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View Full Version : Psionics remix (3.5, PEACH)

2012-01-13, 12:18 PM
Disclaimer: As a remix of an entire sub-system (even if it is based only off SRD stuff), this is on the long side. I would appreciate if some people could give their opinions anyway.

When you get right down to it, psionics as just a variant form of magic is sort of boring. Sure, they make good blasters due to the ability to change energy types at will, but that could be satisfied by a dedicated blaster class. It seems to me that psionics should be something totally different in flavor from magic. This is meant to achieve that.

This remix is designed to be compatible with Core or with my Core fix (linked in my sig); where there is need for distinction, I will note it. It can be used in conjunction with more books, but there is no support for such (although anyone who wants to extend it can feel free), and no guarantee that there won't be unbalanced features when this is combined with non-Core.

Now, for the actual stuff:

The basics:

Psionics is an ability inherent in any sentient creature. In order to use this inherent power, however, most creatures need to have it "unlocked" first. Any character of at least 6th level can undergo a ritual to become psionically unlocked.
The ritual requires apparati (mostly crystals) that may be hard to get, depending on the setting. The total cost of the ritual (including any fees for renting foci and buying components) is 2000 gp; it also costs 100xp to the individual becoming psionically unlocked.
The psionic power is channeled through the character's class, so the effect differs from class to class, and is given below under "Psionic Classes".

There is no psionics-magic transparency, so for instance spell resistance will have no effect against powers, and psionic abilities and even psionically-based supernatural abilities will apply in an antimagic field. There is still transparency between associated schools and disciplines, however, so an elf or monk’s bonus against enchantment will apply against telepathy powers as well, and nondetection will apply against clairsentience powers.
There is, however, some interaction between psionics and magic: If a character has the ability to cast a spell and to manifest the equivalent power (such as Dominate and Psionic Dominate), he may combine them and use both with a single action. If he does so, the combined effect is subject both to effects that affect spells (such as Spell Resistance or Dispel Magic) and effects that effect powers (such as Mental Resistance or Aura Alteration), but its save DC is increased by 5. (It does not require more than one save.)
If playing with my fix, the Condition Levels rule (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211136) applies to telepathy powers (which fall under either the Charm category (for Psionic Charm Person only, not other powers of the Charm subdiscipline), the Compulsion category (for any power of the Compulsion subdiscipline), or none at all (for anything else)), but such powers always have at least the second level (effect until save).

Psionic disciplines:

There are six psionic disciplines, but only four are available through becoming psionically unlocked:


Clairsentience corresponds to the magical school of divination. It is a rare ability even among psionic individuals, and so clairsentience sorcerer/wizard powers may only be taken by a character who has previously taken the Second Sight feat.


Psionic illusion corresponds to the Illusion school of magic. It is not available to psionically unlocked characters, but some naturally psionic monsters have psionic abilities of this discipline.
No illusion powers are listed, as every illusion power is simply a psionic copy of a corresponding illusion spell.


Psychokinesis corresponds to the Transmutation school of magic (not Evocation as in the normal psionic rules; most of the evocation-like powers no longer exist. Psionics is not about flashy fireballs).


Psychometabolism also corresponds to the Transmutation school of magic. All psychometabolism powers have a range of Personal and a target of You.


Psychoportation corresponds to the Conjuration school of magic. Like Illusion, it is not available to psionically unlocked characters, but is available to some naturally psionic monsters.


Telepathy, corresponding to the school of Enchantment, is by far the largest psionic discipline. It is also subject to a special rule in the form of Mental Resistance:

