View Full Version : The Fall of Magic (IC)

Overlord Rion
2012-01-12, 03:56 AM
Just a quick reminder that I do my rolls in secret so don't freak out when you don't see rolls in my posts. Also, as per the usual rules of etiquette, keep OOC stuff in spoilers.

"Find the path." That's all the info you get. That's all you ever get.

You have traveled. You have asked all the right questions. The problem is that no one ever seems to have the right answers. After weeks of searching you have come across a fragment of information. A small glimmer of hope.

For the bard, the raven finally spoke upon the mention of a goliath who might know something. "The pebbled one, he knows little of the path, but his father knows much."

For the druids, the circle hears of a forest gnome who is believed to regularly contact things beyond the scope of what even they are able to contact. How he does it, it is unknown, for he does not speak.

For the martial adept, it is a gnome who appears to possess nearly limitless knowledge and owns a small town on a new trade route.

For the orc, it is a skilled fighter who wields nothing but a scythe, forgoing the typical heavy armor and instead opting for brutal strikes with his scythe. He goes by the name Jorm....The Bitchin'.

Your searches for these individuals all lead you to the town of Dundain. It is a fair sized town, with little in the ways of luxury, but much potential for growth. Populated mostly by farmers the like, people are trusted and they obviously feel safe here. It's almost as if their confidence was unwavering. Asking about any of the figures will point you towards a house near the large church in the northern part of town.

2012-01-13, 04:08 PM
Dundain. Not one of the worst places she has ever been in: she is the first to admit it could have been much worse. Still, in the last days, she and Adar have done nothing but glare at each other. First, the bird refuses to answer her question about who sent him and what the message means, and then, out of the blue, he comes up with a person and a place. Dundain, to be precise. And then shuts up on the matter entirely. Again.

She took two days to arrive in town and was left to her own devices to find the place where supposedly this well-informed person could be found. That’s the reason why she is now walking towards the house she has been directed to. She is leading her donkey, Shagga, by the bridle, and she is scowling and pointedly refusing to speak to the raven.

OOC((That's mostly an introductory post. I'll hold off doing something more substantial, and wait for a description of the house and/or some interaction with the other characters. :smallsmile:))

2012-01-13, 05:47 PM
"Hmph. Small town. Lots of men here workin' the fields. The man with the Scythe. Wonder if he's here? Well, guess there's only one way to find out..."

This is my first PbP so bare with me(though I've played lots of D&D in person and via Skype). Hope I'm doin' it right. Also, italicized text is Zircon's thoughts.

2012-01-13, 06:09 PM

It's curiosity that's brought me to Dundain. I was perfectly happy out out in the wilds enforcing justice wherever I could, but months of repetitive dreams and not a hint of what this "path" may be have left me frustrated. I'm not even sure it means anything at all! It certainly wouldn't be my only neurosis. I'd even have found the house three days earlier if I hadn't had to ask for directions to it first! Which is just ridiculous. I killed two goblin bandits who made the final error of mistaking me for a young noblewoman travelling alone on the way to town, I don't need to be afraid of asking the townspeople for directions! In any case, after three days of watching the same two maids go about their inalterable regime I finally manage to approach them and squeak out enough of a question to find out where to go next.

Now I approach the house I've been directed to, not even sure if this will provide any answers or just more evidence that I'm slowly going crazy...

2012-01-13, 07:55 PM
ADN Bear

Bear wandered down the dirt road, idly kicking a rock in from of him with his large bare feet. JD paced at his side, panting slightly. It had been two weeks on he road, and Bear was getting a little tired of traveling. Normally, he was game for a jaunt in the country, but covering twenty-five miles a day for fifteen days straight was, in his own humble opinion, an Ice Cold Bitch, and JD seemed to agree. The town of Dundain came closer, and he hurried up, hoping for a warm meal, a couple good drinks and some company to enjoy it with. Tomorrow, he'd find that little gnome guy his circle had told him to find. He generally wasn't a very orthodox member, or one of those old elf women with most of a treant where paladins keep their sticks, but he knew the importance of contacting things. And this guy was good. So, Bear was going to find him.

Overlord Rion
2012-01-15, 04:07 AM
The house is large. In fact, the size rivals the church. Yet, it isn't ornate or condescendingly flashy, like many homes of its size. The majority of the house is made of stone, expertly done. Whoever owned this house, they certainly preferred quality over style.

A knock at the door would do nothing but produce a deep, powerful voice. To which resident do you wish to speak.

2012-01-15, 04:14 AM
The Orc steps up and replies, in a deep, powerful voice almost as if to not be outdone by the former

"I come to speak with the one who calls himself Jorm, the Bitchin."

