View Full Version : G1 Pathfinder Carrion Crown

2012-01-10, 06:43 PM
(Beginning ICC thread)

Raleigh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359809) Aasimar Paladin
Arthur Grayson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359807) Human Oracle
Vein Vole (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359877) Human Ranger
Segor Talbot (aka Swiftlittle) Halfling Rogue

2012-01-10, 08:11 PM
You each, as per the player's guide intro to Carrion Crown, get a single Harrow Card. Pick a number from 1 to 48.

You meet up with one another a few miles from the town of Ravengro. Perhaps you are approached by a fortune teller, who gifts you each with a card. More to follow.

2012-01-10, 08:19 PM
You are greeted by Kendra Lorrimor.

Although he was getting on in years, Petros’s death was
rather sudden. His daughter Kendra, a 25- year-old
woman, is deep in mourning. Her eyes are red and puffy
and she dresses in dark, conservative clothes. Trim
and attractive, Kendra greets the PCs with a mixture
of curiosity, sadness, and relief—no one else has
come to pay their respects to her father, and “with
things the way they are in town these days,” very
few folks from Ravengro have come out for the
funeral as well. Kendra waves off questions for
now, promising the PCs that after her father
is buried and they return to her house, she’ll
answer any questions they have—both about
her father’s death and about his will.

She leads the party to the Restlands, the local graveyard where the professor will be buried. You are of course still in your traveling cloths, fully armed. She asks three of you (not the Halfling) to act as pall bearers. You have a choice of right front, left front, or right rear - a servant is prepared for the left rear position.

2012-01-10, 08:33 PM
Arthur willingly offers himself as the front right pall bearer, doing as directed and taking the handle. He seems rather curious about the whole thing and the others he had encountered, but keeps quiet for now out of respect to the recently deceased. He shifts his shoulders just a little beneath his chain-shirt and repositions the large sword on his back a little to make it easier to walk with while carrying such a large casket.

He had thought about speaking to the others when he met them on the road, but after speaking the fortune teller that came out of no where he was a little to disquieted for conversation. He thinks to the spirit within him, posing a question out of curiosity, 'Know what that was all about? Some random woman on the road...' He asks, trying not to look like he was day dreaming as he does this.

Internal thoughts will be in italics, all of his words will be in blue. As for the number I choose... 29.

2012-01-10, 08:46 PM
Vein's natural tendency to avoid drawing attention to himself leads him to take up a position behind Arthur. Vein looks around for a familiar face as he has not yet found his father among the mourners. Vein is not familiar with the decedent's daughter and she was not mentioned in the letters he exchanged with the professor regarding his father. Vein tries to sense the authenticity of the Kendra's emotions.

D20 +2 for Wisdom

For the number, "I choose you Pika..!" er I choose 11

2012-01-10, 09:22 PM
Raised and carted around in various gypsy caravans, the otherwise agnostic Swiftlittle nonetheless holds a deep regard (and fear of) various superstitions, not the least of which might be one that seems like a true oracle or fortune-teller. Seeing himself as on the bottom of fate's good graces, but remembering that 'cutting a deck' must always be four from the top or bottom, Swiftlittle picks the 44th card.Response to come per DMs follow-on post.
At the funeral, Swiftlittle is somewhere in the crowd, looking from in-between the legs of the Big Folk. Not so much unseen as unnoticed.

2012-01-10, 09:50 PM
Raleigh sighs deeply, taking up the opposite side of the casket from Arthur. She nods to him slightly in acknowledgment before turning her face from him. 'No tears,' she reminds herself. 'Not now.' Raleigh turns to Kendra, sorrow finding its way to her eyes.

"Your father is a blessed man to have so many friends," she offers in whispered words, noting those around. She offers a very slight smile (as much as she can manage) before taking the casket's burden.

OOC: I'll choose number 17. Do we have an OOC thread?

2012-01-10, 10:06 PM
Feel free to start an OOC thread.

2012-01-10, 10:13 PM
Kendra leads the procession up the Dreamwake. By tradition the local cleric and other mourners wait by the grave site, deeper in the Restlands. As the procession reaches the halfway point along the
Dreamwake, rounding a corner onto a path called the
Eversleep, they see that the way ahead is blocked by a
group of a dozen surly looking locals. One speaks out as soon as the group is noticed:

“That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor
buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him
there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!”
Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into
anger. “What are you talking about?” she cries out. “I arranged it
with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already
“You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried
in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still
can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.”

You have a few seconds to speak or act, or to await events.

2012-01-10, 10:15 PM
Vein by the way is convinced of the genuineness of Kendra's grief, and now her equally genuine rising fury.

2012-01-10, 10:18 PM
Arthur, using one hand to keep the casket up, raises the other to wave at the group before them. "Please calm down. This is neither the place nor the time to start anything." He nods to Kendra and says, "She is mourning the life of her lost father. I bet none of you had to deal with an angry mob when your relatives passed, did you? Why can't you offer the same courtesy to her?"

Arthur is trying to keep himself in check, disliking the way those before him reacted to something as simple as a funeral. Superstitious lot, all of them. Then again, he probably would be too if he wasn't what he was.

[roll0] Diplomacy to try and calm the crowd down a little. Also, in my first post Arthur asked the spirit inside him a question. Any response?

2012-01-10, 10:24 PM
#29 The Teamster

Shields (Con): You can spend a shields card on your turn
to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.


True Neutral: You may gain a one-time
insight into the future as the spell
augury, using your character level as
your caster level. Meditating on the
particular action in question requires
10 minutes and does not expend
material components.

#11 The Unicorn

Crowns (Cha): You may spend a crown card to reroll any
one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the
second roll, even if it is worse.


Chaotic Good: You receive a +4 circumstance
bonus on one CMB check to avoid or escape a
grapple or on one Escape Artist check.

#44 The Owl

Stars (Wis): If you feel stuck at some point in the adventure,
you can spend a card of this suit and petition the GM for a
hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no
information to be gained, the stars card is not spent.


True Neutral: You may gain a one-time
insight into the future as the spell
augury, using your character level as
your caster level. Meditating on the
particular action in question requires
10 minutes and does not expend
material components.

#17 The Trumpet

Shields (Con): You can spend a shields card on your turn
to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.


Lawful Good: You may smite evil, as the paladin
ability, gaining the benef its until the start of your
next turn. If you have levels in paladin greater than
half your total Hit Dice, use your paladin level
to determine bonus damage; otherwise, your
bonus damage equals half your character level,
rounded down (minimum 1).

(edited to change first 17 to an 11)

2012-01-10, 10:28 PM
Swiftlittle, hearing words of such simple strength from the pallbearer, nods his head in appreciation and waits to see what happens.

ArthurSince you are open and chatting, can we have a description of your character, please?

2012-01-10, 10:37 PM
Arthur was a rather tall, somewhat broad man standing about at about 6 feet, maybe 6'1. He had muscle, most likely hard muscle that had been well trained. He had shoulder length black hair that went over the back of his head and covered the back of his neck. It had been maybe a day since he had shaved, his jaw having a few sharp whiskers that added to his already rugged appearance. Arthur's steel gray eyes were quite piercing, but not as cold or hard as one would imagine. From right to left going down from the corner of his right eye was a gaping scar, one that traveled down his face, his neck, and eventually disappeared beneath his shirt, which he wore beneath his chain shirt. Sheathed in a leather scabbard that was hanging from a shoulder strap that wrapped around the front of his chest was a large sword. Though it was obviously old it was also just as obviously well taken care of.

His voice matched him almost perfectly. It was deep, authoritative, and somehow even sounded experienced. Though his words were simple he somehow conveyed a great deal with that voice. One could easily imagine that voice getting angry, lowering in tone and raising in volume. In contrast, one could also imagine that voice laughing, ringing in the air with genuine happiness.

I'll go with the shield card.

2012-01-10, 10:43 PM
Necromancer. The word reverberates in Raleigh's mind. How dare they...

Lost for the briefest of moments, sharing Kendra's rage, Raleigh looks to the casket while shaking her head. "This man has probably helped more of you than you care to acknowledge. Do not tarnish his memory now when wounds are still fresh."

And, OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12510361).

2012-01-10, 11:30 PM
Arthur discards his Harrow card, giving him an extra action. His impressive appearance and continued speech, coupled with Raleigh's aid, is effective versus the mob.

The locals waver and then disperse, although some cast looks of hatred over their shoulders.

Kendra is impressed, especially with Arthur.

The party gains 600xp, 150@, for talking down the mob.

Father Grimburrow and a pair of gravediggers are
already waiting at the site of the professor’s burial—
as part of local tradition, they do not accompany the
pallbearers from the gate to the grave. Besides the PCs,
only a small handful of villagers are attending the
funeral procession. Old friends of Lorrimar, they too
have come to pay their respects. These NPCs consist of
Councilman Vashian Hearthmount, Councilman Gharen
Muricar, tavernkeeper Zokar Elkarid and his 13-yearold
son Pevrin, and Jominda Fallenbridge (Ravengro’s
apothecary and one of the professor’s good friends).

No further
complications prevent the lowering of his coffin into the
open grave by the gravediggers. Father Grimburrow gives
a short sermon, then invites Kendra to say a few words
about her father. Kendra fights back tears and briefly
recounts a few of her father’s more courageous or self less
moments, thanking everyone once again for coming.
She then invites anyone else to share a few stories or
remembrances. Any PCs who wish to do so may accompany their comments with a performance or diplomacy check.

2012-01-10, 11:31 PM

2012-01-10, 11:42 PM
Arthur steps forward, looking at the assembled people with a genuine expression of understanding. He starts off simple, speaking of his wishes that all may take comfort in knowing such a man. He continues on into the story of how he met the professor, the man apparently out in the field on some kind of research. Arthur speaks about how he saved the man from a lone wolf that tried to sneak up on the two. He speaks of the night of drinking, laughing, and debating he had with the learned man.

"How kind he was, the professor. I tried to turn down his offer of a reward three times and eventually he just said he'd pay me back. To be honest, I would have probably said no again the next time he tried but now..." He looks down at the casket and smiles just a little, "He managed to win that argument without even trying. Just like he won every debate we had that night. Don't know how he does it, but to the end he is a man I am deeply honored to have known, even if it was only for the shortest of times."

Taking ten for diplomacy. Couldn't find rules against it. >.<

10+9=19 Diplomacy

2012-01-10, 11:47 PM
I agree, take 10 is reasonable

2012-01-10, 11:54 PM
Not counting the six pallbearers, three of whom are curiously combat-ready (they must've expected trouble from the locals, right?) including the man that managed to talk down the rabble, there is the beautiful Kendra, 2 councilmen, a respected businessman and his adolescent, and the priest.

It seems, now, that what might have been mistaken as a child is curiously out of place. It is a halfling, standing at 3' 4" and lanky. He is roadworn, wet, and tired. His hair is curly, but wet and bedraggled. He has light brown hair and dazzling blue eyes. If he could be made to clean up, he might actually look quite fetching for his folk.

He wears leather armor, but some of the stitching is coming undone, though most of it is not seen. He has his cloak pulled tight around him to keep out the wet chill. At his back is a backpack with a bedroll, though the pack itself doesn't seem terribly full. The tip of a rapier scabbard pokes out from the bottom of the cloak, but considering the rest of his equipment, it may be better for more martially-oriented folk if they do NOT see the state of neglect of his sidearm.

Despite his size, he moves forward without timidity (though without any flamboyance or braggadocio, either) to where one would be expected to speak. If there is anything upon which to stand, he gets atop it.

He tells a story of how Professor Lorrimoor rescued him from when he was cold, wet, starving, and dehydrated, and brought him to a city .... where he ended up cold, wet, starving, and dehydrated, but in a different, more urbane way. His story is quite comical, he uses self-effacing humor, but also pokes fun (not meanly) at the Professor's foibles, and describes some of the funny things that happened to make it here ... such as having to be bailed out of jail. His humor, thought quite effective, is not "jokey" ... but is the 'pathos' comedian style, wherein the comedian seems more stoic than jovial.Perform: Comedy [roll0]

2012-01-11, 12:36 AM
I'll take the Crown(cha) reroll a d20

2012-01-11, 03:25 AM
Vein steps forward. His face all but covered by his hooded cloak, Vein removes the hood to reveal his black hair and brown skin covering a square jaw covered with several days growth. Vein speaks in a low voice but with a deliberate pace.

"It is with much sorrow that I received news of the Professor's death. I owe much to his generosity of time and earnest interest in my own development. Though I knew him mostly through his letters, he was a surrogate father and mentor to me as I made my way in the world. If by my will or my bow I may be of some service to his own family then I offer it."

2012-01-11, 07:58 AM
Diplomacy roll for Vein [roll0]

You may take a reroll if you like, but the card is discarded and gone forever, and you are stuck with the new roll even if it is lower.

2012-01-11, 09:17 AM
Segor's improbable comedy routine goes over well with the mourners. He even gets a brief smile out of Kendra.

2012-01-11, 11:48 AM
Diplomacy roll for Vein [roll0]

You may take a reroll if you like, but the card is discarded and gone forever, and you are stuck with the new roll even if it is lower.

