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2012-01-15, 07:27 PM
A stiff, frigid wind screams south from the mountains across the plain.
The wind carries snow from the peak, and bits of ice torn from primordial glaciers that slash at the beaten grass.
The Winter Wolf lets the wind caress its frozen fur, kneading the ground with claws of black ice.
Pressed against the ground, the winter wolf looks ahead, toward the black rocks, that signal the end of the plain. The Clever Two Legged Ones with their Long-eared Two-legged Ones ride Hard-footed Four Legged Ones toward their safety.
The Winter Wolf glowers, letting a low growl build in its throat.
The Winter Wolf does not know why the Prey rode over his mountains, and he did not care.
What he does know, and he knows it very, very well, as only the most cunning of creatures can, is that his Pack is hungry.
The Two Legged Ones had lost two of their Four-Legged Ones in the crossing, and The Pack had fed well.
But now they were hungry again, and the Winter Wolf, Morning Shard, as he called himself, had duties to his Pack.
Bleeding Night and Crying Sun, Dire Wolves, were stronger than Shard, but he did not lead the pack with strength alone-his massive size hid his cunning well, and the frozen forces that stirred within his being were well-suited to completing this hunt.
Morning Shard does not care, nor know, why they have crossed his mountains.
Morning Shard does not care, nor know, why they they ride across the frozen plain.
Morning Shard does not care, nor know, why they ride south, where none go and where none are.
But he knows hunger.
He knows hunger well, and perhaps that's one thing that Morning Shard and The Prey know very well.
He does not know, that they too have fled death and fought tooth and nail to survive.
He does not know that love, for a woman, carries them south, against all odds.
He does not know of a war, a war of gods, that shook the heavens in eons past, leaving broken remains. And he most certainly does not know of the gods before those gods, who weren't really gods...
...for Morning Shard is a Winter Wolf, and such foolish things are meant for the Two-Legged Ones, with their sharp sticks and hot fires and naked skins.
Morning Shard does not know that the woman they carry with them, south, ever onward, is the greatest being they have ever known, nor does he know that she had been taken from them, to appease an Empire built against the chaos of those ancient wars.
He does not know of the Eldritch Knights; stalwars guards of the Empire's peace, power and prosperity.
He does know that the Four-legged Ones do taste good, and while he's never eaten a Two-Legged Ones, Morning Shard also know its always good to try new things.
Drool drips across fangs of black ice, and freeze, only adding to the cutting edge that makes hims so deadly.
His Pack is hungry.
His Pack is strong.
His Pack is ready...
But Morning Shard is patient, for he knows that there is much he does not know about the Prey, and the key to a successful Hunt is to know, as much as a Wolf can know...
Morning Shard has never met a Ranger; he can't tell one Two-legged One from the other, though he has clearly marked one of the Two-Legged Ones as frail, and weaker than his fellows.
Morning Shard licks his lips.
The Frail Two-Legged One with its Long Ears rides a smaller Four-Legged One, and so, Morning Shard knows where his pack will strike first.
He does know one of the Long-eared Two-legged One carries one of their Striking-Claws, made from the bones of a great beast.
A Winter Wolf like Morning Shard can sense the power of magic, after all, he has a little himself...
...Morning Shard may not know a many great things, but the things he does know, he knows very well.
He knows that the time to end the Hunt is now.
The Two-legged Ones ride hard, and the Four-legged Ones are tired, and with the black rocks ahead, desperation will fog their willingness to fight, and his Pack, will not be hungry anymore.
Morning Shard knows he will finally taste a Two-legged One.
Another of the Two Legged Ones, a Clever One who Calls Lightning and Fire rides; Morning Shard smelt him as soon as he rode onto his mountain.
Morning Shard knows that the Ones who Call Fire and Lightning are dangerous-they kill with Words.
But he also knows, a Wolf Around The Throat, chokes all the words a Two-Legged one may know.
If Morning Shard could smile, he would.
He will enjoy this Hunt.
One of the Two-legged Ones is one of the Angry Ones...
...once, their kind roamed all the world, and their anger drew the Wolves from their many places, and they walked and Hunted, as one.
Morning Shard would like to Hunt that one.
Morning Shard knows, many, many things.
But he does not of the Sword they carry.
Taken, through a ruse, in the dead of night, to aid their quest.
The Wizard had spoken, and taking heed, they had stolen it away, as they had taken their love, south, across the mountains, to the Forbidden Lands.
But Morning Shard does not care for Empires, Princesses, Ancient Swords and Heroes; he cannot eat an Empire, and Princesses do not have much meat on their bones.
Ancient Swords are no match for Morning Shard-he has his PACK! And his Pack is stronger than any hero.
His paws crack skulls, and his jaws end dreams.
His breath, is death and his gaze is the end of life itself.
Morning Shard is hungry, and and the Winter Wolf knows his duty, is to his pack.
Blades of grass, frozen in place, crunch as the Winter Wolf raises himself onto his paws, dumping ice and snow to the ground.
He knows how to begin to Hunt, and announces himself.

[roll0] Party's Combined Initiative Roll
[roll1] The Wolf Pack's Combined Initiative Roll
Welcome to the game!
Shadow of the Colossus!

Torapart as Cyran Alaem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359503), Elven Ranger
Jacior as Syrith Morcu (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359611), Elven Fighter
Keegan__D as Dathus Monteal (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=359607), Elven Rogue
Human Paragon as a Sir Jory Stone. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=360607), Human Eldritch Knight
Zale as Alfire Tossen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=302913), Human Mage
Todash as Alric (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=360983), Human Barbarian
Elfstone as Elghinn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=361348), Magus of the Blade
Igneel as Branwen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=361394), Human Shapeshift Druid

Your party of adventurers comes from the Empire, ruled by its Twelve Emperors, one of the greatest bastions of civilization left.
Mono, the heir apparent of one of the Empire's great houses, was sacrificed for her cursed fate, an act of faith that resounds through the Empire every hundred years.
This is particularly unwelcome to your characters, who have loved and been loved by Mono, as long as she's know them.
She has given them life and purpose, and now she is a broken, cold shell, wrapped over Sir Jory Stone's horse.
The Eldritch Knights are the defenders of the Empire, defendings its peace, power and prosperity in every corner, they are the expression of the Empire's good, and lawful spirit. From riding forth to put down rebellions and bringing food to the poor, the Eldritch Knights greatest tasks, is the slaying of demons left rampant by the departure of most of the gods.
With the departure of all the gods but the Creator, many turned to nature to seek their strength, such as rangers like Cyran Alaem, an elf, who's black hair folds around his pointy ears and wears dark leather as his armor, using his easy to carry Kukri as his weapons, while others looked to rampant arcane energies with which to define the world around them, such as Alfire Tossen, a short and pathetically skinny man with frazzled red hair and a rather grumpy expression. The mage is dressed in loose muted green clothing, and a brown hooded traveling cloak.
Cyran is good-natured, rather different from the rest of society, and Alfire, despite his grumblings and glares, likes helping people. Of course, he likes his studies more, and so tries to convince others to leave him alone. The only exception to this was a single person... Cyran seeks challenges from nature - when necessary, serving as a guide through his specialized terrains for others.
Without Mono, Alfire would have been subjected to the hard labor of the mines- something he has no doubts would have killed him. So in a very real way, she saved his life. To him, it's only right that he repays his debt to her- and tries to return hers.
Others, looked to their own strength to define themselves, such as Alric, who never chose or knew a last name, and Syrith, who's dragonbone bow is an odd weapon even among the deadliest of warriors the Empire fields, or has faced.
Tall for a wood elf, especially a wood elf, Syrith is also quiet and mellow. He tries not to let the cruelty of the world get to him as he seeks mastery of his profound archery skill. Syrith was in love. That's the best way to put it. It's the kind of love that makes you want whatever makes the other person happy. Even if it means she's with someone else, instead of of you. So, he contented himself being the best friend he could to her and protecting her with his life and bow as a bodyguard.
On the same hand, he couldn't stand the thought of her being sacrificed so he is also doing it out of a sense of justice and outrage at the stupid gods.
Alric was always large, as well. Living as a slave, his size made him a popular choice for the pits. His large stature hid a gentle nature, and the crowds booed and jeered as he would simply dodge and stand firm. Taking hits, and refusing to fight. Until one day, his longtime friend was slain, and it awoke the rage within him. After slaying his enemies, and the guards, they threw him into the Blackmines.
Syrith on the other hand is soft-spoken but never tolerates bullying for the sake of bullying. He prefers to let his skill speak for him and let that be that. Long red-copper hair is neatly trimmed to shoulder length behind his ears and short bangs in front. He wears light pads along his chest, shoulders and abdomen and has a longbow strapped across his back. Under the pads he wears dark forest colors, browns and greens, thick leather boots and thin, sleek gloves. He also wears bracers inscribed with arrows and a thin cloak wrapped around his shoulders.
Alric is large and imposing, but very quiet. Rarely speaking, he is very soft spoken, and oddly thoughtful when he does. He is a gentle man to a fault, but when his friends are threatened, he reacts swiftly. His wrath is terrible once unleashed, his sword swift, and his aim true. He saved the life of the princess many times, but when she died, it was as if he were trapped in the deeps once more. He would do anything to bring her life, as she had once given life to him.
Different as they may be, Alric and Syrith are one and the same in their dedication to Mono.
Dalthus is just as dedicated to the princess of the House of Black Throne. Outfitted to get the job done, his sword and strength for his steadfast ability to complete any and every task before him.
Elghinn ulu l' ultrine, is a lithe, decently sized drow with close cropped white hair and purple eyes, although these are covered with all black miniature lenses, making his eyes appear to be all pupil. Born a truly evil drow, El found peace in the art of combining steel and magic. He left his city to wander the world and to comprehend its entirety. An opposing house to his wanted him dead so they could remove him from the huse politics should he ever return. His party was wiped out save himself and a drow ranger. He resolved to wander the last refuge open to him, the surface. Once there he chanced upon the party and Mono, who offered him a new chance at a real life. When she died, he swore he would offer her the same.
Branwen 'Emerald Eyes', "Bran" to Mono is a fairly exotic looking individual around the parts that she lives in, with her flaming red hair that goes below her waist, emerald eyes, and "worked under the sun all summer" tan.
She didn't have very many friends because of her foreigner looks and beliefs, which don't quite fall into the Empire's sphere, so she grew distant from most people growing more familiar with nature rather then her humanity.
At times she is as gentle as a spring breeze, but can just as quickly turn into a furious hurricane when provoked.
After Mono's public sacrifice, they have worked together to find out from the First Wizard, the legend of an ancient place, where a creature named Dormin, with power of light and wind, could return life to the dead.
Taking the Ancient Sword and Mono's body from rest, they had Mono's father's aid in escaping the city, though Jory knows they have not escaped Prince Edmund's notice.
It is only a matter of time before they're followed by something for more dangerous than the wolves who had hounded them across the mountains and picked off their pack horses.
Now, with the black rocks ahead, the Party sees escape in sight, with Mono and their destiny beyond.

The most important characters have reconizable voices...
Prince Edmund: "What have you done!"
Mono: "All of you... Mean so much to me..."
The First Wizard: I believe, I have knowledge you can use...
Dormin, Male: Hi, my name is..., my name is...
Dormin, Female: ...Slim Shady! Sliiiiiiim Shady!

I think Group Initiative is appropriate for this.
I average out your Initiative Bonuses, and roll you guys against the Colossus.
Your actions will take place in the order that you post, and may reflect the actions preceding yours.
If you get ninja'd or 'saged, you gotta edit your post
The current Group Initiative Bonus os +5

The Mech's...
System: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition
Player Count: 6
Style of Play: Roleplaying Boss-battles
Allowed Content: Official D&D core classes and prestige classes only. Spells can be taken from the Spell Compendium. SRD-oriented.

Character Creation:

Backstory: Can be whatever you want
Experience: Half-way to 14-th level
Wealth: WBL+50%
Ability Scores: Rolled 4d6b3
Hitpoints/Health: MAX OUT
Alignment: Whatever you like.

Other Notes:

If it isn't core, don't use it.
Necromany and Summoning-spells, as well as Teleportation spells and up won't work that well.
Buy a horse.

The 16
1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?
3.5 Edition!

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?
The world of Fumito Ueda's Shadow of the Colossus, ICO and The Last Guardian games!

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?
6! No alternates!
If we dip below two, I know what to do next.

4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?
Play-by-post right here on GitP!

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?
Half-way to 14-th level!

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?
Core classes and Prestige Classes.
NO homebrews or other classes.
Unearthed Arcana is allowed. The SRD is referenced.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?
Core-races only. Unearthed Arcana is allowed. The SRD is referenced.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?
Roll 4d6 and choose the best 3 results.

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?
Won't really be of importance.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
Yes. No experience penalties.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?
I roll my rolls, you roll yours. I will show my rolls.

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.
Do not place extra-dimensional spaces within other extra-dimensional spaces.

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
It should be like a skirt, short enough to keep me interested, yadda yadda, what that other guy said.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
It's essentially boss-battles; if you played the game and are looking for a similar experience this will be it.
But the Colossi will be more violent. I'm going to use the bonus Colossi if I can-there'll be subtle changes.

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?
CORE BOOKS! SRD. Unearthed Arcana and the Spell Compendium.

House Rules

Heavy crossbows (including their repeating forms) have their base damage die increased by one step. As this is a modification to the base item, it stacks with any other effects of that type.
Crossbows can be made to utilize the user's Strength bonus by mechanisms that provide more resistance, and recoil when fired that requires a stronger user in order to utilize properly. This otherwise works just like composite bows, including the +75 (light) or +100 (heavy) gold per + of strength bonus on the 'pull'.
Crossbows, but not bows can ignore a number of points of armor or natural armor bonus equal to the strength bonus of the crossbow or the strength bonus of the wielder, whichever is the lower. Crossbows do not bypass AC that is not armor or natural armor, and if the target has less armor or natural armor than you have penetrating power the remainder has no effect. Yes, this does effectively give you Str and Dex to hit with a crossbow against armored foes.
Composite bows and crossbows can have their pull increased, but not decreased by a skilled bowyer. This requires materials of a total cost of the price difference between the current and the new item + 50 gold, 1 hour of time, and a successful Craft (bowyer) check made at the end of this process. The DC on this skill check is 20 + the new composite bonus of the bow + 2 if the bow or crossbow is an exotic weapon. Failing this check requires the bowyer to restart the hour long process from the beginning but their materials remain intact. Failing by 5 or more ruins the materials but does not harm the bow or crossbow.
A new wondrous item exists in the form of the Sniper's Bowstring. Any bow fitted with a Sniper's Bowstring automatically counts as composite adjusted to their current Strength score. Its market value is 1,000 gold and can be crafted by anyone with a CL of 3, Craft Wondrous Item, and Bull's Strength.
A new item exists, the throwing dagger. As you might expect from the name, they are finely balanced for throwing, and have a range increment of 30 feet. However they are not suited

If you have at least 4 BAB, you can Precise Shot with any ranged weapon you are proficient in.
If you have Precise Shot, you can still shoot at opponents in melee without the -4 Attack Roll Penalty, and gain an additional +2 Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls.
If you have at least 1 BAB, you can Point Blank Shot with any ranged weapon you are proficient in.
If you have the Point Blank Shot feat, you get a +2 Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls at 30 ft., instead of +1. With Precise and Point Blank Shots, that's a +4 Bonus to Attack Rolls at 30 ft.!
If you have at least 1 BAB, you can Power Attack with any weapon you are proficient in. If you have the Power Attack feat, you can Power Attack with any weapon you use, and add a .5 to any multiplying effects associated with Power Attack. So, 1.5 and 2.5.
If you have the Power Attack feat, you can Power Attack with any weapon you use, multiply the extra damage from the Power Attack by 1.5. This means with a one-handed weapon Power Attack, a penalty of -6 to the Attack Roll results in a Damage Roll of 9 and a Damage Roll of 18 for a two-handed weapon Power Attack. Yeah!

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

You can become proficient with any weapon by training with it for (10 days your BAB, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check. The DC is 10 for Simple weapons, 15 for Martial weapons, 20 for Exotic weapons. You cannot take 10 on this check. If this check fails you can try again from the beginning, but if it fails by 5 or more you cannot reattempt to learn that weapon until your BAB permanently improves.
You can become proficient with any armor by training with it for (14 days your BAB + the armor bonus of the armor, minimum 1 day) and making an Int check. The DC is 7 + the armor bonus of the armor. You cannot take 10 on this check. If this check fails you can try again from the beginning, but if it fails by 5 or more you cannot reattempt to learn that armor until your BAB permanently improves. If the armor has other negative effects such as arcane spell failure or violates Druidic oath you still suffer those drawbacks.

If you have at least 4 BAB, you can apply Weapon Focus to one weapon in a line that automatically scales with HD. At 4 you are considered to have Weapon Specialization with that weapon, at 8 Greater Weapon Focus, and at 12 Greater Weapon Specialization. Note that it does not matter what class those levels are in. And yes, that does include monsters. By 12th level, a character should have a +2 Attack Roll Bonus with their chosen weapon and a +4 Damage Roll Bonus with the same weapon.
If you take the Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization Feats, double the bonuses, so by 12th level, a character would have a +4 Attack Roll Bonus and a +8 Damage Roll Bonus with their chosen weapon.
Fighters TRIPLE the bonus from taking the Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization Feats.
More on the Familiar Weapon Focus path...
Remember that one weapon; a weapon, grapple, unarmed strike or ray for spellcasters, can be selected for the character to apply the scaling feat to, resulting in a +2 and +4 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls at 12th level.
Non-fighters who actually take the feat will have +4 and +8 Bonuses in a chosen weapon, as well as the free +2 and +4 with another weapon. Do not mix the use of feats and paths. A character cannot choose a long sword and battle axe, and achieve a +3 and +5 bonus in both.
Fighters gain the benefit of tripling the results of actually taking the Weapon Foucs line feat, for a total of +6 and +12 at twelth level, and double the bonuses from the free feat, and double the bonus for the free Weapon Focus line.

+1 to Attack
+2 to Damage
+1 to Attack
+2 to Damage = +2/+4 @ Level 12, with Familiar Weapon Focus (Free)

+1 to Attack
+2 to Damage
+1 to Attack
+2 to Damage = +2/+4 @ Level 12, with Familiar Weapon Focus (Free) as a Non-fighter
+2 to Attack
+4 to Damage
+2 to Attack
+4 to Damage = +4/+8 @ Level 12, from Weapon Focus to Greater Weapon Specialization as a Non-Fighter

+2 to Attack
+4 to Damage
+2 to Attack
+4 to Damage = +4/+8 @ Level 12, with Familiar Weapon Focus as a Fighter (Free)
+3 to Attack
+6 to Damage
+3 to Attack
+6 to Damage = +6/+12 @ Level 12, from Weapon Focus to Greater Weapon Specialization as a Fighter

These are house rules I made for my other games, maybe we can use them here...
In translation, everyone get's from Weapon Focus to Greater Weapon Specialization with one weapon for free.
Adaptable, intelligent characters are needed.

The Ancient Sword...
+6 Construct Dread Longsword of Vicious Construct Ruin

Primordial Fiercedread

The Ancient Sword excels at attacking the Colossi. Against Colossi, its effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. Furthermore, it deals +4d6 points of bonus damage against a Colossus and on a critical hit, deals 1d10+1d6 additional damage. Three times per day(through the course of this game), you can activate the Ancient Sword to treat its next attack (if made before the end of your turn) as a touch attack against a Colossus. You must declare that you are using this property before making your attack roll. If the attack misses, the use is wasted.

Primordial Eagerness

The Ancient Sword can be drawn as a free action. While wielding it, you gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +2 bonus on damage rolls made during a surprise round and the first round of combat with a Colossus.

Primordial Ruin

The Ancient Sword ignores the hardness or damage reduction of any Colossi it strikes. Furthermore, the weapon can deal critical hits to the Colossi as if they were conventional living creatures. Also, attacks dealing damage by the Ancient Sword cannot be regenerated by any mean by a Colossus.

Primordial Viciousness

When the Ancient Sword strikes a Colossus, it sinks into its flesh with ease, resulting in a terrific torrent of blood, and deals extra 4d6 points of damage to the colossi.
Against other opponents, it functions as a Vicious Weapon.

Primordial Mantle Shattering

The Ancient Sword lowers a Colossus' considerable spell resistance. Each time the weapon strikes a Colossus relying on its spell resistance, the value of that spell resistance is reduced by 2 for 1 round. The penalties for multiple hits during the same round stack. For example, if you succeed on three attacks in the same round against the same Colossus, that Colossus's spell resistance is reduced by 6 until the beginning of your next turn.
I will make an indication of when this becomes relevant.

Primordial Damaging
The Ancient Sword temporarily increases its own mass at the end point of each swing or shot against Colossi. When the Ancient Sword deals damage, the wound bleeds profusely and the victim takes 5 additional points of damage at the start of each of the wielder's turns for the next 5 rounds. Multiple wounds are cumulative (a creature struck three times in the same round would take 15 points of damage per round for the next 5 rounds).

Primordial Crippling

The Ancient Sword provides a +3d6 to the wielder’s sneak attack damage against a Colossus. If the wielder does not have the sneak attack ability, this weapon does not grant it.

When drawn, an illuminating weapon glows with pure white light, brightly illuminating a 20-foot-radius area and providing shadowy illumination for another 20 feet beyond that.

Powers with the word "Primordial" in their name, indicate they are only relevant against Colossi unless otherwise indicated within the power.
"Colossi" for intents of this weapons use, are the Colossal Constructs contained within the Forbidden Lands, and do not constitute other Colossus' or Constructs in any way.

Caster Level: 8th Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster IX, inflict moderate wounds, enervation, mage’s sword, disintegrate, light, weapon of impact, vampiric touch, summon monster I, keen edge; Market Price: 9257875 gp Cost to Create: Cannot be duplicated

Other abilities will be revealed in-game.

Totem Masks are part of the Empire's culture.
A Bear, Owl, Cat, Fox, Bull, and Eagle mask will work as the corresponding ability boosting spell at +4...
A Wolf Mask let's you make Improved Trips...
A Lion Mask lets you use the Run Feat and gives a +2 damage bonus on charges...
A Jaguar Mask gives you Fast Movement and Uncanny Dodge as a barbarian...
A Horse Mask lets you use the Run and Endurance Feat...
A Dragon Mask lets you use Blind-fight and a frightful presence with a DC equal to half your level + 10 + Charisma modifier
A Boar Mask lets you use the the Diehard Feat.
An Ape Mask lets you use Power Attack as if you'd actually taken it, so use the house-rules and a +2 to Intimidate Checks
A Serpent Mask gives a +2 bonus to Move Silently and an Improved Initiative Circumstance Bonus-so it STACKS!
A Cobra Mask lets you use Spring Attack
A Tiger Mask allows for the use of the Weapon Finesse feat and an Improved Initiative Circumstance Bonus-so it STACKS!

Choose a mask. If you lose or take of the Mask, you don't get the bonus.
Mono gave you the masks as birthday presents.


The same chilling howl that had insured none of them had slept for the past two nights rings across the frozen plain.
With a frigid wind at their back, and frost covering their masks, they're too cold for their hair to even stand on end, even as the Winter Wolf's howl is echoed by his pack from all around.
The Sword is strapped tightly to Syrith's side, its scabbard free from the touch of the cold, it bounces across his leg with each of Leuan's strides. The horse is nose to nose with Jory's own horse, carrying the Eldritch Knight and the tightly wrapped bundle that is their life in death as best it can.
But both horses are tired.
They're all tired.
And not just the horses.
The wolves were relentless, hounding them from the moment they'd entered the mountains and dogging them all the way down onto this dry, frozen plain.
An ancient road, pre-Empire runs straigh from the frozen peaks across the plain and south toward the rocks.
Alric's horse follows just behind Syrith and Jory, next to Alfire's.
Dwarfed by the barbarian's mount, a creature bred for war, Alfire's light mount is also terrified of the wolves, its eyes rolling back and forth as it gallops across patches of ice, snow and frozen grass.
Barron is hardly faring any better under Cyran, with the horses' fear being the sole force keeping it going. They're followed by Elghinn ulu l' ultrine and Branwen, drow and red-haired healer pushing their speeds to match their brisk pace.
El's friend brings up the rear, watching for the wolves in the grass.

The wolves are in a the immediate vicinity of 960 feet.
The characters have 4800 feet until they reach the safety of the black rocks.
Assuming they move at the speed of the slowest horse, that's 150 ft per round at a 3x speed as long as they stay on the remnants of the path beneath their feet.
32 rounds, 3.2 minutes.
Your horses cannot keep up that pace, let alone hustle; devise a plan.
None of the wolves have been seen yet.

2012-01-15, 07:34 PM
[roll0]Party's Combined Initiative Roll
[roll1]Wolf Pack's Combined Initiative Roll

2012-01-15, 09:43 PM
Yay for noobie post! No idea what I'm doing, but here we go. If only I had prepared Endure Elements..

It was all he could do to stay on the damned horse. She was absolutely terrified, the poor thing. They all were tired and on edge because of the frigid cold and the howling. No one had seen a wolf yet, but everyone could hear them, far off in the distance. The Mage desperately held on to the reins as he shouted to his companions, "Any brilliant ideas? We have to hurry before we get eaten! I'm not ending my life as something's food! "

2012-01-15, 09:49 PM
Syrith grimaced under the mask that Mono had given him. Oh so long ago it seemed that he, Jory and Mono would walk in the warm evenings. Not that is was long at all, but this journey drove such musing back so that he could focus his attention on the task the journey was made for. But his mind kept drifting back towards the warmer days, how pleasant they were.

And then that blasted wolf howled again. But this time, much unlike the rest, the full pack, at least presumably full, called back. This... was not good in the least. He nudged Jory, as they were close to try and stay warm. "J-Jory," Syrith's teeth chattered in the icy wind, but he set his jaw and continued. "We can't outrun them. The horses are too tired, they'll just pick us off if keep going like this." He looked seriously at Jory's masked visage and gestured backwards towards the mage. "We need a plan to get the others to the rocks." He shook his head. "We need a plan to survive."

Syrith fingered the powerful, massive bow that he carried. He had never encountered another like it, it was likely he wouldn't. But, it was useless on horseback, he couldn't draw it properly. The sword he carried would be of use if it came to that, but he was not nearly adept at hand to hand combat as would be useful. Such skill with the bow did come with a loss. He shivered again, from the howling now, not the cold.

2012-01-15, 10:19 PM
Standing tall in his saddle, Alric looks around. The cold was as nothing to him, and his horse was well able to run faster than they were moving. His companions however, were flagging.

Looking around sharply, Alric, reigned his horse in a bit. Falling back towards the rear of the column, he drew alongside the Drow's companion. Readying his crossbow, he nods to the man, before falling back slightly more. Easily keeping pace with the rest of them, he looks all around, trying to spot the wolf pack, readying himself for action.

2012-01-15, 11:03 PM
[roll0]Alric's Spot Check
[roll1]Alfire's Spot Check
[roll2]Syrith's Spot Check

Not showing the Pack's Hide Checks, since I gotta hide their numbers.

