View Full Version : Quick Question of Tailsman of the Floating Disk

Silva Stormrage
2012-01-10, 01:18 AM
Hello, in one of my campaigns a player is using this item in the MIC (pg 188). This item lets the user create a tenser's disk as a standard action. Can this item let the wielder create as many disks as he wants or is he limited to one?

Thank you for your help.

2012-01-10, 01:38 AM
Hello, in one of my campaigns a player is using this item in the MIC (pg 188). This item lets the user create a tenser's disk as a standard action. Can this item let the wielder create as many disks as he wants or is he limited to one?

Thank you for your help.

Yes. He can create as many as he wants.

However, they try to maintain a 5 foot distance from the caster, so it will be difficult to have more than ~10π/3 around him. Call it 10-12 depending on how generous you are.

2012-01-10, 02:18 AM
However, they try to maintain a 5 foot distance from the caster, so it will be difficult to have more than ~10π/3 around him. Call it 10-12 depending on how generous you are.

If not otherwise directed, it maintains a constant interval of 5 feet between itself and you.

As such you can direct the disks not to simply hover 5 ft from you but go to other places, this talisman sounds pretty awesome.

2012-01-10, 02:47 AM
It's not clear from that sentence alone but you can't tell the disks to do anything in the world. They can follow you or not follow you (stay still).

Anyway the item is priced cheaper than a once per day tenser's floating disk item, so when it says "a disk" it probably means only 1 each day. An at will item is supposed to cost 5400 gp. I know MiC tries to improve this kind of pricing but it should at least be in the same ballpark.

Silva Stormrage
2012-01-10, 03:29 AM
It's not clear from that sentence alone but you can't tell the disks to do anything in the world. They can follow you or not follow you (stay still).

Anyway the item is priced cheaper than a once per day tenser's floating disk item, so when it says "a disk" it probably means only 1 each day. An at will item is supposed to cost 5400 gp. I know MiC tries to improve this kind of pricing but it should at least be in the same ballpark.

Ya it probably should. But on the other hand my players thought of a semi good plan using it and I would rather not dm fiat run their plan (Especially since they rarely come up with good plans) I need to reward their creativity so I will let it slide. Also its really not that over powered. I mean its floating disk >.>

2012-01-10, 03:38 AM
Ya it probably should. But on the other hand my players thought of a semi good plan using it and I would rather not dm fiat run their plan (Especially since they rarely come up with good plans) I need to reward their creativity so I will let it slide. Also its really not that over powered. I mean its floating disk >.>

It's not overpowered yet... Just wait for it. I could imagine some pretty interesting tricks with a whole bunch of floating discs.

Hmm.... That might just be my next character concept! Time for some brain-storming!

2012-01-10, 03:54 AM
It's not overpowered yet... Just wait for it. I could imagine some pretty interesting tricks with a whole bunch of floating discs.

Hmm.... That might just be my next character concept! Time for some brain-storming!

See also: hand of the mage, unseen servant, unseen crafter

I'd recommend spectral hand as well, except AFAIK it only comes on an artifact(!) ... also the spectral hand only works on spells you personally cast, not ones through scrolls or wands (shame that, as the lvl 4 restriction just screams out to be used with a wand).

Also, there doesn,t appear to be any limit on the number of dedicated wrights you can have (but since each one takes an hour to set up and get going there are practical limits)

not sure what else goes with a sorcerers apprentice theme.

oh wait! all the bigbys hand spells! I think phb II has a bunch of them. :D

Also on theme: sumoning monsters to do your dirty work.

oh oh, and the various spiritual weapon ripoffs (persistent blade, there may be others). cloud of blades (knives?) is good. mirror image is on theme too :D Greater Mirror Image replenishes images that get knocked out....

Then there's all the summon X monsters per week, stone figurines, tokens, amber amulet of vermin, bags of tricks etc.

2012-01-10, 06:49 AM
Also its really not that over powered. I mean its floating disk >.>

Equip it on the Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian. Put a Dwarven Defender on the disk. Now when the Barb pounces into melee, the dwarf goes with him for full attack with +1 higher ground bonus.

2012-01-10, 06:59 AM
Equip it on the Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian. Put a Dwarven Defender on the disk. Now when the Barb pounces into melee, the dwarf goes with him for full attack with +1 higher ground bonus.

That's awesome! Also I remember seeing a image somewhere of someone mounting a ballista on a floating disk but I can't find it again.