You wrote that a person "may" accompany their speech with a diplomacy roll which suggests the roll is optional. I was choosing to role and not roll. :smallsmile:.

2012-01-11, 12:13 PM
Raleigh is a graceful creature, humanlike in appearance save for her ever-so-slightly pointed ears. Her piercing blue eyes lack their usual luster given the recent events.

When it seems to be her turn, the woman takes a deep breath, offering a very slight smile that does not quite reach her eyes to those gathered. When she speaks, it's gentle and composed.

"I... wish I had known the Professor as well as everyone here. I had only known him for a very brief time before his death. The short time I did know him, a few things became quite obvious: he cared for his work and the people involved. He had many stories to tell, and it does not surprise me that he touched many people."

2012-01-11, 12:25 PM
After the funeral is over and Kendra has said
her goodbyes to the other guests, she invites
the PCs back to her home (so recently
her father’s) for a drink and to hear
his last will and testament. The
Lorrimor residence is a modest
home with crowded bookshelves in every
room. The reading of the professor’s
will requires the presence of Councilman
Vashian Hearthmount (the closest thing Ravengro
has to a solicitor), and he has some other matters to
attend to after the funeral, so he doesn’t arrive for about
an hour.

Vashian arrives precisely on time. No
Sense Motive check is necessary to note that he doesn’t
completely approve of strangers being involved in local
matters, but he keeps his comments to himself, focusing
his involvement entirely on the reading of Petros’s will.
Kendra isn’t sure what’s contained in the will, since part of
its stipulation was that all of the PCs must be present for
its reading. Councilman Vashian produces a scroll case,
shows that the professor’s personal seal is unbroken, then
breaks the wax and opens the case. As he does, a small iron
key falls out of the tube, clattering noisily onto the table.
Undaunted by the key, the councilman begins to read,
eager to be done with the business and to get back home.

“I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this
parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with
the exception of the specific details below, I leave my home and
personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or
sell them as you see fit, my child.
“Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this
document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading
of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in
attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I
have two final favors to ask.
“To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are
few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of
what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many
of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and
inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge
of one’s enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.
“And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire
a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one
of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward
legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under
lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have
borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable
for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my
daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the
danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting
my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver
the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who
will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause.
“Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is the matter of
another favor—please delay your journey one month and spend
that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is
safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone,
and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she
desires over the course of this month, you would have my eternal
gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum
of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these
funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in
Lepidstadt—she has been instructed to issue this payment upon
the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one month
after the date of the reading of this will.
“I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this
first day of Calistril, in the year 4711.”

2012-01-11, 12:31 PM
Once the will is read, Councilman Vashian looks to
Kendra, who thanks him and dismisses him. Putting on
a brave face, Kendra thanks the PCs again for coming,
and informs them that she’ll need at least a few weeks
to decide if she wants to sell her family home or remain
here in Ravengro—in the meantime, as stipulated by the
will, she asks the PCs to remain as well. She offers rooms
in her spacious house for the PCs, promising them free
room and board for the month the will requests them to
remain in town, and then excuses herself to go fetch the
chest mentioned in the will.

The chest itself is a relatively small object of oak and
iron. Kendra, nervous about the contents, offers the key
to the PCs to give them the honor of opening the chest.
The key fits the lock perfectly, and within are several
old tomes and one relatively new one. The newest tome
sits on the top and bears the phrase “Read me now!”
scratched into the leather cover.
The other tomes comprise the books of dangerous lore
mentioned in his will—three of these have notes tucked
into them indicating that they should be delivered
to one Montagnie Crowl, a professor of antiquities at
Lepidstadt University. The fourth, Manual of the Order
of the Palatine Eye, has a note indicating it should be
delivered to Embreth Daramid, a judge at the Lepidstadt
Courthouse (although the note asks for this delivery in
particular to be handled discreetly, and includes the
address of Embreth’s home so that the PCs can deliver it
there). These books are summarized below.
•Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye: The rich purple
cover contains a brass scarab set with a single eye in
its center. The book’s covers are rimmed in polished steel
and clasped with a small but intricate lock, the keyhole
of which appears to be for a key with a strange,
triangular shaft.
On Verified Madness: A jet-black book
tied shut with a red ribbon.
• Serving Your Hunger: A thin book with a faded brown leather cover.
• The Umbral Leaves: A thick lexicon with a very light tan leather cover.

2012-01-11, 12:36 PM
Arthur's eyes go wide at the sum of money he was being offered. 100 platinum coins. With that kind of money, he could live reasonably comfortable for years and never have to take jobs for coin during all of it. More over, the task the professor asked of them was rather simple. When Kendra returned he stood, slowly, and looked to Kendra for a few moments. Then he bows deeply and respectfully, "As your father requests I shall remain for a month to assist you in any way that I can. Please do not hesitate to come to me."

He turns to the chest curiously and looks at the contents within. The will did not mention a book to be opened but that note on top of it scratched into the surface makes Arthur just a little curious. He does not reach out to take it however, though he does have to resist trying too.

2012-01-11, 01:18 PM
Raleigh silently twists her hair about the end of her finger through the will reading. The money is truly of little interest, what perks the girl's interest are the books. Curious as the next to the contents of the chest, she takes out one book after another, laying them on the table with great care, near reverence. She looks over the first book, contemplating the inscribed words. She looks to the others.

"If the Professor says to," she shrugs, turning the cover over to open the book to read the contents.

2012-01-11, 01:34 PM
The professor's journal:

The majority of the entries are relatively bland, accounting
for day-to-day activities in a small town. The professor
has circled several entries in the book with red ink, indicated below:

Circled Entries in the Professor’s Journal

Ten Years Ago:

The Whispering Way is more than just a cabal of necromancers. I see that now. Undeath is their fountain of youth. Uncovering their motivation does not place me at ease as I thought it might. Their desire to be eternal simply makes them more dangerous.

Two Months Ago:

It is as I had feared. The Way is interested in something here in Ravengro. But what could it be?

One Month Ago:

Whatever the Way seeks, I am now convinced their goal is connected to Harrowstone. In retrospect, I suppose it all makes sense—the stories they tell about the ruins in town are certainly chilling enough. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked up about them, I’d rather not let the others know about my curiosity—there’s plenty of folks hereabouts who already think I’m a demonologist or a witch or something. Ignorant fools.

Twenty Days Ago:

It is confirmed. The Way seems quite interested in something—no, strike that—someone who was held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is the Way after? I need a list of everyone who died the night of the fire. Everyone. The Temple of Pharasma must have such a list.

Eighteen Days Ago:

I see now just how ill prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone. I am lucky to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the foundation—hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to defend against spirits are already here in Ravengro. I know that the church of Pharasma used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down below. If my luck holds, I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items.

Seventeen Days Ago:

Tomorrow evening I return to the prison. It is imperative the Way does not finish. My caution has already cost me too much time. I am not sure what will happen if I am too late, but if my theory is right, the entire town could be at risk. I don’t have time to update my will, so I’ll leave this in the chest where it’ll be sure to be found, should the worst come to pass.

2012-01-11, 01:53 PM
Arthur reads over the young woman's shoulder curiously, wondering what the professor was going on about. He looks over to others in the group and really takes account of them now. Like he, a few were armed. All had armor of some kind or another. "Looks like we already have our first task." He says, looking back to the book and scanning his eyes over it again.

'This looks bad...' His thoughts echo through the vault of his mind, attempting to try and reach the being within him. 'Guess that professor intends to make me earn that platinum.' He chuckles silently, though is smart enough to keep the smile from his expression.

He turns to Kendra and asks, in all seriousness, "Do you know anything about this?"

No idea what happened to that question there.

2012-01-11, 02:48 PM
"It seems we have to make some decisions, the first is whether the four of us shall be of one mind and one will. If that be the case then any actions we take should be under our own banner and not that of the Lorrimor's. Shall we form an identity that we may be known by and that will shield the late professor's estate from reprisal?"

2012-01-11, 03:12 PM
Arthur gives the ranger a very odd look as he tries to size the man up. "Yes... well... we could just say we're out of towner's too. No real need to... make a secret club or anything." Arthur looks to the others to see if any of them are listening to the ranger's idea.

2012-01-11, 03:24 PM
Vein returns Arthur's gaze with a soft smile, "If the club were a secret, it would offer little protection to Kendra.."

2012-01-11, 03:32 PM
Arthur shakes his head slowly and says, "Having a club in the first place wouldn't help. If you need a more practical reason then I don't know or trust any of you then how about this. The town knows we're with the lady here. They saw us aid her and they saw us at the funeral. That being said, I also don't plan on doing anything that will get her in trouble. Do you?" He looks at the ranger and says, "We need to do something, I agree about that. Whether we'll continue to work together is up to what happens."

2012-01-11, 03:47 PM
Vein moves to the table on which Raleigh has been reading the professors Journal and rereads the following passage:

Quote. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked up about them, I’d rather not let the others know about my curiosity—there’s plenty of folks hereabouts who already think I’m a demonologist or a witch or something. Ignorant fools. End quote.

My experience has taught me that one never confronts an unknown entity without having watched and studied it. However, the late professor is warning us that inquiry to these matters may cause issues among towns people. If we start poking around, people may ultimately take their anger and fear out on Kendra to the extent they cannot take it out on us. The professor has asked us to watch over Kendra so it would not seem prudent to take action as guests in her household. If we are to take action, it would be wise to disassociate those actions from this estate.

....assuming we want to act as a group."

2012-01-11, 03:55 PM
Arthur sighs with exasperation, "A group, a club, a new name for us won't change the fact that we've been spotted with Lady Kendra. If we want to do something it will have to be by stealth, not by proudly proclaiming ourselves as something we're not. As to working as a group, it's probably better then risking the town's saftey by trying to work alone."

2012-01-11, 04:16 PM
Raleigh reads the text twice over, the conversation going on over her head. "If we simply state we're following up on research, we've accomplished both goals while being truthful and forthcoming. Sneaking around will not engender trust from the townspeople; that's what the late professor ran into." She returns her eyes to the text, her mind racing to put some pieces together.

"What is this Harrowstone the professor speaks of? A fire?" she finally ponders aloud.

A few things:
Knowledge Religion on The Whispering Way: [roll0]
Knowledge Religion on ghosts (specifically what the Professor could have been using in his defense): [roll1]

2012-01-11, 04:30 PM
Raleigh has no knowledge of the Whispering Way.

There are, she recalls, weapons enchanted to damage incorporeal beings. There are also items specifically targeting Haunts, although she remembers no details. Haunts, she recalls, are nearly stationary phenomenon that are hard to repulse, and extremely difficult to destroy.

Kendra is staying discretely out of earshot. It is up to the party to decide whether or not to share information or include her in any way.

2012-01-11, 04:31 PM
Arthur points to the passage that first mentions the Harrowstone. "Sounds like ruins right within the town. Also sounds like there were some rather nasty spirits bothering him, or something to that effect. He mentions further down that there's some form of protection within the church, but we'll probably be able to make our own stuff before we could convince any of the clergy to lend it to us. At least, judging from what he says in the book."

2012-01-11, 04:44 PM
Earlier Arthor wrote:

He turns to Kendra and asks, in all seriousness, "Do you know anything about this?"

No idea what happened to that question there. [/QUOTE]

GM missed this question

Earlier Kendra had said she knew nothing of the professors most current research.

She is available if you wish to ask further questions, or bring her into the conversation. A day has gone by and her grief is less overwhelming.

2012-01-11, 04:51 PM
Actually I didn't type it fully for some reason. That's what I meant.

2012-01-11, 05:44 PM
Raleigh is contemplative, flipping back and forth between the pages. She finally sits back in her chair, letting out a long sigh. "The professor meant us to have this, as he states in the end that he did not have time to change his will.

"Whatever we do, the professor has laid out some steps for us here, starting with the list of those that died in the fire he mentions, the cache in the Restlands, the Whispering Way and the symbols at the base of Harrowstone. If the professor was caught unaware when he visited the ruins, I suggest we prepare ourselves. I mean to follow these notes and see what the professor was researching. I feel I owe the truth to Kendra of the basis of the people's accusations of his being tied up in necromancy."

I pray it's false, she leaves off with a silent prayer of her own.

2012-01-11, 06:02 PM
Arthur nods in agreement as he gently rests a hand on the woman's shoulder for the briefest of moments. "You have my blade." 'And my friends magic, right?' "If there are really necromancers after those ruins or something within it then the best thing to do is follow the professor's example and try and stop them. I'll not stand idly by with such people around."

He looks to the group to make sure they agreed and then to Kendra after a few moments. Arthur waves her over to join the group, his expression serious but not attempting to be intimidating. Before she can get close enough to hear he looks down to Raleigh and says, "It's your choice to speak to her. You should be the one to tell her. Just be careful not to reveal to much. The professor had a reason for not telling her I'm sure."

2012-01-11, 06:14 PM
Kendra approaches the group.

2012-01-11, 06:25 PM
Some of what I've written was ninja'd in the past 15 minutes.
The little one, barely seen in the limpid fireplace's glow, after a day of listening to all that has been discussed, finally breaks his silence as he mutters to himself. "Figures. It's not a will, it's a contract that his death knows we cannot ignore. A grand ... wow, I can't even visualize that. No, wait, yes I can ..."

