View Full Version : Epic and 2.5 million gold - how to spend it all?

2012-01-11, 03:24 PM
So I'm in this Epic game and I have to spend 2.5 million gold. I already have flying, various defenses (Favor of the Martyr spell :smallbiggrin:) Blindsight (from Blindfold of True Darkness) a Belt of Battle, and a ring of Sequester.

I'm a Tank-like and Anti-Mageslayer-type character and I'm looking for more things to spend on. What weapon enchantments should I get? Are there any other epic items that are worth it?

2012-01-11, 03:35 PM
Does that mean you are one who slays mages, or one who counters those who slay mages? Because the latter is begging for some item to soak hits dealt to your adjacent allies.

Also, Keen, Vorpal, Greater Truedeath. Solves so many problems. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-11, 03:39 PM
If you don't have it already get the smoking quality for your weapon, for those enemies that don't have true seeing. Starmantle Cloak(BoED) to be completely immune against mundane, not just effectively, and to give you reflex save against magical weapons. If you don't have it already enchant your armour with Soulfire and Blueshine. Ring of Energy Immunity Acid and Sonic is nice.(Immunity to Fire and Cold can be gained cheaper via spells from Frostburn and Sandstorm.) Also some of the Sithilar Grafts from Lords of Madness is nice(especially the fast healing one.) Various grafts also grant tremorsense, burrowing and the like. Etherealness(Core) and a ethereal reaver(complete psionic) are nice to have. Possibly pay to be mineralized into a mineral warrior.

Cowl of Warding for mind blank and other cool stuff. Hathran Mask of True Seeing for continous true seeing. Enchant your belt of battle to also be a belt of magnificence. The infinite arrow deflection enchantment is pretty nice. A Distant Shot Bow of the Solars is also rather nice if you decide to go ranged, though the DC is a bit too low(DC 20 or die).

Almost forgot! The retributive amulet(BoED) is a must. Also one of the various means of becoming immune to transmutation.

2012-01-11, 03:46 PM
Almost forgot! The retributive amulet(BoED) is a must.
A) It's broken. No really, it's BROKEN. As in, a level 50 (not a typo) gestalt arena game I played in that allowed damn near everything (infinite loops and cloning gods or your opponent were among the very few things banned) banned it with a comment that even at 100 or 1000 times the listed price it would still be too good. Hulking Hurler with the Tauric template? Go for it. Beholder Mage going into Incantatrix with Planar Shepherd on the other side? Have fun. Retributive Amulet? Banned, and I believe that decision was completely justified.
B) It got nerfed in the Magic Item Compendium.

2012-01-11, 03:51 PM
Here are a few threads that I find interesting to look over for certain item shopping...

Lists of Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851)
[3.x] Shax's Indispensible Haversack (Equipment Handbook) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101)

2012-01-11, 03:55 PM
A) It's broken. No really, it's BROKEN. As in, a level 50 (not a typo) gestalt arena game I played in that allowed damn near everything (infinite loops and cloning gods or your opponent were among the very few things banned) banned it with a comment that even at 100 or 1000 times the listed price it would still be too good. Hulking Hurler with the Tauric template? Go for it. Beholder Mage going into Incantatrix with Planar Shepherd on the other side? Have fun. Retributive Amulet? Banned, and I believe that decision was completely justified.

Really? It only works against melee attacks so anything that is ranged completely ignores it. I agree that it is overpowered, but not as much you seem to be saying it is.

2012-01-11, 03:56 PM
Item that gives you Limited Wish at will... according to DMG guidlines that's just

2000 * spell level * caster level + 5 * 100 * number of charges (100 for infinite) * XP per spell = 2000 * 7 * 13 + 5 *100 *300 = 332 000gp

(no serious suggestions as I never played Epic)

Silva Stormrage
2012-01-11, 05:27 PM
Can't tell if your a caster or not (Clerics and druids can be tanks too) but if you are remember to get + spell craft items for epic spell casting.

2012-01-11, 05:39 PM
Can't tell if your a caster or not (Clerics and druids can be tanks too) but if you are remember to get + spell craft items for epic spell casting.
There's no Epic spellcasting in this campaign. It was agreed upon that 9th-level spells are broken enough.

2012-01-11, 05:54 PM
I'm a Tank-like and Anti-Mageslayer-type character and I'm looking for more things to spend on. What weapon enchantments should I get? Are there any other epic items that are worth it?

