View Full Version : [SWD&D] Guilty until proven innocent IC

2012-01-15, 04:49 AM
OOC; Okay, basically each of your character has a bit of prologue... Which will be in your own spoilers... I understand that one or two of you will want to read other players' spoilers, but try not to. At the end of this post all of you will be meeting in the foyer of Marit Skyreach' house.

You have been studying under a human Jedi Mistress Marit Skyreach for several years now. She lives in a sizeable mansion about an hours travel(by foot) outside of the planet's capital. It's just the two of you living there. Your education has been mostly theoretical; Ms. Skyreach being very, very old. She is a acknowledged master of the Force, and your studies under her have mostly been focused in that direction.

Your average day consist of hours of meditation and practise of the Force, and loads of time in the library; learning the history and ways of the Galaxy. For battle training you have been reliant on simulations in the house Dojo, and you have been sent away to a nearby living Jedi Master specialised in saber fights.

Recently Marit has been feeling 'disruptions' in the Force, extremely faint, but there is definitely something wrong. Although you have tried, you haven't been able to pick anything up in your meditation so far.

Marit is a major influence in the local government, and is currently very busy on several cases. In order to help out with the Force 'problems' and some more issues, she has enlisted the help of a few people.

Which you will be greeting in the mansion's foyer by the end of this post

Only a few days ago, your Jedi Master was contacted by Marit Skyreach. A fellow Jedi Mistress; requesting his, or actually, your help in solving some issues she's been having. Marit Skyreach is well known for having great powers in the Force, and she has explained to your Master that she feels faint disruptions in the Force. Extremely faint, but something is definitely off.

By the end of this post you'll be arriving in the foyer of Marit's mansion. It is about an hours travel(by foot) outside of the planet's capital. You will be greeted by her Jedi apprentice.

Alex Star;
Travelling to Marit Skyreach seems to be quite promising. According to your parents; she has great influence on the planet's local government. And according to some people you spoke on the shuttle ride to the planet's surface she is a well known master of the ways of the Force, a great honour indeed.

Marit lives in a great mansion about an hours travel(by foot) outside the planet's capital. At the end of this post you'll be arriving in the foyer of Marit's mansion, being greeted by her Jedi apprentice.

Just a few days ago, you were visited by a cloacked stranger. He advised you to travel to Jedi Mistress Marit Skyreach; and aid her in some issues she needs dealing with. You felt very strongly compelled to do this, and you are now arriving at Marit's mansion.

The mansion is situated about an hours travel(by foot) outside the planet's capital; and you will be greeted in the foyer by Marit's Jedi apprentice

Alex Star
2012-01-15, 08:51 AM
Esrae steps casually into the Mansion barely bothering to look at her surroundings. Her slender 5'2" 113 pound build gives off an air of casual grace. The planet, and the decor may be new to her but large houses are not. The eccentricities of the Corellian knew no bounds when it came to representing how different they were from their counterparts. Besides she was too busy tapping away at her datapad, crunching the numbers on the starship that brought her to this planet.

She was dressed modestly, well as modestly as her parents would allow her to be in what must have been the most ridiculous looking flightsuit in the galaxy. After her mother had failed miserably at convincing her to wear the finest evening gown they could find for her, her father had finally stepped in. Bellowing in his deep baritone voice "If you insist on wearing one of those dreadful flight suits then it shall be the finest ever made!". So here she was standing in the foyer of a Jedi Master wearing something that managed not only to look out of place amongst the courts of Corellia but also managed to make her stick out like a sore thumb anywhere she went. It was a deep royal purple with intricate silver patterns that seemed to sparkle as the light caught them. Around her collar as well as on her wrist cuffs was her families crest. Her long golden hair which normally hung down to the middle of her back was done up in a bun to keep it out of the way. Bringing the entire outfit together was the Blaster Pistol that hung off her right hip and the Stun Baton that hung off her left.

Suddenly aware of her surroundings she paused a moment to look up at the person in front of her, and then at her surroundings. She wasn't entirely sure at how she got into the foyer of this mansion, and had this person been talking? Sheepishly, and well aware of how little her parents would have approved of her current actions and situation she decided that simple would probably be the best tact to take here.

"Hello, I'm Esrae Balcahra of Corellia."

2012-01-15, 04:16 PM
Zebron walked with a rather eerily silent gait up the steps. They were far too smooth and calculated for a normal person. What more by the bindings upon his face the man walking up was blind. Standing at a rather impressive six foot seven and a half inches, Zebron's slim but muscular frame weighed over 270 pounds. His sin was quite pale like a man who's whole family had not been in sunlight for generations.