He bounds into the center, as animated now as he has been still and relatively forgotten before as he speaks up. "Ghosts? Goblins? Undead?! Necro-whatsits!"

He pokes finger into the chest belly thigh of the meatwall. "Listen, Arthur ... yeah, we have our first task. Lorrimoor gave it to us in the will. Watch Kendra for a month. That's our task! We might find other diversion that may or may not lead headlong to suicide, but watching and helping Kendra for the month is our task. After that, it's playing a bunch of bouncin' book-nannies. Those are our tasks."

He turns and stalks towards the grizzly guy. "And you, Vain ... what the hell is this club crap? I don't care what argument you make, I'm not doin' a handshake, I'm not usin' a secret decoder ring, and I sure as the bogwarts ain't joinin' no club. So, you want to dance around - publicly (or un-) - with that silliness, that's on you. I don't even know how you've gotten to see that we're all one big happy family."

He then spins on Raleigh, wagging his finger accusingly. "And YOU! ..... you .... .... you," and here, the halfling doesn't know much what to say and he softens up, ".... umm, you're ... you're doing a great job. Keep it up."

He looks at everyone. "Our tasks are laid out. Crap on you you wanna mix what you are 'tasked' with doing with what you 'want' to do. You want some payback. You wanna bash some skulls .... I mean, literally skulls, the kind with no flesh on 'em. Y'know, we were never actually told exactly how the Prof died ... closed casket, he's dead, throw a wheelbarrow on 'em, he's done.

"And now, you're bickering over Kendra this and Kendra that ... as if we're trying to make decisions for her, that affect her, without actually ... asking her! If you're all hells-bent on meeting your doom now, okay, but you realize if we go all crickety like the Prof, we have failed our tasks on two accounts AND made a living person (Kendra) vulnerable during the very period we're s'posed to be helping her. Hey, no hair off my feet. We're all gonna die ugly - ugly old, or ugly brutal - so taking inna' our hands is fine by me. Just ... first ... ask Kendra. Not as a club ... or an 'adventuring band' ... but as people that are concerned with her welfare, and might have the fire in them's bellies to give her some bloody satisfaction to boot!"

That done, he scoots over to the books while taking out a small, rolling leather satchel and mutters normal voice (which is softer for the rest of you, "Jus' cause we gotta deliver 'em someplace, doesn't mean we can't read 'em ... and I see a lock. And we all know that locks were designed to be opened."If not stopped, he's going to try to pick the triangle lock.

2012-01-11, 06:29 PM
Arthur looks at the man bounding about and really can't argue with most of what he had said, except, "The professor had another task for us, one he couldn't get into his will in time for whatever reason. And, if what he says is true, it falls under the task of watching after Lady Kendra." He looks down at the journal for a few moments as he thinks. "It could mean looking after a lot of people if he was right."

With Kendra nearing Arthur's voice drifts off and he looks to the other woman in the room, whose name he does not know. It's about then that he realizes he knows none of their names. It wouldn't be the first time he's worked with others that have gone unnamed, but a month? No, he'd have to change that when they got the chance. You know, if they survived. 'Speaking of, can you die? If you're dead already? Or are you dead? Never said what you were, did you?'

2012-01-11, 06:43 PM
Raleigh watches the short one with wide eyes, containing a true smile behind her hand at his truthfulness. She looks to the other men gathered, raising her brows as if in question.

"Kendra," she speaks to the woman gently when she enters, "we had a few questions for you. We all loved your father, and are concerned of his reputation as well. The accusations slung yesterday concerned me particularly and I'm curious if there were any other books your father kept of his research? Did he talk to anyone about what he was doing?"

2012-01-11, 06:44 PM
Vein, in an even tone and with a hint of a smile looks back the animated halfing and says,

"If there is to be any public dancing, I will leave that to those who are most qualified. " Vein bows low at the halfling. "

"and at no point did I intend us to form a "club." Those were Arthur's poorly chosen words. My point is to insulate Kendra from any actions we take against whatever forces are at work. As you have astutely pointed out, our first and primary task is to protect her. Those were her father's dying wishes and I intend to honor them even if it displeases her. I would rather endure her displeasure than return here in half a year only to carry another coffin.

...and how is it that you know my name, halfling?"

2012-01-11, 06:45 PM
*ninja'd* again ... we're all on at the same time.As Kendra walks into the room ... [per the DM] ... the little guy just stands mouth agape at the man-with-sword-that-shows-he-must-be-compensating-for-something. "Wow. Just .... wow. I'm not sayin' I'm agin' what you're wanting to do ... but call it what it is. Not what it could be ... not that read-in-between-the-lines crap. That specious grasping of interpretations is how governments and religions steamroll the little guy."

Meanwhile, he starts off to make sure that these aren't one of them 'warded' books. If it's safe, he tries to pop the lock. If not, he tries to bypass or disarm whatever the issue may be.Can't Take 20 on the trap-search, because Taking 20, by definition, is the willingness to suffer failure multiple times until success ... in addition to taking one's sweet-ass time.

The lock looks funny, so he ain't gonna give it a Take 10, either ... he thinks that if there's something, he might have to work to find it.
Perception (trap check): [roll0]
* If no trap (found), move to Disable.
* If trap found, attempt to bypass. Disable Device [roll1]

To pop the lock, now he'll Take 20. With a +10 modifier, that's a result of 30.
"Silly Vain," says the halfling as he works. "The councilman read our names at the execution of the will. Otherwise, he can't legally do that sorta' thing. It just so happens, I got just enough knowledge of the law to know how to steer clear of it ... and just enough foolishness to be unable to."

2012-01-11, 06:55 PM
Arthur watches the halfling at work on the books for a few moments before stepping up behind him and summoning just a small amount of his magic to try and get a closer look at the books. He tries to make it look like his gesture's are only a nervous tick or something and he's just muttering to himself.

Detect Magic on the books to see what's going on with them. I'll spend a long enough time to concentrate if I have too.

[roll0] Bluff to hide spell casting, if I can. More toe come when I see the result.

Fairly certain that he was pretty convincing with his deceit he looks closely at the books for several seconds trying to determine what kind of feel they had, if there was any magic to them and what kind of magic that might be. He didn't want the halfling setting off a trap of some kind, especially a magical one.

2012-01-11, 07:31 PM
DM, did the councilman actually say our names. My quick search-fu did not confirm this?

2012-01-11, 07:52 PM
The books do not detect magic.

Lostsole, the lock is so difficult you thing a take 20 might take an hour or more, if it is even possible. So we will wait on the take 20 until we know what the different PCs decide to do.

2012-01-11, 08:01 PM
Kendra overheard much of what the halfling had to say as she entered the room, and all of the rest of the conversation.

I'm not sure I follow all that you are saying, but I am very glad to have you stay with me. However you should not feel that you need to guard me 24 hours a day, there is no sign of a threat here at home. I gather some of you believe my father's death was not an accident. I had been wondering about that myself. If you wish to investigate further I will do all I can to help, although I am not an adventurer myself.

2012-01-11, 08:03 PM
There was no place in the will for your names. Yet it seems he must of said them, as he had to be sure you were all there before reading the will. So although it is a bit clumsy, I will rule that he at least muttered your names while hastily performing his duty.

2012-01-11, 08:05 PM

As for my father's death - his body was found by the outer wall of Harrowstone Prison, near the front gate, crushed by a fallen gargoyle. Everyone said it was an accident, the sort of thing that happens when exploring old ruins.

She chokes back a sob.

2012-01-11, 08:15 PM
Arthur sighs at halflings words and just gives up on trying to convince the man otherwise. He shakes his head at Kendra's words, "Probably best you get the affairs in order. If we have any questions we can ask you, but otherwise the further you are from this the better." He looks to the rest of the group and asks, "Any disagreements?"

If there were none he would continue to speak, while watching the halflings progress on the books. "Should we stick together or split up? We have a few things that need to be done and it sounds like time is running short. The lady sitting with the journal said them all, though I believe finding out why the list of people that died in the fire is also important."

At the mention of fallen gargoyle he thinks for a few moments. 'That sounds like the kind of thing a spirit would do, don't you think? Like all the little things that happen to me, only bigger.'

He steps over to Kendra and tries to rest a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Your father was a brilliant, brave man if half of what we know is true. I know it's not any consolation, but perhaps in finishing the tasks," He gives the halfling the eye over his shoulder, daring the man to argue with him again for the briefest of seconds, and then turns back to Kendra, "We can honor him, how he lived, and what he lived for."

If necessary, I will take 10 on the diplomacy roll again since a critical fumble with a grieving woman is never fun.

10+9= 19 Diplomacy

2012-01-11, 08:21 PM

All of my father's books should be here, and you are all of course welcome to peruse his library, which is scattered through the house. The only ones that were hidden were in the chest. I do not believe he confided in anyone regarding his current research.

2012-01-11, 08:22 PM
Vein raises his eyes to Kendra's and speaks with earnest

"Kendra, with your father's passing, the forces he was investigating may believe the threat he posed has been eliminated. If we pursue the matter, the Way or whomever else is involved, may come here, to your estate looking to end the matter once and for all. To pursue this matter will expose you to unknown danger, which is the worst kind of danger. Since Arthur and others are not interested in taking any steps to insulate you from this danger, it might be best if you were to leave town until we can uncover and overcome the threat. If you were taken hostage or captured, it might compromise us all."

2012-01-11, 08:25 PM
Kendra smiles, her eyes shiny with tears, and gives Arthur a big hug - only to pull away a moment later embarrassed.

2012-01-11, 08:30 PM

I do not believe I am threatened, and even if I was I refuse to be intimidated. And although I am not a brave man like Arthur, I am not without means to defend myself.

2012-01-11, 08:39 PM
Vein nods acknowledging Kendra's resolve.

I can only make suggestions for her safety, to impose conditions would be tantamount to imprisonment.

2012-01-11, 08:40 PM
Raleigh raises her brows at Vein's insinuation. "I wish you would not put words into our mouths or speak for the group when you do not understand our motivations. My intention, since this one does not understand," she motions to Vein, "is to be here at your call should you need anything." Raleigh speaks to Kendra direct now. "Should there be some time that you do not have need of my aid, I wish your blessing in looking into your father's death, his studies and doing my own research. I believe this is the feelings of many," she motions to Arthur and the halfling. "We do not intend to leave you alone. We intend to fulfill your father's wishes as he laid out."

She stands, closing the journal and putting it back into the chest while giving Vein another look of disappointment at his lack of trust. "Kendra, would you show me some of your father's library?"

2012-01-11, 08:47 PM
Arthur chuckles and returns the hug gently, not seeming embarrassed at all by the embrace. He releases her without resistance when she tries to step back and actually smiles even broader at her words, though Veins threatened to steal them away just a moment before she spoke. He nods to Kendra, not even looking at the other human male in the room now, and says, "To be fair I'm not that big or strong either compared to some people."

At Raleigh's words he nods in agreement, "We are, or at least I am since I won't speak for people I don't know, at your disposal." He bows to the woman and steps away, freeing her up to take Raleigh where she wished. With that he turned to the halfling and walks back over to his... workstation? The man seemed to be at work on those books and while he didn't want to interrupt he had to ask, "Are you good at that kind of thing?"

2012-01-11, 08:48 PM
Raleigh and Kendra spend about ten minutes going room to room, looking at the shelves of books. It becomes clear that Kendra has some skill as a researcher herself, judging from her suggestions as to how to use the library. She also mentions three other possible research sites: The Temple of Pharasma, the Town Hall Archives, and the collection at the Unfurling Scroll.

2012-01-11, 08:49 PM
Vein looks back at Raleigh and answers, "Apologies, I must not have overheard your concern that our activities could pose a risk to Kendra, given her father's warnings."

2012-01-11, 09:54 PM
Raleigh nods to Vein as she steps out, silently accepting his apology. She leaves the room with Kendra, leaving the men in the room. Once in another room, Raleigh gives Kendra a pained look.

"I'm deeply sorry you saw us squabbling like that," she apologizes in a whisper. "That was not my intention at all. I mean every word of what I said: whenever you need me, for whatever reason how small your father asked for me too be here, and I am. You just let me know."

2012-01-11, 10:01 PM
The halfling registers some of the tension, but he keeps working, anyway. Finally, Arthur asks him about being good at 'that sort of thing.'

The halfling, who long before now should've gotten his answer erupts, slamming a file-pick against the wall. "Is the lock open? IS IT?!? Well, I guess I'm NOT that good at THAT SORTA THING, HUH?"

Stunned silence, as the halfling's mouth is partway open. He realizes what he did, and hangs his head sheepishly. "Arthur, was it? I'm sorry."

He slowly builds again, before again subsiding. "Just some boner gnome had some devilish time making that frackin' contraption. So I guess there's a reason I was in a cell and not in the cathouse when the messenger found me. Sorry, man," he holds out his little hand. "It's not you."

2012-01-11, 10:09 PM
Arthur raises an eyebrow at the outburst but shrugs it off and takes the hand, shaking it firmly but gently. "No worries. I've had drinks with people who were a lot worse then you and none of them ever apologized for it."

