts around Azotar and claws him.

Wight 2
Attack: [roll4]
Hit: [roll5] damage, and the target loses a healing surge.

The crab men advance. The largest one (King) attacks Slyph, and the more squat one (Crusher) clamps down of the wight.

Cruad King
Attack: [roll6]
Hit: [roll7] damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends).

Cruad Crusher
Attack: [roll8]
Hit: [roll9] damage, and the target falls prone.

The wight messily expires.

New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1885)

2012-01-17, 08:11 AM
"I'd hoped to avoid this" Slyph steps closer towards the kingly craud. After which her armor loosens and her skin sprouts spines, she goes onto her hands, her fingers forming into claws, a groups of red eyes forming on her head and a pair of scythe like mandibles growing from her mouth, finally segmented chittin covers her body and with that standing were Slyph was is now a large black spider(Medium sized)
After finishing changing forms the spider quickly unleashes a flurry of spines from its back. Striking into the Crauds

Slyph shifts then uses Wild Shape
Close Burst 2. The attack is vs. Reflex
Craud Impaler [roll0]
Craud King [roll1]
Craud Crusher [roll2]

Hit [roll3] damage
Effect: The targets are slowed(This happens even if I fail to hit them) save ends

Oh and New Map
New MAP!! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1918)

2012-01-17, 12:42 PM
Azotar - Knight
After seeing the Crusher destroy the Wight, even as the Craud King attacked Sylph, Azotar considers for a moment whether these creatures are just defending their territory, and would quickly abandon their attack if the Drow were to retreat to dry land. Azotar has no desire to risk his skin without reward.

Insight: [roll0] to determine if the Crauds would pursue us if we were to retreat.
Nature or Dungeoneering (same bonus, whichever you'd use): [roll1] to learn more about the Crauds

OOC: I'm not saying we will retreat or trying to make a decision for the group, just considering options. Azotar is greedy and selfish, not stupid. If there's no point to a fight, he'd rather run.

I'll complete my turn after the results of Azotar's Insight check. With that result I don't think I need to wait... :smallyuk:

2012-01-17, 12:52 PM
Azotar - Knight
Azotar nearly jumps out of his skin when suddenly behind him is a monstrous spider! Fortunately, he quickly realizes it is his companion, Sylph, when it unleashes a staggering assault upon the sea creatures. "Hmph, you might be useful after all..." he snickers.

Stepping up to the largest of the Crauds, Azotar wheels his flail against it's shell, hoping to find (or make) a crack in it's armour.

Move Action: Shift one square up
Standard Action: MBA against Craud King

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]; Craud King is pushed two squares and Azotar shifts two squares

Minor Action: Cloud of Darkness
Close burst 1; The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight, squares within it are totally obscured, and creatures entirely within it are blinded until they exit. You are immune to these effects.
New map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=1925)

HP: 56/56 | Surges: 12/12
AC: 24 | FORT: 17 | REF: 18 | WILL: 14
Conditions: none

2012-01-17, 03:51 PM
One of the Ghouls hit Gnarsh hard, and he spins around and smashes his flail at it, screaming as loud as he can. As he does so, a dark red mist seeps out of him, increasing his rage.

Vengeance Strike on Ghoul 2
[roll1] Damage
Minor: Shroud of Shadow: I gain partial concealment until the end of my next turn, and 5 temporary HP.

27/57 HP 5 Temp HP, Bloodied.
AC: 24 FORT: 17 REF: 16 Will: 16
Powers Used:
Shroud of Shadow

2012-01-17, 03:55 PM
One of the Ghouls hit Gnarsh hard, and he spins around and smashes his flail at it, screaming as loud as he can. As he does so, a dark red mist seeps out of him, increasing his rage.

Vengeance Strike on Ghoul 2
[roll0] VS AC
[roll1] Damage
Minor: Shroud of Shadow: I gain partial concealment until the end of my next turn, and 5 temporary HP.

27/57 HP 5 Temp HP, Bloodied.
AC: 24 FORT: 17 REF: 16 Will: 16
Powers Used:
Shroud of Shadow

Map's the same.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-20, 11:45 AM
Syph manages to slip past the spindly craud's defences, and the thing hisses in pain.

The Craud Impaler took damage, and all three crauds are slowed.

Azotar's attack bounces off the regal craud's armour, inflicting no harm.

The half orc furiously swings his blade, hacking the ghoul that clawed him clean in half. Its lower body stays upright for a few seconds before falling over.

Ghoul 2 is destroyed.

New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=2133)

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-20, 11:32 PM
Elkandar's bow glows with a strange, confounding light.
Jinx Shot, CHA vs. AC On the Craud Impaler
[1d20+10] Total of 21
If it hits, it does 11 damage, and the first time it misses an attack before the end of my next turn, it falls prone.
He laughs and blushes when he sees the spider. You look just as beautiful, if not more, milady.
+1 Map of Newness (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=2164)

2012-01-21, 02:27 PM
Gnarsh swings his flail in a powerful downward strike, trying to smash the Ghoul into pieces.

Vengeance Strike on Ghoul 1
[roll0] VS AC
[roll1] Damage

I also gain 5 Temp HP from my Lifedrinker flail for killing Ghoul 2

27/57 HP 10 Temp HP, Bloodied.
AC: 24 FORT: 17 REF: 16 Will: 16
Powers Used:
Shroud of Shadow

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-22, 06:54 PM
The remaining ghoul attacks the hobgoblin blackguard with its claws.