You can run for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score, but after that you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution check to continue running. You must check again each round in which you continue to run, and the DC of this check increases by 1 for each check you have previously made. When you fail this check, you must stop running. A creature that has run its limit must rest for 1 minute (10 rounds) before running again. During a rest period, a creature can move no faster than is allowed during a normal move action.

...+4 bonus on the following checks and saves ... Constitution checks made to continue running...

By my reading, Alric the barbarian is dropping to the rear?

Smaller shapes, eager for the hunt shift across the plain...
Seven hundred feet away and approaching with howls and snarls that carry across the plain.

2012-01-15, 11:48 PM
El bounces gently on his miltary saddle, saving his mounts strength for the final stretch. Circling round to the back of the group with his companion and Alric, he calls out "I can take someone else and my mount to the destination, but only twice. We can stop and take a stand to let the others go by, but I do not think we will survive. But it will be a good fight to end this tireless struggle." in his lilting speech.

Tossing his shield from his back out into the cold air, it stops and begins circling him slowly as he rides toward the rocks. Flipping around on his saddle to face the howling, he scans the area for their pursuers.


Still working on the cohort. Im thinking lots of big arrows.

Also, for everyone else, we sometimes have massive posts of just spoilers in which we go on and on in OOC. Its interesting. Glad to have you all aboard.

2012-01-15, 11:52 PM
El sees the wolves too.
From this distance, he can see the white specimens are a little larger than the grey wolves back home.
Bouncing over the grass, they form a closing ring around them.

I can take someone else and my mount to the destination, but only twice
4800 feet?
Spellcasting on a horse?

Still working on the cohort. Im thinking lots of big arrows.

2012-01-15, 11:57 PM
Who are our slow horses? More importantly who has crazy go nuts mounts, and can they double up riders? I spose I could try to hunt down the sheets. Oasys, could we get updated sheet links in the first post by chance?

2012-01-15, 11:58 PM
What should I do /enters panic mode.

2012-01-16, 12:16 AM
Oh.. Not 4.8k... But 880...

Stand and fight it is. =)

Im confident max ranks in Concentration will let me make the check Oasy..

El has a crazy horse. He can buff the horses for a short time however. Like make them all move another 30 feet per round faster.

2012-01-16, 12:54 AM
Is my character panicking? :smallconfused:

2012-01-16, 12:57 AM
Gah! I am trying to figure out the penalties I'd have on attacking right now. I know it's at least a -6. But with no penalties on the spot checks, I must assume that there is minimal wind and no precipitation. But that doesn't fit with the desription of the scene.

2012-01-16, 12:59 AM
Sorry, I suppose your post was out of character wasn't it? I will retract my post then.

2012-01-16, 01:14 AM
Her crimson hair whipping about her face despite it being tied back, Branwen couldn't help but roll her eyes at all the boy's discussion about the absolute need for battle or out running their pursuers. Everyone else's mounts seemed to of been getting tired save for Geode, Branwen's Stone Horse, what with being made of rock and all making it a bit more capable of long distance running. Pulling her light-grey travel cloaks hood back over her head and adjusting the Owl mask Mono gave to her she starts to speak up over the whistling winds.

" 'Who's afraid of the big bad wolves? The big bad wolves. Who's afraid of the big bad wolves?' " Then followed by whistles that supposedly are supposed to sound like a little flute tune.

"Are the big strong boys afraid of some big bad hungry wolves? Would you like to have the small weak girl make them all go away?"

Branwen couldn't help but grin and chuckle slightly with her taunts, despite the fact that she too was also afraid of becoming someone else's dinner. Taking a look around at their surroundings she hopes to find enough plant life that hopefully a spell of some sort could be of some assistance.

Possibly finished character sheet: Branwen 'Emerald Eyes' (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=361394)

Current plan in head: Cast either Plant Growth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/plantGrowth.htm) [No save], or Entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm) [Ref save] to at least delay the wolves some.

If not enough signs of plants are evident, Sleet Storm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sleetStorm.htm) for a Balance check that most animals don't do well in, let alone when running.

2012-01-16, 02:49 AM
Syrith dismounts, drawing his bow as his feet crucnh into the icy grass. The Sword bangs heavily against his side. "Take who you can, make sure they're safe before you come back." He draws the bow back, and a slight glow forms than dims revealing an arrow on the string. "I will hold them off, for a bit, at least. Anyone who wants to stay, can." Standing perfectly still, his arm moves with devestating speed to launch five arrows at the closest of the circling wolves.

I am going on the assumption that if I can see them, I can shoot at them at the very least. Full attack, with rapid shot and speed. 5 arrows. Applying a -6 penalty for range. Apply other penalties as needed.

High BAB 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Speed: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Rapid Shot: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
High BAB 2: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
High BAB 3: [roll8] Damage: [roll9]

Hope no one minds if I go on the offensive.

2012-01-16, 03:04 AM
THAT'S your "great plan"?! :smalltongue:

Something tells me that at least I will be doing something to help, but that will have to wait till morning I think.

2012-01-16, 03:05 AM
THAT'S your "great plan"?! :smalltongue:

Something tells me that at least I will be doing something to help, but that will have to wait till morning I think.

Edit: Blargh internet saying I didn't post....

2012-01-16, 03:07 AM
Haven't I wasted my action already?

2012-01-16, 03:09 AM
I never said I had a plan at all! Sheesh.

2012-01-16, 06:26 AM
Who are our slow horses?
I'll figure it out in a while.

Oasys, could we get updated sheet links in the first post by chance?I'm on it.

What should I do /enters panic mode.

Is my character panicking?
Nobody has entered any conditions yet, but this is NOT good.

Stand and fight it is. =)

Im confident max ranks in Concentration will let me make the check Oasy..

El has a crazy horse. He can buff the horses for a short time however. Like make them all move another 30 feet per round faster.
Alright, cast and roll, then!

But that doesn't fit with the desription of the scene.
There's just wind carrying bits of ice and snow. Negligible.

If not enough signs of plants are evident, Sleet Storm for a Balance check that most animals don't do well in, let alone when running.
There are plain grasses and bushes plenty!

Haven't I wasted my action already?

Syrith dismounts, drawing his bow as his feet crucnh into the icy grass.

I am going on the assumption that if I can see them, I can shoot at them at the very least.

THAT'S your "great plan"?!
Note, that assuming your group is moving at the speed of the slowest horse, in round 2, Syrith will be 150 ft. behind everyone if he's the only one who dismounts.

I have actions for Syrith from Jacior-now I need them from everyone else.

there are no set rounds right now.
It's definitely Round 1.

2012-01-16, 09:56 AM
Okay, so you only had to take Wep Focus to gain all the benefits of the fet chain with one weapon, correct?

BecauseJacior either didn't get that, or just is very detail oriented. Im thinking both. Get rid of all the others, all you need is Wep Focus and you get the others for free!

2012-01-16, 10:03 AM
"Ay! What do you think you're doing?" he said, coming to a halt near Syrith and likewise dismounting. He held onto the cat mask he wore, almost falling off due to its' normal position on top of his head -rarely, he put it over his face, which he did now. "We've no idea how many there are!" he continued, shocked as he began to scan the landscape to determine their numbers. Regardless, he prepared himself for the worst.

Spot Check: [roll0]

Total Defense Action (AC goes up to 32)

EDIT: Forgot the Tumble bonus to Total Defense for a moment. Fixed.

2012-01-16, 10:17 AM
Weapon Focus Path

Everyone can apply the Weapon Focus Chain/Line to anyone one weapon or weapon group-not Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning, but actual Weapon Groups from Unearthed Arcana. This Line/Chain scales by level, going from Weapon Focus at 1st-Level, to Greater Weapon Specialization at 12th-Level, resulting in a final bonus of +2 to Attack Rolls and +4 to Damage Rolls
All characters may take the Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization Feats even though they are not fighters, and meet the other prerequisites. Doing this doubles the bonuses, resulting in a +4 bonus to Attack Rolls and +8 to Damage Rolls at 12th-Level. Characters who actually take the Feats, rather than applying the Line/Chain will thus have two weapons or Weapon Groups they have Weapon Focus in, one from actually taking the feats and the other from applying the line.
Fighters, and Fighters only ttriple the bonuses from actually taking the Weapon Focus to Greater Weapon Specialization Feats and double the effects of the Weapon Focus Line/Chain. So, at 12th-Level, a Fighter will have a +6 Attack Bonus and +12 Damage Bonus with one weapon or Weapon Group and +4 to Attack Rolls and +8 to Damage Rolls with another weapon or Weapon Group based on the Weapon Focus Line/Chain.
One only needs to take one level of Fighter to double the effects of the Path but must take levels of Fighter as RAW in order to triple to results. Dipping Fighter wins battles, taking Fighter wins wars.
I swear, if anyone takes a Weapon Focus on Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning Weapons, animated flaming rocks will fall into their rear ends.
DO NOT, mix the Line/Chain with the actual taking of Feats. If you apply the Chain/Line's Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization for longsword, you CANNOT then take the Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization for longsword-you MUST continue to apply the line. Of course, if for some reason you don't want to continue the line, I guess you don't have to, but you can't apply it elsewheres.

I'm pretty sure that's as thorough as it gets.

So, from what I see Syrith has done, he's applied the Weapon Focus/Specialization Line/Chain to his greatbow, meaning at 12th-Level, and as a Fighter, he'd have a +4 Attack Roll Bonus and a +8 Damage Roll Bonus with his Greatbow.

Based in what I see,Branwen, Dathus, Alfire and maybe Jory and El have not applied the Weapon Focus Path to their characters.

From this moment on, I'm going to refer to it as the Weapon Focus Path, I suggest you lot do to to save us from confusion.

Spot Check: (1d20+20)[29]
Well sh**.

I have Actions for Syrith and Cyran, and need them for everyone else.
EDIT: I am now going to see what the party's horses are capable of; how fast they can go and how squishy they are.

Once again, I'm pointing out that dismounting characters will be separated from mounted atleast by 150 ft. of road and plain by Round 2.

Keegan_D, Dathus' inventory is woefully empty, most noticeable, he's got no horse. Either he's the subject of a woefully cruel illusion or he's buddying up with somebody.
You should get on that.

Human Paragon 3, is Sir Jory Stone using his Ethereal Mount or Phantom Steed?

2012-01-16, 10:50 AM
Oh. So your making people burn 4 feats for a few extra...

See, how Roy did it was, anyone who took Weapon Focus X, got the entire line at appropriate levels, regardless for which weapon you took it for.

So you.. took that and gave it to everyone at start, but for an extra bonus you can take alot more? I had El take Weapon Focus only because I thought that would double the bonus for all of them...

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 10:55 AM
Sir Jory Stone is not used to such cold, and not used to staring down wolves on the frozen plain. Ill at ease, he gazes out, seeing little but white. He trusts his sharp-eyed elven companions to track the wolves. He trusts his lance to kill them.

His mount is a phantom steed, the ideal of the horse. Most Eldritch Knights trust their lives to mounts of flesh, but Jory conjures his. Faster, more versatile, and never-tiring, never spooked. And when they died, the rider could summon another. The only downside: in lean times, you cannot eat a phantom steed.

On the plains, any unease between Jory and his traveling companions disappear.
Jory does not care, does not know, why Mono accepted him and him alone into her bed chamber, but he is glad of it. All the same, he never quite got over the feeling that it was not he who she loved best. Matters such as these were of little consequence now, though.

He had seen stronger horses than these die of exhaustion in milder weather.

We should keep together. If we break our line, the wolves can pick us off. Let us keep a brisk pace, but not exhaust our mounts. If the wolves attack, we will face them as one. We can cut a hole forward with our steel use magic to slow their pursuit. If we make a break for the rocks, they'll sense our weakness and attack.
Take 10 on a spot check for 10. I took weapon focus for lance and longsword for the +3... does that mean if I didn't take the feat I would have +2 anyway? I might want to rework that.

2012-01-16, 10:56 AM
Oh. So your making people burn 4 feats for a few extra...
[head in hands]
You apply the Weapon Focus Path for FREE.
No feats, no costs, it scales with levels.
If you want more, take it and reap the benefits.

So you.. took that and gave it to everyone at start, but for an extra bonus you can take alot more?
No, I decided to give it to everyone within reason, and reward people who decided to take the Feats and play Fighter.
Fighters get +6 and +12 for taking the Feats and +4 and +8 for using the Path, how can you complain?

I had El take Weapon Focus only because I thought that would double the bonus for all of them...
Apply the Path to a Weapon or Weapon Group of choice. If you wants more, take the Feats and reap the growing rewards.
Or don't, I care little as long as nobody tries to apply them to Weapon Types.
Don't do it.


The only downside: in lean times, you cannot eat a phantom steed.

2012-01-16, 11:12 AM
I just wanted to make sure that everything was claer on my attack rolls. And since I took the feats, am a fighter and applied tyhe weapons focuas line, I have +6 and +12, not +4 and +8

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 11:16 AM
So I would get 3x for weapon focus, being a fighter, then get an extra +1/+4 for the free feat line, bringing me to +4/+4? is that right?

2012-01-16, 11:20 AM
"What are you doing you idiots!?", Branwen shouts as she pulls over to the two foolish males but not dismounting from Geode. Looking down through her Owl Mask she practically snarls " 'Archer', did you forget that you have the sword needed to bring back Mono strapped to your thigh? How are we supposed to finish this mission if you go dying all 'noble' like if you keep the key we need to unlock the door to her revival? Think before you act!"

Positioning her horse of stone so that it could continue running once these baboons accepted the fact that standing to fight by themselves isn't the smartest of ideas, she also readies various spells once the worst comes.

Explanation of actions: Not casting yet, just positioning myself and debating about the right spell to cast. Got several that would help, but with us being in a plains I'm sure the wolves would have more then enough room to maneuver around most spells if given enough warning [ie range of spell not reaching them and they just go around the effect]

Who are our slow horses? More importantly who has crazy go nuts mounts, and can they double up riders? I spose I could try to hunt down the sheets. Oasys, could we get updated sheet links in the first post by chance?

I have a Stone Horse with Horse Shoes of Speed for a total of 80ft per round of an untiring statue that can carry 1,000lbs easily. Not the fastest, but at least he can carry quite a load for a very long time. But then again I can always cast certain spells to give it a boost.

in lean times, you cannot eat a phantom steed.
Same with my Stone horse lol. But then my Travel Cloak gives me enough food and drink to eat and drink every day. With the added benefits of a minor Endure Elements and instant tent ;P

[head in hands]
You apply the Weapon Focus Path for FREE.
No feats, no costs, it scales with levels.
If you want more, take it and reap the benefits.

No, I decided to give it to everyone within reason, and reward people who decided to take the Feats and play Fighter.
Fighters get +6 and +12 for taking the Feats and +4 and +8 for using the Path, how can you complain?

Apply the Path to a Weapon or Weapon Group of choice. If you wants more, take the Feats and reap the growing rewards.
Or don't, I care little as long as nobody tries to apply them to Weapon Types.
Don't do it.
Alright, so let me get this straight... I get the Weapon Focus Path for free, no feats used etc, and it 'scales' as I gain levels. But if I was a Fighter and did the same weapon I would get a bigger bonus?

Can I apply this to my Natural Weapons? XD
Oh speaking of which! I forgot to put that info in my weapon section!

2012-01-16, 11:36 AM
And since I took the feats, am a fighter and applied tyhe weapons focuas line, I have +6 and +12, not +4 and +8
Its better.
You took the feats, and have a +6/+2 AND have +4/+8 on another weapon.

So I would get 3x for weapon focus, being a fighter, then get an extra +1/+4 for the free feat line, bringing me to +4/+4? is that right?

Okay, for dipping Fighter, you'd get +2/+4 for the Path at 12th-Level.
But you actually have to be of the level to get the Fighter's 3x advantage.

So, Jory, having 1 Level in Fighter would multiply the Path bonus by two, and get a +3 Attack Roll Bonus for actually taking Weapon Focus.
He'd have to take another three levels of Fighter and take Weapon Specialization to get the +6 Damage Bonus.
For now, Jory's can apply +4 and +8 to one Weapon or Weapon Group and +3 to another weapon or Weapon Group's Attack Rolls.

Can I apply this to my Natural Weapons? XD
SPECIFIC Natural Weapons.
Not by animal-but by type.
Claw, Bite, Tail, Wings, etc.

I get the Weapon Focus Path for free, no feats used etc, and it 'scales' as I gain levels.
Yes, at 12th-Level, the total bonus for a non-Fighter is +2/+4, though if Iknock you back to 6th-Level, it'll be reduced to +1/+2.

But if I was a Fighter and did the same weapon I would get a bigger bonus?
If you DIP fighter, you multiply the Path by 2.
If you TAKE the actual feats and TAKE the actual levels in fighter, you multiply the effects by 3 for taking them.

Ideally, one would take the feats for their favored weapon.
And apply the line to a back-up weapon.
Dipping fighter betters the results, and actually being a fighter, as in taking more than one level, makes it even better.

So, for Branwen, she could like the bear form a lot, and take the feats all the way up to Greater Weapon Specialization and apply a +4/+8 to her Claw Attacks.
And if she's got a bow she uses in her human form, apply her Path to it, and get a +2/+4 bonus.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 11:44 AM
Ah, but I took weapon focus for TWO weapons. so I should either get +7 and +8 to one Weapon or Weapon Group and +3 to another weapon or Weapon Group's Attack Rolls, or I should change on of my weapon focus feats since it doesn't do anything.

They're not used to fighting as a unit, Branwen, Jory says calmly. Almost instinctively, he repositions his steed in between the two forming groups to bind them into a rough line.

2012-01-16, 11:54 AM
Alright. You confused me.

So El took plain old Weapon focus as a bonus feat and applied it to his Spinning Sword. What kind of bonus will that give him. I called it +4/+8

2012-01-16, 11:59 AM
Ah, but I took weapon focus for TWO weapons. so I should either get +7 and +8 to one Weapon or Weapon Group and +3 to another weapon or Weapon Group's Attack Rolls,
Mhmmm, I see.

or I should change on of my weapon focus feats since it doesn't do anything
Okay, here's what I think you should do...
Apply the Path to one, and choose a Weapon Group instead, like Spears and Lances or Heavy Blades, and then do the Weapon Focus in the other.

So, it'd be +4/+8 with one, since you dipped Fighter, and +3 for the other, since you'd have taken it as a Fighter. If you take three more levels in Fighter, you can apply the +6 damage roll bonus for then taking Weapon Specialization.
OR, you can just take the feats without advancing in fighter now, and simply stack on top of the Weapon Focus, not the path, at x2, since you dipped Fighter.
So, his bonus would be, +4/+8 for dipping Fighter and using the Path, and +5/+8 for 1st-Level Fighter and taking the feats.

Hmmm, and I suppose if you advance in fighter, the bonuses will increase accordingly. So if you take my second, though more complex suggestion, taking the next 3 levels in fighter would let him increase that second set of bonuses to +5/+10.

I shall add this to the rule to make it airtight.

So El took plain old Weapon focus as a bonus feat and applied it to his Spinning Sword. What kind of bonus will that give him. I called it +4/+8
That would give him +2 to Attack Rolls.
He didn't apply the Path.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 12:01 PM
I don't like it. I'll take the path on lance, weapon focus on long sword (to get +4/+8 and +3/+0 respectively) and then trade my second WF for another feat. Can I take Extra Slot to get an extra 3rd level spell?

2012-01-16, 12:30 PM
Can I apply the path for a +4/+4?

2012-01-16, 12:35 PM
I don't like it.
Didn't think so.

Okay, as an example, Prince Edmund starts off as a 1st-Level Fighter. He applies the Weapon Focus Component of the Path to Lance, and takes the Weapon Focus Feat in Longsword.
So at 1st-Level, he's got +2 to hit with his Lance, and +3 with his Longsword.
Pretty nice.
At 2nd-Level, Edmund decides, he's going all the way to 13th-Level as a Cleric.
Along the way, he keeps using his Feats to advance his Weapon Focus (Longsword) all the way to Greater Weapon Specialization, while the Weapon Focus Path on his Lance scales accordingly, so that at 13th-level, as a 1 Fighter/12 Cleric, he's got +4/+8 with his Lance, and +5/+10, with his sword.
At 13th-Level, Prince Edmund decides to go back to his warrior roots and goes back into fighter for another 11 levels until he's 24th-Level, with 12 Levels in Cleric and Fighter each.
His Weapon Focus Path doesn't advance, but his feat investments automatically express his new skills in Fighter, making his bonus with Longsword +6/+12. Oh, and along the way, he put more Feats into another line of Weapon Focus to Weapon Specialization so at the end, he's got +4/+8 with Spears and Lances, and +6/+12 with Light Blades and Heavy Blades.

Can I take Extra Slot to get an extra 3rd level spell?

Can I apply the path for a +4/+4?
No. The path is fine the way it is.
El is not a Fighter and he hasn't taken the feats, so he applies as +2/+4. You can change him if this is a problem.

One effect of this is that Power Attacking becomes very attractive, since you can totally put your entire BAB into a Power Attack and let bonuses and modifiers carry steel home.
So you guys should hit and hurt more.

2012-01-16, 12:47 PM
I wonder what to do. I doubt the Mage will make the concentration checks for a galloping horse..

2012-01-16, 01:13 PM
Seeing the fighter dismount, Alric rears his huge horse up, just barely managing to come to a stop. Once, the beast is calmed, he slides off, carrying his sword and crossbow. Giving the beat the command to stay, he readies his weapon for the inevitable attack. We should not stay here.

Standing in the line with the others, bringing up the rear, horse right next to me, readying an action to shoot at the wolves as they get closer.

Auto succeed at fast dismount. (DC 20)

[roll1] (ignores 7 AC)



My warhorse can also ride 80 feet (thank you horseshoes o speed), he currently is not wearing his barding.

2012-01-16, 01:17 PM
I'll be waiting until next 'round' to say anything. Though my character begins to look shocked as he starts identifying numbers. Giving out numbers might be part of my next action(s).

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 01:24 PM
Seeing his fellows dismount, Jory calls to the rest, Halt, all halt!

Why have you dismounted? he calls to the warriors on foot.

2012-01-16, 01:33 PM
Not exactly sure where my character is but..

Alfire, seeing the barbarian dismount, tries to slow his horses crazed gallop so that he can lend them aid. He intones the holy words, gripping the horse with his knees so he may make the appropriate symbols.

The final word he half shouts, "Benedictio Dei!"

Casting Bless!

Concentration Check: [roll0] I think..

2012-01-16, 02:25 PM
Turning to Jory, she lets out a obviously over exaggerated exhale of air from her lungs. "Is it that painfully obvious that they aren't used to working like a pack?" Letting out another exhale of air, this one a combination of a sigh and a groan, she puts one of her hands to her face. How in the world did Mono stay friends with all of these idiots?

Removing her hand from her face she looks back at the gathered forces, with a grim look covered by her mask and some stray crimson strands of hair. "Very well then, it seems that we are planning on fighting like a stonewall against the elements... Does any of you have a plan, or are you just going to shoot into the winds and swing your swords as they get here?"

Ah such a nice way to start off a game that will be heavy on teamwork...

I'm seriously wondering if we will ever come up with team plans over individual plans.

SPECIFIC Natural Weapons.
Not by animal-but by type.
Claw, Bite, Tail, Wings, etc.
I'm just going to pick Claws I think just because the majority of my forms use Claws and I seriously doubt I would be fighting much in human form [which is why I don't have uber weapons and armor]

Yes, at 12th-Level, the total bonus for a non-Fighter is +2/+4, though if I knock you back to 6th-Level, it'll be reduced to +1/+2.

If you DIP fighter, you multiply the Path by 2.
If you TAKE the actual feats and TAKE the actual levels in fighter, you multiply the effects by 3 for taking them.

Ideally, one would take the feats for their favored weapon.
And apply the line to a back-up weapon.
Dipping fighter betters the results, and actually being a fighter, as in taking more than one level, makes it even better.

So, for Branwen, she could like the bear form a lot, and take the feats all the way up to Greater Weapon Specialization and apply a +4/+8 to her Claw Attacks.
And if she's got a bow she uses in her human form, apply her Path to it, and get a +2/+4 bonus.
Alright I do believe I got ya.

2012-01-16, 02:36 PM
Turning at the druids words Alric snorted, The sword bearer dismounted, only a fool would leave it behind. Only a craven would leave a friend behind. Save your derision for the wolves

We stopped so as not to leave Syrith behind. I agree that stopping was not the best of ideas, but its first round of actions for the entire campaign. We can (and should) fast remount and keep moving, but until the round ends thats not an option. We will work on our planning going forward. Let's not start the drama already please?

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 02:42 PM
I agree. I am trying to move us to this conclusion in character by asking. Jory didn't know why you dismounted, but now he does. He still doesn't know why Syrith dismounted, but he aims to find out. Maybe Syrith knows something we don't?

2012-01-16, 02:58 PM
Ok, so, what it is, is that I took the ACTUAL FEATS, as I went through 13 levels of fighter, and my total, thanks to the multiplicity rule, is +6/+12 from the feats ONLY.

This is how I understand it so far. I took the feats for one weapon, and applied triple because I am a fighter.

Then with the weapon focus PATH, I can apply that bonus to a different weapon? This is what I don't understand.

I would also like to say I have a light horse with Horseshoes of speed for 90 feet. Also, I little bit psycho.

"Take the sword then, I'm not very good with swords anyway." He kept his eyes to the wolves darting around in the distance. "It's true I don't know how many there are, but driving them back by slaying a few should make it easier in the long run." He looked around at everyone. "I can't shoot while on horseback. Not with this bow. But what I can do with this bow, is remove many wolves while you run.

2012-01-16, 03:02 PM
Huh. Well this seems like fun. I'll do that. BtW Oasy, unless otherwise noted, El is always in the Absolute Steel Stance.

Cursing in his native language El watches the sword bearer halt. Shouting to the others "We must aid him or drag him onward, but either way we must stand together, whatever the weather." as he wheels around to come to his comrades side. He grips his belt with one hand and releases the power of one of the spells that would have allowed him to escape into the weapon, changing its power.

Release Dim door into eldritch blade and gain +1 bonus that stacks, Bane(Wolf), flaming, and flaming burst properties. Options? I think so. Prepare to face the fury Oasy.

2012-01-16, 03:09 PM
We are still on round one, correct?

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 03:12 PM
This is not a safe vantage point. The wolves will quickly close the distance, and if we leave you alone, you'll probably die.

Mount up and let us ride ahead to those rocks, Jory gestures forward. We can cut our way there from horseback with our lances and swords, and use magic to cover our tracks. Once we're in the rocks, we can take cover, and you can hold the pass with your mighty bow.

2012-01-16, 03:24 PM

You made a personal challenge mate....... It's just up to me to prove you wrong.

Also.. I would love 20 rounds to buff. I want to know why the hell we cant RIDE for 20 rounds until they are a bit closer????

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 03:24 PM
Because everyone jumped off their horses!

2012-01-16, 03:27 PM
@Todash & HP3:
Its not like I am being as b!tchy as I could be, its that there are much simpler methods of dealing with them. That and its not her fault that most people have shown her the same treatment for being different.

