View Full Version : A matter of time and perspective (IC) 3.5

2012-01-16, 08:37 PM
World type: Tippyverse
World name: Blackmoore

Setting and Extra Rules

Additional rules include
1) Wish only works as of face value from PHB
2) Gate works fine, but what u want to come out may not listen to you, or simply refuse the gate spell.
3) Gods jealously guard there divinity. Should one man/animal/ object pose some contest to their power. They will see to it that it is put down before it ever becomes a threat.
4) While gods will take action to guard their divinity. They care little for the affairs of men, and will almost never get involved. (How ever there is nothing stopping them)
5) Coins are not made of gold, but from the life essence of the slain. This form of currency works well for this world, since one can use the life of the coins to fuel spells and creations. (GP can be used in place of XP for the purposes of casting and creating at a 1gp-10xp ratio)

The World

The world of Blackmoore is a interesting and diverse place. People and cultures can change at the drop of a hat, and lifestyles in the citys can range from Extreme high fantasy (Magic Airships, automated appliances) to the mid-evil darkages (horse and buggy, fire lit stoves)

City amount: 131
General alignment
• 6 LG
• 25 G
• 65 N
• 15 E
• 20 LE
Average distance between 2 Cities on the same continent: 100-150 Miles

5 Continents: With 25 on each (6 are floating)

About the Continents
Due to the extreme magical use and placement of the planet in the universe, seasons have actually been restricted to the 5 continents

The 5 continents are known as:

• The summer continent- Always hot and sunny with short nights and long days, much of this landmass is dessert with lakes doted all around

• The Spring continent - Generally warmer throughout the year. Larger forests and grass plains cover this landmass

• The Fall continent – Generally cooler most of the year. Grass lands and swamps cover this landmass

• The Winter continent – Almost always snowing. Mountains and valleys cover this landmass

• The Moon continent – Always freezing, the sun is always blocked by 1 of the nine moons never leting light past. Powerful winds with little snow/rain come along with the wastelands of this landmass.

World Population closing in on *6.5 billion, of which 90% live in the cities with approximately 44 million in each.

*Note that this amount does not account for monster like races who are not allowed within. This includes goblins, bugbears, trolls, etc…

While some do live in these cities they are not accounted for in the world Pop.

Blackmoore has 9 moons.

Each giving off its own special energy. Which through practice have become tools of the denizens of Blackmoore. This is known as the practice of the Arcane. This practice has been split into 9 categories each named and ruled over by one of the moons.
They are:

Adjuration- A white and yellow moon that glows brighter than all the rest

Conjuration- A tan and green moon, that has the fastest cycle around Blackmoore

Divination- A blue and white moon, that never seems to wan

Enchantment- A gold and red moon, that tends to hid behind the other moons enriching there color

Illusion- A somber purple moon that is never fully seen

Necromancy- A perfectly black moon that never moves

Transmutation- This moon has no color of its own but reflects the colors of all the others

Universal- While this moon governs no Arcane magic, it seems to have some great power all its own. It is the largest moon and radiates every color.

Contacts in the world
Characters now have personal contacts in the world that they can call on for help

This will be at a maximum number equal to your charisma modifier and a minim of 2

The Contacts will have a combined level equal to 10, and have no individual level higher than 6. Or you may have 1 powerful contact with a max level of 15. If one wishes to have a monster or similar ally then you may replace the CR for the level

Contacts can be anyone or anything, and be found anywhere.

Players may accumulate more contacts over time

Standard Contact creation rules
Contacts follow standard Pc rules except as follows

Because contacts are a separate entity from the main character the current DM is allowed to take control of said contact at any given time. They are asked however to respect the players ideal of the contact

Contacts are made to be plot hooks, to start quests or be rest periods between them. As such you may only have 1 combative contact who is willing to go out in the field with you. Normally at a price or similar service later on.

Examples- Black market merchants, Bartenders, city guards, respected chefs, magic shop owners

Power Contact creation rules

Power Contacts follow standard Pc rules except as follows

Power contacts never help you personally in the field until you are a least 2 levels above them

Because Power contacts are a separate entity from the main character the current DM is allowed to take control of said contact at any given time. They are asked however, to respect the players ideal of the contact

Power Contacts are made to be plot hooks, to start quests or be rest periods between them.

Examples- Mentors, Magic Counsel members, wondering sages

Characters can not exceed more than 1 week away in time past anyone else

Places been
Players may retravel to these locations

Eldrum - Spring - N
Daggercrutch - Summer - N
Shard - Winter - N
Spiral city - Floating - N
Arctopia - Summer - N
Deadfair - Moon - E

Hamlet of Selee

Total population: 180
Humans: 126
Half-syls (half-elves): 18
Khords (dwarves): 16
Cids (halflings): 20
Total guard: 5
In addition, 2 clergy tend to the spiritual needs of the Hamlet .

Services in this Hamlet :
Tailors: 1
Cobblers 1

Current Date and Time

Zangretor Di'Laxian (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=29601) - 2/5/2128 - Scale 10/10

Haldier - 2/9/2128 - Scale 0/18

Quintus Nautius Ingot (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=29931) - 2/4/2128 - Scale 10/10

Manti Gervais - 2/4/2128 - Scale 10/10

Westride Il-chakkk (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=37747) - 2/6/2128 - Scale 10/10

2012-01-16, 11:07 PM
A lone shadow stands above the corpse of what used to be a knight, however after much creativity it was very difficult to tell what exactly was dead. The rest of the townspeople were terrified after watching the display, but the shadow had proven it's point and was content with moving on.

It stood at a menacing 6 foot 6 inches encased in Jet black armor starting down at his last victim with burning crimson eyes. It was some fool knight who thought he would slay the evil that came into his homeland. Haldier pulled the blade from the carcass and started walking through what was known as the hamlet of Selee. He was highly amused by fighters who would challenge him right in the open, although being a Cambion does attract the stupid and the foolhardy "heroes". He walked along and placed a coin he had just picked off the dead knight and bought an Apple.
He might be sadistic but he was no thief, he stared the young woman down selling them and spoke with a demonic voice.


He then started cackling for no reason, although it did highly amuse him when the woman ran away screaming as if he had threatened her. He still doesnt understand human behavior, but why should he care? He wasn't one of them but he does like the constant challenge they bring when their knights and paladins challenge him to duels.

2012-01-16, 11:13 PM
The town’s people run. They have no intention of fighting such a monster unless they have to. This kind of thing is common in the world they lived in. Normally they live as hunter gatherers, but every so often they find a place where they can settle down.

Haldiers Scale has changed

2012-01-16, 11:23 PM
Haldier walks along the town trying to decide what to do, he noticed that they would run into their hovels, what good would that do them...?

