View Full Version : An undeniable challenge (IC)

2012-01-14, 11:28 PM
This is the thread for the one vs. one combat between myself and savior. Character creation will be done here, and then the fight will start. Rules have already been decided.

2012-01-14, 11:31 PM
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]

2012-01-14, 11:35 PM

2012-01-14, 11:36 PM

2012-01-15, 01:41 AM
[roll0] HP rolls.

2012-01-15, 02:37 AM


2012-01-15, 02:49 AM
[roll0] initiative

2012-01-15, 05:40 AM
Initiative Roll: [roll0]

2012-01-15, 01:57 PM
The map for the start of the fight.

Map (http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac210/Sav-Enigma/Map.jpg)

2012-01-15, 05:25 PM

The orc stepped into the arena, clad in a shining set of full plate armor, he moved as though he had worn it all his life. As he took his position, he raised his head to the sky, calling out a prayer for victory to the unnamed god he worshipped. As he lowered his head, he drew forth both his swords, and uttered but a single short phrase. "justice drawn from the blood of the living " Finishing his sentence, his blades erupted in magic, the one in his right sparking with electricity, the one in his left, with fire.

Free action: Activate weapon special abilities
Swift action:None
Standard action: Draw my left short sword
Move action: Draw my right short sword

AC: 32
HP: 169
CMD: 38

2012-01-15, 05:50 PM

The Smiling man stepped with pip in his step. nearly hopping around with his left hand open, right hand clenching to his exotic blade. The bastard of a sword normally heavy to him, though he has trained, is adept at such combat. He flicks his feet around, gaining a good ground of the soft pink granite marble. The sound of bare foot on cold material makes soft thuds, but soon die off. The soon bares down nicely, to make glares off the granite at odd locations. He steps calmly to his starting point, and shakes his sword in his right hand, getting fluid with it before combat starts. He looks at his hands, and kisses both hands, plus the blunt of his blade. Smiling still, like a crazed man. he shifts on both feet, getting akin to his legs in the new Arena. The silence is wonderful, allowing senses to echoe through one's own mind. He reaches into his cloak, and pulls a vial flask, resting it in his off hand, before up turning, and drinking the main nectar. He groans as it falls down, enjoying the new force that covers him in warmth.

Move action: Retrieve Mage Armour potion.
Standard action: Ingest potion, flicking the bottle off to the side in square A8. Fighting defensively. +3 Dodge AC bonus, -4 to Atk.
Swift action: Five-foot step to Square B6.
Free action: None


Hp: 120
AC: 41
CMD:39 (+4 against Disarm, +2 against Trip.)
Punishing kicks: 2/2
Elemental Assualt: 17 rounds

2012-01-15, 06:19 PM

The orc laughed, sliding his feet forward at a simplistic pace, he'd close the distance between himself and his foe, then stopped, preparing his weapons, he took up his fighting stance. Holding one blade above his head, and the other waist high, he roared out, attempting to budge his foes morale with its fearsomeness

Free action: None
Swift action:None
Standard action: Intimidate check
Move action: Move to G4

Intimidate [roll0]

AC: 32
HP: 169
CMD: 38

2012-01-15, 06:47 PM

Still being clam and, above all, joyful, Brock moved like a snake to reach 15 feet away from his foe. Getting a rather nice check of his foes prowess, Brock closes in nicely. Staying low, he rummages his free hand out, flipping swiftly, as if he was going for a strong Jab. After the feint, he swings his right leg out, to attack the heel of his foe in a tripping fashion.

Move action: Occupy square F4, threatening Sentan.
Standard action: combination Feint and Trip attempt. improv. Trip, Does not provoke AoO. Feint: [roll0] Trip: [roll1] . Fighting defensively. +3 Dodge AC bonus, -4 to Atk.
Swift action: None
Free action: None


Hp: 120
AC: 41
CMD:39 (+4 against Disarm, +2 against Trip.)
Punishing kicks: 2/2
Elemental Assualt: 17 rounds

2012-01-15, 07:05 PM
AoO: Atk: [roll0] Dmg:[1d10+20]

2012-01-15, 07:08 PM

The orc flipped himself up to his feet, spinning in a circle with his blades outstretched, he spun to swing both blades, one after the other, into his foe, before sliding backwards a short distance, giving him a little breathing room.

Free action: Five foot step to H3
Swift action:None
Standard action: Doublestrike
Move action: Stand up

Mainhand attack:[roll0]
Mainhand damage:[roll1] Flaming [roll2]
Offhand attack:[roll3]
Offhand damage:[roll4] Shocking [roll5]

If both hit:
Two weapon rend [roll6]
Free disarm attempt [roll7]

AC: 32
HP: 169
CMD: 38

2012-01-15, 07:12 PM
Crit confirmation roll
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Flaming burst [roll2]

2012-01-15, 07:35 PM


Twitching from the attacks, Brock leans in with a strong, full round attack with his strong sword. He disregards defensive abilities, all for the sake of destroying his foe. He overwhelms his foe with his weapon's speed.

Standard Action: Full-Attack Action (+3
-Attack 1:[roll1] Damage:[roll2] [roll3] Acid
-Attack 2:[roll4] Damage:[roll5] (+1 if last hit.) [roll6] Acid
-Attack 3:[roll7] Damage:[roll8] (+2 if last hit.) [roll9] Acid
-Attack 4:[roll10] Damage:[roll11] (+3 if last hit.) [roll12] Acid
-Attack 5:[roll13] Damage:[roll14] (+4 if last hit.) [roll15] Acid
Move action: None.
Swift action: Elemental assualt before attacks. Add Acid damage.
Free action: Five-foot step if needed to initiate attacks.


Hp: 40
AC: 39
CMD:39 (+4 against Disarm, +2 against Trip.)
Punishing kicks: 5/5
Elemental Assualt: 17 rounds

2012-01-15, 07:50 PM

The Orc roared in pain, tapping his feet together once while he recoiled, he recovered with amazing speed. Suddenly his movements were twice as fast as before, a blur following his trail as he swung his dual weapons in and out in rapid succession, so fast it was hard for any spectator to track them

Free action: None
Swift action:None
Standard action: Full attack (power attack)
Move action: None

Mainhand attack: [roll0]
Mainhand damage:[roll1] Flaming [roll2]

Mainhand attack: [roll3]
Mainhand damage:[roll4] Flaming [roll5]

Offhand attack:[roll6]
Offhand damage:[roll7] Shocking [roll8]

Mainhand attack: [roll9]
Mainhand damage:[roll10] Flaming [roll11]

Offhand attack:[roll12]
Offhand damage:[roll13] Shocking [roll14]

Mainhand attack: [roll15]
Mainhand damage:[roll16] Flaming [roll17]

Offhand attack:[roll18]
Offhand damage:[roll19] Shocking [roll20]

Mainhand attack: [roll21]
Mainhand damage:[roll22] Flaming [roll23]

If both weapons hit:
Two weapon rend [roll24]

AC: 37
HP: 45
CMD: 38

2012-01-15, 07:55 PM
Speaking a single word in his comatose close state, he ignites his ring of Retribution, in order to cause a novatastic explosion on his person. Unable to let his foe kill him.

Immediate action on your turn, after the first attack. [roll0]
Dealt to both parties.