View Full Version : What I like about my DM.... (or a list of praise instead if flames)

2012-01-15, 04:31 PM
I noticed all the DM complain threads, and I realised that my DM is actually one that I like as a DM. Which made me think that DMs that actually do their job well deserve a little praise.

Feel free to share the strong points of your DM. I'll start with mine's:

I ofter send him suggestions, and once in a while, I get one fulfilled, but with a twist... Always a pleasant surprise.
He deliberatly creates moments of spotlight for every party member, but it's theirs to grab it.
He's well prepared, with all the props and maps.

2012-01-15, 07:27 PM
I absolutely LOVE one of DM's (we rotate) NPC development. Even if it's an NPC that another NPC is going to story-kill in 2 sessions, he really brings them to life and makes you hate/love/want to avenge them.

I also like his houserules, time limit to determine your action, and metagaming gets you shot with a nerf gun, lol.

Another thing about this particular DM is that even though he may pit the party against a rediculous foe, creative thinking can win where brute force doesn't. As an example our 8th(? been a while) lvl party went up against a 15th lvl paladin being dominated by the BBEG via a magic item. He was spanking us up one hallway and down the other until our party paladin channeled his Lay Hands into the ring that was dominating him. The DM hadn't forseen that action, but since it was a very paladin-esque thing to do, it broke the ring.

2012-01-15, 08:15 PM
My DM is me, which makes him totally awesome and a generally great guy.

Jokes aside, a friend of mine runs really good, world-integrated political intrigue campaigns.

2012-01-15, 08:35 PM
While i am the go to DM of my circle, just about everyone has tried once or twice. and while it's usually a crash and burn when we get to the rules (considering they have to ask me or our token evil just about everything) they develop into pretty decent "wing-it" campaigns that run on rule of cool. even had an epic "wing-it" campaign. balanced? no. challenging? heck no? makes a cool story? definitively.

So i guess what i'm trying to say is that a break from the normal, psudorestrictive rules that may be imposed, throwing a few crowning moments in for the sake of flavor usually makes everyone happy (unless it conflicts with the overall plot that is).

2012-01-16, 09:00 AM
Given that our group is 7 players plus the DM, he does a pretty good job.

I cant say his voice acting is inspirational but he is always prepared and manages to keep everyone in the party involved. Challenges in game vary from the intellectual to skill based to outright combat and he scales it pretty well. We dont always end up bulldozing but neither to we get squashed.

Also hes really good at throwing in details that our characters enjoy. One time we walked into a room with a huge firepit and braziers and our pyromaniac wizard passed out from the sight.