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2012-01-16, 01:05 PM
The Giant's Mug towers over all other buildings in the town. Quite reasonably too, given that most of the other buildings are made for gnomes, while this one is for the larger folk - and is three stories tall, on top of that. No pun intended. A human takes the horses in to the stable. She herself looks rather horsey, with a long face, brown eyes, and some steel-toed boots that could probably deliver a mean kick, also just like a horse. A surly looking orc with manacle cuffs around each wrist sits just inside the door, shuffling cards. He's missing the last two fingers on his right hand, but this doesn't seem to bother him much. The bartender is a skinny gnome with a large nose and a foreign accent. The two waiters are, respectively, an elf who apparently doesn't think waiting tables is above him, and a human who apparently doesn't think going around with a frilly low-cut top is above her.

A large poster in the corner- made of parchment, naturally - offers an unspecified reward to anyone going to deal with the kobold menace. It's written by someone who is used to writing small, and the letters bounce around from giant to barely legible, by human standards. Signed by the mayor, so it probably isn't just a hoax.

There's also a person in a black cloak, smoking a pipe in the opposite corner. The hood is pulled up far over the person's head, so all you can see is the end of its nose, and its lips, which are curled around the aforementioned pipe. A glass of wine sits by his right hand, completely untouched. It looks like good wine, and the glass was probably expensive as well.

The Giant's Mug gets all sorts. This is quite self-evident. There are high (very high) stools for the odd halfling and gnome who comes in. The chairs are wide enough for dwarves, and the tables are high enough for humans and elves (a dwarf may require a cushion or two). Most of the seats are full - the Crossroads seems to get a little bit of everywhere this time of year. One of those seats, presumably, is hosting your butt at the moment.

So, what do you do?

2012-01-16, 01:21 PM
Virex, upon entering, immediately begins taking notes on his surroundings, almost immediately raising his eyebrows at the sight of a mysterious cloaked figure...it was almost enough to remove the stench of recent failures from his mind.

So, walking up to the cloaked figure, he did a curt bow and said, "So what brings you here, sir?

2012-01-16, 01:23 PM
Morio sits at the bar, his head in his hands. His battered pointy had stands wonky on his head, and has several cocktail unbrellas stuck in it. He stinks of alchohol. He motions to the barman for another drink, while Ludo sits on the bar by his hand.
"You're pathetic." Ludo said. "No, really, pathetic. You're a Lvl 5 Wizard, and you just got thrown out of a Wizards guild mostly populated by 1st and 2nd level wizards for being too weak. Too. Weak."
"Oh, shut up, Ludo." Morio muttered irratibly, sipping at his fourth cocktail, slowly feeling the pleasant alchoholic buzz which might, if he was lucky, make him forget the humiliation of the past hour. He had been in the guild for a few days now, feeling the pleasure of being accepted, until at lunch today it had come out that he could only cast cantrips, and was then publicly humilated in the street by the other wizards.
Finishing it, he slams his now empty glass back down onto the bar top, and wished for the millionth time that he was better at getting drunk. Where's the fun in drinking if you can't get drunk? Damn elven liver. he thinks to himself. Four drinks, and I'm still thinking straight. I'm never gonna forget this afternoon at this rate. Alright, time for the big guns.
"Excuse me," he says, waving his hand at the barman. "Do you do cocktails in pints?"

2012-01-16, 01:41 PM
The cloaked figure looks up, which would be a rather more useful movement if its cloak wasn't covering its eyes. "The lack of another, better kept, establishment in town, I assure you," it replies. It speaks with the low, raspy, voice of a long-time smoker. "I was going south, to Donderras, but my fool horse has thrown a shoe and lamed itself. So I am stuck here until that moronic stable girl lets my horse go." The cloaked person coughs. "And what brings you here to the middle of nowhere?"

At the bar, the bartender snatches the glass from under Morio's hand and refills it. "It'd be best if ye dinnae dunt 'round me cups!" he exclaimes. "They dinnae grow on trees, ye ken." He puts the glass to the side. "We've got pint mugs. Could make ye one in thae. Be more costly, course," he says, getting one of the aforementioned mugs. "So, what'll it be?"

2012-01-16, 01:53 PM
At the bar, the bartender snatches the glass from under Morio's hand and refills it. "It'd be best if ye dinnae dunt 'round me cups!" he exclaimes. "They dinnae grow on trees, ye ken." He puts the glass to the side. "We've got pint mugs. Could make ye one in thae. Be more costly, course," he says, getting one of the aforementioned mugs. "So, what'll it be?"

Morio coolly looks the bartender in the eye.
"How costly is more costly?"

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 01:56 PM
Upon entering the bar, Hei strides purposefully to the middle of the room, taking in the crowds of people surrounding her. Doing her best to look 'tough, competant and confidant' she finds the largest, not-too-threatening group she can find with a seat spare.

After ordering what they're having, she approaches them and asks nonchalantly: "So... What brings you down these parts? Hei stirs her drink with a finger, trying not to bleed into it, before giving the group a knowing nod and continuing, "Heard there's been a bit of trouble with some Kobolds lately, know anything about that?"

Diplomacy Roll: [roll0]

I roll purely because entertainment will be had if she Fumbles.

Also, I have decided Hei speaks with a very thick Northern accent.

2012-01-16, 02:10 PM
Johnny felt the entire tavern's eyes on him as he entered. A tall figure in full armor, with a shield on one arm, a sword in its scabbard,and a large metal gauntlet holding it by the hilt at all times not only draws attention, but might make some people anxious aswell.

He found an empty table near the corner and sat down, trying to look as peaceful as he could. "Just look at the ground, don't make eye contact and they'll start to ignore you at one time or another." he thought to himself.

As he continued trying to hide his face and looking at the ground, his eyes wandered off to his blade's hilt. He shook his head and tried to think of something else, suddenly looking a bit disturbed. Out of the corner of his eye he could see some of the people in the tavern.

"Right then, waiters... should I be thinking of what to drink or how to drink?"

2012-01-16, 02:14 PM
"Weeell," the bartender says slowly, "Yer askin' for twie the licker, so twie the price - that's 4 silvers to ye. Add that to yer slate, an' it's 12 silvers." He looks up. "Yer guid. Nae many folks can drink all that licker. Nae many hae the purse for that." He grins. "So, want the pint? Or are ye done?"

The table Hei sits at is full of oddities. A dwarf in chainmail as a matter of pride (he doesn't look particularly comfortable, and keeps having to stop and untangle his beard), a halfling standing on her chair (apparently having to sit in a high chair is an insufferable state), a man in what looks rather like a white linen dress, and an elf who looks very stretched out and unnatural. "Yes, we are here exactly for that reason, in fact," the man who may or may not be crossdressing says. The halfling shrugs, and nearly topples over. "An' o' course, the gold. Everyone knows kobolds have lots of gold! An' they're dumb as bricks and frail as kittens. Should be a walk in the park."

2012-01-16, 02:18 PM
...No! The otha way! Damnit, stand yer ground men! Are we dwarves or are we elves! Fall in and attack the bloody thing! Snail! No, what in the dwarven gods are ye doin'!

Ach, Sir, I'm sorry. But my bleedin' hed!

You useless excuse for a dwarf, stop with that damn nonsense, and use those blasted mental powers of yours! The treants are attacking!

...I cannae do it! I just dunnae have' tha power, Captain!

* *

Snari woke with a start, as he fell off the bed, and onto the floor. Luckily, he had requested a gnomish bed, so it wasn't too far to fall. The dwarf clutched his head, and groaned. He usually woke up with a headache. Though it was a common occurrence, it was never a welcome one.

Again with another nightmare. Snari grumbled, and glanced at himself in the nearby mirror. His frame was paunchy, pale. Ever for a dwarf, he was decidingly round. He patted his stomach, and frowned. His abilities were slowly helping him to lose weight, but not fast enough, it seemed. Food tasted just so good.

Speaking of food...

The smells from below wafted up into his room, as Snari smiled, and went to get into his gear. His stomach growled and the dwarf was all too happy to fill it. Ever since his last adventure, he hadn't had much of a direction. He had come in last night pretty late though, and hadn't gotten a chance to take a look for any bounties or plot hooks. Ah, but this was a new morning, and as he placed his spear in its scabbard on his back, he smiled and looked forward to replenishing not only his stomach, but his sense of adventure.

Snari of Clan Fale walked out of his room, and made his way downstairs to the bar to get some breakfast.

* *

Finding an empty seat at the bar, Snari hoists himself up and makes himself comfortable. The pleasantly plump dwarf signals for the bartender.

"Acht, Barkeeper! I think I'll be having yer strongest drink, in your bigges' mug. I be havin' en edache th' size of a tarrasque! An' while yer at it, I might as well be paying' fer my lodgin's for the las' night."

2012-01-16, 02:32 PM
The orc bouncer eyes Johnny. His look is pure venom. He doesn't, however, get up and attack. Small mercies. Over and over, he shuffles his cards. The cuffs around his wrists clank occasionally, as the bits of chain still remaining hit each other.

Snari manages to find a seat. The hubbub in the main room would hint that he slept a good deal past morning - indeed, looking out the window (they couldn't afford more than one), it looks to be about noon. The bartender looks at Snari, then slides a pint and a half of strong ale over. "That'll be twa gold fer the room, an' a silver fer the ale."

2012-01-16, 02:48 PM
The dwarf nodded, and licked his lips at the strong ale. Reaching into his pack, he fished around and withdrew three gold.

Laying the gold pieces down on the counter, beside the keeper, the dwarf picks up the mug, and quaffs it thirstily.

Wiping his beard, the dwarf grins and sets the drink back down.

"Acht, this be good brew. I reckon it's an import, ain't heard of no gnomes makin drink like this."

Snari drinks a bit more, almost finishing up the drink. He fetches another two gold pieces, and places them with the others.

"Top this off, will ya! Whatcha got for food? Yer welcome to keep whatever I don't use for meal."

2012-01-16, 03:00 PM
"Weeell," the bartender says slowly, "Yer askin' for twie the licker, so twie the price - that's 4 silvers to ye. Add that to yer slate, an' it's 12 silvers." He looks up. "Yer guid. Nae many folks can drink all that licker. Nae many hae the purse for that." He grins. "So, want the pint? Or are ye done?"

"I'll take a pint and a half" Morio said, pulling the money out of his belt. "The drunker I get, the better. You wouldn't believe the day I've had..."

He turns to look around him, and sees a tough looking guy, in full armour, with a gauntlet and a sword. Perfect he thinks to himself.
"Hey, you!" he calls, motioning for the man to come over to him. "You look pretty tough. Wanna join me against those kobolds?" he asked.
Morio prayed silently that the guy wouldn't recognise him as the "guy who was publicly humiliated for only being able to cast cantrips about an hour ago" and would instead recognise him as "guy wearing wizardy clothes and is therefore really powerful and worth teaming up with."
Morio felt no shame in this. When you're as fragile as he is, you always want a meat-shield to hide behind.

OOC: Morio has no idea that Johnny has no hands. Just making sure that's clear. :smallbiggrin:

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 03:04 PM
Hei takes a long sip of her drink before replying to the others, assessing their motives. "Oh really? I don't think I've ever met a kobold up close before, though I can't say your description endears them to me much." She takes another draft of her drink as she looks around the room, spying the knight in shining armour sitting alone in a corner. She wipes a trickle of blood from her nose before begging her leave of the people at her table.


"Well, I wish you good luck on your endevours with the kobolds. Perhaps we shall meet again on the hunt, though for now I must bid you adieu. I cannot stand to see people all by their lonesome, and there's a poor chap over there who looks like he could use a friendly face."

Bouncing out of her chair, Hei makes her way over to Johnny in the corner, settling herself down silently in the chair opposite him without asking.

2012-01-16, 03:05 PM
The bartender stares at the gold, snatches it up, and bites one experimentally, then slides them into that nebulous void where payment tends to go. "From Yarroth, if ye'll believe it. No' so far import as ye'd think." He takes the mug, fills it up, and snaps his fingers. "Sally! Git o'er here!"

The waitress arrives, balancing her empty tray on a finger. "Can I getcha something? Bread, cheese, porridge? Got some eggs, I think, and still some ham in the cellar." Her smile looks fake, and her shirt looks like it's a size too small and must be kept up with glue.

2012-01-16, 03:13 PM
The cloaked figure looks up, which would be a rather more useful movement if its cloak wasn't covering its eyes. "The lack of another, better kept, establishment in town, I assure you," it replies. It speaks with the low, raspy, voice of a long-time smoker. "I was going south, to Donderras, but my fool horse has thrown a shoe and lamed itself. So I am stuck here until that moronic stable girl lets my horse go." The cloaked person coughs. "And what brings you here to the middle of nowhere?"

"Oh, believe me, I understand what you mean about the Inn, it's filthy." Virex avoided with. "Filled with vagabonds, of course, and if your impression of the stable girl is correct..."

As he was talking, he began examining the cloaked figure--seeing if he had anything on him, as well as finding more elements of the Inn he could criticize.

((OOC: Rolling Knowledge (architecture and engineering) and Spot now...did so, in fact.))

2012-01-16, 03:16 PM
Snari glances at the waitress as she walks over and rattles off some food items.

Bloody humans, look at 'er. I though the point were to have beautyful women a servin' 'ere. Now, maybe if she 'ad a long luxurious beard, and was half the size...

Snari broke from his thoughts, as his headache was returning. He rubbed his temple.

"Bloody 'Ell. Yeah, human. Just get me all of that, what you said, 'cept the eggs."

The dwarf glanced around, but most of the tables were already occupied. There was a small table for one beside the window, but the table beside had a full armored human and a human girl. He wasn't really in the mood, to have to put up with more of those races, but it didn't seem like he had much choice.

"Aye, I'll be at tha table, ova there, by tha window. And dunnae keep me waitin' long."

The dwarf gets up and walks over to the lone, small wooden table and has a seat, staring out at the window to the country beyond.

2012-01-16, 03:26 PM
Johnny had paid little attention to what was going around him, so the sudden offer made by a wizard came to him as a surprise. He stood up from his stool, just when a young woman came to his table and took a seat.

Johnny also noticed that the elf behind the bar table was at least slightly intoxicated from all the drinks he'd been having, and decided to sit back down, not sure if the elf's offer was serious or not.

He instead turned his attention to the woman opposite him. "I'm sorry, do I know you?", Johnny asked her, finding it odd she'd sit at his table without saying anything.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 03:35 PM
"I hope not, otherwise this'll be an awkward few minutes as I try to remember your name." She giggles to herself awkwardly before continuing. "Name's Hei, that's pronounced Hey-EE." She puts a little too much emphasis on that last part. "So what's your name, and what brings you here?"

Hei goes back to stirring her drink with a finger, staring holes into the Mysterious Stranger in other corner.

2012-01-16, 03:38 PM
Sally the waitress walks off with altogether far too much bounce in her step for someone who had to balance trays of food. The bartender raises an eyebrow, gets out one of the big half-pint mugs, and makes a cocktail. After a moment of thought, he puts in an exra dash of bitters and hands it to Morio.

Snari moves over to the table, and soon Sally comes back, balancing a tray laden with toast, a ham steak, porridge, and some cheese. It all goes on the little table, easily filling it up. "Anything else for you, sir?" she asks.

Over in the corner, the Mysterious Cloaked Person grunts. "I assure you, I am rarely wrong."

The inn looks just like any other inn, though the window could use a washing.

You can see, concealed under the cloak, the purple pommel of a small blade and a hidden pocket, though what the pocket contains is beyond you.


Well, the guy in the dress seems to be under the impression the death of kobolds is a perfectly righteous goal to pursue, and rather eager to begin purging the warrens. He's the most self-confident of the four, and probably their leader. The elf looks rather overwhelmed with the amount of people here. The halfling probably just wants some quick gold. And the dwarf is also probably pursuing gold, though at the moment you were looking, getting his beard untangled was probably more important.

2012-01-16, 03:44 PM
Morio swore under his breath as the guy in armour refused, and casts his eyes around the room for another meat shield to target. Zilch. He sighs, and turns back to the bar, where the barman is handing him his drank. He thanks him profusely, slaps Ludo's head away from the mug to stop him drinking it, and takes a nice big gulp. He smiles as a firey taste runs through his mouth. While stronger than he usually liked to drink, if it tasted that strong it was sure to get him drunk. He takes another big gulp, and decides that if the meat shield wasn't gonna come to him, he'd have to get up. He sighed, and pulled himself up from his barstool with great effort, and trudged over to the table.

"I do believe I asked you a question, sir." He says, slurring his words slightly.

2012-01-16, 03:49 PM
Over in the corner, the Mysterious Cloaked Person grunts. "I assure you, I am rarely wrong."

Virex nodded, not quite so sure that he liked this fellow--only Virex was allowed to make such statements of certainty!

But, for curiosity's sake, he let that slide, saying instead: "So what is it you were heading to Donderras for? A delivery of goods, a message...what?"

2012-01-16, 03:52 PM
Johnny let out an awkward chuckle, to seem a bit more friendly than the armor would suggest. "My name's Johnny, and I guess I'm in town looking for a job and possibly a new-... a companion to help me along the way."

Just as Johnny finishes his sentence, he notices the elf walking up to him to speak his mind. Johnny turns to him, looking rather peculiar with his right hand still on his sword hilt.

"I'm sorry sir, I wasn't sure if you were being serious or not, but have a seat and we can talk this through."

2012-01-16, 03:58 PM
Morio takes another big gulp.
"Yeah, well..." Morio grumbles hazily. The effects of the drink are beginning to become apparent. "I wanna team up with some people to take down the kobolds. You in?"
He then turns to the woman. "You can join us, s'long as you ain't too chicken.

He says silently into Ludo's mind "If you tell them about my condition, I swear I will wring your feathered little neck. Understood?"
"Yes sir!" Ludo replies, saluting mockingly with a wing.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 03:58 PM
"Nice to meet you Johnny, is that Johnny with an H or without?" Hei takes a thoughtful pause before finishing her drink and extending her hand to the wizard nearby. "Heya there! Nice to meet you! My name's Hei, that's Hey-EE. What's yours?"

Easily distracted, she turns her attention back to the Knight at her table. "Say, I'm also in town looking for a job, some friends and something to do. Care to join up to take out these kobolds? They sounds like such dirty creatures, and we can even get a little competition going with that group over there!"

With that, she gesticulates wildly at the group she previously sat with, the alcohol quite obviously taking its toll on her. Face flushed, she settles into a quiet whisper.

"Though I'd stay away from that Dwarf if I were you. His beard is dirty." With a knowing nod, she withdraws a heavily blood-stained hankerchief from her pocket and wipes a further trickle of blood from her nose, before settling down in a pleasant haze.

2012-01-16, 03:59 PM
"Delivery of a message... and the retrieval of a few other things," the cloaked figure says enigmatically, inclining its head. "And you have avoided my question. What brings someone like you to these parts?"

2012-01-16, 04:02 PM
"Sorry, sorry, how rude of me." Morio trawls. "I'm Morio." he says, holding out a hand to shake, then pulling nervously away as he sees the bloodstains coating the woman's hands. He didn't mention his second name. In his society, second names are given when you come of age, based on you're life accomplishments so far. Morio did not particularly want to reveal that he had been named for beng a laughing stock.

2012-01-16, 04:05 PM
"Delivery of a message... and the retrieval of a few other things," the cloaked figure says enigmatically, inclining its head. "And you have avoided my question. What brings someone like you to these parts?"

"A long, depressing story..." Virex answered. "...of humiliation and sabotage."

He decided to leave it at that. "It's even worse for me, because I can't drink my brains out, like those idiots." He motioned to everyone else in the bar. "...because I take pride in my cognition."

2012-01-16, 04:11 PM
Johnny looks at the woman finding her question a bit irrelevant, "It's with an H, if you must know." before turning back to the wizard. "So, you said something about kobolds, what's all this then?" having not noticed the wanted poster just next to him.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 04:15 PM
Seeing Morio's discomfort, Hei wipes her hand on her leggings in a feeble attempt to hide the bloodstains, before standing up from her chair. "Think I'll go grab another drink, that stuff was good. Whatever it was." She shakes her head to clear her mind before wobbling over to the bar to fetch another drink.

"I'll have another one of what I just had recently was having." She says, slurring her words before realising her exact state. "On second thoughts, scrap the drink. Where can I find the kobolds?"

2012-01-16, 04:25 PM
The bartender shrugs. "Sezs to go an' spek to the mayor, disna et? I'm just the barkeep."

The mysterious cloaked stranger nods and blows a smoke ring. "Cognition is indeed important."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 04:29 PM
"It does?" Hei looks honestly startled, though that's probably partially down to the drink. "I'd best gather some people and go speak to the mayor then, right away."

With that, she spins around and walks several feet towards the door before turning around again and sheepishly asking: "Erm. Whereabouts is the mayor at then?"

2012-01-16, 04:30 PM
Johnny looks at the woman finding her question a bit irrelevant, "It's with an H, if you must know." before turning back to the wizard. "So, you said something about kobolds, what's all this then?" having not noticed the wanted poster just next to him.

"Bunch o' kobolds doin' random crazy ****. Mayor got pissed. Payin' peeps to kill 'em for 'im." Morio managed to say, taking another large swig of the bitter cocktail.

He peers into the bottom of the mug, wondering why no drink is coming out. "It must be... wossname... empty. Yeah, das right~! 's EMPTY!" Morio chuckled, terrifically proud of himself.