He chuckles and releases his handing, turning his gaze to the books for a few moments. "Probably not a lack of skill that keeps it closed so much as the locksmiths competence. A book like that's probably worth it's weight in gold to the right people and keeping it sealed then becomes worth the same."

2012-01-11, 10:18 PM
Not that this should be a problem, but is clue to how volatile a person he can be. "Name's Swiftlittle. Don't go by that Talbot business ... really, I mean it. That name is trouble, doubled by the first name. Keep it Swiftlittle, and my past will stay the past.

"And I agree it is doubtful .... that it's not my lack of skill. Therefore it is my lack of skill. But that's okay, I'll take the compliment, even though your questioned was based on a lack of ability to qualify it beforehand, and now you are qualifying it positively after the negative afterward.

"Sooooooooo ........ Arthur. What was that finger-wigglin' you was doin' above my head. Looks like you tried to keep it low-key, but you were doin' it right above me. I took you for a bruiser. What was that other stuff? I've seen something like that before."

As an afterthought, he adds, "Is it just me ears clogged, or does your voice, Vain's voice, and Kendra's voice all sound the same - more comic because the last with the first two? And Raleigh's voice? It's like it don't sound like much."By voice ... he means ... SpeechColor. It's usually an etiquette around here these parts for the DM to define one or two general NPC colors, then everyone to choose a unique color for themselves .... black usually not being one, so as to be readily identifiable from walls-of-text.

Poke-DarkOrchid, I choose you!

2012-01-11, 10:35 PM
Arthur chuckles and shrugs just a little, "Swiftlittle it is. And an old trick my father taught me a long time ago. It's really the only magic I can do. Lets me see a little bit more then what's really there. Sometimes there's nothing to see though, like with these books. At least nothing of what I was looking for. And I wasn't saying you were bad earlier. I have no eye for that sort of thing, so I couldn't tell if you were doing an amazing job or blundering about like I would. I could have asked if you bad at it I suppose, if asking that you were good implies you were bad then asking if you're bad must imply that you're good, right?"

2012-01-11, 10:36 PM
Forgot the roll

2012-01-11, 11:53 PM
With all of this activity it is now late in the afternoon. PCs may spend the evening engaged in activity of their choice, or call it a night and await the next morning.

2012-01-12, 12:57 AM
Vein follows after Raleigh and Kendra. When he finds them he says to Kendra,

Did your father have any items or tools with him when he was found? Did he have a workshop somewhere on the estate or underneath it? Are there any secret chambers or storage locations on the estate that your father might have kept important items?

2012-01-12, 01:11 AM

No, nothing like that. You have his journal, and we have his books, there is nothing else.

2012-01-12, 01:37 AM
Vein pauses for a moment and then addresses Raleigh,

If we are to follow in the professor's footsteps and Kendra is willing to accept the inherent risks with that course of action, then we should waste no time. I would like to check the crypt to see if the tools that the professor wrote of might still be there. However, traveling after dark might prove dangerous, especially alone. Arthur suggested the list of people who died in the fire. It might be prudent to embark on tasks in the more civilized part of town during the dwindling light.

2012-01-12, 02:50 AM
[Not even bothering to roll for Sense Motive ... it's not important to him.]

Swiftlittle says, "Sure, I'm game. I'd probably find some spectacular way to blow 100 platinum, if not be robbed outright, so this is as good and daring a plan as any to resign our fates to."

Swiftlittle will enjoy some tea and biscuits (the cookie kind, not those Yank bread bombs) and calm to focus more steadily on the lock again ... Taking 20. If he can't open it by evening's end, he'll assume the lock is beyond his skill (>30 DC). No matter, if he can't get it, it makes a great practice lock since good ones are hard to come by to just sit and experiment at leisure.

2012-01-12, 03:09 AM
Arthur nods in agreement as well, "Though it wasn't the professor who left them in the crypt. Look like he was just trying to borrow them. He suggested he'd have to sneak in though, to not alert those within the church for whatever reason. I doubt I'd have any more luck convincing them, I don't even know these people, and I can't really do stealth. As to the list, it's important. But why it's important is also important. Maybe the list itself will give an answer to that. Finally, we have the prison ruins themselves. My suggestion, suggestion only, is that we get the list now while there's still light out, then see to getting those tools during the night, and then look at the ruins in the morning."

2012-01-12, 05:25 AM
As Vein turns to hear Arthur express, Arthur's voice triggers a replay of something Arthur had said which Vein had failed to process earlier...

"Probably best you get the affairs in order. If we have any questions we can ask you, but otherwise the further you are from this the better."

Vein strides forward to Arthur and says in a voice he is certain Kendra will hear,

It appears I did not hear your earlier suggestion that Kendra would be safer if she were removed from our activities. Such being the case, I owe you an apology for declaring otherwise. However, I was not aware that someone had suggested the professor had left the tools in the crypt.

Vein replays the recent conversations in his mind to see if he has once again overlooked some dialogue.

In any event, we do not know if the professor was able to successfully sneak into the crypt eighteen days ago and procure the tools he was seeking when he returned to the prison the next day. Nevertheless, if the professor thought he could sneak in and out successfully, I imagine the risk may have not been that great. Arthur, Raleigh, since you both undoubtedly know more of churches and crypts than I, would it be advisable to search a crypt at night? Such an endeavor may be prudent to avoid detection of the living variety but not of the unliving. The professor may have avoided an unfriendly encounter, but we may not be so lucky.

Knowledge Dungeoneering check to see if Vein recalls any aberrations or oozes that set up shop in crypts. [roll0]
Same check on Nature for monsters in that category [roll1]

2012-01-12, 05:34 AM
Vein steps closer to Arthur and extends his hand as a gesture of good will and contrition.

If you have a way to detect magic or evil or good, it might prove useful to do a sweep of all the rooms and libraries just in case the professor hid something in plain sight.

2012-01-12, 08:05 AM
Swiftlittle, by using 4 tools simultaneously, three temporarily held together with beeswax and ribbon, believes that with a little more pressure the lock will open. However he fears he may damage the lock in the process. Does he take the chance?

This is the result of his take 20

2012-01-12, 08:09 AM
Knowledge Dungeoneering check to see if Vein recalls any aberrations or oozes that set up shop in crypts. [roll0]
Same check on Nature for monsters in that category [roll1]

Vein and other PCs are assumed to have basic knowledge of monsters as described in the Bestiaries. Of course there may be unknown monsters in this AP as well.

2012-01-12, 09:05 AM
Yes, Swiftlittle takes the chance. He's too impetuous and too unfocused not to.

2012-01-12, 09:27 AM
The lock opens, it breaks - the damage is obvious and it will not be possible to lock the book back up.

The book is written in some kind of code.

2012-01-12, 11:16 AM
"I agree," she states simply to Vein, "though I do not intend on skulking around when simply asking the Pharasmins might be the best option. The Professor stated they might not even know of the items. Should they find out about them and then find them gone... there will be a hunt, I'd imagine. And we stick out like sore thumbs. No, we can accomplish two goals at the same time."

She glances out a window. "If we intend on doing this now, we should leave."

2012-01-12, 11:44 AM
Vein takes a measured look at Raleigh, perceiving moral conviction in her tone. He then walks over towards what remains of the lock and looks over the Swiftlittle's shoulder as if hoping to learn something.

Have any here worked with the Pharasmins?

He then leans closer to the table as if to get a better look, whispering something to the halfling

Let us hope that if we are to obtain the tools of which Lorrimor spoke, discretion will not prove more useful than valor.

Perhaps we should obtain the tools first and then if we believe the Pharasmins are the rightful owners, we can inform them as necessary. If the professor has taken them, alerting the Pharasmins will only expose this estate to criminal allegations with no certainty as to the rightful owner or to whether the professor actually took them. If the professor was not able to find the tools, the Pharasmins will still believe the professor took them and accuse him thusly.

If the tools are in fact in the crypt, and we need them to proceed, we are in a better position to negotiate for their use by possessing them. But who knows, maybe this church will open its doors to us and provide us with all that we need simply by asking? Arthur, do you have any intuition on the beneficence of the Pharasmins?

2012-01-12, 01:27 PM
Raleigh wordlessly pulls the Professor's journal from the chest, turning a few pages until she finds the passage she's looking for. She offers the book to Vein, pointing to a specific quote.

I know that the church of Pharasma used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down below.

"I safely assume the Pharasmins own said items, whether knowingly or not. If you wish to keep Kendra from as much harm as possible, Vein, being dishonest with these people only paints a larger target on us and with us, Kendra. The Pharasmins wish for the true death of all undead, as did the Professor. By playing to their desires, we'll earn their favor and reward at the same time." She pauses, looking about. "Perhaps it's best we stick to the books for now. Find what information we can, build a reason for us to gain access to the tombs, and then ask. I'm not suggesting we lallygag about," she raises a hand, staving off any words to the contrary, "I'm merely suggesting we appeal ourselves to the better nature of these people. They already disliked the Professor enough to besmirch his name on his deathbed. I should not wish for the same."

2012-01-12, 01:48 PM
Arthur shakes his head slowly but in the end shrugs. Nothing he can do about someone like that. All about honest and decency and trust. "I know next to nothing about any of the churches. I never had time to go and worship at any of them myself. I still think telling them is a bad idea but if we really want to bring proof we'll also need to check out the ruins first."

Arthur looks down at the offered hand and eventually just takes it, "I don't think he had the tools because they would have found them on the professor no? Some mention of it would surely have spread through the town.

With a sigh he looks to Raleigh, "However, I suggest at the very least trying to get the tools without informing the church and then returning it to them with the truth if that's really that important to you. We can't risk the church saying no when we might need such weapons. Not if people's lives are at stake with necromancers about."

2012-01-12, 01:49 PM
Vein nods,

I have not counciled dishonesty or deceit, only discretion. We rangers have a saying, 'Best to let sleeping dogs lie.'

Vein looks at Swiftlittle and then to Arthur...

I concur with Arthur. In my opinion, the risk that the Pharasmins might say no outweighs the risk the Parasmins will suddenly realize they have tools in a crypt and come looking for us. But by no means should we attempt to deceive them.

reread Raleigh's response and realized I needed to edit mine.

2012-01-12, 02:03 PM
My apologies Arthur, I misunderstood your statement about the professor leaving the tools in the crypt. Yes, I agree, the tools may still be there. When I queried Kendra a minute ago, she said no tools were found in the professor's possession. However, if the professor was the victim of foul play, the perpetrators may have also absconded with the items we seek. In either case, we'll have to search the crypts to be sure.

2012-01-12, 08:43 PM
Deciding arguing points would get her no where, Raleigh kindly excuses herself. "I think I will have a look at the Professors books, see if anything there might lead us to what this Whispering Way is, and why it had the Professor's interest." She bows to the men, giving a smile. "You're welcome to join me if you wish. If not, I'll see you in the morning."

With little else said, Raleigh heads back to the rooms Kendra had shown her earlier to do just as she said.

2012-01-12, 09:08 PM
Arthur shrugs and goes to assist Raleigh in the library for the night. He speaks to Raleigh as he does. "The ruins are the prison and the Whispering Way is a group of necromancers. He was interested in stopping them from doing something within the ruins of the prison."

[roll0] Plus whatever modifier to aid her in research.

Nat twenty.... can she aid me?

2012-01-12, 09:22 PM
Vein begins perusing the books and titles for maps of the city the surrounding countryside. Perhaps there are underground waterways, caverns, or passages forgotten by the current inhabitants. If no such material is to be found, he looks for any information on things that go bump in the night native to Ravengro or reports of mysterious creatures.

[roll0] for geography stuff
[roll1] for creature stuff.

Haven't added any skill modifiers as I don't know what skill is used for searching books. Maybe Linguistics could be shoe horned in there??

Vein calls out to Arthur,

Let us know if your Detect Magic sweep turns up anything.

2012-01-12, 10:53 PM
Raleigh assisted by Arthur discover the following:

(50 XP): The Whispering Way is a sinister
organization of necromancers that has been active in the
Inner Sea region for thousands of years.
(100 XP): Agents of the Whispering Way often
seek alliances with undead creatures, or are themselves
undead. The Whispering Way’s most notorious member
was Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, although the
society itself has existed much longer than even that
mighty necromancer.
(50 XP): Harrowstone is a ruined prison—
partially destroyed by a fire in 4661, the building has
stood vacant ever since. The locals suspect that it’s
haunted, and don’t enjoy speaking of the place.

It is midnight. They have not yet exhausted the potential of this library. They may work through the night, or sleep and be prepared for another day.

2012-01-12, 11:03 PM
You have a +5 on your character sheet for knowledge, geography.

Vein's research:

There is nothing unusual or interesting about the area geographically.


The distinction between a trap and an undead creature blurs when you consider a haunt—a hazardous region created by unquiet spirits that react violently to the presence of the living. The exact conditions that cause a haunt to manifest vary from case to case—but haunts always arise from a source of terrific mental or physical anguish endured by living, tormented creatures. A single, source of suffering can create multiple haunts, or multiple sources could consolidate into a single haunt. The relative power of the source has little bearing on the strength of the resulting haunt—it's the magnitude of the suffering or despair that created the haunt that decides its power. Often, undead inhabit regions infested with haunts—it's even possible for a person who dies to rise as a ghost (or other undead) and trigger the creation of numerous haunts. A haunt infuses a specific area, and often multiple haunted areas exist within a single structure. The classic haunted house isn't a single haunt, but usually a dozen or more haunted areas spread throughout the structure.