When targeted by a hostile power (any power that allows a save, as well as Microcosm) from the telepathy discipline, a character or monster is entitled to a Mental Resistance check. The modifier for this check is the target’s Charisma modifier, plus any special bonuses that apply specifically to will saves (such as the morale bonus from a barbarian’s rage or the benefit of the Iron Will feat) or that apply specifically against enchantment effects (such as an elf’s racial bonus or the bonus from the Still Mind monk class ability). If the power allows a will save when first manifested, a single die roll is used for both the save and the Mental Resistance check; otherwise, a d20 is rolled for the Mental Resistance check.
The Mental Resistance check is opposed by the caster’s charisma check or (for psionic wizards only) intelligence check (psionic wizards use whichever ability score is higher.) If the target wins the opposed roll, the power is negated entirely. If the target’s roll beats the caster’s roll by 10 or more, or the target is affected by the Reddopsi power (and wins the opposed roll), the target automatically manifests the power on the original caster (this “reflected” power allows saves normally but does not allow a Mental Resistance check.) The target’s charisma score is considered its key ability score for the “reflected” power, and it may increase the manifester level to its HD and/or augment the power up to a total pp cost equal to its HD.
If someone is affected by a telepathy power and is afterward entitled to a new save, they are also entitled to a new Mental Resistance check to negate the power, but cannot “reflect” it with the new check. Even if the new save would merely reduce the effect of the power (such as the save against Mind Probe), a successful Mental Resistance check ends the power entirely.

Psionic skills:

Certain skills from the psionic rules are included. Autohypnosis is a class skill for rogues, monks, rangers, and any prestige classes based on them (so for Core, that's Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Horizon Walker, and Shadowdancer), regardless of whether they are psionically unlocked or not.
Knowledge: Psionics is a class skill for psionically unlocked individuals of any class that has Knowledge (arcana) on its list of class skills. It is also included under "Knowledge (all skills, taken individually)", even for individuals who are not psionically unlocked.
Psicraft is a class skill for psionically unlocked individuals of any arcane casting class that has Spellcraft on its list of class skills.
Any character with a power point reserve may use a Concentration check to become psionically focused, just as in the normal rules. Concentration is also a class skill for psionically unlocked fighters.

Psionic feats:

Becoming psionically unlocked does not give automatic access to all psionic feats. Each class that grants psionic benefits has certain psionic feats associated with it; an individual of that class who is psionically unlocked may take the associated feats, provided they meet all prerequisites.
With a few exceptions, the psionic feats are as in the SRD, so I'm not copying them here. The exceptions are listed below:
Second Sight (new feat)

Prerequisites: Psionic Wizard or Sorcerer lvl 1st
Benefit: You may learn and manifest Clairsentience discipline powers
Normal: You may only learn and manifest powers from the Telepathy, Psychokinesis, and Psychometabolism disciplines.

Burrowing Power:

Prerequisite: Second Sight
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can manifest your powers against targets that are sheltered behind a wall or force effect, using your Second Sight to target them despite the barrier.
Even if the power does not require line of sight normally, it requires line of sight in order to manifest it as a burrowing power, so this feat cannot be used unless you can somehow see the target, such as with clairvoyant sense.
Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2 power points for every 5 feet of barrier to be transversed (rounded up). The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Delay Power:

Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can manifest a power as a delayed power. A delayed power doesn’t activate immediately. When you manifest the power, you choose one of three trigger mechanisms: (1) The power activates when you take a standard action to activate it; (2) It activates when a creature enters the area that the power will affect (only powers that affect areas can use this trigger condition); or (3) It activates on your turn after 5 rounds pass. If you choose one of the first two triggers and the conditions are not met within 5 rounds, the power activates automatically on the fifth round.
Only personal powers can be delayed.
Any decisions you would make about the delayed power are decided when the power is manifested.
A delayed power can be dispelled normally during the delay.
Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Expanded Knowledge:

Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd.
Benefit: Add to your powers known one additional power of any level up to one level lower than the highest-level power you can manifest. You can only choose powers from your own class’s list.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn one new power at any level up to one less than the highest-level power you can manifest.

Wounding Attack:
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can make a melee attack with such vicious force that you wound your opponent. A wound deals 1 point of Constitution damage to your foe in addition to the usual damage dealt.
You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.

In addition, the feat Combat Casting affects manifestation as well.

Psionic items:

Psionics is an extremely personal force, and as such it is nearly impossible to put it into items. The only known psionic items (other than the soulblades of psionic monks) are the famous silver swords of the Githyanki, and their creation is a closely guarded secret.