"Gimme MOOOAAAR!!!" he shouted at the barman, before passing out, his head landing on the table with a resounding crash.
His last thoughts before descending into unconciousnous were You know, maybe nearly four pints of a cocktail made from gin, whiskey, brandy, and scumble was not the best idea...

2012-01-16, 04:42 PM
"Nah, that be enough from ya, Lass. Just set 'er down."

The dwarf looks greedily at the food before him, and begins his delicious breakfast. As he began to dig in, his headache slowly faded away, and he tried tuning out the noises of the inn.

An unsightly elf passed by towards the table with the human in armor. And a girl now too? Snari was sure she wasn't there earlier, but he wasn't paying much attention really.

He ignored their yammering and turned back towards his meal. It had already been half gone, as he was thinking. Snari took another quaff of his drink, and glanced around the inn. His eyes glanced at a poster nearby on the wall.

Kobolds? Hmm. That might an be a challenge. If'n there's enough gold in'it.

Snari would continue to finish his meal, and ponder over the day ahead.

His mind was pulled from its thoughts at the sound of a loud crash.

The nearby elf, had collapsed drunk and passed out.

Snari narrowed his eyes and frowned. Bloody elf. Can't hold 'is liquor.

2012-01-16, 04:48 PM
"Are we sure we want to go to the mayor looking like that, I mean, we could wait a day." Johnny said, looking at the elf and the lady, "You seem to have had a few too many."

Johnny notices the wanted poster for the first time, and goes silent, as he starts to read it slowly, whilst puzzling how to tell his new friends of his state.

2012-01-16, 04:49 PM
"Head left up the main road, right at the general store, and then go three streets down," the elf says. He maintains eye contact even while moving about the cramped room and placing various dishes. Not a drop of mead is spilled, and not a scrap of food falls. "You would have to be blind to miss it. The whole building is white-washed, and there are several large and extremely ill-tempered guard dogs there."

The orc glares at Morio's unconscious form. "Any of you paying for him?" he rumbles at Johnny and Hei. "If not, he goes to the curb."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 04:59 PM
"Ahh, brilliant, thank you." Hei says to the bartender, before bouncing over back to Johnny.

"You may be right on that front, Mr Mayor would probably appreciate it if we sobered up before... kobolds stuff. We don't want to wait too long a length of time though, otherwise the other party will get a head start!"

Hei looks ponderous for a while, attempting to clear her head of the unfamiliar fuzzy feeling. "Perhaps we should round up a few others? There's quite a few other people in this bar, I'm sure one or two of them wouldn't mind lending a hand."

With those words, Hei makes her way over to the small table where the dwarf is sitted. She enthusiastically thrusts an outstretched hand at him, offering a handshake (doing her best to hide the bloodstains) before going into her usual routine...
"Hello there, I'm Hei, that's Hey-EE. What's your name?"

2012-01-16, 05:04 PM
The mysterious cloaked stranger nods and blows a smoke ring. "Cognition is indeed important."

"Well, yes, obviously, without it one can't even repeat a statement." Virex was slightly annoyed at the stranger's statement. "But most people, you see, don't understand this, which is why the moron watch captain decided to go investigate that room without me... He stopped himself when he noticed he was ranting.

Virex sighed, then attempted to stop himself from going on. Ranting never ended well for him.

He failed. "...then he would have noticed the blatant trap!"

That said, he thought he'd heard something interesting over there in the bar...

((Rolling listen to hear the mention of kobolds...)) [roll0]

2012-01-16, 05:13 PM
His headache came back.

Only this time it seemed to be in the form of a young, human female who came out of nowhere. Wasn't she sitting with the armored human a second ago?

"What in the dwarven forges are you talking' to me 'fore. I dunnae asked for yer name, you silly lass."

Snari grumbled, and rubbed his head again. His migraine was coming back, he knew it. Normally it was just a muted pain, but sometimes it would come in full force.

He hadn't meant to yell at her, but he decided he wouldn't apologize. Maybe the human would learn not to walk up to strangers.

"Grrr..ne'ermind, lass. If'n you'll excuse me." Snari got up, and gruffly walked back to the bar, to get another drink. Food and drink seemed to be the only thing that really worked to take away the pain. Well...there was the other way, but he was trying not to attract attention.

The dwarf took a seat again at the bar and asked for a refill. After this last drink, he'd talk a walk for an hour or two and hope the migraine passed again. After that, he'd start walking towards the mayor's residence and see about those kobolds. He had seen the building before, when he first entered the town, but hadn't thought much of it.

Snari growled again and clutched his head.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-16, 05:21 PM
Feeling hurt, Hei makes her way back to the table where Johnny's at, dodging the bartender's question on the way. "Well, that's me out of ideas. The dwarves in this bar are scary." She shudders, before resting her head in her arms.

After a few minutes of restfulness, she stands up, gives Morio a sympathetic pat on the head and exclaims "I think I'll rest off the alcohol for now, wake me in a few hours and I'll join you in seeing the mayor about the kobold problem." With those words, she sits back down and falls blissfully asleep.

2012-01-16, 09:32 PM
The pain slowly seemed to diminish as Snari finished the last of his liquid libation.

"Ah, tis true what they say. Alcohol cures what ales ye." the dwarf muttered low to no one in particular. He chuckled a bit at his joke, and rubbed his temples again.

His migraine had almost nearly left him now, and he could feel his mind clear up now. Usually, they only hit once or twice a day, when he awoke, and when he went to sleep. He had not been with another dwarf since that one unfortunate incident with Broomhilda.

"Acht, there's a memory I dunnae need to be 'avin." Snari muttered again and set the mug back on the counter.

Turning around in his stool, the dwarf surveyed the room. He could see a few other patrons here and there. There were two odd looking fellows in the corner, one with a thick black cloak on. There was another group close to the door. He noticed another dwarf with them, but not one he immediately recognized. Snari squinted a bit, but couldn't tell the dwarf's clan. Closer to the window, near where he had previously sat, he noticed the three from before; the unconscious elf, the human female who was apparently sleeping, and an armored human watching over them. Snari saw a few quiet characters elsewhere throughout the bar, but each were tending to their own drinks and cares.

The migraine was gone, finally. As long as he didn't attempt anything too strenuous, he should be fine for now.

Snari debated whether to leave now and tend to that kobold matter, or whether to see a bit more of the town first. Reaching into his pack, he grabs a coin, flips it and makes his decision.

"Aye, Barkeeper. Is'n thar anethin' ta do, 'roun this town, what worth doin'? What'n y'all keep to in these parts?"

2012-01-17, 12:00 AM
"Bob" such a simple name and easy to forget walks in to the tavern for something to eat. As for appearance is a bit heavyset human with what many would expect has a scribe to wear. Hair looks to just be thinning with the wrinkles to match. Moving over to the bar to sit.

"What do have to drink and eat and how much? As well what is their to do around here?"

While still listening to the barkeep takes a look around the tavern.

2012-01-17, 01:14 AM
"If you're looking for things to do, I'd suggest you keep goin' to Donderras," the waitress says, fake smile pasted on to her face. "Harvest festival's not for a few months yet. There's a bit of a kobold problem, but you'd want to speak to the mayor about that one. We've got bread, and eggs, and ham steaks, and some good cheese. A bit of porridge still, and perhaps some stew. It's got turnips. And of course, there's ale, mead, and beer, but we've got a lovely summerwine as well, and Corbin makes some mean scumble - though you won't want more than a big drop of that! The man drinks enough to fell a dwarf." She looks like she's about to fall out of her shirt, and completely unashamed about that fact.

2012-01-17, 02:55 AM
Morio blearily lifts his head from the table, then swears violently and passionately in several languages.
This goes on for a few minutes, before he howls, "I STILL REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED THIS AFTER NOON!!!..."
He begins to sob uncontrollably, before getting up, and staggering over to the bar, and slapping his money, 14 sp, onto the bartop. He then frowns in confusion.
"Why don't I have a hangover." Morio says, confused. Then his confusion breaks into a broad grin. "No hangover! YES!"
"That's because you're still drunk, idiot." Ludo snapped. "You slept for all of five minutes."
"So, in a few hours..."
"Yeah. I get it. Now stop talking." Morio said, irratable once more.

He turns around to Johnny and Hei, and staggers over to them, pulling them together.
"Let's team up with them!" he says, gesturing to the corner. "They look pretty tough, and they're going after the bugbears too! I mean, the hobgoblins. No, not hobgoblins..."
He rubbs his temples, until his face lights up, and he cries, "Kobolds! Yeah, thassit, Kobolds!
So, I'll go talk to them, maybe they'll want to come with us."
He then wanders over to the corner, walking slightly more steadily, because he sees a Mysterious Hooded Figure. They're always rich and powerful.
"Greetings, noble gentleman." Morio says. Remember, be polite. This guy is rich. he tells himself. "Would you like to join us in a noble quest against some evil kobolds? "
He turns to the man with him. "You can as well, if you so wish!"

2012-01-17, 07:33 AM
I'll have the bread, eggs, ham steaks, and cheese plus the summerwine after get the answer to the second question. How much?

After seeing the waitress's atire Bob waits a few moments when before mutting too low for most to hear. Down Pain. Business first. Pleasure later.

Bob taking in the exchange between the mage and is familiar. Interesting...funny...might be what I need. Best to watch them. "Bob" keeps an eye on them.

2012-01-17, 11:31 AM
He had finished his last mission, looked around, and decided after awaking he would walk aback into town. He was planning to look for work and new mayor family well enough he worked for current mayor’s grandfather. He would walk to the building and the stupid dogs as they were a nuisance but it was how nature wanted it and place it was a sign of effects of humanoids on nature. He would go to the white washed house that made it stand out to all to see before knocking on the door keeping an eye on the dogs as they did not seem very friendly at all.

2012-01-17, 11:43 AM
In the Tavern
The waitress counts on her fingers for a moment, lips moving soundlessly as she struggles briefly to add up the cost. "Two silvers, five coppers for the food, plus the summerwine is three silver a glass. So five silver, five copper, plus tips. We've got rooms too, if you plan to stay the night."

In the corner, the mysterious hooded person sneers at Morio. It's a rather impressive sneer, given that it can be seen past all the smoke and done with a cigar in the mouth to boot. "I have my own business to attend to in Donderras, none of which involves... kobolds."

Mayor's Offices

The door opens. You know enough to look down. It is a servant, also a gnome, her blond hair streaked with dark brown walnut dye. "You're here 'bout the kobolds, right?" she asks, leaning on the broom she holds.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-17, 11:47 AM
Hei groans as she forces her head from her arms, "Well that was a fast few hours. I don't feel any better at all!" She groggily attempts to stand from her chair, carefully positioning her empty mug to cover as much of the bloodstain she left as possible as she does so.

"Now then. What on earth am I to do now..."

She scans the room for familiar faces; then, after recognising Morio, gestures for Johnny to follow her and makes her way over to the Wizard and the mysterious stranger.

"Are we going to kill us some kobolds or what?" She chirps, still slightly intoxicated. She quickly blushes as she remembers she is in the presence of strangers, and offers an outstretched hand to them.

"Hi! My name is Hei. That's Hey-EE. What're your names? Are you coming with us?"

2012-01-17, 11:54 AM
In the corner, the mysterious hooded person sneers at Morio. It's a rather impressive sneer, given that it can be seen past all the smoke and done with a cigar in the mouth to boot. "I have my own business to attend to in Donderras, none of which involves... kobolds."[/SPOILER]
"What sort of business?" Virex asked. "If you need to deliver a message, you could always have an escort or the like."

2012-01-17, 11:58 AM
She scans the room for familiar faces; then, after recognising Morio, gestures for Johnny to follow her and makes her way over to the Wizard and the mysterious stranger.

"Are we going to kill us some kobolds or what?" She chirps, still slightly intoxicated. She quickly blushes as she remembers she is in the presence of strangers, and offers an outstretched hand to them.

"Hi! My name is Hei. That's Hey-EE. What're your names? Are you coming with us?"

"...and this... Virex began, ignoring everyone coming up to them, with a clearly bilious tone. "...this is why I refrain from drink. Shall we go someplace else to discuss business?

Virex was already getting up. One interruption was one thing, but two in the space of a few moments...Virex was ready to start yelling.

2012-01-17, 12:02 PM
"Ooh, okay grumpyguts, you are rude!" Morio says to the man, all ideas of politeness forgotten. Quite obviously drunk, he raises his hand high into the air dramatically. "But never let it be said that Morio de Ridiculum did not know when he was no wanted!"
He looks eagerly up at the man. "So, when do we leave?" he says excitedly.

"So much for not revealing your name." Ludo remarks drily.

2012-01-17, 12:09 PM
The barkeeper seemed ready to reply to the dwarf, but the shrill female voice of the human bartender piped up nearby instead, apparently in response to a similar question, from a nearby human. The bartender nodded towards the dwarf, as if that's what eh would have said anyway, and went back to washing the counter.

Hmm. Dunnae seems much to do 'ere, sides them kobolds. Acht, well, I suppose I ben wastin' enuf time 'ere anyway. Best to be movin' on.

Snari stretches a bit, and gets down from the bar stool, pushing it in. He takes one more casual glance at the inn, shrugs, and walks off out into the gnomish town.

He winces slightly at the brightness of the day, but recovers, thankful his headache doesn't show too many signs of returning. Taking a deep breath in the fresh air, he looks around, and gets ready to start his day.

Spot Check : (Look Around the Area) [roll0]
Search : (Search for Anything Interesting) [roll1]
Listen : (Listen for Anythng Interesting) [roll2]

2012-01-17, 12:17 PM
Johnny had had enough of waiting, he had sat on his chair in the tavern for some time now, not ordering anything to eat or drink, even though he was starving.

He went to the busy corner, where his new friends; the elf and the lady had gone. "I'm terribly sorry, but could you two sober up a notch, so we could maybe see the mayor?", he said, whilst ignoring everyone else in the corner. "Or are we looking for more people to strengthen our team?"

2012-01-17, 12:33 PM
Johnny had had enough of waiting, he had sat on his chair in the tavern for some time now, not ordering anything to eat or drink, even though he was starving.

He went to the busy corner, where his new friends; the elf and the lady had gone. "I'm terribly sorry, but could you two sober up a notch, so we could maybe see the mayor?", he said, whilst ignoring everyone else in the corner. "Or are we looking for more people to strengthen our team?"

"More people, I say! The more the merrier!" Morio exclaimes, and puts his arm around Johnny's shoulders, as he sings in a rich baritone voice, "What a swell party this is!"

He collapses into a chair in raucous laughter. Sobering up enough to meet top politicians didn't really seem that likely.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-17, 12:33 PM
Hei violently returns her hand to her person and crosses her arms in a huff. "The people in this bar are SO rude!" She whines.

Turning to Johnny, her eyes brighten up a little. "Ahh, but you are nice and polite." She nods a little, before carrying on "I think the three of us should suffice for now actually. Everyone else here seems to busy doing their own thing so I doubt they'd have the time to help us."

"And don't worry about my sobriety. It's the wizard we've got to keep an eye on, I only had one drink!"

Seemingly much chipper now (more so than even previously), she exclaims, "Well then. Let's go see the mayor!" before striding out of the room.

2012-01-17, 12:36 PM
Hei violently returns her hand to her person and crosses her arms in a huff. "The people in this bar are SO rude!" She whines.

Turning to Johnny, her eyes brighten up a little. "Ahh, but you are nice and polite." She nods a little, before carrying on "I think the three of us should suffice for now actually. Everyone else here seems to busy doing their own thing so I doubt they'd have the time to help us."

"And don't worry about my sobriety. It's the wizard we've got to keep an eye on, I only had one drink!"

Seemingly much chipper now (more so than even previously), she exclaims, "Well then. Let's go see the mayor!" before striding out of the room.

"Keep an eye on me?" Morio calls after her. "No, no need. I only had four pints of Scumble!"

Ludo facepalms. (Or wingpalms, I suppose. You get the idea.)
EDIT: No, facewinged. I'm so bad at this!

2012-01-17, 01:13 PM

A cat lazes on a doorstep, a mangy gray tabby with only one ear. Behind you, there are the generic noises of a tavern. The stable girl pitches a forkful of hay onto the street. The Crossroads, more often than not, is a place you come from, or stop at for a while, not somewhere in particular to go to.

The village green, in summer, would be better called the village yellow. There are some children there, playing in the dirt, and a woman, presumably the mother of at least one of them, keeping them from eating said dirt. Most of the people are working the fields or minding the stores or doing their jobs. There are no traders here today.

You lot at the mayor's office (that's Hei and Durmindan)

Durmindan sees a slightly bloodied girl comes up the street, looking slightly drunk.

Hei sees what looks to be a very green half-elf, with hair and eyes that don't so much look black as like absolute voids of light.

2012-01-17, 01:33 PM
Johnny goes back to his table and lifts his bag by its handle, using his left gauntlet. Looking rather odd already, he quickly motions Morio to follow him, before leaving the tavern and following the young lady himself.

"Could you wait up a bit, I got something I have to tell you, before we go any further."

2012-01-17, 01:42 PM
He would look down to meet eyes of the gnome that answered the door and looked to her “I am looking for work and is the kobolds a job then I might be interested” he would states to the blond haired walnut streaked female gnome. His attention shifted when someone got the dogs acting up and looked back to notice a somewhat blond girl that seemed a bit intoxicated walking up to the white washed house and shock his head.

2012-01-17, 01:54 PM
In the tavern

The mysterious cloaked stranger nods and puffs at its pipe again, sending a few more smoke rings into the air. "The less people who are involved with my business the better. I have a room rented on the third floor. It may be the only place in this little town that privacy is available and we do not have to bend double. If you wish to continue our conversation, you may meet me there."

With that, the cloaked figure stands up and heads up the stairs. Its wine is still untouched.

2012-01-17, 02:04 PM
Johnny goes back to his table and lifts his bag by its handle, using his left gauntlet. Looking rather odd already, he quickly motions Morio to follow him, before leaving the tavern and following the young lady himself.

"Could you wait up a bit, I got something I have to tell you, before we go any further."

"Arright den, I'll be along in a sec."

Ludo, I need you to follow this mysterious hooded guy. Stay with him until I call you back, then recount to me everything that happened. I'm fairly suspicious of him.

((OOC: Ajadea, this means that you have to be in charge of Ludo from now on, because only you know what he is seeing. This infuriatingly means that you control what Ludo can and can't see or hear, but please don't abuse this.))

Ludo nods, and flies up the stairs ahead of the hooded man, ready to eavesdrop on every word.

As the hooded man climbs the stairs, Morio stretches out his hand and mutters to himself.
((OOC: Using prestidigitation to pull down the guys hood from a distance. Not sure whether I need to roll, just in case I do: [roll0]
If it turns out I should have added a bonus, please add it for me.))

Morio then swiftly picks up the expensive goblet, chucks the wine behind him, and pockets the goblet. He then exits swiftly before anyone notices.

2012-01-17, 02:36 PM
In the tavern

The mysterious cloaked stranger nods and puffs at its pipe again, sending a few more smoke rings into the air. "The less people who are involved with my business the better. I have a room rented on the third floor. It may be the only place in this little town that privacy is available and we do not have to bend double. If you wish to continue our conversation, you may meet me there."

With that, the cloaked figure stands up and heads up the stairs. Its wine is still untouched.

With that, Virex walked up to rent a room for himself, walking up to the bartender and asking him "How much does board here cost?"

2012-01-17, 02:48 PM
Snari leans down and pets the cat, if it doesn't run away, and looks up over the town. Noticing the stable girl. Snari pulls out his spear, charges and rams it into her, laughing maniacally as he does so, before setting fire to the hay.

Snari leans down and pets the cat, if it doesn't run away, and looks up over the town. The dwarf notices the stable girl, but as he doesnt have a horse or mule, thinks little of her. He shrugs, ignoring any possible plot hook she might offer, and the dwarf turns towards the mayor's home. A small movement from his backpack, only causes the dwarf to pause in his steps and reach in, withdrawing a small amber-orange crystal, that in many ways resembled a small spider, with thin crystalline legs. These legs, it seemed to stretch, before scurrying up the dwarf's arm and resting on his shoulder.

"Ahct, I see you 'ave decided to leave the bag afterall. Well, you haven' missed much. Just sum breakfas', but aye know that don' interes you much."

The crystal remained silent.

"Arright, I hear ya. What do you say, to going' after some kobol's?"

The crystal remained silent.

"Whaddye mean, not strong enough! I be as strong as any dwar-"

The crystal remained silent.

"Ah, blasted crystal! I should leave ye in the bag. Fine. But I'm not going after recruitin' or nothin. If'n the maya of this here town thinks its a two man job, I'll see about hiring some help, but'n I dunnae want some rookies out there, hamperin' it up. Satisfied?"

The crystal remained silent.

"Acht, good then. Now, let's go see a maya about some kobol's."

And with that, Snari started walking again towards the mayor's office.

* * *

It wasn't a really long walk, but Snari took his time. He glanced in and out of stores, but there didn't seem to be much of note. The dwarf had already eaten, and his pack was already full with the equipment he needed ahead. The stores seemed relatively small and non descript, anyway. In his relatively casual gait, it still took little time until he got to the mayor's building. The sun was already beginning to slowly move across the sky, heralding that it was past noon.

Upon entering the grounds, Snari noticed the gates were wide open, and he could see a few people milling about. Ignoring them, he walked into the building, looking around for someone who might be there.

