View Full Version : 3.5 game / PF enemies

Chained Birds
2012-01-15, 09:33 PM
So would PF enemies totally wreck the traditional 3.5 party? Meaning, is there an obvious gap in power between 3.5 monsters and PF monsters?

2012-01-15, 09:53 PM
I think just like pathfinder characters, 3.5 characters have a decent chance against PF monsters... but then I think if you don't have a chance of getting your ass handed to you in a random encounter, it shouldn't even count as an encounter.

2012-01-15, 11:58 PM
So would PF enemies totally wreck the traditional 3.5 party? Meaning, is there an obvious gap in power between 3.5 monsters and PF monsters?

I think they should fare well enough, so long as your party is relatively ready and it's a challenge equivalent threat. Nothing screams unfair like carting the fainted cleric and warblade back to a healer/resurrector at the end of a battle filled day only to be ambushed by a Great Wyrm Dragon.

2012-01-16, 12:25 AM
Eh, not really. The CR of enemies in Pathfinder tends to be closer to their actual levels of power than in 3.5 (still not perfect, but lowering the CR of all NPCs certainly helped).

Also, some of the 3.5 supplemental material (I'm looking at ToB, specifically) has good character options that aren't available in PF. For the most part I wouldn't worry about it too much - you could just keep the CR of enemies about 1 or .5 lower on average, increasing if the enemies aren't posing a challenge.

2012-01-16, 01:39 AM
nothing in PF to my knowledge is anything different form 3.5 in terms of difficulty, acutally i think its a bit easier really.

but that is mostly becuase o the lack of SPLAT from pathfinder so you don't have lal these wnky rules and such that when combined are more than a little gamebreaking.

2012-01-16, 09:15 AM
Are you just porting in the monsters, or are you changing underlying rules too? For instance, regeneration is pretty different in Pathfinder, so any monsters that have it will function differently.

One area in which PF monsters are easier is the save-or-die category, as those were nerfed in a number of ways. For instance, compare Basilisk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/basilisk.htm)/Basilisk (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/basilisk.html#_basilisk), which has an escape clause in PF. SoD spells were also nerfed, which affects monsters that use those abilities as well.

Chained Birds
2012-01-16, 02:06 PM
So PF is actually fair? Compared to 3.5 stuff. It always felt like PF monsters were stronger in some way, but I guess they we just an equal challenge for their CR...