Psionic classes:


The psionic barbarian gains the ability to use psionic feats without spending his psionic focus (he is in fact unable to get a psionic focus without multiclassing, as he gets no power points.) He may do this only while raging, and after using such a feat must wait 1d4 rounds before he can use a psionic feat again. He may only use this ability with the four feats associated with the class.

The feats associated with the psionic barbarian are Deep Impact, Psionic Weapon, Greater Psionic Weapon, and Wounding Attack.


A psionic bard may choose to sacrifice any spell known to learn a power of a level equal to or less than the spell’s level. He may not gain more than 2 1st-level powers and 1 power of each other level this way, although he may choose to gain a lower-level power instead of a higher-level one (and need not sacrifice a higher-level spell known).
The bard may likewise reduce his spells/day of any level by 1 in order to gain twice as many pp as are needed to manifest a power of that level; this may be done so long as he has spells/day remaining.
Either of these sacrifices is permanent and irreversible, and requires one hour of meditation.
A psionic bard can only learn powers of the telepathy discipline (and the illusion discipline if he has access to it from his race), and cannot manifest powers while using bardic music. His key ability score (for determining DC) is charisma.

The feats associated with the psionic bard are Body Fuel, Burrowing Power, Delay Power, Empower Power, Enlarge Power, Expanded Knowledge, Extend Power, Inquisitor, Maximize Power, Narrow Mind, Overchannel, Talented, Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Endowment, Greater Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Talent, Quicken Power, Twin Power, Unconditional Power, and Widen Power.


A psionic fighter may take any associated psionic feat instead of a bonus fighter feat.
A psionic fighter also has extremely limited manifesting ability: He learns 1 power for fighter level 2, plus another power every 4 fighter levels afterward, with manifester level equal to class level (if this is too low to manifest a power, he may not learn that power at that level). His power point reserve is likewise low: He gains 2pp for each psionic feat he takes.

The feats associated with the psionic fighter are Aligned attack, Deep Impact, Expanded Knowledge, Fell Shot, Focused Sunder, Ghost Attack, Narrow Mind, Psionic Body, Psionic Fist, Greater Psionic Fist, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Shot, Greater Psionic Shot, Psionic Talent, Psionic Weapon, Greater Psionic Weapon, Mental Leap, Speed of Thought, Psionic Charge, Psionic Dodge, Return Shot, Unavoidable Strike, Up the Walls, and Wounding Attack.


A psionically unlocked monk may take levels in the previously posted Psionic Monk class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=227280). He may also transfer existing Monk levels into Psionic Monk at any time, but may not reverse the process.

The feats associated with the psionic monk are Aligned attack, Deep Impact, Fell Shot, Focused Sunder, Ghost Attack, Narrow Mind, Psionic Body, Psionic Fist, Greater Psionic Fist, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Shot, Greater Psionic Shot, Psionic Weapon, Greater Psionic Weapon, Mental Leap, Speed of Thought, Psionic Charge, Psionic Dodge, Return Shot, Unavoidable Strike, Up the Walls, and Wounding Attack.


A psionically unlocked rogue may gain psionic focus even with no pp available (and in fact does not get any pp). In addition, In addition, a psionic rogue may choose, as one of his class special abilities, the ability to use either aura alteration or conceal thoughts 3 times per day. (He may take this ability more than once, gaining either the other power or another 3 uses per day for a power he already has.)

The feats associated with the psionic rogue are Inquisitor, Improved Psicrystal, and Psicrystal Affinity. A rogue may only take Improved Psicrystal and Psicrystal Affinity if the gained personality grants a bonus to a check or save that he has already improved with a feat.

Sorcerer (without my fix):
A psionic sorcerer may choose to sacrifice any spell known to learn a power of level equal to or less than the spell’s level. He may not gain more than 2 1st-level powers and 1 power of each other level this way, although he may choose to gain a lower-level power instead of a higher-level one. He may likewise reduce his spells/day of any level by 1 in order to gain as many pp as are needed to manifest a power of that level; this may be done so long as he has spells/day remaining.
A psionic sorcerer may also reduce his spells/day by 1 for each level in order to get the Wild surge ability (including psychic enervation and surging euphoria) and Elude Touch ability as a wilder of half his class level (but he still loses pp equal to his class level when overcome by psychic enervation), and may reduce his spells/day by another 1 for each level in order to gain those abilities as a wilder of level equal to his class level.
Each of these processes takes 15 minutes and is irreversible.