Upon entering the hall though, he was surprised to see it was relatively empty. Only an odd looking elf with green skin. Acht, now they make elves in all colors, do they? Snari shook his head and walked up to the gnomish female nearby. He was much more inclined to be polite to gnomes.

"Acht, afternoon lass. Is'n this whar I'm supposed to see 'bout them kobol' problem, ye seem to be 'avin'?

2012-01-17, 02:53 PM
In the Tavern
"Twa gold a night fer a private room, jus' 8 silvers if ye don' mind sharin' with strangers, but we've got a nice wairm hearth in the back room if yer jus' lookin' fer a wairmin'," the bartender says, pouring a mug of something extremely alcoholic for the unfortunate dwarf in chainmail.


The orc gets up and quickly catches up to Morio. "I am not blind, and you are a poor thief. Return the cup at once."

There is no giggling. Yet.

The mysterious hooded person's hood shifts a little, but ultimately remains firmly on its head, though no doubt aided by the presence of said person's hand keeping it there.

Mayor's Office

"Yessir! Mayor's in his office, if you wanna talk to him about that."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-17, 03:38 PM
Hei spins round on her feet, having just heard Johnny's voice calling out to her as she arrived at the mayor's office. She hunches over, making a shushing motion with her hand to imply secrecy.

"What is it Johnny?"

2012-01-17, 03:50 PM
Mayors Office

(Well, you wanted a description).

The maid shows you in. The inside looks as whitewashed as the outside, though tapestries of extremely varying quality obscure that at first glance. A tapestry of a herd of extremely detailed horses that look almost alive, with their flashing hooves and wild manes, hangs next to one that is probably supposed to depict a knight in shining armor but looks more like a gray sphere with some black dashes on it and a red stick poked in the top balancing precariously on a rectangle, which is in turn balanced on stilts. Bits of the greenish warp show through that one. Two halls extend to your left and right, but she takes you down the center hall, to the plain oak double doors at the end.

There is a dark wood table in the far end of the office, and the mayor sits behind it, flanked by two potted plants. There is an assortment of seats in an assortment of sizes - none of it matches but all of it together creates a pleasant sort of chaos. A dwarvenwrought silver tea set graces a coffee table of obvious elven make (in both size and intricacy). The wall to your left when you enter is covered in books, floor to ceiling. There is also a stepladder, because it would be impossible for the gnomish mayor to reach the top shelves without one.

The wall to your right is hung with an eclectic mix of trinkets - a horseshoe, only slightly rusty, a bell with a tassle hanging from the clapper, and a dream catcher. A short sword with a purple hilt, a fan made of eagle feathers, and a bunch of dried flowers. Three extremely oversized keys, one of copper, one of silver, and one of gold hang above a picture frame displaying various butterflies, pinned to the paper in the frame. All of this surrounds a mirror the size of a man (a gnomish man, that is), bright and clear and made of silver and glass rather than polished bronze.

The mayor himself is a portly man, his brow permanently furrowed. He has a comb-over, not well done, and a mustache that is reminiscent of rat tails, drooping past his chin. Both are thin and graying. His shirt is probably supposed to be white, but is in fact the slightest bit pink, and the embroidery on his gray vest is coming undone a bit on the left shoulder. He's drinking a cup of tea and reading a book with his feet on the desk, and doesn't notice your entrance until the maid clears her throat, rather pointedly.

"Mm? What is it?" His voice is deep and powerful, even commanding, which does not particularly match with this cheerful, bumbling, disarray you find him in.

"Sir, these people are here about the kobolds."

He seems to notice you for the first time, and quickly takes his feet on the table. The book disappears into a drawer. "Ah! Ah yes. Do come in. Have a seat. Yes, the kobolds are indeed a problem. They live about a days journey to the west, and normally they don't attack very often, but now... they're making raids at night. They steal away our food and livestock. Great trouble indeed. They are led by a mage of some sort - we know, because they tried to burn down our fields. A mage with red scales, when these kobolds are yellowish, like the wheat, more often than not."

2012-01-17, 03:53 PM
In the Tavern
"Twa gold a night fer a private room, jus' 8 silvers if ye don' mind sharin' with strangers, but we've got a nice wairm hearth in the back room if yer jus' lookin' fer a wairmin'," the bartender says, pouring a mug of something extremely alcoholic for the unfortunate dwarf in chainmail.


Virex thought for a moment, then spoke. "One of the shared rooms on the third floor, then."

He put down 8 silver pieces, and began wondering some more about what the hooded figure could be doing.

2012-01-17, 04:04 PM
"Ugh... before we team up to fight the kobolds, you should know something about me..." Johnny bites his lip whilst he looks at how oddly he is carrying his backpack on one hand and how his other hand is still clinging on to his sword hilt.

"I... I don't have any hands, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M USELESS... now if you still want to go take care of the kobold problem with me, then off we go to the mayor's office, if not... well, I understand." Johnny pulls his bastard out of the scabbard and swings it through the air a few times to prove his point, whilst staring at Hei, anxiously waiting for her reply.

2012-01-17, 04:06 PM
Snari takes notice of the building as he is lead to the mayor's office. Though he is not as skilled at stone and metal craft as his family, he mentally remarks at some of the features of the building.

The gnome he was lead to, was a smaller man, but of a similar round build. Snari self conscouislly pet his own stomach, wishing he was a bit thinner.

"Aye, afternoon yer honor. Spent the night at the local inn what's here, and got to say, it's doin' right by the town ya got. Saw me a poster what about some kobol's, figured'n I could see about that problem, if ya still need some help. The name is Snari, or Snail, if you prefer. I've gotten used to both."

Best. Description. Ever.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-17, 04:15 PM
Hei looks thoughtful for a moment, taken aback by the Johnny's seemingly random confession. "Say... that's interesting! How did that happen then? Wait, how do you swing your sword?" Hei asks away with both enthusiasm and genuine interest, unabashed by the fact her fighting companion is handless. She stifles herself in her stream of questions however.

But, nevermind. I'm sure you can tell me all about it next time we're at a bar. For now, we have important business to attend to! She almost squeals that last part, before catching herself as she turns away to walk towards the mayors house.

"Oh. And err, I have a confession too." She shuffles her feet awkwardly, clearly embarrassed. "I bleed. A lot. It's called a clotting disorder... I think. But regardless, I don't react well to getting stabbed. Or hit. Or falling. Or thinking too hard or seeing something erotic..."

Drifting off into deep thought, it takes a while for her to come back to reality. After realising what just happened, she giggles. "Well, I guess we're the perfect adventuring duo then! Johnny the Handless and Hei the Bloody! No wait, that makes me sound evil. Say, I wonder if any of the others have anything cool like us. Maybe one of them is one of those tentacle men in disguise or something?"

2012-01-17, 04:31 PM
"Fascinating..." Morio said from behind them. "I apologise, I only caught the end of that, took a while to catch up, but I do believe you said you have a clotting disorder, Hei. And then you said, Hei, that Johnny here was handless..."

Maybe I'll be more at home with these people than I thought... I still shouldn't tell them, though.
"Well, it's just as well you've got a super-powerful wizard to back you up!"

Bluff check:

Also, Aja, I'm going on so that the plot doesn't get left behind, but I still need to know what happened when I pulled his hood down. He was still visible, and within 10 ft, so I would have seen something, whether it was his head or just the spell failing.

2012-01-17, 04:42 PM
Johnny stands astounded by Hei's response, "Right, well, glad I got that off my chest, guess we can continue then." Johnny sheathes his sword and continues to follow Hei to the mayor's office. "Okay, that went a lot better than expected..."

Sense Motive check vs Morio's bluff:

Even if a beat his 3 (most likely :smallbiggrin:) , I'll do nothing extra, just keep it to myself.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-17, 05:09 PM
A stern look crosses Hei's face as she turns to face Morio, breaking her gleeful appearance. "You know you really shouldn't go barging into other people's secrets like that. That's how people get themselves killed." A wicked smile crosses her face to emphasize the last word, playful enough to not be offensive, yet with a subtle menace to it.

"Well, so now you know a bit about our stories. What's yours, oh most powerful wizard?" A look of fierce intent lasts but a second, as she gets sidetracked once more. "Oo! Can you do some magic? I used to be apprenticed to a wizard, but he wasn't very good. I even know a few spells myself! Though I'm not much of a wizard, I only dabble."

2012-01-17, 06:11 PM
Inside the mayor's office

"By the mere fact that you have come here, you have distinguished yourself by being more helpful than any snail I have met, Snari. I will not deride you by comparing you to one," the mayor replies, with a slight chuckle.

"Now, I know you adventuring types have places to go and probably the world to save, so I'll cut to the point. The red-scaled kobold is their leader. It's also a mage, and a smart one at that. Throws around fire and choking smoke, from the one time I've seen it." The mayor shakes his head, as if to dispel the bad memories. "The reward is 350 gold pieces per member of your little group, and whatever treasures you find in there are yours to keep. But you should set out soon. They've been quiet the last two nights, and I frankly doubt they've given us that time out of the goodness of their scaly hearts. Sound fair?"

2012-01-17, 06:47 PM
Snari chuckles at the mayor's words, and feels a bit easier in his presence. The man obviously had a smart wit to him.

When the gnome had finished, Snari thought for a moment.

"Acht, wizards be nasty business, that's for sure. Not a fan of all them casters, and a kobol' as well? Hmm." Snari rubbed his belly, and shifted the pack on his back. The orange crystal on his shoulder shifted slowly and prodded his neck with one of its long, spindly crystalline legs. The dwarf frowned and half swatted at the crystal, but it dodged by crawling to the other shoulder.

"Hmm, what else do ya know about them lizards. I dunnae have a group or nuthin', an was figurin' on goin' alone, unless ya think it's nae possible, for just one."

2012-01-17, 07:14 PM

After a moment, the bartender takes your money and slides a card sort of thing across the counter. One side says '305', and the other has an O burnt into it. A little ring is threaded through a hole in one corner. "Yer in 305. Thare's a li'l creuk on the door, jus' put this on it an' gi'e it back when ye leave."

"It's called a hook, Corbin," the elf comments.

"Ach, heuk, creuk, who cares? Same thin'!"

In the Mayor's Office

"I'd not advise going alone," the mayor says. "But I do know a bit about the kobolds. They live underground, in massive tunnels. Seen them once. Managed to blow up the topmost layer. They're like ants really, if ants were the size of a man and covered in scales and wielded spears. Even if you kill a hundred, a hundred more will come scuttling out of the boltholes to take their place. They love traps, almost live for them, really, so I would advise you to be careful about where you put your feet. Our scouts have managed to locate the entrance to their city, but we do not have anyone skilled enough to go in and kill the mage."

2012-01-17, 07:40 PM

After a moment, the bartender takes your money and slides a card sort of thing across the counter. One side says '305', and the other has an O burnt into it. A little ring is threaded through a hole in one corner. "Yer in 305. Thare's a li'l creuk on the door, jus' put this on it an' gi'e it back when ye leave."

"It's called a hook, Corbin," the elf comments.

"Ach, heuk, creuk, who cares? Same thin'!"

Virex glared at the bartender for his failure to speak properly, and then walked up to his room.
"Blithering idiot." he said to himself.

He hoped against hope he'd somehow be able to share a room with someone vaguely intelligent, but he knew that wasn't likely to happen, and so, with resignation, he entered room 305.

2012-01-17, 08:21 PM
Tavern, 3rd floor

Another, nearly identical, tag is already hanging on the 'creuk' when you get there. When you open the door (there are no locks), you find that though the other inhabitant of room 305 is not their, said person's things are there. And not particularly neatly, either.

A somewhat patched green cloak is thrown across one of the beds, and there are muddy boot scuffs all along the entry way - though, as most of them have dried, it might be more accurate to say they are muddy dust scuffs. On top of the coat is a hauberk that must be at least twenty years old though it looks quite well-cared for, a closed jar of armor polish, and an unstrung bow, clearly of elven make. It is a composite reflex bow, clearly made for someone who does a lot of riding and is probably strong enough to lift their horse over their shoulder.

At least the other bed is untouched. The whole room, however, stinks of horse, and the window is at best, six inches square, and covered entirely by brown paper, not even proper glass. The two beds sit at opposite sides of the far wall. There is a small open thing at the foot of each bed - it would be a box, if there was a lid. Yours has a film of dust inside. The other person's has a backpack, a plain wooden shield, and a quiver stuck full of red-fletched arrows. In the other corner of the near wall, there is a folding screen, presumably to get dressed behind. Someone has embroidered pink and orange posies on it.

2012-01-17, 09:00 PM
Tavern, 3rd floor

Another, nearly identical, tag is already hanging on the 'creuk' when you get there. When you open the door (there are no locks), you find that though the other inhabitant of room 305 is not their, said person's things are there. And not particularly neatly, either.

A somewhat patched green cloak is thrown across one of the beds, and there are muddy boot scuffs all along the entry way - though, as most of them have dried, it might be more accurate to say they are muddy dust scuffs. On top of the coat is a hauberk that must be at least twenty years old though it looks quite well-cared for, a closed jar of armor polish, and an unstrung bow, clearly of elven make. It is a composite reflex bow, clearly made for someone who does a lot of riding and is probably strong enough to lift their horse over their shoulder.

At least the other bed is untouched. The whole room, however, stinks of horse, and the window is at best, six inches square, and covered entirely by brown paper, not even proper glass. The two beds sit at opposite sides of the far wall. There is a small open thing at the foot of each bed - it would be a box, if there was a lid. Yours has a film of dust inside. The other person's has a backpack, a plain wooden shield, and a quiver stuck full of red-fletched arrows. In the other corner of the near wall, there is a folding screen, presumably to get dressed behind. Someone has embroidered pink and orange posies on it.

"Well..." Virex began, "...at the very least I'm roomed with someone who has a fair amount of experiences to talk about...

This really wasn't that great. In fact, the whole situation put Virex in a very bad mood. But it was something...

He did exit the room, though, to knock on a few doors and see if he could find the mysterious figure's room. Business still needed to be discussed.

2012-01-17, 09:19 PM
Tavern, 3rd Floor

306 is empty, judging by the lack of tags on the door.
307, a twig-skinny human woman with a face like a corpse, opens the door, glares at you with eyes like voids, and just as promptly slams the door in your face.
308 is there judging by the fact there is noise inside, but doesn't answer.
309 is also devoid of tags.
310 has two tags, but no sound. Probably no one's there.
311, way down at the end, opens a crack, and another ring of smoke is puffed nearly in your face. The person is still cloaked, hood drawn up far enough to blind. "Still want to talk, do you? Fine. Come in." It goes back to sit on the bed, and you notice it makes little sound as it moves.

2012-01-17, 09:33 PM
Tavern, 3rd Floor

306 is empty, judging by the lack of tags on the door.
307, a twig-skinny human woman with a face like a corpse, opens the door, glares at you with eyes like voids, and just as promptly slams the door in your face.
308 is there judging by the fact there is noise inside, but doesn't answer.
309 is also devoid of tags.
310 has two tags, but no sound. Probably no one's there.
311, way down at the end, opens a crack, and another ring of smoke is puffed nearly in your face. The person is still cloaked, hood drawn up far enough to blind. "Still want to talk, do you? Fine. Come in." It goes back to sit on the bed, and you notice it makes little sound as it moves.

"Circumstances haven't changed, have they?" Virex stated as he walked in. "Now, I was asking about serving as an escort..."

2012-01-17, 10:20 PM
Snari nods at the mayors words and thanks him.

"Aye, tis true. Like ants, is what I've 'erd. I 'ave no problem with them underground tunnels though, heh Snari sighed and rubbed his temple. A small headache was starting again, but he was sure it wouldn't get too serious.

"Acht, I saw a few adventurin' types 'round the inn, I suppose I could pick up one or two." His mind wandered back to the dwarf from the bar. "I thank ya maya, I'll see what I can do, about what kobol's musterin' up these parts. Been a real pleasur."

Snari bowed respectfully, and wandered back the way he came, towards the front office. There seemed to be quite a number of people in the office now. The green elf from before, and now the two humans and elven wizard. The latter which still seemed somewhat inebriated.

Snari narrowed his eyes and frowned. If all of these people were going after the kobolds too, he would have some competition.

As the dwarf mentally weighed the pros and cons of teaming with elves, the orange spidery crystal shifted in his shoulder and poked him.

The crystal remained silent.

2012-01-17, 10:35 PM
Tavern, 3rd Floor, Private Room

The cloaked person nods and takes out a wooden sphere, covered in silver filigree and inlaid with moonstones. It is extremely elaborate. Its spiderlike fingers skim over the lace-like designs. Hundreds of abstract shapes, all looped around and connected to each other. The silversmith must have been a master. As it's fingers trace the filigree, sparks fly along the silver, which seems to writhes almost like a living being - but it must be an illusion, because they clearly are not moving. For a moment, you could see see an eagle in flight, a pack of wolves, a dancer holding the world in her hands - but then there is no eagle, no wolf, no dancer, only still shapes in the silver. It is maddening. "I do not need an escort. I could not possibly reach Donderras in time. You are elven. Your kind needs little sleep, correct?" In this windowless room, the smoke is almost choking.

"Are you good at keeping secrets, elf?"

2012-01-18, 12:12 AM
That will be fine. Here is a gold piece to cover that and the tip. After Bob gets his food eats with a measured pace. When finished looks around for the group from earlier. Seeing none heads to where they probably went.

OOC: Do I need to make Spot checks?

2012-01-18, 08:37 AM
Tavern, 3rd Floor, Private Room

The cloaked person nods and takes out a wooden sphere, covered in silver filigree and inlaid with moonstones. It is extremely elaborate. Its spiderlike fingers skim over the lace-like designs. Hundreds of abstract shapes, all looped around and connected to each other. The silversmith must have been a master. As it's fingers trace the filigree, sparks fly along the silver, which seems to writhes almost like a living being - but it must be an illusion, because they clearly are not moving. For a moment, you could see see an eagle in flight, a pack of wolves, a dancer holding the world in her hands - but then there is no eagle, no wolf, no dancer, only still shapes in the silver. It is maddening. "I do not need an escort. I could not possibly reach Donderras in time. You are elven. Your kind needs little sleep, correct?" In this windowless room, the smoke is almost choking.

"Are you good at keeping secrets, elf?"

Virex looked upon the sphere with an incredible mixture of aggravation and curiosity--clearly, he'd found the right man to talk to if he wanted a mystery.
"I did formerly question people--that requires plenty of ability to hold things back to do properly." Virex answered.

2012-01-18, 12:14 PM
Morio sees the dwarf exit the mayors office, and walks up to speak to him, blocking his way to the door.

"You spoke with the mayor in there, I believe?" he says, but before Snari could answer, he ploughed on. "If you are going after the kobolds, would you like to join my friends and I? We would be sure to succeed, with a mighty paladin, a strong... actually I have no idea what Hei is, a poweful wizard, and a majestic dwarf like yourself. We too seek to exterminate these kobolds, and you could pass on any information he gave you."

Morio extends his hand out to shake. "Are you with us?"

2012-01-18, 12:41 PM
*Battle Music*
A wild Snari appeared!
Snari used Splash!
The attack missed.

Snari narrowed his eyes. It was the elf he had seen in the bar. He looked down at the outstretched hand, and ignored it.

"Wizard, huh?" Snari stroked his beard and looked past the elf to the man in armor. It was always nice to have some protection.

"Aye, might'n be interesed in formin' a group. There's some nasty kobol's running' round them tunnels what nearby the town. Causing mischief and trouble. Been quiet lately, but maybe's plannin' somethin' big, aye? Led by a pretty nasty magic user, from what they maya says."

Snari hefted his backpack to the other shoulder, as he collected his thoughts.

" w'll be about two hunred pay per member, should we be successful. Plus, whateva was found, in them tunnels. You still interessed'?

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-18, 01:10 PM
Hei skips after Morio, calling after him. "Hey! You never answered my questions, don't just run off like that!"

Huffing, she catches up with him just as he encounters the Dwarf. "That's me, Hei! That's H-" She yells pointedly, before narrowing her eyes in fierce concentration. "Wait a minute. I remember you. You're that dwarf from the bar aren't you? You've cheered up a bit from when I last saw you."

She smiles; then turns, frowning, back to Morio. "I'll have you know I'm ME thank you very much. I can cast spells, like you. Though probably not as powerful, all I can manage is some sticky web or to make myself invisible. And then I can heal, I can sneak around, slit a few throats - but only if they deserve it, mind! I can do anything really, you'd be silly not to want me to stick around, despite the... erm... errr..." Hei awkwardly withdraws from conversation at this point, frantically wracking her brains for an excuse. "Loud snoring!" She finally exclaims, a proud look on her face.


Bluff roll is a rough estimate, seeing as I can't access my sheet and can't recall exactly what it is off the top of my head.

EDIT: And that was SO nearly a fumble. Oh the irony...

2012-01-18, 01:27 PM
"Two hundred for each of us is good enough for me and seeing as you already had a chat with the mayor, I suppose we don't have to." Johnny pauses to see if anyone is going to make any objections. "When will you all be ready to get going?" he finishes, whilst his backpack still tangling on his shield arm. He leans a bit closer to Hei and whispers: "Do you think you could help me unlock my gauntlet, so I could move my right arm, also, lock it again if we see any danger?"

