View Full Version : (3.5) Chicken Golem (Creature) (Humorous) (P.E.A.C.H.)

2012-01-10, 02:54 PM
The only people known to create these rare golems are clerics of Cluckzor (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145296) and Bock-Booock!!! (Also known as She-Who-Clucks) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91892) see also HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92025) for SWC's minions.

Chicken Golem
Size/Type: Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 6d10+20 (53 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 20 feet (4 squares) [see also Flap! Flap! Flap! and Like A Chicken with Its Head Cut Off]
Armor Class: 8, touch 8, flat-footed 8 (-2 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+3
Attack: Pecking limb +3 melee (1d6-1 piercing)
Full Attack: Pecking limb +3 melee (1d6-1 piercing)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pecking in the Dirt
Special Qualities: Buck, Buck, Buck, BA-CAW!, Construct Qualities(but no Darkvision, and see other special qualities), DR 5/light AND slashing*, Fearful, Flap! Flap! Flap!, Like a Chicken with Its Head Cut Off, Live Poultry, Low-Light Vision, Immunity to Magic, Ungainly Size
Saves: Fort +2, Ref 0, Will +2
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 6, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: —
Feats: —
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary (Called a flock, confusingly enough), Flock of Flocks (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 4? ((It will soak up a lot of consumables, but it can't hit hard enough to have any chance of killing any PC willing to retreat from a fight that is going badly.))
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 7-8 HD (Medium); 9-17 HD (Large); 18-35 HD (Huge)
* GMs that prefer a more emphasized "cut off their heads with some sort of farming implement" sort of feel or wish to present a puzzle-challenge to players that haven't read this entry are advised to instead use the following: Damage Reduction 5/NON-masterwork AND NON-magical AND NON-two-handed AND NON-Sword AND (Slashing OR non-punching dagger).

Someone has apparently... glued a bunch of chickens together in a vaguely humanoid shape. Most or all of the chickens seem to still be alive and clucking.

Buck, Buck, Buck, BA-CAW! (Ex): Chickens are often noisy. The continuous clucking of the chickens that make up a chicken golem means that the base Listen DC to detect a chicken golem is always -2 regardless of how/if it is moving, or what surface is under it. Apply other situational modifiers (such as for distance, or intervening obstacles) as normal. Move Silently checks have no effect on this DC.

Related fluff-based side-note: In addition, any roosters included in a chicken golem will always begin to crow at EXACTLY dawn, and will limit themselves to other noises at all other times of the day (after finishing crowing the dawn).

Fearful (Ex): Any creature of at least medium size may use the demoralize use of the intimidate skill (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/intimidate.htm) on a chicken golem as presented in the PHB (other uses against a chicken golem are as ineffective as they would be against any other golem). A successful intimidate check against a chicken golem has a different effect than so described, instead causing the chicken golem to flee as if panicked for a number of rounds equal to the greater of the intimidating character's hit-dice or its own. For ease of use the relevant portion of the intimidate skill is repeated here: Your Intimidate check is opposed by the target’s modified level check (1d20 + character level or Hit Dice + target’s Wisdom bonus + target’s modifiers on saves against fear). For a standard chicken golem the intimidate check is opposed by 1d20+6.

When a chicken golem enters any combat while it can detect any creature of at least small size that is not a chicken golem (regardless of if the creature(s) in question are foes, allies, impartial observers, or even its creator), there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that the feeble courage of its easily terrified spirit breaks and the golem goes AWOL. Note that these rolls must be started as soon as both conditions(combat and the presence of a sufficiently large creature) are true and continue as long as EITHER ONE of them is true. An uncontrolled chicken golem flees as if panicked until 1 minute after the last time it was attacked or detected a creature of at least small size. The golem’s creator, if within 60 feet, can try to regain control by speaking firmly and persuasively to the golem, which requires a DC 15 Charisma check. The creator takes a -5 penalty on this roll for each size class they are above Tiny size. It takes 1 minute of inactivity by the golem to reset the golem’s AWOL chance to 0%.

Pecking in the Dirt(Ex): [I]The chicken-esque aspects of a chicken golem and many beaks available to it make it the bane of most ordinary insects and also of plant creatures on the scale of a corn kernel.