2012-01-15, 11:44 AM
It seems someone ELSE has some business, here Aisling thinks from halfway in the walkway to the house. And is that an orc? Not a very common sight around here, I figure. She takes the final steps that kept her away from the door, nodding politely at the orc, and addresses the door with a clear voice:

"And my name is Aisling. I am looking for a Goliath, I've been told I could find him here." she says, then can't help but add, under her breath and glaring to the raven "And if someone hadn't decided to start playing the silence game again, I might have a name to go with it."

2012-01-15, 01:03 PM
Bear sees a couple folks standing and speaking to a door. He considers just continuing on his way, but the old lady selling the apple in his hand said that this was the house that he wanted. So, he decides to join the somewhat odd group outside the door and knock, when the Voice asked him who he wanted to talk to.

"Well... I don't s'pose ye've got a little gnome guy in there, do you? I'm looking for one in partickler, and I think he ought to be someplace in these parts..." JD chose this moment to sit on his foot as he tried to nod like a country gentleman to the young lady and big orc fella already on the step.

2012-01-15, 01:46 PM
And another orc...no, wait, this one actually has some human blood in him, probably, judging by the ear shape and body structure. Aisling observes the newcomer and smiles to him "Getting awfully crowded, out here" she remarks casually, both as a mean to break the ice and for the benefit of the disembodied voice.

2012-01-15, 02:16 PM
Garel arrived at the edge of Dundain, and looked on the town with delight. While it was not his style, he liked the quaint feel it had, unlike some of the more industrial cities.
After asking around, frightening a few purely on his appearance, and doing some sight seeing, Garel made his way to the home of the mute. As he approached, he saw a few people standing around the door, and assumed they lived here. Greetings! Garel held out his massive hand and put a friendly smile on his face. He knew all too well what most folks saw when he approached. My name is Garel Azrra. I'm looking for a spiritualist. About yey tall, He bent over to put his unextended hand at gnome height and a mute. Is he inside?

Overlord Rion
2012-01-15, 07:44 PM
Each of your hears a loud, exaggerated sigh before the door quietly opens. At the door is a man wearing long robes. At a cursory glance he appears to be human, but at this distance you can see his elvish ancestry. "As much as I hate to do this, Almaz is getting a little nutty in his old age and wants me to ask you a few questions first." He rummages around in his pockets for a moment before pulling out a scrap of paper. "All right, here we go...first, introduce yourse- oh, I'm sorry, that part was for me. I am Taylir, the head housekeeper. Might I ask your names and...which gnome do you wish to see?"

2012-01-15, 07:56 PM
Bear paused for a moment, taking in the man's robes and his disheveled manner. "I'm Adin Bear, messenger of the Feyhaven Circle, and I'd like to see the gnome who is able to contact powerful beings that my druidic circle cannot, which is rather considerable. Is he in?"

2012-01-15, 08:07 PM
Zircon looks up and straight ahead, looking the elderly housekeeper in the eye.

"They call me Zircon. Zircon 'The Great' back in my homeland. And I am the son of the Bloodhall Clan Chief."

2012-01-16, 12:52 AM
Garel moved his hand over to the man who opened the door, trying to keep a friendly appearance. I am Garel Azzra. I seek a man who does not speak, yet divines with the skills like none seen before. Is that Almaz?

2012-01-16, 09:03 AM

I arrive at the house only to find the doorstep already crowded with adventurous looking folk! The press of people is intimidating, yet perhaps we may have something in common? Staying quiet, I join the back of the group as the door opens.

2012-01-16, 03:54 PM
Aisling has already introduced herself, but she smiles easily all the same, and repeats her name: "Aisling Maghnais, and the useless bundle of feathers on my shoulder is Adar" she says. She has to look up to meet the eye of the person who introduced himself as Garel By the Laughing Rogue, he is tall she thinks.

Overlord Rion
2012-01-17, 02:32 AM
Adar ruffles his feathers in what appears to be indignation. "Keep calling me useless, you'll see just how much fun it will be when I fly off and leave you stranded with no one to talk to."

While most normal people who balk at a talking raven, Taylir is completely unaffected. After the introductions, he bows and opens the door more widely to let others in. He looks at the newcomer, Padma and a look of relief falls upon his face. "Ah yes miss Padma, there you are. Come in, come in. I'm sorry about stalling like that, but I was under orders to wait until miss Padma had shown up. Now, come this way, please.

Taylir leads you down several hallways with enough twists and turns to make this house seem bigger on the inside. Along the way Taylir makes small talk with you, not settling on any subject in particular. A pleasant trip later, you are shown a dining room. At the far end of the room is a balding gnome who looks as if he has taken in all the world has to offer. His gaze currently rests on a map. With him is a younger and smaller gnome with mottled skin reading a book. Standing guard nearby is a tall human with a scythe within easy reach. And to top off the unlikely gathering, looking over the old gnome's shoulder is an extremely large humanoid with pebbly looking skin.

