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View Full Version : Castle Carceros- A Microsetting

Lord Tyger
2012-01-11, 02:13 AM
Just something I put together for a possible future campaign. Critiques welcome.


Castle Carceros-

Essentially, the Castle and the grounds surrounding it make up a penal colony of the theoretically Lawful Neutral but actually quite corrupt Beloved Empire.

Castle Carceros is at the center of the colony. A single central tower of reflective black stone juts towards the sky. Around the top is a series of crimson glowing sigils. The rest of the castle is obviously built later, a chaotic cluster of brick, stone, and wood additions that sprawl out horizontally.

This is all initially unclear to new arrivals, as the entry point is a cellar deep beneath Castle Carceros proper. It is here that they meet their Warden, an ancient mummy believed to be the first prisoner of Castle Carceros, and it is here they learn the rules of the Castle.

Do not interfere with the functioning of the Colony, which is to say the arrivals of food and the mining of Yliastr, as well as the experiments of the Three Penitents. Apart from this, the Warden cares little for the activities of his wards, though he offers them the chance to earn greater comfort, and potentially their ultimate release if they work for him.

Yliastr is the theoretical Prima Material, from which the Gods created the universe. Alchemists have long sought after it, as it is believed that it alone can be transformed into the Ideal Substances (the three Grails of the Alchemist’s trade, Azoth, Soma, and Eitr). What the Three Penitents believe to be Yliastr is present in small quantities in the Howling Void that lies beyond the safe area created by Castle Carceros.

Since the process of retrieving Yliastr from the Howling Void is dangerous and ill-understood, penal labor is used for this purpose. Even then, the service is voluntary, though surviving six months doing it is one of the only ways to earn release from Castle Carceros without the intervention of the Warden, who reserves the rarely exercised right to convert sentences to time served in the event of extraordinary service.

Food and materials are brought in via a ritually opened rift to the Beloved Empire. Violent escape through this rift has never been successfully attempted, as the portal is one way, opened from the other side on the rare occasions of return, and the Warden personally threw the only three men ever to attempt to take the ritualists hostage into the Howling Void. However, a few individuals, largely those with powerful criminal or political connections in the Beloved Empire have managed to smuggle themselves through. More frequently, various contraband is smuggled through in the food shipments, placed by various allies and family members of those in Castle Carceros.

Howling Void

The Howling Void-

Outside of the zone of safety created by the central tower of Castle Carceros lies the Howling Void, a maelstrom of unordered matter and energy, constantly shifting, and changing whatever comes into it. Those who enter without proper protection find themselves torn into their component elements and scattered throughout the cosmos.

After decades of experimentation, the Three Penitents were able to imitate the effects of the tower on a limited scale, creating the Void Incantation which offers some protection from the transmutative properties of the Void. Now prisoners venture into the Howling Void bearing special containers which distill the essence of the Void to produce Yliastr.

Even with the Incantation, however, the Void is far from lacking in dangers. Prolonged exposure can cause unpredictable physical and mental alterations, in addition to which the Harvestmen are not the only venturers into the Void. Various Outsiders appear there, although their purpose and allegiance remains uncertain.

Physically, the Howling Void manifests as a chaotic swirl of ever changing patterns, an eerie piping and droning that rises and falls unpredictably, and, the only bizarre constant, a strong smell of cinnamon.

Important Persons

The Warden- An ancient Dread Mummy Monk. How he came to be in Castle Carceros is unclear, but he ruthlessly protects the Three Penitents and their work. Outside of that, he amuses himself by interfering in the intrigues and lives of the prisoners under his watch. His long existence has given him a gloomy outlook on life, and of almost any venture, he can be certain to predict its end in tears.

Athos- The First Penitent: Athos is a wizard of considerable puissance, who came to Castle Carceros, pledging to dedicate his life to the betterment of mankind, after his experiments caused the death of his wife and children. He specializes in Abjuration, and he is responsible for maintaining the Void Incantations. He was the first of the Penitents to arrive, before the prison was set up, and proved the existence of Yliastr.

Victoria- The Second Penitent: Victoria is a haunted oracle of the Dark Tapestry, empowered and taught to seek redemption after a life as a fraudulent fortune teller. She predicted the arrival of the Third Penitent, and convinced the Warden to dedicate his undeath to the three of them, as well as bringing about the establishment of the penal colony.

The Third Penitent: This iron-masked figure has no name, and his origin is unclear. He is a sublime alchemist, and the creator of the process for extracting Yliastr from the Howling Void. He is also the leader in the experimentation with Yliastr, attempting to render the Ideal Substances.

The Man Jack: A half-orc Barbarian and Pugilist, serving is his nineteenth consecutive sentence for acts of murder, assault and arson. Has spent a long time in the void, with interesting effects on his mental status.

Jonathan Lee- Wheeler-dealer, rumored to have a personal pipeline to the outside. Runs the Tipsy Turnkey.


The Tipsy Turnkey- A modified barracks in Castle Carceros, now the site of a tavern run by Jonathan Lee. No traditional drinks are available, replaced instead by a strong narcotic beverage brewed from certain toxic mushrooms which Lee cultivates in the cellar. The site of much gambling, especially on the cage fights.