Against individual creatures of fine size that are in contact with the ground with the plant or vermin type a chicken golem gains both an a +4 morale bonus to-hit and damage(despite normally being immune to morale effects), and an additional attack, as if from Haste, but requiring only an attack action, not a full-attack action. This does not grant any other benefit of Haste. All attacks during any turn the chicken golem makes this additional attack must be made at creatures that meet this criterion.

Against swarms of non-flying creatures of fine size with the plant or vermin type a chicken golem gains the above benefits but with the moral bonus increased to +8 and treats its natural attack as an area of effect weapon for purposes of its ability to target and damage said swarm. If it is within the swarm when it attacks it it may make an additional attack (with the same to-hit and damage bonuses) on the swarm as a swift action.

Flap! Flap! Flap (Ex): The chickens that make up a chicken golem will flail their wings when falling... this is even less effective than for an individual chicken, but every little bit helps.
Medium sized chicken golems fall as if under the effects of a feather fall spell, and may travel 5 feet horizontally for every 20 feet they fall. Large sized chicken golems fall at 75% of normal speed and take half damage from falling (the number of dice rolled remains constant). Huge chicken golems fall at 90% of normal speed, and take 75% of normal damage from falling (the number of dice rolled is still the same).

Like a Chicken with Its Head Cut Off(Ex): When reduced to 0 hit-points or less, a chicken golem is not immediately destroyed. Instead it gains a +30 foot bonus to its movement rate, the Improved Overrun (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#improvedOverrun) feat, removes all fear effects on itself and is immune to further fear effects for the duration of this ability and spends all available actions moving, using the "run" action if possible. Roll 1d8 to determine the direction the chicken golem moves (somewhat like a splash weapon that misses its target) with 1 being the direction towards the GM (or the top of the map if using d20Pro, Maptool, or another such resource to play over the internet) and 2 through 8 counting clockwise around the creature, rerolling for a new direction every (1d4+1)x5 feet or when it come up to an inanimate barrier. The chicken golem makes overrun attacks as a free action on any creature that would otherwise impede its movement while in this state, and a failed attempt does not cause it to fall prone, instead costing it 20 feet of movement, and causing it to re-roll its direction(which may result in another overrun attack against the same or even a different target). This state lasts until it is brought to positive hitpoints (a difficult task since in this state even touch attacks from those trying to cast Repair Light Damage or similar spells require the normal to-hit roll, and it still must be in contact with high-quality chickens) or until a number of rounds have passed equal to its hit-dice(in which case it is destroyed).

Live Poultry(Ex): While comparatively cheap and certainly unexpected to most foes, making a golem out of chickens glued together has some very real problems. Most notable is the cowardice they exhibit compared to most other constructs, but there are others.

While the spells involved in its construction render them/it immune to poison and disease the constituent chickens of a chicken golem render it vulnerable to starvation, thirst, and suffocation, despite being a construct. It does, however qualify as being almost totally inactive for all these purposes, since the chickens do not exert themselves and it recovers hitpoints of non-lethal damage gained from hunger or thirst over time exactly as if it was a living creature. Due to the fact that it is the individual (high quality chickens) that suffer, rather than the agglomerate creature, any fortitude saves required by this vulnerability are made at a flat +2 total modifier, regardless of the golem's hit-dice or most effects on it. Non-poison, non-disease area-effects that do not allow spell-resistance, and can effect an unlimited number of targets can modify this.

Restoring hitpoints of lethal damage to a chicken golem by ANY means requires either that it have been subject to a revivification (NOT Reincarnation or the like) effect as provided under its immunity to magic ability, or requires one or more healthy chickens of at least 2 gp worth each, with healing capped at the GP value of said chickens.

In the case of mundane repairs the chickens and an equal GP value of fletching glue are the only materials required. This makes the repairs cheap, if not exactly easy.

In the case of spells, Devoted Spirit maneuvers, and other non-mundane sources of healing require the chickens to be in physical contact with the golem at the time the spell is delivered. Said chickens are added to its structure, and an equal GP (well... when they were alive) of dead chickens fall off. In the case of spells a single chicken may be used as a weapon to deliver the effect. In the case of a Touch range spell this produces no mechanical variation, other than that the chicken must be held in at least one hand from before the spell is cast, until after it is delivered(the chicken itself is used to deliver the touch attack in this case, which requires no special feats or class features or what-not). In the case of reach spells an other ranged effects the chicken must be thrown, which ALWAYS requires a ranged touch to-hit roll (although a cooperative golem counts its dexterity as being 1 for such purposes), and suffers a -4 penalty to hit unless the thrower is somehow proficient in the use of chickens as ranged weapons.

