View Full Version : Red Hand of Doom (3.5 IC)

2012-01-10, 10:58 AM
Red Hand of Doom

XP Overview (Party)

{table=head] Player | Character | Level | XP Total | Next Level

kpenguin | Taizu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=358816) |
5 |
10,000 |

Phase | Melphix (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=358588) |
5 |
10,000 |

Silphael | Osborn Underbough (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=358925) |
5 |
10,000 |

Razoback | Ulfthane Storhoi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359111) |
5 |
10,000 |

Uncle Festy | Connor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=360129) |
5 |
10,000 |

" "


2012-01-10, 11:05 AM
Map of Elsir Vale



2012-01-10, 11:13 AM

2012-01-10, 11:15 AM
They were men without past or future. They lingered in the Salvers fighting pits, knowing that each day could be their last day. The Slavers had made sure they forgot their past. Instead of names, they were given numbers. Ever changing numbers based on the results of yesterday fights. They were forced to worship the Slavers gods, to speak the Slavers tongue and never ever mention the past or face a cruel punishment.

Taizu was no different and would have forgotten his past, if it wasn’t for his friendship with Melphix. Taizu was a happy teen who lived near the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. His lived changed forever the raiders came to its village. They put all the men who resisted to the sword, took all the valuables and food they can find and separated the survivors between slave materials and mouth-to-feed. The mouth-to-feed never left the village as they were exterminated in a systematical way. Taizu was strong and was sold as a Slave fighter.

He quickly rose through the ranks as he would channel his anger of all the evil that was done to him into an unstoppable rage that would scare his enemies. Yet each victory was followed by a whipping to remind him that he was just an owned good. He would have forgotten who he was if it were not for a kobold.

The diminutive lizard like creature was never meant to survive. Earlier in his childhood, he realized he was different. He never understood nor accepted the cruelty and evil that his family and tribe was doing just for fun. He knew that was wrong. Once his differences became more and more obvious, he was shunned and humiliated by his peer and his family. He knew that he was bringing shame to his father and decided that he was better off leaving a tribe that did not understand him and wanted him dead, just for being different.

He went on his own and his situation did not improve. He faced racism and prejudice as the “good” races of human, elves and dwarves would immediately assume he was evil and would chase and hunt him. Melphix survived because of his superior intellect and his ability to channel the magic than ran through his blood. He stayed alive but was alone, wondering if he will ever meet someone he can call a friend.

He met the raiders by accident. He had found their camp and the cooking meat on the roasting pits was too much of a temptation for a starving stomach. He thought he could outsmart them and steal some food but was caught. The raiders were ready to put him to the sword but his magical skills impressed them and they realized that such a strong kobold arcane master was a rare thing which would carry a hefty tag price. He was sold as a pit fighter and easily outsmarted the early brutes he faced and beat them with his magic. However, each fight was harder than the last and he knew his days were counted as his novelty aspect was fading.

While training, he met a strong human who did not assume he was evil and did not reject him. The man had a lot of anger in him and was fighting internal demons. Melphix realizes that the two of them were a powerful team and pursued the friendship.

Taizu recognized that Melphix was a true good person and became his good friend. Melphix hatched an escape plan that used his wits and Taizu strength and intimidation factors and they were able to escape the Slavers pits. With no place to go, they decided to go back to the Vale where Taizu was from.

During their travel, they took on the odd jobs to survive until they arrived to a lonesome village which only had farmers living in it. They had no leader except for an old farmer who was either drunk or asleep. A small band of outlaws had its eyes on the village as they believed they were sitting on a gemstone mine. Taizu and Melphix took pity of these commoners who could not swing a blade to save their life and decided to protect them against the outlaws for a simple salary of food and lodging. They recruited an archer and a wizard who also believed the farmers were hiding riches.

The final addition was a juggling Halfling they met by hazard. He stumbled on them and decided to join them because he thought that the idea “could be fun”. Taizu and Melphix wondered how Osborn the Halfling could be of any help has he carried no weapon or armor. However they quickly learn that his insane speed was his armor and his fists were as deadly as a blade. Osborn kept joking and making pun as if he was trying to hide something behind the laughter. Or maybe he was a typical Halfling.

The group was successful in defeating the outlaws but the archer and the wizard lost their lives during the battles. Taizu, Melphix and Osborn hoped that the farmers would show compassion and appreciation but once the outlaws’ threat was gone, the farmers made it clear that they were not welcome any more.

Disappointed and feeling betrayed, they decided to continue their journey toward the Vale. Osborn decided to stay with them because he thought the idea “might be fun”.

2012-01-10, 11:28 AM

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

The morning sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. It is going to be a hot one as the humidity is starting to rise. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns.

The town of Drellin’s Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the border of the Witchwood. It was decided that it would be the best place for the group to settle and begin exploring it’s the Wyrmsmoke Mountains in search of Taizu’s past.

The group is striking looking for the Vale. It is very rare to see an intimidating human breaking fast on the side of the road with a Kobold and a Halfling.

As they munch on cured meat, dry cheese and bread, they see a silhouette walking toward us, going in the direction of Drellin’s Ferry. It is a man wearing a peasant outfit. The man looks tired and ragged. He is carrying a light crossbow and has a dagger on his belt. More importantly, a spell component pouch is also visible.

Please do a spot and listen check to be used later

2012-01-10, 02:10 PM
spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

{The move a lot faster than I anticipated, especially with the two shorter ones in tow} Ülfthane thought to himself. Letting his crossbow slide down to the end of his homemade carrying sling, it swayed back and forth out of synch with his body as he raised both hands.
This is the second time I’ve run across the two of you he shouted out as he pointed to Melphix and Taizu Although I couldn’t catch up with you when you escaped the slavers camp. Serendipity is with me as I’ve run across you again. I hope we can sit for a moment while I ask you the questions I originally meant to ask you about your former captors, if you have a moment? He asked. He tried to look as least threatening as possible while going over a few spells he had memorized, just in case things did not go as he had hoped. If you have a moment I have a few sips left of some pretty good brandy that we could share?