As you enter, their gazes move towards you. The elder gnome smiles. "Welcome to my humble abode, fair travelers. I knew of Padma's coming, but the rest of your are unknown to me. Perhaps you are all here for the same reason?"

2012-01-17, 11:52 AM
Garel takes in the home, enjoying the displays and design. He walked in the back and did not partake in the smalltalk unless directly spoken too, as meaningless banter is not a done thing where he is from.
When they enter the dining room, Garel moves to the side to present himself, You are the diviner? he asks with curiosity. I am here, following a "path" that has presented itself to me, in hopes that you could shed light on its purpose.

2012-01-17, 05:09 PM
Interesting. Aisling had kept her gaze fixed on the humanoid with pebbled skin, but now she turns again to look at Garel "A path. Isn't that a coincidence" she says, with another glare to Adar. "The raven told me to "find the path", too. Did any of you sent him?"

2012-01-17, 07:53 PM
Bear looks at the raven consideringly. "Nope, can't say I did, miss. But if you, Mr. Gnome Sir, are the spirit-caller I've been looking for, it's right nice to meet you. Per'aps we could have a bit of a chat? There's a circle of druids a couple weeks west who'd dearly love to talk to you."

2012-01-18, 03:39 PM
"Hmm? It's a talking bird! Don't see any of those back in the homeland." Zircon casts a quick glance around the room, his eyes resting on the man with the Scythe. "You there, with the Scythe. In a dream, I was told about a path...and 'the man with the Scythe' would tell me more." Zircon stands up tall, his eyes focused, awaiting an explanation.

Overlord Rion
2012-01-20, 01:25 AM
Jorm chuckles slightly. He pulls out a chair and sits down."A dream, oh really? I can honestly say that's the first time that's happened." He leans back and take a look at Almaz. The elderly gnome nods. "Almaz here has had me looking for something. Books, small little bits of knowledge he can piece together to figure out exactly what the path you're talking about is. But I'll let him tell the tale, I'm mostly just for muscle."

Almaz chuckles, and spreads his hands. "Each of the men you see here, Rahurendal," he gestures towards the forest gnome, "has been attempting to contact creature from the beyond. They are observers and know much. From them, we have acquired a name. The Mirror's Pathway."

He stops, and takes a deep breath. "From my son above me here, I have found a direction. From Jorm, a possible way to the pathway. And together, I have an idea of what's causing the ebbing of magic"

The Goliath finally speaks, "So, any questions?"

2012-01-21, 12:50 PM
You have a lead? His voice remains calm, but his eyes betray his excitement. For weeks, he had been searching in vein for any solid clue as to what was causing magic to dampen. Signs had pointed to this place, so Garel carried little doubt of the good news.

2012-01-21, 02:49 PM
Bear shifted awkwardly, but that might have been JD leaning heavily against his leg. "Um, yeah, I guess I do. What's your idea about the magic leaving, how are you contacting things and what are they, and will you come back with me to meet the Feyhaven circle? Those are the big ones, I can get to the rest later."

2012-01-22, 03:14 PM
Aisling shrugs "Yeah, that, pretty much." she says, nodding towards Bear And whose idea it was to sand that raven after me. Me! What's so special about me, anyway? She frowns, following that tought "Also, why are we in particular getting that message?"

Overlord Rion
2012-01-23, 02:03 AM
Almaz attempts to speak, but erupts into a fit of coughing instead. Rahurendal quickly gets out of his chair and attempts to calm the fit. Almaz's son keeps his father still through the fit while Rahurendal worked. Once the fit has died down to a more manageable level, Rahurendal looks back at the group. Each of you feel a presence in your mind, sending you images, landmarks, roads that must be taken, people you have yet to meet and enemies you have yet to fight.

The images begin to slowly gain speed as a voice speaks in your mind. "I apologize, Almaz isn't feeling well, so I shall have to answer your questions in turn. You are not the only ones receiving this message. They are each searching for someone to help them. From what I can tell, you are all simply the first." Rahurendal breaks off for a moment to give Almaz a drink of something from a vial. "Unfortunately, I cannot come with you to the circle. If they, or any of you for that matter, were to find out my methods of contact, I am afraid you would disregard anything I say. Our lead is north, towards the site of the Battle of Naldaer. You were sent to us for this information, we will continue to research for theories as to what might be causing this...-

Almaz raises his hand and claps it on Rahurendal's shoulder to stop him. "I would like for you all to rest here tonight. It must have been one hell of long way just to find little old us. We will prepare you with a general location to start looking for the door to the Pathway during the night.

2012-01-23, 04:17 PM
Zircon turns his attention sharply to Rahurendal. "Rahurendal...methods of contact? Now you've gotten me all the more curious to this. What, are you in some kind of contact with evil Deities?

