View Full Version : Cleric of sun and moon

motoko's ghost
2012-01-13, 12:21 AM
If a wizard who had taken the wizard of sun and moon ACF from dungeonscape decided to theurge, could he then use the same sun/moon ability on his other spell list? It would make for an interesting character.

2012-01-13, 12:36 AM
I think that would work, yes. It requires being a Wizard to take, but after that the language is nonspecific about the source of the spells; you just have to be a prepared caster.

2012-01-13, 12:57 AM
Quite intresting for a Thuge.

Praise the sun!

2012-01-13, 12:59 AM
Nice catch.

motoko's ghost
2012-01-13, 01:17 AM
Thanks, I always quite liked that ACF, even if it does increase the bookwork needed for my casters.

2012-01-13, 08:41 AM
Abilities that aren't specific about what type of spellcasting they benefit even though there is only one way to access them do apply to other forms of spellcasting. This has been applied to comedic and/or annoying effect in the past. (Versatile Spellcaster, I'm looking at you.)