He watched them panic and push over random objects, he walked over a cabbage thinking to himself. why would they waste food...
Well fair enough he walks through the hamlet as he did every other one, he was searching for something, he didn't know what, he was just told to search and so he followed the voice.
The blade on his back whispering in his ears... Keep going....keep walking...feed me...

2012-01-16, 11:39 PM
A brash young half elf steps onto the dirt street. He looks inexperienced but confident. He draws his sword and raises his shield.

Vile fiend… The guard u murdered was a good man, and in the name of Pelor I will slay you.

Initiative roll [roll0]

u are 20 feet apart

2012-01-16, 11:45 PM
Haldier smiles and turns around, drawing the blade instantly and speaks.
He looks at his blade first then at the young warrior.

You might be fed very soon... Young Warrior, this is your last chance turn back and run like the rest of them,otherwise I will cut you down.

Initiative Roll: [roll0]

2012-01-16, 11:49 PM
The half elf holds firm and ready’s himself

2012-01-17, 12:10 AM
After watching the warrior prepare himself, he then smiles and prepares his attack. He then attempts to crush the fool with sheer force.

Jump Roll: (1d20+11)[27]

Attack Roll: (1d20+10)[23]

Damage Roll: [roll0]

2012-01-17, 12:12 AM
The poor man didn’t even stand a chance. He was dead before he ever knew what had happened. People who had been watching from the windows quickly shut their blinds. The town goes completely quiet.

Haldiers Scale has changed

2012-01-17, 12:20 AM
For the love of god, why do they always do that... have to get the brains off my boots.

Haldier lifts the sword over back onto his back and continues forward to some unknown destination, he's content that the whispering has stopped.

After much agitation and he continued on taking a full look around.

Spot Check [roll0]

2012-01-17, 09:10 PM
Not much to be seen in this town. There are stands along the road selling this and that. Mostly food and drink, one stand is even selling fish this far inland. An empty blacksmith shop, stands next to a silly looking hut with a stand outside that reads “Maps and books and scrolls!!”

It is about midday now and there is a nice breeze coming in from the east.

2012-01-17, 09:43 PM
Haldier spots the store for maps instantly and thinks to himself.

hmm... I have no idea where I am or where I'm going, might as well...

Then a voice whispers into his head Forward.... go....forward...

I know that but WHERE?!

The voice simply repeats a few more times and he just decides to go and get a map regardless, as he walks toward the shop the voice seems to nag at Haldier agitating him as he walks forward. He then suddenly stops just in front of the store.

for the love... of god.. I NEED TO KNOW WHERE I'M GOING!!! SO SHUT UP!!!
The voice stop for a moment as Haldier tries to peer through a window into the store to see if it's still open... then the voice starts repeating again


Haldier then opens the door with such force that it sounds like the door will be ripped off the handle... thankfully it stays on.

2012-01-17, 09:51 PM
The shop has a rather low ceiling that Haldier has to bend his head to so he can fit. Along the walls line books and scrolls of all shapes and sizes. There is a tiny desk and chair in the back. But no one seems to be inside

2012-01-17, 10:46 PM
Haldier stumbled to the desk and slammed his fist down on it.

I am no thief, I demand that you come out here at once and I will pay for a map of the region, otherwise I will drag you out here and pay you...



Intimidation roll: [roll0]

2012-01-17, 10:57 PM
A Halfling sticks his head out from under the cracked desk. He seems rather old a frail, with a dingy spectacles sliding down his nose.

M…mm..mmm…. may I help you sir.

2012-01-17, 11:11 PM

After composing himself again.

I need a map of the region...I have money...

He then places the last of the cash of the money he earned from slaying the young half elf.

feed me..the short one...

GOD DAMN IT!!! I will not kill him, I need him to find me a bloody map!!!

2012-01-17, 11:15 PM
The Halfling looks up in terror for several moments befor blundering around and pulling out a map. He throws it at Haldier while cowering in the corner

J..Just take it.

2012-01-17, 11:22 PM
O thank you... the people here are incredibly generous.

He takes the map and walks out of the store.

you should have fed him to me...

He gave us a free map, he is perfectly fine

He stares down at the map and is reading it trying to figure out where he can go from here.

2012-01-17, 11:42 PM
The closest city (Eldrum) is a day away by horseback. This seems to be the largest town for a long while thanks to its placement near a old temple that acts as both a positive energy source, and anti magic zone driving off most of the larger creatures. Also because of the temple, many Paladins, clerics, and monks make pilgrimages to it because they cannot use the TCs to pop right in. Allowing for this town to have some minor protection for when things get really bad.

The rest of the map shows the caves to the east and forests that border it.

2012-01-17, 11:58 PM
Haldier decides to walk toward the cobbler and seek a new ride, the blade continues to whisper into his mind.

2012-01-18, 07:38 PM
A man stands just outside the stable door, he looks cautious about Haldiers coming, but figures it won’t really matter if he hides.

"Need something?” he asks

2012-01-18, 07:43 PM
Haldier stares down at the man and then states simply...

intimidation roll: [roll0]

He then reaches into his pocket.

2012-01-18, 09:23 PM
The man jumps back, surprised from the sudden intensity in Haldiers voice.

“Sorry but none of them are for sale, there all owned by the people or travelers here”

2012-01-18, 09:33 PM
Haldier keeps staring at the man only to have his gaze broken by a pestering voice.

...I think this might be a little late to say this... but you can still feed me.... or you could bake small dough pounded men...what were they called....?.... ginger b men... no that sounds silly... I believe they were called GINGERS!!...yes... go and offer them up to me as sacrifices.

Frustration finally succumb to Haldier...
He slammed his foot against the ground causing a slight tremor... then turned and kept shouting profanities into the air.

2012-01-18, 09:50 PM
The man stands silent and wide eyed as Haldier storms off

2012-01-18, 10:02 PM
After a long moment of argument whether to purge the town or not, It was decided that Haldier would travel to Eldrum by foot, it seemed the best thing to do because he could feed his blade's hunger along the way.
Ugh...Alright so We go onward, no complaints, if we encounter AND I MEAN IF!! a wild animal then your hunger will be sated, otherwise you will just have to deal with your own starvation... and i swear to god, if you guide me to an orphanage again...

But the last time was both delicious and hilarious... you have to admit the flaming children did put a smile on your face

WHAT!? that was horrible! you made me hallucinate that they were fiends of ice!!!

*cough cough* and you do a great service killing the...*cough cough* demons... my I seem to be coming down with something...


I'm special...

This argument continued onward as the pair headed toward the city with hopeful thoughts.

2012-01-18, 11:47 PM
Zangretor, chuckled silently as he attempted to extricate himself from the minor den he had nested into while he slept. After a few moments he had mostly removed himself from the bedding; only his ankle remained caught up in a heavy rug. Deciding this would be much easier if he could actually see what he was doing, Zangretor, reached out with his mind to locate Tarallia.