His clothing was very simple and utilitarian. Comfortable black cloth pants and a matching hooded robe. The robe kept any skin save his face hidden. It also hid any weapon that he might be carrying, though due to his appearance there was not doubt what was there. His hair was a deep brown that curls lightly over his handsome face cut perfectly level to his shoulders. Not a speck of dirt seemed to be on him, even the pure white wrapping over his eyes seemed to be as white as the day it was first made.

Despite his obvious lack of sight, even before Zebron enters a room your almost get this eerie sense that not only is he looking at you, but that he sees you in a way impossible to the human he appears to be.

2012-01-15, 04:54 PM
Viddi ascends the stairs into the mansion's foyer with a firm grace in her steps, making every inch of movement count for something. Father taught her to watch everything and everyone; and to treat others how she expect them to treat her. She wasn't quite so paranoid, but she wasn't going to let anyone else know that.

As she slips through the doors and into the foyer itself, Viddi makes sure the elegant robes that cover most of her form don't flutter too fervently. Made from fine ebony silk, they didn't dirty easy and allowed for easy movement; like accepting a beverage, curtseying, or drawing the tiny blaster holstered beneath a layer of the finely made flightsuit covered by her robes. She'd been wearing a flightsuit beneath robes for most of her life; until she turned 15, there was always a chance of needing to jump into the nearest ship and running from some bad deal.

To anyone looking, Viddi was a pretty, elegantly dressed young woman with fiery red hair scattered across her shoulders and a small frame. The only thing remotely shifty are her eyes; big emerald orbs, constantly scanning everything around her.

Viddi's eyes scan the foyer as soon as she steps in, but the only thing on her mind was a nice drink from the walk to the mansion. She shifts her view to the young woman clutching a datapad and wearing a fine flightsuit not far away; she seemed to be somewhat lost, Viddi notes before speaking herself.

"Hello, Esrae Balcahra of Corellia." She greets, making a subtle motion of her palm to annunciate her voice, and the kind smile spread across her lips. "I like your outfit." She offers as a compliment, her view quickly turning back to their apparent host. "And I'm Viddi Vir, of Corsin. Do you have any rum?" She punctuates her question with an tilt of her head to serve in place of a cheeky wink she felt like doing.

2012-01-15, 06:39 PM
OOC; Okay, I promised more info; here comes... You've all travelled to Cregon, a recently(about a hundred years back) colonised planet in the vicinity of Gorsh. You can actually find Gorsh on the galaxy map; if you look in the outer rim, between the Veragit Trade Route and the Hydran way.

The planet is mostly very swampy(much like Dagobah), except for one largish landmass, which is covered in an evergreen forrest. On this landmass two cities are situated; the capital Cregon and it's smaller counterpart Little Cregon. The cities are surrounded by several unnamed hamlets..

The mansion is built mostly from marble, cut in a simple and unassuming style. A path leads up to it's front door(up several steps), the front door is located in the two stories high centre part of the building. To both sides one story high wings sweep forward in V shape. Leaving a largish triangular yard, with enough space to park several speeders or even a small non-orbital shuttle; if it's captain is capable enough.

Some info only known to Ruik's Char;
Inside the central part of the mansion is the general living area; consisting of a large kitchen, dining room, living room and the foyer. In the left wing are several guest bedrooms with all facilities. You have been living in one of these rooms the past years. In the right wing are Marit's private quarters, Marit's study, an extensive library, and the training dojo.

Marit has requested you to welcome the guests, help them settle, arrange for dinner with them, and introduce the guest to her after dinner... Thus giving you time to get to know each other.

2012-01-16, 07:32 PM
Dace moves into the foyer unannounced from another room within the mansion. He is stands tall and confident despite his obvious young age, and indeed stands a few inches above Vir. He is dressed simply in tunic and leggings, with a long slim fitting dark cloak and a plain leather utility belt buckled over the top. Despite the utilitarian nature of his clothing, it is obviously well made, and cut to allow freedom of movement. The metallic body of his lightsaber and a simple design of a bird taking flight embroidered on his right shoulder provide a sharp counterpoint to the otherwise sombre ensemble. He stops in front of the assembled group and gives a bow, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Greetings. My name is Dace Travell, and I am Mistress Skyreach's apprentice. She is not here at present, but she has asked me to great you on her behalf. If you will follow me, dinner has been prepared, and I am sure you must be hungry after your journey. My mistress will join us after." His face breaks into an easy smile as he continues. "I am sure we can even find some rum." He steps back slightly and gestures for the group to follow him into the mansion the way he came, before turning and walking to the dining room speaking as he goes. "Please feel free to seat yourselves, we rarely stand on ceremony here."