2012-01-10, 07:04 PM
[roll0] (Spot)

[roll1] (Listen)

As Ülfthane spoke about brandy, Osborn appears, quickly looking around him.

"Are you speaking about that funny drink?"

As little as all halflings, Osborn has black hair and black eyes. He wear a simple tunic made of cloth, with a very little backpack, filled with tiny things, either to juggle, or simply to camp. As often, he smiles.

2012-01-10, 09:44 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Melphix remains silent, clinging to Taizu's back and eying the man warily.

2012-01-10, 10:28 PM

Taizu takes a tearing bite from his meat, chewing slowly as he looks at Ulfthane. He spots the spell component pouch as he nods along to Ulfthane's words, swallowing his meat as the mage finishes. His eyes are narrowed with suspicion, but the barbarian prince was never one to turn down a free drink!

He stands, drawing up to his full height, a display that would have been more impressive had he not had Melphix hanging off of his back. He extends a hand towards at Ulfthane

"If you come bearing brandy, then you are always welcome among us! You say we have met before? At the slavers' camp? I do not recall you."

2012-01-11, 05:47 AM
Ülfthane son of Sovrim he said as he extended his hand in return.
Unusual be those that accompany you With his free hand, Ülfthane reached into his masters pack, still a bit amazed by it's ability to instantly retrieve what he had placed in there. For a brief moment he thought about his slain family and master {focus to avenge them} he thought to himself.
T'is the last dregs of what I have but it is more flavorful than the muddied water you might have found in your recent travels. He took a small drink to show it was safe before passing the flask to the brawny warrior.
To answer your question, we did not meet. I was following the slaver camp when you made your escape. I tried to catch you to find out the strength and numbers of the camp, but under the cover of darkness and my meager skills, I was unable to find you. Luck would have it that I found you today. I am from Gnipaheim but the town was razed. I am hoping to provide information to Jarmaarh of Brindol so this scourge can be removed from the land. As you fled their slave camp, vengeance against them may be what you seek, too. He paused, hoping his instincts about laconic warrior in front of him proved true.

2012-01-11, 11:23 PM
Taizu nods as he takes the flask. "I am Taizu of the Wyrmheart people, son of Khabul the Dragon's Claw, grandson of Khaidu the Dragon's Fang, heir to the blood of dragons, instrument of the justice of Bahamut."

He points towards the kobold clinging to his back. "This is Melphix, cursed wielder of forces beyond mortal ken. Let not his monstrous appearance frighten you, for he is as true a companion as ever I have had."

Then, a wave to the halfling beside him. "And Osborn Underbough, the laughing monk. He who has kept our spirits high even in times most dour."

"Together, we are marching to Drelin's Ferry, to seek rest and respite before searching the Wyrmsmoke Mountains... for as long as living memory, my people lived there. Then the hobgoblins came and destroyed everything, taking my father's life and my freedom.

I seek not vengeance, Ulfthane son of Sovrim. I seek to unspoil my land from the touch of goblins, to seek the survivors of my broken people, and enact Bahamut's justice on those who have wronged them.

I have no information for you, but if we travel together, perhaps we shall find the knowledge you seek."

2012-01-12, 08:12 AM
Melphix nods and, satisfied that his friend can handle whatever surprises may be thrown at him, drops off his back and digs into his pack for some rations. He doesn't stop glancing at Ulfthane warily, however.

2012-01-12, 10:37 AM
Nodding, Osbonr adds quickly:

"I couldn't have said better!"

2012-01-12, 11:40 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

Ulfthane explains how he knows of Taizu and his companions and offers his flask of brandy, even if it is early morning and they are just breaking their night fast.

Taizu, being a natural leader, introduces his two friends and the reason why they are going towards Drellin’s Ferry. He invites the newcomer to join them. The kobold and the Halfling agrees with Taizu.

While the group is still getting introduced, four riders come up the road. Three of them look like mercenary swords, wearing studded leather armor and carrying a long sword and a light cross bow. A woman rides among them. She is wearing expensive silk rider clothes like merchant of the region tends to do.

They slow down their horse when they see the group. However, the smile on the woman merchant face completely disappears when she sees Melphix. It is replaced by a look of disgust. She shakes her head and all four riders disappear before any of the group members can say anything directly to them.

Sadly, this kind of reaction was not uncommon in Elsir Vale. It was a land of only good races (Elven, dwarves, and humans), until the goblin tribes came to the Wyrmsmoke Mountains, as Taizu can sadly testify.

The 4 companions finished their meal and decided to continue their trek toward Drellin’s Ferry. The temperature is rising and the pace is not as fast as they wanted and they needed to make frequent stops due to the high heat and humidity. Wearing armor on a day like today was a curse for Taizu as he sweats profusely. Ulfthane, Melphix and Osborn did not have that issue and did not find the heat as bothersome.

The group continues on a rough part of the Dawn Way, the east-west main trade road. It is a gravel road which wounds the edge of the Witchwood. The road crests a small rise and descends into a dusty grove in a large, shallow dell. An abandoned farm house, partially visible through the trees, stands on one side of the road. You've passed a dozen spots much like this one already today.

Taizu is walking next to Melphix, followed by Ulfthane and Osborn alert about their environment, as seasoned adventurers are. Suddenly Taizu and Osborn stops as they notice the glint of mail through the brush by the side of the road. Fierce warriors - tall hairy humanoids with wide mouths and flat faces – are lying in wait.

Please roll initiative

2012-01-12, 03:11 PM


2012-01-12, 06:52 PM
Here is the map.


Remember that the humanoids have concealment and cover at the moment and the party does not and only Taizu and Osborn are aware of them.