2012-01-18, 01:32 PM
Tavern, 3rd floor, Private Room

The cloaked person half-smiles. "Excellent. You will take this sphere to Donderras in my stead, then. Take it to the apothecary at the square. Kensey Square, that is, not Main Square. Whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes. You have to be there before midnight tonight. Tell no one of what you possess. Show no one else this. You may be attacked, though I sincerely hope they will not figure out exactly who has it. I will reward you handsomely when you return. Do not fail." Despite the hood, the person's gaze is almost tangible. It doesn't feel pleasant. It begins to wrap the sphere up in what looks to be a length of rich purple silk. "I would also advise you not to unwrap the sphere. I do not know what would happen if you touched it with your bare hands." You notice the figure itself, however, is not wearing gloves.

2012-01-18, 02:02 PM
Snari glances up at the human female who had addressed him in the bar. He still wasn't sure about her, but he supposed he had little choice, if he needed a group.

The armored human spoke up and agreed to the offer on behalf of the group, and Snari thought for a moment and nodded his head.

"Aye, two hunnra it is then, might be able to wrangle another fifty or so, out of the maya, seein' as how we be seein' eye to eye, and all."

Snari glanced out over the room, and once again rested on the green elf who seemed quietly waiting on the other side of the room. Speaking to the male human, Snari speaks up.

"Is'n that elf with your group too?"

OOC : Making a Bluff Check, of which I don't remember the modifier. Feel free to Sense Motive it, but without sheets, I'm just naturally going to assume you all fail, regardless. ^_^

Bluff : [roll0]

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-18, 02:11 PM

Hei draws her gaze round to where Snari is pointing. "Him?" She wracks her brains, trying to remember him. "No... Well, I don't think so. Although there's no harm in asking, right?"

With that, she makes her way cautiously over to the green elf in the corner. She extends a slightly bloodied hand towards him, and recites. "Hi, my names Hei. That's Hey-EE! What's your name? Are you here for the kobolds too; if so, how about you join us? The more the merrier!"

All the while she speaks, Hei bounces her head back and forth and side to side, a signature over-the-top smile affixed to her face.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-18, 04:13 PM
Borzom opens the tavern door a couple inches and peers in. Never know what could be lurking in doorways, he thinks. He carefully opens it the rest of the way and sidles over to the bar. Adjusting his hat so it covers his face, he beckons the innkeeper over.
"Take a little bit of everything", he says, looking over his shoulder cautiously, "and mix it all together in a massive mug. You hear me? Massive mug." He sits back in his chair and surveys the room.

2012-01-18, 04:41 PM
Tavern Main Room

The bartender raises an eyebrow, but doesn't otherwise comment on the odd order. Ale, mead, whiskey, a shot of gin, a bit of summerwine, a smaller bit of brandy, a dash of bitters, and a big wee drop of scumble, all goes in the pint and a half mug. After some consideration, the chamomile leaves are put away.

"Six silvers," he says, handing Borzom his drink.

A gnome is mopping up something that can only be wine by the color. The mop is a little big, but she manages well enough all the same. An orc trudges through the door after a while, muttering something about expensive things and thieves.

Over somewhere behind, a halfling girl has hopped off her seat (apparently the indignities of sitting on a high stool were too much for her to bear) and is now scolding a guy who appears to be dressed in something that rather resembles a white dress. Their elven compatriot has buried her head in her hands and muttering something under her breath.

2012-01-18, 04:53 PM
Tavern, 3rd floor, Private Room

The cloaked person half-smiles. "Excellent. You will take this sphere to Donderras in my stead, then. Take it to the apothecary at the square. Kensey Square, that is, not Main Square. Whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes. You have to be there before midnight tonight. Tell no one of what you possess. Show no one else this. You may be attacked, though I sincerely hope they will not figure out exactly who has it. I will reward you handsomely when you return. Do not fail." Despite the hood, the person's gaze is almost tangible. It doesn't feel pleasant. It begins to wrap the sphere up in what looks to be a length of rich purple silk. "I would also advise you not to unwrap the sphere. I do not know what would happen if you touched it with your bare hands." You notice the figure itself, however, is not wearing gloves.

Virex once again resented how much this figure treated him as an inferior, but said nothing of that.

Instead, he took the sphere (once his hands were covered) and put it in a trenchcoat pocket.

"It's a terrible location for it, I'm aware, but I'll move it somewhere more secure when I have the chance." Virex said."Rest assured, it will be done."

It was at this point that he returned to his own room, briefly, to gather his thoughts and figure out a way to get to Donderras in time.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-18, 04:55 PM
Scattering the silvers on the bar, Borzom gets up and walks over to the trio.
"What's all this, then?" he says, a manic grin spreading over his face, "It wouldn't have anything to do with tables, would it? I know a lot about tables."

2012-01-18, 06:49 PM
Tavern, 3rd floor

Well, the other occupant hasn't returned yet, so the room is still empty.

Tavern Main Room

The elf gives Borzom a Look. It's a very expressive look, going through 'what the hell are you on about' to 'who the hell are you' and 'my friends are all imbeciles' in a matter of moments. A dwarf who looked, at first glance, to be a discarded hauberk, stands up and tries to shake his head, though the fact the ends of his half-braided beard are caught in his maille makes that rather difficult. "This," the halfling says sharply, "'as nothin' ta do with tables an' everythin' ta do with the fact Preachy here ain't bein' smart 'bout this kobolds thing." She jabs back with her thumb, pointing out the guy in the dress.

"What my companion means is that we are having a minor disagreement as to how to proceed," white dress guy says firmly.

"An' by minor, he means that he thinks chargin' in with no plan but don't die is a good idea! There are trappy things down there, an' he won't fit!"

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-18, 07:06 PM
Tavern Main Room

The elf gives Borzom a Look. It's a very expressive look, going through 'what the hell are you on about' to 'who the hell are you' and 'my friends are all imbeciles' in a matter of moments. A dwarf who looked, at first glance, to be a discarded hauberk, stands up and tries to shake his head, though the fact the ends of his half-braided beard are caught in his maille makes that rather difficult. "This," the halfling says sharply, "'as nothin' ta do with tables an' everythin' ta do with the fact Preachy here ain't bein' smart 'bout this kobolds thing." She jabs back with her thumb, pointing out the guy in the dress.

"What my companion means is that we are having a minor disagreement as to how to proceed," white dress guy says firmly.

"An' by minor, he means that he thinks chargin' in with no plan but don't die is a good idea! There are trappy things down there, an' he won't fit!"

Ignoring the Look, Borzom shakes his head with a frown.
"Sorry, you've lost me. What 'Kobold thing' are you talking about?"
He stokes his unkempt beard, trying and failing to look deep in thought.

2012-01-18, 07:12 PM
Tavern, Main Room

The halfling points over at the poster in the corner. "The mayor is sayin' he'll pay whoever goes down to kill off some kobolds. An' it just so happened the rest of this lot was comin' through. So, well, we were gonna kill 'em kobolds, but Preachy thinks he's the leader, even though I'm the one who's spent half my life in these parts, and he thinks that goin' down there with no plan is smart. It's not."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-18, 07:21 PM
Tavern, Main Room

The halfling points over at the poster in the corner. "The mayor is sayin' he'll pay whoever goes down to kill off some kobolds. An' it just so happened the rest of this lot was comin' through. So, well, we were gonna kill 'em kobolds, but Preachy thinks he's the leader, even though I'm the one who's spent half my life in these parts, and he thinks that goin' down there with no plan is smart. It's not."

"Kobolds! I hate those things. Dad didn't tell me anything about killing them. Sounds fun, though." Borzom drains his mug and slams it onto the table with more force than strictly necessary.
"Preachy, you say? I once ate a peach. Or no, maybe it was just a pie with peach in it. Do kobolds have pies? We could have a pie fight with them."

2012-01-18, 07:28 PM
Virex, after thinking for a moment, left the room and began to make his way to Donderras. He really, truly wished, during most of this time that he'd taken the time to get a horse. After all, it would have taken far less time for him to do all this then, and, more importantly to him, wouldn't involve him tiring himself out.
"This...had better be the most incredible mystery I've ever seen, hooded man..." he said to himself. "Because I swear on my life I will kill you if I'm ripped off."

He sometimes hated loving a puzzle. Very, very much.

2012-01-18, 07:29 PM
Tavern, Main Room

The halfling takes a second look at Borzom, as if seeing him in a new light. "Cor! You're the mayor's son, then? Only, I thought you'd disappeared. I don't think pie'd be a very effective weapon against kobolds, but lobbing things at them is an idea..."

2012-01-18, 08:53 PM
Road to Donderras

Bandits tend to not attack unless they see something worth taking. As you draw nearer to Donderras, the chance of bandits increases accordingly, until you get to the city itself. The Thieves' Guild doesn't take kindly to unlicensed theft - that is, theft that doesn't pay a significant amount of their ill-gotten gains to the guildmaster. It's a bit ironic, really, that one of the biggest contributors to justice in the outskirts after the Guard is in fact the Thieves' Guild.

You set off down the road. The first hour is not terrible, but it is extremely, extremely, boring. A breeze ruffles the waist-high grass, when it can be bothered to do so. A pair of butterflies flying around in a circle is the highlight of the hour. The second hour is much like the first, though with less butterflies. The sun travels its daily arc, and the occasional cloud drifts by.

Sometime during the fifth hour, there is a rustling in the grass. You look over in time to spot a pair of very large dark eyes attached to a comparatively small and rather fuzzy head, which ducks down into the grass as soon as you make eye contact.

2012-01-18, 09:39 PM
Road to Donderras

Bandits tend to not attack unless they see something worth taking. As you draw nearer to Donderras, the chance of bandits increases accordingly, until you get to the city itself. The Thieves' Guild doesn't take kindly to unlicensed theft - that is, theft that doesn't pay a significant amount of their ill-gotten gains to the guildmaster. It's a bit ironic, really, that one of the biggest contributors to justice in the outskirts after the Guard is in fact the Thieves' Guild.

You set off down the road. The first hour is not terrible, but it is extremely, extremely, boring. A breeze ruffles the waist-high grass, when it can be bothered to do so. A pair of butterflies flying around in a circle is the highlight of the hour. The second hour is much like the first, though with less butterflies. The sun travels its daily arc, and the occasional cloud drifts by.

Sometime during the fifth hour, there is a rustling in the grass. You look over in time to spot a pair of very large dark eyes attached to a comparatively small and rather fuzzy head, which ducks down into the grass as soon as you make eye contact.

Virex was immediately made curious by this strange, fuzzy thing following him, but also found it reasonable to assume that it was just some small animal that happened to be scurrying around. Especially since there was no way he could catch it...

He kept walking for a few minutes, and then looked back to see if it was still following him.

2012-01-18, 09:49 PM
Road to Donderras

Yes, it's still following you, some thirty feet back. You can barely see it except as a hint of brownish fur and oddly purposeful, if slightly zig-zaggy, movement.

2012-01-18, 09:57 PM
Road to Donderras

Yes, it's still following you, some thirty feet back. You can barely see it except as a hint of brownish fur and oddly purposeful, if slightly zig-zaggy, movement.

"Strange..." Virex mused, actually turning around then and saying "Show yourself."

2012-01-18, 10:00 PM
Road to Donderras

The thing meeps and scurries off roughly westwards, though how far westwards is unclear. Could be running away, could have just moved ten feet or so.

2012-01-18, 10:06 PM
Road to Donderras

The thing meeps and scurries off roughly westwards, though how far westwards is unclear. Could be running away, could have just moved ten feet or so.

Well, this wasn't too promising for Virex's sanity. He was chasing after what for all he knew was a squirrel or something of the kind.

On the other hand, the mysterious figure had magical experience. Perhaps he was dealing with a familiar...

He did what he did before, walking for a few minutes, looking back, and repeating the cycle if the thing didn't respond properly to a command to come out and stop toying with him.

2012-01-18, 10:10 PM
Road to Donderras

The state of things continues for what seems to be nearly twenty minutes. It approaches, meeps when accused, and flees. Then you realize, in comparison to before, your pace has slowed. The repeated stops, if nothing else, have eaten away several minutes of time you could have spent walking.

And this time, when you call out, there is a little giggle along with the meep.

2012-01-18, 10:58 PM
Bob after is meal walks to the mayors office. Getting there see two humans, a dwarf, an elf, and a ...green elf? Green? How?

Here it comes a ...change?

Knowledge check to know why the elf is green. Knowledge Nature: [roll0] I do not have access to my sheet so either wait or make a ruling.

2012-01-19, 07:42 AM
Road to Donderras

The state of things continues for what seems to be nearly twenty minutes. It approaches, meeps when accused, and flees. Then you realize, in comparison to before, your pace has slowed. The repeated stops, if nothing else, have eaten away several minutes of time you could have spent walking.

And this time, when you call out, there is a little giggle along with the meep.

"Wait a minute..." Virex answered, to himself. To the "squirrel", on the other hand, he began to grow annoyed "I'll have you know I'm going this way on a mission, and you've made me waste twenty entire minutes! Now, I know you understand me, so come out, already!

2012-01-19, 11:11 AM
Snari turns to the human male, as the female wanders off. Again.

"Well, if'n were to be workin' togetha, there's some things you oughta know. First, the name is Snari of Clan Fale. Secon', I dunnae go in for that human nonsense. This kobol' thing be strictly business. After, we go our separate ways, aye? And third, I figurin' up on any loot we actually do find in those there caves, if'n more than one of you'se wants it, we settle it the dwarven way, in battle. To the victor goes the spoils. What'n do y'all reckon?"

As Snari waited for the human paladin, or perhaps even the elf nearby, to respond, the dwarf's eyes wandered around the office, noticing the green elf, still quiet in the corner and the cute gnome female at her desk.

2012-01-19, 12:06 PM
Road to Donderras

The not-exactly-a-squirrel pops up nearly forty feet away from you. It probably isn't much bigger than a cat. The creature's enormous eyes easily take up half of its face, with its tiny not-quite-a-snout forced below. It chitters at you, sticks its tongue out, and bobs its head from side to side. Its enormous, bat-like, ears sway like flags.

Then it drops into the grass again.

2012-01-19, 12:07 PM
Snari turns to the human male, as the female wanders off. Again.

"Well, if'n were to be workin' togetha, there's some things you oughta know. First, the name is Snari of Clan Fale. Secon', I dunnae go in for that human nonsense. This kobol' thing be strictly business. After, we go our separate ways, aye? And third, I figurin' up on any loot we actually do find in those there caves, if'n more than one of you'se wants it, we settle it the dwarven way, in battle. To the victor goes the spoils. What'n do y'all reckon?"

As Snari waited for the human paladin, or perhaps even the elf nearby, to respond, the dwarf's eyes wandered around the office, noticing the green elf, still quiet in the corner and the cute gnome female at her desk.

"Absolutely not." Morio said fiercely. "We don't fight amongst ourselves. At all. In any circumstances. Ever. Ever, ever, ever.
Loot either goes to whoever needs it most, or we decide randomly the order that people get to pick, and then we each take it in turns to pick. Understood?"

2012-01-19, 12:17 PM
Johnny looks at the dwarf with a bit of disgust, "While I understand this is merely business for you, dwarf, I say that any loot we get is shared, equally. If someone wants to take a gem or piece of art or a fancy blade with him, he has to pay it out of his share of the coins." agreeing with Morio. "Oh, and my name's Johnny."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-19, 01:07 PM
"I have to side with Johnny and the Wizard on this one. We're meant to be fighting kobolds, not each other." Hei says, displeased. It doesn't take long for her face to lighten up again though. "Although, I'm all for settling ties with a battle of wits! I know lots of riddles, and I haven't yet met anyone who can beat me at a game!"

"Then again, I haven't met all that many interesting people."

Hei sighs. "Perhaps we should get going then? We don't want those kobolds outbreeding us whilst we wait, who knows what they're up to!"

Turning to face the green-skinned elf, she asks, smiling: "Are you coming then or what?"

2012-01-19, 01:19 PM
Snari growls as he feels his headache slowly begin to return

"Acht! What did I just say Johnny. The name is Snari, not dwarf!" He feels the subtle calling of one of his powers in the back of his mind, but he rubs his temples, and ignores it, trying to lower his voice.

"Now, I get it, I be outmatched here on the loot, fine. But if'n you claim this isn' all business afterall, then the least you can do is learn'an respect my name once I give it to ya!"

The crystal remained silent.

"Anyway, seeing' as how we are to be workin' togetha, what can ye all do. I'd hate to trust my life in the hands of someone who cannae defend it properly."

Snari's headache slowly comes inching back, begging that he wield a power, but the dwarf just crosses his arms, and ignores it.

2012-01-19, 01:25 PM
"I am an all powerful wizard! I have wielded power that even the mightiest of archmages can do nought but write poor self-insert fan-fiction about!"


Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-19, 01:32 PM
Tavern, Main Room

The halfling takes a second look at Borzom, as if seeing him in a new light. "Cor! You're the mayor's son, then? Only, I thought you'd disappeared. I don't think pie'd be a very effective weapon against kobolds, but lobbing things at them is an idea..."

"Yeah, I did disappear. But then I reappeared. I'm back now, at any rate."
Suddenly Borzom whirls around, staring wildly around the inn. Then he shakes himself and turns back.
"So your main problem is finding a plan? I could be of some help there. I'm good at making plans."

2012-01-19, 01:34 PM
Durmindin had just stood there watching what is happen and listing to what is said while staying quiet and then looked to the male and heard his words and thought for a moment before he had replied to their words.

He would look to the female, wonder what hell was wrong with her, but there was no harm he figured “I am durmindin and yes I am looking for work and I see nothing wrong with it if you youngsters don’t mind having old man as myself come with yea” he would state to the girl named Hei.

He would wait and when female spoke to him after speaking to the two others and looked to her “ I am ready when group is ready” he would state to her before looking to the others and nodded respectfully to the mayor before moving closer to the rest of the group.

2012-01-19, 01:40 PM
Snari almost looked surprised when before the human could speak, the silent elf in the corner had done so instead.

He seemed polite though, so certainly better than some elves he had met. And speaking of elves.

"Wizard? Well, that's a good thin' then, the maya says there's all sorts of things down what in them warrens. Let's see some of that magic then. I dunnae much about magic, but if'n we be fighting castas, I best be prepared, aye? What sort of spells, do ye cast? What are they called, schools or something? Just a load of nonsense."

Snari mentally thought he only felt that way because he was never good at magic, but his words remained valid. If he were going to trust his life to complete strangers, who weren't dwarves, let alone elves, he needed to know what they could do.

Sense Motive : [roll0]

2012-01-19, 01:47 PM
Tavern, Main Room

"Hit me with yer best one, then," the halfling says, grinning.

2012-01-19, 01:50 PM
Johnny quickly retained his graceful, yet humble stature. "I'm sorry, Snari, I really am. As I told Morio and Hei already, I have lost my hands... due to a big misunderstanding... nevertheless, I can draw our foe's attention and take a world of pain before submitting. I'm also more useful with my sword than any other handless man I've ever met. True, I'm no good in more dexterous acts, but I make up for it, I swear."

He then gestures at his backpack with his head, and continues: "Now if someone could help me get my gauntlet off my sword and give me a sip of water from the skin of water in my bag, then I'd be grateful and ready to depart."

2012-01-19, 02:14 PM
"...ye've got...no...hands...?? Snari looked surprised and looked down at the metal guantlets, that appeared as if they had hands underneath. "What'n...how the...what?!"

Snari took a step back, still unheard of a warrior with no hands. He turns to the wizard, "Acht, and next' you'll be telling me, you nae can actually cast spells."

Snari shook his head, the headache was really starting to come in now. "An' what about you, lass? From the bar. Hei wasn't it? At least you're a canni warrior, right?" The dwarf glances at her armor, and hopes to his god, her naive persona is simply a ruse.

2012-01-19, 02:47 PM
Snari took a step back, still unheard of a warrior with no hands. He turns to the wizard, [COLOR="orange"]"Acht, and next' you'll be telling me, you nae can actually cast spells."

'Me? Can't cast spells?" Morio said. He laughed nervously. "That's ridiculous! Whoever heard of a Wizard who can't cast spells?"


2012-01-19, 03:03 PM
Snari could feel the headache at the back of his temples, but it wasn't hurting bad enough yet. "Acht, what do you mean, by that! Your voice has gone all high and weird there an' yer eyes all shifti. Are you serious? Can you cast spells? You're a casta, right?"

Snari backs away again from the group, remarkably astonished. His hand instinctively goes to the hilt of his spear, and simply grasps onto it, waiting for replies.

Snari Fale
HP : 24
AC : 11
Free Action : Speech.
Move Action : Move Back 5 Feet.
Standard Action : Ready Spear.

2012-01-19, 03:11 PM
Snari could feel the headache at the back of his temples, but it wasn't hurting bad enough yet. "Acht, what do you mean, by that! Your voice has gone all high and weird there an' yer eyes all shifti. Are you serious? Can you cast spells? You're a casta, right?"

Snari backs away again from the group, remarkably astonished. His hand instinctively goes to the hilt of his spear, and simply grasps onto it, waiting for replies.

Snari Fale
HP : 24
AC : 11
Free Action : Speech.
Move Action : Move Back 5 Feet.
Standard Action : Ready Spear.

"Of course I can cast spells!" Morio snapped. "Look!"
Morio holds out his hand, and some spheres of light appear. They swirl around him, then around Snari, then return to his hand.