2012-01-16, 08:24 PM
Zebron follows the youth in silence. Walking with head bowed like a monk in reverence he was not the most lively fellow at the moment. It had been a bit of a walk to get here, and the feel of this place was so far different from his homeworld that he was feeling very off.

Alex Star
2012-01-17, 10:57 AM
Esrae gave a friendly smile to the young Jedi apprentice, she was plenty familiar with Jedi having met more than a few of them on her homeworld. She took special note of the embroidery on his cloak. Her mother would have approved, she was always commenting on how drab the Jedi looked.

She followed the padawan into the dining room finding herself a seat somewhere near the middle of the table. She watched as the other guests seated themselves as well. She could not help but stare at the other giant man, he looked to be dressed like a Jedi, but it was the bindings over his eyes that intruiged her. She had seen blind people before, and he didn't move like he was blind. Curious at what she could find out she began tapping away at her datapad.

2012-01-17, 12:29 PM
Viddi smiles as the Jedi Apprentice invites the gathered people into the dining room, finding herself a seat near the head of the table to sit down on while she made a note of the arms her fellow diners wore so openly. "How kind of you." She says to Dace as he assures her of the presence of rum. "This is quite an unusual band of guests Mistress Skyreach has invited." She comments, her eyes flashing to the giant man in the room.

"Mister Dace, will the man who invited me be joining us?" Viddi adds, placing her hands in her lap. "He seemed such an interesting fellow!"

2012-01-18, 12:08 AM
Dace moves to a sideboard as everyone seats themselves, gathering plates, glasses and utensils. He moves around methodically laying out places for his three guests and one for himself while he answers Viddi. "I am afraid that much of my study here is self-directed, and as such I am unaware of the arrangements that my mistress made to ask you here, including her messengers. It is just us for the moment."

Once the places are set, he begins rummaging around in another cabinet, and you here the clink of glass. "As a general rule we do not imbue alcohol, myself due to my age, and my mistress due to personal choice. We keep some for guests though, and... Ahh, here it is." He moves over and pours Viddi her drink, setting the bottle down on the table within reach. "Can I get anyone else something else to drink? I shall bring water with the meal."

2012-01-18, 05:02 AM
Alex Star;
On the net you don't find info on blind jedi directly. However; you do find some info on a race called Miraluka; they are in all ways very similar to humans, except for the fact that they have no eyes and see through the force. Thus, the entire race is in some degree force sensitive.

2012-01-18, 07:02 AM
Zebron bow his head as he sits calmly in the chair. His head does not turn but he plays very close attention to his current host,"Water will be fine for me when it comes. Thank you."

Zebron then does turn his head to the young nobles he had arrived with,"I am sorry I did not introduce myself earlier ladies. The feel of this world is far more chaotic and offputting than mine own. I should not have allowed it to stunt my manners. I am Padawan Zebron Lightwarden of the Planet Miraluka."

2012-01-18, 10:24 AM
Viddi accepts the rum in her glass with a pleasant smile, running her finger around the rim of the glass first. "Oh, that's a shame. The more the merrier, no? Except maybe in the case of explosives." She says, reaching out for the bottle of rum and examining the labelling for its origin.

Her eyes flash to the giant as he speaks, tilting her head to the side in curiosity. "Hello Zebron." She smiles widely. "I don't believe I've heard much of Mirulaka before. Perhaps it would ease your nerves to tell us about it?"

2012-01-18, 10:34 AM
Zebron brought his hands together and tilted his head down for a moment,"Please forgive me, I mispoke. I am Miraluka from the planet Alpheridies. It is a dark but very peacefully place. Many many millenia ago my plant was bright, a paradise. It was settled by humans much like yourselves. Over the generations, our star devolved into a red giant. The planet was still kept warm, but there was no long light enough to see. Were it not for the force my people would have all died. The plants and animals of my world were blessed with sight. I see you and all through the force. Though I have no eyes my people are gifted with seeing the world for what it truly is."

Alex Star
2012-01-18, 04:46 PM
Happy with what she'd learned on the HoloNet and aware that a conversation was striking up around her Esrae put away her datapand and smiled at their host. "Just a glass of wine would be fine, as I don't know what we're having to eat I'll leave the choice up to you."

Turning back to face the Miraluka she asked in her most inquisitive tone. "So what exactly do you, I don't know how to put it, "see" when you look at us?"

2012-01-18, 05:51 PM
"As I cannot truly comprehend how you see the world I will try to describe the way I see it." Zebron says in a polite as way as possible,"I see the force. I see it and how the things around me interact with it. Everything has a wavelength and vibrant color that alters the flow of the force so slightly. Every emotion in or expressed to a thing. I am even capable of reading written text for the meaning of those words are not lost to the force. Many of what I have read on texts of the religion out there would describe the way I see as the way gods sees. Everything in this room appears to me the same as if you were to stare directly at it."