2012-01-13, 12:59 AM
"AMBUUUUUUUUUSH!" Taizu roars, hefting his mighty blade. He stands his ground, ready to charge at the first sign of hostile intent from the hairy humanoids.

AC 15 -2 (Charging)
HP 48/48

Action: Readied action to Charge and attack H2 ( [roll0] ) with the greatsword, power attacking for a -2 penalty to attack and a +4 bonus to damage, at the first sign of hostility such as preparing to attack. If hit, dealing [roll1]

In addition, charging is a threatening action that triggers Taizu's Frightful Presence. Enemies with less HD than Taizu within 30 ft. must make a will save vs. DC 16 and be frightened (if less than 5 HD) or shaken (if 5 or more HD)

2012-01-13, 10:59 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 1: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Ulfthane, Melphix

Taizu yells to his comrades that trouble is about to happen. He readies his charge, still hoping that the humanoids are not hostile. However, he sees them readying their bows to shoot, so he realizes that a friendly resolution is not in the cards. He charges the nearing humanoid and swings his blade at H2. The great sword cuts the enemy deep but not enough to kill him. However, the mere presence of the barbarian is powerful enough to frighten the enemy who flees.

The humanoids north and south of Taizu (H1 & H3) are not affected and each unleashes an arrow at him. However, both arrows get lost in the bushes. H4 and H6 aims for Melphix. Both arrows bounce of his armor. He might be hot be at least he is safe. H5 aims at Osborn and believes he will succeed when at the last second; the monk batters the arrow with the side of his hand like the martial arts master he is.

The door of the abandoned farmhouse opens and two big, powerful built dogs with a short, rust-red fur appears. Their marking, teeth and tongue are sooty black and they have red, glowing eyes.

Taizu is now in cell L7. He recognizes the humanoids as hobgoblins.
H2 is now in cell L2
Dog 1 is in W6, Dog 2 is in W5

2012-01-13, 12:16 PM
"So early it's not even fun!"

At the opposite of what is just sayed, he runs, smiling, toward the ennemy.

Charge in O10.

Finishing his run with a flying kick, he immediately continues with a punch in the face of the hobgobelin. His feets and fists are surrounded with fire.

I spend one use of stunning fist to activate fiery fist, so my attacks till the end of the round are dealing 2d6+5 bonus fire damage. (that was my swift action. At the end of the charge, I make a flurry of blows:

Critical confirmation in OOC thread.



AC of 17 until end of turn, and unarmed attack burning for the same time.Stunning Fist: 1 of 6 used.

2012-01-13, 03:23 PM
Ülfthane hears Taizu yell out the warning and takes a brief moment to survey the situation, as his master taught him.
Seeing both Taizu and Osbourn rush to meet the creatures, he sees 4 more that are not being addressed. Bring forth from memory, his hands and feet flow in the form he had been taught a moment after drawing a bit of spider web from his pouch. Another moment and he completes the incantation, arcane energy consume the material as as spray of webs comes into existence as he hopes to catch two of the humanoids while keeping a third occupied. Stepping back he readies his crossbow to see what happens next. He hoped that the small reptile-man could hold them long enough to give him enough time to stop these.

AC 13
HP 25/25

Casting Web centered at H-16 after taking a move action to do a spot check (natural 20+1)
After casting, Ülfthane takes a 5 foot step to J-11 (the spot Osborn just vacated) while drawing his crossbow.

+5 for knowledge either dungeoneering, nature, or the planes
+12 for arcana
to recognize what these are

2012-01-13, 04:52 PM
Melphix yelps and ducks away from the two humanoids firing upon him, scurrying towards the opposite side of the road. "Not a pleasant situation, Osborn!" He cries, flinging a bolt of Eldritch energies towards one of them, obscured by bushes.

Move: Moving to J8.
Standard: Firing an Eldritch Blast, rolling 1d20+7 for a ranged touch attack for [roll0] damage.

AC: 22
HP: 28/28
Status: 20% Miss Chance (Entropic Warding)

2012-01-13, 11:02 PM
Here is the map taking into consideration everything up to my post.


2012-01-15, 04:03 AM
Taizu looks back at his companions, seeing that they are handily taking care of the goblins at his back. His head snaps back as he hears the howling of dogs. The new arrivals, with glowing red eyes, seem anything but friendly and Taizu runs at the creatures, his sword at the ready, swinging mightily at the closest one.

AC 15 -2 (Charging)
HP 48/48
Status: Fine

Action: Charging straight down column seven to attack D1. Power attacking for -2 Attack/+4 Damage

Once again, charging activates Taizu's frightful presence

2012-01-16, 11:26 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 1: continued

Overly excited by the sudden action, Osborn charges the nearest hobgoblin. He leaps and hit the monster with a flying kick in the neck which breaks the enemy vertebras. Fire appears in his hands and he pummels the hobgoblin with a series of punch, breaking its skull into pieces. The hobgoblin without even knowing what has happened to it.

Ulthane moves 5 feet and then casts a web spell which catches H5 and H6. H5 is able to stay free of the spell but not H6.

Melphix repositions himself closer to Taizu and unleashes a blast of Eldrich energy but the blast fails to hit its target.

End of Round 1

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 2: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Ulfthane, Melphix

Taizu wants to charge towards the dog but because he has to go toward brushes he cannot reach them.

kpengiun. My mistake here. I forgot to put on the map that the deep green is terrain that you go half speed through. This makes a charge impossible. However, because you did not know, I allowed Taizu to move full speed for this time. Sorry for the mistake. First of many I suspect.

H1 moves in the clearing and fires an arrow at Melphix but the arrows flies high. H4 moves 5 feet forward and fires at Ulfthane but nearly pricks his own foot. H5 moves out of the web and fires at the wizard and nearly hit him but the shot is too short. H6 is stuck in the web and still fires but fails to connect.

The “dogs” move forward toward Taizu. D1 tries to bite him and succeeds. When it bites Taizu, flames appear in hiw jaws and burn the barbarian. D2 moves forward and tries to bite Taizu. It succeeds to, and once again, fire appears when the “dog” successfully bite him.

