View Full Version : (PF) The Dark Tower, Stat the Characters

2012-01-15, 12:22 PM

This thread concerns the books series "The Dark Tower" written by Stephen King.
If you have NOT read the books, you will be of no help.
If you are currently reading the books, SPOILERS ahead, continue at your own peril.
If you have already read the books, you are welcome to stay.

Ok, back to the actual topic.
This is currently more of a thought exercise than anything that will actually be used.
I would like the stat the main characters of the Dark Tower series, using Pathfinder rules. Feedback/advice/criticism all welcome.
Most will end up with levels in Gunslinger (duh).

For the sake of argument, all characters will be stated using 20-point buy. And all will be human (except for Oy of course). They will be stated at 'level 1', because Roland is obviously a higher level than any of the other characters, and the exact # of levels are up to discussion.
Putting their levels at when they are FIRST introduced:
I'd put Roland at at least level 10.
Eddie and Susannah maybe around 5.
Jake at 1.
Oy, unsure.

Roland of Gilead
Roland is old. I would place him in the "old" age category (-3 Phys, +2 Mental) (feel free to argue "middle" vs. "old" age below). First stats are 'base', stats in () are 'old', Human bonus went to Dex.
Str 14 (11)
Dex 17 (14)
Con 13 (10)
Int 8 (10)
Wis 15 (17)
Cha 10 (12)

Stat Reasoning:
Str he is above average due to rigorous training, but doesn't rely on Str.
Dex is high for shooting, all the Level Increase Points will go here.
Con is fairly low, as Roland had minor health issues.
Int is low, Wis is high, he was described as not too bright, but very stubborn/willful.
Cha is neither good, nor bad.

At least Gunslinger 5 for Dex-to-damage, probably Pistolero ACF.
He displays a LOT of skills throughout the books, more than his Int would suggest. One (or more) of the following seem fitting choices:
Ranger (Falconer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/falconer)), he trained a Falcon as a boy.
Inquisitor, for the Monster Lore ability, gets to add Int AND Wis to Knowledge checks vs. creatures
Bard (Archivist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/archivist)), upon a successful Knowledge check, may give allies bonuses on To-Hit, AC, Saves. His preform of choice would either be "sing" or "riddles"

Other: His right hand is missing 2 fingers, this gives him a (insert penalty) when using it to wield weapons/preform skills with that hand. On a related note, he has the feat Two-Weapon Fighting, but can obviously no longer make full use of it.

Eddie: He is the odd duck in more ways than one, despite becoming a Gunslinger he has the worst stats for it. (race bonus went to Con). First level increase goes to Dex.
Str 14
Dex 13
Con 16
Int 11
Wis 9
Cha 15

Reasoning? Average-ish Male, not too smart, likes to Joke around. The high Con is explained by fighting his Heroin addiction, and eventually winning.

Levels: Before he met Roland, I'd put him as either a
Bard (Court Bard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/court-bard)), or
Bard (Street Performer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/street-performer))
Using Perform (Bad Jokes) of course.
After Roland, he'd be a Gunslinger, probably Mysterious Stranger to make use of Cha.

Susannah: The chick of the group, has/had multiple personalities (not sure how to work that in). Race bonus in Cha.
Str 14* (see 'Other' section)
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 15

Reasoning: Good Str from pushing her wheelchair, fair Dex bonus for thieving, mid Con as she isn't too physically tough. Good mentals from Education/Street Smarts/Pretty Lady.

Levels: Pre-Roland, she was a Social Rogue into Petty Theft.
Rogue (Cutpurse (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue-archetypes/cutpurse))
Gunslinger as normal.

Other: She has no Legs! Half Carry-Weight, 5ft. movement when without special equipment (wheelchair).

Jake: Is a kid, for lack of an official template, we will apply -4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha. 'Child' stats are in (). Race bonus to Dex.
Str 13 (9)
Dex 16 (18)
Con 13 (11)
Int 13 (13)
Wis 14 (14)
Cha 11 (13)

Reasoning: Typical early-teens boy, all stats fairly average, with the exception of Dex. He was called an exceptional shot (for his age), and the only way to do this (he has few, if any class levels) would be with a High Dex.
Note: His 'final' Dex is higher than Roland's, but his 'base' Dex is still lower than 'base' Roland's.

Levels: I'd give him 1 level at the most, in either Commoner/Aristocrat/Expert. He's an upper-middle-class schoolboy.

Oy: Ideally he would be someone's (Jake's) Animal Companion, but none of the other characters have enough non-Gunslinger levels to qualify for one even if they were an appropriate class.
He's a cross between a Racoon, Dog, and Woodchuck, with the voice of a Parrot.
It's questionable if he has 'standard' animal intelligence (2), or if he's smart enough to qualify as a magical beast (3+).
Given that he cannot be an Animal Companion, I'd say make him a Magical Beast, with limited vocabulary.

This is done (enough) for now. Let the replies commence.

2012-01-15, 12:56 PM
I would change Eddies stats a bit. Since he was described as skinny (therefore the str does not fit, I would say about 12 is sufficent for him). AND Roland is stronger and has more endurance than eddie due to his yearlong training.

Additionally he has many skills but sadly due to his brothers interference not even one is fully developed. Although his tricks in deceival (?) are pretty good.

Furthermore I would say Roland is middle aged, the second age step, not the third.

I hope you find this helpful.

2012-01-15, 01:17 PM
I would change Eddies stats a bit. Since he was described as skinny (therefore the str does not fit, I would say about 12 is sufficent for him). AND Roland is stronger and has more endurance than eddie due to his yearlong training.

Additionally he has many skills but sadly due to his brothers interference not even one is fully developed. Although his tricks in deceival (?) are pretty good.

Furthermore I would say Roland is middle aged, the second age step, not the third.

I hope you find this helpful.

I will fix Eddie's Str, but he's still the (second?) strongest of the group (more by virtue of the legless lady, and child in the group than anything). So a 13/14 would still be appropriate.

Eddie should by far have the best Con though.
He's battled a Heroin addiction for years, while Roland was almost killed by a simple infection (Roland is still tough mind you, but not 'quite' so much as Eddie)

As far as Roland's age category, it could go either way.
His age is never explicitly given in the books.

Arguments for 'younger': poking around on the internet puts his age around 50 at the end of the first book. And he doesn't seem all that old.

Arguments for 'old', the infection almost kills him (implies current low Con, but he must have had higher Con to survive his younger years). He has the beginnings of Arthritis.
And despite his _physical_ age, it's implied that he's _chronologically_ at least 100 years old (time being screwy and all that).
His age "around" 50, puts him very close to the Middle/Old cutoff at age 53.