Not really, no; pretty much all the Epic items are ludicrously overpriced for what they do. What you generally want to do is just go page through all the non-Epic items and buy whatever looks useful. Ring of Mindblank + True Seeing + Death Ward + Freedom of Movement all combined to save slots? Painfully expensive for a non-Epic character. Pocket money for you. Get it. You can't quite just replace the Magic Items section of your character sheet with 'one of everything', but you can get quite close.

2012-01-11, 05:56 PM
buy yourself the silthilar blood graft from LoM. it's a full-blood transfusion that gives you fast healing 2 and costs 196,000gp, ruling it out for most nonepic characters due to its insane cost since it's really close to the 200k cutoff where everything's cost is multiplied by 10 for whatever arbitrary reason.

have fun being awesome

2012-01-11, 05:57 PM
You want to mostly ignore epic items, and use the DMG / MIC rules to combine lots and lots and lots and lots of other items for your various slots.

Silva Stormrage
2012-01-11, 06:13 PM
buy yourself the silthilar blood graft from LoM. it's a full-blood transfusion that gives you fast healing 2 and costs 196,000gp, ruling it out for most nonepic characters due to its insane cost since it's really close to the 200k cutoff where everything's cost is multiplied by 10 for whatever arbitrary reason.

have fun being awesome

There are MUCH easier ways of getting fast healing than that...

2012-01-11, 06:18 PM
I was in a game with similar wealth and I found that epic items were way too expensive, while non-epic items couldn't eat more than 10% of my budget, if that. Thus I'd get tons and tons of non-epic items.

So actually I wouldn't get any epic items except the cheaper ones. Armor of the celestial battalion is nice because you get endless flight and magic circle against evil (domination immunity for yourself and end it in anyone near you). It also has high AC and a high max dex. And it won't break your bank.

The last epic character I played had haste, flight, could walk through walls, see through walls, breathe and swim underwater, etc., etc. He was super elf.

2012-01-11, 06:23 PM
For non-equipment stuff to spend money on, have a look at the Stronghold builder's guide. It's awesome! Permanent Walls of Force and Antimagic Sigils for everybody! Together!

2012-01-11, 06:29 PM
Amulet of second chances (Magic Item Compendium), a steal even at 40k, allows you to redo an entire round. Because you explicitly retain the knowledge of the 'lost' round, you can use it to test fire things against enemies, then reset back to the start of your turn. A mantle of second chances (Magic Item Compendium) is also nice, it's one of the few ways you can reroll non-d20 rolls. An admiral's bicorne (Stormwrack) is stylish and gives an untyped +5 to all charisma based checks, and a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, skills, and saves, which means a net of +7 to charisma based skills. A weirdstone (Player's Guide to Faerun) shuts off all telportation and similar abilities, preventing your foes from escaping, but is expensive at 250k. I'm also unclear if you're a caster or anti caster, but if you're a caster, a vest of the archmagi (Magic Item Compendium) is great for giving you the ability to replenish a spell of any level three times daily, like with pearls of power. It has other goodies too. A tabard of valor (Complete Champion) is also nice, it grants mettle (though you'll need to UMD it for it to be continuously active) and pairs nicely with a ring of evasion. Marvelous pigments (DMG) are another great item, they allow you to get any non-magical item you need in under 10 minutes, as long you're not trying to make something worth more than 2,000 GP. Gloves of object reading (Magic Item Compendium) are a steal at 3k, and allow you to get great info that can be used to supplement divinations. Heward's fortifying bedroll (Complete Mage) is another steal at 3k, sleeping in it for an hour confers the benefits of 8 hours of rest.

2012-01-11, 06:34 PM
I've played and built a few epic characters- here are a few pointers.

1) Improving items section of the MIC. Look it up. Very handy for an epic character, as it allows combining a ton of items into fewer slots, and it gets you all your basics.
2) Any flat cost enchantment or modifier (like special materials, or item templates from DMGII) on armor and weapons. Because at this point, why not? You've got the money, and it could help. Weapon Crystals and Armor Crystals are good investments too.
3) Things with untyped or rare bonuses. Because while they tend to be notably more expensive, you'll have all kinds of bonuses at this point, and getting them to stack is a pain. So if you get stuff that is untyped, or has an unusual bonus like Luck or Sacred, you can get more bonuses.
4) Immunity items. At this point, everything can throw out anything. So you want to be prepared- death effects, mind affecting, criticals, sneak attack, stun, daze, ability drain, ability damage, energy drain, energy damage, immobilization effects- these kinds of things have their counters, and you need to find them.