Taizu: -10HP (D1) and -9HP (D2) – Currently at 29/48

A strong looking hobgoblin appears, wearing a studded leather armor with a red hand painted on it. It is yielding two short swords that it strikes together yelling “Yash? Yash Begtiy Cassurin?” *. He moves toward Taizu.

In goblin, it means You? You dare fight me?”

Another goblin, wearing a banded mail, a light shield and a mace at its belt appears. He wears a red cape with a red hood over its ugly face. He looks at the group and laughs “more food for us tonight and the dogs”


2012-01-16, 11:28 AM

H2 has continues fleeing and is now out of sight.

The ones with knowledge remember from their studies that tere is something demonic about these dogs.

2012-01-17, 02:47 PM
Melphix looks back through the trees at Taizu, and see the commotion with his new obstacle. He takes a few steps closer to his friend, while simultaneously pulling out one of his various wands strapped to his body, in this case a wand of Enlarge Person. "Taizu, brace!" He calls out to the Barbarian, as he waves the wand spectacularly in Taizu's direction.

Move: Pulling out my wand of Enlarge Person + five foot step to K8 to be within range.
Standard: Expending a charge of the wand to attempt to Enlarge Taizu. Use Magic Device Check: [roll0] against DC 20 to activate it.

AC: 22, Touch 15, Flatfooted 19
HP: 28/28
Status: 20% Ranged Miss Chance (Entropic Warding)

2012-01-17, 04:46 PM
Ülfthane hear's the the kobald's warning to Taizu a moment after hearing someone yelling out in goblin, turning to see's the newcomers to the battle.
Quickly reassessing the situation, he turns and moves towards the combatants, his arms, hands and feet quickly moving in synch while they slow down to a crawl as he extends his hands towards the goblinoids.

AC 13
HP 25/25

Moving to P-11

Casting Slow on D1, D2 and U1. Will DC17.

2012-01-17, 07:21 PM
Now that his first opponent was lying on the ground, Osborn continued to seek ennemies. Crossing the road once more, he strikes a second hobgobelin.

This time, it seems that, after the kick hit, the hobgobelin was ready for the punch and ducked before it, leaving Osborn slightly unbalanced.

Charge in N16, and flurry of blows on the hobgobelin.





2012-01-18, 01:37 AM
Taizu's eyes narrow as he growls at the strong-looking hobgoblin before him. He doesn't understand goblin, but knows enough about warriors to know that was a challenge. And, proud barbarian prince Taizu is, the Son of the Dragon's Claw was more than ready to accept it.

He hears Melphix's call, but feels nothing... Melphix forgot to flick again, didn't he? Oh Melphix. Swish and flick. Even the uncultured barbarian knew that much.

In any case, Taizu could hardly wait for Melphix's strange magic to aid him. He was on his own against this brute... and he would have it no other way.

Taizu's face turns to the sky as he lets loose a low bellow that builds into a might ROAR! His muscles bulge and his eyes alight with fire of his ANGER. It is with these eyes that he turns back to gaze at the hobgoblin before him, stepping forward with the purpose and confidence of a great dragon.

"I, Taizu of the Wyrmheart, son of the Dragon's Fang challenge you to a duel . Are you man enough to battle me honorably, goblin, or do you fear my blade so much you need these DOGS to face me?"

AC 15 -2 (Raging)
HP 39/58
Status: RAGING

Move: Taizu takes a five foot step forward at UI

Free Action: Taizu enters his RAGE, increasing his strength and constitution by four each, increasing his will save by 2, and lowering his AC by 2.

He also activates his Intimidating Rage feat, which allows him to immediately roll an Intimidate check to demoralize, the demoralization lasting until the rage ends.. He combines this with NEVER OUTNUMBERED, his skill trick that lets him demoralize all enemies within 10 ft. when demoralizing with Intimidate once per encounter if outnumbered.

[roll0], opposed by a a modified level check (1d20+HD+wisdom bonus+misc. bonuses). If the enemy fails, they are SHAKEN (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken)

Action: If the hobgoblin accepts Taizu's challenge, Taizu will allow the hobgoblin to ready himself before attacking. If not, Taizu will immediately move forward to attack. In either case, Taizu's attacking.

Taizu will attack with a FULL POWER ATTACK, subtracting 5 from attack to add 5 to damage.


2012-01-18, 10:58 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 2: continued

The one-man wrecking crew also known as Osborn the Halfling charges the nearest hobgoblin, in this case H4. He leaps and again hit the monster with a flying kick in the face, killing it instantly. He tries to follow with a series of glow to the body but the lifeless body fall to the ground before Osborn can hit it. (Osborn in N16)

Ulthane moves closer to Taizu (in P11) and cast a slow spell on Taizu’s opponents. It affects one of the dogs and the fighter goblin. Ulfthane still has no real clue of what the group is really facing.

Melphix repositions himself closer to Taizu (in K8) and tries to use his wand to enlarge Taizu but the spell fizzle.

End of Round 2

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

Round 3: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Ulfthane, Melphix

Taizu, finding himself attacked on all sides enters into a rage. As a result, the same dog that was slowed is shaken as is the hobgoblin warrior. He offers an honorable fight to the goblin who replies by ordering the dogs to attack. “ You meat! You die! ” Taizu responds by attacking him (in S7) but his blade fails to hit the hobgoblin.

H1 moves toward Melphix (in J5) and fires an arrow. It flies high above the kobold head. H2 reappears, looking less bloody than before. H5 and H6 fire at Osborn but until H5 succeeds in hitting the monk.

Myth-weaver is blocked to protest against SOPA (and I am glad they do) so I do not have access to the character sheet to see if you have special abilities that halves or nullified arrow damages. Please roll it for me and I will adjust the post to reflect that.