...I'm sorry. You'll have to excuse me my tongue. I've been known to have a tendency to speak on that which doesn't really concern me." Zircon turns his attention to Almaz. "Yes, Almaz. A good night's rest should serve my body well. And leave me well-rested for whatever affairs arise tomorrow. I'm not exactly keen on this whole magical aura thing, but if this is a job for me, after having been sought out in such a way, then there must be good payment in it."

2012-01-24, 05:54 PM

It's uncomfortable being singled out again, so I stay quiet, listening intently whilst the others draw attention on themselves. I am apprehensive about what these 'methods' might be though, and I grimace slightly as I consider whether I actually want to know more or whether I'd be better off finding out more about the path first. If it's all in service of a greater good would it even matter? I'm still not sure I can really trust any of these people...

Overlord Rion
2012-01-26, 02:21 AM
At the mention of payment, Almaz simply waves you away and motions for Taylir to show each of you to a room. On your way out he mentions that if you have any other questions, especially concerning payment, to wait until morning. The beds are comfy, a wonderful reprieve from the hard traveling you did over the weeks. Your sleep is so deep as to be dreamless. No mentions of finding the path bother you, not even a peep.

Unfortunately, your sleep is broken by loud bangs and by sounds you can't place. There is yelling, more bangs, and finally, an explosion wracks the house.

For everyone:
If you wanted to do anything, go ahead and put it down before you sleep. I figured that was enough of an info dump for you guys.

2012-01-26, 03:36 PM
Garel snorts at the mention of payment. One does not get payed in gold to save the world, but in pride, knowing your duty was fulfilled.

It is clear that the rest is for Almaz, and not the hardy adventurers he summoned. Even so, Garel goes to bed, sleeping surprisingly well, considering his eagerness for the following day.

At the sound of an explosion, Garel leaps to his feet, sending out another incredible thud. He grabs his pike and bracers as he squeezes through the door, and barrels down the corridors to the source of the commotion.

2012-01-27, 06:51 PM
"Hmm...that guy seemed kind of upset when I mentioned payment. I wonder if I wasn't suppose to ask him about that yet. Well, can't blame an Orc for wanting to make a little somethin' somethin' on the side. Oh well. I guess for now I should probably let it go and focus on this magick thing."

Zircon's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of bangings and clankings above, followed by the explosion. He shot out of bed and threw on his Chain Shirt, picked up his axe and raced up the stairs.

2012-01-28, 12:06 AM
Adin and JD are both glad to finally have a bed for the night, and are quickly asleep, reveling in the comfort of now having sticks and rocks in uncomfortable places.

Until the explosions.

Adin rolls out of bed grumpily, put on his boots - the only piece of clothing he'd taken off to sleep - and hefted his walking stick, more or less calm. No doubt this was all a mistake, but he'd just go see if everyone was all right. No harm in that. And the stick, well, they might not be. And that may be because of people he and JD might have to make less than "all right".

2012-01-28, 09:42 AM
What in... Aisling rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, still half-asleep, until the explosion makes her jump out of the bed, scrambling to put her armor on. She takes a look at the raven, who had fallen asleep perched on a trestle. "I take that's not normal, isn't it?" she says to him. Mostly, because hearing her own voice is somewhat reassuring. She takes her rapier from the chair near the bed, unsheates it and opens her bedroom door, looking around to see what caused the commotion.

Overlord Rion
2012-01-28, 08:03 PM
Leaving your rooms and heading toward the source of the explosions, you run into Jorm along the way, his scythe is out and ready, and he is covered in a mix of blood and...some sort of goo. [B]"We have a bit of an ant problem. The problem is there are people riding the ants. Help or not, your choice. Anlath is covering the left side of the house. You want to escape, head towards the front door." With that, Jorm sprints off. Another explosion rocks the house as he does.

You're left with two choices. Listen to Almaz and escape, or follow Jorm and help them out.

2012-01-29, 05:44 PM
Lead the way. Without a second thought, Garel runs right behind Jorm, toward danger. The people in this house have answers that can save the world. There's no way they're dying to a bunch of ants.

2012-01-30, 10:44 AM
The tall one is right. I, too, must follow the man with the Scythe. Besides, my axe is thirsty for blood!

2012-01-30, 05:43 PM

After the meeting breaks up, I retire to the room set aside for me. I'd have liked to have asked some questions, but the abrupt end to the gathering catches me by surprise answer I find myself carried along with the others before I can overcome my reticence and frame my query. I know if I'm patient I'll probably get the answers eventually - and right now answers seem closer than they have in months.

Being unused to having a bed again, sleep eludes me. I get up and begin running through combat drills in my gear, practising moves to go with the narrow confines of the room. Thus I'm already fully alert when the attack begins. I poke my head outside my door at the first sounds, already reaching for my sword, knowing something's wrong even before the explosion, whereupon I break into a run towards the sounds of fighting.