Here are some specific suggestions:

1) Stat tomes. There are six tomes/manuals to give +5 insight to your ability scores. Buy the ones relevant to you.
2) Belt of Magnificence +6, from Miniature's Handbook. Consolidates all your stat upgrades, and gives you a small discount to boot.
3) Soulfire Armor. Very, very handy. It's from Book of Exalted Deeds.
4) Heavy Fortification Armor. Immunity to crits and sneak attack is good.
5) Ring of Spell-Battle, from MIC. You can intercept an enemy's spell and target it somewhere else once per day.
6) Grafts. These normally get overlooked, for good reason, because they're expensive. But once you hit Epic, they become somewhat more affordable, and the fact that so many offer rare and interesting bonuses and effects becomes a plus. If you're still looking to improve your physical stats, check out the silithar tendons, muscles, and bones. Yeah, they're 110K apiece, but it's a +2 untyped bonus to one of your physical stats, which will stack on top of your enhancement bonus and insight bonus. Also, if you don't have unlimited healing, do consider Silithar Blood (but it IS really really expensive). Rudimentary Eyespots also prevents flanking, which can be useful against some enemies. These can all be found in Lords of Madness.
7) Spellblade! A cheap enchantment from Player's Guide to Faerun that can give you immunity to a single targeted spell, and also let you send it back as a free action. It's a flat 6,000 gold cost. Very worth looking at. Spike all your armor and shields and enchant the spikes with spellblade.
8) Animated Shield. Because why not? It frees up a hand, and that's useful.

2012-01-11, 06:58 PM
A weirdstone (Player's Guide to Faerun) shuts off all telportation and similar abilities, preventing your foes from escaping, but is expensive at 250k.

Some very good items mention by Hirax, Vael and others, but I came here to post this so I thought I'd highlight it.

It's expensive at 250k, but Hirax's description isn't quite accurate.

It prevents the following effects occuring within its radius of effect:

-All conjuration(teleportation) spells
-All astral and ethereal travel
-All divination(scrying) spells
-"Any spell-like, supernatural or extraordinary abilities, psionic powers, or the like, which mimic these effects"

You can still use these abilities within the area, as long as the target is outside the area.

Oh, and it's radius of effect? 6 miles.

2012-01-11, 10:41 PM
Oh wow those are amazing suggestions! I especially like the Weirdstone and the Spellblade! Those look like interesting things to add (and the other suggestions as well of course)! The Starmantle Cloak almost looks too broken with me, since I can never fail that Reflex Save (not even on a 1 :smallbiggrin:)

Sorry I wasn't clear. I am a Mageslayer (don't know why I put Anti there....) Tank, and Chain Tripper (now that I think about it) with a focus on shutting down magic users and enemies of importance. In that sense I can shut down Mageslayers, simply by focusing on them and keeping them away (since I'm a tank) or shut down mages themselves (since I'm also a mageslayer).

Now that I've cleared that up, are there any specific weapon enchantments I should use? I will be adding Smoking to my weapons (I have two Chained Kukris. Chained is a weapon enchantment that adds reach to my weapons). And my armor is now Soulfire and Heavy Fortification. Anything else?

2012-01-12, 02:43 AM
Now that I've cleared that up, are there any specific weapon enchantments I should use? I will be adding Smoking to my weapons (I have two Chained Kukris. Chained is a weapon enchantment that adds reach to my weapons). And my armor is now Soulfire and Heavy Fortification. Anything else?

Add blueshine(MIC)! No more rust attacks for you rust monsters! Smoking only needs to be added to one of your weapons iirc. Deepdweller(MIC) is nice if you have to go underwater. Vampiric(MIC) is nice for your weapons. Extra Damage is always nice so take Collision(Psionic SRD). Proof against transformation(CA) is also nice.

2012-01-12, 03:20 AM
Now that I've cleared that up, are there any specific weapon enchantments I should use? I will be adding Smoking to my weapons (I have two Chained Kukris. Chained is a weapon enchantment that adds reach to my weapons). And my armor is now Soulfire and Heavy Fortification. Anything else?