As always he had directed her to circle the parameter while he slept, and as always she had obeyed. In a moment he found her; floating at the edge of her range outside the window. He recalled her with a thought and with another re-established their sensory link.

By the time she had returned to the room Zangretor was able to see the mess his midnight thrashing had created. He directed Tarallia around until he was able to see how his foot was caught and then unwound the rug, setting himself free.

As his second order of business he reached out to his familiar Jandaatis. The link was strained because Jandaatis was still on one of the Elemental Planes and was not expected back until this evening. Zangretor often sent the Jann off to foster relationships with his kinfolk. One never knows when it might be handy to have friends among the Genii.

While Zangretor tapped into arcane energies to tidy the room up as he donned his robe and haversack, he checked in with Jandaatis. Although it was a conversation built of flashes of emotion due to the limited connection that could be established across the planes, he was able to learn that Jandaatis was doing well in his efforts to maintain relations with the Efreeti.

Judging by the cool air it was still morning, giving Zangretor a few hours before he had to attend to his duties as a guildmage. He decided to visit the market at the city center. He had grown slightly out of touch with the everyday comings and goings of the Spiral city.

As the largest of the floating cities it was a prominent economic hub and military strong point, not to mention the home of arguably the single most influential organization in all of Blackmore, and most certainly the most powerful body of mages; the Watchers of the Thinning Veil.

Zangretor grasped his walking stick and walked out the window. He began to plummet towards the streets below; through Tarallia he could see the golden tower rushing past him and hear the wind screaming. Suddenly, thousands of minds roared into his consciousness, signaling he was dangerously close to the ground.

He unfurled his wings and with one powerful flap halted his decent. He was out of his free fall and on a level trajectory. With Tarallia guiding him, Zangretor threaded his way through the many spires and archways of the arcanely inspired architecture lazily working his way towards his favorite market cafe. In minutes he had made his way there and alighted on a near by rooftop. He leapt off the side, raking his claws into the self-repairing magic sandstone colored wall and lightly undulating his outspread wings to moderate his decent.

Zangretor folded his wings back underneath his cloak hiding them away and steadied himself with his staff as he touched down to the ground. He began working his way through the throng across the street and reached out to his favorite server girl, a pretty young elf named Alyassia, who he swore up and down the twelve crossroads must have fey blood in her veins to attain such beauty.

He quietly asked her for permission to enter her mind and she happily obliged, delighted Zangretor hadn't forgotten her. He smiled to himself, how could he ever forget a delightful creature such as Alyassia. He was about to ask if his favorite spot was available, when she told him that she had already prepared it with his favorite morning delicacy.

Again her charming demeanor brought a smile to his face. By this point he had reached the back booth tucked into the corner where he could observe without being noticed and pick the brains of all the cities comers and goers. More than once the information he had plucked in this manner had saved his scaly hide.

2012-01-19, 05:10 PM

Over in the summer continent, there resides a city named Daggercrutch. A large one with a population of 44 million. Daggercrutch takes a more neutral stand than most other cities. Law enforcement seems lax to many, but the citizens seem to understand; it would be tough to manage a population and an area so big. Some believe though they have greater emphasis on covert operations, there haven't been too many crimes seen. Some also think agents use these covert-ops for malicious reasons. No one has proven that either is true yet.

The council of Daggercrutch is "respectable" at best. Not much is know by the casters who run this city, and it seems they prefer it that way. Only from hearsay, people believe the secrecy is to prevent thieves, kidnappers, black-mailers, and any other malicious person or group to gain or manipulate the members or their assets. The government has yet to make a statement about this. The palace is located in the upper class portion of the city with a balanced distance between the great cliffs and the city limits to the south.

The city is roughly arranged in an actual dagger, which is how Daggercrutch partially received its name. Upper class and up-scale citizens reside more on the "point and upper blade" of the city. Middle class have their domains in the lower part. The lower classes usually live in the "handle" of the city. The city is also located next to one of the great cliffs in the Summer continent. The upper class get the privilege of shade, being closer to the cliff than others. Few middle class citizens receive this as well, but only briefly. The lower class seem to burn all day. The city isn't as hot as others, but still hot nonetheless, with the heat at a record high of 110. The city square resides between the middle and high class borders. The city is roughly 30 miles from east to west. Distances vary throughout the city for north-south lengths, with some at 5 miles, others at 10, and one particular strip going for 20 miles.

The city's architecture is grand at that. The upper class usually live in high rise buildings or mansions, middle class in their fitting homes and apartments, and the low class with whatever they can afford or build for that matter. The palace's structure contains exquisite walls and bulbed spires. There are also 9 bulb structures that float around the palace in the sky above. Some can only speculate to what it means.

There is a great road running from west to east, named the Biggun Road. In the city's very early history, where magic wasn't exactly to power yet, Roxby Biggun, a sturdy dwarf, was in charge to pave a path to the palace. Unfortunately, the team aiding Biggun suffered a mysterious illness. No one knows if this was food poisoning or work by some group to halter progress. But Biggun knew what had to be done. With tools in hand, he paved the way to the palace day by day. "There's the Biggun," people would say as he passed by. He worked so furiously, so hastily, and so methodically that the 25 mile road was completed in one day; a few days ahead of schedule! Unfortunately, Biggun died from a combination of heat exposure and heart failure. His memory lives on through the road he build and the masonry schools in his name. Whenever anyone asks for directions, the nearest person would most likely tell you, "There's the Biggun..."

Schools/Churches, Shops/Items and Sports
Many churches and schools exist throughout Daggercrutch. There doesn't seem to be a focus on any certain school or church with Daggercrutch's citizens. The main rule about schools in Daggercrutch is that they get better the more east you move, as well as the expense you may need to pay. Shops and marketplaces can be found throughout Daggercrutch. Some people have various goods that can only be found in certain places. It is not uncommon to see the upper class head to the middler or lower class portion to purchase some rare goods. But as the rule goes, the more expensive shops and items can be found more to the east. There are also big with their sports as well. They have pride for the Daggercrutch Dragons. They've won a few tournaments, leagues, trophies and whatnot throughout their history. With Daggercrutch's hot-but-not-too-hot temperature, athletes sweat easily, get in shape fast, and stay in shape. This leads to many of Daggercrutch's star athletes being well known throughout Blackmoore. Many sport seasons have already started and the Dragons have already taken good positions in many of the rankings.

