View Full Version : The Immortal Duskblade?

2012-01-14, 06:29 PM

I'll get to the point. In a game I shall be playing in shortly, I need some assistance in devising ways for my Drow Duskblade character to gain immortality. He's slightly more physical-leaning than spell-leaning, so doesn't mind too much about lost caster levels. He also uses poison quite a lot.

EDIT: He's True Neutral, maybe Chaotic Neutral. Not Evil.

Ways I already know:

Becoming a Lich. Simple, effective and useful, but a wee bit cliche. Also requires me to waste a feat on Craft Wondrous Item, which I don't want to do as feats are rare enough for me.
10 Levels in Green Star Adept. This is the one I'm looking at currently, as I don't mind too much about the lost caster levels and the bonuses from it looks pretty powerful for a melee-pseudomage character.
Necropolitian. Obviously useful, and easy to do - if the Guardians of the City of the Dead would let me undergo the ritual.

Any more ideas? He MUST be a LIVING Drow Duskblade to start, he'll be ECL 11 when he enters play and there is a further restriction. He is limited to a moderate selection of books, mostly only 3.5 ones (no 3.0) and he can have ONLY 3 classes at most. No Fighter / Duskblade / Abjurant Champion / Eldritch Knight.

Oh, and his base stats I think (32 point buy), adjusted for Drow bonuses:
STR: 16
DEX: 10
CON: 12
INT: 18
WIS: 14
CHA: 10

2012-01-14, 06:43 PM
Take the feat "wedded to history"
Spend a level+100xp to become a necropolitan, grab initiate of the fae mysteries to get int to HP and other ways to unholy boost it (desecrated altars and all)

Also, green star is bad. very bad. Melee+no con score is infinitely bad.

2012-01-14, 07:15 PM
If you go with Necropolitan, be sure it's performed within the area of a Desecrate spell with an evil altar present. The individual performing the ritual has at least 8+ levels of Dread Necromancer (HoH), with all of the Corpsecrafter line of feats (LM). This will give you the following benefits:

+6 HP per HD
+4 Enhancement bonus to Str and Dex
+4 Turn Resistance
+4 Initiative
+10 ft. base land speed
+2 natural armor
+1d6 cold damage with natural weapon attacks

It would make sense that an organization which frequently creates Necropolitans would have their most proficient creator of undead leading the rituals, of course.

2012-01-14, 07:22 PM
Also add some spellstitched to your necropolitan

2012-01-14, 07:54 PM
The problem is, of course, I may not have the opportunity to transform into a Necropolitian. First I'll need to find the City of the Dead (tricky enough) then convince them to transform me with the most powerful Dread Necromancer doing it (well, a few swings of my spiked chain ought to help shorten the wait...)

Still exploring other options, please. Also, this is a Forgotten Realms game. No Eberron material.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-01-14, 08:04 PM
There isn't any Eberron Material in the suggestions... :smallconfused:.

2012-01-14, 08:16 PM
Just covering myself in case anyone suggested that class from Eberron that slowly turns you into a Warforged.

EDIT: Also, he'd prefer to remain living if at all possible... he does enjoy, shall we say, "pleasures of the flesh".
Yep, that's right...

Massages. Ones with lots of scented oil and steam. Swinging that chain about can really knot up the muscles in your back.

Aye, and other things as well... but massages mostly.

2012-01-14, 08:38 PM
Try this