2012-01-19, 03:17 PM
Snari sighed softly, and let his hand fall back at his side, easing his stance.

"Acht, aright, fair enough. You're right. 'that be magic." Snari rubbed his temples again and shook his head, lowering his voice a bit. "I dinnae mean to insult, jes' nae used to dealin' with yer elves, if'n all the same. An' it was a pretty long night for me, nae used to others around."

Snari relaxed a bit, and moved back towards the group.

"I'm still a-avin' en 'ard time believing you can fight, Johnny. You tellin' me you're true in battle?"

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-19, 03:19 PM
Hei takes a defensive vocal stance to Snari's accusations. "Of course Morio is a powerful Wizard! It's like he said, whoever heard of a wizard who can't cast spells? Why would he lie to us anyway?"


She makes her way over to Johnny, helping him with his gauntlet as she continues. "And I'll have you know I'm more than competant in just about any field. I can cast spells, sneak around and I have all sorts of skills! I have an apt eye for detail too, you won't see anyone sneaking up on us!"

She skitters a bit as Snari draws his spear, and looks as though she is about to rant - but calms down as he does. She bats at the glowing orbs of light like an entranced kitten. "I wish I could make these..."

2012-01-19, 03:43 PM
As Johnny finally manages to free his right arm and get something to drink, he turns to the dwarf; "Currently, my arm's off the sword, so I'm not worth my weight in battle, but my armor's still just as tough. Just make sure to help me get my sword locked in the gauntlet before we engage in battle, and I'll do more than you'd imagine." Johnny says, feeling rather sure about himself, it isn't the first time people have had doubts about him.

He then turns to address all four of his new allies; "Now that we've covered each other's capabilities, how about we hit the road?"

2012-01-19, 04:01 PM
Snari narrows his eyes and glances at the man again, looking at his guantlets. He strokes his beard for a moment.

Well, if'n things go south, I suppose they will all do well at keepin' the kobol's at bay, fer enough of a time for me to get away, and form a real party. At the least'n I can evaluate tha sitiation, an' see fer myself what the tunnels are like.

Snari shrugs softly and looks back towards Johnny, Morio and Hei. Of the three, the human female didn't seem too bad, a bit odd, but if her words are to be believed, useful in a number of situation. He looks past the group to the green elf. "Well, I suppose if'n you're coming with' us, you can tell yer story on the road. We might as well get goin' while there's still daylight"

Snari walks to the female gnome at the desk, who had to suffer listening to two pages worth of back and forth talking.

"Tha maya mention'd an entranc' to them kobol' tunnels. Where'n from here, are we suppose'd to hed, for the quickest entrance?"

2012-01-19, 04:20 PM
Mayor's Office

"West about three, three an' a half hours walking," the gnome maid says, lowering her duster. "There's a hole under a big burnt-up tree stump. Don't go in any of the other holes ya might see - those'uns are all trapped."

2012-01-19, 04:22 PM
Mayor's Office

"West about three, three an' a half hours walking," the gnome maid says, lowering her duster. "There's a hole under a big burnt-up tree stump. Don't go in any of the other holes ya might see - those'uns are all trapped."

"Then I say we pack it in for the night, and tomorrow morning, once refreshed, we will set off to fight the kobold menace!"

2012-01-19, 04:27 PM
Yar har, fiddlee dee.
Being a Psion is alright with me.
Do what you want, 'cause a Psion is free.
You are a Psion.

The dwarf glared at the elf momentarily.

"What are ya, daft? She jes said, only a cupla hours of marchin'. Bleedin' hell, it only be about three now. We'd make it by sundown, and inside the tunnels, it dinnae matter what the sun's doing'!"

Snari grumbled a bit and began to walk out towards the exit.

"But seeing' as how we needs to be togetha, an' all, I suppose if'n ye want to wait till the mornin', we will all throw in our two coppa votes. But I warn ya, if'n ye have us dally for two long, we might not be the group, what beats them kobol's."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-19, 04:29 PM
Hei looks disappointed at Morio's suggestion. Agreeing with Snari, she chips in. "But if we wait, then that other group might beat us to it! We can't have them stealing our loot and glory. Besides, the night is your friend. We can attack under cover of darkness - they'll never know what hit them!"

2012-01-19, 04:31 PM
Yar har, fiddlee dee.
Being a Psion is alright to be.
Do what you want, 'cause a Psion is free.
You are a Psion.

The dwarf glared at the elf momentarily.

"What are ya, daft? She jes said, only a cupla hours of marchin'. Bleedin' hell, it only be about three now. We'd make it by sundown, and inside the tunnels, it dinnae matter what the sun's doing'!"

Snari grumbled a bit and began to walk out towards the exit.

"But seeing' as how we needs to be togetha, an' all, I suppose if'n ye want to wait till the mornin', we will all throw in our two coppa votes. But I warn ya, if'n ye have us dally for two long, we might not be the group, what beats them kobol's."

Hei looks disappointed at Morio's suggestion. Agreeing with Snari, she chips in. "But if we wait, then that other group might beat us to it! We can't have them stealing our loot and glory. Besides, the night is your friend. We can attack under cover of darkness - they'll never know what hit them!"

"Very well..." Morio sighed. "But let us at least return to the inn first? There are some people I need to talk to."

2012-01-19, 04:36 PM
"Acht, that's fine by me. Can get some extra provisions and such, dunnae know how long well be in them tunnels. I sugges'n we all meet outside of the Inn, in no more than an hour. Do what ye need to before then."

He speaks to the party as a whole, including the green elf.

And with that Snari heads back outside, pausing momentarily to think a bit, and then heads into the direction of the Inn.

2012-01-19, 04:38 PM
Morio dismisses the lights snaking around his body, and strides towards the Inn. When he gets there, he stops, and looks around the outside of the Inn.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-19, 04:39 PM
Hei's eyes lighten up at Morio's new suggestion. "Now that's an idea I can get behind! Come to think of it, I never found out what that stuff I was drinking was called..."

Drifting back off into her own little world, Hei snaps out of it in a few moments -a sinister gleam in her eye and smile. "And whilst we're there, maybe we can sabotage the other party? For their own protection of course. We don't want them getting in the way now, do we?"

2012-01-19, 04:45 PM
Snari paused in his steps at Hei's words.

"Acht, sabatoge, lass? You're not serious, are ye?!

Snari glances around a bit, and in a lower voice.

"Why, what'd ye have in mind..?"

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-19, 05:01 PM
Hei responds likewise, lowering her voice to a gleeful whisper. "Well, we have a wizard. I'm sure he could do all sorts of charms and things, maybe make them get locked up for a few days? I mean, I could do it myself, but I haven't prepared the right spells today."

Looking thoughtful, she scours her mind for other ideas. "We could just try talking to them. I have a way with words, I'm sure we could think of something. Maybe 'let slip' the location of the kobolds -" She interrupts herself with a nonchalant cough. A trickle of blood escapes. " - 'Lair'. If you catch my drift..."

In a slightly louder voice, she exclaims. "Unless anyone has any laxative, of course?"

2012-01-19, 05:24 PM
Outside the Giant's Mug

It's pretty quiet out here, actually, except the occasional whickering and bursts of loud conversation in the inn. There is a bit of horse dung outside the stables, and an erratic trail of old stable bedding leads to a compost heap a good distance away from the Giant's Mug - after all, no guest wants to wake up and smell the decomposing horse crap. Even if it mostly just smells like dirt.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-19, 06:46 PM
Tavern, Main Room

"Hit me with yer best one, then," the halfling says, grinning.

Borzom looks askance at the halfling.
"And how exactly do you expect me to come up with a plan if I have no knowledge of the defenses, whereabouts, or numbers of the kobolds? If you don't know the answer to these, then our first move should be a scouting mission to find out the details. Or, we can simply go to them and ask nicely how best to murder them all."
Borzom climbs up onto the table and curls into a ball, with a look of intense concentration on his face.

2012-01-19, 07:46 PM
Snari chuckles at Hei's words. Here seemed to be a human who shared a similar mind.

"Heh. I'm not one to say no to those ideas. We'll see if'n what happens, when we get to tha tavern."

The group meander back to the Inn, and go about their tasks.

Snari walks back into the inn, and notices a gnome climbing up onto a table nearby. The dwarf just shakes his head, and walks to the bar.

2012-01-19, 09:06 PM
The killoren that been proclaimed green half elf by his new adventure party members would follow behind them. He had when the party went about doing each their own thing decide just to sit outside of the inn and rest before the long journey before him and the others.

Durmindin thought to himself what he should tell the group and what he should not tell them as their where things he had seen and went that most group never seen or heard of before. He would give a light sigh as he rested as he was not helpless he had protection against would be thieves and what not.

2012-01-19, 09:47 PM
Inside the Giant's Mug (Much more descriptive than Tavern, don't you think?)

The bartender nods, apparently recognizing Snari. "Still got a routh o' that ale, if ye want any."

The halfling nods, scrambling back up onto her human-sized chair and standing on it so as to better see the faces of everyone else. "Josie and.... gnome, please desist in your abuse of the furniture here," the guy in the white dress says with a groan. "Sure, Lamey," Josie the halfling replies, smirking. "You're just angry that the gnome here agrees with me. Diving down a buncha holes without even taking a first look is stupid. Beyond stupid. Don't they teach thinkin' at that church of yours?"

"My name is Liam, as I have told you before, you insufferable child," the guy in the dress growls.

If it was the elf speaking, many of the tavern's patrons would have fled. Anyone that walked around with a hat that pointed at the top and a cloak with shoulders that jutted out like thorns could and sometimes would destroy things at the slightest provocation with their "misty-kale powers beyond human con-pree-hen-shin". No one quite knew what foggy cabbage and the lower legs of chickens had to do with wanton magical destruction. This elf looked bored, more than anything else, and she was at the moment using her rather crumpled and only possibly pointed hat as an elbow rest. The human, on the other hand, looked about ready to smash heads, and carried a mace that could probably carry out such an act very effectively.

"Whatever you say, Lamey." The halfling, to be fair, was not helping her case.

2012-01-19, 10:12 PM
Road to Donderras

The not-exactly-a-squirrel pops up nearly forty feet away from you. It probably isn't much bigger than a cat. The creature's enormous eyes easily take up half of its face, with its tiny not-quite-a-snout forced below. It chitters at you, sticks its tongue out, and bobs its head from side to side. Its enormous, bat-like, ears sway like flags.

Then it drops into the grass again.

This was really beginning to anger Virex, for a whole number of reasons:

First of all, he was being taunted.

Second of all, he was being taunted by a squirrel.

And third of all, he had not begun to receive the remotest amount of information as to what this non-squirrel even was.

This immediately caused him to go after it, growling (as much as an elf could growl) in the process.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-19, 10:16 PM
Inside the Giant's Mug (Much more descriptive than Tavern, don't you think?)

The halfling nods, scrambling back up onto her human-sized chair and standing on it so as to better see the faces of everyone else. "Josie and.... gnome, please desist in your abuse of the furniture here," the guy in the white dress says with a groan. "Sure, Lamey," Josie the halfling replies, smirking. "You're just angry that the gnome here agrees with me. Diving down a buncha holes without even taking a first look is stupid. Beyond stupid. Don't they teach thinkin' at that church of yours?"

"My name is Liam, as I have told you before, you insufferable child," the guy in the dress growls.

If it was the elf speaking, many of the tavern's patrons would have fled. Anyone that walked around with a hat that pointed at the top and a cloak with shoulders that jutted out like thorns could and sometimes would destroy things at the slightest provocation with their "misty-kale powers beyond human con-pree-hen-shin". No one quite knew what foggy cabbage and the lower legs of chickens had to do with wanton magical destruction. This elf looked bored, more than anything else, and she was at the moment using her rather crumpled and only possibly pointed hat as an elbow rest. The human, on the other hand, looked about ready to smash heads, and carried a mace that could probably carry out such an act very effectively.

"Whatever you say, Lamey." The halfling, to be fair, was not helping her case.

"The names Borzom, that's Mister Borzom to you, Lamey."
Borzom uncurls and stands up on the table, balancing on one foot.
"Out of...whats the word, for something you want to know for no real reason? Curiosity! Out of curiosity, why are you wearing a dress? Seems unpractical."

2012-01-19, 10:32 PM
Snari sidles up to the bar, smiling and nods to the barkeeper. His headache was still muted, but he knew a quick way to ease its pain.

"Aye, give me anotha strong ale. An' got a puzzle for ya. Lookin' for some equipment that might'n be more my kin." Snari glanced around and lowered his voice.

"Yar the keep here, hear things. Maybe even a small town like this, has a few what with skills like mine. Not lookin' for anything magical no, but of a sort, aye in a differ way."

Snari glances around and makes sure no one is within ear shot. "Ah, sort of like magic, but for..the mind. None of that studying or gods, rarer too, but if'n there's somewhere nearby where a dwarf like me could find someone.." Snari let his words trail off, waiting for a reply. If the gnome offerred no help, then that would be par for the course. Not even his own clan understood his powers. Only the intervention of the less than noble Deurgar clans were familiar with psionics at all.

Since leaving his home though, he was always on the look out for others of his kind. He had once bought a wand of sorts for his type, but had only used it once, to test it out. But his gifts were still rare, and there were few above ground who were vocally familiar with them. Still, it was worth a shot, if he was going to go off on a potentially dangerous mission.

2012-01-19, 10:51 PM
Road to Donderras

(Flaw Activate! -2 self-imposed morale penalty to attack, damage, skill checks, and saves, for reasons you shall divine shortly)

The not-exactly-a-squirrel freezes, realizes that you are charging, and runs for it, as small furry animals are wont to do. The distance between you remains roughly stable as you bound through the tall grass. The really-actually-not-a-squirrel is not making even the smallest pretense of hiding at this point. It runs quite speedily for such a small creature, bobbing and weaving past the plants in its desperate attempt to escape, skidding and turning direction apparently at random. Right, left, right, diagonal left, always running.

In fact, it runs swiftly enough that you lose sight of it for a moment. That moment is brief, and you soon spot it again, eyeing you from behind a clump of wildflowers, but that moment was quite long enough for you to realize you've been running nearly a minute and a half away from the road, and you aren't entirely sure where you are anymore.

Meep. Meep.

Inside the Giant's Mug

The bartender nods and pours another pint and a half mug of the strong dark ale, handing it to Snari. "The coin ye gave earlier's more than 'nuff ta cover the cost o' thissun," he says with a wink. "Hiddlins o' the mind, but no' o' the books or gods? Ach, I ken what ye be speakin' o', but these scuggans hae nuthin' o' the sort here. Where I come from, out west past the dim castle, there's none o' this 'lockry muss. Bit far for ye ta go, 'course," he adds thoughtfully.

"My name is Liam, Mister Borzom," Liam, or Lamey if you were only listening to Josie's mocking, says coldly. "I will accept your error this once, as we are strangers still. Do not make it again. And it's not a dress." He lays his arm across the table, and uses his other hand to trace some pattern that is indistinguishable to you. You can see now there are safflower-yellow borders around the edges of his sleeves. "These are robes of the church of Pelor, the Shining One. I wear them to show that I am a cleric in His service. See how the embroidery depicts the sun disk that is His symbol?"

The embroidery must be white on white, because it is very difficult to see much of anything of interest on the sleeves of the robe.

2012-01-19, 11:07 PM
What was once "Bob" now looks like an Orc with a physical features exaggerated to be as brutish as possible. With each link of the armor an alternating black and red that could be described as brutal. Seeing the people was going to join gone turns around returning to the Giant's Mug looking for either them or another group to "play with". Hehehehe. Where are they? I haven't had my fun yet. Oh wait there is that waitress. Hehehe.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-20, 12:35 AM
Inside the Giant's Mug

"My name is Liam, Mister Borzom," Liam, or Lamey if you were only listening to Josie's mocking, says coldly. "I will accept your error this once, as we are strangers still. Do not make it again. And it's not a dress." He lays his arm across the table, and uses his other hand to trace some pattern that is indistinguishable to you. You can see now there are safflower-yellow borders around the edges of his sleeves. "These are robes of the church of Pelor, the Shining One. I wear them to show that I am a cleric in His service. See how the embroidery depicts the sun disk that is His symbol?"

The embroidery must be white on white, because it is very difficult to see much of anything of interest on the sleeves of the robe.

Borzom peers at the robe closely, then sniffs at it enthusiastically. He leans back and studies the cleric.
"What's Pelor? Pale or? Pale or not? I'm not pale. Your dress is, though."

2012-01-20, 12:52 AM
"Dim Castle..?" The dwarf thinks quietly, sipping his drink. "Ya think I can troubl'n you for a map. I got a bit of a quest here, with some odd'uns, but afterwards..ben thinkin' mor a' me craft."

Snari looks around inside the bar at the patrons for a moment. "Corse, considerin' we surviv'n this quest...hmm." Snari glances back at the kobold poster and then at the other group in the bar. Chuckling to himself, at what he's going to do, he quaffs another drink, and waits for the barkeep to respond.

2012-01-20, 12:58 AM
Giant's Mug

A large orc enters, clad in vicious-looking maille. The elf comes over, instead of the woman this time. He manages to give the newcomer his undivided attention despite the fact he is depositing drinks at various tables. Behind him, the so far still nameless dwarf stares up, mouthing something. "Welcome to the Giant's Mug, sir," the elf says politely, apparently not at all bothered by the fact that he's less than half the size of the orc. "We have plenty of alcohol, food, and rooms for the night, if you wish."

The cleric of Pelor (Pale or?), Liam, groans. "Pelor is a human god, though I suppose you wouldn't know much about them," he says. "He is the god of the sun and is the one who gave us all life." His tone is one that seems to state the obvious.

2012-01-20, 01:15 AM
Morio goes into the Inn, and ignoring the commotion around him, goes to the corner of the bar, and calls Ludo to him.

Ludo? Come! What have you found? What is this hooded man doing?

2012-01-20, 01:20 AM
Giant's Mug

A large orc enters, clad in vicious-looking maille. The elf comes over, instead of the woman this time. He manages to give the newcomer his undivided attention despite the fact he is depositing drinks at various tables. Behind him, the so far still nameless dwarf stares up, mouthing something. "Welcome to the Giant's Mug, sir," the elf says politely, apparently not at all bothered by the fact that he's less than half the size of the orc. "We have plenty of alcohol, food, and rooms for the night, if you wish."

"Hulk" as Pain tends to call himself snorts at the elf before replying. No. Here for people. Hulk then looks around for some of the members of the group before or any others.

2012-01-20, 01:50 AM
Giant's Mug

The elf bows slightly, still holding his tray perfectly level. "Well, there's certainly no lack of interesting people here," he comments before continuing to deliver drinks.

The bartender shrugs at Snari. "Don' hae a map. Up the westbound road, past the dim castle an' the town named fer it, through the woods, keep goin' straight west an' north till the trees clear."

Ludo comes creeping down the stairs - as much as a bird can creep. It is a testament to the sorts of people they get around here that a bird coming down the stairs is waved off as nothing out of the ordinary. Ludo comes up to Morio and begins speaking, though none but Morio himself can understand.


"I swear, he knew the entire time I was there!" Ludo caws. You notice he looks a bit dishelved. "Didn't do anything, though. He had a thing. Shiny. Silver, I think. About as big as your head. The guy, the one who was talking to him earlier, came in, and then the cloak guy gave him the orb and then the elf guy left. Seemed to think it was important, the orb thing. It was shiny. Cloak guy started talking about things, and then he went outside and stuck a rock to the wall and went back inside and locked himself in."

2012-01-20, 01:53 AM
Hmmm... Could you hear what he was saying? Is there anyway in past that rock? Does he have the window open? And can you tell me more about this silver orb? Do you know where it was sent? Do you know anything about his identity? Is there anyway you could go back in and continue to spy on him?

2012-01-20, 02:01 AM
"His room had no windows. And all that smoke too! As for the rock," Ludo adds, in the tones of the long-suffering, "It's just stuck to the wall. Nothing to see past it. Don't know what the orb is, but the elf guy is taking it to Donderras. He has to be there by midnight. Take it to the apothecary at a square. Cloak guy mentioned Kensey and Main, but I don't think they're the same places. He asked if the elf could keep secrets, too. And he said that he couldn't get to Donderras in time himself... and he said there might be attacks. He said they might attack, but he didn't say who They was."

2012-01-20, 02:05 AM
"His room had no windows. And all that smoke too! As for the rock," Ludo adds, in the tones of the long-suffering, "It's just stuck to the wall. Nothing to see past it. Don't know what the orb is, but the elf guy is taking it to Donderras. He has to be there by midnight. Take it to the apothecary at a square. Cloak guy mentioned Kensey and Main, but I don't think they're the same places. He asked if the elf could keep secrets, too. And he said that he couldn't get to Donderras in time himself... and he said there might be attacks. He said they might attack, but he didn't say who They was."

Well, on one hand, I want you stationed here so you can follow the hooded man the moment he leaves, but on the other hand, I'd quite like to know about this strange orb. Well, follow the messenger man for now, watch exactly what the apothecary does with this orb, and then return here. If the hooded man has gone by the time you get back then return to me, and we will see what to do from there.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-20, 02:22 AM
Hei swings the door of the bar open in dramatic, western style as much as the hinges will allow. Resurveying the scene before her, she casually makes her way back over to the bar. "I'll take another of those things I was having earlier."

As she waits for her drink, she eyes the new Orc, assessing him.

