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2012-01-11, 08:58 AM
The morning of the Swallowtail Festival is bright and sunny as the sun dawns upon the newly completed temple of desna. Some of you live here, some of arrived the night before, some of you are only getting into the city right now. Today is an auspicious day, the community of Sanpoint wants nothing more than to put the tragedy of the burning of the temple and the loss of its priest and his adoptive daughter behind them. You all have about one hour before the morning speeches, how do you spend them.

2012-01-11, 09:52 AM
Corath goes about his morning routine as normal. He says his morning prayers, has breakfast with his family. Dad actually stayed home for the festival and didn't go out fishing so everyone was there! Every new day brings more excitement for Corath. He is planning on beginning his adventuring career once the festival is concluded. His parents are aware of it and while they are somewhat anxious about it, they realize that holding him back would cause him great heartache. After breakfast the family gathers about and heads towards the festivities.

King Tius
2012-01-11, 10:09 AM
The young and handsome paladin turns from his spot on the deck of the Stormwolf and walks towards the Captain. He shakes the man's hand and gives him an appreciative nod.

"Thanks for the lift, Dast. You're too good a Captain for my father to fire you for giving me a ride. I'll be sure to pay you back one day, I promise. May the winds be ever in your favor."

Bidding the Captain fairwell, Aurelius finds his new half-orc friend and becons him to follow.

"Let's get a move on, Kadokk. It looks like there's some kind of festival going on and I'd hate to miss out on some free food, especially after being shut up in here for a week."

Aurelius will lead the way off the ship and into town, his freshly-polished armor glinting in the sun. He will make his way to the first food vendor that is selling some type of meat and purchase one for him and Kadokk.

2012-01-11, 11:35 AM
Arriving in town early that morning the nomadic Ry found himself a room to conclude the days travels the best way possible. A proper meal and a bath. After hearing of the festival he makes attending the next point of order for the day.

2012-01-11, 12:02 PM
Kadokk was near enough already, on the deck of the ship look over the railing toward town. He offers the captain a nod as well for the man had been an honorable enough man when negotiating Kadokk's price for the voyage. Granted it had still cost the last of his coin, but that wasn't really that big of a deal. He could always earn more.

At Aurelius' words Kadokk chuckles and shifts the weaponry on his form a little to make it more comfortable to walk with, "I agree. There is little food that tastes as good as free food." He would follow the man, thanking him for the meat and taking it apart in a few bites. "Many thanks." He says again, "The food I had aboard the ship was mostly stale bread till I met you, though it was not the captains fault. It was one of the ways I negotiated the price down."

Kadokk, standing a great deal taller then most of the people within the city, scanned the area curiously every few moments or so. His own armor was polished as well, though it did not look exactly fresh. His weapons, all three of them, and his shield were all just as well taken care of but again they looked used, worn, and perhaps even a little old. "Do you have any plans my new friend? I have little in the way of paths myself." His aunt could be anywhere. Making money meant he might be able to purchase the services of a wizard, but even that was no guarantee given how long it had taken him to make what he did for his weapons and armor.

King Tius
2012-01-11, 10:19 PM
Aurelius eats his food quickly and buys another. He is still a growing boy, after all. "Honestly I haven't given it too much thought. I figured I would offer my services to the temple or guards in exchange for room and board. I'm sure there's work to be done around here. At the very least, we can patrol the streets as well as any militiaman."

2012-01-11, 10:41 PM
Kadokk looks up and down the road for a few moments and then turns to the paladin. The human paladin. The smaller human paladin that was eating more then him. He chuckles at the thought and responds with a shrug, "We could. Depends on how much the people of this place would enjoy someone like me walking up and down it's streets. At the very least we might attract some attention from would be employers. Never know, might get a good job."

King Tius
2012-01-11, 10:44 PM
"Standing next to me, I don't think anyone will notice how ugly you are." Aurelius makes his jab in an obviously joking tone, more to test Kadokk's reaction then to actually poke fun at him.

2012-01-11, 10:48 PM
Kadokk grins and nods in agreement, "Right. Of course they won't notice much of anything after your armor blinds them." His tone was also joking and it was just as clearly a playful jab.

2012-01-12, 02:32 PM
After the townspeople , and any visitors who see the crowd and decide to join in, gather about a podium in front of the soon to be blessed church. The crowd is quite sizable and the four keynote speakers each deliver
short welcomes to the festival.

Mayor Deverin’s
friendly attitude and excitement prove contagious as she welcomes
visitors to town and jokes about how even Larz Rovanky,
the local tanner (and notorious workaholic) managed to tear
himself away from the tannery to attend, much to everyone’s but
Larz’s amusement.

Sheriff Hemlock brings the crowd down a bit
with his dour mood, his reminder to be safe around the evening’s
bonfi re, and his request for a moment of silence to remember
those who lost their lives in the fi re that claimed the town’s previous
church fi ve years ago.

Fortunately, Cyrdak Drokkus is more
than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd’s mood back up
with his rousing anecdotes as he delivers a not-completely-irreverent
recap of the long process the town went through to fi nance
and construct the new cathedral. He throws in a bit of self-promotion
at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by
the Sandpoint Theater the following evening to check out his
new production of “The Harpy’s Curse,” revealing that the lead
role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than
the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda!

Finally, Father Zantus
steps up give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before
declaring the Swallowtail Festival underway.

As the day goes on noon approaches, and Father Zantus At noon, Father Zantus and his acolytes
wheel a large covered wagon into the square, and after recounting
the short parable of how Desna fi rst fell to earth and was nursed
back to health by a blind child who she transformed into an immortal
butterfly as a reward for her aid, they pull aside the wagon’s cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna—a furious storm
of a thousand swallowtail butterfl ies that swarm into the air in a
spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd.

All of Sanpoints taverns are giving away free lunches, in hopes to draw new customers as much as to feed the overlarge crowds.

Finally after a long day the Consecration ceremony begins. Where are all of you now?

2012-01-12, 02:38 PM
Although he does not want to admit it, the releasing of the butterflies overjoyed him! He had never felt so close to his god as when all those butterflies were fluttering about him. After a good lunch and sitting back for most of the afternoon, Corath is eager to see the consecration. He will make his way as close to the ceremony as he can in an attempt to see it all.

2012-01-12, 06:48 PM
Kadokk pats Aurelius on the pack in a friendly fashion, though perhaps a bit hard considering both his size and his judgment of the paladin's strength, and then walks down the street to get closer to the ceremony.

Oddly enough he seems quite interested in the going on's around him, a sharp mind studying things that occur nearby. He listen's attentively to the speeches and eventually backs away after the releasing of the butterflies. "Interesting festival. Celebrate the rebuilding of something that was lost."

He comments as he steps back to the paladin's side, if the man was around still, "Probably means we won't find any work today. We just ate to, so no reason to nab some free food.... well no reason for an hour or so at least. Shall we try your idea? 'Patrol' the streets?'"

Guess pretty close to the ceremony. I'll leave it up to the King, but I'd say we're wandering the streets?

King Tius
2012-01-14, 12:47 AM
"yes, let's wander around and get a feel for the place. I wonder what this festival is all about."

Aurelius will lead the way through the crowd, trying to wind a path through the stalls and festivities to see as much as possible.

2012-01-14, 08:18 AM
With no particular agenda Ry wanders about a bit looking for something to hold his interest.