When using characters that are using Dragonfang weapons [Draconomicon] I personally like to use Rusting [Shining South] just for the lolz. A +1 ability that can only be placed on a non-metallic weapon (such as a weapon made of bone) that destroys any ferrous metal object with the equivalent of rusting grasp at will with each hit. Granted this is about as annoying as the Sunder-maniac that destroys all the possible treasure a enemy has, it can come in handy when you wish you had a Rust Monster pet. Could also add this to a weapon made of Riverine [Stormwrack] for a way to deal with ethereal and incorporeal monsters

Greater/Glyph Seal [MiC pg 161, 1k-4k gp ea] are a few nice cheap and reusable spell-storing items that you can place on things like say a spell component pouch and as a free action gain the benefits of any spell you stored in them. Greater stores 5th or higher spells (offensive, buffs, utility, you name it). Place it on a weapon with a spell like Haste or Magic Weapon or other spells you can think of and have fun. Just remember to 'recharge' afterwards.

Collar of Perpetual Attendance (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c) for a at will Unseen Servant. May not be all that useful for most things, but at least it can Aid Another on Balance, Bluff (including feint), Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Info, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope, and maybe a few of the other non-PHB skills out there.

Wings of Peace
2012-01-12, 09:22 AM
Either convince your dm to let you enchant the **** out of a Manyfang Dagger (Serpent Kingdoms) or talk them into allowing Manyfang to be converted into an enchantment that can be applied to any weapon (say, your kukris). After that just invest in lots of enhancements that negate things that might prevent you from hitting or damaging (Ghost Touch for incorporeals, Vile for regenerators, etc.). When your weapon deals quadruple damage nothing matters besides ensuring that the damage will successfully make its way from your dice into the target's hit point box.

2012-01-12, 10:07 AM
buy 125 million chickens

The Succubus
2012-01-12, 10:27 AM
buy 125 million chickens

"Charge my feathery horde! Unleash the Cluckpocalypse!" :smallfurious:

2012-01-12, 10:58 AM
buy 125 million chickens
Why buy them when you can get them for free in one round with Chicken Infested and a spell component pouch/gnome quickrazor? Bury the world in chickens!:smallbiggrin:

2012-01-12, 02:04 PM
Put smoking on your Armor spikes or the shield spikes on your animated shield. It's a cheap +1 cost, but still, you don't want to have to pay for a +11 weapon if you don't absolutely have to.

Do you have Soulfire armor?
Get soulfire armor, and the lifedrinker or souldrinker weapons.
Lifedrinker is a +1 axe with what I think of as "The lifedrinker enchantment" for an extra 38k.
Therefore, you can make ANY weapon a lifedrinker.
Souldrinker works similarly, but I keep running into issues when I try to work the price breakdown on that thing.

Other things you might want:
Armor of celestial battalion (easy swap for non-chainmail)
Negating armor (+5 cost, dispel any weapon that hits you with a CL 20 Greater dispel)
Great Reflection (expensive, but useful in less optimized games where the DM doesn't play enemies to full effect)
Do you have Hanks Energy Bow? 14k for a bow that doesn't require arrows, but shoots darts of force that deal 2d6. And has a powerattack feature.

I'm curious what your character build is.
I've got one epic one done for a PF/3.5 game with a little bit of homebrew. But I always like to see what other people have done.

2012-01-12, 02:10 PM
buy 125 million chickens
Oddly, it's not too bad of an idea. Assuming they are awakened and equipped with ranged weapons, and with only 1/20 of them hitting per round, for 1 damage each, that is over 6,000,000 damage.

The Succubus
2012-01-12, 06:04 PM
Oddly, it's not too bad of an idea. Assuming they are awakened and equipped with ranged weapons, and with only 1/20 of them hitting per round, for 1 damage each, that is over 6,000,000 damage.

I strongly suspect the DM would throttle him if he tried it. :smallamused:

2012-01-12, 06:05 PM
I strongly suspect the DM would throttle him if he tried it. :smallamused:
Not possible. It's Play by Post. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-12, 06:06 PM
Put smoking on your Armor spikes or the shield spikes on your animated shield. It's a cheap +1 cost, but still, you don't want to have to pay for a +11 weapon if you don't absolutely have to.


I'm curious what your character build is.
I've got one epic one done for a PF/3.5 game with a little bit of homebrew. But I always like to see what other people have done.