The dogs try to bite Taizu but only the second one succeeds, its bite getting fiery and burning Taizu.

The hobgoblin warrior yells “Me cut your manhood and feed to dogs in a crazy laugh. He swings both swords and both hit the barbarian prince. Blood starts to appear all over his armor. He might not survive another hit.

Taizu Damages: -7HP Bite -1HP Fire –10HP Sword #1 –6 HP Sword #2. How much temporary HP does Taizu gets from his rage? Taizu Currently at 5 + temp HP/48+temp HP

The hobgoblin with a red cloak smiles and taunts the heroes “It is too bad you girlies men are not real women. I would have let you go if you have let the dogs have their way with you. He grabs a scroll and reads the incantation written on it and another “dog” appears near Ulfthane (in P12).

Suddenly, a man wearing armor and weapon appears on the south east part of the road (in Y18).

No access to myth-weaver so I cannot describe Connor any better. I have added him in the first post of the game thread

Here is the map

2012-01-19, 02:32 AM
Melphix curses at the wand and lowers it, before entering the underbrush and pushing his way through, intent on getting closer to Taizu. He moves through the shrubberies unhappily, cloak catching on brambles. He could see the master swordsman becoming quickly outnumbered. Time to think fast. What was that Infernal word he said once? Broke that fork clean in twain? Merrin? Minrah? Maero? Hmm. He'll remember soon enough. He remains in the shrubs, waiting and watching.

Move: Moving into the vegetation, N7 specifically, presumably gaining cover and concealment.
Standard: Readying an action to use Baleful Utterance on whichever sword the Hobgoblin in front of Taizu swings, before it makes contact. Baleful Utterance will shatter the sword if its wielder fails a DC 12 Will Save.

AC: 22+4 (Cover)
HP: 28/28
Status: 20% Ranged Miss Chance (Entropic Warding), separate 20% Ranged Miss Chance (Concealment)

2012-01-19, 08:15 AM
"I won't let you break the fun of that!"

Shouting that, Osborn began to run toward the red cape goblin, in order to throw him to the ground, burning, and once again his fists and feet surrounded by flame.

Charge in T11, and attacking the red cape. Once again, I spend one use of stunning fist to activate fiery fist.





4 use of stunning fist remaining, and AC of 17

2012-01-20, 12:33 AM
Ulthane looks and sees that the situation has gone from bad to worse.
Realizing there was another spell definitely made things more complicated but he couldn't think about that now.
Time to level the odds a bit he mumbles as he begins.
Prepare for some help friends! he yells out so they were not caught unaware.
This dog next to him, after seeing it take a chunk out of Taizu, was not something he would be able to handle. Letting his crossbow drop to it's sling, he moved just far enough away so that the dog didn't attack him while he cast his complicated spell while drawing his dagger.

AC 13
HP 25/25
Status: unhurt

Taking a 5 foot step to O-10 while dropping crossbow and pulling dagger. Casting haste on Taizu, Melphix, Osborn and himself.

2012-01-20, 03:02 AM
The Prince of the Wyrmheart lowers his sword, leaning on it a little. He pants as he bleeds out, sword wounds running deep. He considers retreat. He was outnumbered, far too outnumbered...

and then

Prepare for some help friends!

Taizu could feel POWER rush into him. He could feel his arms and legs fill with energy, his body feeling lighter, his whole being rushing with adrenaline...

He grins. His companions had his back. He would not back down. ROARING with the FURY of a dragon, he brings his sword down on the dogs beside him.

AC 15 -2 (Raging) + 1 (Hasted)
HP 15/58
Status: RAGING

Action: Taizu takes advantage of the Haste to do a Full Attack, attacking the dogs on either side of him with his sword, first attacking the dog he previously damaged. He'll full power attack, subtracting 5 from his attack to add 5 to damage.

Attack #1

Attack #2

If Taizu manages to take down both of the dogs, he says to the hobgoblin in front of him. "Now the odds are even. Dare you fight me like a man now?"

2012-01-20, 11:59 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 3: continued

Osborn charged the hobgoblin with the red cape and did his signature move of the flying kick followed but a flurry of punches. However, the hobgoblin was ready for it and stopped the flying kick. He was not however nimble enough to avoid the punishing blows. (Osborn in T11)

Ulfthane realizes that as a spellcaster, he has been targeted and is worried about the “dog” that just appeared next to him. He sidesteps (in O10) and cast a haste spell on all his comrades. Suddenly, the heroes are moving much faster.

All heroes get +1 to TAB, AC and reflex save – Round 1/5)

Melphix, disappointed that the wand failed him, knows that a front attack is not his best strategy and he has a better way to help his friend. The kobold moves inside the bushes (in N6) and ready a spell hoping to break the sword facing the barbarian.

End of Round 3

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

Round 4: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Ulfthane, Melphix

Doubts start to assail Taizu. He sees the blood on his armor, feels the pain of the bites and cuts and burns and is ready to give up. Then he senses a heightened speed within his body. He remembers who he is and why he is fighting. His rage overpowers his sense and he swings his blade like a mad man. His first swings decapitate the first hound while his second swing cuts the second hound in two. Still raging, he dares the hobgoblin to a fair fight.

The regular hobgoblins start converging on the heroes. (H1 in L5, H2 in L3, H5 in M16, H6 stuck in the web). They all fire arrows, H1 and H2 aiming for Melphix while H5 and H6 aim for Ulfthane. The arrows aimed at Melphix miss him easily but both arrows aimed at Ulfthane hit their mark.

The dog that just appeared opens its mouth and a 10 foot-cone appears and engulfs Ulfthane. Luckily, his good reflex prevents the fire from totally burning him. The wizard knows that he just dodged a bullet and one more hit could be the end of him.