It is now midnight, Vein may continue to research or go to sleep and awake in the morning.

2012-01-12, 11:12 PM
Regarding experience you are all on the fast track, the party earned an easy 600 encountering the mob and another 200 researching, which means you have gained 200xp each.

2012-01-12, 11:23 PM
Arthur looks to Raleigh, grinning at the information that they had already found. "We got lucky. Picked up the right books and found what we needed. Well, that and your skill of course." He chuckles and takes a small bow to the woman, then turns serious again. "We now know part of the reason why the list from the fire mentioned in his journal was important. It was the list of those that died in those ruins. Whatever that could mean, I'm not sure though. I'm going to keep looking through the night to see if I can find out. You can head to bed if you want."

'If you have any suggestions for books make em fly. Other wise I'm just going to pick one at random.' He never really expected an answer these days when he thought such things, but the fact that he could cast that spell earlier was proof enough that he wasn't alone yet. Probably.

Another attempt to aid her with this roll to see what we or I can find out about why a list of those that died in the ruins might be important. Would it help with facing the haunts? Might there be some mention of one of the dead being connected to the whispering way?

[roll0] + whatever bonuses I get for the library.
Taking 20.

2012-01-12, 11:28 PM
Arthur stays up all night researching. This is a take 20. He discovers:

(100 XP): Harrowstone was built in 4594. Ravengro
was founded at the same time as a place where guards and
their families could live and that would produce food and
other supplies used by the prison. The fire that killed all
of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large
portion of the prison’s underground eastern wing, but
left most of the stone structure above relatively intact.
The prison’s warden perished in the fire, along with his
wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison
when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the
warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in
the months after the tragedy—that statue still stands on
the riverbank just outside of town.

Arthur's research skills are untrained, someone else might be able to find out more.

2012-01-12, 11:31 PM
Swiftlittle peers at the strange squiggly writing .... and slams the book shut when people come to look over his shoulder, but has no problem showing if they ask nicely (which the ranger didn't). That's rude in any universe. [Whether or not the player posts as often as the curious.]

As people peel off to bed, and before retiring himself, the halfling will try to make out the squigglies. [PM to DM ...]

2012-01-12, 11:48 PM
Swiftlittle ends up staying up all night reading.

2012-01-12, 11:49 PM
Vein continues to research haunts and how they might be overcome or how they affect the living.

He also tries to find any maps or architectural drawings of the underground portions of the prison.

2012-01-12, 11:54 PM
Vein finds the litte man's possessiveness over something entrusted to the whole group, perplexing, but is already accepting the illogical behavior of the halfling as normal.

Excellent job

Vein calls out to Raleigh and Arthur.

It appears we will need to contend with haunts at the prison. Maybe if I can uncover some personal information on the guard and his wife who perished, it may prove useful in dispelling the haunts.

If Vein is unable to find the info regarding haunts and the prison layout, he searches for specific information on the guards that perished.


2012-01-13, 12:23 AM
Hmm. I guess on edit you can't add a roll. Rerolling here


2012-01-13, 12:28 AM
Vein finds more on Haunts

Although haunts function like traps, they are difficult to detect since they cannot be easily observed until the round in which they manifest. Detect undead or detect alignment spells of the appropriate type allow an observer a chance to notice a haunt even before it manifests (allowing that character the appropriate check to notice the haunt, but at a –4 penalty).

A haunt can infuse a maximum area with a 5-foot radius per point of CR possessed by the haunt, but the actual area is usually limited by the size of the room in which the haunt is located.

A haunt can have virtually any effect identical to an existing spell effect, but often with different—and distinctly more frightening or unnerving—sensory or physical features than that spell effect normally has. (A haunt that has an effect not identical to an existing spell is certainly possible, but this requires designing a new spell effect.) A haunt might cause a room to explode into flames (duplicating fireball or fire storm), infuse a chamber with fear (duplicating cause fear, scare, or fear), or try to frighten a target to death (duplicating phantasmal killer or slay living). How the haunt's effects manifest are left to you to determine.

A neutralized haunt is not destroyed, and can manifest again after a period of time—to destroy a haunt, a specific action must be taken in the region to end the effect forever (such as burning a haunted house to the ground or burying the bones of the slaves who died on the site to create the haunt). This specific act is different for every haunt (although a number of nearby haunts often share the same destruction act).

Some haunts are persistent, and their immediate effects continue beyond the surprise round into actual full rounds. Persistent haunts continue to trigger their haunt effects once per round on their initiative rank until destroyed or they no longer have a target.

All primary effects created by a haunt are mind-affecting fear effects, even those that actually produce physical effects. Immunity to fear grants immunity to a haunt's direct effects, but not to secondary effects that arise as a result of the haunt's attack.

Vein stays up all night reading.

This is in effect a take 20.

2012-01-13, 09:28 AM
Swiftlittle passes Vein every now and then as they fill their coffee cups and go back to their studies. Considering the hour of night, their greetings, at least the halfling's, is more of a grunt than a greeting.

Swiftlittle makes several notes of this and that, but finally sacks out sprawled across the book, the ink blotting on the parchment on the side where he was taking notes, fell asleep, and a line is seen slowly leaving the paper before it accidentally marked a table before his grasp released.

Contents, because the notes summarize some of what he found inside, and being asleep he really can't stop anyone from looking when they get up in the morning ...
The book’s contents seem strangely out of place compared to the other texts, for while it contains detailed descriptions of a number of ancient ceremonies, both magical and mundane, they are more concerned with purely arcane or mathematical topics and have very little sinister about them at all.

2012-01-13, 09:38 AM
As everyone else is staying up all night I will assume Raleigh does the same. She discovers:

(200 XP): The Whispering Way itself is a series of
philosophies that can only be transferred via whispers—
the philosophies are never written or spoken of loudly,
making the exact goals and nature of the secretive
philosophy difficult for outsiders to learn much about.
(400 XP): Exact details on the society are difficult
to discern, but chief among the Whispering Way’s goals are
discovering formulae for creating liches and engineering
the release of the Whispering Tyrant. Agents often travel
to remote sites or areas plagued by notorious haunts
or undead menaces to perform field research or even to
capture unique monsters. Their symbol is a gagged skull,
and those who learn too many of the Way’s secrets are
often murdered, and their mouths mutilated to prevent
their bodies from divulging secrets via speak with dead.

2012-01-13, 09:45 AM
Kendra awakens twice in the night, restless and grieving. She paces the house, greeting the PCs. At one point she cleans up after Swiftlittle, and covers him with a blanket as he snores.

Around 7am she and the cook fix the group a large breakfast. It is a bright, sunny morning in Ravengro. The adventurers are fatigued. They may sleep until the afternoon, or stay awake and do as they see best.

2012-01-13, 10:33 AM
Swifty's sleeping until the afternoon. He gets up briefly to shovel food into his mouth, but then drags his blanket to wherever it is that was going to be his room and he sleeps more comfortably.

2012-01-13, 11:59 AM
Each time Arthur sees Kendra he smiles comfortingly and nods to her, offering to speak to her or help her with anything. After the meal he thanks her deeply with a bow for both the food and the place to stay, he nods to Raleigh and offers her a thank you for her hard work, and then immediately retires till the afternoon for sleep.

2012-01-13, 12:16 PM
If, during her waking moments, Kendra makes eye contact with Vein, or, Vein senses she needs assistance, Vein expresses his availability without words. If not, Vein does not attempt to invade her personal space or impose himself on her. Assuming that his failure to sleep would result in fatigue that would impair his abilities Vein, Vein sleeps as well, after eating breakfast.

2012-01-13, 12:32 PM
I am going to use one of the GMs powers here and manipulate time. Most likely Raleigh will also choose to sleep. If not I will allow her to research or engage in other activities out of order with the rest of the group.

It is now 2:00 in the afternoon, time for lunch: potato salad, cucumber sandwiches, and a mysterious but tasty cold soup.

The party may consider it's next steps, collectively or individually as the PCs wish.

2012-01-13, 01:50 PM
Raleigh stays up well into the night, her eyes drooping as breakfast is served. She eats little, finding her stomach in knots over what she found. Kendra had mentioned earlier that the Professor had been found crushed by loose stone at the ruins and the final passage she found led to thoughts that Raleigh wished she could have left un-thought. After breakfast, still lethargic, Raleigh curls herself up with another book, content to keep reading until her eyes become far too heavy and she falls into a fitful sleep in the chair.

Waking with a sudden start, Raleigh nearly falls from the chair she lounged in, catching herself before she hit the ground. Looking right for terror, Raleigh finds her room to tidy herself up before meeting the others for a much more eagerly awaited meal.

"Last night was... an interesting night," she says to no one in particular. "Did you find anything to follow up on today? I'm considering going to another of the libraries to see if we can cross reference some of the information. And, if anything else may be found."

2012-01-13, 02:29 PM
Vein, wakes for lunch, though takes only a morsel as he is not accustomed so such regular meals.

Let's see if we can puts some of the pieces together and see where the gaps are...

1) The prison is populated by haunts, most likely because of the fire that consumed the guard and his wife.

2) The Way is attempting to release the Whispering Tyrant.

3) The professor believed The Way was active at the prison. So the prison must provide some key to releasing the Tyrant or creating a lich or increasing The Way's power through acquisition of more haunts or all three.

4) In order to explore the prison, we must be able to withstand the haunts. This is probably facilitated by the tools the professor mentioned, but may have never recovered.

5) We may be able to put the haunts to rest if we can complete some ritual.

6) The professor was fearful that openly investigating these matters would create problems among the townspeople.

7) The professor may have fallen victim to a haunt. It's also possible The Way moved against the professor, in which case we will have enemies nearby. Possibly among the very people we may seek assistance from.

We should expect reprisals if we make any effort to investigate this. The question is how do we protect ourselves against an enemy who has no face?

2012-01-13, 02:36 PM
Swiftlittle is all sorts of perky now. "Well, I found out quite a bit, actually. First, I need to invest in adamantine picks. But only slight less important than that was the locked book. I was able to, ummm, 'pick' the lock ... sort of. It had some funny writing but I was able to suss it out. Mainly old rituals and cool occult stories and other interesting magic stories and theories such-its. Sadly, nothin' that'll help here. I made a lot of notes on what I found, though decoding my handwriting in Common might be harder'n' that book for the rest of you.

What about anyone else?"

2012-01-13, 02:40 PM
[Ninja'd, again.]

Swiftlittle asks Vain, "What's The Way? Isn't that a religious movement based on a book with a bunch of books in it?

"As far as the enemy that wears no face, that's simple. That's called 'urban living,' my friend. You might not see 'em comin', but the more o' them you are, the less cuttin' the others'll do."

Swiftlittle thinks about it for a little bit. "Course, if what you're sayin' is we can't hurt 'em without special stuff .... I guess that's just more of your cousins for a snack, huh?"

2012-01-13, 02:51 PM
Arthur listens to the summary with interest, then adds, "Perhaps with the tools or more research. What do we do next then. We have some options. I say we put it to a vote. The first is getting the list of the dead from the prison. The second is retrieving the tools. The third is visiting the ruins. I suggest whatever we do we save the visit for last, so I'm voting for the list first and the tools second."

2012-01-13, 03:00 PM
Swiftlittle shrugs and nods in consent.

2012-01-13, 04:40 PM
Vein turns to the halfing and recounts the results of the earlier searches.

You were probably too engrossed in your own efforts to over hear our conversations.

2012-01-13, 04:46 PM
Swiftlittle says, "I know ... you meant the Whispering Way. It was a bad joke. Just that there were a bunch of itinerant evangelists of some god o' theirs that knocked on the doors and tents of our gypsy camp, of all things, asking us if we wanted to buy a copy of The Way.

"Initially, the elders thought to toss them on the road and give them a minor, humiliating but not dangerous curse. In the end, though, what they did was better. They were invited to stay in the camp that night. By the next morning, this celibate, teetotalling mob had partied so hard - enjoying the company of those not so repressed and the wine that helped such inhibitions flow away - that they threw away their books and joined the camp.

"Still, yer right, Vanity. I got the big pic, but I didn' quite get the particulars. You guys is pretty crafty, learned folk, aintcha? Good job to all."

As an afterthought he adds, "When you need someone quiet for more salt-o-the-earth work, lemme' know. If I knew you's was this smart, I wouldn't have tried to figure out the squigglies in the Palatine book meself."

EDIT: "Since I'm thinkin' bout it," he says, showing the book. "Anyone know what bloody language this is?"

2012-01-13, 04:51 PM
I hope to hear such praise when we have concluded this matter.

Speaking of your book, I do not quite understand the implications of what you have discovered?

2012-01-13, 04:53 PM
Because I made edit-on-edit ... here's what was added ...
As an afterthought he adds, "When you need someone quiet for more salt-o-the-earth work, lemme' know. If I knew you's was this smart, I wouldn't have tried to figure out the squigglies in the Palatine book meself."

