View Full Version : need 1vs1 specialist PC suggestion

2012-01-13, 03:36 PM
Hi guys,
As thread title says i need suggestion for a Character dedicated in fighting against one target and focussing against one enemy at time.
i was thinking someting about hexblade curses or anything like that to improve is odds.

Here are some point:
The Pc is level 26
He must not be evil, better if L/N
he must not have any deity related class
By bg is final target is a level 25-30 C/N rogue/ninja spy/dancing shadow who is also a demigod.
the Gm allow us (if we not abuse) to create magic item (we paid the cost anyway)

Even with a party i need some build that can help me to defeat an higher level roughish type

I can't use the following book,
Tome of battle
Binder & co
Pathfinder stuff
please keep the ammount of cheese limited, I play in a non optimized party.

P.S. please forgive me for my bad english but is not my native lenguage

2012-01-13, 03:40 PM
Level 26 Wizard should do the trick nicely.

2012-01-13, 03:41 PM
ops i should have make that more clear i must play some kind of fighter or "rougue" not full mage and not cleric or druid based also i would like that the classes/build have some features that address the 1vs1/ 1 target focus theme

2012-01-13, 04:05 PM
A Fighter or rogue, competitive at epic play? No ToB and no casting? Not going to happen.

The class that probably best suits what you want (challenge 1v1, no god required) would be a Knight, but they aren't very good. I'd suggest a Crusader, but no ToB. I'd suggest a Knight Gish or a Paladin Gish with Goad, but again no casting.

What you want is something that fits into play at 1st-5th level, not epic level.

2012-01-13, 04:11 PM
ok i explain that better
i need to make a pc with a 1vs1/ 1 target focus
flavour thath at level 26 with the help of a party of not optimized pc can defeat a level 25-30 rougue/ninjaspy demigod (a npc of our settings)
i was thinking about abilities like thath fo talia justiciar or hex blade that help a lot in the 1vs 1 theme and was asking some advice in the same direction.

2012-01-13, 04:39 PM
Since a bard isn't "full mage", I would suggest you try and run that one by your DM, since Doomspeak is pretty much the greatest single-target debuff in the game. It's from Champions of Ruin. Here's a suggested build:

Hexblade 20/Bard 6.

You get Dire Hexblade's Curse, along with +20 BAB, some light spellcasting, and of course you grab Doomspeaker, which you can use 6 times per day, or 10 if you grab Extra Music (Eberron Campaign Setting).

The thing that makes Doomspeak so great (besides the ridiculously high penalty) is the ridiculously high saving throw. Even at epic level, a DC 46 Will save is going to be difficult for a ninja to make. (Assuming your Charisma is only 30, which it shouldn't be). I personally think it's a typo, but what a glorious typo that "10+full character level+Charisma" DC formula is.

Grab some Hexbands from Magic Item Compendium to get your Charisma to damage and increase the DC of your curse, along with Ability Focus (Hexblade's Curse) from the Monster Manual to increase the DC by 2. Grab Snowflake Wardance from Frostburn to add your Charisma to your attack rolls as well, and you'll pretty much always hit, deal plenty of damage, and you can curse like crazy.

2012-01-13, 04:49 PM
Thanks!, that is the kind of things i was looking for.
i will see with my Gm if those feats and Item are allowed but is a nice char build, if no one comes out with anything else and the GM allows i belive i will go for that char.

2012-01-13, 05:06 PM
Are you limited in race at all?

One way to go about it is with a charger build. The best would probably be a centaur barbarian/frenzied berserker. It doesn't have a particular focus on 1v1, but it deals a lot of damage. The build would use the spirit lion totem variant with the whirling frenzy variant, and the shock trooper and leap attack feats. You'd fight by going into frenzy and whirling frenzy and leap attacking the enemy. You would power attack away your entire base attack bonus and use shock trooper to transfer the penalty to your AC so you still hit most of the time. With improved power attack from frenzied berserker and spirited charge (centaurs can take mounted feats), you'd do a very large amount of damage. (Somewhere in the thousands I think)
The downside of this build is that, while it would be great for a duel, it wouldn't be able to find the enemy in a fight where the enemy decides to hide.

