View Full Version : Things to do with Planar Binding

2012-01-14, 02:45 AM
My wizard just hit level 9, and as we all know, that opens up Lesser Planar Binding. Without any preplanning in this direction, I've already got Circle of Protection and Dimensional Anchor. I prepare both daily just in case.

It seems like a rather intuative pick, up there with Symbol of Pain, Teleport and Wall of Stone.

Given that we're restricted to core in the wan hope of keeping us ECL-appropriate, this spell seems liable to get a DMG hurled at my head.

I haven't brought it up with the DM just yet, as we have different scheduals, but what sort of things could I do with this spell that would not just win the campaign?

So far my ideas are mostly limited to summoning a hound archon to be our loot-monkey. The DM wouldn't be too mad about us not having to go back to town to sell our gear, and not having to carry around loot between encounters seems non-gamebreaking.

Having access to anything we could purchase in town with a minimal wait time at any location is a really nice perk.

Any ideas for other, not-campaign-ending, army-raising big bad wizard of doom uses for this very volatile spell?

2012-01-14, 03:28 AM
It takes a while to compensate for their huge Charisma, but Succubi are right at the HD cap, and are absolutely fantastic slaves. Nightmares are easier to bind, and are more powerful, as they can be ordered to use Astral Projection and Etherealness (both 9th level spells) at CL20 - meaning that you can use one to Astral Project it, yourself, and nine other party members. For free. As many times as you want.

2012-01-14, 01:17 PM
I never really used the spell, but I remember one game where the wizard used it to bind an Erinye. That was kinda fun, but you'll have to check for legality as that game was a cheese plate with crackers.

2012-01-14, 01:20 PM
Get a lantern archon or couple, if X city doesn't already have well-lit streets with eternal light sources, sell your services in that regard in order to cut down on crime and violence (and help the economy of places with legitimate night time businesses) by lighting up the overcity and possibly undercity as well with continual flame.

You can also destroy any armies that don't have much in the way of caster or adventurer support with some devils or a leonal/deva.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-01-14, 03:02 PM
Get a lantern archon or couple, if X city doesn't already have well-lit streets with eternal light sources, sell your services in that regard in order to cut down on crime and violence (and help the economy of places with legitimate night time businesses) by lighting up the overcity and possibly undercity as well with continual flame.

You can also destroy any armies that don't have much in the way of caster or adventurer support with some devils or a leonal/deva.

The lantern archons also act as policemen, helping even more.

Anyway, a couple of lantern archons and a hound archon can take out dozens of people in an army, and it's even better to send lantern archons against something like an undead army, as long as they avoid any sentient undead that were clever enough to bring some form of ranged attack.

The best thing to do? Bind devils or demons. Takes longer to get them to cooperate, but cuts down a bit on their forces in the extraplanar armies.
Pit Fiend: "Send the fifth shock troop over to the left flank."
Second in command: "But half of the fifth disappeared! I think they were called to the material plane."

2012-01-14, 03:28 PM
Movanic Deva (Fiend Folio) can heal and Raise Dead, should your cleric be killed. Plus they have Death Ward at will and can also Remove Curses, Diseases, POisons, can use Atonement, Hallow, Divination, Commune, and Plane Shift. A very handy summons indeed.

You can nab one for a fee with Lesser PLanar Binding, and can get them for free with Monster Summoning 7. :smallamused:

2012-01-14, 03:33 PM
Movanic Deva (Fiend Folio) can heal and Raise Dead, should your cleric be killed. Plus they have Death Ward at will and can also Remove Curses, Diseases, POisons, can use Atonement, Hallow, Divination, Commune, and Plane Shift. A very handy summons indeed.

You can nab one for a fee with Lesser PLanar Binding, and can get them for free with Monster Summoning 7. :smallamused:

SM gets them for too little time to use many of those spell, though. raise dead is amusing, though.

2012-01-14, 04:57 PM
I'm a big fan of using Lesser Planar Binding to nab a handful of Formian Taskmasters. Then just using them to spam Dominate Monster at things that get in their way. The DC's low, but if enemies have to save against 3 or 4 of them per round, it's not hard to get a huge mob of monsters under your [indirect] control.