The Spire- The center tower of Castle Carceros, which bears the Great Wards which keep the Howling Void at bay. The Warden’s personal quarters are here, which means the prisoners mostly stay clear.

The Penitent’s Workshop- Located in a reinforced basement directly beneath the Spire, the Penitent’s Workshop also includes their personal quarters. It is here that the Penitent’s carry out their experiments with Yliastr. It also rumored the Workshops contains a cell for certain individuals mutated by the Howling Void, too dangerous to be allowed free reign in the prison, but whom the Penitent’s believe they may yet gain valuable knowledge from.

Fiddler’s Green- A legend among the prisoners, Fiddler’s Green is supposedly an island of tranquility in the Howling Void, where there is no Warden or Penitents, but there is an abundance of fruit bearing trees and sweet water.

The Ideal Substances

The Three Ideal Substances:

Yliastr can theoretically be rendered into any form of matter. The three substances which the Penitents are most eager to achieve though, are Azoth, Soma, and Eitr.

Azoth- The All-Cure. Azoth can overcome and disease, illness and infirmity, granting the consumer renewed vigor and youth. Also known as the Elixir of Life.

Soma- The God-Drug. Taken in small doses, Soma causes euphoric visions and profound insight into the nature of the Cosmos. In large doses, it is believed that it will render the Final Knowledge, raising its consumer to status as a new God.

Eitr- The Life-Source. Eitr is believed to be essential in the creation of life. Specifically, the First Penitent theorizes that it is the ineffable substance of which souls are composed.

2012-01-11, 03:08 AM
would the campaign be set here? Or would it be in the background, serving as world-building?

I can think of a couple campaign ideas that an come about due to this setup:

On one trip into the void, a player or a major NPC sees an emerald star in the distance. Believing this to be Fiddler's Green, he runs off, and the players must follow due to chains/some other reason.

The Third Penitent contacts the party with a secret: "Come quickly to the Penitent's lab. Offering gold and freedom, in exchange for no questions asked." When the party arrives, the third penitent is found murdered, with the lab trashed. Naturally, this is also when the rest of Castle Carceros finds out about the tragedy. It's up to the party to figure out who killed him, and why, and how to clear their names.

The tavern guy says he can get a small group out to the outside, in exchange for some rare ingredients.

Lord Tyger
2012-01-11, 03:13 AM
The idea is for this to be the setting for either a fairly short setting, or the initial setting for a longer campaign.

2012-01-11, 03:26 AM
OK. *puts thinking cap on* In that case, the "framed for murder of Third Penitent" idea would work nicely, especially if you can plot it like your average CSI episode. (Of course, that might not work with your players, but one can dream) For purposes of GMing, is the Fiddler's Green real? If so, might it be real because convicts have been dreaming of it in such close proximity to the void? And if so, might simple dreaming be the secret to the creation of the three alchemical holy grails that you mention?

If all these are true, I have another campaign idea: a prisoner goes out into the void (on a routine Yliastr trip, mind you) and finds a strange pool of water-esque substance. He dips a bottle into it, and is relieved to find that it doesn't immediately dissolve. When he returns to the prison, he finds that it is indeed the Elixir of Life. Cue the Penitents tripping over themselves with offers, counteroffers, and gambits designed to get their hands on it and test it with the aim to make more on the physical side.

EDIT: You can replace the water-like Azoth with, perhaps, a snow-like Soma, or a red-amber-esque deposit of Eitr. It would also generate conflict to have each Penitent wanting one particular substance more than the others, or to have all three prized in the world outside the castle. Maybe The First wants Eitr to true resurrect his family, maybe the second wants Soma to increase her prophetic abilities, maybe the third wants Azoth to live forever.

Lord Tyger
2012-01-11, 03:33 AM
Fiddler's Green is real, but it's exact nature is up for grabs depending on what I decide the specific tone of the game will be. It could be an artifact from the same entities responsible for the spire of Castle Carceros, or an equivilant of enemy group, it could be the birthplace of the Gods, or it might be a sort of venus fly trap trying to lure people in for nefarious purposes.

2012-01-14, 10:47 PM
That last one is DEVIOUS :biggrin:

Dangle a paradise in front of the prisoners, so that when they run to it they get snapped up for food.

I love that idea :amused:

2012-01-14, 10:57 PM
Seconded, I love the idea of it being a trap of some kind. However, if you decide to make it a trap, it shouldn't be obvious that it's a trap. I'm thinking Sphere-of-annihilation-in-statue-mouth subtle here. An escapee goes in, is immediately hit with euphoria and subtle will-draining effects, and the first time he goes to sleep in his newfound paradise, he never wakes up. He is then incorporated into the surrounding plant life.

2012-01-14, 11:24 PM
I'm thinking Sphere-of-annihilation-in-statue-mouth subtle here.
I see what you did there :biggrin:

2012-01-15, 12:55 AM
I see what you did there :biggrin:

I was wondering if anyone would get that reference.

EDIT: But seriously, the trap of Fiddler's Green, at least how I envision it, should be as innocuous and dangerous as that classic Tomb of Horrors trap.