Immunity to Magic (Su): A chicken golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance except ones with the [Fear] descriptor, or otherwise specifically listed below, which affect it in a unique way. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A chicken golem can be affected by magical or supernatural fear effects normally*, but ignores all mechanical consequences of those effects except ones that could cause a normal animal or humanoid to flee or worse (including, but not limited to death, damage, or cowering). In such cases the effect is always that it flees as if panicked. In the case of instantaneous effects(such as Phantasmal Killer), this lasts for a number of rounds equal to the effective caster level of the effect, or the chicken golem's own hit-dice, whichever is greater.
*For mundane Fear, see the "Fearful" (dis-)ability.

Raise Dead, Resurrection, or True Resurrection cast on a chicken golem allows any damage it had sustained at the time of the casting to be repaired by magical or mundane means for a number of hours equal to the caster level of the effect without the need to provide chickens. In such a case the material components are not required to cast said spells, but if provided (for instance by a character who does not know that they are not required), are consumed normally. In any case any mundane repairs must all be completed before the effect lapses, or there is no healing, however such effects can be overlapped to produce a longer duration.

Ungainly Size(Ex): Chicken golems use the same structural principles in their construction as the dwelling of Cluckzor... unfortunately without the directly applied divine power of a lesser deity, these principles are much more sharply limited. A large sized chicken golem takes 1d10 damage every day as its structural inadequacies cause it to break and tear. If it lays on its back the entire day, and takes no actions of any kind, then reduce this to 1d4 damage.
Huge chicken golems take the same damage, reducible in the same ways but figured every hour, rather than every day. This means that the "laying on the back" part only needs to last an hour to effect the damage for that hour.

Lore(Work in progress)
Characters with ranks in knowledge(arcana) can recall information about chicken golems with a successful knowledge check. When a character makes a successful skill check, the lore in the appropriate following table is revealed, including the information from lower DCs. Knowledge (Religion) may be substituted, but at a -5 penalty. These DCs are non-standard, being based on CR, rather than HD.
14|This is a chicken golem. The chickens are NOT a hive-mind that controls the overall body.


The pieces of a chicken golem must be live chickens in initially perfect health that are of the highest quality, plus the finest fletching glues used to glue them together by the feathers. Assembly requires a minimum of 30 such chickens (Worth at least 60 gp total) and 10 gp worth of glue. In the case of chicken golems with more hit-dice, increase this by both 5 chickens(worth a total of 10 gp) and 2 gp worth of glue per each additional hitdie. Components for the animating ritual bring the total to 200 gp per additional hitdie.

Assembling the body requires a DC 16 Craft (bowmaking) or Profession(Farmer) check or BOTH a DC 16 Heal check AND a DC 16 Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) check.

CL 8th; *, Cause Fear, Dispel Magic, Endure Elements**, Enthrall***, Remove Fear, caster must be at least 5th level, must receive divine spells from someone/something with chickens specifically listed in its portfolio or domains; Price 2,000 gp****; Cost 1,070 gp + 43 XP.

*Note that the Craft Construct feat is specifically NOT required...Chicken Golems barely even qualify as difficult to make.
**Large numbers of chickens in close proximity are vulnerable to death from overheating.
***Touch of Idiocy may be substituted for Enthrall.
****Remember that additional hit dice cost 200 gp each, not 2000 gp.

2012-01-10, 03:39 PM
If the chickens are alive, it should probably be of the Living Construct type. Just saying.

2012-01-10, 03:55 PM
That might seem to me to imply that the chickens are used in some role other than building materials. They don't have a hive-mind of chickens.
The healing options would seem to be good, but don't really work in combination with my restrictions on repairing them from a fluff perspective (the chickens are being killed at it is damaged, rather than merely injured), and allowing Cure X Wounds spells to by-pass the requirement for providing replacement chickens would make them less amazingly obnoxious to repair (which is a big point here for the humor of "You gotta be CRAZY to make one of these things!").

All the same, when I get a chance to look over that subtype I might find a few aspects worth using.

2012-01-11, 06:37 AM
I do like the creature but I see some serious flaws in its design. I'll start with the things I don't like first.