The feats associated with the psionic sorcerer are Body Fuel, Burrowing Power, Delay Power, Empower Power, Enlarge Power, Expanded Knowledge, Extend Power, Maximize Power, Narrow Mind, Overchannel, Second Sight, Talented, Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Endowment, Greater Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Talent, Quicken Power, Twin Power, Unconditional Power, and Widen Power.

Sorcerer (with my fix, and in particular the Sorcerer boost (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216120)):
A psionic sorcerer may choose to sacrifice any spell known to learn a power of level equal to or less than the spell’s level. He may not gain more than 2 1st-level powers and 1 power of each other level this way, although he may choose to gain a lower-level power instead of a higher-level one. He may likewise reduce his spells/day of any level by 1 in order to gain as many pp as are needed to manifest a power of that level; this may be done so long as he has spells/day remaining.
A psionic sorcerer may also reduce his spells/day by 1 for each level in order to get the Wild surge ability (including psychic enervation and surging euphoria) as a wilder of half his class level (but he still loses pp equal to his class level when overcome by psychic enervation), and may reduce his spells/day by another 1 for each level in order to gain it as a wilder of level equal to his class level.
Each of these processes takes 15 minutes and is not directly reversible. A psionic sorcerer may, however, give up a power known instead of losing knowledge of a spell gained from his Child of Magic or Neutralize Magic ability.
A psionic sorcerer may use Charisma instead of Intelligence as his key ability score for Psicraft, just as he can for Spellcraft.
A psionic sorcerer may also take Elude Touch as one of his Enhanced Sorcerer Abilities.

The feats associated with the psionic sorcerer are Body Fuel, Burrowing Power, Delay Power, Empower Power, Enlarge Power, Expanded Knowledge, Extend Power, Maximize Power, Narrow Mind, Overchannel, Second Sight, Talented, Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Endowment, Greater Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Talent, Quicken Power, Twin Power, Unconditional Power, and Widen Power.


A psionic wizard may choose to permanently sacrifice a spell slot of any level known in order to learn a power of level equal to or less than the slot’s level and gain enough pp to manifest a spell of that level once. This process takes 15 minutes.
A psionic wizard may spend 4 hours to attempt to reverse this process for a single spell slot. This requires a Psicraft check of DC equal to 20 plus the spell level, and whether the wizard is successful or not he takes 1d4 points of ability burn damage to his Intelligence score after the attempt.

The feats associated with the psionic wizard are Body Fuel, Burrowing Power, Delay Power, Empower Power, Enlarge Power, Expanded Knowledge, Extend Power, Maximize Power, Narrow Mind, Overchannel, Second Sight, Talented, Psicrystal Affinity, Improved Psicrystal, Psicrystal Containment, Psionic Endowment, Greater Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Talent, Quicken Power, Twin Power, Unconditional Power, and Widen Power.

Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, and Prestige Classes:
These classes grant no advantage from being psionically unlocked.

Psionic Powers:

Any power that is listed without a description functions just as in the SRD. Note that in order to accomplish the desired flavor change, many powers are completely absent.
The powers are listed by class and level, and have the discipline noted afterward in parentheses. A few powers have been moved due to changes in the nature and availability of certain disciplines.
In addition to the change listed below, all discipline-specific rules (listed above) apply, and all displays except mental displays are removed. While psionic bards share a list with sorcerers and wizards, they are limited to telepathy spells from that list (and illusion spells from their racial list, if any.)