Once Hei obtains her drink she strides over back towards the other group. She chirpily reintroduces herself, before noticing the new member - some sort of Axe-wielding Gnome. "Hello there!" She proclaims, holding an outstretched (slightly blood smeared) hand. "My name's Hei. That's Hey-EE. What's yours? Are you here for the kobolds too?"

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-20, 03:46 AM
Borzom raises an eyebrow at the strange woman.
"My name is Borzom, that's BORE-Zom. I am making a plan. Or maybe not. I made one once, though, and it was a good plan. Lots of shiny stuff came out of that plan."
He stares off into the distance, as if reminiscing of plans gone by.
"And rabbits. Just to be on the safe side." He gives a knowing wink.

2012-01-20, 08:00 AM
Seeing the commotion with the group Hulk goes over to see what it is about. So what is going on?

2012-01-20, 11:06 AM
Snari thinks contemplatively for a moment, before noddinng. "Aye, I think I ken remember that." Snari moves to place another gold coin on the counter.

Rubbing his beard, Snari speaks up again in a low voice, fiddling with the gold coin. "Oh, speaking of things...I jes came from the maya's office, he had a special request ta make, seeming that there poster in the wall, shouldan be there anymore, on account of oh, say creative happenin's." Snari didn't even bother to look at the bartender, or wait for his reply, before reaching into his bag, and began slowly counting off gold prices and placing them in an ordered stack on top of the other.

Silently, Snari finishes his drink, and looks around the bar. He notices the elven wizard, at the far corner by the stairs. He seems to be talking to a...hawk? Snari blinks for a moment, but as the crystal shifts on his shoulder, he figures it must be the same sort of set-up. He never knew a wizard could have a hawk as a familiar though, but he just mentally shrugged.

He looked past Morio, to see the aged Killoren sitting quietly by himself at a table beside the bar. The elf hadn't said more than a few sentences since joining the group, and Snari was still a bit wary, but the man looked harmless. Still, Snari might have to see what his story was, before they entered the tunnels.

Doing a quick scan failed to turn up Johnny the fighter, and Snari wondered if the man had gone to a store instead. Mentally, he still puzzled over how the armless guy got through in life, but if he survived this long, who knows, maybe he really was as talented as he said.

*-* His attention was broke as a rather fierce looking Orc strolled past his line of sight towards...Hei..? Snari looked surprised as his new teammate was already talking to the new group, but now here came an Orc out of nowhere.

The dwarf growled and in a fluid motion, leapt from his stool, and clenched his fists. He. Hated. Orcs. Probably more than anything else. How could this town let such savage brutes into the city. He could feel his power surge up inside of him. The situation was quickly becoming shoot first, ask questions never, and his headache was threatening to come back in full force.

Snari tried pushing away his headache to focus his mental strength. Standing still, he placed his hands together, and struggled to clear his head of everything but the Orc and his power. The faintest trickle of orange wisps of energy drifted around his palms, as he glared at this newcomer. If it got any closer to his new teammate, it wouldn't go well for the creature, but Snari was just looking for any excuse to attack an Orc.

It was true, he didn't know this Hei girl from a random log in a river, but if'n they were on a team now, he'd sure as hell fight like a dwarf to protect her.

Snari Fale
HP : 24
AC : 11
Free Action : -NA-
Move Action : Gain Psionic Focus (DC 20) : Concentration Check - [roll0]
Standard Action : Ready Mind Thrust.
Conditions : Should the Orc touch Hei, Snari will attempt to cast an augmented Mind Thrust at the Orc enemy.
Mind Thrust
Augmented : Yes.
Power Cost : 5
Damage : [roll1]
Saving Throw : Will Negates : DC = 18 (10 + Power Level + Int Modifier + Augment)
Migraine Concentration Check :
Expend Psionic Focus to take 15.
DC to prevent Migraine is 10 + (5 x Powerl Level) DC = 11.
Auditory Command - 'Fus Ro Dah!'

2012-01-20, 11:24 AM
Johnny, having fallen behind, entered the tavern a bit later than his friends. He entered without having a single look in the tavern, ignoring everything in his own distinctive way. Nevertheless, he noticed Morio in a corner, and walked up to him, "So, you all done, can we get going?"

2012-01-20, 11:36 AM
Morio was still deep in that about what Ludo and told him, and was surprised when Johnny suddenly spoke. He jumped violently, having not noticed Johnny even enter the pub, never mind come up to him.
"Well, I've sorted out my stuff, but the others are still busy. Even if there's no longer any business I need to take care of, I would still like some time to relax before we go. Why don't you book a room, and take your armour off and take it easy for a bit? It'll do you good."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-20, 12:31 PM
Hei giggles at Borzom's dialogue. "That's funny, because I was just making a plan too! I'm off to go and kill those kobolds the mayor wants dead with some new friends of mine."

Taking a long sip of her drink, she turns to the group of NPCs. "That's right, we've seen the mayor. Bounty's off now that we're on the case, better luck next time." She stands, smiling. "Maybe we'll see you again when we finish wiping those pesky kobolds from the caves up North, eh?"


Hei starts to take her leave, the Green Hulk approaching as she does so. She naively offers an outstreched hand to the orc. "Nice to meet you mister Orc. Truth be told, there's not much going on here really. I was just informing these kind people here that the kobold bounty is off, on account of my already taken it. Wouldn't want to waste their time now, would I?"

Startled, she remembers something. "Oh but where are my manners? My names Hei. That's Hey-" Her late introduction is caught short by Snari's sudden movement. "Oh, hello Snari! Have you met BORE-zom?"

She takes extra care in pronouncing that first syllable.

2012-01-20, 01:22 PM
"Oh, hello Snari! Have you met BORE-zom?"

Snari seems startled when Hei calls out to him, but his focus and attention never waver. It had been too long since he'd fought either goblins or orcs, and there was little; besides alcohol, mining, fighting and alcohol, that a dwarf liked to do more than take on goblins and orcs.

..Borezom..is that the Orc's name? Does she know him somehow?

Not for the first time, Snari was having second thoughts of grouping with complete strangers, but he relaxed his shoulders very slightly. He still was ready at a heartbeat's notice, but now his eyes darted between the Orc and Hei, as if for an explanation. He remained silent however.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-20, 03:16 PM
"Woah, hold on a minute here," says Borzom, ignoring the orc, "If you think you're taking these kobolds on without my input, you are sorely mistaken. Without my master strategies, you have no hope of overcoming these horrors."
Then his attention switches instantly over to the orc.
"Ooh, shiny!"
He attempts to use the orcs arm as a swing.

2012-01-20, 03:46 PM
"Woah, hold on a minute here," says Borzom, ignoring the orc, "If you think you're taking these kobolds on without my input, you are sorely mistaken. Without my master strategies, you have no hope of overcoming these horrors."

"Oh, beacause you're the "masterful general," then, eh?" Morio scoffed. It was the first time he had spoken in the conversation, but he had been watching and listening the whole time. Dolts. Arguing away, between the groups, why don't we merge and work together?

2012-01-20, 04:08 PM
"Well, I've sorted out my stuff, but the others are still busy. Even if there's no longer any business I need to take care of, I would still like some time to relax before we go. Why don't you book a room, and take your armour off and take it easy for a bit? It'll do you good."

Johnny shocks at Morio's suggestion. He is by far too vulnerable without his armor, most nights he even sleeps in it. For a moment, he even fears that the elf might want him dead. "Get yourself ready, wizard, I'd like to leave today, while we still have sunlight." he boorishly grunts to the elf, as if he'd forgotten all chivalry for a brief second.

He then turns to his other two teammates; the dwarf and the lady, "Could you two hurry up, please, I think it's best we depart before any other adventurers get the lead."

Johnny doesn't pay any attention to anyone else near him, that including a large orc standing next to Hei. "Now where's that odd looking half-elf, is he even coming with us?" he mutters to himself.

2012-01-20, 05:14 PM
Giant's Mug

Liam stands up and storms out, apparently fed up with... everything. At least he didn't bash anyone's head in. Josie takes a wild look around and follows. The elf drags the dwarf out, which is pretty impressive.

The bartender's eyes go wide, and the gold is swept away under the counter. He leaps over the heads of those sitting at the bar (without even so much as a running start), stalks over to the mayor's poster and rips it off the wall, tears it into quarters, and throws it out the window, where it goes fluttering down the street. "We've got our heroes, then. Don't need that takin' up space on me walls," he says in a business-like manner, going back to the bar as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

2012-01-20, 05:28 PM
The rush of movement from the barkeeper, pulls Snari's attention from the Orc enough, for him to lose his psionic focus. In a flurry of movement the poster is shredded, and it seems just as quickly, a general noise from the bar leads to a number of people grumbling and exiting.

The four that Hei had addressed were among those to quickly exit, leaving the Gnome and the Orc, beside Hei alone. The Green Elf, still sitting quietly at a table by himself, and Morio and Johnny halfway between Snari and Hei. The tavern still had its regulars, but it had seemed to be just a bit quieter than normal. Snari chuckled to himself, and smiled. Never let it be said that gold didn't talk, and the dwarf knew he always relied on his mastery of its language.

Snari turned his attention back to the silent Orc, just standing there, with Hei and the axe wielding gnome nearby. The gnome looked familiar, but Snari wasn't sure he could place where he saw him before.

At Johnny's words to head out, the dwarf moved closer to him, never letting his eyes leave the Orc. "Acht...I second that, we should best be getting a move on. We dunnae want to hang 'round here too long with unsavari types."

He turns his head to the green elf for but a moment, sitting at the table nearby. "Aye, elf, were aimin' to he'd on out. Let's get."

Piercing his gaze back at the Orc, he directs his next sentence to Hei. "Lass, these two with you?" He nods his head in the direction of the Orc and Gnome, not once leaving the strange, red and black Orc out of his sight. Snari's fists clenched at his sides. He knew he would not be as ready this time if the Orc provoked an attack, but he would wager he would still win any fight between the two. A part of him, hoped the creature would strike.

At this thought, Snari only chuckled to himself and waited.

2012-01-20, 06:08 PM
So you are the guys going after the kolbolds. Hehe Wonderful. Hehe I can't wait Hehe to bash their Hehe skulls in. Hehe Hulk continues to chuckle to himself before continuing. Just make sure to take care of those traps. Hate to fall in, skewered, crushed, poisoned, shot at, or worse. Hehehehe. Name's Hulk. So when we leaving?

OOC: Chaotic Evil not Chaotic Stupid. Just because someone wants to cause everything/one pain odesn't mean an idiot.

2012-01-20, 06:17 PM
The behemoth could speak. Surprising. It lumbered off a trail of words, that only made Snari more certain, he would end its life someday.

"We? I dunnae kin what ye mean by that, creature. I dunnae remember ya being a part of this here group, neitha. Hei, is this beast yours?"

Snari growled the last words, his eyes still fixed on this strange Orc.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-20, 06:27 PM
Hei turns to Snari, puzzled. "I don't know. They seem interesting enough, Hulk looks like he can handle himself more than okay in a fight. Couldn't hurt to have them tag along, if they wanted?"

Making her way toward Johnny, she seconds Snari's words. "I agree, we should get going. Borzom, Hulk; you with us?"

Sense motive on Snari to see if Hei picks up his discomfort around Hulk.


2012-01-20, 07:00 PM
Hehehe Sure I'll come. Would come either way. Hehe Hulks then gets a huge grin on his face before swiftly turning around yelling... SHUT UP YOU! MY TURN! YOU HAD YOURS!

The direction he turned no one should be in that direction that he is yelling. OOC: Got to leak it out slowly somehow. So talking to himself is my way.

2012-01-20, 07:11 PM
Snari let's loose a barely audible growl as he grits his teeth. It seems Hei is a little too kind and polite to strangers. Not only was this Orc clearly evil and psychotic, he was also talking to himself. Snari's headache starting crawling back too quickly now. He knew the longer he engaged in this conversation, the harder it would get to keep his cool, and maintain his focus.

"Interestin' ain't the same thing, as usefa, lass. I'm not one for letting things near me, what looks like they're ready to tear some creatures head off without an excuse. Those tunnels can get pretty cramped, and if'n I hav'ta watch for enemies and teammates, I'd just as soon go alone."

The dwarf growled again, and clenched his fist.

"If'n you're aiming to join us, Orc, you best be prepared to prove your usefulness and loyalties now, 'fore we trust our lives in yours."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-20, 07:21 PM
Hei notices Snari's displeasure at the thought of Hulk tagging along, and begins to feel slightly intimidated as a result of this. The Orc's random outburst at seemingly thin air does little to calm her nerves, and she visably jumps at his yell.

After a brief, yet thorough, glance behind the Orc to see who he was yelling at, she edges further towards Johnny. Clearly Hulk was unstable, and whilst Hei was all for giving people the benefit of the doubt, this seemed like one of those cases best left to those who know how to handle people.

"I suppose you're right..." She murmurs, more to herself than anyone. "How about a group vote then? I say we have him along. Think of all the things we could learn! Like what it's like being an orc, what it's like to be crazy, where he got that really swanky armour from..."

I realise I haven't sense motived Hulk yet. I'll do it in response to his outburst then to see if I can glean anything about him.


Hei withdraws her blood-stained handkerchief and wipes the trickle of blood from her nose away. Maybe I'm pushing a bit too hard today. I did have a bit to drink. And I'm not so used to meeting so many new people. She thinks to herself, before shrugging. Oh well. It's been fun so far, why stop now?

2012-01-20, 07:25 PM
Hulk turns back around to answer the dwarf. I can fight! Especially when I get mad. Hulk turns around again. No Toys you can't play with her. I ALREADY TOLD YOU MY TURN. Hulk turns back around to continue addressing the group. Little kid can hide. Stupid can fight and track. Pansy knows stuff or claims he does. Didn't know why that elf is green. Stuffy can heal. Don't worry we are useful.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-20, 07:36 PM
Hei scampers over behind Johnny and Snari, her seemingly permanent smile ominously missing. In a quiet tone, she whispers, "I'm ready to leave right now if you are. I don't know who all those people he's referring to are but he's very clearly crazy, and I absolutely do NOT want him 'playing' with anyone."

With those words, her hand finds its way to the hilt of her rapier. Despite not being overly accustomed to wielding it, some feeling of safety is had with the leathery reminder of its presence. Her fingers drum the hilt as her eyes search for the door.

2012-01-20, 07:42 PM
The Orc's rants only make Snari more certain of his conviction. An armless warrior he can take. A silent green elf type. Even an elven wizard, or a naive human female. But this psychotic monstrosity talking to himself is too much.

"Vote is nay, this isn' a game, lass. This is serious adventurin' and if you or one of us, go and gettin' stabbed for trustin' this rantin' loon, then that'll be it." Snari eases his position and continues. "But'n if the rest of you lot vote yay, I have no choice, n'do aye?" Snari knew though that if the group did vote to allow this Orc, he wouldn't be held responsible for any actions he did afterwards.

2012-01-20, 07:57 PM
"Ah'd apprise if ye'd take yer arguments outside," the bartender says sharply. "This place be an inn, not a guildhall for ye wandrin' fightin' types!"

2012-01-20, 11:11 PM
Your heard him lets go and finish this out here. Hulks goes outside turning around to see who follows. Hulk yells back toward the tavern. COME ON! LETS GET TO CRACKIN' SOME KOBOLD SKULLS!

2012-01-20, 11:52 PM
Snari growled, but nodded to the barkeep.

"Dunnae worry, keepa, if'n this creature keeps its distance, I ain't about to go mussin' up yer bar an' hospitality."

The dwarf gives a passive glance to the bouncer, wondering where he stood in comparison to this obviously psychotic Orc.

Snari was broken from his thought, as the enemy barked out a command, and turned to leave the bar, assuming people would follow him.

The dwarf almost immediately relaxed, but his headache was still threatening him in the distance. He could feel it like a physical force at the back of his mind, as he tried to regain his thoughts.

"Acht, we be best headin' out too, we can deal with this Orc issue outside, an if'n we need to get goin' on the kobol' issue."

He looks towards the green elf and signals that the group was getting ready to move out. Looking towards the gnome, Snari addresses again. "Oye, gnome there, with the axes. I supposin' we can use more of a warrior's touch on this kobol' hunt. Hei seems to like you, so are you with us?"

Snari crosses his arms, waiting for the group to muster together, and get ready to head outside. As he waits for a response, he mentally wonders what they're going to do about the Orc. Was he going to attack? Not for the first time, a small part of Snari was secretly hoping he would, if only so he could retaliate in full force. His mind wandered back to the words of his father. The dwarf would often expound on the one quality with which, no Orc can truly be Good.

Snari grinned to himself.

2012-01-21, 12:41 PM
Morio stood up, strapped his haversack back on, and walked towards the group. He had been watching the fight, trying to work out what was wrong with this Orc. It couldn't just be generic orc idiocy, it was something more than that. Some kind of mental disorder? But what?
All Morio knew is that it was friggin' HILARIOUS. He knew that was mean, but the look on guys face as he argued with himself? Priceless. He was gonna have fun messing with this guy.

OOC: Morio is really cruel sometimes. Yeah...
Sense motive:

2012-01-21, 01:32 PM
Hei, Morio

There's something clearly WRONG with the way the orc behaves. Its almost like he believes there are really other people he was talking to...


In fact, it is almost certain that there are other people he is talking to. Where those people could be, you cannot say.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-21, 01:46 PM
Hei takes the bartender's warning as a a good excuse to make a hasty exit. In the blink of an eye, she is out the door after having given the bartender an abrupt apology.

Once the orc emerges from the building, she tests the waters, asking Hulk "So who were those people you were yelling at? It didn't seem like you got on with them too well. Are they invisible or just really good at hiding?"

All the meanwhile Hei ensures a reasonable distance between herself and the Orc.

2012-01-21, 02:31 PM
Johnny, having witnessed the number of odd events that took place in the tavern, turns to his companions; Snari and Morio; "We should get going now, also while I have nothing against the gnome and wouldn't mind him being with us, I'm going to vote "Nay" on the whole orc thing-... actually, hold that thought."

He then follows Hei out of the tavern and starts to concentrate, trying to sense the presence of evil nearby. He focuses on the spell long enough to also find every evil aura's location and not just in the orc but in the other people in the tavern aswell.

2012-01-21, 04:34 PM

1st round: You suppose sensing Evil in its pure form would be altogether rather too much for mortal minds to comprehend. Instead, it comes from other senses - and not entirely in a straightforward way either. It seems to reek of malice, laced with the sound of fog, slipping across the ground. The evil here is not so bad as some you have seen, little more than traces of raw darkness and cold clawing despair staining the air around you.
2nd round

The bits and pieces lump together. By far, the strongest aura radiates from the maille-clad orc, all sharp knives and screams and grim hatred, though even that is a weak one.
3rd round

Through the door, the orc bouncer is outlined by streaks of ruthlessness and general disregard of the wellbeing of everyone else in the world. Hasn't attacked anyone yet, doesn't seem malevolent, but his behavior, it would seem, goes past the apathy of most and into the outskirts of amorality.

2012-01-21, 04:47 PM
Morio calls out to the Orc, jogging after him to keep up. "So, who were you talking to before? I couldn't see anyone, but you seemed sure that there were other people there who you were talking to. Were they invisible? Do you have other people inside you're head or something?"
This last one Morio mean as a joke, but he stopped after saying it, realising that that might actually be it.

Morio then turns back and calls out politely to the gnome. "You look like a good strong fighter, you're more than welcome to join our little group if you so wish. We are going to vanquish the kobolds."

2012-01-21, 05:33 PM
Snari attacks and manifests Mind Thrust at Hei for (5d10)[5][7][6][10][4](32) damage with a DC of 18, will negates.

Snari follows the others, as the last one out, making sure the green elf and the odd gnome go ahead of him. He is wary of this strange Orc, but knows that if it tries anything, he'll be ready.

Once outside, Snari blinks momentarily at the daylight, to see the group questioning the Orc on a number of things. Snari just hangs back however, and leans against the tavern watching the group interact with the savage creature. Although he was only twenty or so feet from the Orc, his distance would put him at an advantage should the creature attempt to make a hostile action.

On his shoulder, the orange crystal shifted and poked him again, but remained silent as always. Snari only glanced at it and nodded quietly, awaiting what the group decided to do, whether to continue to the kobolds, ignore this creature, or Snari's personal choice, to make sure it didn't leave the area alive.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-21, 06:40 PM
Borzom had been quiet until now, staring into space with glazed eyes. At the sound of Morio's query, he snaps back into focus.
"Let me check my appointments for the next few days."
He pretends to pull out a book and flip through it.
"Seems I'm open, and I have nothing better to do. Wait. What about the sound of orange? No, on second thought I might need backup, so I'll let you come with me to defeat the kobolds."
He strides to the front of the group, eager to be off.

2012-01-21, 08:51 PM
Hulk facing Morio. Well aren't you smart. Pansy would get along well with you. Hulk then turns around looking a bit up as well. Oh shut up Pansy I call you that cause you wear a dress like pointy hat here. You a Pansy and a coward. Besides you already had your turn today. As for the rest of you SHUT UP! MY TURN!

2012-01-22, 03:54 AM
Hulk facing Morio. Well aren't you smart. Pansy would get along well with you. Hulk then turns around looking a bit up as well. Oh shut up Pansy I call you that cause you wear a dress like pointy hat here. You a Pansy and a coward. Besides you already had your turn today. As for the rest of you SHUT UP! MY TURN!