I admit that I am not fond of the odd application of rules. I understand that it sometimes makes sense to break the rules. However, you do this in excess and without explanation in most cases.

Treating natural weapons as if they were manufactured in Pecking At the Ground [It is listed as Pecking In the Dirt in the stat block] and giving it feats to go with it, breaks the rules for no good reason. Anything which gives bonuses to BAB is a very bad idea, which is why no creature ever has it. BAB only determines how many attacks with manufactured weapons can be made. It does not work for natural weapons because natural weapons attacks are determined by the number of "limbs". A creature doesn't suddenly grow more limbs to gain additional attacks. Instead, giving the chicken golem bonuses to attack and damage these specific enemies would make more sense. +4/+4 against individual creatures and +8/+8 to swarm wouldn't be remiss.

There is Intimidate check mentioned Fearful with no DC listed.

Like A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off is needlessly complex. At the very least, you should have included the random direction chart rather than telling people to look it up. "Roll 1d8 . This determines the direction of the chicken golem with 1 being straight back at you and 2 through 8 counting clockwise around the creature." Voila!

I think that Craft (Farmer) is a strange requirement for creation. Rather it should be Craft (bowmaking) and Profession (Farmer). I am not exactly sure why the Craft Construct feat isn't required. [I don't object to breaking the rules when it makes sense but an explanation would have been nice].

I do like pecking limb (as it isn't as standard Slam but it shouldn't have 20/x2 in the stat block since that is standard with natural weapons). See any monster with natural weapons for example.

Chickens golems don't generally "go AWOL" unless they are in the military; they go berserk. Absent With Out Leave makes it sounds like they've run away from home, which they may have done considering Cluckzor's tenuous hold on reality. This would make ore sense in using this for She-Who-Clucks since she does have a somewhat militaristic hierarchy. However, it wouldn't explain the control issue.

Sometimes you are just too complex. That's the oddest DR I've ever seen. Why not simply "DR 5/piercing and bludgeoning (except spurs and punching daggers)". Spurs and punching daggers are the favored weapons of She-Who-Clucks and Cluckzor, respectively.

Shouldn't Live Poultry also state that the chicken golem can never Move Silently?

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff but it's too darn early.


2012-01-11, 03:34 PM
The world needs more chicken monsters :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-12, 02:24 PM
Short on time myself, will try to run through everything you said, but I can't edit the changes/clarifications in just this second.

I do like the creature but I see some serious flaws in its design. I'll start with the things I don't like first.

I admit that I am not fond of the odd application of rules. I understand that it sometimes makes sense to break the rules. However, you do this in excess
Yeah, I sorta tried to say I tried to squeeze in too many jokes and was wondering which ones to cut.

and without explanation in most cases.
Huh... thought I explained the jokes, either with parenthetical comments or in italicized flavor text. Probably missed some/a lot of stuff.

Treating natural weapons as if they were manufactured in Pecking At the Ground [It is listed as Pecking In the Dirt in the stat block] and giving it feats to go with it, breaks the rules for no good reason. Anything which gives bonuses to BAB is a very bad idea, which is why no creature ever has it. BAB only determines how many attacks with manufactured weapons can be made.
Exactly, giving it iterative attacks was the whole point. Rapid pecking as the chickens are actually motivated to do so, instead of the golem acting like a humanoid construct. The mechanics I picked may have been a poor choice, it DID capture the feel.

It does not work for natural weapons because natural weapons attacks are determined by the number of "limbs". A creature doesn't suddenly grow more limbs to gain additional attacks. Instead, giving the chicken golem bonuses to attack and damage these specific enemies would make more sense. +4/+4 against individual creatures and +8/+8 to swarm wouldn't be remiss.
Eh, something like that could be good. At the very least I should make the extra attcks at the same attack bonus so they are easier to roll... not that the situation is likely to come up much unless you have a PC cleric of Cluckzor in a party.

There is Intimidate check mentioned Fearful with no DC listed.
There is no fixed DC, I was trying to refer to the "demoralize" use of the Intimidate skill (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/intimidate.htm). I should probably clarify that.

Like A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off is needlessly complex. At the very least, you should have included the random direction chart rather than telling people to look it up. "Roll 1d8 . This determines the direction of the chicken golem with 1 being straight back at you and 2 through 8 counting clockwise around the creature." Voila!
Except that "you" becomes ambiguous in this case... might make it "toward the GM (or the top of the map if playing online via d20Pro, MaptTool, etc)". People playing in map-less chat rooms... well, they can figure it out.