Another build wouldn't be too great, but workable: hexblade 5/knight 12/mindbender 1/knight 8.

You would be lawful neutral.
Take the dark companion ACF so you can debuff people a little.
Take charm person as one of your spells known from hexblade.
The knight levels give you fighting challenge, which you can use to give you various bonuses, such as a bonus against a single opponent that's nearly as strong as you or stronger.
The one level of mindbender gives you telepathy, which means you can take a feat to gain mindsight, which means no one within 100 feet of you can hide from you. It's completely unblockable, I think.
You've got an almost full base attack bonus, so you can still do a lot of damage by taking leap attack and shock trooper and charging. If you take wild cohort or leadership then you get yourself a nice mount, you can charge from a mount.

Another option is: hexblade 5/mindbender 1/Knight 10/Cavalier 10.
For this build, taking wild cohort or leadership for a mount (preferably a flying one) is mandatory. It's mostly the same as above, but you trade your knight's challenge ability (which isn't that strong anyway) for better charging and damage dealing. It's still not as good as the first build though.

All of these builds would need a way to negate sneak attack, most likely using magic items.

And finally: Spellthief 2/Factotum 15/Mindbender 1/Factotum 5/Exemplar 3

This build focuses on stealth. Again, take mindsight at level 18 when you go into mindbender. Max out use magic device, sleight of hand, iajitsu focus, hide and move silently. Select skill mastery for sleight of hand. In combat, make sleight of hand checks as free actions to pick pocket people of their wondrous items and bags of holding. Hide as often as you can.
See if you can use magic items from tome of magic and get a collar of perpetual umbral metamorphasis for permanent hide in plain sight..
Get a weapon from magic item compedium that lets you sneak attack undead, and a wand of vine strike and golem strike which you can use to sneak attack plants and constructs.
Steal spells and spell effects whenever you can.
In battle to do damage you can either spend some of your feats on giant slaying stuff (I don't know which feats though) play a desert kobold with slight build (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a) or you could just rely on iajitsu focus (and play whatever race you want). In general, you fight like how any factotum would, so look up a factotum handbook.
Take font of inspiration a few times.

2012-01-13, 05:32 PM
Obviously, you could go mailman and Orb of X it to death. That might be a touch cheesy, but it exists on a sliding scale. The mailman can range from Limburger (smelly cheese) all the way to sour cream (not quite cheese). Basically, its a sorc chassis that metamagics Orbs and Rays to create hard to dodge, even harder to survive attacks on single enemies that deliver the pain right on schedule

2012-01-13, 05:38 PM
I found your first suggestion way more pp tha flavoured....
But i like the knight mindbender idea, mindsight seems really a good choice to fight that annoyng rougue. Maybe i can fit that in the hexblade bard concept.

tanks for the idea but is too cheesey for me, and also is for full caster.

im not really limited for the race, but is better if is a humanoid one.

2012-01-13, 06:47 PM
Sorry I missed the no full caster prohibition. Probably should read twice before speaking. Short of suggesting something crazy like a war hulking hurler (would get the job done), perhaps a factotum is more your speed. Partial not-caster (one word, it casts, sort-of), with a not-sneak attack and the ability to take an extra action every now and then.

Heck, you could put some orbs in the Factotum slots, open with those, then switch to swording about when the enemy closes.

or if that's not what you are looking for, maybe if crazy low-op Samurai. Now, before you laugh, I remember something about Samurai having a single good ability keyed off the Intimidate skill. Now I don't have OA, but the CW Samurai might actually be ok-ish as a 1v1 contender. If you are able to produce another source of fear, Improved Stare-down coupled with another shaken source (or other fear source) could cripple your opponent. Actually, going Ronin would give you sneak attack, and a Charge bonus that subtracts from your AC similar to how power attack subtracts from BaB, and "trade in" the Samurai levels to get staredown back.

2012-01-13, 06:57 PM
mmm still i prefer suggestion like the other's one, also factotum is a class thath smell of cheese XD

Little Brother
2012-01-13, 08:54 PM
mmm still i prefer suggestion like the other's one, also factotum is a class thath smell of cheese XDWait, what?