2012-01-30, 08:00 PM
Bear just shook his head. "...Does this sort of thing happen a lot around here? Or is this just a.... whassitcalled... assumnation attempt? We call it bushwhackin, back home. D'y'all piss someone off?" He follows Jorm, peppering him with questions. His heavy walking stick is over his shoulder, ready to come down on a skull.

Overlord Rion
2012-01-30, 10:22 PM
Jorm ignores the questions, focusing on getting his way through the labyrinthine hallways. It was obvious when you arrived, as there was a giant hole in the wall. With a surprisingly powerful voice of presence, Jorm starts shouting orders. "All of you, take the left, I'll handle the right on my own! If you see any of the others, do what you can to help!"

The ants are everywhere. It didn't appear that the attack was just centered on the house, it was on the entire town. Jorm had chosen to take on the larger groupings of ants, leaving your side with about 7 ants, one of which is being ridden by a woman in loose fitting clothing wrapped around her.

At this point, initiative needs to be rolled.

2012-01-31, 01:57 AM
"Yeah, no. No way" she mutters when Jorm told them to leave, and instead runs to follow him together with the others. Not out of any particular sense of obligation towards that people, mind you. But she has just started to make sense of things that have been happening, and she'd be damned before she left her sources of information to be killed by...ants, of all things. Ants, really?

OOC ((Hmmm... could I try a bardic knowledge check to see if I know what those things are? Just in case I can [roll0]

Overlord Rion
2012-02-01, 02:48 AM
Will Edit later with maps (if I ever figure out how to use them) and nice descriptions and such.

Initiative Order

Soldier Ant 1
Soldier Ant 2
Adn Bear
Worker Ants 1-2
Worker Ants 3-4
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman on Ant

Zircon still needs to roll I believe.

2012-02-03, 11:51 AM
Yeah, I'm here, sorry been caught with a swampload of college work over the last week or so. Just slipped my mind, my bad.


2012-02-03, 11:53 AM
Wow, really? The lowest Initiative I could roll is a three, and I get a five? V_V


Overlord Rion
2012-02-04, 03:12 AM
With a mighty cry, Jorm charges toward one of the ants, his scythe coming from the side in a hard swing, cleanly slicing the ant in two.

Aisling- Up now
Soldier Ant 1
Soldier Ant 2
Adn Bear
Worker Ants 1-2
Worker Ants 3-4
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman on Ant

2012-02-04, 09:02 AM
Aisling stops for a moment, assessing the situation. Not bad. They were not outmached, at least. She takes a step backwards and begins to sing, a martial tune, the lyrics designed to incite and rally people to battle. She doesn't know how it works, but it is the one ability that seems to be unaffected by the declining magic in the world. At thesame time, she has drawn her crossbow and trained it on the nearest ant.

OOC((Inspire courage, obviously, as a standard action. Draw crossbow as a move action.))

2012-02-04, 09:42 AM

At last, something I'm actually good at! I ignore the ants, judging them beneath my notice, and don't even stop to slip into my duelling stance - useless against such numbers ; instead I launch myself against the woman on the ant, clearly the ringleader, clearly a threat. I mutter a silent prayer to Heironeous as I charge into combat!

Full-Round Action: Charge at women on ant.
Attack: [roll0] (8 base, +2 charge, +1 inspire courage)
Critical confirm: [roll1] (attack + int battle ardour) So close!
Damage: [roll2] ( 3 base, 1 inspire courage.)
AC: 21, Touch10, FF20

Overlord Rion
2012-02-07, 02:22 PM
Padma's sword comes slashing up at the woman. Through what looks like sheer luck the blade connects with her shoulder. The woman cries out in pain as she stares down Padma. Almost on cue, one of the ants charges at Padma, while the other charges at Garel.

Unfortunately for the ant woman, the ant that attempts to punish Padma misses by a wide margin. The ant that charged at Garel, however, hits home, and hits fairly hard.

Garel takes 5 damage. Hard luck, he was so close to missing

Soldier Ant 1
Soldier Ant 2
Adn Bear---Up now
Worker Ants 1-2
Worker Ants 3-4
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman on Ant

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-07, 08:26 PM
Upon seeing the ants, Bear swears in a manner the others can only assume is vicious, as none of them aside from Garel speak Druidic. He then twirls his club and, planting it on the ground, shouts "Ku ku kytkad pytycc!" As his club shines, as if from within, he moves like a lumbering predator towards the nearest ant-thing, the club whapping menacingly into his palm.

Action Breakdown:
Standard to cast Shillelagh, move to move 30 feet towards the nearest and-thing.

Duration on Shillelagh is 30 Rounds

Damage with Shillelagh is 3d8+6 (1d10 + 2 size categories, + 1.5 Str + 1 spell), attack is +7 (+3 Str, +2 Bab, +1 Mwk, +1 Spell).

