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2012-01-12, 01:29 PM
You start in a room decorated with fine tapestries and Gold. You are on a table with five members the council you are in the town with. At the head of the table a blonde elven wizard is sat in her enchanted robes and a crown to represent contrtol over the city. Next to her there is a man with dark robes and gold symbols showing the thieves guild on. He is sat next a man who looks like he''s gouge your eyeballs out for a laugh. His silver waraxe is decorated with blood and dark red rubies. Sat next to him is a man who looks very out of place. A dwarf who has spent his years working at the most famous forge in all of Valdor. He has now joined the council in his retirment. Finally there is a man who is both fat and with so much gold around his neck he probably weighs about 25 stone in total.
Aaron Starker the member of the thieves guild speaks first "These are our last hope these people are the only people who can save our town from turining into a prmanent grave yard and anyone who denies it is to proud for their own good."

2012-01-13, 05:37 AM
The Goblin looks up and around the table, feeling very misplaced in his current position, still confused as to why being a monster hunter qualified him to be on a council he simply sits and listens to the human speak.

2012-01-14, 03:50 PM
The bald one with the axe speaks "We can not trust them! They might decide to join the murderer and stab us in the back at the first chance!"
He slams his fist on the table and stands up "Anyway MY men are doing well enough! As he sits down the elven wizard at the head of the table stands up. "Calm down Eltis; we will discuss this with them."

2012-01-16, 06:42 AM
"So, What the problem? Rak will kill monster, bandit, beast. Why everyone so worried?" He asks around the table in his broken common, not being his first language after all.

2012-01-16, 10:39 AM
The elven women speaks again "It's not so simple. This is a mass murder who-unlike most criminals-we have not found or even had anyone spot him." The man next to him speaks next. "He used to be in my thievs guild but he was fired for killing people on the job." The fat man at the the row speaks next. "Why should we care, we're still making money?" The elven woman speaks again "He is a mass murderer who has been loose for five years. Since then, we've had three hundered people leave our town! So it matters!"

2012-01-16, 11:46 AM
"500 years? 300 people? Why do you only have this meeting now? What are you going to do about him? Its shamefull." Rak looks about, completly confused by the lack of positive action and what he believes to be cowardice.

2012-01-16, 03:28 PM
The dwarf at the end speaks next. "Sorry, Rak is it? He's almost definately got some magic item. We've had the baracks searching for him and no one's ever found him. This might scare you but you're the third adventuring party we've hired. Also, we aren't wariors-don't listen to Eltis-so we won't fight him."