I think that Craft (Farmer) is a strange requirement for creation. Rather it should be Craft (bowmaking) and Profession (Farmer).
Is profession the one that is wisdom based? Profession always struck me as a "knowledge worker" or "desk job" think in comparison to craft. It definitely should be Craft(bowmaking).

I am not exactly sure why the Craft Construct feat isn't required. [I don't object to breaking the rules when it makes sense but an explanation would have been nice].
Ah, I can edit in an explaination when I have time. Basically comes down to that these are the bargain basement golems, and thus shouldn't really require any focused skill to make. Feats are a big investment, but many clerics of Cluckzor would already have ranks in Profession(Farmer), and almost all of them would know chicken farmers.

I do like pecking limb (as it isn't as standard Slam but it shouldn't have 20/x2 in the stat block since that is standard with natural weapons). See any monster with natural weapons for example.

Chickens golems don't generally "go AWOL" unless they are in the military;
Well, given the uses most golems are put to by their masters...

they go berserk.
Nope, definitely not liking "berserk" in this case... implies they are HURTING people and maybe breaking stuff.

Absent With Out Leave makes it sounds like they've run away from home, which they may have done considering Cluckzor's tenuous hold on reality. This would make ore sense in using this for She-Who-Clucks since she does have a somewhat militaristic hierarchy. However, it wouldn't explain the control issue.

Sometimes you are just too complex. That's the oddest DR I've ever seen. Why not simply "DR 5/piercing and bludgeoning (except spurs and punching daggers)". Spurs and punching daggers are the favored weapons of She-Who-Clucks and Cluckzor, respectively.
Please don't say any details in this thread since it would be a spoiler for a VERY spoiler-vulnerable creature (as in so spoiler-vulnerable that I was advised to not give it a CR), but if that really IS the oddest DR you have ever seen, then a certain other construct of mine doesn't live up to its hype.

As for simplifying the DR, what you suggest isn't as funny, but I could substitute it in, and then provide the original version in a footnote as an optional rule. I just find the idea of a a 1st level commoner being able to be almost as effective as a 1st level full-BAB character to be funny.

Shouldn't Live Poultry also state that the chicken golem can never Move Silently?
That was my intent, yes. Didn't realize that it wasn't obvious enough... I can add "Move Silently checks have no effect on this DC".

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff but it's too darn early.

I look forward to it.

The world needs more chicken monsters :smallbiggrin:
Thank you and/or tell me something I don't know... any suggestions on what, if anything I should cut?

2012-01-12, 03:29 PM
lemme think on it

2012-01-12, 10:01 PM
Golem Updated!

Debihuman: Your DR didn't make any sense to me... you probably meant "piercing OR bludgeoning" but even that doesn't make much sense since I never heard of anyone clubbing chickens. It may happen a lot when people are killing chickens by hand for all I know, but with this creature if reality and stereotypes come into conflict, the stereotypes win.

Speaking of which, when I was splitting of the noisiness aspect into a separate (dis-)ability for clarity, I added something about any roosters involved crowing the dawn.

I made most or all of the other changes I outlined in my previous response.

Bhu: I look forward to it.

2012-01-12, 11:34 PM
Golem Updated!

Debihuman: Your DR didn't make an sense to me... you probably meant "piercing OR bludgeoning" but even that doesn't make much sense since I never heard of anyone clubbing chickens. It may happen a lot when people are killing chickens by hand for all I know, but with this creature if reality and stereotypes come into conflict, the stereo-types win.

I probably did; it was too darn early when I posted.

Here's what I meant about the clucking chicken golem. I hope this is clearer.

The continuous clucking of the chickens that make up a chicken golem means that the base Listen DC to detect a chicken golem is always -2, regardless of the chicken golem’s movement or terrain. Apply other situational modifiers (such as for distance, or intervening obstacles) as normal. Chicken golems always fail their Move Silently checks unless magically silenced.

The feather falling ability should be Spell-like rather than Extraordinary since it is based on a spell. CL 10 would make sense. If it is an Extraordinary ability, you have to state how long the feather fall ability lasts.