If I am understanding the spell correctly, they are either in the "immediate vicinity of 960 feet". Which will put them near the edge for the spell Plant Growth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/plantGrowth.htm) to ensnare them [Range of 400ft +40/CL =40x13= ~+520ft for a total of 920ft, with and additional +50ft for a 100ft radius circle]

With casting the spell by using the Overgrowth feature, they will be caught in the circle of overgrown plants and have their speed reduced to 5-10ft/round on account they are Medium-Large with no save against the effect. But the spell contradicts itself by stating that...

This effect causes normal vegetation (grasses, briars, bushes, creepers, thistles, trees, vines) within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per caster level) to become thick and overgrown. The plants entwine to form a thicket or jungle that creatures must hack or force a way through. Speed drops to 5 feet, or 10 feet for Large or larger creatures. The area must have brush and trees in it for this spell to take effect.

As opposed to a Entangle (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entangle.htm) spell with a similar range [920ft from caster at max] with a 40ft radius which could make them move at only half speed whether they make their Ref save or not.

Would the Plant Growth work with the type of vegetation we have at present?

2012-01-16, 03:28 PM
We're waiting for some actions, but based on dialogue, we're well into round 20.

Talking is a free action! :smalltongue:

I'm considering just having Alfire use polymorph to turn into some nasty magical beast. Then he can just eat the wolves. :belkar:

Though.. I'm not sure if polymorphing into something with a higher constitution score boosts health or not..

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 03:32 PM
If you want to RP a bitch, more power to ya. It'll lead to interesting party dynamics. My money is on Branwen and Alric getting it on by the end of the campaign.

2012-01-16, 03:35 PM
If you want to RP a bitch, more power to ya. It'll lead to interesting party dynamics. My money is on Branwen and Alric getting it on by the end of the campaign.

Can't unsee... DX

Now I'm going to expressively strive to keep that from happening!

2012-01-16, 03:40 PM
Does El need to knock them out and tie them to their horses? I feel like that would be fun. Also, El did not jump off his horse. Why would he do that, his ride skill is insane enough to let him do anything....

Whatever. I feel like Oasys next post will be telling me to RP this.

Once El reaches the Bearer he calls out "Look, we get that your bow is no good on horse back, but we should head towards the rocks where it will be good. We can stop closer when we can possibly retreat there on foot, but right now the wolves are far off and we have a long ride ahead of us. Lets GO"

2012-01-16, 03:41 PM
Okay okay, lets recap OOC for a second.

Jacior hopped off because he's crazy.

I hopped off, because we're stopped for the round, I can mount/dismount as a free action, and the wolves might be moving in now that their prey has stopped.

What we should do is get the hell back on our horses, and keep riding, while fighting/buffing whatever as quickly as we can.

RPing a bitch is fine. Like, HP3 said, can lead to interesting dynamics, albeit occasionally annoying

Ah such a nice way to start off a game that will be heavy on teamwork...

I'm seriously wondering if we will ever come up with team plans over individual plans.

Is not RPing.

Let's move on and kill the hell out of some wolves. (any maybe even Colossi)

Oh and Alric totally snags the sword if Syrith is giving it up. :smallwink:

2012-01-16, 03:42 PM
Okay okay, lets recap OOC for a second.

Jacior hopped off because he's crazy.

I hopped off, because we're stopped for the round, I can mount/dismount as a free action, and the wolves might be moving in now that their prey has stopped.

What we should do is get the hell back on our horses, and keep riding, while fighting/buffing whatever as quickly as we can.

RPing a bitch is fine. Like, HP3 said, can lead to interesting dynamics, albeit occasionally annoying

Is not RPing.

Let's move on and kill the hell out of some wolves. (any maybe even Colossi)

Oh and Alric totally snags the sword if Syrith is giving it up. :smallwink:


Todash wins favorite new player(To Oasys) of the encounter from me.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 03:47 PM
Todash has also been an MVP in Scions of Stonehall. Glad to have him here!

2012-01-16, 03:50 PM
The Mage, glad that his spell appears to be working, yanks his stubborn and terrified horse towards the rocks ahead.

2012-01-16, 04:11 PM
AoOs from the invisible rocks falling?

Also, Did you get my PM about the cohort?

The Temptation to tell my horse to hit the gas and then Bengin Transport the Sword Bearer to my horse is growing... If a resolution is not reached soon....

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 04:36 PM
Its only the first round.

Oh it's the round that doesn't end!

2012-01-16, 05:11 PM
I explicitly said I was looking for homebrew for the cohort. You were all like "I look forward to it!"

Don't tell me I wasted an hour on that T.T

Anyway, this is the most active Im going to be this week. Exams and that crap. Well, until thursday. Then I'll be fine.

2012-01-16, 05:19 PM
Wait, so the wolves moved "up", does that mean towards us? How did we lose sight of them while 2 of us were watching to shoot at them?

Stop talking so much, or I'll make AoOs.
A Round is Six Seconds. Keep it reasonable.

Roger wilco.

Oh it's the round that doesn't end!

Yes it goes on and on my friend. (Oh god, I am so, so sorry...)

Todash has also been an MVP in Scions of Stonehall. Glad to have him here!

Todash wins favorite new player(To Oasys) of the encounter from me.

Thanks guys. :smallsmile:

2012-01-16, 05:39 PM
Makes sense, if he spots them within 240', Alric will fire with the -2 range penalty.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-01-16, 05:45 PM
Glaring at Alric but deciding it best to not continue the argument for now, at least until they are in a safer location. Upon noticing the wolves have momentarily disappeared Branwen could feel a chill run down her spine. Motioning Geode to get ready to continue running Branwen looks to the group, "If we can stall on this intriguing conversation, could we get moving once more? I would much prefer to get at least Mono's body someplace safer then on a equally delicious platter in the eyes of a wolf."

Spot Check: [roll0]

Oh it's the round that doesn't end!

Yes it goes on and on my friend. (Oh god, I am so, so sorry...)
Some people started playing it not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue playing it forever just because.... (I'm not sorry :smallamused:)

2012-01-16, 06:26 PM
Cyran grimaced beneath his mask, looking around; almost paranoid. "They've disappeared again...there's so many...we've got to move!" he almost yelled. He attempted to mount his horse quickly. "Come on!" he said loudly.

Ride Check(for fast mount): [roll0]
Spot Check(Wolves again): [roll1]

If everyone else decides to ride away (which Cyran is trying to hint at) then he moves with them.

2012-01-16, 06:43 PM
Okay, so apparently, we're going to go on without Dalthus' reactions, but I think its safe to assume he wouldn't continue riding, or dismount, but have his Light Crossbows Readied once wolves are in range.

Keegan_D, if you get this far, don't bother posting until you've made TheOasysMaster a sheet editor of Dalthus Monteal.
It was all he could do to stay on the damned horse. She was absolutely terrified, the poor thing. They all were tired and on edge because of the frigid cold and the howling. No one had seen a wolf yet, but everyone could hear them, far off in the distance. The Mage desperately held on to the reins as he shouted to his companions, "Any brilliant ideas? We have to hurry before we get eaten! I'm not ending my life as something's food!
Syrith grimaced under the mask that Mono had given him. Oh so long ago it seemed that he, Jory and Mono would walk in the warm evenings. Not that is was long at all, but this journey drove such musing back so that he could focus his attention on the task the journey was made for. But his mind kept drifting back towards the warmer days, how pleasant they were.
And then that blasted wolf howled again. But this time, much unlike the rest, the full pack, at least presumably full, called back. This... was not good in the least. He nudged Jory, as they were close to try and stay warm.
Syrith's teeth chattered in the icy wind, but he set his jaw and continued.
"We can't outrun them. The horses are too tired, they'll just pick us off if keep going like this."
He looked seriously at Jory's masked visage and gestured backwards towards the mage.
"We need a plan to get the others to the rocks."
He shook his head.
"We need a plan to survive."
Syrith fingered the powerful, massive bow that he carried. He had never encountered another like it, it was likely he wouldn't. But, it was useless on horseback, he couldn't draw it properly. The sword he carried would be of use if it came to that, but he was not nearly adept at hand to hand combat as would be useful. Such skill with the bow did come with a loss. He shivered again, from the howling now, not the cold.
Standing tall in his saddle, Alric looks around. The cold was as nothing to him, and his horse was well able to run faster than they were moving. His companions however, were flagging.
Looking around sharply, Alric, reigned his horse in a bit. Falling back towards the rear of the column, he drew alongside the Drow's companion. Readying his crossbow, he nods to the man, before falling back slightly more. Easily keeping pace with the rest of them, he looks all around, trying to spot the wolf pack, readying himself for action.
Smaller shapes, eager for the hunt shift across the plain... Seven hundred feet away and approaching with howls and snarls that carry across the plain.
El bounces gently on his miltary saddle, saving his mounts strength for the final stretch. Circling round to the back of the group with his companion and Alric, he calls out, "I can take someone else and my mount to the destination, but only twice. We can stop and take a stand to let the others go by, but I do not think we will survive. But it will be a good fight to end this tireless struggle," in his lilting speech.
Tossing his shield from his back out into the cold air, it stops and begins circling him slowly as he rides toward the rocks. Flipping around on his saddle to face the howling, he scans the area for their pursuers.
El sees the wolves too. From this distance, he can see the white specimens are a little larger than the grey wolves back home. Bouncing over the grass, they form a closing ring around them.
Her crimson hair whipping about her face despite it being tied back, Branwen couldn't help but roll her eyes at all the boy's discussion about the absolute need for battle or out running their pursuers. Everyone else's mounts seemed to of been getting tired save for Geode, Branwen's Stone Horse, what with being made of rock and all making it a bit more capable of long distance running. Pulling her light-grey travel cloaks hood back over her head and adjusting the Owl mask Mono gave to her she starts to speak up over the whistling winds.
"'Who's afraid of the big bad wolves? The big bad wolves. Who's afraid of the big bad wolves?'"
Then followed by whistles that supposedly are supposed to sound like a little flute tune.
"Are the big strong boys afraid of some big bad hungry wolves? Would you like to have the small weak girl make them all go away?"
Branwen couldn't help but grin and chuckle slightly with her taunts, despite the fact that she too was also afraid of becoming someone else's dinner. Taking a look around at their surroundings she hopes to find enough plant life that hopefully a spell of some sort could be of some assistance.
Syrith dismounts, drawing his bow as his feet crucnh into the icy grass. The Sword bangs heavily against his side.
"Take who you can, make sure they're safe before you come back."
He draws the bow back, and a slight glow forms than dims revealing an arrow on the string.
"I will hold them off, for a bit, at least. Anyone who wants to stay, can."
Standing perfectly still, his arm moves with devestating speed to launch five arrows at the closest of the circling wolves.
The first arrow slams through the top of the wolf's mouth, sending brains and blood flying backwards as Syrith places another through its heart.
Even as this first wolf drops from sight, Syrith sends another two arrows into its fellow, and hears a choked yelp.
A third wolf earns another arrow, and it flips head over paws through the grass.
Then, the wolves are gone, unseen and unheard.
Ay! What do you think you're doing?" he said, coming to a halt near Syrith and likewise dismounting. He held onto the cat mask he wore, almost falling off due to its' normal position on top of his head -rarely, he put it over his face, which he did now.
"We've no idea how many there are!" he continued, shocked as he began to scan the landscape to determine their numbers. Regardless, he prepared himself for the worst.
Sir Jory Stone is not used to such cold, and not used to staring down wolves on the frozen plain. Ill at ease, he gazes out, seeing little but white. He trusts his sharp-eyed elven companions to track the wolves. He trusts his lance to kill them.
His mount is a phantom steed, the ideal of the horse. Most Eldritch Knights trust their lives to mounts of flesh, but Jory conjures his. Faster, more versatile, and never-tiring, never spooked. And when they died, the rider could summon another. The only downside: in lean times, you cannot eat a phantom steed.
On the plains, any unease between Jory and his traveling companions disappear.
Jory does not care, does not know, why Mono accepted him and him alone into her bed chamber, but he is glad of it. All the same, he never quite got over the feeling that it was not he who she loved best. Matters such as these were of little consequence now, though.
He had seen stronger horses than these die of exhaustion in milder weather.
"We should keep together. If we break our line, the wolves can pick us off. Let us keep a brisk pace, but not exhaust our mounts. If the wolves attack, we will face them as one. We can cut a hole forward with our steel use magic to slow their pursuit. If we make a break for the rocks, they'll sense our weakness and attack."
"What are you doing you idiots!?", Branwen shouts as she pulls over to the two foolish males but not dismounting from Geode.
Looking down through her Owl Mask she practically snarls "'Archer', did you forget that you have the sword needed to bring back Mono strapped to your thigh? How are we supposed to finish this mission if you go dying all 'noble' like if you keep the key we need to unlock the door to her revival? Think before you act!"
Positioning her horse of stone so that it could continue running once these baboons accepted the fact that standing to fight by themselves isn't the smartest of ideas, she also readies various spells once the worst comes."They're not used to fighting as a unit, Branwen", Jory says calmly. Almost instinctively, he repositions his steed in between the two forming groups to bind them into a rough line.
Seeing the fighter dismount, Alric rears his huge horse up, just barely managing to come to a stop. Once, the beast is calmed, he slides off, carrying his sword and crossbow. Giving the beat the command to stay, he readies his weapon for the inevitable attack.
"We should not stay here."
Seeing his fellows dismount, Jory calls to the rest, "Halt, all halt!"
"Why have you dismounted?", he calls to the warriors on foot.
Alfire, seeing the barbarian dismount, tries to slow his horses crazed gallop so that he can lend them aid. He intones the holy words, gripping the horse with his knees so he may make the appropriate symbols.
The final word he half shouts, "Benedictio Dei!"
Turning to Jory, she lets out a obviously over exaggerated exhale of air from her lungs. "Is it that painfully obvious that they aren't used to working like a pack?" Letting out another exhale of air, this one a combination of a sigh and a groan, she puts one of her hands to her face. How in the world did Mono stay friends with all of these idiots?
Removing her hand from her face she looks back at the gathered forces, with a grim look covered by her mask and some stray crimson strands of hair. "Very well then, it seems that we are planning on fighting like a stonewall against the elements... Does any of you have a plan, or are you just going to shoot into the winds and swing your swords as they get here?"
Turning at the druids words Alric snorted, The sword bearer dismounted, only a fool would leave it behind. Only a craven would leave a friend behind. Save your derision for the wolves
"Take the sword then, I'm not very good with swords anyway." He kept his eyes to the wolves darting around in the distance.
"It's true I don't know how many there are, but driving them back by slaying a few should make it easier in the long run."
He looked around at everyone.
"I can't shoot while on horseback. Not with this bow. But what I can do with this bow, is remove many wolves while you run.
Cursing in his native language El watches the sword bearer halt.
Shouting to the others "We must aid him or drag him onward, but either way we must stand together, whatever the weather." as he wheels around to come to his comrades side. He grips his belt with one hand and releases the power of one of the spells that would have allowed him to escape into the weapon, changing its power.
"This is not a safe vantage point. The wolves will quickly close the distance, and if we leave you alone, you'll probably die."
"Mount up and let us ride ahead to those rocks, "Jory gestures forward. "We can cut our way there from horseback with our lances and swords, and use magic to cover our tracks. Once we're in the rocks, we can take cover, and you can hold the pass with your mighty bow."
Once El reaches the Bearer he calls out "Look, we get that your bow is no good on horse back, but we should head towards the rocks where it will be good. We can stop closer when we can possibly retreat there on foot, but right now the wolves are far off and we have a long ride ahead of us. Lets GO"
The Mage, glad that his spell appears to be working, yanks his stubborn and terrified horse towards the rocks ahead.
There's an eerie silence as the wind continues to blow across the top of the grass, and squint as Alric may, he can't even tell where the wolves may be hiding, or lurking, creeping forward toward them.
Glaring at Alric but deciding it best to not continue the argument for now, at least until they are in a safer location. Upon noticing the wolves have momentarily disappeared Branwen could feel a chill run down her spine. Motioning Geode to get ready to continue running Branwen looks to the group, "If we can stall on this intriguing conversation, could we get moving once more? I would much prefer to get at least Mono's body someplace safer then on a equally delicious platter in the eyes of a wolf."
And then she sees them again, a distinct swishing pattern in the grass indicating their positions.
Cyran grimaced beneath his mask, looking around; almost paranoid. "They've disappeared again...there's so many...we've got to move!" he almost yelled. He attempted to mount his horse quickly. "Come on!" he said loudly.
He notices it too from his elevated position. The wolves were coming.

Oasys Canon Round 1
One thing, "Could you guys make use of 'Quotation Marks'?", makes formatting easier and it's nicer to read.

I've used your text to build my resolution.
This is probably what I'll do so you guys literally write the story, while I make adjustments where necessary, like when a charge becomes a "Squish"!
This way, despite the many postings by Players, one nead only find my posts to read the 'canon' results.
Easy, and neat, no?

Having trouble finding where the last round was, just search "Oasys Canon Round #"

Round Two
I need them for Cyran, Branwen, El, Jory, Syrith, Alric, Alfire, and of course, Dalthus.

2012-01-16, 06:58 PM
Frowning as the wolves slip out of sight, Alric leaps atop his mount, leveling his crossbow again. Firing off a shot, he spurs his horse to continue traveling, bring up the rear of the group again.

Subject to change if the party stays put again. Free to mount. If a wolf is spotted;
Spot check:[roll0]

Then shoot;
[roll2] damage
(4 bolts left in cartridge)
then continue moving towards rocks.

2012-01-16, 07:32 PM
Trying to ignore the biting cold, Alfire glanced over his shoulder to see if any wolves approached. He readied magic to use if needed.

Yay spot check! [roll0]

Assuming he sees a wolf, and said wolf is in range, he will try to cast Magic Missile.

Concentration Check: [roll1]

If he passes, then you get fire magic missiles...


They will all be aimed at the closest wolf.

I hope I did this correctly.. :thog:

2012-01-16, 08:14 PM
Can I roll a Knowledge (Nature) check to see what general knowledge I know about wolves? Out of character I know that normal wolves and Dire wolves are subject to Know (Nature), and the Winter Wolf is subject to Know (Arcana). In character I don't think Branwen would initially assume that the 'leader' is a different type of wolf.

If yes, here is my Nature roll: [roll0]


Glaring at Alric but decides it best to not continue the argument for now, at least until they are in a safer location. Upon noticing the wolves have momentarily disappeared Branwen could feel a chill run down her spine. Motioning Geode to get ready to continue running Branwen looks to the group, "If we can stall on this intriguing conversation, could we get moving once more? I would much prefer to get at least Mono's body someplace safer then on a equally delicious platter in the eyes of a wolf."
There's an eerie silence as the wind continues to blow across the top of the grass, and squint as Alric may, he can't even tell where the wolves may be hiding, or lurking, creeping forward toward them.
Glaring at Alric but deciding it best to not continue the argument for now, at least until they are in a safer location. Upon noticing the wolves have momentarily disappeared Branwen could feel a chill run down her spine. Motioning Geode to get ready to continue running Branwen looks to the group, "If we can stall on this intriguing conversation, could we get moving once more? I would much prefer to get at least Mono's body someplace safer then on a equally delicious platter in the eyes of a wolf."

Seems like you accidentally copy&pasta'd my last post twice. Thought you'd like to know.

Oasys Canon Round 1
One thing, "Could you guys make use of 'Quotation Marks'?", makes formatting easier and it's nicer to read.
"I thought I have been?"

Round Two
Cyran and Branwen have given me Actions for Round 2.
I need them for El, Jory, Syrith, Alric, Alfire, and of course, Dalthus.

Did I? Ah well, its better then a few instances I almost posted different actions I suppose...

2012-01-16, 08:21 PM
Can I roll a Knowledge (Nature) check to see what general knowledge I know about wolves? Out of character I know that normal wolves and Dire wolves are subject to Know (Nature), and the Winter Wolf is subject to Know (Arcana). In character I don't think Branwen would initially assume that the 'leader' is a different type of wolf.
Uh, there's really nothing to know...
Like, I have nothing.

Or assume you'd already done it before.

Seems like you accidentally copy&pasta'd my last post twice. Thought you'd like to know.
Thanks for the heads up.

"I thought I have been?"

Did I? Ah well, its better then a few instances I almost posted different actions I suppose...
Mhmm, nevermind.
Cyran and Branwen can take Actions.

A magical beast, the winter wolf resembles a normal wolf, only with white or another pale color fur. They can grow to huge sizes of more than eight feet long from nose to tail and as tall as a fully grown man.
A favorite tactic of wolves is to send a few individuals against the foe’s front while the rest of the pack circles and attacks from the flanks or rear, and the winter wolf's great size allows it to perform either role to great effect.
The winter wolf is pretty similar in habits to normal wolves. It hunts either solitary or in packs, in its desolate environment, searching for game. It has a good sense of smell, is stealthy, and is prized for its fur. It is distinguishable from other wolves, including the arctic wolf, however, in that it has a breath weapon; it can breathe ice. This gives it an obvious advantage in combat. It also attacks with its teeth and claws. There is little else which needs to be said about the creature.
They are dwarfed by dire wolves, who hardly ever measure in at smaller than nine feet long, but apparently this huge specimen has managed to maintain control of his pack.
An impressive feat.
Intelligent creatures, winter wolves can speak Giant and Common, and are capable of, and in fact notorious for, cunning techniques.

2012-01-16, 08:27 PM
Uh, there's really nothing to know...
Like, I have nothing.

Thanks for the heads up.


Mhmm, nevermind.
Cyran and Branwen can take Actions.

Oh, I intended that as my action for round 2. I...can include more dialogue depending on peoples' responses, I guess.

2012-01-16, 08:31 PM
Uh, there's really nothing to know...
Like, I have nothing.
You're absolutely NOT HELPING! j/k In any case I definitely met the minimum 10+HD requirement at least XD

Thanks for the heads up.
Welcome. I did something similar for a while with one of my campaigns and never noticed it a couple of times I did it.

Mhmm, nevermind.
Cyran and Branwen can take Actions.

Ehh... I can't really think of anything, so I'm okay with having taken my action. Especially if everyone starts moving again and I go along with them. :smalltongue:

2012-01-16, 09:37 PM
Alright so since you shut me down on the homebrew, Im making my cohort be mostly druid and a little of something else. Regardless, he will have a large snow leopard as a companion. Forstburn said treat a snow leopard the same mechanically as a regular leopard. I think they would get cold resistance 10 or 20, right?

Anyway, its going to be pretty sweet. I'll post his action for round one after I finish him. Shortly.

2012-01-16, 09:51 PM
Like a bucket of cold water in the face, Branwen all of a sudden had some thoughts come to her head. "Boys!", she shouts to get their attention, "A thought just occured to me. Normal wolves favor a flanking maneuver during the hunt where they send some of their pack ahead of the prey while the majority lead them towards the ambush. To make things worse, I don't think all of those wolves are just your garden variety wolves."

Pausing to debate with her self for a split second to voice her thoughts, she finally comes out with what is plaguing her. "From the few glances I've seen since they started tailing us I'm starting to believe that they might be Dire wolves lead by a Winter wolf. Normally a Winter wolf wouldn't be Alpha enough to lead Dire wolves for long, but this one must be either really strong or really smart. To make matters worse, if the Winter wolf is intelligent enough to lead like I believe, it would be more then clever enough to set up more elaborate traps." Taking a quick look ahead she wets her lips that have started to chap before she continues, "I fear that we might be falling for whatever their trap is. If someone could watch Geode I want to take to the skies and see what I can, maybe even try to at least distract them."

Look at me trying to be something that resembles a team player! Hopefully I presented it in such a way that people will understand our situation In Character.

@Elfstone: Don't you remember? Everyone is only allowed a Horse as a mount/animal companion/etc. That is part of the reason why I opted to play the Shapeshifter. If he allows it, maybe you should go with the Halfling Druid substitution levels in Races of the Wild for a Druid that specializes in riding their animal companion.

2012-01-16, 09:52 PM
Sheesh, I slaughter three wolves and get nothing but griped at. No love for the archer.

Spot Check: [roll0]

Will post a full post pending spot check resolution.

2012-01-16, 09:57 PM

I remember now.

The question is, did he say "to start with" or "to have."

Because if it was start with, all we need is 24 hours of uninterrupted meditation.

In any case, thats annoying.

2012-01-16, 10:13 PM
Nevermind, I know I see nothing at all.

Syrith grimaced again and clambered onto Leuan again. "I can't see them to shoot, let's move swiftly." He brought Leuan around and kneed his sides a bit, Leuan went into a gallop. "Anything else we should know about these wolves?" He asks when the group gets moving and the druid catches up.

Getting back on the horse, move action to move the tail!

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 10:15 PM
Is that everyone mounted up again?
EDIT: Looks like yes.

Jory's voice becomes a golden hum, and a beautiful horn appears in his hand. He tentatively licks the mouthpiece, blowing lightly through it to test its airway.

"I'll take Geode's reigns... will she trot along with us without a rider?"

Standard to cast call instrument. Still have my move and swift remaining.

:smallbiggrin:Lots of sighing, eye-rolling, and grimmacing going on in this thread!

2012-01-16, 10:18 PM
Rolling his eyes, El turns his mount around once more and canters along with the others, keeping his eves on the wolves, now flaming sword still gripped in his hand.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-16, 10:50 PM
Do it Rockapella. I vote yes. Jory will keep pace with the rest of the group with his move action, taking Geode with him, as long as the answer from Branwen is "yes."

2012-01-16, 11:15 PM
I vote yes as well, let it roll. Or gallop as the case may be. If Jory needs a hand, Alric can help with Geode as well. Good call on the check Igneel.

2012-01-16, 11:15 PM
Jory's voice becomes a golden hum, and a beautiful horn appears in his hand. He tentatively licks the mouthpiece, blowing lightly through it to test its airway.

"I'll take Geode's reigns... will she trot along with us without a rider?"

"Geode, I want you to go with this man. I will return for you, so you don't have to worry."

Quickly reaching into her Haversack, she fetches a small burlap sack filled with what sounds like marbles. Reaching into the sack she pulls out a small orb that glows like a miniature sun. Carefully she returns the sack back into the Haversack then hands over the reins and the orb over to Jory. Nodding her head with a flurry of crimson strands flowing out from under her hood before she reins some of them back under.

"Thank you. Geode is more then capable of trotting with any horse his size that wears shoes of speed. If you wouldn't mind, I would appreciate if you hand over that Liquid Sunlight after I transform as my gear I am holding typically transforms with me."

Liquid Sunlight [COmplete Scoundrel]
Shining with the light of a torch, a pellet of liquid sunlight is a half-inch-diameter sphere of glass that contains a gold-colored liquid. The pellet can be thrown as a ranged attack with a range increment of 5 feet. Alternatively, it can be loaded into a sling and used as a sling bullet. When it strikes a firm surface, it bursts and sprays out the liquid within. The liquid continues to glow with the light of a torch for 1 round after exposure to the air. Creatures with light sensitivity are dazzled for 1 round if struck by a liquid sunlight pellet. The pellet deals 1d6 points of damage to a vampire, vampire spawn, or any other creature similarly harmed by daylight.