1st-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Attraction (telepathy)
Call to Mind (telepathy)
Catfall (psychometabolism)
Charm, Psionic (telepathy)
Conceal Thoughts (telepathy):

Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One willing creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 1

You protect the subject’s thoughts from analysis. While the duration lasts, the subject gains a +4 bonus on its saving throw against any power or spell used to read its mind (such as read thoughts or mind probe). If you manifest this power as a bard or rogue with yourself as the target, you also gain a +10 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks against those attempting to discern its true intentions with Sense Motive. (This bonus does not stack with that from Glibness.)

Control Flames (psychokinesis)
Control Object (psychokinesis)
Daze, Psionic (telepathy)
Deja Vu (telepathy)
Demoralize (telepathy)
Disable (telepathy)
Distract (telepathy)
Empathy (telepathy)
Empty Mind (telepathy)
Far Hand (psychokinesis)
Matter Agitation (psychokinesis); note that while not stated explicitly, the damage done by this power is fire damage.
Mind Thrust (telepathy)
Mindlink (telepathy)
Missive (telepathy)
Precognition (clairsentience)
Precognition, Defensive (clairsentience)
Precognition, Offensive (clairsentience)
Prescience, Offensive (clairsentience)
Sense Link (telepathy)
Synesthete (psychometabolism)
Telempathic Projection (telepathy)
Thicken Skin (psychometabolism)

2nd-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Animal Affinity (psychometabolism)
Aversion (telepathy)
Body Equilibrium (psychometabolism)
Brain Lock (telepathy)
Chameleon (psychometabolism)
Cloud Mind (telepathy)
Control Air (psychokinesis)
Clairvoyant Sense (clairsentience)
Detect Hostile Intent (telepathy)
Elfsight (psychometabolism)
Ego Whip (telepathy)
Energy Adaptation, Specified (psychometabolism)
Sense Link, Forced (telepathy)
Id Insinuation (telepathy)
Identify, Psionic (clairsentience)
Inflict Pain (telepathy)
Levitate, Psionic (psychokinesis); this may target a willing creature (as if manifested by a Nomad).
Mental Disruption (telepathy)
Missive, Mass (telepathy)
Object Reading (clairsentience)
Read Thoughts (telepathy)
Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions (clairsentience)
Suggestion, Psionic (telepathy)
Sustenance (psychometabolism)
Thought Shield (telepathy); this works against spells just as it does against powers.
Tongues, Psionic (telepathy)

3rd-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Aura Alteration (telepathy):

Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)
Target: One willing creature
Duration: instantaneous
Power Points: 5

This power has the potential to negate any charm and compulsion powers affecting the subject. When aura alteration is manifested, the subject gains another saving throw to remove the compulsion (or charm) afflicting it against the original save DC, but with a +2 bonus. If the original power did not allow a save, the target is entitled to a Will save with the +2 bonus. As with any time a telepathy power is subject to a new save, the target is also entitled to a new Mental Resistance check to remove the effect.

Body Adjustment (psychometabolism)
Body Purification (psychometabolism)
Crisis of Breath (telepathy)
Danger Sense (clairsentience)
False Sensory Input (telepathy); the rule about distracting manifesters applies similarly to casters, or anyone else doing something that could require a concentration check if distracted.
Mind Trap (telepathy)
Psionic Blast (telepathy)
Solicit Psicrystal (telepathy):
Level: Psion/wilder 3
Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Your psicrystal
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: No
Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 5

Your psicrystal takes over the responsibility of maintaining concentration on one single power or spell you have manifested or cast and are concentrating on. While maintaining this concentration, the psicrystal is limited to move actions in each round, as normal. When the duration of solicit psicrystal expires, the power or spell you transferred to the psicrystal reverts back to you, and ends unless you resume concentration. If necessary, the psicrystal makes Concentration checks using your Concentration modifier. Even while this power is in effect, you may concentrate on the power or spell instead of your psicrystal if you so choose.

When maintaining concentration for a spell or power, your psicrystal can only maintain the existence of a spell, as well as any continuous and constant effects (such as the illusory double from a Mislead spell repeating the same action over and over). Repeated effects (such as making new combat maneuvers using Telekinesis) or varying effects (including the Matter Agitation and Id Insinuation powers, as well as visualizing a memory for Modify Memory) still require your personal concentration.