Daggercrutch was originally a small moving colony that sought refuge in the bottom of this great cliff. They were fortunate to have found a reservoir of water and the moving colony decided to settle. One member had been reported missing in their early days, and sent out a rescue team. They had found a cave in the cliffside, and soon enough, found the missing member... tending the wounds of a sleeping dragon. Only using a dagger, this young cleric, unfortunate to know any healing spells at the time, dislodged various sharp, edged rocks that had fallen on the dragon's wing. The rescue team was afraid to move any closer or suffer the consequences. The cleric managed to remove all the rocks, but noticed a bone had been fractured. She decided to use the dagger in place of the bone and patch up the wing to the best of her ability. The rescue team stood scared still and told her to leave with them, for fear of waking the dragon. Upon those words, the dragon awoke, but did not go into a rage. Instead the dragon looked at the cleric and seemed to set up a mind link. Once the link was broken, the cleric turned around:

"The dragon is pleased that I had helped it. It has given us great fortune by being our guardian for future times. The dragon states to name this place 'Daggercrutch'".

The rescue team nodded, both in fear and pleasure. The cleric now seemed to be imbued with great power. This cleric's name was St. Claire of Daggercrutch. She is an icon to Daggercrutch and to many locations throughout Blackmoore for her generous deeds and seemingly unlimited power to defend her city.

Although people have searched for this legendary cave, none can see it in the cliff-side, many people believe that the legend is but a myth, while others believe it is covered up. Though some believe when there is great danger upon Daggercrutch, the unnamed dragon will save them from the ashes.

2012-01-19, 05:40 PM
A normal morning on the winter continent, even as the sun peaks its head out form above the clouds, snow starts to fall. Adding yet another layer of powder to the perfectly white landscape, a quick breeze sends the flakes spiraling into the air. Flying high they receive a serine view of the world below. They blow this way and that way, passing forests of lush ever greens, and mountains with frost covered pecks. Finally the wind dies down, and the flakes begin to fall, coming to a rest atop a large stone statue that lies on a broken tree. The statue has human like features, and wears a brilliant set of metal armor. It must have taken a master stone cuter years to perfect the intricate features of the statue then position it in such a away over the shatered tree.

Suddenly it stirs, groaning from a hard nights work. It shifts and turns before picking its self up, turning around and starring right up the nearby mountain. It brings its hands to its face rubbing its eyes, while its skin looks like solid stone, it moves and reacts the same way normal flesh should. Finally it sits down on top of the tree it had destroyed and runs its hand over the top of his head. Its hair is as white as the surrounding snow, and looks sharp to the tough.

Quintus looks up at the mountain from the tree he sits on. He has a puzzled look over his face. “How….. did I get down here?” he finally says. “Wasn’t I on top of the mountain yesterday.” He sits with his chin on his hand, trying to recall the incidents of last night. He then notices what he’s sitting on and replies to himself. “Ohhh….. I remember now. We were fighting that frost dragon. Must have knocked me off the top…… Well yet another failed expedition, I’m on a good streak, four fatal encounters this month, and I survived them all.”

Quintus shrugs and decides that he may as well go back to the city. He gets up takes two steps and finds himself up to his knees in snow, and that’s saying something since he is over 7 feet tall. He rolls his eyes and begins to trudge forward, not even three steps more, and he smashes his shin into something hard. There is a loud gong, and Quintus starts to hop up and down clutching his foot. “Gah…. One would think with skin and bones like mine that something like this wouldn’t be an issue” He finally stops rubing his foot and starts to dig the snow out looking for what it was he kicked. To his surprise it was the warforged that had joined the adventuring group he was with. Its eyes were dead, and there was a nice sized chunk missing from its torso. After some thought he figures “why not” and reaches into his bag of holding. Pulling forth a scroll, he places his hand on the warforged and the magic of the scroll goes to work mending the broken machine. Its eyes begin to flicker to life and the hole starts to close. Suddenly the warforged sits up, looks at Quintus, reaches back into the snow, and pulls forth a very large blade.

“Oh… my sword… thank you” As Quintus starts to slide the sword into the scabbard on his back, the warforge gets up and walks away. “Hey?.....Hey!.... Wait! Where are you going?” the warforged just points at the city in the distance and keeps moving. Quintus shrugs again, and follows along.

2012-01-19, 07:59 PM
After 4 days of wandering and a few side tracked adventures, Haldier arrives at the city of Eldrum... he walks towards it, he doesn't see a wall anywhere and is slightly surprised at the fact that the city doesn't seem to have any protection what so ever aside from two parallel main roads crossing over a river into the actual city. He can see the majestic towers of purple and gold glisten in the light, and it looked as if he was staring at stars from the bright lights on the tallest buildings. He had walked with a caravan of various poor individuals looking for a better life in the city, he realized it would be quite difficult to get into a city like this if he was in his regular form, so he decided to disguise himself as a human warrior. He also made some quick cash off of them by promising protection from bandits and the like, which kept Selph happy and content from blood rage. The caravan was eventually stopped at what looked like a toll, wizards were examining each individual apparently looking for someone, or something but they weren't sure what. Thankfully they weren't the most powerful bunch, so Haldier's form was still a secret from the rest of the populace. Finally he parted ways with the people of the caravan which disturbed Haldier because they were overly jolly and sad about him leaving, he found it strange that these creatures would be sad to see him leave even though most others run away screaming. He put the thought into the back of his mind and disappeared into the bustling crowds of individuals. He walked upon what looked like a very crowded bazaar when Selph decided to finally speak.

My prize is close...
Haldier had no idea what this was about, "prize"..?... what did that mean?... he tried to find a quiet place but then decided it would be in his best interest to just stay silent...
Selph guided Haldier through the city to what seemed like a park where a very large following was gathered surrounding a Wizard preforming various tricks of magic, he was playing with visual effects and shot a dragon into the air which made the crowd scream in excitement then it exploded in the air into dust and glitter. he is wasting power!!! what is this nonsense!!?? Haldier.... Drag him out and SLAY HIM... I will not have some magician playing with magic tricks and pulling rabbits out of hats!!!

Haldier didn't ask what this was about, he never heard rage come from the blade... but he did note the wizard wasnt of much skill... he was curious as to what was wrong with the wizard? or why selph wanted him dead.

2012-01-19, 08:22 PM
Warforge Sentry 122B4 was having a rather menial day. He had caught a pickpocket and looked into the “mystique” disappearance of some old lady’s dog behind the park trash can. He was just to go back on his rounds when a message came through to his squad. “We believe there is an outsider who may be looking to cause harm to the people. True-seeing has identified him as a male Cambion disguised like a human. We have admitted him for now but would like squad B4 to keep tabs on him” and just like that, Sentry 112B4 took off. His auto invisibility kicked in, along with his true-seeing eye enchantment. Within moments more of his squad showed up, they took positions around the park. They watched the Cambion, and waited for it to make a move.

Meanwhile the Beguiler gnome Timmbly-knock was putting on quiet the show today. That dragon bit was his best yet, he would love to continue but he had a schedule to keep, and that magical ring shop wasn’t going to ransack its self. He cast another minor image spell of pigeons flying up through the ground as he looked for his partners signal. His elf partner seemed worried, something was wrong. Then he saw the B-plane signal. That meant they had been found out by the city watch! But how, they had been so careful, there shouldn’t even be any patrols near here. He calmed himself, alright, I keep up this show then. Hopefully they will leave and we can get out of here.