Ulfthane: -9HP H5 and -5HP H6 – 6HP Fire Breath– Currently at 5/25]

The hobgoblin warrior shows some sign of shock when he sees both hounds being cut down so easily. It shows its pointed teeth and growls at Taizu while swinging only one sword. At that moment Melphix spell is activate, hoping to break the blade but the spell fizzles as it touches the blade. The hobgoblin follows his growl with a long swing of its short sword that cut the barbarian even more, bring him to the edge of death.

Taizu: -10HP – Currently at (1+10rage)=11/48+10rage= 58

The hobgoblin wearing the red cape takes a 5 feet step away from Osborn, utters a few words in goblinoid and turns invisible.

2012-01-20, 04:55 PM
"Bakah!" Melphix curses in Draconic. "Wrong word, rrgh." The Kobold begins crawling through the underbrush towards Taizu, intent on helping his closest friend. When he hears Ulfthane getting torn up by dogs, however, he turns around. "Double bakah!" He shouts, and flings a bolt of dark energies dog-ward.

Move: Moving through the vegetation into square Q7.
Standard: Firing an Eldritch Blast at D3, [roll0] to hit with a ranged touch attack. If it makes contact, it deals [roll1] damage.
AC: 22+1(+4) (Cover+Haste)
HP: 28/28
Status: 20% Ranged Miss Chance (Entropic Warding), separate 20% Ranged Miss Chance (Concealment)

Uncle Festy
2012-01-20, 05:23 PM
A young man appears over the rise of a hill, a pale blue cape wavering slightly behind him. He wears light chainmail over a beige tunic, and a small golden sun hangs on a thin metal chain around his neck. A simple mace hangs loosely at his waist. His hair is brown, short-cropped, and unkempt, and his beard is too neat to be the result of neglect but too messy to seem intentionally cultivated. His face is unlined and young, though it creases into confused shock at seeing the battle being waged on the road ahead of him. "What in Pelor's name..." he half-speaks, half-murmurs, as he looks back and forth between the two competing groups in a desperate attempt to assess the situation. But when he spots the heavily wounded human farther down the road, he seems to come to a decision. He charges over to Ulfthane, clasping the holy symbol around his neck and shouting a prayer to Pelor as he runs.
Ok, so if I can charge and use a touch attack, I'll charge in a straight line over to Ulfthane - ending in P10 if I did the math right, and possibly taking an AOO from the third dog - and spontaneously cast Cure Moderate Wounds (losing Bull's Strength). Hopefully the dog will have used its AOO on my movement and won't be able to disrupt my spell, but if it still has it left, I'll cast it defensively - Concentration [roll0] + 7 + 4 for combat casting against a DC of 17. The spell heals [roll1] + 5 + 1 for healing domain.
... if I CAN'T charge, I'll just run over to Ulfthane, try and distract the dog, and heal him on my next turn.

2012-01-20, 06:03 PM
Keeping the fight with the hobgobelin, Osborn has to try another tactic.

"Come, we will roll to the ground!"

I grapple the troll hobgobelin! I have improved grapple so no AoO for it.

Touch attack:

Grapple attempt (without wisdom, with size modifier):

2012-01-20, 06:04 PM
Taizu feels pain. Pain all over his body. But he could hear his friends behind him and so his heart was steeled against all fear. He presses forward with his blade, Ulthbane's blessing fueling his attacked.

AC 15 -2 (Raging) + 1 (Hasted)
HP 11/58
Status: RAGING

Action: Full attacking again, same full power attack, same bonuses.



2012-01-20, 06:21 PM


2012-01-21, 09:17 AM
Ülfthane feels the bite of two arrows and, a moment later, he is surprised as the dog in front of him belch out a stream of fire. Getting desperate and knowing he could not take another assault like that. Seeing the goblinoid disappear, he thinks to himself "Two can play at that game." Then the man he saw comes running up, symbol of Pelor held before him. Feeling the healing energy envelop him, he breathes out Thank you to the man, hoping he survived long enough to give a more formal thanks to the holy man.
He was conflicted as to helping out the burly prince, the wounds evident even from this distance, trying to discern where the disappearing goblinoid went, or dealing with these archers. Hoping Taizu could last a few more moments, he concentrated for a moment, hands coming together in front of him in a flowing manner as the magic seared his mind for a brief moment. Looking back at his new ally, he yells "The warrior needs help; I am not abandoning you, friend" as he rushes off to assist Taizu.

AC 14
HP 13/25
Status: wounded/hasted


Casting Sleep at the intersection of L-3/L-4/M-3/M-4 to capture H1 & H2 Will DC15.
Moving to R5 looking for the disappearing goblinoid.

2012-01-21, 02:26 PM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 4: continued

Osborn decides to go and grapple the hobgoblin warrior. He puts all his heart and effort in the attempt but the monster is simply too big and too strong for our valiant Halfling. (Osborn in T8)

Ulfthane sees the young man, holding the sign of Pelor run toward him so he delays his action.

Melphix, keeps moving toward Taizu. He realizes that another companion is getting teared apart so he unleashes his Eldrich blast and hit the hound hard (in Q7).

A young man wearing a chain mail and symbol of Pelor around his neck charges toward ulfthane. He passes by the “dog” which tries to bite him and succeed. As it bites the charging priest, a fire blast appears and burns him. He continues and puts his hand on Ulfthane. Some of the wizard wounds heal (Connor in O11).

Connor: -7HP – Currently at 30/37
Ulthane: +8HP – Currently at 13/25

Feeling healed, Ulfthane decides to even the odds. He cast a sleep spell. H1 fall asleep but H2 fights it and stays concious.

End of Round 4

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

Round 5: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Melphix, Connor, Ulfthane

Empowered by his dispatching of the hounds, the barbarian aims at the goblin warrior. Feeling the additional speed given by his fighting brothers, he attacks the hobgoblin. His first swings cuts his sword arm and the second one decapitate the warrior.