That's a great idea! I should probably switch out of my Padded Armor (I wanted it cause I have a huge dex) and get armor spikes right? What should my armor be then?

As for my build is almost completely homebrew, combining a variety of abilities in ways no one probably saw coming. Hopefully if it works as intended, I can completely shut down one wizard over the course of a combat.

2012-01-12, 06:15 PM
That's a great idea! I should probably switch out of my Padded Armor (I wanted it cause I have a huge dex) and get armor spikes right? What should my armor be then?

Armor of the Celestial Battalion is pretty sweet, as mentioned upthread. Only problem is it's A: expensive to add more properties to because it's already an Epic item and B: unclear how those additional properties should be priced because it's a specific item. (If you can use it, you could get around both of those issues by opening up your copy of Oriental Adventures/the Arms & Equipment Guide and purchasing a set of dastana and chahar-aina; these are basically shield and armor addons that explicitly stack with other shields/armor, giving you another surface to put cheap non-Epic enhancements on.)

2012-01-12, 06:33 PM
JKTrickster: Are you playing as a Karsite (ToM)?
Or a quorbred? (Secrets Sarlona).
Using quorbred, I was actually getting SR equal to CR 28-29 pathfinder monsters at level 23. (Seems like a good amount)

Armor of celestial battalion: 616300gold.
MW Chain is 300 gold. So 616000 to make anything Armor of Celestial Battalion.
Now make it a breastplate or something. MW Breastplate costs what, 350?

Normal MW Chainmail:
5AC, 2Dex, -4ACP, 30% ASF, 40lbs
Armor of Battalion:
5AC, 10Dex, 0 ACP, 10% ASF,

So whatever you add AoCB onto, base AC stays the same, Dex improves by 8, ACP improves by 4, -20%ASF, and not sure about weight. Might stay the same.

Epic items are times 10 cost, right? Calculated at the end (and not counting base materials)
616000 divided by 10= 61600.
+7 armor is 49k (before the x10).
So the flight and magic circle effects themselves cost
Mind you, the DM might say the 12600 for the AoCB enchantment is still [Epic], requiring the x10 cost. Even if it's a +1 Padded shirt.

My own epic magehunter is here: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=343025
DM said not to use the x10 cost, so I've got a lot more stuff than you'll be able to afford. Also had a homebrew PrC that focused on killing casters called witch hunter (you can find it in my threads started).

That's a devious idea you've got there with armor/shield addons.

2012-01-12, 07:03 PM
Armor of the Celestial Battalion is pretty sweet, as mentioned upthread. Only problem is it's A: expensive to add more properties to because it's already an Epic item and B: unclear how those additional properties should be priced because it's a specific item. (If you can use it, you could get around both of those issues by opening up your copy of Oriental Adventures/the Arms & Equipment Guide and purchasing a set of dastana and chahar-aina; these are basically shield and armor addons that explicitly stack with other shields/armor, giving you another surface to put cheap non-Epic enhancements on.)
As long as you do a weapon add-on like armor spikes and not armor enchantments I think it should use non-epic pricing. Yeah armor enchants can go on something else. Though +150,000 (8*8*10k-7*7*10k) for a +1 equivalent armor enchant wouldn't be horrible, in case you wanted ghost touch or something.

2012-01-12, 08:45 PM

Wow that's an amazing breakdown of the armor! I wanna see if the DM will allow me to use that :smallbiggrin:

And I like your idea Tyckspoon! It's a great alternative if I can't use a AoCB enchantment :smallbiggrin:

As for my character, no he isn't any of those two races and he doesn't have any real worthwhile SR (around SR 26 at level 30). My magical defenses come from my homebrew class, the Romancer. It has the Will Power ability to instantly cancel out a spell that includes me in its target range and I can extend this to my allies as well.

1 on 1, I can shut down a mage almost completely and against a group I can become a severe distraction.

Here is my shee (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=289414)t (I haven't made equipment changes yet though, like smoking on armor/shield spikes, etc.).

2012-01-12, 09:05 PM
You can put magic weapon special abilities on armor spikes, shield spikes, and two gauntlets, among other items. IMO you have to be able to use the weapon to make an AoO at any given time for it to be wielded, thus animated shield spikes or blade boots are unsuitable for this. If you use a bow, an Elvencraft bow from Races of the Wild can be wielded as either a ranged or melee weapon, and must be enchanted separately for each use, thus you can have multiple weapon enchantments on a single weapon similar to with double weapons.