2012-01-19, 09:09 PM
Haldier simply stood there and watched the show, it was quite amusing despite his partner's complaints...
The two of them are amusing but you know as well as I, that he is some crackpot magician, I highly doubt he's a threat to us.

ITS NOT HIM I WANT!!! its what he has!!!!

well you should also know that if i kill him here in the middle of the city we will die... there is no doubt about it... lets see if theres a way to get around this...plus look at him... he's nervous... does he know you want him dead

If he does then so be it... the more fear i see in him the more i'll enjoy feeding off him

Haldier sensed something weird happening to him, like darker energies were gathering, but he then blew it off to look around to see if there was anywhere significant to do this deed in.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2012-01-19, 09:47 PM
While the park is home to many beautiful flower arrangements, there really is not much more to see. However there is a interesting little store nearby that seems to be attracting a large group of passerby’s. The wood carved sign above the top reads “THE 1000 RINGS OF EMIT”

Mean while the elf look to have picked up their act a little. Much to the crowds pleasure

2012-01-19, 10:01 PM
isnt there a way to not kill them and take the item?

there is, but he has it.. and he's played with it for far too long... soon... you will see why...

What are you talking about??...
its happening...

At that another array of fireworks shoot up into the air... but something is strange about these ones... they give off a green tint... and as they sparkle down something happens to the crowd over by the ring shop....their skin bursts into flames.. the screams are incredibly loud and then silence... then...something is coming... the ground opens... and the sound of thousands marching can be heard...

QUICKLY... KILL HIM if he dies the spell will reverse itself!!

Haldier instantly takes the blade out, switches to thicket of blades stance and charges forward toward the crowd... Unfortunately for Haldier... the blade has conjured an illusion to which Haldier has fallen heavily into.

Initiative [roll0]

2012-01-19, 10:32 PM
Suddenly an enraged monster comes flying out of the crowd. People jump out of the way a chaos starts to ensue. The gnome and elf have no clue what’s happing, and it’s all they can do to defend themselves from the beast’s onslaught.


Sentry 112B4 had just started to enjoy the street performers show, when the Cambion they where ordered to watch went crazy. It seemed a little out of place for it. It was just sitting there for the most part, and now it decided to attack the performers? Sentry gives the signal and 6 other warforge sentries run to the center of the fray (with one holding back relaying the scene) There invisibility brakes now that they are in full motion/combat.


The Warforge are 1 round of movement away

2012-01-19, 11:04 PM
Haldier Swings Selph around his head and leaps onto the stage attempting to bring the blade down on the gnome.



Jump Roll [roll0]
Attack Roll[roll1]
Damage roll[roll2]

2012-01-19, 11:18 PM
If Timmbly-knock had only stayed inside today, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. This was all the gnome could think as he watched the horrifying blade cut him in 2

Barely able to mutter up his spell, the nearby elf aims and fires a orb of acid at Haldier.

atk [roll0] vs touch AC
dmg [roll1]

The crowd goes ballistic open seeing the gnome killed, and start to try and get away from the stage. The Warforges seem to have no problem weaving through the crowd. Sentry 112B4 is the first there, his right arm folds back and springs fourth a sword, while the left circles around its self forming a shield. The sentry to his right does a similar transformation. They strike for flanking in unison, like well oiled machines.

atk [roll2]
dmg [roll3]

atk [roll4]
dmg [roll5]

2012-01-19, 11:34 PM
The spell did nothing and Haldier dodged the two swings with ease... but something was weird.... where had the sounds gone... what happened...? why were they only looking at him?... he then noticed he was in his regular form again, he presumed they thought he came out of the hole as well...

Slay them all, we cannot have anyone know what you are here for...

....very well..

Haldier takes a swing at the elf and then side steps one of the Warforged and takes a swing as he moves to the side of it... he then swings at him again from the side.

Attack roll on Elf [roll0]
Attack roll on WarForged [roll1]
Attack of oppurtunity roll on WarForged [roll2]
Damage roll on Elf [roll3]
Damage roll on Warforged [roll4]
Damage from AOO on Warforged [roll5]

2012-01-19, 11:38 PM
9:00 AM

Arising from his sleep, Manti Gervais, rubs his eyes in his current Rakshasa state. He gets out of his magic bedroll and walks over to his dresser. He looks around his white fur and adjusts any spots here and there. Soon after, he heads to a back room with no windows and merely an altar, a few candles and spell materials. Manti kneels and starts working.

12:05 AM

After a while of spell preparation and meditation, Manti gets up.

Look over me, dear Vecna. I don't need things getting TOO chaotic. Or loud.

Back unto the dresser, he changes into his clothing and armor and weapons. He then changes into the shape of a human, as he always has done.

Disguise: [roll0]
1 power point spent
Thoughts Concealed for the next 5 hours.
Concentration Check to become Psionically Focused: [roll1]

Upon stepping out, he sniffs the warm air, and already feels the heat embrace his form. Nonetheless, he grins.

Let's LEARN something today.....

2012-01-20, 12:13 AM

The elf spits blood out onto Haldier as the sword plunges through his heart. He falls over in a slump.

Sentry 112B4 was not expecting such a quick recovery, and was only able to watch as his co-sentry was slashed twice over. He looked down at his exposed cogs for a second before refocusing his attention

The other sentries reach the stage and jump on, following in the same form as the first two. They grab what spots they can and strike.

atk [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

atk [roll2]
dmg [roll3]

atk [roll4]
dmg [roll5]

atk [roll6]
dmg [roll7]

atk [roll8]
dmg [roll9]


The wind is blowing rather fiercely this hot afternoon, kicking sand into the air creating large dust clouds around the major intersections. But at least it brings a in some fresh air, and cools the city slightly.
A few children run past Manti playing with what looks to be a very beaten up ball, and they laugh when one child pegs another in the face. The ball falls to the ground and rolls to Mantis feet.


Quintus found himself at a loss, not only had he lost track of his warforge companion. But this bar didn’t have a single stool short enough for him to enjoy a meal properly. So there he sat towering over his plate and everyone else at the counter, and of course…… this chicken needed salt. He sighed, then finally stood up payed the bill and walked out.

“Hmmm the trip to the dragons cave for some quick gold didn’t go over well at all…. Well this is the biggest city in the winter continent. I’m sure I can find another cave or temple that needs plundering”

[roll10] search

[roll11] gather info

For information pertaining to work, or possible treasure sights.

2012-01-20, 12:27 AM
Haldier dodges a few of the attacks only having 3 land on him... however... he seems to be enjoying it....