A collective “ugh?” can be heard from the remaining hobgoblins. It is quickly replace by anger. The nearest hobgoblin (H2) moves forward and fires. The other two hesistate a second and choose the target that they had success before, the wizard Ulfthane. The hobgoblin that aimed for Taizu is still shocked from the death of his leader and misses. The other two goblins still looks shocked and only H6 succeed in hitting Ulfthane.

Ulfthane: -3HP damanges – currently at 10/25

The hound goes after the hero who has hurt it and tries to bite Melphix. The do fails miserably.

The hobgoblin with the red cape stays invisible.



2012-01-21, 09:38 PM
Melphix shrinks away from the relatively enormous hound bearing down on him. Whimpering loudly, he scurries out of the shrubbery towards the farmhouse. Then, utilizing the strange magicks that empower him, he scurries up the side of the building and positions himself atop the building.

He scowls at the canine below, hood still guarding his sensitive eyes from the harsh sun. "Bad dog!" He grunts, and flings another bolt of Eldritch energy down at the creature.

Move: Moving over to the house and using my spiderclimb to climb up the side, ending up in square R5.
Standard: Firing yet another Eldritch Blast at the dog (D3). Ranged touch attack roll of [roll0]. If it hits the dog's touch AC, it takes [roll1] damage.

AC: 22+1 (Haste)
HP: 28/28
Status: 20% Ranged Miss Chance (Entropic Warding)

2012-01-22, 08:06 PM
With his opponent downed, Taizu looks back at the battle at hand. Only four opponents remaining... wait, hadn't there been a red-caped villain. Taizu had heard an incantation.. he was invisible. Taizu yells at his companions


Taizu takes a couple steps toward the nearby house, putting his back against the wall and looking up as he sheaths his blade. He allows himself a groan of pain as he does so. There are wounds bleeding out all over his body.

"Melphix!" he says quickly, in Draconic. " If you would give some healing aid, my friend, it would be most appreciated.

He draws his bow, ready to shoot at goblins who close in.

AC 15 -2 (Raging) + 1 (Hasted)
HP 11/58
Status: RAGING

Move: Five-foot step to move to R6.
Action: Move action to sheath the greatsword and a move action to draw the longbow

2012-01-23, 05:14 PM
Still wrestling the hobgobelin on the ground, Osborn laughs.

Continuing grapple

[roll0] (+7 to grapple +1 haste (not sure though))


Uncle Festy
2012-01-23, 11:04 PM
Connor frowns as he watches his spell fizzle faintly around Ulfthane's wounds. "Sorry about that. My healing spells are usually much stronger than - wait, where are you going? You're still hurt!" Connor sighs as he watches the wizard pull away from him, then glances around him, noting the pair of hobgoblin archers and the absent red-cloaked spellcaster. "All right," he mutters. "I've got this." Grasping the holy symbol around his neck in one hand, he lowers his head in prayer. "Pelor," he says, "in these times of darkness, let your divine radiance glow upon us all. Illuminate our talents. Blind our foes to their weaknesses. Let the light of fortune shine upon us." He raises an open palm into the air, where a sphere of divine energy is forming. "Pelor!" he cries, "Grant us your strength!" With this last word, the orb expands outwards to forty feet in all directions. Taizu, Ulthfane, and Osborn all glow for a moment with the blessing of divine fortune, while their nearest foes feel Pelor's curse settle on their shoulders. Connor grins, and begins pushing his way through the grass towards the house.
HP: 30/37
AC: 15
Status: +1 on attacks, damage, saves & skills
Casting Prayer (+1 luck bonus on attacks, damage, saves, and skills [don't forget to add this to your spot checks if you're after Connor!], and -1 penalties to the same for all foes) on Taizu, Ulthfane, Osborn, H1, H2, D3, and H5 - IE, everyone in range (40 ft) that he can see. I'm assuming Connor hasn't noticed the kobold on the roof, if only because he'd probably assume that the reptilian spellcaster was evil and allied with the goblins. After that, I'm moving through the grass to S9.

2012-01-24, 11:16 AM
Ülfthane scans for the red cloak who had been summoning the infernal hounds, when Taizu yells out his warning. Quickly thinking, he reaches into his masters pack and the scroll that he was thinking of appeared in his hand.

He yells out to his allies Be prepared!
Looking at his masters handwriting, illegible to most but clear to him after years of training, he began the abjuration, hoping that he was able to correctly guess where the goblinoid might be.

Focusing, he read the words, which disappeared from the scroll, and directed the energy to where he guessed where the red cloak, considering his next move.

2012-01-24, 11:39 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 5: continued

Osborn to the surprise of Taizu, Ulfthane and Melphix decides to grapple the decapitated body of the hobgoblin warrior. It is hard to know if the Halfling has gone insane or is doing a bad joke and he laugh hysterically grapping the dead body. (Osborn in T8)

Melphix, not wanting to taste the bite and fire of the hound climbs on top of the abandoned farmhouse. However, he does not really pay attention to the condition of the roof which is rotten and break. The kobold falls inside the farmhouse. However, the warlock break his fall and slightly scratches his pinky (in R5 inside the house).

For Melphix only (if you read, please do not metagame)

Melphix: -1HP of damages – Currently at 27/28.
Inside the farm house, Melphix sees a bloodied naked woman tied to the wall. She is moaning and in a fetus position. He also sees 3 bodies also naked.

Connor apologizes to Ulfthane for his meek healing and cast a prayer that helps his friend and hurts his enemies. Melphix is not affected as he is in the house. He moves closer to his companions (Connor in S11).

I put Connor in S11 rather than S9 because he would have given a AoO to D3

The heroes try to get a sense of where the red cloak hobgoblin is hiding but in the mist of the battle, they do not locate him. Ulfthane decides to cast a dispel magic spell south of Connor and east of Osborn close to the last location of the hobgoblin but nothing appears.

I put are spell south of your original location to avoid engulfing Connor.