Detection spells and powers and spells only available to divine casters (such as Storm of Vengeance) may have varying or repeated effects even if your psicrystal holds concentration, but any effects that explicitly require concentration still require personal concentration.

You can manifest this power (and transfer the responsibility) with an instant thought, quickly enough to gain the benefit of the power before you take any other actions in a round. Manifesting the power is a swift action. You cannot manifest this power when it isn’t your turn.

For every additional power point you spend, this power’s maximum duration increases by 1 round.

Telekinetic Force (psychokinesis)
Telekinetic Thrust (psychokinesis)
Ubiquitous Vision (clairsentience)

4rd-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Aura Sight (clairsentience)
Control Body (psychokinesis):

Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature currently being pinned by you with Telekinetic Maneuver or Telekinesis
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7

You psychokinetically control the actions of your target. Once control has been established, the control remains even if the target ceases to be pinned, but the target may spend a full-round action to make a grapple check (opposed by the grapple check modifier used when originally pinning the target) in order to break free of the power.

Control body doesn’t require mental contact with the subject, since you are actually forcing limb movements independent of the target’s mind. You can force the subject to stand up, sit down, walk, turn around, and so on, but operating the vocal cords is too difficult. You can also hold the subject immobile, rendering it helpless. You cannot force the subject to manifest powers, cast spells, or use any special ability that is not a function of just its body movements. If you lose line of sight to the subject, the effect of this power ends.

If you force the subject to engage in combat, its attack bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your Intelligence bonus, and its bonus on damage rolls is equal to your Intelligence bonus. A subject of this power cannot make attacks of opportunity. The subject gains no benefit to Armor Class from its Dexterity, but it does gain a bonus to its AC equal to your Intelligence bonus.

Although the subject’s body is under your control, the subject’s mind is not. Creatures capable of taking purely mental actions (such as manifesting powers) can do so.

Correspond (telepathy)
Death Urge (telepathy)
Dominate, Psionic (telepathy)
Empathic Feedback (telepathy):

Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: None and Will Negates; see text.
Power Points: 7

You empathically share your pain and suffering with your attacker. Each time a creature strikes you in melee, it must make a Will save or take damage equal to the amount it dealt to you or 5 points, whichever is less. The attacker is likewise entitled to a Mental Resistance check, but success on the check can never do more than negate the damage.
This damage is empathic in nature, so powers and abilities the attacker may have such as damage reduction and regeneration do not lessen or change this damage. The damage from empathic feedback has no type, so even if you took fire damage from a creature that has immunity to fire, empathic feedback will damage your attacker.

For every additional power point you spend, this power’s damage potential increases by 1 point. For every 2pp spent in this manner, the DC increases by 1.

Energy Adaptation (psychometabolism)
Fly, Psionic (psychokinesis):

Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Power Points: 7

As the fly spell, except as noted here. Failure to concentrate does not end the spell, but does prevent flight, possibly causing the manifester to fall until concentration is resumed. If the manifester spends at least a standard action (including a standard action used as a move action) flying, he does not need to concentrate on the power that round.

Mindwipe (telepathy)
Modify Memory, Psionic (telepathy)
Personality Parasite (telepathy)
Schism (telepathy)
Telekinetic Maneuver (psychokinesis)

5th-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Adapt Body (psychometabolism)
Fiery Discorporation (psychokinesis); this is manifested as a 5th level power, but is learned as a 9th level power.
Incarnate (no discipline)
Mind Probe (telepathy)
Psychic Crush (telepathy)
Psychofeedback (psychometabolism)
Shatter Mind Blank (telepathy):

Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 9

This power can negate a psionic mind blank or a personal mind blank affecting the target. If the target fails its save and does not overcome your attempt with its power resistance, you can shatter the mind blank by making a successful check (1d20 + your manifester level, maximum +20) against a DC equal to 15 + the manifester level of the creator of the mind blank effect. If you succeed, the psionic mind blank or personal mind blank ends, allowing you to affect the target thereafter with mind-affecting powers.

This power is not subject to Mental Resistance.