EDIT: "Since I'm thinkin' bout it," he says, showing the book. "Anyone know what bloody language this is?"
To Vein's question he shrugs. "Nothin', I believe. It's a good source on a whole lot of things nifty and magicky, but it looks like a general sourcebook, and not intrinsically related to what we're doing ... which is probably why it is heading to the Paladin-Eaters."

2012-01-13, 04:57 PM
Does that mean I got ninja'd? :smallsmile:

What can one due with a general sourcebook of this kind? Can it improve or grant skills and abilities if understood?

Is it a language of sentient beings or a code? Perhaps the library contains a key on how to decrypt the code if that's what it is?

2012-01-13, 05:34 PM
Doesn't look like you got ninja'd ... but I did. Getting "ninja'd" is when you are writing out or typing a post and someone posts before you submit your own. In and of itself it's nothing, but the "ninja'd" portion is that something answers what you were going to answer, or covers an action you were going to make, or in some way makes you feel like you got stepped on because of timing.

It's no one's "fault" or anything, it's just an interesting effect of the pbp medium. This game is the craziest I've ever seen. Because of the fantastically high rate of turnaround you guys make on posts, it's easy to get ninja'd.
Swiftlittle looks up at him confused and slowly starts off, trying not to sound condescending to the really big killer-looking man in front of him. "Well .... isn't that what sourebooks are designed for ... as vessels of learning?" :smallconfused:

He shrugs and says, "And we don't need a 'key' to figure out what it says ... I've already done that. But the library might be able to help us know what language it is. But unless I'm totally off and it is actually just a fancy recipe book for making biscuits, krumpes, and spotted (richard), then not only did I decipher it, this notesheet I have shows how things are arranged."Of course ... it's NOT that easy. Unless this was a legitimate 'code' (which I doubt, given the nature of flowing writing), this is written in a different language that a 'key' won't do anything to help someone else. A word or something here or there, but no help. Basically, you have to have Linguistics (which can't be used untrained ... and it's not a Knowledge skill so you just can't wave it away with an Encyclopedia Brittanica) to really work this out. Of course, that begs the question ... does anyone else in the group have Linguistics, have a magical means of reading languages, or simply able to understand the writing based on their initial languages they can speak?

What the library can do is help to figure out what alphabet this is. I am sure that is as simple as a Knowledge check appropriate for the race .... Arcana for Draconic, Nature of Giant, Local for any of the humanoid languages, and so forth.

2012-01-13, 05:38 PM
"I would suggest following the Professor's studies and obtain a list of the deceased a he did is prudent at this point. Also, paying a visit to the other libraries would help in collaborating the Professor's research." She pauses, looking about for Kendra. If she's out of earshot, she continues in a low whisper.

"I am concerned that the Professor's death may not have been an accident as Kendra was led to believe. If his jaw is shattered, it does not prove motive or a perpetrator, but it does seem to lend to how the Whispering Way tends to deal with those that poke around in their affairs." She pauses, rubbing her still tired eyes. "I hate to think the Professor got himself into this studies a little too far, but it seems possible."

2012-01-13, 05:47 PM
Swiftlittle stands up, pounding his chest with great bravado and machismo, "Well, have no fear! I happen to know a certain someone upon whom bravery is a comfortable cloak, danger a daily dinner heartily swallowed. He is blessed with the focus of a hawk, the senses of a tiger, and the cunning of a fox. His hands hold the delivery of mortal release for any who would cross his path. And whispers? HA! He scoffs at others who claim such a title, for who is quieter than he? You know who I mean? You know who I mean."

And then flatly without any braggadocio he points simply at Vein and says, "Him."

2012-01-13, 05:52 PM
Arthur nods in agreement and then looks to Vein, "What's your vote on where we start? We seem to have three in favor of starting off at the list of names." He looks to the others to confirm this before saying, "We could leave right now and go get them. You guys ready?"

Arthur is already standing when he hears Raleigh speak. He nods in agreement, though keeps the reason he himself thinks it wasn't an accident to himself. They already knew about the haunts. Knowing Arthur's experience about such things before hand wouldn't help. "The professor did what he did to help others and he did it in secret to protect others. I'm wary about leaving Lady Kendra here alone after the mob from yesterday. Does anyone wish to stay behind?"

He chuckles at the halflings words and looks to Vein, "It's good we have someone of such great skill and bravery then. This task was looking a little daunting before that speech."

2012-01-13, 05:56 PM
Regarding the Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye, Swiftlittle's efforts indicate that the book is written in Varisian, a dialect of common.

2012-01-13, 05:59 PM
Swiftlittle answers Arthur. "I'd like to come with, if only to help my curiosity. I mean, I've never lived in such fine array with such fine foods in so fine a house before ... it might make me soft and spoiled. No, wait ... too late.

"But if you think she might be in trouble, I can stay behind. You bigguns'll be better at creepy things, but I'm not really tough like you. But if some moonshined hick comes a-callin' I'll bite his kneecaps."

DMOf course I'd like to be on the adventure! That said, I'm not really at the same rate of turnaround as the rest of you. If it is an IC salient point that she may need protection, then I'll stay. But if the DM wants to give a friendly nudge that "she can take care of herself" or "they won't bother her while she's home" ... then I'll go with the group.

But again, if I feel that Kendra is actually in potential danger, Swiftlittle ain't leavin' her alone. She's a nice lady, and she made a mean beef Welly for dinner last night.

2012-01-13, 06:16 PM
DMOf course I'd like to be on the adventure! That said, I'm not really at the same rate of turnaround as the rest of you. If it is an IC salient point that she may need protection, then I'll stay. But if the DM wants to give a friendly nudge that "she can take care of herself" or "they won't bother her while she's home" ... then I'll go with the group.

But again, if I feel that Kendra is actually in potential danger, Swiftlittle ain't leavin' her alone. She's a nice lady, and she made a mean beef Welly for dinner last night.

Actually your turnaround is quite fast, although I gather it may slow down in the next few days. Feel free to continue with the party. Those who post more often will interact more with the locals. If you want you can have standard operating instructions as to your behavior or location in the party. But in the short run it shouldn't matter, unless the party starts a riot or something.

2012-01-13, 06:18 PM

No, it is not necessary for anyone to stay here. I don't believe I am immediately threatened, excepting to the extent that the entire town is under threat. You are the ones heading into danger, and I thank you all for what you are doing - no matter how it turns out.

2012-01-13, 06:28 PM
Vein looks at the halfling and it seems for a moment Vein is about to laugh...instead Vein raises an eyebrow in a quizzical fashion.

If I possess even half the abilities of which you speak then I hope to survive long enough to earn the other.

Regarding the book, I am not familiar with such things. If we were all to sit down and read the book now, would it benefit any of us in the short term or the long?

Before we set out, let me just reread a few passages from the professor's journal...

Vein fetches the professor's journal and returns reading the following passage:

It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked up about them, I’d rather not let the others know about my curiosity

The professor notes that expressing open curiosity might pose problems. Who ever leads the inquiry should consider these words and how to solicit the information without eliciting suspicion or fear from the provider. As you all may have gathered from our inauspicious beginning, I do not always have the pulse of my fellow man so I will remain quiet when questions are to be asked.

Vein continues to read:

Twenty Days Ago:

It is confirmed. The Way seems quite interested in something—no, strike that—someone who was held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is the Way after? I need a list of everyone who died the night of the fire. Everyone. The Temple of Pharasma must have such a list.

Within three days of seeking the list from the Pharasmins, the professor makes his last entry on the matter. We cannot rule out a possible connection. The Way may have spies operating within and among the Pharasmins. There is an identity in Harrowstone that The Way may be actively trying to keep secret, resorting to murder if the need arises.

Finally, today, and possibly today alone, we have the element of surprise. No one should suspect us of anything. If splitting up might speed things up or offer the best chance of success, now would be the time to consider it. How long our anonymity might protect us, is anyone's guess. I am used to operating alone, but when faced with an enemy I do not know and have not seen, I am wise enough to know that there is strength and safety in numbers.

2012-01-13, 06:34 PM
Vein looks around the room and asks..

Have we obtained all the knowledge we can from the professor's libraries?

2012-01-13, 06:40 PM
"Three of us stayed up all night to look through that thing. If there was something we missed, it'd take a while to find it." He stands up now and bows to Kendra, "If you could tell us how to get to the church he mentions for the list, the Temple of Pharasma, it would be greatly appreciated. And please be safe Lady Kendra. I'll do everything I can to stop whatever is happening, but."

Arthur turns to the others and gives them a nod, waits for the instructions from Kendra, and then then starts to head out toward the door.

2012-01-13, 06:48 PM
Kendra provides directions to the Temple, a short walk away.

I am assuming the whole party heads to the temple, unless I hear otherwise shortly. Vein has suggested splitting up, as well as not speaking at the temple, he should feel free to do so even if I have already given out some information on the Temple.

2012-01-13, 06:54 PM
Assuming everyone heads to the Temple, Vein keeps his hood over his face and keeps an eye out for any creature that might be following us. He also keeps an eye out for a tavern or inn.

2012-01-13, 06:56 PM
This temple is devoted to Pharasma, the Lady of Graves.
Ravengro’s only religious structure, the temple is also the
town’s most elaborate building. Its eastern facade displays
an intricate stained-glass mural depicting a stern Pharasma
judging Count Andachi, one of Tamrivena’s most infamous
previous rulers. Vauran Grimburrow is officially in charge
of the temple, but the day-to-day tending of the flock and
maintenance of the temple and the Restlands
are largely seen to by a dozen acolytes.

A young acolyte, barely more than a boy, asks what seek at the holy Temple of Pharasma.

2012-01-13, 06:59 PM
The temple is located at the edge of town. Vein deduces that if he wants to find a tavern he would need to split off from the party and head into the center of town.

2012-01-13, 07:38 PM
Raleigh follows after the party, conflicted by the imagery of the Pharasmin temple. No bright shining murals, certainly missing the light she had grown accustomed to. Even so, she enters.

"We're looking for death records of the fire at Harrowstone," she says to the boy in a unsupposing manner. "We were sent to you for assistance."

OOC: If it matters, a diplomacy check: [roll0]

2012-01-13, 08:29 PM
Vein keeps an eye out for any suspicious onlooker as the cat has decided to emerge from the bag with guns blazing.


2012-01-13, 08:49 PM
The young acolyte responds:

Our task is to preserve the Restlands and to care for the people of Ravengro. We are not in the habit of handing out lists of whatever type to strangers. You have no business here, I suggest you move on.

2012-01-13, 09:33 PM
Arthur steps forward now, nodding as he does, and says very calmly, "I do apologize for this. We want to see the list because it might be the last chance to find an old friend. I've been trying to find him for years and I was told he might have found a job as a guard in the prison. I'm hoping to find out if one of the names he used was on the list."

Bluff [roll0]
Let's hope this works.

2012-01-13, 09:39 PM
The young acolyte hesitates and says:

I can ask Father Grimburrow but it is probably a waste of everyone's time. Wait here.

2012-01-13, 09:46 PM
After a long wait Father Grimburrow appears, and invites you all to meet with him in his office. It is a humble place, with little decoration beyond the spiral symbol of Pharasma.

So tell me, outsid-- I mean good people, what is this about an old friend, a prison guard and a list? I couldn't get any sense of what you wanted out of Georgio my acolyte.

Another chance for diplomacy or bluff

2012-01-13, 09:59 PM
Raleigh decides to allow Arthur to speak with the Father, allowing herself to lend an aiding word or gesture should it be needed.

I am not going to open my mouth this time. She'll aid as needed.

2012-01-13, 10:04 PM
Arthur nods slowly, "Yes. I was hoping I could see the list of those that died within the the prison. You see, I've been looking for an old friend of mine and I believe it's possible he might have found a job within the prison... around the time it burned down. If this is true, I would like to know so I can give him my proper respects. If it's not it means there might still be hope of finding him."

Bluff [roll0]
Dice don't fail me now

2012-01-13, 10:05 PM
NINJA'D!...there goes my innocence

2012-01-13, 11:07 PM
Father Grimburrow replies:

That list is simple enough to find, for it is carved into the base of the memorial dedicated to the warden and the others who died in the fire. I shall have an acolyte take you there.

Grimburrow rings a small bell, and an acolyte rushes into the room, prepared to escort you to the memorial.

2012-01-14, 12:09 AM
Vein rises to follow the acolyte. He nods to the holy man as he leaves.

2012-01-14, 04:54 PM
Swiftlittle will fall in behind Vein ...

2012-01-14, 06:22 PM
Arthur follows Swiftlittle, thinking they were probably about to get only half the list. He hoped the prisoners would be on the statue to but doubted it.

2012-01-14, 10:19 PM
A few minutes walk south of the Temple, across a small stream the party finds:

Harrowstone Memorial

Other than the looming ruins of Harrowstone on
a nearby hill, Ravengro’s most distinctive
landmark is a 25-foot-tall, moss-covered
stone statue that overlooks the river. The
statue depicts a proud, muscular human
man dressed in leathers and wielding
a truncheon—a depiction of Warden
Hawkran. A total of 25 names—the
guards who died in the fire of 4661, as
well as the warden’s wife, Vesorianna—
are chiseled into the statue’s stone base.
The memorial is a popular meeting spot
for late-night trysts among Ravengro’s young
lovers, for it has just the right mix of tragic
romance and spooky ambience without
actually being on Harrowstone’s supposedly
haunted grounds.