ADN Bear (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=358496)
Male Neutral Half-Orc Druid 3, Level 3, Init +1, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 2
Mwk Greatclub +6 (1d10+5, 2x)
Mwk Sling (20 Bullets) +4 (1d4+5, 2x)
+1 Leather Armor (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 7
Condition None

OoC Important:
I sent a request to see the map, please let me do so.

Overlord Rion
2012-02-09, 03:11 AM
Okay, shoulda fixed the viewing things.

Two more ants begin to move and make another beeline towards what is assumed to be the ever so dangerous Padma. It misses by a wide margin, as does the one that ran towards Zircon.

I just can not hit you guys. Which was to be expected.

Soldier Ant 1
Soldier Ant 2
Adn Bear
Worker Ants 1-2
Garel---Up now
Worker Ants 3-4
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman on Ant

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-09, 09:33 AM
I know that Garel is up first before me, but in case he is around and I am not, I'm going to leave my planned action here to help keep things moving.

As the Ant misses the rather musclebound Orc, Zircon's eyes flash with rage, lashing back violently at the Ant with his deadly double axe.

Full Attack action.

If I hit, [roll1]
And the off-hand attack [roll2]
And the off-hand damage [roll3]

2012-02-11, 01:47 AM
Forgot that I'm using a reach weapon. Next time.
Garel follows Jorm's lead and begins to attack the unspeaking foes. He steps back and takes a great swing at the solder ant before him.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm (20): [roll2]
5ft step to F8

What these things are and what they were doing weighed heavily on Garel's mind as he fought. Seems an unfortunate coincidence. Could they be related to the things happening to the flow of magic? Hopefully, answers would come once the battle ended.

Overlord Rion
2012-02-12, 07:38 PM
With their mighty strikes almost in a rhythm, two ants go down, and go down hard. However, they are replaced by two more who are promptly revealed to be as bad as the others at managing to land a hit. Another Ant comes up behind Adn, using the distraction to hit him where it hurts. Meanwhile, the woman's ant takes a step away from Padma, while the woman begins wildly waving her hands and chanting. Soon enough, two centipedes materialize, one in front of Padma, and one behind her. Apparently the woman wanted to make sure Padma would pay for the cut on the shoulder. Fortunately for Padma, only one centipede hit.

Anlath finally decides to act, cloaking himself in a wreath of flame, as well as everyone within a short range, burning the ants around him to a crisp.

Jorm looks behind him, and seeing PAdma in trouble, Charges one of the ants nearest her and quickly removes it from combat.

Adn takes 6 damage. Padma takes 1 damage, but needs to make a fort save or else take 1 Dex damage.


Aisling---Up now
Adn Bear
Worker Ants 1
Worker Ants 3-4
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman on Ant
Centipedes 1&2

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-13, 05:39 PM
Aisling moves to her left, without stopping the singing, training her crossbow on the woman riding the ant. I think she's in charge, she thinks to herself, And were those summons? She can summon things, just like that, with all that's happening to magic? She releases a bolt in the direction of the woman. Neutralize the danger now, think about the oddness later.

Moving to G2, shooting in L4
[roll0] (+1 bard, +2 base, +2 dex)
[roll1] (+1 bard)

((EDIT: yeah. Right. That. :smallfrown:)

2012-02-13, 05:55 PM

Ok, so she can summon bugs...

I neatly dart out of the way of the centipedes as they appear, managing to evade anything worse than a scratch. None of these bugs seriously worry me - not after seeing so many of them taken down so quickly - and as Jorm strikes down an ant that didn't really threaten me (some misguided sense of chivalry perhaps?) my frustration that nobody seems to be concentrating on the real threat nearly erupts. Even as I think that thought, a crossbow bolt sings through the air towards the ant-lady, and even though it misses the fact that someone tried makes me smile. I half-turn to see Aisling holding a discharged crossbow and I decide I like her.

Ignoring the summoned vermin I dart forward, attempting to press home my earlier attack with a deadly pirouette - my sword sweeps down from on high, attempting to bisect both the woman and her mount in one stroke!

5-foot step to K4.
Standard action: Steel Wind Manouevre.

Attack 1 vs Woman: [roll3][+8 standard +1 bard]
Confirm Critical: [roll4][Attack + Int (Battle Ardour)]
Damage: [roll5][+3Str +1 Bard]

Attack 2 vs Ant-Mount: [roll0][+8 standard +1 bard]
Confirm Critical: [roll1][Attack + Int (Battle Ardour)]
Damage: [roll2][+3Str +1 Bard]

AC23, Touch12, FF22

2012-02-13, 07:38 PM

Adn roars when one of the two ants facing him bites his arm, hard enough to pierce his armor. Cursing, he steps to the side and hammers his club into the side of the creatures head. "I was WILLIN' to resolve this peaceable-like, ye basserd!"