Displacement (OA): as the spell, constant effect, +100k gp
Illithidwrought (UND): +1 Insight bonus to all attack and damage rolls, or +2 if you're psionic, priced as a +2 bonus.
Parrying (MIC): +1 Insight bonus to AC and saving throws, priced as a +2 bonus.
Eager (MIC): +2 initiative unnamed, +2 to attack rolls in a surprise round, priced as a +1 bonus.
Warning (MIC): +5 insight bonus to initiative, priced as a +1 bonus.
Defending (DMG): Convert the weapon's Enhancement bonus to AC which "stacks with all other bonuses" including your other Defending bonuses, priced as a +1 bonus.

I'm sure I missed a few, but that's a pretty good start. Make each of your superfluous weapons +1 Defending plus whatever else, and get a party spellcaster to put Greater Magic Weapon on each of them for an extra +5 AC per weapon. You could buy a Lesser Rod of Chain Spell to help the Wizard put GMW on everyone's weapons, and for the Cleric to put Magic Vestment on everyone's armor/shields.

2012-01-12, 09:16 PM
Hikkikomori borg cube.

Bedrooms, fancy = 4,000 gold pieces
Bath, fancy = 2,000 gold pieces
Obdurium exterior and interior walls ×2 spaces = 120,000 gold pieces
Magically treated walls ×2 spaces = 24,000 gold pieces
Transparent walls ×2 spaces = 6,000 gold pieces
Incredible locomotion ×2 spaces = 50,000 gold pieces
Plane shift 1/day ×2 spaces = 50,000 gold pieces
SUB-TOTAL = 256,000 gold pieces

24k spell turrets that cycle through lesser orb of acid/electricity/fire/sound at caster level 1st will cost 500 gp and 40 xp. However, they can instead be purchased at their market price for 1000 gp

2,400,000 gold covers one entire wall in these.

2,656,000 total.

2012-01-14, 01:49 PM
That cube looks really dangerous :smallbiggrin:

But probably not worth it cause having a fortress to smite would be cubersome. And its too small for me anyway :smalltongue:

2012-01-14, 01:56 PM
If there's a caster in your party, just have them cast Mordenkainen's Capable Caravel, get it to fly, and use that as your base of operations. It's like Mordenkainen's mansion, but on a boat, so you can move it around, and if the boat sinks or whatever, you're still fine within the extradimensional space, and you can just cast it again when you've fought off whatever attacked you. It has a duration of 1 day per 2 caster levels, so if you extend it it will last for a long time depending on how much you pump your caster level.

2012-01-14, 02:22 PM
Prismatic Burst enhancement. Prismatic Spray goes off whenever you crit...:smalleek:

2012-01-14, 03:24 PM
Prismatic Burst enhancement. Prismatic Spray goes off whenever you crit...:smalleek:

Does it work on people/creatures immune to crits who can still be affected by prismatic spray?

2012-01-15, 01:33 AM
That cube looks really dangerous :smallbiggrin:

But probably not worth it cause having a fortress to smite would be cubersome. And its too small for me anyway :smalltongue:

It flies around and does 24 thousand d6 of damage every round. If it's too small, knock over a couple of kingdoms and get money to expand it.

EDIT: Also, a Lyre of Building will let you turn the cube invincible for a half hour once per day.

2012-01-15, 01:41 AM

There's one of the original versions of that box... =D =D

2012-01-15, 04:57 PM
I agree with avoiding epic level items. Stack low-level items. Many are actually BETTER than epic stuff!

Avoid tomes of stat-boosters. Hire someone to create a Simulacrum of a couple of efreet instead. Pretty damned cheap, overall.

Check out the psychoactive skin of proteus. Only ML 7, but Dear Lord you have a ton of versatility (even in epic!). Quite possibly the most powerful non-greater-artifact item in the game, if you use it right. Find ways to become immune to MDJ and Dispellings and you're golden.

A ring of entropic deflection and a speed-boosting item for 50% ranged miss chance whenever you move. Combine with all the other sub-epic rings you can find.

A pair of boots with enhancements for horseshoes of the zephyr, horseshoes of speed, horseshoes of flame (+10 to Int!) boots of landing (immune to trip attempts!), and anklets of translocation.