Not only does it act like a cheap torch, but will make it easier for people to keep an eye on me.

Funny question: By the reading of Shapeshifting, all my gear [I'm assuming that is near me] transforms with me, so according to the text that would my Rock Horse :smalltongue: But for the sake of Rp-ing...

I vote yes as well, let it roll. Or gallop as the case may be. If Jory needs a hand, Alric can help with Geode as well. Good call on the check Igneel.
I honestly don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, typically when I play a spellcaster or really anything that put any skills in any knowledge skill that is one of my first things to do. I'm just glad I thought of it at all.

2012-01-17, 12:11 AM
Not only does it act like a cheap torch, but will make it easier for people to keep an eye on me.
I know.
Trying to ignore the biting cold, Alfire glanced over his shoulder to see if any wolves approached. He readied magic to use if needed.
A wolf, its haunches covered in blood, and one of Syrith`s arrows sticking out of its flesh emerges from the grasses, blood dripping from its mouth.
Readying the power of force, Alfire`s concentration is ruined as his steed recoils in fear.
The wolf lets out a choked growl
Alric leaps atop his mount, leveling his crossbow again. Firing off a shot, he spurs his horse to continue traveling, bring up the rear of the group again.
The bolt slams into the wolf`s neck lifting it off the ground and dropping it in a twisted heap.
Like a bucket of cold water in the face, Branwen all of a sudden had some thoughts come to her head. "Boys!", she shouts to get their attention, "A thought just occured to me. Normal wolves favor a flanking maneuver during the hunt where they send some of their pack ahead of the prey while the majority lead them towards the ambush. To make things worse, I don't think all of those wolves are just your garden variety wolves."
Pausing to debate with her self for a split second to voice her thoughts, she finally comes out with what is plaguing her. "From the few glances I've seen since they started tailing us I'm starting to believe that they might be Dire wolves lead by a Winter wolf. Normally a Winter wolf wouldn't be Alpha enough to lead Dire wolves for long, but this one must be either really strong or really smart. To make matters worse, if the Winter wolf is intelligent enough to lead like I believe, it would be more then clever enough to set up more elaborate traps." Taking a quick look ahead she wets her lips that have started to chap before she continues, "I fear that we might be falling for whatever their trap is. If someone could watch Geode I want to take to the skies and see what I can, maybe even try to at least distract them."
ory's voice becomes a golden hum, and a beautiful horn appears in his hand. He tentatively licks the mouthpiece, blowing lightly through it to test its airway.
"I'll take Geode's reigns... will she trot along with us without a rider?"
Syrith grimaced again and clambered onto Leuan again.
"I can't see them to shoot, let's move swiftly."
He brought Leuan around and kneed his sides a bit, Leuan went into a gallop.
"Anything else we should know about these wolves?", he asks when the group gets moving and the druid catches up.
Rolling his eyes, El turns his mount around once more and canters along with the others, keeping his eves on the wolves, now flaming sword still gripped in his hand
"Geode, I want you to go with this man. I will return for you, so you don't have to worry."
Quickly reaching into her Haversack, she fetches a small burlap sack filled with what sounds like marbles. Reaching into the sack she pulls out a small orb that glows like a miniature sun. Carefully she returns the sack back into the Haversack then hands over the reins and the orb over to Jory. Nodding her head with a flurry of crimson strands flowing out from under her hood before she reins some of them back under.
"Geode is more then capable of trotting with any horse his size that wears shoes of speed. If you wouldn't mind, I would appreciate if you hand over that Liquid Sunlight after I transform as my gear I am holding typically transforms with me."

[roll0] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll1] Dire Wolf's Bite Damage
[roll2] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt against Leuan
[roll3] Leuan's Opposed Strength Check, Failed
[roll4] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll5] Dire Wolf's Bite Damage
[roll6] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt against Barron
[roll7] Barron's Opposed Strength Check, Failed
[roll8] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll9] Dire Wolf's Bite Damage
[roll10] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt against Alfire's Light Horse
[roll11] Alfire's Light Horse's Opposed Strength Check, Failed
[roll12] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll13] Dire Wolf's Bite Damage
[roll14] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt against Alfric's Warhorse
[roll]1d20+24/roll] Alric's Warhorse's Opposed Strength Check
[roll15] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack, Missed
[roll16] Dire Wolf's Bite Damage
[roll17] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt against El's Horse
[roll]1d20+24/roll] El's Opposed Strength Check
[roll18] Dire Wolf's Slam Attack Roll
[roll19] Dire Wolf's Slam Damage Roll to Alfire

[roll20] Cold Damage to El, El's Horse, Jory, Jory's phantom steed, and Alric
[roll21] Jory's Reflex Save, to halve damage, Success
[roll22] El's Reflex Save, to halve damage, Success
[roll23] Alric's Reflex Save, to halve damage, Success
[roll24] Alric's Warhorse's Reflex Save to halve damage, Failed
[roll25] El's Horse's Reflex Save to halve damage, Failed
[roll26] Jory's Phantom Steeds Reflex Save to halve damage, Success

[roll27] Large Wolf's Slam Attack Roll
[roll28] Large Wolf's Slam Damage to Alfire
[roll29] Large Wolf's Slam Attack Roll, Missed
[roll30] Large Wolf's Slam Damage to Alric
[roll31] Large Wolf's Slam Attack Roll, Missed
[roll32] Large Wolf's Slam Damage to Syrith
[roll33] Large Wolf's Slam Attack Roll, Missed
[roll34] Large Wolf's Slam Damage to Cyran

The attack is devastating.
Nowhere near flawless, but as dire wolves sweep horses off their feet. Alfire, Cyran and Syrith find themselves back on the ground as their horses are tossed off their hooves with a crash.
Snapping jaws clip at tendons and Barron screams, as Cyran he rolls to absorb impact, hearing jaws snapping shut behind him.
As Alfire bounces along the ground, he's surprised not to have been injured at all...
Until a dire wolf savages the wizard, joined by another of the larger variety's who clamps down hard on the mage's hand.
Alric manages to whip his horse around and avoid reaching jaws, only to be assaulted by a bitter wave of cold, stealing warmth and breath from their lungs. The steed lashes out with its hooves keeping a mouthful of teeth at bay.
Jory and El manage to shield themselves from the frosty attack, though the warhorses falter as icicles encrust their gear in frigid layers.
One of the dire wolves tries to clip El's horse from beneath him, only to shy away from Jory's phantom steed.

2012-01-17, 12:17 AM
[roll0] Alric's Warhorse's Opposed Strength Check, Success

2012-01-17, 12:22 AM
[roll0]Syrith's Ride Check to avoid falling damage
[roll1]Alfire's Ride Check to avoid falling damage

2012-01-17, 12:43 AM
I am trying to figure out if I can use my bow... I can't tell if I am going to get AoO'd

2012-01-17, 12:45 AM
Oasys Canon Round 2

[roll0] Falling Damage to Syrith
Alfire is threatened by a Dire Wolf, a Large Wolf
Alric is threatened by a Large Wolf
Cyran and Syrith are threatened by a Large Wolf each.
The Dire Wolves and the source of the mysterious cold is nowhere to be seen.
Cyran, Alric and Syrith prone.

Round 3 Initiative Order
Large Wolf, Large Wolf, Dire Wolf
Large Wolf
Large Wolf
Wolf Pack

[roll1] Alric's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Cyran's Initiative Roll
[roll3] Alfire's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Jory's Initiative Roll
[roll5] Branwen's Initiative Roll
[roll6] El's Initiative Roll
[roll7] Dathus' Initiative Roll
[roll8] Syrith's Initiative Roll
[roll9] Wolf Pack's Initiative Roll
[roll10] Large Wolf's Initiative Roll
[roll11] Large Wolf's Initiative Roll
[roll12] Large Wolf's Initiative Roll
[roll13] Large Wolf's Initiative Roll
[roll14] Dire Wolf's Initiative Roll

New Initiative Order-don't waste time talking.
They all have Combat Reflexes.

Pretty sure I got everything...

I am trying to figure out if I can use my bow... I can't tell if I am going to get AoO'd

You may post now.
Please total all damage incurred in your sheets.

2012-01-17, 12:57 AM
I'm thinking I should change my character's name to Ulric, it keeps getting mixed up with Alfire. I assume, going by the rolls, that I am not prone correct? Also, where am I in the Initiative order?

2012-01-17, 01:12 AM
Sorry, there was such a time from the last activity. I thought it were ok. Gah, I hate wolves and trip attacks. I guess... Draw the sword and strike from prone? That's... a negative four for being prone, but the sword is +6, so hopefully it'll work out.

Syrith hits the ground hard, his padding and winter weather gear not helping to deflect the impact from the icy ground. "Blasted wolves. Go find another meal." In a moment of desperate thought, he drew the sword from its scabbard, the glowing light shining and slashed haphazardly at the wolf whose slavering jaws were closest to his limbs.

Can you do a full attack from prone? There isn't anything appearing that says you can't...
Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]

But, until confirmed or disenchanted, I shall make an attack in the singular.

2012-01-17, 01:20 AM
My horse is at -2 hp, assuming for standard horsie health. I am sad that it is either dead or dying. I need to pick a weapon for my focus line. The obvious choice is there, but...

2012-01-17, 01:24 AM
I just recalled the sword is Vicious, so I need to add 2d6 to the wolf, and 1d6 to the me.

2012-01-17, 01:29 AM
Slinging his crossbow over his shoulder, Ulric sweeps out his Greatsword, swinging it at the wolf, while signaling his mount to kick.

Going by the rolls, will edit if I am mistaken.

Slashing at the wolf, using ride to signal my mount to attack as well (free action), Oasys I assume you roll mount/companion attacks?

Power Attack (-8, +20dmg)

2012-01-17, 01:36 AM
Syrith hits the ground hard, his padding and winter weather gear not helping to deflect the impact from the icy ground.
"Blasted wolves. Go find another meal."
In a moment of desperate thought, he drew the sword from its scabbard, the glowing light shining and slashed haphazardly at the wolf whose slavering jaws were closest to his limbs.
The sword blade awkwardly strikes a telling blow across the wolf's face, rending its flesh even as a similar wound breaks open on Syrith's own face.
More alarmingly is the gushing torrent of blood that bursts from the wolf's face, spraying Syrith with red gore.
Its tail between its legs, the wolf cowers, and flees followed by a great deal of its pack, their terrified howls filling the air.

Oasys Canon Round 3a

Large Wolf, Large Wolf, Dire Wolf
Large Wolf
Large Wolf
Wolf Pack-Delayed Actions

Oasys I assume you roll mount/companion attacks?
No. you roll 'em.
[roll0] Hooves
[roll1] Hooves
[roll2] Bite
[roll3] To Dire Wolf
[roll4] To Dire Wolf
[roll5] To Dire Wolf
Keep those actions coming.
Need 'em from everyone but Syrith and Alric/Ulric
The Large wolves, and audibly others are fleeing immediately.

2012-01-17, 01:40 AM
By some miracle Branwen wasn't targeted for the first wave of the attack, but that won't last long if she doesn't do something fast. Spotting the mage threatened by two wolves. Knowing that without aid he won't last much longer compared to the warriors. "Get away from him!" Aiming her finger towards the Dire Wolf getting ready to attack Alfire once more while chanting, "Chleciau chan chyneua cenedl ar draws 'r awyr , bwra i lawr 'm cas ag dduwiau cadernid!"

Upon finishing static fills the air and a bolt of lightning races between Branwen and the Dire Wolf, striking it in his flank.

Concentration [in case since I'm still saddled & not sure if using Storm Bolt counts as 'casting']: [roll0]

Using Storm Bolt feat to shoot a bolt of lightning at the Dire Wolf
Damage Dealt: [roll1]
Doesn't mention anything about a Ref save or the like.

2012-01-17, 06:35 AM
Cyran turned upon the wolf that thought to attack his horse. "Curse you and your kind!" he spat, as he moved towards the wolf and began slashing, Lighting one of his kukri ablaze as the other one glows radiant light.

(Main Hand)
Attack Roll:[roll0] Damage Roll: [roll1] Fire Damage [roll2]
Attack Roll:[roll3] Damage Roll: [roll4] Fire Damage [roll5]
Attack Roll:[roll6] Damage Roll: [roll7] Fire Damage [roll8]

(Second Hand, Ignores armor & Shield Bonuses)
Attack Roll:[roll9] Damage Roll: [roll10]
Attack Roll:[roll11] Damage Roll: [roll12]
Attack Roll:[roll13] Damage Roll: [roll14]

Fairly sure I did that right...if I didn't, just say the word.

Dodge: (if the wolf dies) the nearest wolf to me will have a +1 to AC. (if it doesn't) then I have a +1 to AC against him (total 27)

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-17, 09:07 AM
Are any of the wolves within charging distance? Preferably more dangerous ones?

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-17, 10:05 AM
Jory is momentarily stunned by the chaos, but he's encountered worse disorder -- and odds. His experience takes over as he lowers his lance and blows a charge on his war horn.

Spurring his phantom steed forward, he leaves his attackers behind and attempts to skewer the wolf facing off against Ulric. His steed doesn't break its stride as he continues on, putting charging distance between Jory and the pack.

Swift action War Cry and then charge.

[roll1]x3=111 damage to the dire wolf, then I continue on to 50 feet from the point of impact and turn my horse around for a second charge next round.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-17, 11:00 AM
It's difficult to do less.:smallamused:

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-17, 11:08 AM
Oaysismaster: First in animal cruelty, sexism, and thinly-veiled rape fantasy!

2012-01-17, 11:21 AM
HP3, I can't say how hard that made me laugh. Inside, but only because I was In class.

Also, Oasy is required to use this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203250) in one of his games.

Oh and why would People Eating Tasting Animals want you Oasys? I am a proud member...

My Druid is going to be a blast. He should be able to buff the party for the coming fight, an then have fun being something fiery.

2012-01-17, 11:37 AM
Well you told me to let the others have fun.. I could have soloed half the wolves but why? El wants to see how proficient the others are. No one is any real danger. Yet. What's going to be fun is the trap ahead. But I have a solution. The Druid is going to be a game changer, buff wise. I think. I'll have actions tonight.

2012-01-17, 11:38 AM
I'm just amused by the image of the Wolf exploding into meaty chunks, then Ulric hacking at the bloody leftover bits....

2012-01-17, 12:01 PM
Fine. Be that way. El activates Hearing the air stance and readies Greater Insightful Strike. He then moves in a circle around the group, about thirty feet out. If he senses the wolf, he attacks. Only if it is the winter wolf though.

2012-01-17, 12:03 PM
Fine. Be that way. El activates Hearing the air stance and readies Greater Insightful Strike. He then moves in a circle around the group, about thirty feet out. If he senses the wolf, he attacks. Only if it is the winter wolf though.
In character!
The path is only fifteen feet wide-he'll be passing into the tall grasses.

2012-01-17, 12:04 PM
Well you told me to let the others have fun.. I could have soloed half the wolves but why?
Yes, yes, we all know how "AWESOME" TOB homebrew can be, especially when combined with magic. Its just a shame that I never feel like plugging in my own homebrew just for Invocations + Auras + Natural Weapons + Breath Weapons + Sometimes more despite that its still going through tweaks. :smalltongue:
Just don't go getting a big head until we know we are absolutely in the clear, otherwise you might get one of us killed. And even then, never underestimate an enemy.

But I have a solution. The Druid is going to be a game changer, buff wise. I think. I'll have actions tonight.
And how pray tell much of a game changer can he be, when I have several things I can do as well? One that I'm quite fancying is Jory riding on my Tenser's Disk while I'm flying for a charge from the air, but that is a simple but mental image pleasing solution.

I'm not even...
...you didn't even see them coming! The only reason El is still up is 'cause the wolf assigned to him rolled a 1!
And Shard just frosted you guys without revealing his position!

Which is why I'm not exactly going all Leroy Jenkins just yet. We know that at least the leader is still running around [and no doubt he has a way around that], and more then likely he has given at least the Large Wolves smart enough to run other orders if it goes this badly. There is a reason that Frost Giants fight alongside Winter Wolves....

Edit: Thought I clicked on Spoiler, but turned out I didn't. My apologies if I didn't edit it fast enough :smallsigh:

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-17, 12:27 PM
Walk the walk Elfstone+Igneel. Words are wind.:smallcool:

2012-01-17, 12:44 PM
Walk the walk Elfstone+Igneel. Words are wind.:smallcool:
Honestly, I don't know how I should respond to this since apparently I'm being taken much more seriously then I meant my last post to be even with the "quotation marks underlined and bolded" and a :smalltongue: thrown in for good measure. Not to mention the fact I mentioned my not-so-very-good homebrew which lets face it is an utter joke compared to the better part of the homebrew here. But whatever the case, fine, less talk, more walking from now on.

Now if you don't mind, I'm pretty sure that I will be acting like a First Aid kit by my next turn [with how fast the players are killing the wolves] and will be looking at who was injured most for immediate treatment. So far, only Jacior's horse seems to be in that much of immediate care anyways.

Good day to you sirs. :smallsmile:

Stuff it, not like it matters anyways. Players will do what they do, and say what they say. Nothing I can do about that.

2012-01-17, 01:33 PM
Walk the walk Elfstone+Igneel. Words are wind.:smallcool:

Psssh. HP3 do I need to count the time I have walked the walk? You know I can. Sadly, I'm on my mobile. This is the best I can do.

2012-01-17, 02:49 PM
I got to sleep, then school, and come back to see my character savaged by wolves? :smallfrown:

So.. Is the wolf still clamped on his hand?

2012-01-17, 03:35 PM
When Syrith drew the sword, all the Wolves and Large Wolves fled.

But.. They'll be back,said the terminator right?

2012-01-17, 04:16 PM
Wait- are there still dire wolves poised to bite out my character's throat?

2012-01-17, 04:25 PM
The wounded mage staggers upright, trying to ignore the burning pain in his hand. Damn wolves..

It was to dangerous to stay like this. Alfire raised his uninjured hand to gesture as he chanted the words for the spell he needed.

Casting Fly!

Of course, I can't use a move action to get him to take to the air..

2012-01-17, 05:06 PM
Round 4 Initiative Order
Dire Wolf
Large Wolf
Wolf Pack-Delayed Actions

Oasys Canon Round 3b
By some miracle Branwen wasn't targeted for the first wave of the attack, but that won't last long if she doesn't do something fast. Spotting the mage threatened by two wolves. Knowing that without aid he won't last much longer compared to the warriors. "Get away from him!" Aiming her finger towards the Dire Wolf getting ready to attack Alric once more while chanting, "Chleciau chan chyneua cenedl ar draws 'r awyr , bwra -"
Another dire wolf breaks from the grasses and lunges at her, throwing its shoulder at her back.
Twisting, the druid avoids the stealthy attack, and completes the spell- static fills the air and a bolt of lightning races between Branwen and the Dire Wolf, striking it in his flank.
The wolf hisses in anger as lightning dances across its muscles and burns its flesh, and it howls at Branwen in a challenge.
El's perception becomes so fine that he can hear the tiniest flutter of air moving past him. In theory, invisible foes and other hidden threats become as plain as day in the area of his heightened senses. But with the wind, and the wolves now apparently making no attempt to hide their presence, chaos reigns over his senses even as he draws on his combat training, sharpened senses, and capability to predict the pack's moves, and become a faultless sentinel on the battlefield.
Strain as he might, he can't sense the Winter Wolf...
Only a distinct falling sensation as his steed is torn out from under him.
But the horse keeps its balance, and El is righted again, keeping his mount, while blood pours from his horse's wounds.
It tries to keep moving, but falls, dead from its wounds, leaving El facing a particularly scarred dire wolf, its mouth filled with horse flesh.
Cyran turned upon the wolf that thought to attack his horse. "Curse you and your kind!" he spat, as he moved towards the wolf and began slashing, Lighting one of his kukri ablaze as the other one glows radiant light.
The nearest wolf dances just out of reach, letting Cyran flail with its weapons, and though the elf manages to scratch and slash the wolf across its face, the creature lets its tongue hang out, laughing at his efforts.
The wounded mage staggers upright, trying to ignore the burning pain in his hand. Damn wolves...
As he reaches his feet, Alfire finds himself staring into rows and rows of teeth.
They snap shut around his face, and squeeze.
It was to dangerous to stay like this. Alfire raised his uninjured hand to gesture as he chanted the words for the spell he needed.
As he tries desperately to gain altitude the wolf continues to savage him, and the spell fails, leaving Alfire on the ground, and subject to the Dire Wolf's continued attentions.
Jory is momentarily stunned by the chaos, but he's encountered worse disorder -- and odds. His experience takes over as he lowers his lance and blows a charge on his war horn.
Spurring his phantom steed forward, he leaves his attackers behind and attempts to skewer the wolf facing off against Ulric.
The lance buries itself behind the wolf's thick neck, and it whines as blood sprays in a fantastic gout across the ice and snow.
His steed doesn't break its stride as he continues on, putting charging distance between Jory and the pack.
As he turns, Jory sees the dire wolf, stumbling on its paws as its life blood pours out onto the ice.
Slinging his crossbow over his shoulder, Ulric sweeps out his Greatsword, swinging it at the wolf, while signaling his mount to kick.
Acting as one, Ulric and his great warhorse act as one, and as he brings his sword down on the wolf's head, cracking its skulls, the horse lashes out with its hooves, collapsing the skull into a bloody mess, and dropping the wolf to the ground.
Neighing in satisfaction, the horse screams in surprise as another Dire Wolf burst from the grass, and biting at its leg, sends the horse flying through the air.
As the warhorse comes crashing down, Alric manages to roll to safety, even as he sees the Dire Wolf taking a chunk out of his horses' flesh with massive teeth.

[roll0] Dire Wolf's Fortitude Save to Avoid Death from Massive Damage, phew!
[roll1] Alfire's Horse's Stabilization, nope. it keeps bleedin' out. -3 HPs.

[roll2] Dire Wolf's Slam Attack of Opportunity, Miss!
[roll3] Damage to Branwen
[roll4] Dire Wolf's Slam Attack of Opportunity
[roll5] Damage to Alfire
[roll6] Dire Wolf's Slam Attack of Opportunity, Miss
[roll7] Damage to Alfire
[roll8] Concentration Check
[roll9] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll10] Wolf's Damage Roll to Alfire
[roll11] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll12] Wolf's Damage Roll to Alfire
[roll13] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll14] Wolf's Damage Roll to Alfire
That'd kill the mage...

[roll15] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack Roll
[roll16] Dire Wolf's Damage Roll to Alric's War Horse
[roll17] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt
[roll18] Alric's Warhorse's Opposed Check
[roll19] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack, -5, still hits
[roll20] Dire Wolf's Damage Roll to Alric's War Horse
[roll21] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt
[roll22] Alric's Warhorse's Opposed Check
[roll23] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack of Opportunity
[roll24] Damage to El's Horse
[roll25] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt, Failed
[roll26] El's Horse's Opposed Check
El autosucceeds soft-landing
[roll27] Dire Wolf's Bite Attack
[roll28] Damage to El's Horse
[roll29] Dire Wolf's Trip Attempt, Failed
[roll30] El's Horse's Opposed Check

So far...
Alfire's Horse is at -3
Alifre is dead, having take 40+13+18+15+9+31 = 126 HPs of Damage
Leuan has taken 21 HPs of damage
Barron has taken 25 HPs of damage
Alfric's Warhorse has taken 27+15+26+27, which should have killed it last round...
El's Horse has taken 15+28+27, which also would kill it this round...
Jory's Phantom Steed has taken 7 HPs of damage
Jory has taken 7 HPs of damage
El has taken 7 HPs of damage
Ulric has taken 7 HPs of damage
Syrith, Cyran, and Branwen remain untouched, except for Syrith's fall damage.

If I've made a mistake, place it in a concise post here.
Otherwise, I'm ready for Round 4 Actions, with 5 Dire Wolves, visibly on the icy path.

If zale wishes to keep playing, we can assume a few things;
Perhaps his new character scouted ahead, with fresh, stronger horses and awaits them at the black rocks.
If not, we can assume either Dathus, or El's companion is fulfilling that role, at said black rocks.

Post Away

2012-01-17, 06:01 PM
If I make a new character, will they also be killed by dire wolves?

First game of D&D and I die within three rounds. And not even to the Colossi, which will no doubt be even worse than this.

I'll see If I can put a character together before the game gets to far ahead..

2012-01-17, 06:03 PM
Question: How would you rule me jumping off my horse and transforming [swift action] in mid-air along with an attack? Can't really find rules for that.

Edit: Also, R.I.P. Alfire, I should of done a better job trying to save you...

2012-01-17, 06:10 PM
Invest money in a good horse, not the stock stuff.
If a horse will fall to these wolves, imagine what a Colossus could do.
Because I KNOW, you guys will try to bring them everywhere, so i won't try to stop you, but don't expect the Colossi to ignore the fleshy, neighing bags of meat.

I.. never planned on using a horse in combat. Ever.

I only got a horse because you said we needed one.

2012-01-17, 06:17 PM
You do.
There'll be battles where you need horses, and flesh ones will have an advantage over magical ones in quite a few of them.
A tough horse is key to success, even in the game.
Agro is Wander's life.

Then.. You want someone who has to make concentration checks just to do anything while riding to stay on the horse during crucial battles?

As apposed to.. Idunno, flying?

Sorry. I was grumpy.

2012-01-17, 06:17 PM
Invest money in a good horse, not the stock stuff.
If a horse will fall to these wolves, imagine what a Colossus could do.
Because I KNOW, you guys will try to bring them everywhere, so i won't try to stop you, but don't expect the Colossi to ignore the fleshy, neighing bags of meat.
Well its not like you can exactly 'advance' a horse like other monsters in the Monster Manual.
I say more Stone Horses!!! :smallbiggrin: I don't think they have to neigh, and aren't as fleshy.

Ride Check to make a rapid dismount as a free action if you succeed on a ride check, and if it fails, its a move action.
So, you'd make a Ride Check, and if it succeeded, you could change, move and attack.
if it failed, you could only attack something without moving.

Alright then, I'll roll before posting. Hopefully a +17 modifier will help some...

2012-01-17, 06:26 PM
So any suggests on what kind of character I should make? Anyone? I may as well make something that people would find useful.

2012-01-17, 06:33 PM
A wizard named Alwater?

That strikes me as suicidal.

2012-01-17, 06:39 PM
"MAGE!" Anger filled Branwen's body at seeing the mage die such a terrible death. He didn't deserve such a dishonorable death, even after Branwen tried to help him at least shake off one of the wolves. And to add insult to injury another one tried to attack her! Well she was tired of playing nice, it was time to show these wolves what she could do!

"You'll pay for that..." Nimbly working her feet out of the stirrups she leaps off Geode towards the Dire Wolf that tried to attack her, and as she fell her body transformed into that of a treant and brings her now trunk sized arms down on the wolf.