These things leave a bad taste in my mouth... please get rid of them quickly

2012-01-20, 12:42 AM
As far as you looked, no one seemed to know about any caves nearby. No one seemed to have work. The bar seemed to need a dishwasher, but I don't think you would stoop that low.

On the other hand, while searching high and low, you manage to catch a yellow glint in one of the mountains to the east of the city. Is it a bright gem? Some gold? Maybe a torch? In any case, something is up there.

Oh you kids, I've seen you play with that ball for however long the gods may know. Tell you what, let me fix this up for you...

He picks up the ball and uses a Cleric Spell of Mending to make any repairs he can on the ball.

2012-01-20, 01:22 AM

Sentry 112B4 sees and odd expression upon the creatures face. Normally pain is a deterrent to life forms like his. Very well if he like pain so much, he can have some more.

Pwr atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Full atk [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

Other sentry

atk [roll4]
Dmg [roll5]
Full atk [roll6]
Dmg [roll7]

The ball heals up nicely and turns into a slightly purple color. The kids thank Manti and run off into the crowd. A crowd? Near here, now there is a curiosity, something big must be happening nearby. Then again, if everyone is here, then the local library is not pact for once, and some studying can actually be done.

“Hmm… the last time I followed a strange light………. Wait one second! I’ve never followed a strange light before! Well ill have to fix that!”
Quintus leaps down from the side of the temple he had climbed, landing with a thud into the slush below. Eger to find out what this new challenge is, Quintus grabs his things a sets out to the mountain, he stops to examines a tree branch on his way over. Feeling content with what he sees, Quintus brakes it off, and takes it with him.

2012-01-20, 01:46 AM
Haldier dodges the next 2 swings and prepares to repay the last Sentry who hurt him the joy he felt, he then side steps another and takes an swing at the side only to preform 1 of his favorite maneuvers and takes a second swing at near by individuals.

Preforms Mountain Hammer



Counter Attack (1d20+18)[21]
AOO Attack (1d20+18)[28]
Mountain Hammer Attack (1d20+18)[29]
Second Swing Attack [roll0]
Counter Damage (2d6+20)[31]
AOO Damage (2d6+20)[23]
Mountain Hammer Damage (4d6+20)[40]
Second Swing [roll1]

2012-01-20, 01:57 AM
A flurry of blades descends upon Haldier as the 5 other sentries make there move.

atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Full atk [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

atk [roll4]
Dmg [roll5]
Full atk [roll6]
Dmg [roll7]

atk [roll8]
Dmg [roll9]
Full atk [roll10]
Dmg [roll11]

atk [roll12]
Dmg [roll13]
Full atk [roll14]
Dmg [roll15]

atk [roll16]
Dmg [roll17]
Full atk [roll18]
Dmg [roll19]

Dmg on group
Sentry 112B4 -24
Sentry 103B4 -22
Sentry 124B4 -
Sentry 168B4 -23
Sentry 114B4 -40
Sentry 132B4 -
Sentry 172B4 -

2012-01-20, 02:08 AM
Haldier is now laughing at the top of his lungs as he dodges blade after blade, he then smiles after the last one slices past his face. He then side steps yet again and slices at one of the fools, turns and preforms his all time favorite manuver... then finally ends by taking a last slice downward on another.

Preforms White Raven Strike Extra 4d6 and knocks an opponent flatfooted

AOO on 103B4 Attack swing [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

White Raven Strike Attack on 168B4 [roll2]
Damage Roll [roll3]

Second Swing Attack roll on 114B4 [roll4]
Damage Roll [roll5]

2012-01-20, 02:12 AM
Along the way, Quintus notices the wildlife in this wintery biome. There is a mother bear looking over for its cubs, ground animals digging small trenches and holes to keep their warmth, and other natural acts. While making his way through the snowy forests to the mountain, Quintus get a feeling...

Make a Listen and Spot Check


12:07 PM
You're welcome kiddies... A crowd...? Hmm. I wonder what must be going on...

Manti decides to view the crowd's movement and see what may be going on.

They must be celebrating one of the many idols in this city. Or maybe an official has come by...

Spot: [roll0]
Gather Information: [roll1]

2012-01-20, 02:28 AM
While the warforge feel no pain, cogs, circuits and oil start to fly in all directions, but they stand ready.

atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Full atk [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

atk [roll4]
Dmg [roll5]
Full atk [roll6]
Dmg [roll7]

atk [roll8]
Dmg [roll9]
Full atk [roll10]
Dmg [roll11]

atk [roll12]
Dmg [roll13]
Full atk [roll14]
Dmg [roll15]

atk [roll16]
Dmg [roll17]
Full atk [roll18]
Dmg [roll19]

atk [roll20]
Dmg [roll21]
Full atk [roll22]
Dmg [roll23]

atk [roll24]
Dmg [roll25]
Full atk [roll26]
Dmg [roll27]

Through the dense crowd he sees nothing but the town well. From what he hears the water trap that normally creates water for this part of the city has stopped working. In fact, almost all of the cities water magic has suddenly ceased to work.

Quintus being a rather aloof half earth elemental continues to stare at his new found stick. He even has brought out his goggles of minute seeing.

Spot [roll28]
listen [roll29]

2012-01-20, 02:56 AM
Haldier takes a moment and focuses his strength and fills himself with rage. He then counters the last one to hit him, and then slams his blade down on another opponent with a maneuver, he then spins and slices another.

Preforms Kensai power Surge

must be 15 dice roll.... [roll0]

and Foe Hammer An extra 2d6 and overcomes DR

Counters 172B4 [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Foe Hammer on 172B4 [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Final Swing on 168B4 [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

2012-01-20, 03:20 AM
Quintus seems to shake off the foreboding feeling. The construct maintains his stride toward the mountain and its potential value in gold, weapons, goods, or whatever is going through Quintus' mind.

Make a reflex save

Goodness... what seems to be the problem now...

Manti seems to be irritated by this, despite being a cleric and having his own Replenshing Skin for such situations. As a resident of Daggercrutch for a while, the town has had this problem one or twice before. This time though, Manti feels like he needs to take action into his own hands.

I wonder if there is anyone important that is by this well...

Search: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Gather Info: [roll]1d20+18

2012-01-20, 12:02 PM
Two of the warforge guard’s fall to the ground, as gears and circuits fly about. The other sentries are undeterred from their mission, and continue their onslaught.

atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Full atk [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

atk [roll4]
Dmg [roll5]
Full atk [roll6]
Dmg [roll7]

atk [roll8]
Dmg [roll9]
Full atk [roll10]
Dmg [roll11]

atk [roll12]
Dmg [roll13]
Full atk [roll14]
Dmg [roll15]

atk [roll16]
Dmg [roll17]
Full atk [roll18]
Dmg [roll19]

No one of importance seems to be around. But he does hear that several mages and artificers are gathering in the central district to discuss this issue. Also there is a locale conical of wizards meeting up, and they are actually very worried about something.