Take one level of monk and find a way to get a monk's full flurry progression and grab a necklace of natural weaponry from Savage Species. Toss on unusual enhancements that will affect your entire body at all times (since your body is now considered a single weapon). Throwing and Distance to flurry your way across the field of battle in any direction you want (along with various items to boost your range). Sizing to balloon up or shrink down to any size you care for. Ghost Touch to travel to and from the ethereal at will as a free action multiple times per round. And so on.

The possibilities are nigh limitless!

2012-01-16, 10:51 AM
Take one level of monk and find a way to get a monk's full flurry progression and grab a necklace of natural weaponry from Savage Species. Toss on unusual enhancements that will affect your entire body at all times (since your body is now considered a single weapon). Throwing and Distance to flurry your way across the field of battle in any direction you want (along with various items to boost your range). Sizing to balloon up or shrink down to any size you care for. Ghost Touch to travel to and from the ethereal at will as a free action multiple times per round. And so on.

The possibilities are nigh limitless!

Someone please tell me this is completely legal by RAW.

Cause using weapon qualities and that way is just so......awesome!

Would it work with the feat Improved Unarmed Strike, but not a monk level?

2012-01-16, 10:59 AM
Someone please tell me this is completely legal by RAW.

Cause using weapon qualities and that way is just so......awesome!

Would it work with the feat Improved Unarmed Strike, but not a monk level?

I think it's more common with Kensai. Allowing you to get 'returning' fists, sorta like that guy from Street Fighter 2.

2012-01-16, 03:21 PM
Someone please tell me this is completely legal by RAW.

Cause using weapon qualities and that way is just so......awesome!The necklace in Savage Species specifically states that you can add weapon qualities to your natural weaponry just like you would with a standard weapon, and a monk's unarmed strike counts as both a manufactured and natural weapon for spells and effects, so it's all good.

Would it work with the feat Improved Unarmed Strike, but not a monk level?Needs to be monk or unarmed swordsage (since they specifically get that monk class feature), I think. I don't think anyone else's unarmed strikes count as natural attacks, technically (basically it's not specified anywhere; ask your DM if it's okay, and it's fine).

I think it's more common with Kensai. Allowing you to get 'returning' fists, sorta like that guy from Street Fighter 2.The enhancement bonuses don't stack, but you CAN stack weapon qualities from kensai and the necklace (as well as Ancestral Relic, Legacy Champion, Soulbound Weapon, etc, if you can swing all of it), and you can nab a tooth of Leraje (from ToM) for a +5 enhancement bonus (via Greater Magic Weapon) for relatively cheap.

The Returning property is fine, though I don't think you'd stretch so much as you'd bodyslam or rocketfist your foe and then hop back where you started.

And it's Dhalsim, BTW.

The More You Know! *Star!*

2012-01-16, 03:29 PM
Does it work on people/creatures immune to crits who can still be affected by prismatic spray?

I believe so - they just don't take the crit damage, which is really insignificant when compared to Prismatic...anything.

Also, try a Use-activated Wraithstrike weapon. It's somewhere in the ten thousands of gp, but it makes all your attacks touch upon "use"...as in, when you "use" a weapon...so all your attacks are now touch...

2012-01-17, 08:22 PM
Needs to be monk or unarmed swordsage (since they specifically get that monk class feature), I think. I don't think anyone else's unarmed strikes count as natural attacks, technically (basically it's not specified anywhere; ask your DM if it's okay, and it's fine).

Aww that's too sad. Maybe I can fit that in somehow?

I think I have a good idea on how to spend the rest of my gold. But just in case
are there any other interesting magic items out there? Things like the weirdstone - they offer abilities that are quite unique and hard to get otherwise.

2012-01-17, 08:31 PM
Needs to be monk or unarmed swordsage (since they specifically get that monk class feature), I think. I don't think anyone else's unarmed strikes count as natural attacks, technically (basically it's not specified anywhere; ask your DM if it's okay, and it's fine).

It's actually the other way around- Unarmed Strikes are normally Natural Weapons for the purposes of spells and other effects that benefit said (this property is.. mostly detailed in the spells themselves. See Magic Fang/Weapon.) The Monk (and Unarmed Swordsage, by extension) has a specific clause that their Unarmed Strike also counts as a manufactured weapon; a Monk can benefit from Magic Weapon and Magic Fang interchangeably, while non-Monks can only use Magic Fang.