*Forest Avenger form
Size increased one step. => Now Large [-1 to attacks and AC]
+12 enhancement bonus to Strength => Str score now 26 (+8)
+12 enhancement bonus to Natural Armor => AC changed fro 29 to 24 [10+3 (Dex)+12 (Natural)-1 (size)]
+4 enhancement bonus to Fortitiude and Will saves => Doesn't change, just replaces Vest of Resistance bonus
Base land speed becomes 20ft
Gain 2 Slam attacks that deal 1d8 points of damage. => +3 Enhancement because of being a lvl 13 Shapeshift Druid

Slam Attack #1 to hit Dire Wolf: [roll0] 9 (Base)+8 (Str)+3 (Enhance)-1 (Size)
Slam Attack #2 to hit Dire Wolf: [roll1] 4 (Base)+8 (Str)+3 (Enhance)-1 (Size)

Slam Attack #1 damage to Dire Wolf: [roll2] 1d8+8 (Str)+3 (Enhance)
Slam Attack #2 damage to Dire Wolf: [roll3] 1d8+8 (Str)+3 (Enhance)

Hopefully I got everything correctly... Now watch me do something woefully wrong... Don't want to jinx it.

2012-01-17, 06:41 PM
Oasy, I completely blame you for my mount's death. Just saying. I would have picked something much hardier, AND it would have bene cooler. AND if would have had another form of transportation. Thank god my Druid's animal compion has a crapton of HP and armor...

Speaking of my druid. Meet Dortho, as you know him. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=362010)

He has been.. Riding away but has just arrived? Anyway, this should be fun.

Oasy, does El still have that readied Standard he can attack with (normal attack)

2012-01-17, 06:45 PM
Tumbling off of his dying steed, Ulric turns and cuts into the wolves without hesitation. Moving his large sword faster than the eye can follow, he cuts again, and again, and AGAIN. As he cuts his eyes pierce the darkness, looking for the winter wolf Branwen had warned of.

Hard to say without a map, but Ulric wants to 5 foot step so that more than one wolf is adjacent if possible, then full attack, with cleave damage allowing.

Power Attack: (-6, +15 damage)



Will roll cleave/crit again as nescessary.

Spot check to see the Leader of the pack: [roll6]
Ulric has darkvision 60 foot

2012-01-17, 06:53 PM

Is there anything I can play that won't result in my certain death?

2012-01-17, 07:15 PM
Is there anything I can play that won't result in my certain death?
No. Look, the only reason you guys got owned is because you're not working together.
The first mistake was dismounting in the first round without communicating.
Ideally, you guys should have kept on going and decided to a) stand and fight together, with the horses in the center or b) keep riding at a slower pace while using range and magic to keep the wolves at bay.
You've managed to pick off, three small wolves and a dire wolf, and drive away a significant amount of the pack on a fluke.
And lose the wizard.
Play wizard again, and work together.

4 Great Red Wyrms out of nowhere attacking our group of lvl 1 players. We were murdered.
What!?!? Why? You guys couldn't even handle one teenaged dragon!

.... Why couldn't we have this before? Despite the fact I bought my horse and there is a Phantom Steed with us, I could see how I would of at least used this...

I just Googled it now.
I hadn't thought of it.
I never actually thought you guys would let the wolves own you like this*.

*Actually, I totally did, but I didn't expect you guys to let me take out the horses...

Hmmm, yeah, there are six wolves left, get rid of those and get to the black rocks to meet the 'new character' and get the new horses.

2012-01-17, 07:26 PM
I'll take an exceptional Pegasus if you please.....

Alright, the Might'y El's actions. First off, I meant Bane(Animal) for the weapon.

El returns to his Absolute Steel Stance and back away from the wolf toward his friends.

El now has 15 foot reach. Are their 2 wolves within 12 feet of him?

Dortho halts his steed away from the turmoil before leaping off and changing form midair. When he lands, it is in the form of a Smilodon. He growls, and begins to change further, becoming even more feral and tigerlike. His claws grom longer and his jaws more pronounced before he leaps off after the nearest wolf.

Swift action Wildshape (Mantle of the Beast. CC[Cost me a a pretty penny, dont complain. It also is the reason my saves suck.])
Standard to cast Bite of the Weretiger which improves my claws and bite. Improved Natural Attack further improves them to 1d10+x
Weapon focus adds some fun stuff to them. Like +3/+6.

Anyway, then there is the insane stat boosts.. I'll leave them in the bottom of my sheet. Move action to close on the wolves.

2012-01-17, 07:27 PM
Not possible. He's relatively one-on-one with one Dire Wolf.

Very well. Critical confirm on the 2nd attack;


Edit: Out of curiousity, where did the 7 damage on me come from?

2012-01-17, 07:35 PM
I'll take an exceptional Pegasus if you please.....
I'm trying to see if I even care anymore.

El now has 15 foot reach. Are their 2 wolves within 12 feet of him?


Dortho halts his steed away from the turmoil before leaping off and changing form midair. When he lands, it is in the form of a Smilodon. He growls, and begins to change further, becoming even more feral and tigerlike. His claws grom longer and his jaws more pronounced before he leaps off after the nearest wolf.
Round 5, if there is one, he's mine, Elfstone.

Out of curiousity, where did the 7 damage on me come from?
Cold Damage a la Morning Shard!

Weapon focus adds some fun stuff to them. Like +3/+6.
The Weapon Focus Path or the Weapon Focus Feat?

2012-01-17, 07:44 PM
Path. I applied the one granted me at creation to teh natural attacks.

I meant 15 feet, but If the only wolf is that close, El will move AFTER he attacks the wolf.

Like such.

[roll1]x2 if crit confrimation landed
Crits on a 17.
Crit confirmation, if needed.

Also there should be about 3 extra damage to the hit that landed and 6 if it critted. My bad.

2012-01-17, 08:17 PM
It let him show off three awesome figurines that were to scale compared to our character figures his sister made for us since she had nothing better to do.
Oh, sweet.
That's pretty cool.

But now I don't want to just hand over Geode because I would be out 10k... Could I just upgrade him, treating him like a Heavy Horse?
Geode is an item...

You can trade him for something else, otherwise, I'm assuming you guys are spending gold on your horses.
They're not free.

Of course its after I look through that book that I remember there is an entirely different horse that I now wish I purchased, along with several other things... Oh why did I not double check before 'finishing'? Oh well...
Which book? This one? You guys are free to reallocate your resources.
Another reason why I did this wolf encounter instead of straight into the Forbidden Lands...
...but we're making good time.
We should be there no later than...

I meant 15 feet, but If the only wolf is that close, El will move AFTER he attacks the wolf.

2012-01-17, 10:41 PM
Wow, I am away from the computer for a bit and chaos erupts. I will have to go through the horse-guide, but I should be able to pull something together tonight if I am not distracted.

Syrith drops the sword as he clambers to his feet, spitting at the gore covering his face. With a swift draw-back, he launches three arrows in tandem at the largest remaining wolf.

Attack: [roll0] Damage (for three arrows): [roll1]

I would ike to say, instead of magical horse changing, anyone who gets a new horse, this horse is the one that really belongs to them. The one the were riding was one stolen as they escaped, perhaps picking less... trained or sturdy mounts to not only escape, but delay the inevitable chase.

2012-01-17, 11:07 PM
Nice damage and idea. My only concern is ensuring that a mistake of this magnitude does not occur again. I would then ask if we can all agree to stick together, even if it's the wrong way, united is always stronger.

Also, how should we resolve tactical challenges? Appoint a tie breaker in the case of indesicion? Vote? However it happens, it needs to happen. Running off into battle is only going to get more people killed.

2012-01-18, 01:10 AM
New horse creation starts here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12551106&postcount=631)

Need actions for jory

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-18, 09:32 AM
How many wolves do I see and who are they engaging?

2012-01-18, 09:37 AM
How many wolves do I see and who are they engaging?
1 each on El, the one eating Alfire, Branwen aaaand another on Alric.
Alric is is furthest away and El is closest.
None of the wolves are spaced out enough so two can be attacked at once by anyone.

MythWeavers is blacked-out, I still have the sheets though.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-18, 09:46 AM
Steely-eyed, Jory lowers his lance for a second charge, aiming it at the wolf savaging the poor mage's corpse.

Of course I roll a 1.

His steed races forward, parting the chest-high grass. He is set to spit the dire wolf, then continue on, wheeling for a third charge.

2012-01-18, 10:51 AM
Oasys Canon Round 4a

Out of Character Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12552367&postcount=1)

Roll your dice inside the main thread, in Spoilers, still...
...leave everything else in the OoC Thread.

Any important information...
...I'll now post in the OoC thread, so check it. If its really important, I'll post it here too.

Just realized I need Cyran's Actions.

Elfstone, where are there even stats for a sabre-tooth tiger?
Found them, Frostburn, nice.
And I thought it was established one had to perform a Knowledge Check to see what kind of creature forms they had access to.
Syrith drops the sword as he clambers to his feet, spitting at the gore covering his face. Rows of sharp teeth clamp around his knee, and wrench, dropping him back on his back, sending his arrows in a wide arc through the air.
The sword sticks into the ice, point down, shining as the Dire Wolf laughs at him, its mouth filled with chunks of Syrith's leg.
"MAGE!" Anger filled Branwen's body at seeing the mage die such a terrible death. He didn't deserve such a dishonorable death, even after Branwen tried to help him at least shake off one of the wolves. And to add insult to injury another one tried to attack her! Well she was tired of playing nice, it was time to show these wolves what she could do!
The Dire Wolf that had been growling in the drow's face whines as El hacks at it with his flaming weapon, fire and bane enchantments making it hurt.
El returns to his Absolute Steel Stance and back away from the wolf toward his friends, and receives a glancing blow from a powerful paw strike.
The grey colored dire wolf growls as El moves away.
Dortho halts his steed away from the turmoil before leaping off and changing form midair. When he lands, it is in the form of a Smilodon. He growls, and begins to change further, becoming even more feral and tigerlike. His claws grow longer and his jaws more pronounced before he leaps off after the nearest wolf.
"You'll pay for that..." Nimbly working her feet out of the stirrups she leaps off Geode towards the Dire Wolf that tried to attack her, and as she fell her body transformed into that of a treant and brings her now trunk sized arms down on the wolf.
Her massive arms rattle the wolf, driving it to its knees, but the massive wolf merely shakes off the attack, grinning back at Branwen with a face that is a mass of scars.

Initiative Order for Round 5
Dire Wolf, Frozen Arc of Light
Dire Wolf, Crying Sun and Winter Wolf, Morning Shard
Dire Wolf, Bleeding Night
Dortho, bonus to be applied later
Dire Wolf, Black Hill
Branwen, Syrith
Dire Wolf, Rabbit's Bane

[roll0] Dire Wolf, Black Hill
[roll1] Dire Wolf, Bleeding Night
[roll2] Dire Wolf, Crying Sun
[roll3] Dire Wolf, Frozen Arc of Light
[roll4] Dire Wolf, Rabbit's Bane
[roll5] Winter Wolf, Morning Shard
[roll6] Alric
[roll7] Branwen
[roll8] Jory
[roll9] El
[roll10] Syrith
[roll11] Dortho, bonus to be applied later

Just realized I need Cyran's Actions.
Will continue Round A when I get them.

2012-01-18, 11:11 AM
[roll0] Black Hill's Bite Attack of Opportunity
[roll1] Black Hill's Damage Roll to Syrith
[roll2] Black Hill's Trip Attempt
[roll3] Syrith's Opposed Check, Failed
[roll4] Black Hill's Critical Confirmation

2012-01-18, 11:41 AM
[roll0] Frozen Arc of Light's Slam Attack of Opportunity, sigh, should have Power Attack'd.
[roll1] Damage/DC
[roll2] El's Reflex Save, Success

2012-01-18, 02:17 PM
Dothos modified stats are in the stats block in his sheet. Perhaps you missed it and downloaded it before I saved it. Anyway, I'll take care of the attacks.

So how the hell did wolves get Attack bonuses equal to EL??!!!

I need to work harder.

2012-01-18, 02:19 PM
Don't forget my action.

Dothos modified stats are in the stats block in his sheet. Perhaps you missed it and downloaded it before I saved it. Anyway, I'll take care of the attacks.

So how the hell did wolves get Attack bonuses equal to EL??!!!

I need to work harder

2012-01-18, 06:20 PM
So El took no damage?

Also, El would have tumbled to avoid the damage, its a DC 15 and he has 16 ranks...

So yeah. Dont pull that on me. He doesn't ever take AoO.

Also, with the stat mods, Dortho has a +9 Init mod, which places him next to El in inti order.

Pointing at the wolf he just left, El calls out "Finish him Dortho, I will aid the others. Come when you have finished up here."

At his words, Dortho turns slightly and pounces onto the Wolf, raking him with his claws and biting his neck.

Charging Wolf, Pouncing.

Bite attack has x3 crit
[roll2] Power Attacking for 4
[roll4]Power Attacking for 4

As El sees Dortho move in for the kill he rushes to aid the companion who looks to be in the most need.
Int check to see who is least prepared to deal with his/her wolf


2012-01-18, 08:46 PM
Cyran Alaem (needed to get back into this habit anyways)

Cyran heard several cries; cries normally associated with death. His whole body tensed as they pierced the air, only increasing the urgency. He moves swiftly to aid his own steed, Barron, attacking the wolf that's closest to him.

Well...I'll do the dice rolls I guess.
Attack Roll (Flaming Burst Kukri): [roll0] Damage Roll: [ROLL]1d4+6]/ROLL] [roll1](Fire)
Attack Roll (Brilliant Light Kukri): [roll2] Damage Roll: [roll3]

I don't think you have to worry about those hitting...

2012-01-18, 10:02 PM
Initiative Order for Round 5
El, Dortho
Dire Wolf, Frozen Arc of Light
Dire Wolf, Crying Sun and Winter Wolf, Morning Shard
Dire Wolf, Bleeding Night
Dortho, bonus to be applied later
Dire Wolf, Black Hill
Branwen, Syrith
Dire Wolf, Rabbit's Bane
Oasys Canon Round 4b
Cyran heard several cries; cries normally associated with death. His whole body tensed as they pierced the air, only increasing the urgency. He moves swiftly to aid his own steed, Barron, attacking the wolf that's closest to him.
The wolf lashes out with its paws, forcing Cyran to abandon his attack.
Steely-eyed, Jory lowers his lance for a second charge, aiming it at the wolf savaging the poor mage's corpse. His steed races forward, parting the chest-high grass. He is set to spit the dire wolf, then continue on, wheeling for a third charge. Mono shifts on the horse, and the lance dips. The wolf, Bleeding Night, ducks under the lance, watching Jory ride past.
Tumbling off of his dying steed, Ulric turns and cuts into the wolves without hesitation. Moving his large sword faster than the eye can follow, he cuts again, and again, and AGAIN.
The dire wolf snarls, spraying horse blood as Alric hacks at him, but it stands down, slinking away into the trees before
As he cuts his eyes pierce the darkness, looking for the winter wolf Branwen had warned of, and finds what he is looking for.
At twelve feet, Morning Shard stands six feet tall. Crushing the brittle grass, the wolf drools over black teeth that come far too close to Alric's own.
A paw lashes out Alric finds himself flying straight off the path, straight into the reaching paws of Crying Sun. The dire wolf, attacks, bringing her teeth and claws in contact with Alric's tender, tender flesh.
Frozen Arc of Light, the wolf who attacked El, almost seems to wink at him, as he slinks into the grass and quickly vanishes from view.
Taking another chunk out of the wizard Alfire, Bleeding Night disappears back into the grass as well, followed by Black Hill and Rabbit's Bane.

[roll0] Morning Shard's Slam Attack
[roll1] Slam Damage to Alric
[roll2] Alric's Reflex Save. Failed-he flies 10 ft. and is prone.
[roll3] Crying Sun's Attack of Opportunity, with -4 penalty to being prone, hits.
[roll4] Crying Sun's Damage Roll to Alric
[roll5] Crying Sun's Attack Roll
[roll6] Crying Sun's Damage Roll to Alric
[roll7] Crying Sun's Attack Roll, misses.
[roll8] Crying Sun's Damage Roll to Alric

Two wolves left. Morning Shard the Winter Wolf and Crying Sun. Map incoming.

2012-01-18, 10:16 PM
[roll0] Cold Damage to Alric

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-18, 11:52 PM
Morning Shard threatens a critical!

Cursing, Jory brings his steed about. Blinded by the noon day sun, he had let the Dire Wolf slip away. But now--what was this? The winter wolf... Branwen said he was the pack leader.

How something so huge was able to hide so effectively was totally baffling, but Jory meant to make sure that didn't happen again.

His mouth forms the words of golden melody, and a burst of glittering dust explodes onto the wolf, coating him.

Change action to glitter dust targeting the wolf. He makes a DC 20 will save or is blinded, and gets -20 to hide checks weather nor not he makes the save.

Perhaps cutting down the alpha wolf would end the assault?

The eldritch knight lowers his lance again, this time aiming at the massive white monster.


War cry and attack!
[roll1]x3=90 damage to Morning Shard.

Ride-by-attack takes me 110 feet from Morning Shard's position.[

2012-01-19, 12:23 AM
Morning Shard threatens a critical!
Whoops, I'd forgotten to confirm

2012-01-19, 12:52 AM
Double Move, but since I have a +16 to jump and I have a moving start.. I can basically jump 10 feet high with no chance of failure. I think that clears the stacks, and about 20 feet long...

So no rolling jump dice. But Attack dice? Hell. Yes.

But El charges the Dire wolf, because he can finish that one off.

El's AC is now 32 for moving more than 10 feet.

As El begins leaping over bodies and jumping through the grass he sees his target. The massive grey wolf beside the bigger white one. He will deal with that one later, but for now, he shall slice the smaller one to pieces.

Focusing his mind on the task at hand he dashes through the grass and comes crashing to a halt, the sword spinning in the sun as it flashes into his target.

[roll0]PA for 4

Seeing the wolf he was about to pounce upon flee, Dortho pounds after his master, clearing the hurdles as easily and fluidly as the Drow before leaping into the air and sinking his teeth into the Dire Wolf's neck.

Jump is just as high due to insane STR. Use previous rolls on this wolf. He has the moves to follow El.(move to get within a few feet, standard to charge)

2012-01-19, 02:26 AM

Dortho (Rejiro Felgtir)
Make me an Editor.

Oasys Canon Round 5a

Initiative Order for Round 5
El, Dortho
Dire Wolf, Frozen Arc of Light
Dire Wolf, Crying Sun and Winter Wolf, Morning Shard
Branwen, Syrith
Ulric, Cyran
Dire Wolf, Black Hill
Dire Wolf, Rabbit's Bane
Dire Wolf, Bleeding Night

Oasys Canon Round 4b

As El begins leaping over bodies and jumping through the grass he sees his target. The massive grey wolf beside the bigger white one. He will deal with that one later, but for now, he shall slice the smaller one to pieces.
Seeing the wolf he was about to pounce upon flee, Dortho pounds after his master, clearing the hurdles as easily and fluidly as the Drow before leaping into the air and sinking his teeth into the Dire Wolf's neck.
Focusing his mind on the task at hand he dashes through the grass and comes crashing to a halt, the sword spinning in the sun as it flashes into his target.
Crying Sun grunts as El's odd weapon lashes across her flanks from afar, and growls a brief warning at Dortho before the ranger crunches down on her neck with his jaws, raking at the wolf, Dortho leaves long savage claw marks, and shatter's the dire wolf's shoulder, creating a limp.
Dragging the leg behind her, the dire wolf leaves thick smears of blood behind her as she opts out.

[roll0] Frozen Arc of Lightning's Slam Attack Roll, Misses
[roll1] Frozen Arc of Lightning's Damage Roll to Dortho

[roll2] Morning Shard's Bite Attack Roll
[roll3]+[roll4] Cold Damage Morning Shard's Bite Attack Damage Roll to El
[roll5] Morning Shard's Trip Attempt
[roll6] El's Opposed Check, FAILED, he's prone, -4 to AC
[roll7] El's Reflex Save
[roll8] Morning Shard's Bite Attack Roll
[roll9]+[roll10] Cold Damage Morning Shard's Bite Attack Damage Roll to El
[roll11] Morning Shard's Trip Attempt
[roll12] El's Opposed Check
[roll13] El's Reflex Save, Success
[roll14] Morning Shard's Bite Attack Roll
[roll15]+[roll16] Cold Damage Morning Shard's Bite Attack Damage Roll to El
[roll17] Morning Shard's Trip Attempt
[roll18] El's Opposed Check
[roll19] El's Reflex Save
[roll20] Damage to El and Dortho

[roll21] Black Hill's Slam Attack Roll
[roll22] Black Hill's Damage Roll to Dortho
[roll23] Rabbit Bane's Slam Attack Roll
[roll24] Rabbit Bane's Damage Roll to Dortho
[roll25] Bleeding Night's Slam Attack Roll
[roll26] Bleeding Night's Damage Roll to Dortho

Frozen Arc of Lightning, squinting through the grass hurls his massive frame of claws, muscle and teeth into Dortho's side, staving in ribs, only to be swatted away by a reaching claw.
Bleeding Night, blood smeared down the wolf's face, growls menacingly to the side. With a fixed look at the barbarian, the wolf roars again.
Take it, or die.
On his end, Morning Shard lashes out with another paw, striking past the drow's dancing shield and connecting with a chilling blow that drops him to his feet. Pressing the advantage, the Winter Wolf keeps coming, knocking the wind from El's lungs in a burst of freezing cold and leaving deep craters in the ground as his jaws snap back and forth around the drow.
Cursing, Jory brings his steed about. Blinded by the noon day sun, he had let the Dire Wolf slip away. But now--what was this? The winter wolf... Branwen said he was the pack leader.
How something so huge was able to hide so effectively was totally baffling, but Jory meant to make sure that didn't happen again.
His mouth forms the words of golden melody, and a burst of glittering dust explodes onto the wolf, coating him.
Wrinkling his nose, Morning Shard curiously regards the glittering dust, than notices Jory far away.
The Winter Wolf only barks at the Knight in response.

Need Actions from Branwen, Syrith, Ulric and Cyran
That's 53 HPs of Damage to El, leaving him at 52 HPs.
Does any of El's options include one-shotting a pack of wolves while prone?

2012-01-19, 07:06 AM
Growling, Dortho nods at the wounded El and begins uttering muttered grunts as El closes his eyes and disappears. He reappears 20 feet above the wolves heads and begins to fly away a short distance. Meanwhile, Dortho completes his spell and a rosy colored sphere envelops him as he backs up the others.

My actions next round. El uses Dim Juant, swift fly, ends up 20 feet above ground and 30 feet out. Dortho casts Anticold Sphere and backs off to allow spellcasting to begin. Notice how ALL the wolves are CONVINEINTLY in a small radius circle...

2012-01-19, 12:23 PM
Sprawled on the ground, surrounded by slavering wolves, Ulric's eyes narrow. We don't have time for this. We must get to the Forbidden Lands. We must!

Wreathing himself in his rage, his dedication, his love for Mono, the world seems to slow, his wounds seem as nothing, the cold....the cold was as nothing compared to the coldness within him.

Enraged, he spins his sword in an artful defense. Surrounded by wolves, he has little option but to keep their attention, and hope his companions can thin the pack. Shouting out to his companions, he screams, The SWORD! Can you get it to me?

Okay, assuming this works;
Rage, stand up from prone, (eating the AoO if he takes it), then tumbling back towards Syrith, and drawing the Sword out of the ground.

Tumble: [roll0]

I don't know if Syrith could throw it, or one of the casters could levitate it somehow, last time it was used it drove off half the pack. Could be useful again, especially in my enraged hands, and against this mega-wolf.

2012-01-19, 01:01 PM
Syrith lands hard in the dirt again, as teeth pulled one of his legs out from under him. The wolf dashed away before he had time to do anything though, and there was so much going on, he had to focus. Pick a target....

That's a good target. Syrith clambered to his feet, again, and took aim, calling the arctic powers of is bow to light, an launching a barrage of arrows at the giant wolf.

I curse you, Wolf! Therefore, Manyshot to your face! Well, your rear parts. Attacking F.A.L., to clarify.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Frost Damage: [roll2]

Edit: I'm within 30 feet, the roll has a +2 thanks to Point Blank Shot.

2012-01-19, 01:18 PM
"The Winter Wolf has finally shown itself! Its now or never to try and drive these mutts away.", Branwen thinks to herself as she shifts out of her treant form and into her human form once more. Concentrating, she lets go of a spell she had prepared for a link to the Elemental Planes for assistance. "Brawd y fflam, brwydr wrth fy ymyl yn fy amser o angen!"

Upon finishing her spell, a great roar of fire erupts and a immense wave of heat washes over all near the Winter Wolf as a Greater Fire Elemental comes to the call for help from Branwen. Wasting no time the Fire Elemental turns on the Winter Wolf.

Swift Action: Shifted back into Human form, lose benefits from Forest Avenger, gain benefits from items.
Rest of Round: Dropping Wind Walk to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally VII to summon a Greater Fire Elemental (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/elemental.htm#fireElemental). Unless destroyed [252 HP] or magically dismissed, he 'helps' for 13 rounds.
Locating him around the 4 squares to MS's left side [north side of map]

Elemental Slam against MS #1: [roll0] (( 22 Attack Bonus + 2 [Weapon Path (Slam)] ))
Elemental Slam against MS #2: [roll1]

Slam Damage: #1 [roll2] #2 [roll3] (( 5 Str + 4 [Weapon Path (Slam)] ))
Fire Damage: #1 [roll4] #2 [roll5]

Ref 24 against catching on fire [assuming any of the Slams hit].

2012-01-19, 02:17 PM
Syrith lands hard in the dirt again, as teeth pulled one of his legs out from under him. The wolf dashed away before he had time to do anything though, and there was so much going on, he had to focus. Pick a target....
"The Winter Wolf has finally shown itself! Its now or never to try and drive these mutts away.", Branwen thinks to herself as she shifts out of her treant form and into her human form once more. Concentrating, she lets go of a spell she had prepared for a link to the Elemental Planes for assistance. "Brawd y fflam, brwydr wrth fy ymyl yn fy amser o angen!"
One of the wolves had tried to smash from the grasses into the side of the drow-turned-sabretooth-tiger...
Upon finishing her spell, a great roar of fire erupts and a immense wave of heat washes over all near the Winter Wolf as a Greater Fire Elemental comes to the call for help from Branwen. Wasting no time the Fire Elemental turns on the Winter Wolf.
Morning Shard's eyes widen in surprise as the Fire Elemental sets the grasses aflame, and pounds out two fiery blows that scald his flank. The wolf growls angrily as his fur begins to burn.
That's a good target. Syrith clambered to his feet, again, and took aim, calling the arctic powers of is bow to light, and launching a barrage of arrows at the giant wolf.
Frozen Arc of Light screams as Syrith buries the arrows deep into its flesh, with the added insult of biting cold.

Oasys Canon Round 5b
[roll0] Morning Shard's Reflex Save
[roll1] Morning Shard's Reflex Save

Looking for Actions from Ulric and Cyran

Sprawled on the ground, surrounded by slavering wolves, Ulric's eyes narrow.
We don't have time for this. We must get to the Forbidden Lands. We must!
Wreathing himself in his rage, his dedication, his love for Mono, the world seems to slow, his wounds seem as nothing, the cold....the cold was as nothing compared to the coldness within him.
Enraged, he spins his sword in an artful defense. Surrounded by wolves, he has little option but to keep their attention, and hope his companions can thin the pack. Shouting out to his companions, he screams, The SWORD! Can you get it to me?