Can the chicken golem choose to fall and land on a target? A Medium chicken golem could land on Tiny or smaller target that would take 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet a chicken golem falls and lands on it. A successful Reflex save (Str based) means the chicken golem missed its target and takes the damage instead.

speaking of which, when I was splitting of the noisiness aspect into a separate (dis-)ability for clarity, I added something about any roosters involved crowing the dawn.

Right now it's just fluff and has no mechanics that would make it part of a Special Ability. Here is an example of how it could be fixed:

In addition, any roosters included in a chicken golem will always begin to crow exactly at dawn. Any sleeping creature within 100 feet that can hear the crowing is immediately awakened. Living creatures with in 10 feet that can hear the crowing are Deafened for 1d6 rounds.

Creation of a chicken golem just screams for the glue being sovereign glue.

2012-01-13, 09:11 AM
I probably did; it was too darn early when I posted.

Here's what I meant about the clucking chicken golem. I hope this is clearer.

The continuous clucking of the chickens that make up a chicken golem means that the base Listen DC to detect a chicken golem is always -2, regardless of the chicken golem’s movement or terrain. Apply other situational modifiers (such as for distance, or intervening obstacles) as normal. Chicken golems always fail their Move Silently checks unless magically silenced.
Under most circumstances there is no such thing as a roll that, in and of itself fails all move silently checks. It is always an opposed check. Look at the listen skill.

The feather falling ability should be Spell-like rather than Extraordinary since it is based on a spell.
Nope, just lots of wings flapping. Nothing spell-like about it.

CL 10 would make sense. If it is an Extraordinary ability, you have to state how long the feather fall ability lasts.
Unlimited duration as it currently stands. I might make it equivalent to a 20th level caster to represent the chicken's exhausting themselves.

Can the chicken golem choose to fall and land on a target?
Good point, I should specify that it can't, since it has no control over its constituent chickens.

Right now it's just fluff and has no mechanics that would make it part of a Special Ability.
I call a time-mark with atomic-clock level accuracy pretty gosh-darn mechanical (if it was tied to a fixed location, rather its current location you could use it for longitudinal navigation)... or maybe I just mean "important". If I had a non-box-text description paragraph* I would put it there.
*Which reminds me, I need to consider doing Box-Text Description and Lore.

Creation of a chicken golem just screams for the glue being sovereign glue.
Fletching glue is... equally funny I think. The best solution is "Both!". I will try to figure out the exact wording.

I will mull all this over.

2012-01-13, 09:21 PM
Under most circumstances there is no such thing as a roll that, in and of itself fails all move silently checks. It is always an opposed check. Look at the listen skill.

Meh. It specifically says, "Your Move Silently check is opposed by the Listen check of anyone who might hear you." If the chicken golem automatically fails its Move Silently check, the opposed Listen check is moot.

If the feather fall effect has no duration, then the chicken golem would never take damage upon landing no matter what the size of the chicken golem. See feather fall spell, "The affected creatures or objects fall slowly. Feather fall instantly changes the rate at which the targets fall to a mere 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet), and the subjects take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect." How do you know when the chickens have exhausted themselves? It's too bad a chicken golem can't choose to take falling damage in order to land on a target. I'd introduce one of these by having it fall on one of the PCs.

In addition, any roosters included in a chicken golem will always begin to crow at EXACTLY dawn, and will limit themselves to other noises at all other times of the day (after finishing crowing the dawn). Unless there is a game mechanic that goes along with this, this sentence belongs in the creature's description and should not be part of the special ability. I take it you understand the difference between Fluff and Crunch. This is strictly Fluff. If there were crunch then it would belong under the Special Ability.

I was giving you an opportunity to add game mechanics to justify it being under the special ability such as having it awaken sleeping characters or Deafening creatures.

Actually having a chicken go AWOL does have it running randomly (and presumably running over things and hurting people and breaking things in the process) so while it isn't exactly the same as going berserk, it does have some similarities, including the fact that the creator needs to regain control of it.

Does fletching glue even exist in D&D? How much would it cost?


2012-01-13, 11:19 PM
Meh. It specifically says, "Your Move Silently check is opposed by the Listen check of anyone who might hear you." If the chicken golem automatically fails its Move Silently check, the opposed Listen check is moot.
Which is why I set a specific DC. It is only some chickens, not an atomic explosion. Enough distance away and enough doors in the way, and you actually get something that a party might fail to detect.

If the feather fall effect has no duration, then the chicken golem would never take damage upon landing no matter what the size of the chicken golem.
You are mis-reading the creature. Only the medium sized ones get the feather fall effect.

