View Full Version : DM Needs Beguiler for Shipboard Intrigue.

2012-01-15, 11:30 PM
I'm about to start a nautical campaign, and in the first chapter the PCs will be signing onto a long sea voyage. At some point there will be a pitched battle between ships, but I don't want to throw that at them first thing.

Instead I wanted to give the PCs a pocket mystery to solve while they're settling into shipboard life. The ship carries a MacGuffin which a rival company wants to sabotage; the company has planted an agent; the PCs stop the agent. It's basic, but only meant for a session or so.

I have the concept, but I could use suggestions on the setup and execution. The agent, pretty much by definition, will be good at blending in; I need some way for the PCs to catch on, preferably something they'd notice that a cramped community of sailors wouldn't. (The PCs are "specialists" and not strictly involved with ship's operations.)

So, any ideas? The PCs will be 4th level, and will have free run of the ship. I'm looking for ideas on a suitably challenging agent, as well as how the PCs might uncover clues to the plot.

EDIT: After browsing some more, my roving eye has settled on the beguiler, which looks custom-made for what I had in mind.

Right now I'm thinking Martial Rogue 1/Beguiler 4, perhaps topped with the first level of Spymaster. Any suggestions on feats? And would this be an appropriate challenge for a small 4th-level group?

2012-01-15, 11:33 PM
Perhaps a lie about an event on land that the sailors, not venturing far from the dock when at port, would not catch?

2012-01-15, 11:50 PM
That...is an excellent idea, and not one I'd thought of. --I like that.

Any notions on what an appropriate agent would be? I'd like something that's an appropriate CR for a fourth-level party, or maybe even a little less; the agent wouldn't have been planning on their presence, and would be focused on being unobtrusive in the ship's company.

But I'd like the agent to have some kind of bite, when cornered--some knack or edge he'd use to get out of a tight spot. A clever-trick build would fit nicely here.

EDIT: I know there's a Spymaster PrC, but is there a class that would be appropriate here?

2012-01-16, 10:21 AM
I know there's a Spymaster PrC, but is there a class that would be appropriate here?Bard, rogue, factotum. The latter might be of interest, in that it can use Inspiration to gain an edge it needs (int to a save, an attack or AC for round, Sneak Attack, spell-like abilities etc.).

2012-01-16, 02:38 PM
Rogue could be a possibility, and I'm also open to factotum.

But I've never done much with a factotum before; no real idea what makes the class tick. What would a 4th-level factotum look like, especially one designed for skullduggery?

2012-01-16, 04:00 PM
What would a 4th-level factotum look like, especially one designed for skullduggery?http://www.dicts.info/img/ud/villain.png

2012-01-16, 04:09 PM
Heh. Yes, that's caught the spirit of it. Perhaps with a slightly shorter hat. :smalltongue:

To rephrase: in terms of a factotum build, what could go into four levels that would suit him for a mission of nautical espionage? This would be human with one flaw, so that's four feats to work with, plus two skill tricks if a factotum can make use of those.

I'm completely new to factotuming, so all build advice welcome.

2012-01-16, 04:18 PM
Well, depends on how you want him to fight, and which sources you have available. Combat Expertise -> Imp. Trip is always neat (factotums get to add Int to Str checks such as tripping). Quick Draw (and associated skill tricks) or EWP: Gnome Quickblade work with Iaijutsu Focus. A Martial Study for a nifty maneuver works either way (Mighty Throw to toss an unwary PC overboard, say).

Skills, well, Profession (Sailor), with a few given ranks in climb, balance, use rope and so forth, with maxed bluff and listen, maybe sleight of hand.

2012-01-16, 09:18 PM
Well, looking through the factotum, it's...interesting, but not quite what I had in mind. At fourth level it's a few snippets here and a few more there. The versatility is interesting, but it seems spread a little thin, especially with only 3 inspiration points.

It's worth thinking about, but I'm still open to other suggestions.

EDIT: After browsing some more, my roving eye has settled on the beguiler, which looks custom-made for what I had in mind.

Right now I'm thinking Martial Rogue 1/Beguiler 4, perhaps topped with the first level of Spymaster. Any suggestions on feats? And would this be an appropriate challenge for a small 4th-level group?