"Pansy? Who's Pansy?" Morio asks in confusion, then is infuriated by the Orc's comments. "WHADDA YOU MEAN, DRESS? THEY'RE ROBES, STUPID! YOU THINK THIS IS A DRESS?" He roars, pointing furiously at his own red, gold, and purple robes.

Calming down a bit, Morio continues asking questions. "So, you say I'm smart. Does that mean I'm right? Multiple people inside you? But how the hell does that work?" Morio laughs at the insanity of it.
What wrong this simpleton? Why does he keep saying "My Turn"? His turn for what?

2012-01-22, 07:45 AM
Pansy is what I call the one who tries to know everything. Dress, robes, same thing. People inside our head. In particular Stupid got broken...broken...by...that... Hulk starts shaking with raw hatred as his face turns red as Morio's robe. His fist clench and pull back and up as if about to hit someone. THAT &^%$#*@! WRENCH! SHE WILL DIE THAT &^%$#*! *&^%$ !

Now fire the Primaal Fear at him. If ever want to get Pain out just talk about "her". Also set of characters are expletives self-censered. No particular expletives are being used just the sense they are they. For all we know that could be some kind of jibberish instead. Basic premise is that Hulk is really mad.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-22, 04:25 PM
Hei backs off further, eager to get away from the enraged Hulk. Skittering around the group, she makes her way towards Snari and tugs on his robes. "Is there anything you can do? I don't think he's going to leave us alone, and I really don't want him following us." She whispers.

At the sight of Hulk's raised fist, she winces, despite being a reasonable distance from the Orc. "Somehow I can't see him listening to reason..."

2012-01-22, 05:06 PM
Snari growled and simply watched the exchange between his new party members. He was less than thrilled, simply standing here, and as his headache grew, he knew they had best be moving on.

Hei seemed more unnerved by the Orc, as each second passed on, and Snari was just about to tell the group to head out, when the creature yelled out angrily and raised a fist towards the wizard.

Snari was as much stunned in surprise, as he was in anger. By now, he thought the Orc may have simply been crazy and evil, but ultimately all bark, and no bite. It wasn't until the creature made an advancing move towards Morio, than Snari was broken from his thoughts, and in less than a second he felt his power creep back into him, ready to explode. His headache had gotten from bad to worse, and he attempted to stop the Orc in his tracks.

Snari Fale
HP : 24
AC : 11
Free Action : -NA-
Move Action : -NA-
Standard Action : -NA-
Swift Action : Manifest Primal Fear
[color "orange"]
Primal Fear
Augmented : No.
Power Cost : 1
Damage : None, (Leaves Target Shaken)
Saving Throw : Will Negates : DC = 15 (10 + Power Level + Int Modifier)
Migraine Concentration Check :
DC to prevent Migraine is 10 + (5 x Power Level) DC = 11.

2012-01-22, 05:13 PM
"Aarrrggh, my bloody head, ye blasted Orc, yer giving' me a -

Snari in his attempt to manifest an ability, feels the power leave him, as his migraine rockets across his mind, shutting him down hard.

The dwarf clutches at his head and his knees buckle, as he collapses to the floor, ignoring everyone and everything else, only struggling to ignore the pain that surges through his mind.

He can barely think, talk, or move, his entire body folds up into a fetal position on the cold ground outside of the bar, as his mind racks itself into migraniacal pain. Other than yelling to himself in pain, he is down for the count.

Snari has critically failed his Migraine Check. wtf. *laughs* Snari will remain useless and dazed for [roll0] turns.

2012-01-22, 05:24 PM
"SNARI!!!!" Morio screams. He leaps past the orc to Snari, and kneels by Snari's side. "Snari? You okay? What's happened to him?"
Morio gets up, glaring furiously at the Orc. "I don't know what you did, you foul creature, but by the time I've finished with you you'll be begging for death! The vile pits of fire deep into The Abyss will seems like a pleasant holiday compared to what I'm gonna make you go through, you son of a bugbear!"

Intimidate: [roll0]

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-22, 05:24 PM
I think I'll let fate decide what Borzom does at this point. It is kind of a combat situation, after all.
Good, he's not attacking anyone.
Borzom watches the proceedings with amusement. Crazy people, he thinks.
"As funny as this is, perhaps we should get on with our epic quest to murder the poor kobolds. Hulk, stop being a loony, pull yourself together. Snar, get up. Fly away. Leave this place, and soar through the clouds forever!"
He pauses, and coughs self consciously.
"No, seriously Snar, get up. Stop pretending. Snar?"
A look of concern crosses his face.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-22, 05:32 PM
Hei stands, shocked, as Snari's attempt to confront the orc ended with him curled up in a fetal position on the floor. She hastily kneels besides Snari, glaring at the Orc as she does so with an intense mixture of hatred and fear in her eyes. Whatever he did to him, he didn't even move a muscle. What IS that thing? she thinks, the 'knowledge' that Hulk could do the same to her without even flinching wracking her body with both fear and revulsion.

She fights through the emotion, administering whatever aid to Snari she can whilst trying to diagnose what the Orc did to him.


Whilst doing this, she maintains a defensive stance, keeping a close eye on Hulk and a hand on the hilt of her rapier.

2012-01-22, 08:40 PM
Snari clutches his head. He hears his name called, but it feels like his mind is swimming through a fog, one of the soundless kind.

He simply clutches his head and groans.

2012-01-22, 08:43 PM
He followed them after the dwarf had giving him signal and went outside through there was no one their but people where grouping and speaking to something and looked to snari and wondered what was wrong with him before looking to others wondering if they had lost their minds.

He would go to snari and aid her in healing him and looked to concerned female before speaking to her “ do you know what is wrong with him” he would ask as he followed eyes of girl in the direction it was focused on but there was nothing there. He had then looked to her “ are you still drunk as their nothing in that direction besides a few of members of our group” he would ask her as he did not see anything there.

heal check to aid hei in healing snari


2012-01-22, 10:44 PM
Hulk still goes to pick up Morio shaking him. WHERE IS THAT ***** ELF? WHERE IS SHE? THAT ***** GOING TO GET ##### AND ^^^^^! WHERE IS THAT *****!?

Grapple to see if he grabs Morio and shakes him.
Grapple: [roll0] melee touch attack
Unarmed Damage: [roll1] non lethal damage, +2 if STR applies?

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-22, 11:38 PM
Let's see what I do now.
Edit: Ok, it's still all good. I feel like a ticking time bomb, one of these times I'm going to attack the wizard or something.

Borzom glares at the orc.
"Ok, now you are really starting to piss me off. Apologize for your actions, or I shall be forced to bring down the trees."

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-23, 02:34 AM
Realising that there is nothing she can do for Snari right now, Hei fights through her fear and stands back up - just in time to see Hulk move over and grab Morio. Threats were one thing, but physical assault? She'd had just about enough of this Orc, and violence was looking more and more like the necessary option. Still, she'd avoid it if she can.

"Get your hands off of him you creep! I'll have you know that you're messing with two very powerful wizards here, and if you don't let go right now we'll be forced to stop you!"


If that doesn't seem to have any effect, Hei will cast Grease on Hulk - hopefully making it easier for people to escape his grapples (primarily Morio).

2012-01-23, 01:04 PM
Snari growls and clutches at his head, as the migraine slowly leaves his conscouisness. Sounds begin to become more clearer, and his eyes focus back on the world around him.

He feels the nearby presence of the green elf, and of Hei. He recognizes a bit of shouting, and some faded words from the strange gnome.

Clutching his head, he tries to stand up and steady himself.

Acht, why did it have to happen here, why now?

Snari almost faltered and reached out to the green elf to steady himself from falling again. He blinked in the light, as if seeing it for the first time.

Glancing around, trying to remember what was going on, he was immediately surprised to see the savage Orc, grappling with the wizard.

For less than a second, Snari was surprised to see that the Orc had actually gone through with an attack. The others were still trying to reason with the Orc, but this was enough of a provocation for Snari to stop this Orc cold.

Again like before, the faintest wisps of orange energy circled around his hands, as he pushed everything out of his focus, except his ability. He concentrates on the Orc, clearing his mind from all pain in an attempt to end this nonsense once and for all. Snari's eyes shift from a rich blue to a deep orange as he summons up the mental ability to take down the Orc. Moving past the continual pain, Snari attempts again to manifest an ability.

Snari Fale
HP : 24
AC : 11
Free Action : -NA-
Move Action : Gain Psionic Focus (DC 20)
- Concentration Check - [roll0]
Standard Action : Manifest Mind Thrust
Target : Enemy Orc
Mind Thrust
Augmented : Yes.
Power Cost : 4
Damage : [roll1]
Saving Throw : Will Negates : DC = 18
- 10 + Power Level (1) + Int Modifier (5) + Augment (2)
Migraine Concentration Check :
- Expend Psionic Focus to take 15 on Concentration.
DC to prevent Migraine is 10 + (5 x Power Level (1)) + (2 x Augment Points (3))
- Effective Migraine DC = 21
Concentration Check - 15 (Expended Psionic Focus) + 10 (Concentration Rank)
Concentration Roll if Psionic Focus is unsuccessful. [roll2]
Auditory Command - 'Fus Ro Dah!'

2012-01-23, 01:10 PM
Johnny had learned and seen enough, the orc was evil, most likely mad and trying to pin one of his friends down. In Johnny's book, you'd attack things that fit that description. Even after ten years of being without hands, Johnny's arm still instinctively goes for his sword hilt, before he remembers the cold truth.

Instead, having a clear line of sight he charges at the orc, trying to hit him across the jaw with his gauntlet. "You get off him right now, beast!"

Attack roll: (+2 for charge) - [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1] also, lethal damage, due to the gauntlet.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-23, 05:26 PM
What will I do now?
That means I'm attacking the nearest creature...I'm so sorry, Hei...
Borzom snarl and pulls out his axe.
He lifts it over his head.
He steps forward.
"Hurt the wizard!"
He lunges at Hei.

2012-01-23, 05:51 PM
Morio dropped to the floor after Snari and Johnny attacked the ORc. He lay on all fours for a few seconds, and gasped in shock as he saw the Gnome, who had previously appeared to be quite an amiable fellow, lunging at Hei with an axe!
In fury, Morio leapt and slammed into Borzom, trying to push him away.

Grapple check:

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-23, 06:11 PM
If I happen to not be able to react to Borzom charging me until after he has hit me, disregard this until after he has done so. (Hei will probably still do the same thing)

Seeing the charging Gnome is the last thing needed to convince Hei that this Orc was one of the most powerful beings she has ever encountered. Not only could he incapacitate Snari without moving, he could turn them against each other with just as little effort.

Instincts kicking in, Hei fights for her life, frantically searching for ways to keep herself safe.

Free Action - Use 1 inspiration point for Cunning Defense, adding +4 to AC. (Total 21)
Move Action - Tumble directly away from Borzom and Hulk. [roll0]
Standard Action - If Borzom and Hulk are close enough to each other, cast glitterdust at an area including both of them. DC 17 Will Save, if they fail they are blinded for 5 rounds. (Also take -40 penalty to hide checks...)
If they are not close enough to each other, she shall draw her rapier and wait.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-23, 07:13 PM
Grapple: [roll0]
Attack(Power Attack 5) [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Easily brushing past Morio, Borzom slashes wildly at Hei, screaming with fury. However, his cut goes wild and misses by inches.

2012-01-23, 07:42 PM

As what was Hulk before slips and falls to the ground a new person forms in his place. A smaller yet still tall elf with blond hair and a strong face wearing a pearly white and blue chainshirt takes form. ORDER I SAY! Don't worry Pain is gone! For now. So all of you can stop fighting! Order clutches his head reeling from the pain in his head. Pain you take it since you caused it. Order tries to push all of the pain toward Pain so can continue.

Will save: [roll0]
Not going to both using balance to keep from falling as already deciding eaqch change of personality results in falling down.

2012-01-23, 08:34 PM
Hei tumbles away and draws her rapier, an action which proves slightly redundant as Hulk shrinks (mostly in width) and turns elven. The hauberk is unchanged in size, making it a little baggy on the elf. Not enough to impede movement, but enough to highlight the drastic change in bulk. Snari's mental assault does not seem to do any damage, but Johnny's gauntlet connects. Shades of a bruise are already showing on the elf's left cheek.

There is a clattering sound. Those of you who turn see that the stable girl has dropped her pitchfork and is gaping, slightly. "Where'd that orc go?" she asks. Her eyes flicker from person to person, and she looks ever so slightly scared.

2012-01-23, 09:01 PM
"What in the -

Snari sees Johnny charge forward at the Orc, just as Snari had manifested his ability. Though he was successful, Snari still felt the migraine lurking in the back of his mind, threatening him venomously. Suddenly out of nowhere, in a blood curdling alarm, the gnome came charging towards Hei, brandishing his axe as if to attack her head on. Snari could barely understand what was going on, with his attention now split between the gnome and the...Orc? The Orc began changing, polymorphing perhaps, but as the gnome almost connected with Hei, Snari had to switch targets to protect his teammate.

Completely losing the Orc from his field of vision, Snari turns, growling as he attempted to retaliate again, this time directed at the gnome as he rushes towards his teammate.

"It be a trap, an ambush!" Snari yells, as the orange wisps flow around his fingers once more.

He knew it was risky enough to employ one of his more powerful abilities, but he was willing to take the risk. When he had first manifested the ability to move people forward in time, he had used it to great success, but ever since then he was rarely able to attempt again, without suffering from his eternal malady.

Hopefully this would not be one of those times.

Snari's eyes grew dark orange, as he called upon the ability to be unleashed, and he placed his hands together again to focus his attack.

When all of a sudden, a startling shout manifested itself from the Orc's direction. For only a second did Snari move his attention off the gnome, only to see instead of an Orc, an elf. This enough was cause for the dwarf to lose focus, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hei nimbly dodge the gnome's attack unscathed. Blinking, almost in bewilderment, Snari was unsure of how to proceed. All of a sudden, there was a strange elf attempting to quell the fight, and as Snari looked back towards Hei, even the gnome seemed normal again, as if the last few seconds had meant nothing.

The entire party remained almost quiet, unsure of what exactly was going on, when a loud sound from nearby, drew people's attention. A human nearby, had dropped her implement and questioned the location of the Orc, obviously startled and frightened.

Through Snari was startled, he was far from frightened, and as he began to get more of a control over his surprise, his emotions turned to anger.

"What in the bloody stones is goin' on here!" His gruff voice yelling at towards the new elf, where the Orc had been. This morning was already starting off poorly, and Snari was this close to just leaving by himself. Though, the Orc seemed to be gone, here stood an unknown elf where it had been, but still wearing the slightly oversized clothing. It was better than a savage Orc, but in Snari's mind, it wasn't by far. Looking around, there were now three elves, one green. That was one too many. "Who in the stones are you!" Snari strides up to the new elf, and growls, pointing at him. His headache was already teasing him in the back of his mind.

"And why'n you be attackin' Hei all of a sudden!" With this last remark, Snari angrily turns to the gnome. The gnome barely gets out a word before Snari turns to the new elf again. "I dunnae know what or who ye are, but give me one reason, I don't kill ye where ye stand right now, for all this nonsense you pulled before Elf-Orc."

2012-01-23, 09:02 PM
That orc and me are the same. And if you want more answers it will be on the road... I still have to prepare my spells. Order then proceeds to get up slipping due to the Grease spell. Also starts mumbling of which name to use.

Would you prefer a different form? Order then sits up or as best as possible with arms folded looking down. Really out done yourself this time Pain. You flip out and people start falling down or randomly attacking people. Will not be letting you out except for the kobolds.

2012-01-23, 09:19 PM
"You- what?!"

Snari backs off, not really sure how to respond. He coulld try yelling at the thing, but he still was struggling with the odd concept brought forward by this...changing...freak. Another form?

For several seconds Snari remains silent, as his headache lurks too nearby, threatening to surge over his mind.

"You dinnae answa the question, but I jes realize, I dunnae car anymore." Snari paused, shaking his head. "Yer not an Orc, so you're somethin' else then, but ye were still the one that attacked us, and I'm too weary at dealin' with it." Snari's head began to throb, but he struggled to continue his thoughts.

"There dunnae be any 'on the road' if yer dilludin' yerself inta thinkin' yer comin' anywhere wit' me, Elf-Orc." Snari turns and completely ignores the rest of the people in the area, almost talking to himself. "This be ta much fer me to handa right now. I'm goin' back in an' gettin a drink to clear my bloody hed."

And with that, Snari simply walks back into the inn, leaving the outside behind.

2012-01-23, 09:32 PM
Really out done yourself. Order tries to get up.

Balance: [roll0]

With being up Order makes his way toward the edge of town.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-23, 11:56 PM
Borzom shakes his head, trying to clear his mind. A series of random expressions cross his face, finally settling on a sheepish grin.
"Hey, sorry Hei. I just lost control there, I meant to go after the orc. Elf. Thing."
He looks around carefully.
"Everything turned out okay though. The orc is an elf, no one got hurt. Falun isn't dead."
He goes to follow Snari into the Mug.
"So sorry. I'll buy you a drink to make amends."
His grin returns at the thought of a drink, and he steps into the bar.

2012-01-24, 01:48 AM
He had been inside here three times now.

Snari shook his head and tried to focus on clearing his mind. He hadn't suffered an attack like this in weeks, and he had foolishly hoped that those days were long gone. The dwarf sighed as he walked back towards his stool, his mind strained from the turmoil that had happened so quickly within the last minutes.

The Orc bouncer seemed to give him an odd look, and though a part of Snari wished to vent his frustration on the bouncer, he knew it was futile. Taking a seat at the bar, Snari just stared at the alcohols arranged at the back, but didn't ask for any and just sat momentarily in silence.

The gnome had followed him in.

Snari narrowed his eyes and got back off the stool. As far as a race went, gnomes were probably Snari's favorites, but this one seemed to be on the same side as the Elf-Orc.

"What'n do ye want, you attacked that girl out there, while we wer dealin' with that whatever-it-is. Give me one good reas-"

The gnome interjected quickly, offering an apology and that in the heat of the moment, he had meant to attack the Orc.

Snari growled low, but let his anger die down. He couldn't say he too hasn't made mistakes in the heat of battle before, and it didn't seem like a pattern or anything. Snari glanced over the small gnome, and thought for a moment.

"Yer one of them Barbara-Ian's, ain't ya?" Snari sighed softly and nodded to himself. Dwarves were familiar with the class, his father's father had been one. It seemed simpler now why the gnome might have been blinded by battle before. While Snari was thinking to himself, the gnome mentioned that he would offer to buy a drink for the dwarf to make amends.

Snari chuckled softly. "Nay, 'this alright. I might'n take a check in that though, if'n we meet again... Snari's words trailed off as he rubbed his temples. The calmer he got, the more the headache seemed less likely to strain the confines of his mind. It was often the case, but usually made easier with alcohol. Snari scratched his beard, and paused before speaking.

"If'n it's all the same to ye though, I think I should best headin' out. Too much excitement here, too little reward." His mind wandered back over Hei, Morio and Johnny outside. "Got a fava to ask of ya though. Ya might want ta join up with Hei and Johnny out there, keep an eye on them an' all that. I still don't trust that Elf-Orc thing. But I've been gettin' ta think, I should have gone solo for a bit."

Snari claps the little gnome on his shoulders, hefts his crossbow on his back, and gets ready to head out. "Ya can tell the others, ima stay here for a bit, and think some things through, maybe see what other trouble I ken get to in tha town. At any rate, I best be headin'. Take care, and make sure ya keep them three safe."

And with that Snari heads back to his stool, and orders another drink on his tab.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-24, 02:29 AM
Hei stands from her tumble, open-mouthed with shock at the scene unfurling before her. The Orc was gone, and Borzom was no longer attacking.

She starts to ask "Did anyone see what - " but gets cut off by Borzom's apology. Still consfused, she just about garbles a response."It's okay, you were mind-controlled, weren't you? Nothing you can do about that." She shrugs, then asks, too quietly to hear, "Wait, who's Falun?" as Borzom heads into the bar.

Making her way over to Johnny and the others, she inspects everyone to makes sure there are no wounds or casualties. Seemingly either ignoring or blissfully unaware of the new member, she heads inside the bar after Snari.


Catching the last of Snari's speech, she lightly slaps him round the back of the head before sitting down, careful of his migraines. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not." Hei explains sternly, before ordering one of those drinks she was having before. "It's not Borzom's fault he attacked me, the Orc was mind controlling him. But it's okay, he seems to have gone now."

Taking a thoughtful sip of her drink, she interjects before anyone can respond. "Besides, we need you out there. Whilst I may not be much of a Wizard, and Morio may be a powerful wizard, we haven't got anyone like you. You seem to be the most rational spellcasting person we have, besides yours truly of course." She nods, to no-one in particular, before draining the last of whatever it is she's drinking.

2012-01-24, 06:43 AM
Order deciding to change to a human form with all green armor as he walks out of town. Well better find a place so can prepare my spells in peace.

Spot for a place to prepare spells uninterrupted. [roll0]

2012-01-24, 01:01 PM
Johnny was left stupefied by the series of events that took place. The orc wasn't an orc, the gnome had attacked Hei and now everything was okay, again.

He began to feel desperate, seeing how the group seemed to be going back into the tavern he had hoped to leave behind. He walked in, trying to locate his companions by the door."How about going after the kobolds while the getting is still good. There's no need to enhance the advantage we've given the other group of adventurers." Johnny says with a loud and cacophonous tone, whilst smashing his fist against the wall. He gives a very stern look across the tavern.