Still examining his tree branch, he almost didn’t notice when his “contingence spelled anklets of translocation” went off. There was a sudden hum of magic as they kicked in, teleporting him a safe distance out of the danger. Qunitus perks up slightly, looking left and right before turning to see what all the fuss was about.

2012-01-20, 02:59 PM
Fortunately, Quintus was able to teleport out of some danger that was apparent. But does he see...?

Make another spot and search check

Manti spots the wizards speaking in some panic.

What seems to be the problem?

He moves his arms behind his back and folds them in a confident manner.

2012-01-20, 03:26 PM
The normal customers came into the café this afternoon, the usual business man and workers who always got there coffee and cake. But then something odd happened, a strange man walked in, his mind seemed… jumbled to say the least. His description seemed normal to. He even acted as a regular customer who had just wondered in. He sat down at a table across the café and started dinning on some rather inexpensive food.

They look at Manti sizing him up, figuring he was one for magic or manifesting they decide to tell him.
“Haven’t you noticed yet? No form of water magic seems to be working right now, even divine spells find no use.”

Quintus looks about for the source of his contingence activation

search [roll0]

spot [roll1]

2012-01-20, 03:34 PM
Haldier is finally feeling the blades hit him, he is now getting slightly agitated as Selph keeps telling him to slaughter them all. After "slaying" the 2 Warforged he feels a surge of energy go back into him. His rage empowers him once again, He then counters 132B4 and then preforms a healing manuver while damaging 112B4 twists and brings his blade back down on 132B4

Empowered by Triumphant surge +12 hp

Preforms Kensai Power Surge [roll0] DC to beat is 20

Preforms Crusader's Strike If it hits Haldier gains

Counter on 132B4 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Crusader's Strike on 112B4 [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Final Swing on 132B4 [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

2012-01-20, 03:50 PM
His curiosity piqued by this unassuming, yet mentally tumultuous newcomer, Zangretor reached out to Alyassia and asked her if she knew of this man.

At the same time he focused Tarallia's attention on the man's face in order to conjure up a clear mental image. Zangretor, then gathering his force of will flitted through each and every mind that came within 100' for the next sever seconds, snatching up any memories or knowledge associated with the man's image or voice.

After accumulating all he could from those nearby he took a moment to refresh himself. Alyassia must have sensed his exhaustion as he felt her place a cool compress into his hand. Recovered in the next instant, he correlated all the new information he had garnered into his own preexisting extensive mental library of tomes.

The process completed in a flash, Zangretor readied a new "tome" on this man, but decided to get a closer "look" at the man before examining the pages. He again readied his mental energies and began a subtal and untraceable, yet powerful onslaught on this enigmatic stranger.

Concentration Check: [roll0]
Gather Information Check: [roll1]
Knowledge Check: [roll2]
Sense Motive Check: [roll3]

2012-01-20, 03:50 PM
Only then does Quintus notice that under some snow and leaves, there is something metal. Further investigation sees it as a bear trap. You wouldn't want that chomping off a bit of your leg. There are most likely bear traps covered in the same manner throughout the woods toward the mountain. Did these bear traps have some purposeful meaning to trap bears... or something else? You head on ahead, cautious of any further bear traps, or anything else that might get in your way. You could also disarm and take any of the traps you find, considering it is mechanical and easily reset-able.

Make another Spot and Search Check.
The higher number will determine how many you find.

Oh goodie. So what. Have you wizards found what is sapping this magic?

2012-01-20, 04:18 PM
Sentry 112B4 found that he had been struck another, then followed Haldiers sword as it crushed another of his squad mates. It was time to call in some heavier units. The warforge scatter from Haldier keeping a distance just out of his reach.

Roll spot if wanted
Sentry 112B4 -68
Sentry 103B4 -49
Sentry 124B4 -
Sentry 168B4 – Deceased
Sentry 114B4 -66
Sentry 132B4 -Deceased
Sentry 172B4 – Deceased

Only recently has any one seen his face, and not many have heard him speak. From what u can tell, he just arrived a few minutes ago via TC. Alyassia has not seen them man before although he was rather polite with his order and seems like a good man. Tarallia’s descriptor tell that his eyes are green and hair black, he looks young, mid 20 in human years. His mind gives off the strangest sensation as you try to look through it. It’s a mess of all kinds of memories, most not even his!

“We have no idea that’s what we have meet here for. We cant seem to pinpoint the location of this phenomenon. But we do know it comes from south east of the city. How far and how away and where is still unknown.”

Qunitus delights in what he finds, and sets about to find as many as he should carry befor moving on

Search [roll0]
Disable [roll1]

2012-01-20, 04:28 PM
Haldier sees what they are doing, he then realizes that if he stays... he will die, so he uses the stance to take a movement back to the gnome...
what do we need...?

The ring...

right then

Quickly Haldier rips the finger off the gnome and makes a break for it. He activates Boots of big stepping (movement increased by 60 feet)

Haldier hastily looks for a way to escape so he can change form once more and survive.

2012-01-20, 04:30 PM
Seeing as he still has a few hours before there is anything else he must do, Zangretor mentally beckons to the man, via Tarallia, making it apear as if the telepathic communication was coming from her.

"Pardon an old one's curiosity, but we have little else to entertain us in our old age. You've quite a perplexing attic, and I must say I'm simply fascinated by it. Do tell me your story young one."

As she was relaying the message Tarallia, made her way over to hover lazily much where a person's head would have been if they were sitting across from the man.

2012-01-20, 04:47 PM
1:51 PM
Quintus seems to have won the lottery with how many he finds. He finds 22 bear traps, but only 18 have been disabled. Some of the mechanics were faulty, resulting in the joints breaking apart. Quintus takes what he needs and finally reaches the base on the mountain.

Take as many as you want. Disabled or broken. 5 lbs per trap. Careful for encumbrance. Make any checks if you wish.

12:10 PM
Well then. I might as well see if any officials over in the upper class district have any information. Good day, gentlemen...

Manti sets off toward a teleportation circle and finds himself in the more luxurious, and cooler, setting of the upper class environment.

Gather Info: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2012-01-20, 05:01 PM
As Haldier begins to run, he sees many warforge begin to appear on the building tops, armed with bows and wands. Just as he brings his head back down to street level, he sees a sword appear out of thin air. As a warforge brakes his invisibility and attacks

[roll0] vs FF
dmg [roll1]

The man looks up at the waitress with a rather confused look. But he soon realizes whats happening and looks about for the source. Spotting Zangretors crystal floating next to him, he smirks and looks back to Alyassia.

“Well it would seem that good fortune has finally smiled upon me for once. My name… that is the very reason I came here. For I do not know it, I have some idea of what it may be, but for now you can call me Alex. As for my condition… im sorry but who may I have the pleasure of addressing?”