Tower of Iron Will (telepathy); this works against spells just as it does against powers.
True Seeing, Psionic (clairsentience)

6th-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Cloud Mind, Mass (telepathy)
Contingency, Psionic (no discipline)
Co-opt Concentration (telepathy); this ability can affect spells as it affects powers.
Mind Switch (telepathy)
Overland Flight, Psionic (psychokinesis):

Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour/level (D)
Power Points: 11

As the overland flight spell, except as noted here. Failure to concentrate does not end the spell, but does prevent flight, possibly causing the manifester to fall until concentration is resumed. If the manifester spends at least a standard action (including a standard action used as a move action) flying, he does not need to concentrate on the power that round.

Precognition, Greater (clairsentience)
Restoration, Psionic (psychometabolism)
Suspend Life (psychometabolism)

7th-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Crisis of Life (telepathy)
Evade Burst (psychometabolism)
Insanity (telepathy)
Personal Mind Blank (telepathy); note that this refers to Psionic Mind Blank and is therefore affected by the changes to it.
Reddopsi (telepathy) (this spell has been changed more than any other):

Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One willing creature
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Power Points: 13

You give the target a greater ability to reflect telepathic powers. Whenever the target succeeds on a Mental Resistance check, even by less than 10, he reflects the resisted power against its manifester as though he had succeeded on the check by 10 or more.

Ultrablast (telepathy)

8th-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Mind Seed (telepathy)
Psionic Mind Blank (telepathy):

Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Display: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: One day
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 15

The subject is protected from all devices, powers, and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This power protects against effects (including powers and spells) with the mind-affecting descriptor, but not those with the scrying descriptor as the arcane version does. Psionic mind blank even foils limited wish, miracle, and wish when they are used in such a way as to affect the subject’s mind.

Restore Extremity (psychometabolism); note that this is not a level 5 power as in the original.
True Metabolism (psychometabolism)

9th-Level Bard/Sorcerer/Wizard powers:

Fiery Discorporation (psychokinesis); see note above, by the listing as a 5th level power.
Microcosm (telepathy)
Mind Switch, True (telepathy)
Psychic Chirurgery (telepathy):

Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Telepath 9
Display: Auditory, mental, and visual
Manifesting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 17, XP; see text

You can remove any psionic (but not magical) harmful effects affecting the subject, as well as reverse any instantaneous mental effects whether magical or psionic in nature. Unlike with aura alteration, these effects end or are negated as soon as this power is manifested, with no need for another saving throw.

You can also remove all negative levels affecting the subject, regardless of how it lost those levels, restoring it to the highest level it had previously attained. Also, you can restore levels lost to energy drain or a similar effect if the level drain occurred within a number of hours equal to your manifester level. Psychic chirurgery does not restore levels lost due to death.

You can also remove all psionic or magical effects penalizing the subject’s mental ability scores, heal all mental ability damage, and remove any mental ability drain affecting the subject.

Tornado Blast (psychokinesis)

1st-Level Fighter powers:
Biofeedback (psychometabolism)
Vigor (psychometabolism)

2nd-Level Fighter powers:

Body Adjustment (psychometabolism)
Body Purification (psychometabolism)
Hustle (psychometabolism)
Prowess (clairsentience); note that this does not require the Second Sight feat as sorcerer and wizard clairsentience powers do.

5th-Level Fighter power:

Psychofeedback (psychometabolism)

6th-Level Fighter power:

Mind Blank, Personal (telepathy); note that this refers to Psionic Mind Blank and is therefore affected by the changes to it.

Psionic Monsters:

Certain monsters have natural psionic abilities, either of the "standard" psionic type, or spell-like or supernatural abilities marked as "psionics". In either case, these follow the same rules as class-based psionics with regard to the lack of magic/psionics transparency, the possibility of Mental Resistance checks, and so on. Abilities that imitate a spell are changed to imitate a psionic power instead. Abilities imitating psionic powers cannot be augmented.
A naturally psionic monster may trade spells for powers as a psionically unlocked character can, even without being psionically unlocked. Such a character may only gain powers that are similar to its racial psionic abilities. A power acquired in this manner may be augmented as normal. If an ability is level-dependent, it only grants this benefit once it becomes usable.