2012-01-13, 09:07 PM
mmm still i prefer suggestion like the other's one, also factotum is a class thath smell of cheese XD

How familiar are you with the factotum?

2012-01-14, 03:55 AM
sorry i saw this class often involved in high optimization build or maybe i'm thinking of another class, isn't the factotum the one that can cast spell from any spell list?

2012-01-14, 05:04 AM
No, they only get the sorc/wizard list, only up to level 6, and have restrictions. It's a very well balanced class that only becomes unbalanced when used in Gestalt play.

That said?

I favor:

Ghost Paladin (of Slaughter) 19 / Lion Totem Barbarian 1 / Evolved Undead 1

You have an aura that gives -2 to saves of anyone near you (no save debuff).

Go spell free paladin (complete champion), and you get bonus feats. Use them for Extra Smiting / Extra Turning.

Go Charging Smite Paladin, and give up your warhorse for +2/paladin level on smite damage on a charge.

Focus everything you can on Charisma. 18 base stat + 5 (levels) + 4 (ghost template) + 2(evolved undead) + 5 (inherent from tome) + 6(item) = 40, and that's fairly reasonable for this level. That means a +15 charisma, +15 to saves, +16 deflection to AC, and more.

Take a few ranks in perform (dance), and get slippers of battledancing (dmg2). Now you add Cha to attack and damage, instead of Str.

Get Divine Shield, and you can add your Cha to your shield's bonus for 13 rounds, with a turn attempt. Add on the Shield Ward feat, and it applies to your touch AC too.

Get Divine Might, and you can add your Cha to weapon damage rolls for 1 round with a turn attempt.

Shock trooper adds in more, to allow you to charge in for more damage.

You can charge/Full attack with: 20(BAB) + 15 (slippers) + 15 (smite) + 2 (charge) + enhancements. Your damage would be (assuming longsword) 1d8 + 15 (slippers) + 15 (Divine might) + 57 (charging smite) + 20 (power attack) + enhancements, or 1d8+112, assuming a +5 weapon... and with Awesome Smite, would either ignore most DR, or ignore all miss chances.

AC would be 10 + Dex + 16 (deflection) + 8 (shield) + 15 (shield enhancement), or 49 + Dex modifier.

Not the highest damage, but it's got good saves, good AC, good damage output, fast healing, and a few SLA's and SU's to give you more options.

If you went spellscale over human, you'd get an additional +2 Cha. With Aging, you could get another +2. That would increase the AC by 4, saves by 2, attack bonus by 4, and damage by 4.

There are ways to boost it further. For example, a +12 stat item (you are epic, after all) would further increase AC by 6, saves by 3, attack by 6, and damage by 6.

With everything above rolled together? AC would be 59 (touch also 59), attack bonus would be +67, damage would be 1d8+122.

If you want to lower damage output slightly, go with a couple PrC levels, to get Mettle, and put on a ring of evasion. Now, if you pass a save, you ignore the effect, mostly.

2012-01-14, 05:12 AM
i had time to search for factotum, and is not the class i belive it was when i said it smell cheese XD
Indeed is an interessing class.

@candycorn paladin of slaughter is not the evil variant? also the overall idea seems a bit... meh Tanks but i prefer the more flavoured one like neoseraphi and randmguy factotum/spellthief/exemplar

2012-01-14, 05:20 AM
i had time to search for factotum, and is not the class i belive it was when i said it smell cheese XD
Indeed is an interessing class.

@candycorn paladin of slaughter is not the evil variant? also the overall idea seems a bit... meh Tanks but i prefer the more flavoured one like neoseraphi and randmguy factotum/spellthief/exemplar

The flavor is largely based on the character. The suggestion I made was a defensible damage dealer, that can use aura + ghost and evolved abilities to debuff/lockdown. You can lose many of the paladin levels, and incorporate some of the other abilities. It'll just cost a bit of damage.

For example: Paladin of freedom 9 / Barbarian 1 / Hexblade 10 / evolved undead 1.

Yes, Slaughter is evil, but you can go freedom for Chaotic good, or vanilla paladin, if you don't mind losing pounce.

There is Vivacious and Radiant, also, if you prefer good. They are templates from Dragon magazine, I believe, and give you many of the bonuses of ghost without being a ghost.