Six more hobgoblins appear at the south east part of the road (X18, X19, Y17-Y20)

End of Round 5

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

Round 6: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Melphix, Connor, Ulfthane

Taizu moves next to the farm wall and next to Ulfthane. He sheathes his blade and pull out his bow.

Put Taizu in S7 because Ulfthane was in R7)

H2 (in O5) and H5 (in P13) moves closer to their target and shoot at Ulfthane and Connor respectively. Both arrows find their marks and dig themselves deep in the heroes flesh.

Ulfthane: -3HP damages – currently at 7/25
Connor: -6HP – currently at 24/37

The last remaining hound tries to bite Ulfthane and succeeds. A fire appears as the dog bites the wizard. After biting the wizard, the hound disappears in a cloud of smoke. It is of little comfort to the wizard who falls to the ground bleeding.

Ulfthane: -13HP damages – currently at -6/25 – bleeding

H6 tries to break itself free from the web but fails miserably.

The hobgoblin with the red cape stays invisible.

Hearing Spot DC 20

If succeed, you hear an incantation near the new group of goblins

Magic Knowledge DC15

If succeed, you recognize the incantation as a bless spell

The six new hobgoblins makes double moves to spread themselves as they have been instructed about the danger of area spells.(hobgoblins in V12, R18, T15, Y14, V21, X19)

2012-01-24, 09:30 PM


2012-01-24, 10:50 PM
Taizu hears something snap behind him, and turns around to see Melphix plunge through the roof.

"Dragon dung."

Then a bite and a scream of pain. Ulfthane turns and sees Ulthfane downed and bleeding out from a vicious mauling by the hellhound.


He scans the area to see what else the fates had in store for him and sees the arrival of another squad of hobgoblins, armed with bows and ready to fire.


Taizu, in his anger, considers firing a volley of arrows at the hobgoblins, but his heart is swayed by the his companions' immediate safety... and his. Throwing aside his bow, Taizu reaches down to pick up Ulfthane into his arms. He looks at the stranger who hand come to his aid.


He carries Ulthfane into the house, running through the open door and taking cover behind a wall. His eyes search the room for Melphix.


AC 15 -2 (Raging) + 1 (Hasted)
HP 11/58
Status: RAGING

Free Action: Dropping the bow
Move Action: Pick up Ulthfane
Second Move Action: Enter house through the open door.

2012-01-25, 02:30 PM
Melphix lets out a soft yelp as he plummets the fifteen feet into the house below. As he gets to his clawed feet, he thinks himself lucky to be unscathed. That could have hurt. Well, more, he thinks, rubbing his backside and looking around.

The decor is remarkably grim indoors, but he's seen worse. The woman seems unwell. He hears Taizu call out a curse or five outside, and hesitates. He glances over his shoulder, and quietly approaches the Human female. He's diminutive enough he doesn't even need to bend down to reach the ropes binding her. "Uh, are you injured?" He asks, awkwardly. He sends a surge of dark energy through his hand, which burns apart the ropes. "It's okay, I'm here to uh, to help." His hand hovers over her shoulder, hesitant, when he hears the commotion at the door, and hears his friend's voice calling to him.

He steps quickly away from the woman, and moves towards Taizu. "Here, Taizu! I, uh, I fell." A quick glimmer of shame runs across his face.

Move: Moving towards the woman.
Standard: Using my Eldritch Blast to sever the ropes tying her. I'll roll if I have to.
AC: 22 + 1 (Haste)
HP: 28/28
Status: Hasted, Entropic Warding

Uncle Festy
2012-01-25, 05:44 PM
The grin drops off Connor's face as he sees Ulfthane go down. "No!" he shouts, a fist clenched in frustration. "This is my fault. I wasn't... my spell wasn't strong enough. I could have... I should have... I..."
The barbarian's cry snaps Connor out of his frozen shock. "Oh, right. Yeah." He follows Taizu through the doorway, hovering over the limp body in the barbarian's arms. "Is he... is he OK?" Connor asks hesitantly. Then he looks up at the battered and bloodied barbarian. "... are you OK?"
Double move into the building.

2012-01-25, 06:13 PM
Osborn looks at the decapitated corpse he was holding.

"Oh. Now I see why he was so easy to wrestle."

He walks toward the others.

"Are we doing a wall or something like that against them?"

Moving to S 7

2012-01-26, 02:13 AM
Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight
Round 6: continued

Osborn realizes that the hobgoblin he is wrestling is actually a decapitated corpse. He understands now why it was so little fun. He moves in the bushes next to the abandoned farm house. (Osborn in S7)

The woman opens her eyes and Melphix recognizes her as the merchant they briefly met on the road as they were breaking fast. She is bruised all over with mark of cuts and burns all over her body.
When she sees Melphix, her eyes get filled with terror and says nothing. An insane look is in her eyes.
As Melphix burns her ropes with her magic, she shrieks and crawls back against the wall, trying to cover herself the best she can.
Melphix walks away from the woman and calls for his friend Taizu. (in V3)

Connor realizes that the situation is dire and walks inside the abandoned farmhouse. (Connor in W2).

Ulfthane continues to bleed.

Ulfthane: -1HP – currently ay -7HP/25

End of Round 6

Day: 1
Time: Early Morning
Light: Bright Daylight

Round 7: Taizu, Enemies (Action Stopped Here), Osborn, Melphix, Connor, Ulfthane

Taizu curses as he sees the situation evolves from good to bad to worse. He grabs the bleeding Ulfthane and moves inside the farm.

What is the count on Taizu rage?

All the hobgoblins other than H6 converge towards Osborn but still do not group as they are worry about the efficiency of the range spells the group has been throwing at them. They all fire at Osborn. None of the arrows find their marks as the Halfling is dancing around them while taunting the monsters.

H6 tries to break itself free from the web but fails miserably.

The hobgoblin with the red cape stays invisible.



2012-01-26, 07:03 AM
After seen all the hobgobelins failing to hit him, Osborn enters quickly the house.

Osborn moves in W4