2012-01-14, 11:25 PM
Vein waits until the acolyte is out of earshot. He then makes a quick scan of the are to see if anyone suspicious is watching.

In a voice that does not carry beyond the group, Vein surmises:

We need to find out how to put the souls at Harrowstone to rest. It's possible the Pharasmins might know. However, I am not convinced the Pharasmins can be fully trusted.

Raleigh, I sense that it is your nature to be open and forthright, I hope that for the time being you will not divulge our intentions to the Pharasmins until we know whether they can be trusted and whether they would support us. Even if the Pharasmins are not infiltrated by The Way, they may view our actions as upsetting to the locals. There is no guarantee that they will support us and may even oppose us if they believe it is in the best interest of their flock. We should not deceive the Pharasmins, but we should not assume we can trust them either.

Perhaps some of the young kids who frequent this spot may know something that could be of help. Certainly they will know the rumors. Someone in town might know something that can help us.

2012-01-14, 11:26 PM
Roll for Perception on any lurkers [roll0]

2012-01-14, 11:56 PM
Swiftlittle takes a wide sweep around the statue, and then the statue itself, just looking for anything out of the ordinary.Perception: [roll0]

2012-01-15, 12:17 AM
If Vein doesn't notice anyone he says to the hobbit,

Take all the time you need, we don't want to miss anything

2012-01-15, 12:26 AM
Swiftlittle (considering his roll), was playing with a rock between his toes when he looks up. "What?"

2012-01-15, 02:59 AM
You know, I never thought to ask. Considering Swiftlittle has been around the countryside far and wide with a gypsy caravan, does he know any cool stories about Harrowstone?K: Local [roll0]

2012-01-15, 08:33 AM
Swiftlittle finds nothing unusual about the statue.

He remembers the claim that the Harrowstone Prison ruins are haunted.

He remembers that executions were done with a scythe, and supposedly the ghost of the executioner haunts the grounds slaying those who disturb his rest.

Vein notices a couple of local townsfolk watching from a distance.

2012-01-15, 10:51 AM
Raleigh follows the statues, looking over the names herself. She raises her brows at Vein as he speaks to her, to which she remains silent.

Win trust with actions, not words, she reminds herself. She too looks about the statue for anything worthwhile. "Did we have the foresight to bring some paper and a quill to write down these names?"

2012-01-15, 11:15 AM
As a GM I don't worry too much about equipment lists, if someone thinks their character would normally have paper and a writing implement so be it.

2012-01-15, 11:31 AM
Swiftlittle looks up at Vein, "Hey, Dead-Eye Darkstalker, maybe if we take our time we might find something interesting. Can you help me look around?"Thematically, Vein is likely more used to reactive hunting whereas Swiftlittle is more used to finite searches. Because it looks like we have the same modifier, and the reason above, I recommend Vein Aids my search on a Take 20. Sooo, Taking 20 that's a result of 26 for both of us.

Now, I know we're playing PF, but some people Aid better than others. I request the advanced use of Aid rules found in Complete Adventurer's Handbook. Aiding AC, attack rolls, or ability- or skill-checks, basically an Aid normally succeeds on a 10 for a benefit of +2. With the update, a 20+ is a +3 benefit, a 30+ is a +4 benefit.

Any chance we can use that here?

So, if not, the end result is a 28. Otherwise, Vein's expert assistance means a 29."Oh, hey Raleigh ... I've had to keep a sharp eye out in my life. Don't expect me to memorize big passages of text, but I've got a pretty good mind for holding onto something."

2012-01-15, 11:37 AM
Swiftlittle looks up at Vein, "Hey, Dead-Eye Darkstalker, maybe if we take our time we might find something interesting. Can you help me look around?"Thematically, Vein is likely more used to reactive hunting whereas Swiftlittle is more used to finite searches. Because it looks like we have the same modifier, and the reason above, I recommend Vein Aids my search on a Take 20. Sooo, Taking 20 that's a result of 26 for both of us.

Now, I know we're playing PF, but some people Aid better than others. I request the advanced use of Aid rules found in Complete Adventurer's Handbook. Aiding AC, attack rolls, or ability- or skill-checks, basically an Aid normally succeeds on a 10 for a benefit of +2. With the update, a 20+ is a +3 benefit, a 30+ is a +4 benefit.

Any chance we can use that here?

So, if not, the end result is a 28. Otherwise, Vein's expert assistance means a 29."Oh, hey Raleigh ... I've had to keep a sharp eye out in my life. Don't expect me to memorize big passages of text, but I've got a pretty good mind for holding onto something."

It looks like a good rule, but we'll stick to PF rules for consistency.

The statue is old, consistent with it having been build shortly after the fire. You find nothing else of interest, you do not believe there are secret compartments or hidden writing or anything neat like that.

2012-01-15, 01:59 PM
Vein, having noticed the prying eyes of the townsfolk quietly mutters...

Raleigh is correct. We stick out like a sore thumb, especially traveling as a group...

2012-01-15, 11:54 PM
Swiftlittle looks up at Arthur and Raleigh and says, "You know, this is incredible statue, honestly. I mean, this Warden Hawkren looks like he was a true-blue hero, and they did a great job of making it a fine conversation piece for the town. How many other towns can say that. Hmmm, do you think they'd be offended if you spoke highly of their town and their memorial?"

2012-01-15, 11:54 PM
If we want the names of the prisoners, we should probably try the constable.

2012-01-16, 12:03 AM
The statue is old, consistent with it having been build shortly after the fire. You find nothing else of interest, you do not believe there are secret compartments or hidden writing or anything neat like that.

Careful examination over 30 or 40 minutes reveals nothing further.

2012-01-16, 05:29 AM
Vein nods his head at the half-man's suggestions.

Yes, another option would be to find the statue's sculptor and comment on what a fine piece of workmanship this is. The sculptor might know a thing or two.

2012-01-16, 09:51 AM
Swiftlittle thinks for a second, "Guys, before we start chasing after the boogeymen, not that the in-town ideas are bad, we need to get outfitted. And the Professor gave us a clue about that. I remember a passage from his journal..."

Eighteen Days Ago:

I see now just how ill prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone. I am lucky to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the foundation—hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to defend against spirits are already here in Ravengro. I know that the church of Pharasma used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down below. If my luck holds, I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items.[Emphasis mine.]

"The Professor was trying to let us know about this equipment cache," continues Swiftlittle. "The question now is ... do Raleigh and Arthur sweet talk Father Grimburro into letting us into there, letting them know what we're doing? or, do we go there at night and sneak in, grab some things, and sneak out while making it look like we were never there?"

2012-01-16, 11:27 AM
If we want the names of the prisoners, we should probably try the constable.

"I don't think the names of the prisoners are useful, otherwise I image the Professor would have remarked so in his journal. As for the items," she turns to Swiftlittle, "I somehow doubt at this point the Father will agree. We're still outsiders in this town. If we can change the minds of the people, it can make asking a bit easier. That all withstanding, if the Father disagrees and there's no other way to ensure survival of the people and ourselves, I will go with you to retrieve the items personally."

2012-01-16, 12:15 PM
"Raleigh, listen," says Swiftlittle, "you have to choose instead of hedge your bets. If we are to chase down spookies, we need help we don't have ... unless you are all playing close to the chest about what you can do. 'Cause I'm tellin' y'all ... that's the quickest way to join the ranks of the spookies.

"Either resolve to tell Father Grimburrow as plainly and openly as you can - and I think you and Arthur would make a wrecking ball negotiation team, by the way - or don't, and with stealth we'll gather those things ourselves. I'm all for the second, because I can't trust the town to help us. But if you make the Church of Pharasma aware that it has this resource, you ask and they don't help, and then we go ANYWAY because we need it .... that's gonna' tank us in everyone's eyes, and we won't have a friend from here to Lieps- .... Lips- .... Lopstogger .... whatever, the capital, you know what I mean.

"That's why the stealth approach might work .... from Professor's notes, they don't know about it (we hope), or its existence is hidden in deep records or something. If we sneak in to get these things with which to battle against unnatural evils ... we are serving the greater good, right?"

2012-01-16, 12:59 PM
"We don't have friends anyway, other than ourselves and it's obvious we're at differences on how this should be handled. I've set forth a compromise and I would ask you to consider it but..." She pauses, shaking her head. "I'm quite obviously out numbered in this case. Do as you wish. We achieve nothing by continuing to argue here."

2012-01-16, 01:14 PM
Raleigh, it's possible The Way is interested in the spirit of one of the dead prisoners. Was that your thought as well Arthur?

2012-01-16, 01:27 PM
Perhaps another approach is to ask Grim if there is anything we might help the church with before we all leave town. This way we have the opportunity to see if we are all on the same side. If we are, then we can decide if mentioning the tools is necessary.

However, if the Pharasmins were to be trusted or deemed helpful, why didn't the professor seek their help?

2012-01-16, 04:02 PM
Sensing the growing frustration, Vein says:

Raleigh, why don't you and Arthur head back to the church and see if they have any 'problems' that they might need help with or looking into. If the holy man is not forthcoming, then tell him you've heard rumors of ghosts in Harrowstone and ask if the church would like us to get rid of them.

If none of that triggers their revealing information aboutThe Way, the tools, or even results in the Pharasmins offering to help us, then we should not divulge our intentions. As we rangers say, a scorpion stings both good men and bad.

I'll head to the constable's office and see if I can obtain any information on the prisoners. It might be a dead end, but who knows. We can meet at the Lorrimor's and discuss our next move.

Without knowing how far things are from another, I'm suggesting the Lorrimor's. If that is like an hour out of town then I'll suggest a local tavern.

2012-01-16, 05:05 PM
Vein heads out towards the Sheriff's office.

Everything is about ten minutes apart at most, this is a small town. It is up to Raleigh whether she follows Vein's suggestion, and up to Lostsole to pick which party member to stay with, or to take his own action

2012-01-16, 05:14 PM
Arthur seems to snap out of whatever day dream he was having the moment Vein asks him a question, "If all the professor wanted was the names of the guards then he wouldn't have needed a list from the church. As to the items within the crpyt, we can try talking to them. But I agree with these two. We need to leave them unaware of the items if they don't already know about them. I would prefer just going in at night and taking them, then returning them as soon as the haunts are dealt with."

After a few moments of listening he nods to Vein as the man leaves then looks to the other two, "What shall we do then? Wait till night fall?"

2012-01-16, 05:53 PM
Vein notes the following locations as he enters the center of town:

Ravengro General Store

Ravengro Forge

Jominda’s Apothecary

Ravengro Sheriff & Jail

The Silk Purse: Moneylenders and Pawn

The Outward Inn

2012-01-16, 06:33 PM
Vein looks to see if nimble fingers has joined him as Vein may need assistance.

2012-01-16, 06:46 PM
Vein, about to visit the Sheriff's office, looks around to see if Swiftlittle has followed along.

Arthur and Raleigh did not follow, you can wait to see what Swiftlittle will do or proceed as you wish.

2012-01-16, 07:16 PM
In here we have the famous split between the player's and the character's philosophies ... sigh. Bah, Vein needs someone to look after him, anyway.
Before leaving Swiftlittle says, "Arthur, Raleigh - and Vein when I catch up with him ... we really need to have a talk at dinner tonight about who can do what. That way we are all on the same page.

"Arthur, lots of stories tell about how ghosts are put to rest when unfinished tasks are complete. If we get a list of prisoners, and in our investigation we get a clue as to one (or some), then we might be able to figure out a way to put them to rest, peaceably.

"Raleigh, I do my own thing and I'm not usually one to trust anybody .... but if you say that these Pharasma-whatsits are legit, then I'll hold off on skullduggery and let you and Arthur wag your tongues. Better that my not trusting anybody turns out to be that the whole town more than distrusts us because we're peeing in their backyard. Diplomacy's the way to go ... for now.

"I'll head off with Vein, cause we shouldn't be off on our lonely-onesies if there are Way thugs around. I recommend you talk to Father Grimburrow. And be aware .... priests normally got themselves canny magic for piercing lies. At least, that's what they tell us."

Swiftlittle goes trotting after the man with the wide gait ...

2012-01-16, 07:20 PM
Arthur nods at Swiftlittle and turns to Raleigh, "To be honest, I don't see much of a problem with either option. However I do prefer being honest when I can and doing as we originally planned may lead to trouble in the future, something I'd like to avoid for reasons of my own. Shall we go back to the church and see what we can do with the truth then?"

2012-01-16, 07:33 PM
Swiftlittle joins Vein in town. Arthur and Raleigh are now once again at the church. Raleigh indicates to Arthur that he should speak and she will aid.

2012-01-16, 07:37 PM
[Don't know if we should put our dialogue in spoilers not that we're split... will do so until told otherwise.]

When Swifticus finally reaches Vein, Vein turns to him and nods in agreement,

Yes, it would be ideal for each of us to be intimately familiar with each other's strengths and weaknesses. However, you will have noticed that Arthur tried to convince us his magic was nothing. It would seem he must have significant reasons for even risking such a misdirection.