Attack: [roll0] vs AC.
Hit: [roll1] damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

The spindly cruad tries to stab Slyph.

Cruad Impaler
Attack: [roll2] vs AC.
Hit: [roll3] damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

The two other giant sea-creatures attack Azotar.
Cruad King
Attack: [roll4]
Hit: [roll5] damage, and the target grants combat advantage (save ends).

Cruad Crusher
Attack: [roll6]
Hit: [roll7] damage, and the target falls prone.

Elkandar's arrow misses its target and hits a far-off rock.

Gnarsh's flail turns the ghoul into a paste.

The ghoul is defeated.

New map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=2216)

2012-01-22, 09:47 PM
The large Spider hisses before releasing a dark black cloud over the area. Then drones and other insects come from the darkness attacking the Crauds

After the spider stops moving it looks at Elkandar.

Slyph uses her Cloud of Darkness ability.
Then she attacks with Clinging Drones then moves to her current location. The blinded enemies protecting her from opp attacks

Clinging Drones Blast 5 vs Fortitude
[roll0] Craud Impaler
[roll1] Craud King
[roll2] Damage half on a miss. And they are slowed save ends(Only on a hit).
Effect: They can't shift until the end of my next turn or any turn they end next to me.

Then I spend a action point and use 'Second Wind'
I'm at 13hp (Oh and I'm bloodied now)

And saving throw
[roll3] Come on I need a new pair of shoes!

New Map
And the darkened area is the Cloud of Darkness(It actually ends at Azotar)

2012-01-23, 12:55 PM
Azotar - Knight
With his companions fleeing the shore and the lobster-creatures temporarily blinded, Azotar sees no reason to continue fighting. "There's no money to be made here, and I doubt these things possess the means to get me back home." he thinks as he uses the darkness to slip out of the reach of the menacing claws all around him, and run for dry land.

Minor Action: Cloud of Darkness
Standard + Move Action: Double-move off the map to the left (West?)
---Map--- (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=2237)

HP: 56/56 | Surges: 12/12
AC: 24 | FORT: 17 | REF: 18 | WILL: 14
Conditions: none

Dark Elf Bard
2012-01-23, 01:52 PM
Elkandar double moves.

+2 Map of Newness (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=2238)

2012-01-23, 03:36 PM
Seeing his allies leave the battle, and having no interest in continuing alone, Gnarsh moves over next to Azotar.

Move next to Azotar
Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=2247)

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-01-25, 08:29 PM
You slip and slide your way through the slimy, stinking rocks, putting as much space as possible between the crab creatures and yourselves. After a couple of minutes, the rocks get thick enough that it will be dangerous to move on at a speed any grater than a careful walk.

The whole area is choked in a magical darkness. Although your magical vision can pierce it, you are not able to see more than fifteen feet in any direction, and the last five feet are murky. The place is also bitterly cold, and you realize that your teeth are chattering.

2012-01-27, 01:40 PM
Azotar - Knight
Damp, cold, lost, and angry, Azotar looks around in frustration. "Where in the blasted Abyss are we? I can't see a cursed thing..."

Worried about walking in circles or into another ambush, Azotar stops and tries to look for some indication of where they should go.

Perception [roll0] to listen for any sounds.
Perception [roll1] to look for signs of a path or trail we could follow.
Dungeoneering [roll2] to get information about the area or the darkness.

2012-01-29, 08:06 AM
Shifting back to her Drow for and stretching Slyph begins to search the area.
"Stop your bellyaching."

[roll0] Perception to check the area for a path
[roll1] Dungeoneering to know where we could be
[roll2] Stealth to hide in the darkness

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-02-04, 05:22 PM
Before you is a crescent-shaped wall of rocks some twenty feet tall, five feet wide, and ninety feet across. Below it are the much smaller rocks on which you stand. It seems almost as if something on the other side of the wall hit the ground hard at an angle, creating the wall by pushing rocks upwards.

It would be possible to climb the wall, but dangerous. Much easier to go around.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-02-04, 06:59 PM
It starts to seem as if the darkness is alive. When you look into it, you start to see faces. Faces you can't quite recognise. The more you stare at it, the less you can identify them, but you start to see other things. Memories from your life manifest themselves in the fog for a fraction of a second before dissipating.

2012-02-04, 08:18 PM
Gnarsh swings his flail at the shapes in the darkness, roaring. "What is this!"

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-02-04, 08:38 PM
Gnarsh's voice echoes back to him after a couple of seconds, but he is given no other answer.

2012-02-04, 10:51 PM
"Illusions ignore them. Simply what has been from the looks of it not important"

Dark Elf Bard
2012-02-08, 10:03 AM
Arcana check to see what they really are

[1d20+12] 24

Chainsaw Hobbit
2012-02-08, 02:54 PM
Elkandar deuces that the shapes are enchantment magic. This means that everyone sees their own memories, as opposed to the memories physically appearing in the fog for everyone to see.

2012-02-08, 05:06 PM
Azotar - Knight
The visions of his past, faces of his captors and the tortures he endured under them before his escape, prove too much for Azotar to take. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" he shouts at the shadows while tearing his flail through them.

In his desperation to get away from the illusions, Azotar runs along the wall looking for a way around or through.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-02-20, 02:26 PM
Calm down. It's just memory magic, nothing to be afraid of.