His anger quickly appeases as he glances at the orc bouncer, still looking mean as hell and Johnny remembering he needed at least one of them to help him along.
"I'm sorry, but could we please get going, now?" he says with a much softer and friendlier voice.

2012-01-24, 02:47 PM
Order finds a currently deserted field, left fallow for the year. It is quiet and peaceful.

In the Giant's Mug

The cloaked figure is nowhere to be seen. The bartender raises one bushy eyebrow, but says nothing. He hands Snari another pint and a half of the strong, dark, ale. A moment later, he hands Hei another, smaller, mug of alcohol. "Five coppers, miss."


There is a door in the back wall, to the kitchens presumably. There's a good chance the kitchen has another door to the outside.

Sally, the waitress, is here, but at the moment, you don't see the elf.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-24, 05:34 PM
Borzom hands over the five coppers.
"It's on me. Mind controlled or not, I nearly killed you."
He glances at Snari.
"If you truly want to leave, you can, but we really don't know what we're dealing with when it come to the kobolds. A spellcaster such as yourself could make the difference between life and death. What I'm saying is, we're not trying to force you to stay, but it would be awfully appreciated."
He scratches at his head and sighs.
"I know all too well the dangers of going in without proper numbers."

2012-01-24, 05:52 PM
"I dunnae...maybe you be right, it's jes...Arrgh..My Head..!!" It came out of nowhere, but suddenly in full force Snari's mind seized up again, and he tripped into the stool, collapsing to the ground. Hei, Borzom, and Johnny stood over him in complete surprise, as the dwarf clutched his head, groaning loudly. He curled into a ball, as his mind pierced the senses in his brain, shunting through his mind.

He could barely think or move, but he managed to growl out loudly. "Acht, just leave'n me be, I made up me mind!" The pain was so intense, Snari almost blacked out, he could barely focus on the three near him, as he struggled to keep from fainting completely.

"Dunnae touch me!" Snari attempted to swat away nearby help, as he gripped into the stool and hauled himself up. His head was ringing and he lost all interest in anything else but getting over his pain.

"Achgrgle.." It had been even worse this time, and shook Snari completely to his core. He was in no shape to go off and have a group rely on him. Not yet. Not when he was just as much of a danger to himself, as he always had been. It reminded him of the tunnels of his home, and that one incident. No...it was too soon. He would have to try another way, before joining any group.

"Jes..jes.." His head was slowly beginning to clear about 10-20 seconds of intense pain. He knew it would not stay away forever, the pain lurking behind every thought and emotion.

Slowly, the dwarf began to stand again, steadying himself on the stool and refusing any aid. His head was clearing again, but it hadn't been this bad in a while, even counting the migraine outside of the bar.

Looking out at the three people, who he was planning to steal half of the profits from, Snari just shook his head and grumbled. "Yer beta off without me, jes forget it. I've had enough of all this."

And with nary a word, Snari turned away from the door while reaching into his bag and withdrawing two gold pieces. Dropping them on the counter, as he walked by, he simply said one last sentence, before walking back up the Inn stairs.

"I'm done goin' back to my room."

2012-01-24, 11:14 PM
Order start preparing his spells after sitting down in the center of the field. When finished and if they are still around goes and see if they let him join.

Spells are the ones on my character sheet. Note when done is an hour later so mark when in their actions Order goes to see.

2012-01-25, 03:03 PM
Road to Donderras

(Flaw Activate! -2 self-imposed morale penalty to attack, damage, skill checks, and saves, for reasons you shall divine shortly)

The not-exactly-a-squirrel freezes, realizes that you are charging, and runs for it, as small furry animals are wont to do. The distance between you remains roughly stable as you bound through the tall grass. The really-actually-not-a-squirrel is not making even the smallest pretense of hiding at this point. It runs quite speedily for such a small creature, bobbing and weaving past the plants in its desperate attempt to escape, skidding and turning direction apparently at random. Right, left, right, diagonal left, always running.

In fact, it runs swiftly enough that you lose sight of it for a moment. That moment is brief, and you soon spot it again, eyeing you from behind a clump of wildflowers, but that moment was quite long enough for you to realize you've been running nearly a minute and a half away from the road, and you aren't entirely sure where you are anymore.

Meep. Meep.

Virex was now awash with many different emotions stemming from the same general idea. He was very, in other words, anxious.

"Damn it...damn it..." He began. "...damn it!"

He immediately started to search around for a landmark, or something that he could use to get back on the road.


2012-01-25, 03:16 PM
Road to Donderras
You begin the walk back to the road. Or at least in the direction you think the road is. There are precious few landmarks, but you were running towards the sun, more or less, so turning around will at least get you back to some point in the road, though where exactly is unknown.

About five minutes later, you make your way back to the road. Only now do you recognize where you are - you've lost at least half an hour and there was never that much time to begin with. Donderras is 33 miles from the Crossroads - even leaving at noon, you were likely to arrive with only an hour or two to spare. Now you have even less time. There is no sign of the not-a-squirrel, but it almost seems like you can still hear it meeping at you.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-25, 04:44 PM
Borzom watches the dwarf go, his face unreadable. Then he turns to the others.
"Alright, that's that's. Let him go. Now I don't know about you, but I'm not sticking around here. We said we were going after kobolds, let's bloody well go after kobolds."
He slides off his bar stool and walks to the door. It's been a long time since I've done this. I'm not going to screw it up.
Turning around, he grins manically at the others.
"Who's with me?"

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-25, 05:02 PM
Interrupting Snari's dramatic departure, Hei grabs him by the arm as he turns to walk back up the stairs. "You're coming with us." she exclaims sternly, without the hint of a smile on her face. "So what? You have a bad head? We have a guy with no hands and a girl who won't stop bleeding from so much as a paper cut coming along. You don't see them storming off now, do you? Until just recently you were ready to come with us. Nothing's changed."

Her semi-tirade over, the smile returns to Hei's face as she seeks to comfort Snari. "Besides, I know my way around a healer's kit. I've been keeping myself stitched up since I first learnt to talk." As if to emphasize this, she rolls up one of her trouser-legs, pointing out a large old scar. "You asked me what I did earlier. I help people. Now come with us and I'll see if I can have a look at that head of yours."

Turning to Borzom, Hei doesn't bother waiting for Snari's reaction. "We're coming!"

2012-01-25, 07:50 PM
Road to Donderras
You begin the walk back to the road. Or at least in the direction you think the road is. There are precious few landmarks, but you were running towards the sun, more or less, so turning around will at least get you back to some point in the road, though where exactly is unknown.

About five minutes later, you make your way back to the road. Only now do you recognize where you are - you've lost at least half an hour and there was never that much time to begin with. Donderras is 33 miles from the Crossroads - even leaving at noon, you were likely to arrive with only an hour or two to spare. Now you have even less time. There is no sign of the not-a-squirrel, but it almost seems like you can still hear it meeping at you.

Virex was not about to let a rodent distract him from his assignment.

...that said, he wasn't about to listen to its meeping, either. He immediately began talking to himself, to serve as a distraction while he walked.
"That thing's no worse than a wizard's familiar, and I've seen enough of those... he went on, at length, about his brief time at the arcane college.
"...so, really, this can't be as bad as my attempt to conjure water. That went terribly...stupid, stupid on my--no, what am I saying, that was Drevis' fault!"

And he kept walking, for hours, getting more and more tired, all while getting less and less coherent.
"...Corellon curse that sodding wizard, or sorcerer, yes, I know it can be a sorcerer, I'm not an idiot, it's just probably...oh, who in the whole Nine Hells even cares, I'm going to die anyway..."

Somehow, the exhaustion made Virex talk even faster, in spite of his slower movement. "...or I'm going to be killed by bandits, in my sleep. They're literally going to come and knife me while I sleep, yes, that's perfectly reasonable, Virex, they'd obviously knife some random sleeping elf, obviously. Now man up and go on..." He laughed, almost hysterically. "Go on, you idiot, that's what Drevis would say to me, but what the hell does he know? He never had to work at something a day in his bleeding life, I bet right now he's enjoying himself, laughing at his "best friend", but I couldn't be his best friend, because I'm too rotting stupid, and I'm even stupid enough to believe some hooded figure is just going to let me in on his business and not just send me to die--'what if he sends you to die? What if you're being set up by that other hooded figure, did I even think to see if they were the same?' He made a pause that was only perceptible to him.
"'But no, you didn't even think of that, you idiot, because you never even think of the most obvious things, you just go out and do something stupid, because you're too stupid to know any better, Virex!'" He suddenly started shouting at himself. "'And that's what your parents said, and that's what your teachers said, and that's what the goddamn watch rotting said!'"

"...I'm going to die out here..." He finished.

2012-01-26, 04:24 PM

(Take 3 Nonlethal damage)

Somehow, some strange how, you make it to Donderras. The walls loom over you, when a moment before, you could have sworn there was nothing but sky. The half-moon shines down on you, its cold light illuminating the few steps to the gate...

Which is closed tight. Midnight fast approaches, after all, and there is no call to let thieves and brigands sneak in in the dead of night. Above, the flickering torches of night watchmen making their rounds cast orange light on the stark gray walls. "Who goes there?" one yells down at you. The comforting veil of sleepy silence is shattered, and the wind seems to awaken as well, biting through your clothes.

You notice that the not-a-squirrel is gone, or at least has stopped meeping at you. Small mercies.

2012-01-26, 04:35 PM
..."Acht..wait! Snari called back from the first step to Hei as she and Borzom were leaving the inn.

She was right, and he had let his stubbornness get a hold of him. He wasn't used to anyone considering him an asset. It was a shock, but one he shouldn't so easily dismiss. If they needed him, than it was his duty to help. And being a dwarf is all about duty.

"Wait, lass. Yet words are true..I..Acht. Less jes get in and get out of here then. We've wasted the whole afternoon, an' we be needing' to hurry out now. We'll figur out what ta do 'bout that Elf-Orc creature lata."

Snari joins the two as they head back out of the inn, to the outside.

Outside the green, quiet elf sits meditating nearby the door, and Morio and Johnny are talking amongst themselves. Their conversation ceases when the three return outside.

Snari frowns looking for the Elf-Orc, but is somewhat surprised to see his absence. Still, he takes it in stride.

'Tis a good thing that creature left then. Hei convinced me to carry on with the lot o' ya, so c'mon. We've patterned enuf out here, and we're losing daylight."

With general consent from the others, the group hefts their equipment in tow, packs up, and begins to move out towards the location of the kobolds. The sun is already moving across the sky, showing that it is about four o'clock or so. According to the directions given, they wouldn't have to travel far, just another hour or two outside of town. Snari did his best to lead the way, according to the directions given, until the dwarf led them close to the den of the kobolds.

He had been relatively quiet, instead listening to Hei chatter away, or Morio talk of his unseen powers. The green elf remained quiet as ever, and Johnny ever on the look out for danger. As the group neared the kobold den,t he sun began to set on the travelers, who were once strangers. The time was about five o'clock.

OOC : Need description of the area.

2012-01-26, 04:57 PM
Johnny tries to hide his inevitable joy, as the group gets up and finally starts to leave the tavern. He stays in the back, following the dwarf and gnome, keeping his eyes peeled for trouble. He looks around as if he's waiting for a monster to pop up at any moment and give him a chance to prove himself to his companions.

Whilst walking towards the kobold den, he leans a bit closer to Hei, whispering, "Remember the gauntlet and the locking of the gauntlet thing, when we see trouble." Johnny conjures an weird smile on his face, to make the request seem a bit less awkward.

He then turns away from Hei and addresses the gnome: "Excuse me, gnome, what did you say your name was, again... I'm Johnny." he says his name with a certain superior tone, as if he was famous or just very proud of himself.

Dirac Lotus
2012-01-26, 05:13 PM
Hei beams at Snari's acceptance, and skips alongside him as they rejoin the group. Eager to get on the move, she helps spearhead the group as they march towards the kobolds, keeping an eye out for trouble or anything suspicious as they go.

In response to his request, Hei gives Johnny a knowing glance, before cheerily saying "Of course I will. Provided none of us get mind-controlled again."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-26, 05:20 PM
Borzom grins quietly to himself as the dwarf decides to join them. As the group moves out, he stays towards the front, looking ahead for anything of note. As they walk, he sniffs at the afternoon air and smiles, enjoying the hot sunlight. Now I remember why I did this. It's good to be on the road again.
At the paladins query, Borzom raises an eyebrow and looks at him, unimpressed.
"Johnny, you say? The name of a commoner. I'm Borzom, that's Mister Borzom to you."
He gives an appraising glance at the armor Johnny is wearing.
"Never been much for such restrictive armor myself, it hurts more than it helps. And those gauntlets must get in the way of things a lot."

2012-01-26, 05:57 PM
It is twilight when you arrive. The world looks rather orange in the fading sunlight. The kobold's den is immediately apparent. The rolling, grassy, hills drop away suddenly, and you face instead a barren grey pit, at least twenty feet deep and thrice that wide, caked with residue that almost looks like melted dirt. There are irregularly shaped holes, between two to four feet wide, scattered around the sides. Trenches, three feet deep and scarcely more than half that wide, run across the bottom, sometimes straight, but more often curved. Perhaps they were once kobold tunnels, but now they are empty.

The mangled remnants of traps are strewn inside the pit. Half a bear trap. A rusty blade with a wheel where there should be a hilt. A crossbow without a trigger. Amazing feats of mechanical engineering. It would be worthy of admiration if there weren't hundreds more like them beneath your feet, all made to murder intruders in the nastiest way kobold-ly possible.

2012-01-26, 07:42 PM
The group paused at the entrance to the den.

"It be getting' dark, but that dunnae matter inside 'dem tunnels. There be five of us here, we best be gettin used ta each others company." Snari turns and glances over the group.

"Need ta work togetha, aye. I suggest'n Johnny, you and Hei take point. Hei, ya mentioned you be a sneaky sort. These kobol's are sneaky too, good with traps. You'll be good at dealin' wit' dem. Johnny, you seem ta be the strongest of all, if'n ya don't have sometin' to see in front of ya, it seems Morio can aid'n ya with that. Scratching his beard, Snari turns to the green elf, and thinks for a bit, noticing the elf's mithral armor and shield.

"Ye be the silent sort, but betta 'den an angry sort. You seem to be pretty armored too. Be best ya head in after Hei and Johnny."

Snari turns last towards the elf. "Morio, ya be a wizard, aye? You'd best be next after the green elf. There'n ye have a bunch of protection, an' can cast if'n we run into danger."

Shifting his weight to his other shoulder, Snari continues. "I be headin' in last, keep an eye on ya all, and take out far point. If'n danger passes us, and gets in from behind, I'll take'n handle and call on the position."

The crystal remains silent.

"If'n there's nothing else, y'all ready to head in?"

2012-01-26, 09:42 PM
The Crossroads (just the changeling, unless I am woefully mistaken)

When you return, the rest of them are gone. It seems the tavern could only hold them here so long.

You hear quiet murmurs coming from the stable, and much louder babbling coming from inside the tavern. All the voices inside, speaking over each other. It's a wonder you can hear anything coming from the stables at all.

2012-01-26, 10:08 PM
Order when done with his meditations goes to the inn to see if they are still there. Since they have already left would have gone in except for the the murmurs from the stable. Hearing them goes to see if anything incriminating going on. Great missed them so catch up later after figure out what is going on in the stable.

Listen to make out the murmurs: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2012-01-26, 11:37 PM
The Crossroads

It sounds like the stable girl is trying to tend to a horse straight out of the Nine Hells. It's one of the largest horses you've ever seen, 17 hands if it's an inch, with a look that seems to scream 'I'll give you a good kicking if you so much as come within 10 feet of me'. It is a bay horse with a wild black mane and a tail to match, though it would look entirely appropriate with fire coming out of its eyes and smoke from its nose.

And it's just kind of standing there while the little stable girl smears a yellowish poultice on its left front hoof. You can smell it all the way over here- it reeks of strong herbs and fermented things and strangely, potatoes.

The absurdity of the scene is only cemented by the fact that she is talking to the horse. And, more to the point, talking to it as if it is as intelligent as a human, as opposed to a dumb beast of burden. "Now, now, I know ya don't like the box, but ya can't go out in the field with a nasty in yer hoof!" A pause. "Don' lie ta me. Yer hurtin', any folks with eyes'd know that. Yer not fit to ride." The horse neighs at her and kicks somewhat half-heartedly with its raised hoof, which she seems to take as a response. "Hey! Not yer fault. Happens. Now, stand still! Don' wanna get more stuff stuck in there."

She doesn't seem to notice you.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-27, 12:02 AM
Looking down at the trap strewn pit, Borzom sniffs the air. His regular congenial expression fades, and a look of deep loathing crosses his face.
"I hate kobolds," he says quietly.
As Snari explains his plan, Borzom listens intently. His eyes gleam in the fading light, looking almost red as he watches.
It isn't like you to go in without proper information about what we're up against, he thinks to himself. Wait a minute, that's ridiculous. Going in without planning is exactly the sort of thing you would have done before. He looks at the others; Hei, with her optimism and wide variety of talents, Morio, the wizard, Johnny, the huge paladin, the weird green elf(Wait a minute here. Why in the nine hells is there a green elf?), and Snari, the nominal leader of their group. Perhaps...Perhaps this time it will be okay. We are a strong group, and they are just kobolds.
Looking around once more, he speaks.
"Ordinarily I would suggest caution, and perhaps observe the nest at a distance for a day or so before formulating a more detailed plan. But I've had enough waiting. Let's go in. I'll take the front, if something bad happens, it's happening to me first of all."
That way I'll be closer to the enemy if I lose control. Who am I kidding? When I lose control.

2012-01-27, 03:51 AM
"Alright then, stick to the formation suggested by Master Snari."Johnny makes sure everyone's ready, before going a bit closer to the hole, looking down.

"As you will, Mister Borzom, in you go. Don't worry, though, the other group of adventurers should've cleared the way for us, already." Johnny says, whilst slowly and carefully starting to slide down the pit, finding it very hard to do without hands and in heavy armor.

I didn't understand, how gentle is the pit, can I walk down, must I jump down it or try to slide. Will I make a roll check to see if I slip / fall?

2012-01-27, 08:18 AM
Snari watches as Borzom leads the way into the kobold den carefully. Johnny takes the lead after that, and the others slowly fall suit.

A part of him is still unsure of how much he can trust this group of strangers, but he's about to find out. At the back of his mind, he knows he has a way to escape though, should trouble get too out of hand.

Snari will ensure that everyone is able to get inside, before he himself will take post position, to watch everyone's backs. Though his headache has dulled to a lesser monotonous pain, he knows that at any time it can spring forward like a viper, impaling him mentally, in the fangs of pain.

2012-01-27, 02:49 PM
It's pretty much like a bowl set into the ground. The first five feet is less of a walk and more of a fall, but after that, you can walk reasonably well, if you are cautious.

Across the pit, there is something that looks like a melted tree stump, tar-black and slightly sticky. There is indeed a hole under it, just as the maid said. It, like the others, descends into darkness.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-01-27, 05:17 PM
"Alright, here it is. Everyone, be as quiet as possible."
Looking at Johnny, Borzom shakes his head.
"Even if that's not very quiet at all. I suppose you humans need a light source too, does anyone have torches?"
Humans. They may be a lot bigger then gnomes, but their senses are severely lacking.
He approaches the side of the hole, and sniffs at the darkness below, then starts carefully lowering himself down.

2012-01-28, 01:44 AM
After taking a look at the stables seeing nothing suspicious Order goes and checks where they are headed. Order first goes to the Mayors office asking where the kobold lair is so can catch up with his allies. After getting that information heads off after the group. He goes at a jogging pace to catch up as they walk.

OOC: Since the meditation took and hour and a little extra would probably be about an hour behind them especially if going at the smaller races speed. Double moving so that would be 60ft a round. If was Pain then that would be 80ft a round. Could show up not long after them.

2012-01-28, 01:41 PM
Down the Hole (Borzom and Order)

The tunnel is reinforced with archways. And it doesn't extend very far. Only twenty feet or so down, there is something that looks suspiciously like a barrel in the way. It could be a door, but it lacks that critical element known as a handle.

Order is next to it, sitting so as to not knock himself out on the beams above. It doesn't seem he's had any more luck in getting through.

2012-01-28, 02:41 PM
Snari enters the tunnels last, taking care to watch all in front and behind him. The torch carried by the gnome leads the way, allowing the humans to see through the darkness. Other than general murmuring, the group remained as quiet as it had on the way to the tunnels.

The tunnels were well crafted, but not as well as they had been in the caves, that Snari knew as home. He could see wear and tear on the archways, but they were still of solid foundation. The Party paused as Bozom signaled to stop. It was easy to see why, as not very far ahead was an unknown human, sitting next to what appeared to be a barrel. The human looked relatively non descript, and the barrel, which was not a barrel, but for the lack of words, couldnt be much else, just sat at the end of the tunnel.

At first, Snari is surprised to see a human down here, but he surmises they can't be the only group to have gone down to fight the kobolds. This one must have been like Snari and tried to go for it solo.

The dwarf turns his gaze back to the 'barrel' and simply scratches his beard.

The orange crystal on his shoulder sprouts crystal legs again, and slowly makes its way to the other shoulder.

The crystal remains silent.