5-foot step to move to J8, attacking Ant #6. Ideally, this'll keep them from flanking me. I hope.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage; [roll1]

Overlord Rion
2012-02-15, 02:22 AM
Adn's strike goes wide from a small clod of dirt throwing his strike off balance.

On the other side of the battlefield, Padma's sword strikes home, actually going through the woman. Unfortunately the sword's momentum is slowed down enough to harmlessly bounce off the ant's hard shell. With her death, Adn would notice the ants lose much of their effectiveness, but gaining unpredictable movements, quite unlike their normal movements.

Almost as if on cue, the ant nearest to Padma goes berserk, wildly attacking Padma.

The bite hits home and the ant attempts to use it's mandibles to force Padma to the ground.

Uhm...wow. You were the last one I expected to hit. You take a very hard hit (for a worker ant especially) of 10 damage. Going to need you to make an opposed grapple check as well.


Adn Bear
Worker Ants 1
Garel---Up now
Worker Ants 3-4
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman on Ant
Centipedes 1&2

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-15, 09:13 PM
Garel lowers his his horns and abruptly raises them to pierce the ant before him, and steps back to get the full swing with his warpike.

Gore Attack: [roll0] (+7 normal, +1 music, -5 secondary natural weapon)
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm (20): [roll2]

Dwarven Warpike: [roll3] (+9 normal, +1 music)
Damage: [roll4]
Crit confirm (20): [roll5]

5ft step back to H8.
If the gore attack to Ant 4 finishes it, the warpike goes to Ant 3

Overlord Rion
2012-02-15, 11:24 PM
Perhaps Garel wasn't quite as good with the weapons on his head, but they miss. The warpike, on the other hand, crushes the ant's head.


Adn Bear
Worker Ants 1
Zircon---Up now
Worker Ants 3
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman's Ant Mount

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-16, 12:05 PM
With his enemy right in front of him, Zircon grins maliciously, his eyes wide with carnage. He swings his axe, then catches him on the back swing with it too.

Full Attack action

Primary Hand: [roll0] (+3 BAB +5 Str +1 Music)
Off-Hand: [roll1]

And if I hit...

Primary Damage: [roll2] (+5 Str, +1 Music)
Off-Hand Damage: [roll3] (+2 Str +1 Music)

If I kill him, Zircon will move make a 5 foot adjustment to I-7.

Overlord Rion
2012-02-16, 04:10 PM
Zircon's Axe hits a weak point in the Ant's defenses, but the tenacious creature stays up. It attempts to give him a taste of his own medicine and succeeds. The Ants on Adn's case both move closer and attack. Their tried and true tactic of making him dodge into the other's attack continues to work. Jorm charges the ant keeping Padma down, using his scythe to actually pry off the mandibles, breaking them in the process.

Zircon takes 4 damage and is going to need a grapple check against a DC 20. Adn also takes 4 damage and needs a grapple check against a DC 16.


Aisling---Up now
Adn Bear
Worker Ants 3
Worker Ants 5-6
Woman's Ant Mount

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-16, 06:06 PM
Aisling keeps singing, despiting feeling an urge to curse when her bolt flies wide, not hitting the ant-riding woman. Well, at least she is taken out of commission a few seconds later Could have been worse, really. She points her crossbow to the ant that's nearest to her - the one that has been attacking the orc - and shots again.

Shooting in H3 (at Ant 3)
[roll0] (+1 bard, +2 base, +2 dex +2 flanking)
[roll1] (+1 bard)

2012-02-16, 06:37 PM
My moment of triumph from having neatly bisected the leader is short lived, as one of the ants manages to score a huge gash on one of the few bits of me left unprotected. It manages to grab my sword arm in its pincers, and I'm just about to punch it in its ugly monstrous face when Jorm strikes it off me. Again with the helping...

"Thanks, but I didn't need help." I can't help sounding petulant, though I didn't mean to offend; just frustrated that the ant got through my guard!

I kick the ant corpse off me, searching for new targets... Springing back into action I recover my focus and launch myself back into the thick of things!

Move to K8 via L5. (2 AoO from ant mount. AC 23,12,22
Swift action to recover Steel Wind.

Steel Wind Manoeuvre:

Attack1 vs Ant5 [roll0]
Critical Confirm [roll1]
Damage roll[roll2]

Attack2 vs Ant6 [roll3]
Critical Confirm [roll4]
Damage roll[roll5]

2012-02-17, 12:53 PM
Opposed grapple check vs DC 20

[roll0] (5 Str, 3 BAB, 1 Music)

Overlord Rion
2012-02-20, 11:30 PM
Aisling's arrow harmlessly deflects off of the ant's armor. Both Zircon and Adn manage to shrug off the ant's mandibles. Adn attempts to counterattack, and hits home, with the ant's head taking a distinct CRUNCH as it actually goes through the ant's head.

Going to assume Ant 6 BTW. Since you...uh...rolled a crit there buddy.