2012-01-19, 05:27 PM
Cyran Alaem

'Just out of reach...' he thinks to himself; he does what is within his ability, moving along the path to stand in front of Branwen.

Since all of the wolves are out of my reach.... Cyran moves along the path, three to the top-left of where Syrith is(on the map).

Uses Total Defense, bringing him up to 30 AC.

2012-01-19, 06:06 PM
'Just out of reach...' he thinks to himself; he does what is within his ability, moving along the path to stand in front of Branwen.
Two more wolves, Rabbit's Bane and Bleeding Night slash into Dortho's side delivering devastating attacks upon the transformed drow.
Bleeding Night, glaring at Ulric, directs his attention to the business at hand and strikes at Dortho as well, letting blood run down the smilodon's flanks.
Growling, Dortho nods at the wounded El and begins uttering muttered grunts as El closes his eyes and disappears. He reappears 20 feet above the wolves heads and begins to fly away a short distance. Meanwhile, Dortho attempts to complete his spell...
Howling in rage, the Dire Wolves lash out at the Smilodon who dared to wield the powers of magic in their midst...
Lunging with his blackened jaws, Morning Shard locks on Dortho's throat and squeezes, the druid's blood turning to slush in the winter wolf's grip.
The spell form gurgles out in a crimson mist, fizzling to nothing as Morning Shard tears away the druid's throat in an attempt to knock him down.
The druid manages to keep his footing, only to be beset upon by the rest of Morning Shard's pack.
Raising himself off his front teeth, Frozen Arc of Light clamps down on Dortho's spine, cracking between his jaws, while Bleeding Night forces his snapping jaws around the druid's rapidly beating heart.
The druid's feral eyes roll up into his head as Rabbit's Bane and Black Hill go for his softened muscles and organs, tearing them out onto the snow.
Ulric has never seen so much blood in his life, gushing in messy spurts across him and the great dire wolves, and staining the snow with redness, it floats like a thin mist too in the cold air.

At this point, Dortho has taken 74 HPs of damage, leaving him at 49 HPs.
And he doesn't have Combat Casting...
Oasys Canon Round 5c
Oasys Canon Round 6a

Initiative Order for Round 6
El, Dortho
Branwen, Syrith
Ulric, Cyran
Dire Wolf, Black Hill
Dire Wolf, Rabbit's Bane
Dire Wolf, Bleeding Night

[roll0] Morning Shard's Bite Attack of Opportunity
[roll2]+[roll1] Cold Damage Morning Shard's Damage Roll
[roll3] Concentration Check, Failed so spell fizzles!
[roll4] Morning Shard's Trip Attempt
[roll5] Dortho's Opposed Check, Success
[roll6] Frozen Arc of Light's Bite Attack of Opportunity
[roll7] Frozen Arc of Light's Damage Roll
[roll8] Concentration Check
[roll9] Frozen Arc of Light's Trip Attempt
[roll10] Dortho's Opposed Check, Success! Amazing!
[roll11] Bleeding Night's Bite Attack of Opportunity
[roll12] Bleeding Night's Damage Roll, and that kills him, leaving the druid at -11.
[roll13] Concentration Check
[roll14] Bleeding Night's Trip Attempt
[roll15] Dortho's Opposed Check, Success! He's STILL standing!
[roll16] Black Hill's Bite Attack of Opportunity
[roll17] Black Hill's Damage Roll
[roll18] Concentration Check
[roll19] Black Hill's Trip Attempt
[roll20] Dortho's Opposed Check, FAILED, and he's DOWN!
[roll21] Rabbit's Bane's Bite Attack of Opportunity, -4 AC penalty for being prone, dead.
[roll22] Rabbit's Bane's Damage Roll
[roll23] Concentration Check
[roll24] Rabbit's Bane's Trip Attempt
[roll25] Dortho's Opposed Check

Frozen Arc of Lightning reaches over his bloodstained shoulder, with his jaws and yanks at one of Syrith's arrows, snapping the shaft between his teeth. With a harsh growl at the elf, the wolf takes a step forward, and Morning Shard barks at him.
Hissing his displeasure, the Dire Wolf slips away, taking to the grass once more.
Swallowing another chunk of flesh, the Winter Wolf fixes Ulric with a cold stare, then regards the Fire Elemental Branwen had unleashed, and he too runs into the grass, quickly putting distance between the party and himself with long powerful strides.

Need Actions for everyone but El.
Four wolves left-all standing near Drotho Ulric.

2012-01-19, 06:50 PM
"Oh, no you don't..." Cyran mutters under his breath, trying to spot the coward-wolf.

Spot Check: [roll0]

If I spot the wolf (and can move to it and attack) Cyran does just that.
Attack Roll (Brilliant Light): [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

Attack Roll (Flaming Burst): [roll3]
Damage Roll: [roll4] Fire Damage: [roll5]

If not...then he moves to help Dortho and attack the closest wolf, and apply these attack rolls there.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-19, 07:31 PM
Seeing the carnage before him, Sir Jory Stone resolves to break the enemy.

Whipping the reins, Jory urges his phantom steed backward. The cold wind tosses his cloak about, chilling him to the bone. He reaches a gloved hand into his pocket and seizes one of his many wands, activating its magic to let his lance strike true.

Trot back 20 feet and activate wand of true strike, DC21 UMD check.

His next charge would finish the winter wolf.

2012-01-19, 08:13 PM
Retcon if someone manages to toss me the sword

Surrounded by wolves, Ulric decides to take advantage of their momentary distraction and attempt to rejoin his comrades

Withdraw action towards Syrith

2012-01-19, 08:50 PM
Syrith saw the Winter Wolf turn and flee, his enourmous frame cutting a path through the grass. He turned only slightly to refocus his aim and let loose a flying deluge of arrows. "Chew on this, you son of a-" The twang of the bow cut off his last word.

Rolling for a full attack! Not gonna bother turning the Icy property off, he isn't affected either way.
Full: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Speed: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Rapid Shot: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
2nd BAB: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
3rd BAB: [roll8] Damage: [roll9]

TWO MISSED? (at least anyway) I roll so low its astounding. Add 19 to all the rolls below 20.

2012-01-19, 09:08 PM
Initiative Order for Round 6
El, Dortho
Branwen, Syrith
Ulric, Cyran
Dire Wolf, Black Hill
Dire Wolf, Rabbit's Bane
Dire Wolf, Bleeding Night

Oasys Canon Round 6b

Seeing the carnage before him, Sir Jory Stone resolves to break the enemy.
Whipping the reins, Jory urges his phantom steed backward. The cold wind tosses his cloak about, chilling him to the bone. He reaches a gloved hand into his pocket and seizes one of his many wands, activating its magic to let his lance strike true.
His next charge would finish the winter wolf.
Syrith saw the Winter Wolf turn and flee, his enourmous frame cutting a path through the grass. He turned only slightly to refocus his aim and let loose a flying deluge of arrows. "Chew on this, you son of a-"
The twang of the bow cut off his last word.
Morning Shard whirls around mid-stride slapping two of the arrows from the air, and growls menacingly as two arrows sink into his massive chest, while the fifth bounces off Morning Shard's rows of black teeth.
He howls angrily.

Need actions for Branwen to continue.

2012-01-20, 01:31 AM
Pleased that her elemental friend seemed to of run the Winter Wolf away, she didn't want him to get away. Once a wolf has tasted humanoid meat they won't stop with todays attack. "Leave him to me brother o' flame, take care of the smaller ones first!"

The Elemental turns in the direction of the nearest Dire wolf and moves in for an attack. As it closes in the Elemental swings an flaming arm to deal a blow to the wolf, only to take a 5-ft step back afterwards almost like taunting the beast.

All during this time Branwen takes notice of the direction that the Winter Wolf ran off too. "I'm not letting you get away that easily..." she mutters, and upon spotting its glittery pelt starts chanting yet another spell."Cyfod waliau pigog, i dy elynion priciwch cuddio ac yn achosi poen iddo" Like each time before, upon finishing her works of the natural magic a spectacular event occurs. Just as the Winter Wolf thought it was going to get away scott free walls of thorns enclose around its body, barely giving it even an inch to move without a thorn the length of a human finger pricking into his hide.

Smiling at a hopeful temporary solution, she quickly shifts into the form of a brown bear and moves a little bit closer to combat so that she can be ready for some healing in the near future.

Hopefully I got everything done correctly...

Elemental Actions:
*Move Action- Moves to closest Dire Wolf [Mobility gives +4 bonus against AoO, along with Spring Attack not causing a AoO]
*Makes a single Slam attack
*5-ft step [Spring Attack]
*Declaring Dodge against Wolf it attacked.

Elemental Slam against [I think B.N. is the closest]: [roll0] (( 22 Attack Bonus + 2 [Weapon Path (Slam)] ))

Slam Damage: #1 [roll1] (( 5 Str + 4 [Weapon Path (Slam)] ))
Fire Damage: #1 [roll2]

Ref 24 against catching on fire [assuming any of the Slam hits].
Branwen Actions:
*Standard Action- Cast Wall of Thorns (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/wallOfThorns.htm)
According to calculations I can form a 'cage' consisting of 13 10ft longx10ft highx5ft thick blocks. Given MS is a 5ft widex10ft long creature, a rectangle of 15ft widex20-25ft should be more then big enough to contain him. Technically I should have enough to make the walls thicker if I understand correctly. I believe I have enough space to make all but one square 10ft thick, which I would put on one of his side flanks. Walls unless destroyed will stay for 130 mins.
*Swift Action- Shift into Ferocious Slayer form.
Size increased one step.
+8 enhancement bonus to Strength
+8 enhancement bonus to Natural Armor
+4 enhancement bonus to Fortitiude saves
Base land speed becomes 40ft
Gain Bite attack that deals 1d8 and 2 secondary claw attacks that each deal 1d6 if your base size is Medium
Upon reaching Druid level 10, gain the Improved Critical (bite) and Improved Critical (Claw) bonus feats when in this form
*Move Action: Moved 30ft, ~25-35ft away from Ulric and Dortho

2012-01-20, 01:33 AM
Gosh dangit! I forgot the Spot check for me...
Before Shifting, since my Wis mask is still working

2012-01-20, 02:50 AM
Pleased that her elemental friend seemed to of run the Winter Wolf away, she didn't want him to get away. Once a wolf has tasted humanoid meat they won't stop with todays attack. "Leave him to me brother o' flame, take care of the smaller ones first!"
The Elemental turns in the direction of the nearest Dire wolf and moves in for an attack. As it closes in the Elemental swings an flaming arm to deal a blow to the wolf, and Bleeding Night howls as it leaps away from the reach hands of fire and growls, only for the Elemental to take a step back afterwards, almost like taunting the beast.
Bleeding Night considers taking the fight to Elemental, but a snuffing sound from Black Hill stops him.
All during this time Branwen takes notice of the direction that the Winter Wolf ran off too. "I'm not letting you get away that easily..." she mutters, and upon spotting its glittery pelt starts chanting yet another spell."Cyfod waliau pigog, i dy elynion priciwch cuddio ac yn achosi poen iddo" Like each time before, upon finishing her works of the natural magic a spectacular event occurs. Just as the Winter Wolf thought it was going to get away scott free walls of thorns enclose around its body, barely giving it even an inch to move without a thorn the length of a human finger pricking into his hide.
But the wolf's hide is thicker than Branwen may have originally thought, and a perpetual covering of ice leaves Morning Shard with no great discomfort.
He begins to push through.
"Oh, no you don't..." Cyran mutters under his breath, trying to spot the coward-wolf.
Surrounded by wolves, Ulric decides to take advantage of their momentary distraction and attempt to rejoin his comrades, arriving just as Cyran swings his weapons at one of the Dire Wolves, Rabbit's Bane.
Flames dance across the weapon and burn the fearsome animal, while Cyran can't manage to make contact with his main hand.
Smiling at a hopeful temporary solution, Branwen quickly shifts into the form of a brown bear and moves a little bit closer to combat so that she can be ready for some healing in the near future.
Bleeding Night looks directly at the woman transformed bear, and at Dortho.
Perhaps it recognizes a healer on sight, for the Dire Wolf reaches out with its paw...

...and lifts its paw from off of Drotho's neck, slipping into the trees.
With a howl, Bleeding Night disappears into the trees followed by Black Hill and Rabbit's Bane, slipping away into the grass.

Morning Shard
Branwen, Syrith
Ulric, Cyran

Black Hill is running, and Black Hill, and Rabbit's Bane withdrew.

Oasys Canon Round 6c

Are you guys sure you wanna pursue this with Shard?

2012-01-20, 02:54 AM

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-20, 10:46 AM
Jory eyes the wolf behind the wall of thorns, waiting for the proper moment to strike...

He had fought dragons, demons, and monsters but this beast was perhaps worthier than any of them. He respected its cunning and prowess, but like the others, the wolf would fall.

The path is clear, except for the wall of thorns, but guided by divination magic, his lance could still find home. The hard part would be avoiding the thorns himself!

With a whoop, he spurs his phantom steed forward. The wall of thorns rushes forward toward him at shocking speed, and the wind chills his bones. Eyes flush with visions of the present and future, he guides the lance through the mess of brambles and to the winter wolf's heart.

Ride to avoid going splat.
War cry, then charge, full power attack. Ignore concealment.

2012-01-20, 02:44 PM
Seeing the wolves vanish into the grassy plain, Ulric wastes no time. Still cautious, he grips the Ancient Sword, drawing it from the icy ground, sheathing his greatsword. Watching Jory charge the wolf, he keeps his eyes open, scanning the grass for the remainder of the pack. Gripping the powerful blade in both hands, he prepared to charge at the sign of an ambush.

Move to draw the Sword, ready Standard to charge at any ambushing Dire wolf in range.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-01-20, 06:14 PM
El looks on in shock as his companion is slashed and hacked at by the wolves. Reading the bond between them he instantly take a hold of his consciousness and switches places with him before shouting out to the great white wolf "Why have you pursued us when it is evident that it would cost you a great deal"

2012-01-20, 06:58 PM
[roll0] Falling Damage to El
[roll1] Drotho Bleedin' Out
[roll2] Falling Morning's Slam Attack of Opportunity
[roll3] Damage to Jory's Phantom Steed

[roll4] Falling Morning's Slam Attack
[roll5] Damage to Jory
[roll6] Jory's Reflex Save
[roll7] Falling Morning's Slam Attack
[roll8] Damage to Jory
[roll9] Jory's Reflex Save

Morning Shard
Falling Morning
Branwen, Syrith
Ulric, Cyran

2012-01-20, 07:18 PM
Seeing another friend fall, Ulric raises the glowing sword high, and channels the rage, the terrible powerful rage, into his voice...


Stalking forward, bowing slightly in deference to the mighty wolf, Ulric begins to speak to the pack leader.

That is enough. Pack Mother, you know me. You know my kind. It was long, long ago that we ran together, hunted together, and protected one another, but I still remember the feel of the hunt! Me and my pack have no quarrel with you. We wish only to pass through these lands for our hunt is beyond, in the land of the Old Gods. Our own Pack Mother, the one who gave us life, gave us purpose, needs us. By the memory of the ancient hunts, let us leave your lands. You have horseflesh enough to feed your pack, and there need be no more blood shed between us. We have both lost in this battle. Let it end. Let us part ways in peace.

I hate to risk wasting roleplay with rolls but here goes;
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-01-20, 07:56 PM
Spot check to see if I can't spot any wolves. Will make a post from thar.
[roll0] This is gonna suck, I know it.

Wow, I can't even see my own hands with a spot check like that.

2012-01-20, 08:08 PM
Watching the wolves run away from the fallen druid drow and the barbarian getting up to get the ancient sword, Branwen shifts back to her human form quickly makes her way over to the bleeding Dortho. "Move out of the way, I might be able to save him!" Kneeling next to him she starts forming a sphere of light followed by applying the healing light to the drow's chest. As the sphere sinks into the drow's chest, multiple wounds start to seal up along with some of the blooding being stopped.

While she is attending to one of her comrades, the knight was attacked by yet another Winter Wolf! "Where are all of these wolves coming from? To fight this many isn't worth the lives it will cost, we need to get out of here and soon...", she thinks to herself. Taking a deep breath she yells at the top of her lungs, hoping that her comrades won't think badly of her and that the wolves will hear her.

"Both sides have lost ones that we cared about, you with pack members and possibly mates, us with friends. Please, let us tend to our wounded, let you take your kill to feed your pack and we will take our leave from your territory as fast as we can. If we can come to an agreement I will even heal your wounded to the best of my abilities!"

Swift Action: Shapeshift to human form for speech capable.
Move Action: Move to Dortho's side
Standard Action: Use White Robe feat to heal.
Free Action: Speech/Diplomacy attempt

White Robe healing: [roll0]
Diplomacy check: [roll1] [I hope this works at least as a Aid Other]

Edit: Changed Shout font

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-20, 08:11 PM
Check out the OOC thread guys, major retcons.

2012-01-20, 08:25 PM
Syrith squints in the light of the day, but the wolves natural coloring and skill at hiding cause him to lose track of every single one of them. "Stop your yelling. If they come back then they do. We deal with it then. Now, we gather our fallen and run." He kept his bow in hand and gestured towards the druid. "Can I borrow your bow? I can't use mine while riding." He tried to keep aware, with the sudden stop in activity, but he wasn't confident in his ability to spot the danger in time.

We need to go. End story. Also, I think I have chosen a weapon for the Weapon Focus Path. Longsword is the only logical choice. I should also consider picking up a sword I won't likely have to give to someone with a higher melee attack ability.

2012-01-20, 08:52 PM
El looks on in shock as his companion is slashed and hacked at by the wolves. Reading the bond between them he instantly take a hold of his consciousness and switches places with him before shouting out to the great white wolf "Why have you pursued us when it is evident that it would cost you a great deal"
Jory eyes the wolf behind the wall of thorns, waiting for the proper moment to strike...
Watching the wolves run away from the fallen druid drow and the barbarian getting up to get the ancient sword, Branwen shifts back to her human form quickly makes her way over to the bleeding Dortho. "Move out of the way, I might be able to save him!" Kneeling next to him she starts forming a sphere of light followed by applying the healing light to the drow's chest. As the sphere sinks into the drow's chest, multiple wounds start to seal up along with some of the blooding being stopped.
Taking a deep breath she yells at the top of her lungs, hoping that her comrades won't think badly of her and that the wolves will hear her.
"Both sides have lost ones that we cared about, you with pack members and possibly mates, us with friends. Please, let us tend to our wounded, let you take your kill to feed your pack and we will take our leave from your territory as fast as we can. If we can come to an agreement I will even heal your wounded to the best of my abilities!"
There is no answer other than the whistling wind.
Syrith squints in the light of the day, but the wolves natural coloring and skill at hiding cause him to lose track of every single one of them. "Stop your yelling. If they come back then they do. We deal with it then. Now, we gather our fallen and run." He kept his bow in hand and gestured towards the druid. "Can I borrow your bow? I can't use mine while riding." He tried to keep aware, with the sudden stop in activity, but he wasn't confident in his ability to spot the danger in time.
Seeing the wolves vanish into the grassy plain, Ulric wastes no time. Still cautious, he grips the Ancient Sword, drawing it from the icy ground, sheathing his greatsword. Watching Jory charge the wolf, he keeps his eyes open, scanning the grass for the remainder of the pack. Gripping the powerful blade in both hands, he prepared to charge at the sign of an ambush.
There's no howling, or growls, or the sound of crushed grass.

At this point... We can end the combat rounds right here as long as someone doesn't do something stupid, like do a perfect imitation wolf howl of their own...

Oasys Canon Round 6a

2012-01-20, 09:08 PM
900 EXPerience Points each...
An extra 450 to Branwen as the MVP...
...let's get this 8-ball spinnin'...

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-20, 09:13 PM
Jory squints out into the blinding white. Would they be back? Who could say? But if the wolves did return, the group needed to be better prepared.

In the mean time, they had immediate worries. Tending to the dead and wounded.

"Let's burn our dead but leave the horses. Normally I would say butcher them, but if the wolves have an easy meal in our fallen mounts, perhaps they'll leave us alone.

Once we've been healed, we'll ride for the rocks."

2012-01-20, 09:56 PM
Looking up from her work only long enough to look at all of her injured companions she knew it would take quite some time if she dealt with each of them individually. "Anyone that knows how to use wands, I have some wands of Vigor in my Haversack. I can and will handle those that are in immediate need of healing, everyone else feel free to use my wands to cure any minor wounds."

Turning her attention back to Dortho she continues forming spheres of light and healing the drow. Upon healing him enough to at least be certain that he won't die at the next pat on the shoulder she gives him a shake on the shoulder and finally she stops to take a breather. "How many mounts are we down? I have to agree to leaving as soon as we are healed up, and leaving at least the horses will delay them from giving chase. If the need be, someone or two can ride Geode. I believe that I have a form or two to carry a person, and a talisman that can aid me carry a second if the need arises."

Gonna use White Robed till Dortho is at least up to half HP minimum, or fully healed at maxium.

First-aid kit at work here.

2012-01-20, 10:09 PM
Seeing as no one was going to do the hard task that needed to be done for the good of the journey, Syrith restrapped his bow to his back and set to scouring their fallen companion's corpse. He knelt down first and closed the mage's eyes, whispering a soft prayer under his breath. "Gone now from us, soon to be joined, let our brief parting be not tainted by time." He tried to make sure that no one heard him.

He tugged the bloodstained backpack from around Alfire's shoulders, shrugging onto one of his arms and up near his own shoulders. Syrith pulled off Alfire's gloves and took the single ring that was there, before replacing them. He pulled the headband the mage had from from his skull and fished out the necklace from around his neck. He picked up the crossbow laying near Alfire's hand and unstrung the bolt from it, sliding the backpack from his should to stick the bolt inside.

He stood up and shook his head. "You can burn him, now. Better than to let the wolves have him."

That first part, about no one going to do it, was because of a distance in time between posts

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-20, 10:38 PM
Sure, but in game time, only a moment passed. Ah well. It's not like your character complained out loud.

As Syrith and Branwen tend to the dead and wounded, Jory examines the mage's gear. Losing Alfie was tragic. He was a fierce friend and a powerful ally. His knowledge of the arcane was invaluable. Who else but he would understand the legends and rituals needed to return Mono to life?

Would she have wanted him to go on this mission if it meant his life? Would she want any of them to go?

Looking at Alfie and the possessions so dear to him in life, Jory could only feel selfish for being here at all.

But they had all made the trip for the same selfish reason. None of them could live a life without her. At least the knight was in good company.

"El," he calls out. "You know some magic. Pick out the items you think would be useful, and I'll take the remaining scrolls and wands. Bran should take the Periapt."

2012-01-20, 11:11 PM
Nodding, El sheaths his strange sword before dismissing the flames that consumed it and taking a moment to regain his composure after almost losing his companion. Closing his eyes he opens for a moment he opens them with a whole new view of the world, full of light and magical auras. Picking through the mages items as respectfully as possible, El quickly and efficiently sorts which items they part can use and what cannot.

El takes everything but the clothes on the mages back. List or link to sheet please?

2012-01-20, 11:22 PM
"El," he calls out. "You know some magic. Pick out the items you think would be useful, and I'll take the remaining scrolls and wands. Bran should take the Periapt."

Looking up once more from her work Branwen almost shakes her head at the figuring out who gets what. Finally she speaks out "I will only take the item or items in question to honor his memory and to aid us in the quest we all left together on."

Remembering her fire elemental, Branwen heads over to its area. Upon reaching it she takes her sword and cuts about a thumbs length of hair, pricks her thumb to rub some blood into the hairs and ends her little ritual with a small knot of grass tying the hair together. Placing the small bundle on the path she gives the elemental a bow before addressing it. Thank you for your help Brother o' Flame, we couldn't of run those beasts off without your aid. As agreed so many years ago to your kind, I offer a small piece of myself to you as payment for your services. May your flame never die and burn ever brighter.

The Elemental regards her for a second before retrieving her payment. As it burns to its touch, the magic keeping the Elemental on this plane ends and the Elemental returns to its home on the Elemental Plane of Fire.

2012-01-20, 11:27 PM
Alfire's ravage form isn't pretty to look at.
He hadn't even had a chance to use his light crossbow.
The Dragon Mask, cracked and broken by wolf teeth lies cracked and shattered on the ground.
The backpack, untouched, contains three potions, and four scrollcases. Two wounds and a magic rod are among Alfire's possesions, and everything is stained in his life's blood.
His waterskin, broken by sharp teeth is unusable, but anyone willing to peel off his headband, or remove his periapt, or wrench of his ring can do so.
The spell component pouch at his waist is simlarily ruined by blood, though the bedroll and backpack are fine, fifty crossbow bolts bound tightly in a bundle beneath it.

The Sheet. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=302913)

Jory squints out into the blinding white. Would they be back? Who could say? But if the wolves did return, the group needed to be better prepared.
In the mean time, they had immediate worries. Tending to the dead and wounded.
"Let's burn our dead but leave the horses. Normally I would say butcher them, but if the wolves have an easy meal in our fallen mounts, perhaps they'll leave us alone. Once we've been healed, we'll ride for the rocks."
Seeing as no one was going to do the hard task that needed to be done for the good of the journey, Syrith restrapped his bow to his back and set to scouring their fallen companion's corpse. He knelt down first and closed the mage's eyes, whispering a soft prayer under his breath. "Gone now from us, soon to be joined, let our brief parting be not tainted by time." He tried to make sure that no one heard him.
As Syrith and Branwen tend to the dead and wounded, Jory examines the mage's gear. Losing Alfie was tragic. He was a fierce friend and a powerful ally. His knowledge of the arcane was invaluable. Who else but he would understand the legends and rituals needed to return Mono to life?
Would she have wanted him to go on this mission if it meant his life? Would she want any of them to go?
Looking at Alfie and the possessions so dear to him in life, Jory could only feel selfish for being here at all.
But they had all made the trip for the same selfish reason. None of them could live a life without her. At least the knight was in good company.
"El," he calls out. "You know some magic. Pick out the items you think would be useful, and I'll take the remaining scrolls and wands. Bran should take the Periapt."
Nodding, El sheaths his strange sword before dismissing the flames that consumed it and taking a moment to regain his composure after almost losing his companion. Closing his eyes he opens for a moment he opens them with a whole new view of the world, full of light and magical auras. Picking through the mages items as respectfully as possible, El quickly and efficiently sorts which items they part can use and what cannot.
Syrith tugged the bloodstained backpack from around Alfire's shoulders, shrugging onto one of his arms and up near his own shoulders. Syrith pulled off Alfire's gloves and took the single ring that was there, before replacing them. He pulled the headband the mage had from from his skull and fished out the necklace from around his neck. He picked up the crossbow laying near Alfire's hand and unstrung the bolt from it, sliding the backpack from his should to stick the bolt inside.
He stood up and shook his head. "You can burn him, now. Better than to let the wolves have him."
Looking up once more from her work Branwen almost shakes her head at the figuring out who gets what. Finally she speaks out "I will only take the item or items in question to honor his memory and to aid us in the quest we all left together on."
Remembering her fire elemental, Branwen heads over to its area. Upon reaching it she takes her sword and cuts about a thumbs length of hair, pricks her thumb to rub some blood into the hairs and ends her little ritual with a small knot of grass tying the hair together. Placing the small bundle on the path she gives the elemental a bow before addressing it. Thank you for your help Brother o' Flame, we couldn't of run those beasts off without your aid. As agreed so many years ago to your kind, I offer a small piece of myself to you as payment for your services. May your flame never die and burn ever brighter.
The Elemental regards her for a second before retrieving her payment. As it burns to its touch, the magic keeping the Elemental on this plane ends and the Elemental returns to its home on the Elemental Plane of Fire.