The list of psionic abilities from the Monster Manual, the corresponding powers, and the similar powers are as follows:

Enslave (Aboleth Su ability): This does not correspond to a power, but rather acts as a psionic supernatural ability. It can be removed by Aura Alteration and Psychic Chirurgery (in addition to Remove Curse). It also allows a Mental Resistance check, but an Aboleth has a +5 racial bonus on checks to bypass Mental Resistance. It is considered similar to all telepathy powers (and as such an aboleth may acquire any telepathy power without becoming psionically unlocked.)
Illusion spells: These correspond to psionic powers of the Illusion discipline, which are identical to the corresponding spells except in being psionic rather than magical (and thus not requiring components and functioning in an antimagic field and so on.) Each illusion power is considered similar only to itself, so the SLA grants only the ability to acquire that particular power.
Detect {Alignment}: These all correspond to Aura Sight. They are considered similar to all divination spells, and so a creature with such an ability may take all divination spells available to sorcerers and wizards (and does not require the Second Sight feat in order to do so.)
Detect Thoughts: This corresponds to Read Thoughts. A creature with this as a spell-like ability gains a +2 racial bonus on its check to bypass Mental Resistance with it, or +5 if it also has access to Clairsentience abilities. Read Thoughts is considered similar only to itself.
Plane Shift, Dimension Door: These correspond to Psionic Plane Shift and Psionic Dimension Door respectively, and are considered similar to Baleful Teleport, Psionic Dimension Door, Dream Travel, Psionic Plane Shift, Retreive, Psionic Teleport, and Psionic Greater Teleport (all of the psychoportation discipline, and all normally unavailable even to psionically unlocked characters.)
Polymorph: This corresponds to Metamorphosis, and is considered similar only to itself (but does grant the ability to acquire Metamorphosis as a power, despite it not being available to psionically unlocked characters).
Daze: This corresponds (of course) to Psionic Daze. It is considered similar to all telepathy powers of 3rd level or lower.
Mage Hand: This corresponds to Far Hand, and is considered similar to all psychokinesis powers.
Telekinesis: This corresponds to Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Thrust, and Telekinetic Maneuver; if Telekinesis is limited in some manner, any use of any one of these three powers draws from that limit. It is considered similar to all Psychokinesis powers.
Feather Fall: This corresponds to Catfall, and is considered similar to all psychometabolism powers of 3rd level or lower.
Shatter: This corresponds to the usage of Control Sound to shatter objects, and is considered similar to all psychokinesis powers of 3rd level or lower. A character with this as a racial ability may acqure Control Sound (for the purpose of shattering objects only) even though it is not available to psionically unlocked characters.
Inertial Armor: This ability corresponds to the Inertial Armor power. An individual with this spell-like ability gains no additional powers available, but may spend power points to increase the AC bonus by 1 for every 2pp spent for the purpose (to a maximum expenditure equal to 1 less than the character's hit dice). This increase lasts for 1 hour per character level.
Mind Blast: This ability functions like the Psionic Blast power, but with the range and stun duration of the monster ability. A monster with this ability gets a +5 racial bonus on its check to bypass Mental Resistance with it. It is considered similar to all telepathy powers.
Charm Monster: This corresponds to Psionic Charm, augmented by 6 pp and with the duration increased to 1 day/level. A creature with this ability gets a +2 racial bonus on its check to bypass Mental Resistance with it. It is considered similar to all telepathy powers.
Levitate: This corresponds to Psionic Levitate, and is considered similar to Psionic Levitate, Psionic Fly, and Psionic Overland Flight.
Suggestion: This corresponds to Psionic Suggestion, and is considered similar to all telepathy powers. A creature with this ability gains a +2 racial bonus on its check to bypass mental resistance with it.
Yuan-Ti abilities: Any abilities which are stated to be psionic treat them as psionic rather than magical in nature. Their effects are unchanged. The Aversion ability allows a Mental Resistance check; if reflected, the Yuan-Ti gains an aversion to the subject's own race.