Adn Bear
Garel---Up now
Worker Ants 3
Worker Ants 5
Woman's Ant Mount

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-21, 12:49 AM
Ants are dropping like flies, and the battle nears an end already. Are the others okay?, he asks Jorm, as he moves around the battlefield, slicing up the foes.

Attacking Ant 3

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]

Taking a 5ft step to G7 if Ant 3 is still up, to make the gore attack. If Ant 3 is downed by the warpike, I'll move to J6, obviously avoiding the AoO.

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Crit Confirm (20): [roll5]

2012-02-21, 11:51 AM
"Pfft. Damn pests. Make a mockery of me and my mighty axe, I'll teach them!"

If Garel doesn't kill the ant in front of me at H6, I'll use the full attack action to finish him off, then make a five-foot adjustment to I7. If he does drop it, then I'll make the five-foot adjustment to I7, and use the full attack action on the guy on J7.

Primary Hand: [roll0] (+3 BAB, +5 Str, +1 Music)
Off-Hand: [roll1] (+3 BAB, +5 Str, +1 Music)

If I hit...

Primary Hand: [roll2] (+5 Str, +1 Music)
Off-Hand: [roll3] (+2 Str, +1 Music)

Overlord Rion
2012-02-23, 01:39 AM
In a flurry of blows the two ants drop from the onslaught. The woman's Ant mount attempts to grab at Padma again, only to miss again, heedless of its imminent death.


Jorm (Held)
Aisling---Up now
Adn Bear
Woman's Ant Mount

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqRj3ZxHTEXKdFFSdk16RE93Y0lyMEc0QUlBNV90a UE&hl=en_US#gid=0)

2012-02-23, 07:09 PM
That went... well, really. Who'd have thought? Aisling thinks to herself. It seems the threat is almost over. With that in mind, she shoots again, at the last standing ant.

[roll0] (+1 bard, +2 base, +2 dex)
[roll1] (+1 bard)

2012-02-24, 02:19 AM

At the same moment Aisling fires at the last remaining ant, I plunge my sword straight towards what I judge to be its heart!

Emerald Razor Manoeuvre:
Attack vs touch AC: [roll0]
Confirm Critical: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-02-25, 04:23 PM
"See, now that's what happens if you won't be all peaceable-like with a gentleman of orcish blood with a giant club such as meself. Didn' I warn you? I think I warned you." Adn speaks to the ant's corpse as he tugs the club out of its skull. He then turns and leaps on top of a fallen ant's corpse and strikes at the woman who appears to command them.

Actions and Rolls
Move to K5, standing on the corpse of the dead ant. Standard to attack the woman on the ant.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-29, 07:24 AM
Garel moves calmly over to the last standing ant, reaching over Bear, and takes his turn attempting to slay the stubborn creature.

Move to K6
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
He turns to Jorm, a concerned look upon his face, Are the others okay? he asks again.

Overlord Rion
2012-03-01, 03:12 AM
The combined fury of the team causes the ant to fall with the force of a freight train. By the looks of it, the rest of the attack on the town is finally receding. No one managed to retreat, they just all died. The question directed at Jorm is instead answered by Almaz, who looks...visibly more vigorous.

"That was nothing! About a decade ago this town was besieged by redcaps. I showed them what for, of course, but in any case, we'll take care of the cleanup. All of you need to go. Quickly. They know you're here."

2012-03-01, 08:48 AM
Assuming we're out of initiative, then
Garel walks over to the tiny sage, and lowers himself as best he can to meet his eyes. What is the lead at Naldaer? Who sent these beasts? What is the 'Mirror Pathway'? How do you know so much? There are many things left without answers. You must tell us all you know of the subject, so that we can put an end to this plight. The questions poured out if him as quickly as the developing situation.

Overlord Rion
2012-03-10, 12:24 AM
Almaz sighs, and motions for the others to start the cleanup. "Look, the truth is what we have told you is basically all we have. It's augmented a little by small visions I get. Small flashes, nothing more. If we find anything else out, we'll let you know." Jorm passes by Padma, and hands her a small stone.

"You'll need this. Trust me."

2012-03-10, 06:46 AM

I take the stone with a nod, stowing it in one of my bags.

2012-03-13, 07:15 AM
Very well, then. Garel rises to his feet, and looks out in a random direction, for dramatic effect. Where must we go?

Overlord Rion
2012-03-16, 01:49 AM
Garel feels a poke, right around his knee. "Uhm, that's west, north is that way." Almaz couldn't help but snicker slightly, as the moment was too perfect.

"Well, get going. Go go go go!"

2012-03-17, 02:13 AM
Garel went to grab his few belongings. Though he was glad to be getting back on the road, not knowing much more about the quest bothered him. Once he finished, he returned to talk with Almaz. What are we to do once we arrive?