2012-01-21, 09:41 AM
Cyran Alaem

Cyran found his way back through the tall grass, aided by the sound of their talking, and stepped out of it upon the scene of them looting the body. He sighed, his features downturned. Sure - the necessity was understood, but it made it no less wrong, or fun. It was another moment before he managed to reclaim his calm demeanor.

He stayed quiet - he didn't get anything out of looting his corpse, nor did he want to. He was ready to leave when everyone else was.

2012-01-21, 11:10 AM
As the rage drains out of him Ulric staggers slightly. His wounds were severe, but he could bear them. Watching them go through the magical items of Alfire, Ulric nodded sadly. It is god that these things will not be wasted, his soul has departed from this empty shell. Cleaning off his sword, he walks over to the group.

We should move on while we can, but I have lost my horse. Jory, could you help me?

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-21, 11:59 AM
"Yes, we've lost the bulk of our mounts. By my count, we have three, for eight people. The two druids could keep up without mounts, but we still have six to account for. I am carrying Mono's body, so my phantom steed is taken.

Geode can carry two. I ride alone. The living mount can carry two, at least to the rocks.

If we had another horse, we could all ride."

Jory counts up the numbers in his head once more.

"I'll summon a second phantom steed."

And with that, the Eldritch Knight begins the ritual of calling. A mist appears, and over the course of ten minutes, coalesces into a horse-like figure. Upon the completion of the ritual, the new phantom steed neighs and paws the ground. The mist issuing from its muzzle almost makes it look alive in the cold.

"Mount up. We ride for the rocks."

Let's not overload the living mount. My new phantom mount carries 1. Geode carries two. The living mount carries two, and I ride alone. Branwen and Dortho take a mobile form, such as an eagle, and fly along.

EDIT: Actually we do need to double up on the living horse. The phantom steed can only carry one rider by RAW.

2012-01-21, 12:21 PM
El nods and Dortho whistles piercingly for a second. After about a minute his mount returns, black mane flapping in the wind. His light barding seems a bit dustier than before, but other than that he is no worse for wear. El removes his saddle bags from his old horse and bids it a silent fair well as he mounts Dortho's horse. When the others are ready to leave Dortho transforms into a massive Dire Eagle and takes to the skies.

2012-01-21, 01:02 PM
Ulric walks over to his fallen mount, and collects the remainder of his gear, strapping the Ancient Sword to his waist. Then he turns and rejoins the knight.

Marveling at the Phantom Steed, the barbarian mounts up at Jory's behest.

2012-01-21, 04:40 PM
Syrith pulled the bolts from the backpack and strapped the crossbow to his belt. He clambered on top on the stone horse, situating himself to give enough room for whomever the other rider was to be. The scabbard of the ancient blade tapped against his side as he swung over the "horse's" back. Sytirth looked around to see that Ulric had strapped the blade to his belt. Best to leave it that way for now.

2012-01-21, 08:44 PM
Going over to the fallen mage's body after he was picked clean, Branwen mutters her final farewell "Bonds of friendship transcend time and death, I will make it my mission to bring Mono back just so she can know of your sacrifice. May the spirits treat you well." As she finished her farewell a small flame appears in her hands and she lets the flame consume the body. It doesn't take long for the fire to build up with the winter clothes catching on fire before the body, but it too will catch sooner then later.

Walking back to the group she makes sure to stop by Ulric, who was still bleeding. "My fastest form isn't as fast as my mount with its shoes of speed, so if you wouldn't mind holding up for a small period, I will fly and heal from the air." Taking a step back she spreads her arms as they transform into the wings of a hawk, shortly followed by her body becoming that of the bird. Taking to the air, she starts launching healing orbs to her companions dealing with the more heavily injured ones first.

Cast Produce Flame to start Alfire's body on fire.

Shift into Aerial Form
+2 enhancement bonus to Strength
+2 enhancement bonus to Natural Armor
+2 enhancement bonus to Reflex saves
Gain 2 claw attacks that deals 1d6 if your base size is Medium
Fly speed 60ft (Good maneuverability)
Upon reaching Druid level 7, gain the Flyby Attack bonus feat when in this form.

Despite falling behind everyone, I should have enough range to fire off White Robe to heal everyone even if they didn't take damage. On the road unlimited healing for the win.

2012-01-21, 09:08 PM
Shall I assume then...
That Ulric and Syrith take Geode...
...Jory takes his PS...
El takes Drotho's horse.
Drotho transforms, as does Branwen...
Leaving Cyran to ride the second Phantom Steed?

If Zale is truly dropping out, we can assume Dathus is with the new horses...

2012-01-21, 09:15 PM
I took the other phantom steed. Figured it wouldn't due to overburden the living horse with my large bulk + someone else

2012-01-21, 09:23 PM
Correct on me transforming, despite offering to be a mount, or to let someone ride my Talisman of the Disk.

So much for making a joke about someone 'riding' on me...

2012-01-21, 09:47 PM
I took the other phantom steed. Figured it wouldn't due to overburden the living horse with my large bulk + someone else

Correct on me transforming, despite offering to be a mount, or to let someone ride my Talisman of the Disk.
Okay, so Drotho and Branwen transform...
...Jory rides...
...El rides...
...Ulric rids phantom mount...
...Syrith and Cyran take Geode...

To the black rocks they go?

2012-01-21, 11:06 PM
Morning Shard watches the prey leave with little sense of loss.
As the wolves break from the grass, avoiding the flickering flames, they descend on the bodies of the fallen Hard-footed Four-legged Ones.
Growling, and swinging, Morning Shard drives them away from the fatter of the horses, making room for his own pride, Fallen Morning to eat her fill first.
Over the sound of Falling Morning's feeding, and the whines of the pack, Morning Shard keeps watching.
Morning Shard knows many things.
He knows the prey will return.
He know they will return because Morning Shard knows that beyond the black rocks there is nothing..
He know they will return because Morning Shard knows that beyond the black rocks there is nothing but stones, light and wind and the dead.
He know they will return.
He know they will return and most importantly, he knows the Pack will be waiting.

The ride across the ice is a swift one, with the sense of being watched on everyone's minds.
But no wolf breaks the grass, and as the sun climbs a little higher in the sky, they reach the broken black rocks, where Dathus waits with readied horses.

At this point, grab your horse, or link me to it. Or tell me its on your sheet so I can look it over. There's really no reason to stop, assuming Branwen has healed you all, and perhaps remark on her having saved your butts.

2012-01-21, 11:07 PM
One does not simply stroll into the black rocks...

El directs Galaziel toward the rocks as fast as the others can keep up with as Dortho circles lazily overhead. When they reach the rocks he dismounts and observes the area.

Take twenty on spot.

2012-01-21, 11:26 PM
There is rough, dark sand beneath his feet, from which the rough black rocks poke.
The plain of frozen grass ends abruptly, waves of ice yielding to the soft sand and its rising wave of rough, coarse stone, probably of volcanic origin.
The rocks are sparser near the plain, with space to ride around and group together, before eventually coalescing into a rising path, leading south, toward the Forbidden Lands.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-21, 11:48 PM
"Let us establish a watch."

2012-01-22, 12:40 AM
Dathus looks confused, "But the sun is high in the sky, and I have your steeds here, ready to ride-let us press on further to our destination!"

"Let us establish a watch."

2012-01-22, 01:20 AM
Dismounting from the phantom steed, wounds finally knit and closed, Ulric lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Branwen, I feel much better now. And thank you as well for the quick thinking, That fire elemental was something else."

Leading the mount over to Jory, he grins up at the knight, and hands him the reigns. "Thank you for the use of this strange ride, my friend. It was excellent, but I think I'll stick with my beast of flesh and blood, Rothgar."

Finally, he takes a moment to reunite with his longtime horse, and companion Rothgar. That done he speaks to the group as a whole.

"Well that was certainly harrowing. One of our number lost already. Well, I'm all for pressing on while we still have daylight, unless you casters need time to rest and replenish your magic.

Strangely the ride and fight seems to have enlivened the normally taciturn barbarian.

2012-01-22, 02:30 AM
Syrith clambered down off the horse, not that you could call it a horse, more like a statue, and stretched his legs a bit before walking over to his horse. He threw his amrs around the horse's neck, patting deeply on the broad steed's back. "You have a good ride? No trouble from the wolves, Dathus?" He walked around the babrant's flanks, running his long fingers and palm through the horse's fur.

"I'm a little surprised all the horse's made it ok." Syrith said mildly, before adding, "Well, not too surprised actually." He accented this rubbing the big stallion's nose and patting on his cheeks. "Hmm... Ainmire seems a little twitchy. Probably just wants to go for a good run." Surprisingly, the ride and fight had brought out more conversation for the typically stoic archer as well.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-22, 10:52 AM
Dathus looks confused, "But the sun is high in the sky, and I have your steeds here, ready to ride-let us press on further to our destination!"


Dathus! I didn't see you there, man. I thought we might need wait for you. But now that you're here with our fresh mounts, we can continue on our quest. Some of our number have fallen, sadly.

2012-01-22, 11:09 AM
The mercenary nods, "I can see that. But they've nobly fallen in our noble quest-and we can wait no longer-again, I say, onward!"
He points to a split in the rocks up the path, "The horses can take that way through the rocks and beyond with ease!"

Take your horse up and through the pass, and move on from the black rocks. This will initiate the canon starting at the beginning of the game.

2012-01-22, 11:27 AM
Mounting Rothgar. with a leap, Ulric draws the Ancient Sword and looks hard at the land that lays before them. "For Mono." he says softly, then spurs his steed on through the pass.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-22, 12:00 PM
Onward then?

2012-01-22, 08:10 PM

As they make their way through the pass, dark clouds and sheer gray cliffs take over from the black rocks as they go higher and higher. As the temperature rises, their journey carries them for another day and night across old mountains, until they find a south running valley...
An ancient river has worn a deep chasm, leaving a long drop on the cliff-sides with only room to ride one by one, past withered shrubs, clinging to life.
Only birds and plants live here, with a particularly large specimen winging between Ulric and Jory as they make their way south.
The dark clouds follow them through an ancient forest, with trees bigger than all of them together rising high enough to hurt their backs looking at their tops.
The winter outfits no longer become necessary.
Passing a tranquil pond, Syrith and Cyran find water for their mounts, and their is beauty in the green trees.
Ever southward, it becomes warmer, with the clouds lightening in color as they drop a light rain in a sodden plain of low shrubs and bushes.
El and Drotho, followed by Dalthus, are reflected in pools of rain water as the dirt road, eventually becomes one of interlocking stones.
In the distance, rising hills, dotted with trees give way to a monument of stone, poking from the horizon.
The stories were true...
Another day of travel brings them out of the wet plains, and the rain ends.
The path becomes a stone road, of fine work, closely set together, widening so they can ride side by side.
Eventually, just after midnight, they reach the monument, a great stone wall with columns and arches, breached with a narrow gap between two great, rising towers of worked stone.


It. Is. NIGHT.
No moon, and strange stars.
A massive, ornate stone wall, with a single entrance above raised steps, flanked by twin reaching towers.

2012-01-22, 08:28 PM
El smiles grimly as his more predatory instincts kick in and he is finally able to use his heritage to full effect. Glancing around he looks for any form of cover or sheltered area they might spend the night.

Take twenty on spot. Thank you Dark vision.

Also. Epic post is Epic. 3/3 so far on the dramatic posts Oasy.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-22, 08:35 PM
"Not exactly welcoming is it?"

Jory manages a weak smile. The knight reaches into his pocket for a wand, and retrieves it - a stick of dark wood tipped with sapphire. He touches it to his helm, and activates the clairvoyant magic within. Sight beyond sight reveals to him the lay of the land beyond the towers.

Activate a wand of clairvoyance to see what's beyond the towers.

2012-01-22, 09:44 PM
Also. Epic post is Epic. 3/3 so far on the dramatic posts Oasy.
Really? I'd actually thought I'd dropped the ball in this one...
Glad to know I still got it.

El smiles grimly as his more predatory instincts kick in and he is finally able to use his heritage to full effect. Glancing around he looks for any form of cover or sheltered area they might spend the night.
Uh, as a nudge...
You guys are supposed to go in now...
Like, when its nighttime...
I promise, I won't kill you or anything.

The trees are sparse here.
And there's no reason they can't just camp here...
Soft grass and plenty of room.
Dathus looks up at the towers, "I disagree... Looks, grandiose maybe, just being what it is... Perhaps if it had some skulls..."
As the clairvoyant sensor moves up the steps, the vision becomes fuzzy, before ultimately shorting out before Jory can see what's on the other side.

2012-01-22, 10:05 PM
El says "Right here is good, but no way am I camping next to a giant passage without knowing whats on the other side. Shall we?" as he nudges Galaziel up the steps and through the open doorway. Dortho flys up as high as he can to go over the walls and see beyond. He changes shape midair to before a massive Bat.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-22, 10:07 PM
"My clairvoyance failed. Something on the other side of the towers interferes with divination, apparently. Not a good sign."

2012-01-22, 10:11 PM
"Perhaps one is not allowed to look upon the Forbidden Lands without the bravery of going within, Sir Knight?"
Dathus leers.
There is the sound of galloping hooves behind them.

2012-01-22, 10:20 PM
Seeing the dark wall rise before them, Ulric looks around carefully. Blessing Mono as he did every night for her gift of sight in the darkness. He would never have to stumble around in the dark again.

The last few nights had been very strange for the barbarian. There had been no more attacks like the one that had so decimated their group. Ulric was not troubled by death, but his sleep was still not wholly undisturbed. He had been.....dreaming.........such strange dreams......almost like visions.....of the Sword and....other things.....

Visions of Light. A pure brightness, filling the land, banishing all shadows. Of spears lancing downward from the sun, of a Voice, shining out across the world....

Visions of Darkness. Shadows rising from cold stone. Shadows pouring from rent flesh, spreading outward, plunging him into nothingness...

Visions of Wind. Rising and rushing, becoming...somehow solid. Massive armor made from nothing more than air, gates and soaring ramparts crafted from so seemingly ephemeral an element...

But through it all, ran a thread of Hope. Hope for life, and love and laughter. Hope that all would once more be well.

These thoughts swirling through his mind, he spurred his horse forward slightly. Let us go Then, hearing the sound of hoofbeats he turned to find their source.

Edit: changed action slightly based on new posts
Spot check if required: 1d20+8 Ulric has 60 foot Darkvision.

2012-01-22, 10:52 PM
No fell creatures hide in the shadows.
No dangers, no ambushes and no traps.
The darkness of night hides nothing from the party of adventurers, not even Cyran's flight back the way they'd come.
"Hmmmmm," Dathus smiles wickely, pulling out a pipe, and lighting it between his teeth.
"Not all men, can face what is Forbidden, eh, Branwen?!!?!"
He laughs roughly, spewing smoke into the warm, night air.

Galaziel shies as El steers the steed between the two towers, but the drow keeps the horse steady.
As he crosses the threshold, a light is ignited within the Forbidden Lands.
Torn from its resting place, the glorious sun is catapulted high into the sky behind a mosaic of silver clouds.
As night is banished from their presence, El steers Galaziel into the Forbidden Lands, buffeted by a wind that tears at his hair and cloak, sending Drotho spinning.
Galaziel bucks, but El remains in control even as life stirs in the great expanse of untouched land before them.
Trees burst into greenery as grasses and plants burst from sands long cold and dormant.
Birds, leap into song and hawks, spreading their great wings and lift themselves into the air.
Beneath the waters, fish and eels, stir from the muddy slumbers, rising into waters stirred by newly living currents.
Life returns to the dead Forbidden Lands, just as El's entrance apeared to have heralded the rising sun.
As the wind subsides and his eyes adjust, El sees he stands at the end of a great white stone bridge, held above and across the floor of a great desert toward a towering mountain in the center of the Forbidden Lands.


It is now, effectively day. High noon.
Welcome to the game




2012-01-22, 11:18 PM

Eyes adjusting slowly, Ulric squints as he gigs his horse to move alongside the Drow. Looking resolutely out into the newly awakened land, he nods and draws the Sword, holding it high in the air, and shouting his challenge. For they come to this place, this Forbidden Land, to defeat death itself.

Then, once everyone is checked in and ready to go....

Then, he signals Rothgar into a gallop. Alongside his companions, his friends, and his Princess, he rides boldly into the Forbidden lands,

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-22, 11:21 PM
Jory grins, trying not to gawk at the beautiful surroundings, but failing. He spurs his phantom mount onward and takes in the majesty of the Forbidden Land.

2012-01-22, 11:44 PM

The Sword rings as Ulric draws it, reflecting the new sun across their faces.
Rothgar, and even the Phantom Steed, shy again as they cross the threshold, but they keep their horses going forward, following El.
Dortho, beating his black wings, soars alongside the drow.
As hooves strike the stone bridge, Dathus nudges his horses forward, and peers after them, then looks back at Branwen and Syrith.
Grinning around the pipe, he turns his horse between the towers, "Well, with new light, may as well, right?"

As lizards crawl out from under rocks, and trees become laden with heavy, red fruit, Ulric, Jory and El feel a strength, sinking into their bones even as the sun kisses their skin, driving away any exhaustion from traveling at night.
It's marvelous.


Inexplicably, Jory finds himself being drawn back to a time...
A time on the front, fighting against Rebels in the rain...
...it is a dull siege, with their engines of war doing nothing to shift the stubborn cultists and their rebel supporters from their captured mountain stronghold and force them to release their captive farmers.
Jory and Edmund, who hadn't been given the title of 'Prince' at the time, have been lucky to lay claim to a dug-out that only has two leaks.
Bored out of their minds while the engineers do all the work, Edmund had gone in search of reading material, borrowing some texts from the First Wizard himself, who was there for some reason, and often encourages people from all walks of life to share in his and all knowledge.
Beneath a crimson tarp in the rain, the smell of their roasting hen fills Jory's nose as Edmund reads.
"That place... began from the resonance of intersecting points... They are memories replaced by ens and naught and etched into stone. Blood, young sprouts, sky--and the one with the ability to control beings created from light... In that world, it is said that if one should wish it one can bring back the souls of the dead... ...But to trespass upon that land is strictly forbidden..."


2012-01-23, 11:41 AM
Syrith pulled his horse around and trotted slowly into the Forbidden Lands, reveling a bit in the sudden light and warmth. "It seems we are being smiled upon. The land itself welcomes us and our quest." He was smiling quietly to himself. They had finally made it. With a whoop, he too kicked Ainmire into a gallop, following those who had gone before him. "Come Branwen! Our journey is nearly at an end!"

2012-01-23, 12:37 PM
El hold us his hands to stave off the bright light, slightly surprised at the turn of events and een more disappointed that it was light again. He let his eyes adjust and examined the beauty around him before waiting for the others to head onwards across the bridge.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-23, 12:45 PM
"In that world, it is said that if one should wish it one can bring back the souls of the dead... ...But to trespass upon that land is strictly forbidden...

And yet, here we are."

2012-01-23, 12:52 PM
Dathus peers over the edge.
It's a long drop.
"...and a long ride. This bridge is huge! We should go one-by-one, and no passing!"

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-23, 12:59 PM
"This would be an excellent spot to set up an ambush. Keep your eyes peeled."

2012-01-23, 01:06 PM
As her friends come to a stop at the black rocks, she moves her body for a descent. Letting the air currents pass both over and under her wings as her tail feathers steer her she comes in for a landing not far from Ulric and her stolen Stone horse Geode. Upon landing she shifts back into her human form and spots their friend Darthus which she gives a grim nod of a welcome as she takes quick glances at her comrades to see if she healed them of their physical wounds. It was then that she spotted her thinner, more finely boned chestnut brown Arabian horse Quisha. "Quisha!", Branwen practically shouts as she runs over and gives her horse a hug around the neck, "Oh I have missed you so... Now that you are here I can sleep with ease not having to worry that some lowlife will try to sell you or even eat you!


Dismounting from the phantom steed, wounds finally knit and closed, Ulric lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Branwen, I feel much better now. And thank you as well for the quick thinking, That fire elemental was something else."

Turning to her Ulric she gives him a hint of a smile along with a nod. "Think nothing of the healing, as that was my job assigned to me when I joined was it not? As for Brother o' Flame, it should really be him you should thank for his spirit called out to mine during our time of need. I only answered it."
Going over to Geode with Quisha in tow he makes quick work transferring her haversack to Quisha, leaving the heavier items on Geode. "I thank you for carrying us this far Geode, despite the fact that I stole you from your original owner. But if you don't mind, I would very much like it if you could continue this trip with us. At least then you won't be used as just a Garden decoration, but rather as the horse you are deep down inside your stone body."


No fell creatures hide in the shadows.
No dangers, no ambushes and no traps.
The darkness of night hides nothing from the party of adventurers, not even Cyran's flight back the way they'd come.
"Hmmmmm," Dathus smiles wickely, pulling out a pipe, and lighting it between his teeth.
"Not all men, can face what is Forbidden, eh, Branwen?!!?!"
He laughs roughly, spewing smoke into the warm, night air.
She returns his smile only to return his jab at their friends with her own jab, "Just goes to show you that sometimes, although very rarely, males do think with the brain that is above the waist line rather then the one that is below."
It was then that she starts her own much more silent laughter as she thinks back on those days she used to say such things to Mono who never seemed to understand how men have 'two brains' for several years.


The Sword rings as Ulric draws it, reflecting the new sun across their faces.
Rothgar, and even the Phantom Steed, shy again as they cross the threshold, but they keep their horses going forward, following El.
Dortho, beating his black wings, soars alongside the drow.
As hooves strike the stone bridge, Dathus nudges his horses forward, and peers after them, then looks back at Branwen and Syrith.
Grinning around the pipe, he turns his horse between the towers, "Well, with new light, may as well, right?"

Syrith pulled his horse around and trotted slowly into the Forbidden Lands, reveling a bit in the sudden light and warmth. "It seems we are being smiled upon. The land itself welcomes us and our quest." He was smiling quietly to himself. They had finally made it. With a whoop, he too kicked Ainmire into a gallop, following those who had gone before him. "Come Branwen! Our journey is nearly at an end!"

Saddling herself on Quisha, with Geode in tow Branwen reins her mounts forward. "Yes, let us go forward. I yearn for Mono's laughter to once more bring light to my dark days." Upon entering her eyes widen with amazement at the natural beauty that nature has granted this land thanks to centuries, maybe more, from being freed of man's influence. Following suit of the boys, she as well going into a faster pace, but not too fast to loose Geode who was woefully slower then her Quisha even on a bad day.

Hope my quotes won't break the feel of the game, I just have a pet-peeve with letting conversations/roleplay chat that are aimed at me while I can't post just hang out there without at least acknowledgement/witty reply. If it does, I'll take it out.

2012-01-23, 01:14 PM
I appreciate it. Perhaps I'll make another canon post with all of them fitted in.
With everyone now on the landing, shall I assume they proceed toward the Mountain along the bridge?

2012-01-23, 01:34 PM
Curse the ten character minimum

2012-01-23, 01:49 PM
"Single file line would be best. If no one objects I will take center."

Your welcome, and yes.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-23, 01:54 PM
No objections. I should lead the train -- my lance will be more useful from the front. Archers toward the rear, spellcasters, such as they are, in the center. Steadfast Ulric as rear guard. Sound good?

BTW, what are Dathus's capabilities?

2012-01-23, 02:54 PM
Ulric nods. Aye, sounds good. Ulric, reigns his steed to the rear of the line, Ancient Sword still flashing in the sun.

Hope my quotes won't break the feel of the game

Nope, you handled it perfectly. I personally think NOT responding at all breaks the the feeling more. :smallsmile:

2012-01-23, 04:14 PM
Branwen gives a small flick on the reigns to motion Quisha along with Geode towards the middle of the group, but awaits at least Jory to pass by before settling into her position in the line.