2012-01-19, 09:03 AM
The rum is from a hamlet near Little Cregon. Acording to it's label it is "the intergalactic pirates' favourite rum"

2012-01-19, 09:18 AM
Dace nods at Esrae's request, and moves once more to the cabinet and begins searching, muttering to himself as he goes. "I cannot say I have much experience with explosives." He returns and pours her drink, leaving the bottle on the table once more within her reach. Once satisfied he makes his way into what much be the kitchen, and begins to bring out plates of food and a pitcher of water. He listens to Zebron's story with interest as he moves back and forth, but it is clear that not all of it is a revelation to him.

2012-01-19, 12:37 PM
Viddi's eyes smile as she reads the label of the rum, placing it down and taking a sip of the poured rum. She listens to Zebron's ongoing explanations of his species with a critical ear. If he was able to see without needing a line of sight, it would be difficult to make any movements without him noticing. Not that she would need to unless a particularly interesting conversation came up.

"Gracious host," She speaks quietly to Dace while Zebron himself speaks and Esrae is poured her wine. "How would you prefer to be referred to? Master Travell? Dace?" After getting her answer, she waits for Zebron to stop speaking before speaking at a regular volume. "Do you have an interest in the culinary arts?" She asks Dace, observing the food they were being served.

2012-01-21, 09:00 AM
Dace moves closer to Viddi as he moves the various plates of what appears to be fairly respectable fair out to the table. "Dace is fine, I have long way to go before I earn the title of 'Master'." He brings out a final platter and a jug of water and then seat's himself, looking at Viddi once more. "I guess you could say it is an interest of necessity. It is only myself and my master residing here. So it is up to me, with the help of the kitchen, to provide decent fare for us both."

2012-01-21, 03:07 PM
Halfway through dinner someone knocks on the front door of the mansion insistently.

Ooc; Dace, you know your master trusts you to open it

2012-01-21, 07:34 PM
[roll0] dc 15 sense surroundings. Who is behind the door?

2012-01-22, 06:58 AM
Dace lays aside his utensils and stands as he hears the knock. "Please excuse me." He gives another small bow and then moves to the front of the house and opens the door.

2012-01-22, 09:09 AM
Outside are 2 droids with what looks like a very heavy crate between them. As you open the the door, one speaks up; "Greetings master, we have a delivery for mistress Skyreach. Could you sign for it here please?"

He's holding out a datapad for you to sign.

2012-01-23, 07:23 AM
Dace nods and reaches for the pad to sign. "That's fine, I will accept responsibility for the delivery. Tell me please, who sent it?"

2012-01-23, 07:33 AM
The droid who addressed you earlier is quiet for a minute... He then responds slowly "This crate was sent to you by 'unknown'. Unable to load sender details." The droid seems to refocus; "Thank you for using SpaceDroids carrier service. Should you have any further request considering your package, SpaceDroids carrier service or prices please refer to your local dealer"

At this the droid turns 180 degrees and starts moving down the yard, towards the road leading to Cregon

2012-01-24, 09:37 PM
"Be wary brother." Zebron said cautiously,"Search your feelings, it is a truly rare thing for someone that hides their identity that does not wish harm to our order. Search the interior with the force or have a droid open it."

2012-01-25, 07:10 AM
Dace taps his chin as he considers the box, not immediately responding. After a short time he moves back inside the house to the dining room. "I am afraid a droid will not be possible. Only Mistress Skyreach and myself reside here, and we have no droids. I don't suppose any of you have any experience in opening... Unusual deliveries... Safely? Otherwise I fear we may have to wait for my Mistress to return."

Alex Star
2012-01-25, 09:13 AM
Having discretely finished her meal while the delivery was being made Esrae now stands in the nearby doorway considering the box. "I'd love to give it a shot, but I'm not nearly as mechanically inclined as I'd like to be for such a task. Perhaps it would be best to simply wait for Master Skyreach, we could be making a fairly big deal of nothing."

2012-01-27, 01:54 AM
Dace looks thoughtful as he considers Esraes comment. "Still, I am curious as to the circumstances of this delivery. It could be malicious, but it could equally be something important that I should inform my Mistress of." He trails off as he turns back to the front of the building, getting a distant look in his eyes.

UTF check to 'search his feelings' and find out if opening the box will yield a favourable or unfavourable result in the immediate future. Not sure if you want me to roll or not, so I'll put one in here, and you can roll again if you wish so I don't know the result.