How do you know when the chickens have exhausted themselves?
Currently, by my RAW, they never exhaust themselves. I might fix that, or I might just say that it isn't worth the trouble, and any GM who has both chicken golems and multiple-hundred-foot cliffs in his campaign is probably skilled enough they can ad hoc it.

It's too bad a chicken golem can't choose to take falling damage in order to land on a target. I'd introduce one of these by having it fall on one of the PCs.
Just use a Large or Huge one.... or say that the creator pre-planned enough for that sort of thing that he glued the wings down when he was making the thing.

Unless there is a game mechanic that goes along with this, this sentence belongs in the creature's description and should not be part of the special ability. I take it you understand the difference between Fluff and Crunch. This is strictly Fluff. If there were crunch then it would belong under the Special Ability.

I was giving you an opportunity to add game mechanics to justify it being under the special ability such as having it awaken sleeping characters or Deafening creatures.
Eh, thanks but no thanks. I like the way it works just fine. How that gets described can vary (and you are free to use your version in your games... short of rule 34, there are very few tweaks to my work that I would take offense to people using in their games).

Actually having a chicken go AWOL does have it running randomly (and presumably running over things and hurting people and breaking things in the process) so while it isn't exactly the same as going berserk, it does have some similarities, including the fact that the creator needs to regain control of it.
Yes, we are dancing around the essential point: I believe that "AWOL" is a funnier term in this case compared to "Berserk" and underlines the...
Actually, the point is probably moot, because I think you have "Fearful" mixed up with "Like a Chicken with its head cut off". "Fearful" just involves "flees as if panicked" which doesn't especially involve running people over or hurting them. "Like a Chicken with its head cut off" involves running people down, but technically deals no damage (not that being knocked to the ground by 90+ pounds of mixed live and dead poultry would be exactly PAINLESS, but neither is a skinned knee, and that doesn't equate to even 1 point of non-lethal).

Does fletching glue even exist in D&D?
I may have my time periods wrong, but I would THINK that it would be REQUIRED in a D&D setting. It almost certainly isn't listed in any of the rule books, because it is too fiddling a thing to bother with, and would be covered under the "1/3 of final items price in raw materials" clause of the Craft skill.

How much would it cost?
I gave the costs required in this case. For how much it would cost for actually arrow making, see above. Unless the weight and volume of that much worth of fletching glue becomes important, I don't see the need to specify further. One of us could go ask in the "Real world armor and weapons questions" thread in Roleplay I suppose, but right now my personal take on it is "don't know, don't care".

2012-01-14, 01:26 AM
If you're wanting to cut abilities cause of space issues, dont. THis is darn silly, and I likes me my silly.

2012-01-14, 10:01 PM
If you're wanting to cut abilities cause of space issues, dont. THis is darn silly, and I likes me my silly.
Not "space issues" per se. More like, "This has everything but the kitchen sink, perhaps people would enjoy it more if it weren't so complicated with fiddly abilities.". But since nobody else has said to REMOVE any content I don't THINK (Debi-human's comments, after discussion, mostly seemed to boil down to moving stuff from one place to another, although there is the business with the DR), I guess "everything and the kitchen sink" it is.

2012-01-15, 11:10 AM
I wasn't suggesting you "remove" things, just move things around and add things like having the rooster crowing at dawn deafening creature within 10 feet or having a chicken golem falling on a target that then takes damage.

The original DR was odd and I admit I totally failed at my humor check on it as a result. [Sorry Draco--I don't always grok your stuff]

I'm in complete agreement with Bhu--chickens are funny.


Sariel Vailo
2017-06-08, 09:49 PM
I saw this snd am wondering how can i thank you

2017-06-10, 01:48 PM
I saw this snd am wondering how can i thank you
We!l, PMing rather than risking getting the thread locked for necromancy would be one way...

That ship having sailed however, what did you especially like about it and/or what, if anything, do you intend to use it for?

EDIT 2022:
Equestria Begins play-group said they didn't find the humor fitted their own senses of humor (and not tactically interesting).

Sariel Vailo
2017-06-10, 06:30 PM
Draining away hope by having hundreds nay thousands of these chicken golemns swarm my munchkin player.................. In adungeon with as many of these as I can fit in the dungeon it's cluckin dungeon cluck