Nope, you handled it perfectly. I personally think NOT responding at all breaks the the feeling more. :smallsmile:

I guess it comes with my experience of being gone for periods of time and having to respond to a page to pages of comments made towards my character. :sweat:

2012-01-23, 04:24 PM
Alfire's ravage form isn't pretty to look at.
He hadn't even had a chance to use his light crossbow.
The Dragon Mask, cracked and broken by wolf teeth lies cracked and shattered on the ground.
The backpack, untouched, contains three potions, and four scrollcases. Two wounds and a magic rod are among Alfire's possesions, and everything is stained in his life's blood.
His waterskin, broken by sharp teeth is unusable, but anyone willing to peel off his headband, or remove his periapt, or wrench of his ring can do so.
The spell component pouch at his waist is simlarily ruined by blood, though the bedroll and backpack are fine, fifty crossbow bolts bound tightly in a bundle beneath it.
Jory squints out into the blinding white. Would they be back? Who could say? But if the wolves did return, the group needed to be better prepared.
In the mean time, they had immediate worries. Tending to the dead and wounded.
"Let's burn our dead but leave the horses. Normally I would say butcher them, but if the wolves have an easy meal in our fallen mounts, perhaps they'll leave us alone. Once we've been healed, we'll ride for the rocks."
Seeing as no one was going to do the hard task that needed to be done for the good of the journey, Syrith restrapped his bow to his back and set to scouring their fallen companion's corpse. He knelt down first and closed the mage's eyes, whispering a soft prayer under his breath. "Gone now from us, soon to be joined, let our brief parting be not tainted by time." He tried to make sure that no one heard him.
As Syrith and Branwen tend to the dead and wounded, Jory examines the mage's gear. Losing Alfie was tragic. He was a fierce friend and a powerful ally. His knowledge of the arcane was invaluable. Who else but he would understand the legends and rituals needed to return Mono to life?
Would she have wanted him to go on this mission if it meant his life? Would she want any of them to go?
Looking at Alfie and the possessions so dear to him in life, Jory could only feel selfish for being here at all.
But they had all made the trip for the same selfish reason. None of them could live a life without her. At least the knight was in good company.
"El," he calls out. "You know some magic. Pick out the items you think would be useful, and I'll take the remaining scrolls and wands. Bran should take the Periapt."
Nodding, El sheaths his strange sword before dismissing the flames that consumed it and taking a moment to regain his composure after almost losing his companion. Closing his eyes he opens for a moment he opens them with a whole new view of the world, full of light and magical auras. Picking through the mages items as respectfully as possible, El quickly and efficiently sorts which items they part can use and what cannot.
Syrith tugged the bloodstained backpack from around Alfire's shoulders, shrugging onto one of his arms and up near his own shoulders. Syrith pulled off Alfire's gloves and took the single ring that was there, before replacing them. He pulled the headband the mage had from from his skull and fished out the necklace from around his neck. He picked up the crossbow laying near Alfire's hand and unstrung the bolt from it, sliding the backpack from his should to stick the bolt inside.
He stood up and shook his head. "You can burn him, now. Better than to let the wolves have him."
Looking up once more from her work Branwen almost shakes her head at the figuring out who gets what. Finally she speaks out "I will only take the item or items in question to honor his memory and to aid us in the quest we all left together on."
Remembering her fire elemental, Branwen heads over to its area. Upon reaching it she takes her sword and cuts about a thumbs length of hair, pricks her thumb to rub some blood into the hairs and ends her little ritual with a small knot of grass tying the hair together. Placing the small bundle on the path she gives the elemental a bow before addressing it. Thank you for your help Brother o' Flame, we couldn't of run those beasts off without your aid. As agreed so many years ago to your kind, I offer a small piece of myself to you as payment for your services. May your flame never die and burn ever brighter.
The Elemental regards her for a second before retrieving her payment. As it burns to its touch, the magic keeping the Elemental on this plane ends and the Elemental returns to its home on the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Cyran found his way back through the tall grass, aided by the sound of their talking, and stepped out of it upon the scene of them looting the body. He sighed, his features downturned. Sure - the necessity was understood, but it made it no less wrong, or fun. It was another moment before he managed to reclaim his calm demeanor.
He stayed quiet - he didn't get anything out of looting his corpse, nor did he want to. He was ready to leave when everyone else was.
As the rage drains out of him Ulric staggers slightly. His wounds were severe, but he could bear them. Watching them go through the magical items of Alfire, Ulric nodded sadly. It is god that these things will not be wasted, his soul has departed from this empty shell. Cleaning off his sword, he walks over to the group.
We should move on while we can, but I have lost my horse. Jory, could you help me?
"Yes, we've lost the bulk of our mounts. By my count, we have three, for eight people. The two druids could keep up without mounts, but we still have six to account for. I am carrying Mono's body, so my phantom steed is taken.
Geode can carry two. I ride alone. The living mount can carry two, at least to the rocks. If we had another horse, we could all ride."
Jory counts up the numbers in his head once more.
"I'll summon a second phantom steed."
And with that, the Eldritch Knight begins the ritual of calling. A mist appears, and over the course of ten minutes, coalesces into a horse-like figure. Upon the completion of the ritual, the new phantom steed neighs and paws the ground. The mist issuing from its muzzle almost makes it look alive in the cold.
"Mount up. We ride for the rocks."
El nods and Dortho whistles piercingly for a second. After about a minute his mount returns, black mane flapping in the wind. His light barding seems a bit dustier than before, but other than that he is no worse for wear. El removes his saddle bags from his old horse and bids it a silent fair well as he mounts Dortho's horse. When the others are ready to leave Dortho transforms into a massive Dire Eagle and takes to the skies.
Ulric walks over to his fallen mount, and collects the remainder of his gear, strapping the Ancient Sword to his waist. Then he turns and rejoins the knight.
Marveling at the Phantom Steed, the barbarian mounts up at Jory's behest.
Syrith pulled the bolts from the backpack and strapped the crossbow to his belt. He clambered on top on the stone horse, situating himself to give enough room for whomever the other rider was to be. The scabbard of the ancient blade tapped against his side as he swung over the "horse's" back. Sytirth looked around to see that Ulric had strapped the blade to his belt. Best to leave it that way for now.
Going over to the fallen mage's body after he was picked clean, Branwen mutters her final farewell "Bonds of friendship transcend time and death, I will make it my mission to bring Mono back just so she can know of your sacrifice. May the spirits treat you well." As she finished her farewell a small flame appears in her hands and she lets the flame consume the body. It doesn't take long for the fire to build up with the winter clothes catching on fire before the body, but it too will catch sooner then later.

Walking back to the group she makes sure to stop by Ulric, who was still bleeding. "My fastest form isn't as fast as my mount with its shoes of speed, so if you wouldn't mind holding up for a small period, I will fly and heal from the air." Taking a step back she spreads her arms as they transform into the wings of a hawk, shortly followed by her body becoming that of the bird. Taking to the air, she starts launching healing orbs to her companions dealing with the more heavily injured ones first.

Morning Shard watches the prey leave with little sense of loss.
As the wolves break from the grass, avoiding the flickering flames, they descend on the bodies of the fallen Hard-footed Four-legged Ones.
Growling, and swinging, Morning Shard drives them away from the fatter of the horses, making room for his own pride, Fallen Morning to eat her fill first.
Over the sound of Falling Morning's feeding, and the whines of the pack, Morning Shard keeps watching.
Morning Shard knows many things.
He knows the prey will return.
He know they will return because Morning Shard knows that beyond the black rocks there is nothing..
He know they will return because Morning Shard knows that beyond the black rocks there is nothing but stones, light and wind and the dead.
He know they will return.
He know they will return and most importantly, he knows the Pack will be waiting.
The ride across the ice is a swift one, with the sense of being watched on everyone's minds.
But no wolf breaks the grass, and as the sun climbs a little higher in the sky, they reach the broken black rocks, where Dathus waits with readied horses.
El directs Galaziel toward the rocks as fast as the others can keep up with as Dortho circles lazily overhead. When they reach the rocks he dismounts and observes the area.
As her friends come to a stop at the black rocks, she moves her body for a descent. Letting the air currents pass both over and under her wings as her tail feathers steer her she comes in for a landing not far from Ulric and her stolen Stone horse Geode. Upon landing she shifts back into her human form and spots their friend Darthus which she gives a grim nod of a welcome as she takes quick glances at her comrades to see if she healed them of their physical wounds. It was then that she spotted her thinner, more finely boned chestnut brown Arabian horse Quisha. "Quisha!", Branwen practically shouts as she runs over and gives her horse a hug around the neck, "Oh I have missed you so... Now that you are here I can sleep with ease not having to worry that some lowlife will try to sell you or even eat you!
"Let us establish a watch."
Dathus looks confused, "But the sun is high in the sky, and I have your steeds here, ready to ride-let us press on further to our destination!"
Dismounting from the phantom steed, wounds finally knit and closed, Ulric lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Branwen, I feel much better now. And thank you as well for the quick thinking, That fire elemental was something else."
Turning to her Ulric she gives him a hint of a smile along with a nod. "Think nothing of the healing, as that was my job assigned to me when I joined was it not? As for Brother o' Flame, it should really be him you should thank for his spirit called out to mine during our time of need. I only answered it."
Going over to Geode with Quisha in tow he makes quick work transferring her haversack to Quisha, leaving the heavier items on Geode. "I thank you for carrying us this far Geode, despite the fact that I stole you from your original owner. But if you don't mind, I would very much like it if you could continue this trip with us. At least then you won't be used as just a Garden decoration, but rather as the horse you are deep down inside your stone body."
Leading the mount over to Jory, Ulric grins up at the knight, and hands him the reigns. "Thank you for the use of this strange ride, my friend. It was excellent, but I think I'll stick with my beast of flesh and blood, Rothgar."
Syrith clambered down off the horse, not that you could call it a horse, more like a statue, and stretched his legs a bit before walking over to his horse. He threw his amrs around the horse's neck, patting deeply on the broad steed's back. "You have a good ride? No trouble from the wolves, Dathus?" He walked around the babrant's flanks, running his long fingers and palm through the horse's fur.
"I'm a little surprised all the horse's made it ok." Syrith said mildly, before adding, "Well, not too surprised actually." He accented this rubbing the big stallion's nose and patting on his cheeks. "Hmm... Ainmire seems a little twitchy. Probably just wants to go for a good run." Surprisingly, the ride and fight had brought out more conversation for the typically stoic archer as well.
Finally, he takes a moment to reunite with his longtime horse, and companion Rothgar. That done he speaks to the group as a whole.
"Well that was certainly harrowing. One of our number lost already. Well, I'm all for pressing on while we still have daylight, unless you casters need time to rest and replenish your magic.
Strangely the ride and fight seems to have enlivened the normally taciturn barbarian.
Dathus! I didn't see you there, man. I thought we might need wait for you. But now that you're here with our fresh mounts, we can continue on our quest. Some of our number have fallen, sadly.
The mercenary nods, "I can see that. But they've nobly fallen in our noble quest-and we can wait no longer-again, I say, onward!"
He points to a split in the rocks up the path, "The horses can take that way through the rocks and beyond with ease!"
Mounting Rothgar. with a leap, Ulric draws the Ancient Sword and looks hard at the land that lays before them. "For Mono." he says softly, then spurs his steed on through the pass.
As they make their way through the pass, dark clouds and sheer gray cliffs take over from the black rocks as they go higher and higher. As the temperature rises, their journey carries them for another day and night across old mountains, until they find a south running valley...
An ancient river has worn a deep chasm, leaving a long drop on the cliff-sides with only room to ride one by one, past withered shrubs, clinging to life.
Only birds and plants live here, with a particularly large specimen winging between Ulric and Jory as they make their way south.
The dark clouds follow them through an ancient forest, with trees bigger than all of them together rising high enough to hurt their backs looking at their tops.
The winter outfits no longer become necessary.
Passing a tranquil pond, Syrith and Cyran find water for their mounts, and their is beauty in the green trees.
Ever southward, it becomes warmer, with the clouds lightening in color as they drop a light rain in a sodden plain of low shrubs and bushes.
El and Drotho, followed by Dalthus, are reflected in pools of rain water as the dirt road, eventually becomes one of interlocking stones.
In the distance, rising hills, dotted with trees give way to a monument of stone, poking from the horizon.
The stories were true...
Another day of travel brings them out of the wet plains, and the rain ends.
The path becomes a stone road, of fine work, closely set together, widening so they can ride side by side.
Eventually, just after midnight, they reach the monument, a great stone wall with columns and arches, breached with a narrow gap between two great, rising towers of worked stone.
El smiles grimly as his more predatory instincts kick in and he is finally able to use his heritage to full effect. Glancing around he looks for any form of cover or sheltered area they might spend the night.
"Not exactly welcoming is it?"
Jory manages a weak smile. The knight reaches into his pocket for a wand, and retrieves it - a stick of dark wood tipped with sapphire. He touches it to his helm, and activates the clairvoyant magic within. Sight beyond sight reveals to him the lay of the land beyond the towers.
The trees are sparse here.
And there's no reason they can't just camp here...
Soft grass and plenty of room.
Dathus looks up at the towers, "I disagree... Looks, grandiose maybe, just being what it is... Perhaps if it had some skulls..."
As the clairvoyant sensor moves up the steps, the vision becomes fuzzy, before ultimately shorting out before Jory can see what's on the other side.
"My clairvoyance failed. Something on the other side of the towers interferes with divination, apparently. Not a good sign."
"Right here is good, but no way am I camping next to a giant passage without knowing whats on the other side. Shall we?". El says, as he nudges Galaziel up the steps and through the open doorway. Dortho flys up as high as he can to go over the walls and see beyond. He changes shape midair to before a massive Bat.
"Perhaps one is not allowed to look upon the Forbidden Lands without the bravery of going within, Sir Knight?"
Dathus leers.
There is the sound of galloping hooves behind them.
Seeing the dark wall rise before them, Ulric looks around carefully. Blessing Mono as he did every night for her gift of sight in the darkness. He would never have to stumble around in the dark again.
The last few nights had been very strange for the barbarian. There had been no more attacks like the one that had so decimated their group. Ulric was not troubled by death, but his sleep was still not wholly undisturbed. He had been.....dreaming.........such strange dreams......almost like visions.....of the Sword and....other things.....
Visions of Light. A pure brightness, filling the land, banishing all shadows. Of spears lancing downward from the sun, of a Voice, shining out across the world....
Visions of Darkness. Shadows rising from cold stone. Shadows pouring from rent flesh, spreading outward, plunging him into nothingness...
Visions of Wind. Rising and rushing, becoming...somehow solid. Massive armor made from nothing more than air, gates and soaring ramparts crafted from so seemingly ephemeral an element...
But through it all, ran a thread of Hope. Hope for life, and love and laughter. Hope that all would once more be well.
These thoughts swirling through his mind, he spurred his horse forward slightly.
"Let us go then,"
Hearing the sound of hoofbeats he turned to find their source.
The darkness of night hides nothing from the party of adventurers, not even Cyran's flight back the way they'd come.
"Hmmmmm," Dathus smiles wickely, pulling out a pipe, and lighting it between his teeth.
"Not all men, can face what is Forbidden, eh, Branwen?!!?!"
He laughs roughly, spewing smoke into the warm, night air.
She returns his smile only to return his jab at their friends with her own jab, "Just goes to show you that sometimes, although very rarely, males do think with the brain that is above the waist line rather then the one that is below."
It was then that she starts her own much more silent laughter as she thinks back on those days she used to say such things to Mono who never seemed to understand how men have 'two brains' for several years.
Galaziel shies as El steers the steed between the two towers, but the drow keeps the horse steady.
As he crosses the threshold, a light is ignited within the Forbidden Lands.
Torn from its resting place, the glorious sun is catapulted high into the sky behind a mosaic of silver clouds.
As night is banished from their presence, El steers Galaziel into the Forbidden Lands, buffeted by a wind that tears at his hair and cloak, sending Drotho spinning.
Galaziel bucks, but El remains in control even as life stirs in the great expanse of untouched land before them.
Trees burst into greenery as grasses and plants burst from sands long cold and dormant.
Birds, leap into song and hawks, spreading their great wings and lift themselves into the air.
Beneath the waters, fish and eels, stir from the muddy slumbers, rising into waters stirred by newly living currents.
Life returns to the dead Forbidden Lands, just as El's entrance apeared to have heralded the rising sun.
As the wind subsides and his eyes adjust, El sees he stands at the end of a great white stone bridge, held above and across the floor of a great desert toward a towering mountain in the center of the Forbidden Lands.
Eyes adjusting slowly, Ulric squints as he gigs his horse to move alongside the Drow. Looking resolutely out into the newly awakened land, he nods and draws the Sword, holding it high in the air, and shouting his challenge. For they come to this place, this Forbidden Land, to defeat death itself.
Then, he signals Rothgar into a gallop. Alongside his companions, his friends, and his Princess, he rides boldly into the Forbidden lands.
Jory grins, trying not to gawk at the beautiful surroundings, but failing. He spurs his phantom mount onward and takes in the majesty of the Forbidden Land.
The Sword rings as Ulric draws it, reflecting the new sun across their faces.
Rothgar, and even the Phantom Steed, shy again as they cross the threshold, but they keep their horses going forward, following El.
Dortho, beating his black wings, soars alongside the drow.
As hooves strike the stone bridge, Dathus nudges his horses forward, and peers after them, then looks back at Branwen and Syrith.
Grinning around the pipe, he turns his horse between the towers, "Well, with new light, may as well, right?"
As lizards crawl out from under rocks, and trees become laden with heavy, red fruit, Ulric, Jory and El feel a strength, sinking into their bones even as the sun kisses their skin, driving away any exhaustion from traveling at night.
It's marvelous.

Inexplicably, Jory finds himself being drawn back to a time...
A time on the front, fighting against Rebels in the rain...
...it is a dull siege, with their engines of war doing nothing to shift the stubborn cultists and their rebel supporters from their captured mountain stronghold and force them to release their captive farmers.
Jory and Edmund, who hadn't been given the title of 'Prince' at the time, have been lucky to lay claim to a dug-out that only has two leaks.
Bored out of their minds while the engineers do all the work, Edmund had gone in search of reading material, borrowing some texts from the First Wizard himself, who was there for some reason, and often encourages people from all walks of life to share in his and all knowledge.
Beneath a crimson tarp in the rain, the smell of their roasting hen fills Jory's nose as Edmund reads.
"That place... began from the resonance of intersecting points... They are memories replaced by ens and naught and etched into stone. Blood, young sprouts, sky--and the one with the ability to control beings created from light... In that world, it is said that if one should wish it one can bring back the souls of the dead... ...But to trespass upon that land is strictly forbidden..."

Syrith pulled his horse around and trotted slowly into the Forbidden Lands, reveling a bit in the sudden light and warmth. "It seems we are being smiled upon. The land itself welcomes us and our quest." He was smiling quietly to himself. They had finally made it. With a whoop, he too kicked Ainmire into a gallop, following those who had gone before him. "Come Branwen! Our journey is nearly at an end!"
Saddling herself on Quisha, with Geode in tow Branwen reins her mounts forward. "Yes, let us go forward. I yearn for Mono's laughter to once more bring light to my dark days." Upon entering her eyes widen with amazement at the natural beauty that nature has granted this land thanks to centuries, maybe more, from being freed of man's influence. Following suit of the boys, she as well going into a faster pace, but not too fast to loose Geode who was woefully slower then her Quisha even on a bad day.
"In that world, it is said that if one should wish it one can bring back the souls of the dead... ...But to trespass upon that land is strictly forbidden... And yet, here we are."
El hold us his hands to stave off the bright light, slightly surprised at the turn of events and een more disappointed that it was light again. He let his eyes adjust and examined the beauty around him before waiting for the others to head onwards across the bridge.
Dathus peers over the edge.
It's a long drop.
"...and a long ride. This bridge is huge! We should go one-by-one, and no passing!"
"This would be an excellent spot to set up an ambush. Keep your eyes peeled."
"Single file line would be best. If no one objects I will take center."
No objections. I should lead the train -- my lance will be more useful from the front. Archers toward the rear, spellcasters, such as they are, in the center. Steadfast Ulric as rear guard. Sound good?
Ulric nods. Aye, sounds good. Ulric, reigns his steed to the rear of the line, Ancient Sword still flashing in the sun.
Branwen gives a small flick on the reigns to motion Quisha along with Geode towards the middle of the group, but awaits at least Jory to pass by before settling into her position in the line.

Oasys Canon 7
Will edit for style later.
Leading the way, Jory eventually sees the bridge truly runs across the land straight and narrow.
Without changing width or its grade, its a marvel of engineering. that leads not to a mountain but what appears to be a great temple, a shrine of worship.
It takes them just under three minutes to make the journey across sand, rock and water, following the bridge until it reaches a similar landing on the Shrine of Worship.
This massive towering work of stone is cracked and worn, covered in ivy, with a repeating theme inscribed on its stones.
From the landing, a ramp, runs east and upward along the tower to a higher point in the structure.


But this isn't nearly as interesting as the stone door which slides open, revealing a passage in the dark, down into the Shrine.

2012-01-23, 04:32 PM
Happily seeing darkness, El spurs Galaziel onward and downward while Dortho lands to waddle down the steps after everyone else, taking a bit longer than the horses.

2012-01-23, 04:41 PM
Seeing the darkness, and knowing that not everyone can see in the dark especially her, Branwen quickly but hesitantly at the same time draws another orb of Liquid Sunlight like she did before the Wolf attack. Shedding its light out like a torch, it was a small comfort for Quisha and Branwen not to be smothered in darkness. "If you boys feel like it, I can send off a scout to see what it can ahead of us. But its range and time among us will be limited since the magic isn't as strong as the spell that brought the fire elemental last time, but it won't use up my spells like earlier as well."

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-23, 04:56 PM
Jory speaks a magic word and the tip of his mighty lance glows, a point of joyous light akin to a blazing torch.

"I am interested in these runes... they're unlike any I have encountered in my studies. Have any of you seen the like?"

Engrossed, the Knight studies the carved stones.

Human Paragon 3
2012-01-23, 05:00 PM
I'll burn an Improvisation and drop some Knowledge on these runes, too:

[roll0]Know: History

[roll1]Know: Religion


2012-01-23, 05:01 PM
Stopping near Jory, Branwen looks at the runes from her view point. "I don't have much in practice with runes, but it can't hurt to have a look no?"

2012-01-23, 05:05 PM
Dang, accidentally hit submit before I was finished with my post...

Minor checks are minor

Knowledge (arcana)*: [roll0]
Knowledge (architecture & engineering)*: [roll1]
Spellcraft: [roll2]

*Granted to me by virtue of the Educated feat
Don't ask me why I went and even bothered with Educated, let alone expect my rolls to mean anything.

2012-01-23, 05:18 PM
Seeing his companions examining the Arcane writings, Ulric dismounts from his steed. Walking carefully over to the dark entrance to the Shrine, he peers carefully down the dark shaft, waiting for the others.

Spot: [roll0]

2012-01-23, 05:23 PM

Happily seeing darkness, El spurs Galaziel onward and downward while Dortho lands to waddle down the steps after everyone else, taking a bit longer than the horses.
Seeing the darkness, and knowing that not everyone can see in the dark especially her, Branwen quickly but hesitantly at the same time draws another orb of Liquid Sunlight like she did before the Wolf attack. Shedding its light out like a torch, it was a small comfort for Quisha and Branwen not to be smothered in darkness. "If you boys feel like it, I can send off a scout to see what it can ahead of us. But its range and time among us will be limited since the magic isn't as strong as the spell that brought the fire elemental last time, but it won't use up my spells like earlier as well."
Jory speaks a magic word and the tip of his mighty lance glows, a point of joyous light akin to a blazing torch.

"I am interested in these runes... they're unlike any I have encountered in my studies. Have any of you seen the like?"
Engrossed, the Knight studies the carved stones.
Stopping near Jory, Branwen looks at the runes from her view point. "I don't have much in practice with runes, but it can't hurt to have a look no?"
Seeing his companions examining the Arcane writings, Ulric dismounts from his steed. Walking carefully over to the dark entrance to the Shrine, he peers carefully down the dark shaft, waiting for the others.
But they both find themselves undeniably stumped beyond reason.
The stones match the architecture of the bridge they'd just crosses and the rest of what they'd seen of the Shrine, but no other clues are forthcoming.
The work doesn't scream of human or elf hands, and not even dwarves use this style of cut-with each block seeming to flow into one another without any seams.
Often, one tests work by showing how they can't fit a knife through the joins.
On this Shrine, there is nowhere to put the knife!
Dathus lets out a shallow breath, running his hands across the Shrine, "I don't know if mortal hands built this place, but it must have been important."


Just as he'd brought light into the Forbidden Lands, the drow drives silence from the Shrine of Worship. The ring of Galaziel's steps echoes through the staits, followed by the scrape of Drotho's wings.
It doesn't take long for El to come to another landing, overlookign a winding ramp that descends deep below to a reflecting pool at the bottom.
A dim light shines across the water, and El sees that the symbols decorating the outside of the Shrine also repeat within, afixed along the descending ramp.


2012-01-23, 05:58 PM
Branwen, despite trying her best to decipher what the runes mean, couldn't even make a scratch to their meaning. Scratching her head she finally just gives up and dismounts from Quisha. "Well whatever their meaning, its lost to me." Continuing on with 'sunlight' in one hand and Quisha's reins in the other she stops at the landing and takes a glance down the spiral ramp. "Hmm... I wonder...", mutters Branwen, "I wonder how far down it goes..."

2012-01-23, 06:02 PM
Surprised at the Drows quick departure into the shrine, Ulric swiftly mounted up and rode after him carefully.

Guess we're rushing right along. :smallwink:

2012-01-23, 06:15 PM
Dathus peers down after her, "Well, the bridge looks to be three hundred and twenty-five feet from the highest elevation... So, a little less than that."
He whistles.

Guess we're rushing right along.
Yup. Oh, and there's no limit to falling damage.
Jump from here, and you're taking 30d6s, okay?

2012-01-23, 06:27 PM
Looking to her companions expecting an answer to her earlier suggestion, she finally hangs her head low with a sigh before finally deciding that they weren't going to give her a response. "Lets try some experimentation and scouting shall we boys?"

To start things off, she draws an arrow from her Quiver of Endless Arrows and drops it over the edge, then tries to listen and time how long it takes for it to hit the bottom.

Following that she mutters a minor summoning spell in hopes that a aerial scout can at least have a look around, and possibly attack any potential enemies below them on the ramp. Granted it won't be a strong ally, nor will it stay for but half a minute or so, but at least it will have the ability to fly and see in the dark.
Upon finishing her casting of the minor spell a gust of wind seems to flow near her as a Medium Air Elemental appears. "Be a dear Sister o' Zephyr, and fly down to see if you can find anything that might mean harm to us."

1) Just as the tin says, draws an arrow and drops it.
Listen Check: [roll0]
2) Summon Elemental, I have a 6th level or higher summoning spell prepared so I can summon a Medium elemental. It stays till either it goes further then 30ft from me [flying 25ft from me now], or its time runs out [in 6 rounds].
Elemental's Spot: [roll1]

Edit: Ninja'd by Darthus :smallsigh:

2012-01-23, 06:31 PM
After the alloted time, the elemental does not return.
As for the arrow, nobody hears a thing.

2012-01-23, 06:45 PM
"Hmph..., Branwen huffs, "Well that was kind of boring... Anyways, my air elemental didn't seem to find anything of immediate danger at least just a little below us. Anyone else have anything they would like to try before continuing on?"

2012-01-23, 06:51 PM
El looks at Dortho and then gives the pit a jerk of his head. The Eagle caws in laughter and hops off the side, entering a freefalling dive for several hundred feet before snapping open its wings and lazily floating down, down, down.... Smirking El guides Galaziel to the ramp and keep him as close to the wall as he can calling "If something was going to kill us for entering this place, It would have already done it. Lets get a move on."

After a pause he thinks to himself "Or its really, really, twisted."
I forgot about something.

Reaching into Dortho's saddle bags El looks back at the others and thier obvious trouble with the dark. Sighing, he pulled out a few grey stones that seemed to be on fire, but El was obviously not harmed. Tossing them at the others, they begin to orbit their heads, illuminating their way. He also reaches into the other saddle bag and pulls out a brightly lit glass orb that gives off as much light as a miniature sun. He holds it out to the others and wait for one to signify that they wanted it. Then he turns his eyes back down into the welcoming darkness and staying ahead of the others.

Everyone gets a grey ion stone with Continual Flame cast upon it. And someone gets a glass orb with the equivalent light of daylight for 60 feet.

2012-01-23, 07:13 PM
At the offered light, Ulric merely shakes his head and taps his goggles. Do you want to lead the way down or shall I?

Edit: Removed my question, obvious that that's the case.

2012-01-23, 07:19 PM
Syrith takes the glass orb of light and cradles it carefully in one hand. "I can't use my bow on Ainmire anyway." That was all the reasoning he needed for his actions. He follows near the front on the line of horses. Absently, he'd stare at the little stone floating around his head, enraptured by the movement at times.

2012-01-23, 07:47 PM
Question, it is dark in here, and there is plenty of room for the horses correct?
Its dark, but room for the horses is running out if nobody descends the ramp.

Anyways, my air elemental didn't seem to find anything of immediate danger
WHOA. An optimist.
In an Oasys game?
I'll have to change that.

After a pause he thinks to himself "Or its really, really, twisted."
Ah, that's more like it.

Do I have a problem?
With a significant source of light, the drow's descent brings them to the bottom of the spiraling column. a pool of water takes up most of the space at the bottom, and opens up to a massive stone cathedral.
