View Full Version : Animated adult AD&D

2012-01-14, 01:38 PM
My friends and I have recently begun work on an animated show based off our AD&D sessions. Something you'd see on adult swim or the like. I think there's enough humor in our sessions that could make a funny show I just wanted the opinion of someone who doesn't play my campaign. So if you think this is a good or terrible idea or if you'd just like to give me a pointer or two, I'd love to hear your opinions.

2012-01-14, 01:51 PM
Everyone ever wanted to have a show/video game/novelisation made of their RPG sessions. It's a fact. If you are actually taking steps to make this come true, all power to you. Just keep the following in mind:

You are going to make this a comedy show, right? You say there's enough humor for you, but every group of friends has their quirks and injokes. What's funny for them may not necessarily be funny or even understandable for the wider audience.
Can you provide an example of a funny situation from your game?

2012-01-15, 01:07 AM
Animated? That's a lot of work. I hope you know what you're in for and it turns out prosperous.

2012-01-15, 01:15 AM
Well, hope you can get it in a quality format, fyi.

As a tip, not every funny thing needs to be funny all the time. That does not mean you must add drama, either. Simply just keep the jokes sparse and good.

2012-01-15, 03:27 AM
Everyone ever wanted to have a show/video game/novelisation made of their RPG sessions. It's a fact. If you are actually taking steps to make this come true, all power to you. Just keep the following in mind:

You are going to make this a comedy show, right? You say there's enough humor for you, but every group of friends has their quirks and injokes. What's funny for them may not necessarily be funny or even understandable for the wider audience.
Can you provide an example of a funny situation from your game?

Please do keep this in mind. Also keep in mind that there's a reason a lot of people want it and it only happens for a few, there needs to be enough material to work with, keep it interesting and not be predictable. (Sorry but not all things that work for RPG's works for something like this.) But I do wish you the best of luck and I'll certainly give the finished result a look and see if I like it. :)

The Durvin
2012-01-15, 09:32 AM
When you say adult swim, are we talking "Afro Samurai" or "Venture Bros."? Or for that matter, "Squidbillies"? (I've known some guys that ran campaigns like that.)