Regarding our present task, I have two thoughts:

1) I can talk him out of the list.

2) I can talk him out of the jail...and you can sneak in and read the list yourself.

What would you suggest?

2012-01-16, 07:50 PM
The Townies ...

Swiftlittle stops, and thinks about things for a second. He looks up at Vein, then down at the ground in thought ... then up at Vein, then off to the side.

"Soooo, we are going to talk with a law enforcement professional, whose job happens to be to see through bulls**t and most surely ain't leavin' the jail unattended, right? That said, and I mean no offence but I ain't responsible if you take it ... you got 'bout as much of a butter-tongue as a cow. That's not to be mean, that's just what I noticed.

"And I ain't much better, either, so don't look to me to spin lies and try and steal ... from the constable. I don't know much about you, other than you are a grizzly guy who strikes me as the more woodsy type. That's what we're using in our favor. I'll talk to this guy, okay .... please? You can add in helpful comments, but if you take over you're gonna turn him off and that's a fact. What makes you helpful is that while most farm-folk aren't really good for much more than that, sheriffs and constables are usually chosen because they're often the toughest, most reliable, self-sufficient hombres to go riding round their domain. Unless we truly are in hell, and it's some nepotized fat former-merchant who got his job on political favors, then this is in our favor, not against it. Town like this is too small not to have a no-nonsense codger dispensing order.

"If this doesn't work, that's fine .... I remember where the church is and I'm sure that I can provide moral support to the others."

2012-01-16, 08:01 PM
[okay, so no spoiler dialogue]

Vein considers his words and then responds...

If you feel you have an angle, by all means. I should mention that there are many things for a Ranger to talk with a sheriff about that do not require deception. Bounties, escaped prisoners, lost children, are all things that a Ranger might inquire about. Perhaps that notion will be of some use to you in our present efforts.

Nevertheless, I will follow your lead. However, let's keep our eyes open and our wits about us. If we perceive an opportunity that we did not anticipate, let us seize upon it

Vein does another scan of the area to see if he is being followed.


2012-01-16, 08:10 PM
There are some locals watching from the distance.

The two heroes enter the sheriffs office. He sits on a chair behind a large desk, both feet resting on the desktop. He spits some kind of brown juice into a spittoon sitting to his left.

Sheriff Benjan Caeller here. Don't get too many of your kind in these parts. Now what can I do for you strangers?

2012-01-16, 08:11 PM
Arthur looks rather hopelessly at Raleigh, having not even liked the original idea of simply walking up them and only giving into her point after her reasoning. With a sigh and a shrug he walks up to the nearest acolyte and says aloud, "Excuse me, may I speak to one of the priests here again?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-01-16, 08:24 PM
The acolyte inclines her head slightly, and then brings Arthur in to see Grimburrow.


You have returned I see. But then you weren't entirely honest the first time, were you? Tell me, why should I talk to you now?

2012-01-16, 08:27 PM
Swiftlittle says with a smile, "Well, it's a pleasure Sheriff Caeller. I'm Swiftlittle, and my friend here is Vein, a seasoned huntsman. Heh-heh, I'm curious what you mean by 'too many of your kind' ... I guess you mean halflings like me? Anyway, I don't know if the Councilman Varthmount talked about us at all or not, but I'm sure this small town can't be too different from the small community I grew up in ... which means the folk here can state the eyecolor of the woman I'm friends with, when I can't even do that."

Swiftlittle relaxes some. "I think, to best answer your question, I should say, 'What can we do for each other?' We have enough physical circumstantial evidence to make us question the events surrounding Professor Lorrimoor's death. Now, now ... note I said 'question', that's all. You know, he was an eccentric fellow, so could be his journal was the rambling of an old, excitable crackpot. Unfortunately, some of what I've read makes me and my friends want to look into this matter. And I think you might want to see some of this for yourself.

"But we also are sensitive to your position, sir .... we know that the locals are superstitious, and my friends had to talk some down that wanted to upset a funeral. So that tells us that openly poking our noses is bad for everyone. What I propose ... is that if you have a deputy or two that watches the store in the evenings, I'd like to invite you - and your wife if you have one, for Kendra might long to have some female conversation with someone that doesn't wear armor - to dinner tonight. Dinner is nothing more than an agreement to have dinner.

"While you're there, we'll show you his journal, show the reference works that have continued to fill us with more questions than 'accidental death', and most importantly ... to discuss the matter of how we might - and we'd need your law enforcement expertise here - continue an investigation without causing yourself any undue headaches from restless townsfolk. The simple short answer, sir, is that we believe there is a lot more going on than a dead crackpot and a haunted, burnt out prison. In fact, I believe that it is this very setting that creates the perfect place for mischief .... so many folks would believe ill-will from such things (as they already do), that criminals might use this, depending on your office to get tired of such accusations and rumors and look more to ignore such things with hard evidence."

2012-01-16, 08:28 PM
Swiftlittle says with a smile, "Well, it's a pleasure Sheriff Caeller. I'm Swiftlittle, and my friend here is Vein, a seasoned huntsman. Heh-heh, I'm curious what you mean by 'too many of your kind' ... I guess you mean halflings like me? Anyway, I don't know if the Councilman Varthmount talked about us at all or not, but I'm sure this small town can't be too different from the small community I grew up in ... which means the folk here can state the eyecolor of the woman I'm friends with, when I can't even do that."

Swiftlittle relaxes some. "I think, to best answer your question, I should say, 'What can we do for each other?' We have enough physical circumstantial evidence to make us question the events surrounding Professor Lorrimoor's death. Now, now ... note I said 'question', that's all. You know, he was an eccentric fellow, so could be his journal was the rambling of an old, excitable crackpot. Unfortunately, some of what I've read makes me and my friends want to look into this matter. And I think you might want to see some of this for yourself.

"But we also are sensitive to your position, sir .... we know that the locals are superstitious, and my friends had to talk some down that wanted to upset a funeral. So that tells us that openly poking our noses is bad for everyone. What I propose ... is that if you have a deputy or two that watches the store in the evenings, I'd like to invite you - and your wife if you have one, for Kendra might long to have some female conversation with someone that doesn't wear armor - to dinner tonight. Dinner is nothing more than an agreement to have dinner.

"While you're there, we'll show you his journal, show the reference works that have continued to fill us with more questions than 'accidental death', and most importantly ... to discuss the matter of how we might - and we'd need your law enforcement expertise here - continue an investigation without causing yourself any undue headaches from restless townsfolk. The simple short answer, sir, is that we believe there is a lot more going on than a dead crackpot and a haunted, burnt out prison. In fact, I believe that it is this very setting that creates the perfect place for mischief .... so many folks would believe ill-will from such things (as they already do), that criminals might use this, depending on your office to get tired of such accusations and rumors and look more to ignore such things with hard evidence."

2012-01-16, 08:42 PM
A halfling you say? And here I was thinking you were a gnome. I guess it just shows how ignorant we locals can be. Now I have to tell you that what you are saying sounds outlandish. But then who is to say, despite the fine weather there has been a kind of ... darkness about the town lately. I can't rightly put it into words. So while you are most likely mistaken, I can't say so for absolute certain, now can I?

Can't say I was too pleased when the professor moved here. He seemed an odd duck, didn't fit in, but harmless. But then what do you expect of an outsider, a bookish one at that. Somehow I wasn't surprised when he died, poking around those old ruins and a rock fell on him. Now you don't suppose he went and stirred something up, something that should not have been disturbed, that should have been left at rest - do you?

Well Sheriff doesn't pay so well that I would lightly turn down a free meal. You boys run along now, the missus and I will be to Kendra's at 7:00. And we'll have that little talk you wanted.

2012-01-16, 08:43 PM
Arthur nods his head and looks to Raleigh, expecting a look that said I told you so. He sighs and bows to the priest before him, "We were cautioned by another that those within the town would not trust outsiders. I personally feared, despite much vocalization against my actions, that if you were told the truth you might believe something else and choose not to help us when lives may be at stake. Another fear present was that if we told you the whole story, you and yours might be in danger from those we may come against."

He takes a breath, but keeps his head down as he finally gets to the apology. "For this, for lying to you, and for assuming you were untrustworthy I apologize. Please, if you do not wish to speak to me anymore at least speak to my friend. She was the one who advised honesty and was against lying. However, I'm afraid we do need your assistance, potentially in more ways then one."

Diplomacy [roll0]

Please keep being nice to me dice.

2012-01-16, 08:54 PM

So you have not been honest, the best recompense would be the use of the strictest honesty. So now tell me the entire truth and we will take it from there.

Raleigh is not with you, apparently she did not follow you into the room.

2012-01-16, 09:02 PM
Arthur takes a look around the area, trying to check every corner in hopes of ferreting out someone who might be listening in. "Do you have somewhere more private we can speak of this? I believe you are a person I can trust in this manner but any who over hear this could potentially be putting themselves in danger."

2012-01-16, 09:06 PM
Grimburrrow raises one eyebrow, and says dryly:

My office is sufficiently private. You are the one who wanted to talk. I have given you a chance. Now take it or leave never to return.

2012-01-16, 09:11 PM
Arthur sighs and nods, "The professor was looking into a group who has some dark intent and plans on using the ruins of Harrowstone to bring about their goals. What they are I cannot say for certain and I have only just heard about them recently. From what I have read though, they are dangerous. I have personal experience with their like as well."

Arthur gestures to his scar, "Necromancers. Whatever they are up to it could spell danger from those within this town and I would like to go into the ruins to see if I can discover what they are planning. The names... I have no idea why the names might be important. A list of those that fell in the ruins. But more research with those names might reveal something and I don't like going into things blind."

2012-01-16, 09:51 PM
Vein does a scan of the sheriff's office. Back door? Files? More than one level? Any deputies? The nature of the lock on the door?

Vein also notes whether what buildings if any are on either side.

Vein also tries to get a sense of how capable the sheriff is and if he is a simple fighter/warrior/something else

Sense Motive [roll0]
Perception (if necessary) [roll1]

2012-01-16, 10:11 PM

I sense you are being more truthful. But I don't understand why you are concerned with names. You contradict yourself. Do you have any actual evidence of Professor Lorimmor's concerns? I don't understand what names you are even talking about.

2012-01-16, 10:14 PM
Vein does a scan of the sheriff's office. Back door? Files? More than one level? Any deputies? The nature of the lock on the door?

Vein also notes whether what buildings if any are on either side.

Vein also tries to get a sense of how capable the sheriff is and if he is a simple fighter/warrior/something else

Sense Motive [roll0]
Perception (if necessary) [roll1]

The sheriff seems capable enough, and sincere in what he says. The building is a simple one story structure, with four cells, none currently in use. The only entry is in front.

2012-01-16, 10:38 PM
Arthur pauses for a few moments as he thinks. He is clearly a little out of his depth in this as he continues to speak. "The professor had evidence, of this I am sure. His death was also most likely not an accident, though everything we have is circumstantial at best. If we had evidence I wouldn't have needed to fear your refusal. If there is any it is likely to be found within the ruins. As to the list of names, I speak of the list of those that died within the ruins. To be frank, I can only guess why the list is important. It might have something to do with the haunts that have formed within the prison's ruins but I can't be sure."

2012-01-16, 11:01 PM

I hardly know what to say. Certainly I advise you against going into the ruins. Possibly we could find the names of the prisoners who died in the Temple Library, another likely location would be the town archives. I have no authority over the archives, but I will allow you to research here at the Temple, under the supervision of one of my acolytes, and see what you can find.

2012-01-16, 11:06 PM
Swiftlittle takes a quick mental note of the features of the office, then nods his head. "Much obliged, sheriff. I'll make sure Kendra knows two more are comin' for chow. Have yourself a good afternoon, and we'll see the two of you this evening."

He looks up at Vein, the professional that's casing the joint, and says, "I'm heading back to Lorrimoor House to let Kendra know about dinner. You comin', or you got business in town?"

2012-01-16, 11:52 PM
Vein follows

2012-01-16, 11:59 PM
Swiftlittle returns to Lorrimoor House and lets Kendra know what happened, but why he did it (to garner some possible unofficial official support).

2012-01-17, 12:12 AM
Kendra does not look well when Swift and Vein return, but she rallies to the occasion when told of the impending dinner with the Sheriff. Cook and servants are sent quickly to work. Still, it does not require a sense motive check to determine that something is wrong. Finally she speaks:

It's Raleigh, she's gone. She said her god had called her elsewhere. She's a Paladin and she must follow her calling.

Kendra tears up for a bit, drys her eyes, and continues:

I told her, perhaps it was wrong of me, but I said the three of you were not strong enough to face this evil alone. She said the gods would provide. I don't know what she meant.

Vein and Swiftlittle may discuss things with Kendra, or fast forward to dinner, your choice. Arthur is unaware of the dinner so it depends on his actions at the Temple whether he is able to attend.

2012-01-17, 10:21 AM
Unfortunately for Kendra and the people of Ravengro the remaining heroes are possessed of spirits of discord and strife, and are defeated by the evil forces emanating from the prison. As the wards fail ghosts and other undead escape, and Ravengro is destroyed, becoming a ghost town in the literal sense.