It would seem that everyone is at a loss for what is happening. Even the strongest divination spells in the city can’t pinpoint what they’re looking for. In which case, this is no minor fluke. Someone or something is doing this on purpose. The high mages demand for a fix to the problem and are forming teams to go out and find it.

“Praise be to Moradin, who knows what fun gadgets I can make with these” Quintus happily takes 10 of the traps. Enough to make a weapon or two later, and he could always come back for the rest. Hey, if one the traps catch a bear, then he can have something to eat on the way back to the city.

2012-01-20, 05:06 PM
"Well, 'Alex', you may call me Teadracil, for now. What seams to be your dilema young one? Though as you can see there is little physically I am able to do, there are even more ways I may be able to aid you..."

2012-01-20, 05:32 PM
You finally reach a pale, dirt path. Most likely used by hikers. You probably could find that yellow glint if you followed the path. Maybe... There don't seem to be any signs nearby that indicate this being a known path.

Manti decides to follow some of the mages to wherever they may be heading.

If it's something big, then maybe I might learn something. Maybe get a coin or two out of it, Manti says to himself.

2012-01-20, 06:02 PM
Alex smiles and continues with his story

“Im quiet aware of the power u may hold Mr.Teadracil, you bare the markings of a dragonwrought, a rare breed you must be proud. Ahhh but yes my condition, you see rather recently I have gotten into a scrap with some mindflyers. While im happy to be alive, I lost much of my memory. I do believe I’m a manifester myself, since I was able to grab floating memories from one of the mindflyers and bring them into mine. As such I haven’t become a zombie or husk. However I would very much like my memories back, so I come here to find someone that can bring me the head of the one that took my mind. Im willing to pay very handsomely for whoever can.”

There is a rather large gathering of adventures, in the city square, about 40 to 60 of them, and all looking to get in on some of the coin that is being promised. Rather hefty sum of 15 thousand gold pieces to those who can fix the problem and prove it.

Looking at the dirt path he shrugs. He was rather sick of walking, and pulled forth one of his many wands and begins to cast.
Use magic divice [roll0] must beat DC 20.....lolz:smallbiggrin:

He soon starts to float off the ground, and begins to rise into the air. He begins to head straight for the glow he had seen before.

2012-01-20, 06:26 PM
Zangretor is mightily amused by his new friend gives forth a silent chuckle which carries into his thoughts. Alyassia, smiles at Zangretor's happiness and rolls here eyes as the old scaled beast fils her mind with childlike mirth.

Well, young friend, come closer. Here, let me see what you have inside your most interesting mind.

Zangretor motions for 'Alex' to join him in his booth while leading him over with Tarallia who drops into Zangretor's hand as her glow fades away.

He reaches out again to his dear Alyassia and asks if she would quickly clear his table.

Zangretor almost disappears into his hooded cloak as he draws himself in to a meditative pose. He summons all his mental energy and focuses on locking his mind deep inside, far out of any Ilithids' reach. Confident, yet still cautiously weary, he puts his scaled claws out and feels around until they come to rest on either of 'Alex's' temples.

He begins to reach into 'Alex's' willing and open mind to walk through the alleyways of his memories, searching for anything that may prove useful, or simply interesting...

Concentration Check: [roll0]
Gather Information Check: [roll1]
Sense Motive Check: [roll2]

2012-01-20, 06:36 PM
Quintus flies up and eventually reaches the spot where he remembered the yellow glint and... it's just a mountain side? There must be something wrong here...

Too many people here. Let's see if I can cut the number down a bit...

He walks over to a mage official.

Hello good sir. I'm here to help you a bit.

He edges a bit closer to the mage's ear.

There are 2 groups of "adventurers" that plan to worsen the situation. If given the chance, they will do something worse than to "fix" our problem.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2012-01-20, 06:42 PM
Haldier spins and narrowly dodges the blade by millimeters and notices the warforged all around him... His best bet is run faster and vanish into the crowd.

Uses Boots of big stepping once more

2012-01-20, 08:00 PM
The man speaks the truth from what Zangertor can tell. There are small fractions of his actuall memory strewn about his mind, the rest is a slopped to gather mess. He does have several new memories of after the event, they consist of him of him running about like a mad man who couldn’t understand what was happing. To him finally understanding and setting out to find some way to fix it. One memory stands out from all the rest though, and that’s of a Ilithi, it holds a strange scar across its face the resembles a well feathered arrow.

The warforge start to appear in greater numbers as Haldier sprints down the street. They almost seem to be letting him get away.

Roll sense motive

The man grins for a second. “Alright thank you sir, do you know who that might be?”

“Hmmm where did that light go…” Quintus starts to circle the moutian looking for a clue as what might have happened

search [roll0]

2012-01-20, 10:23 PM
Quintus circles the mountain, but he doesn't see anything else, other than a snowy mountain. Nothing seems to be different, and this is the spot where it did glint yellow. So what could be wrong?

Ah yes. Don't look, but there is a party of 7 on the far right of the square, and another party of 6 on the far left. It'd be recommended to escort them discreetly. We don't need any more panic in the city as it is.

2012-01-20, 10:49 PM
Haldier keeps sprinting away twisting and turning down the city streets...

Put on the ring....

Without question Haldier puts it on, however nothing happens.... he just feels dizzy and disoriented, however he keeps running... he notices that they are letting him go but he doesnt understand why...

Sense Motive [roll0]

2012-01-20, 11:05 PM
Haldier begins to notice that he is being moved out of the city slowly. The warforge seem to be funneling him to an exit. In fact just as he rounds the next bend he finds the edge of the city with the bridge across the water, and no guards along it.

The official snaps his fingers a few times, and a warforge sentry breaks its invisibility and steps to him. The man whispers something to it. The sentry steps back, nods, then disappears again. The man turns back to Manti.
“As for you, I’m sure there is a reason behind all of this. How exactly did you know that, and what do you want?”

Unable to figure out what the flash was, and realizing that the duration of his flight was ending soon. He touched down on the area where he first saw the light. Before looking around for the gold light, he first looked for a way off. He didn’t want to have to throw himself off the cliff face twice in one day.

search [roll0] (goggles back on)

2012-01-20, 11:21 PM
On searching, you find that there is a ledge right near the spot where the light was. There is a small foothold that is very flat and stable, and even hand grips seemingly carved into the wall near the spot. Obviously someone or something made this. You can latch onto the ledge, but you would be hugging the wall at this point.

Quite simple. I saw them nod at each other as I was approaching the square. I saw one of them mouth, "Remember the plan." As for me, I would not want anything out of this. I am but a model citizen. I would just like what's best for the city. I would do whatever it takes to aid my citizens in need. And so I just want to get down to the bottom of this, like the many other adventurers here.

Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2012-01-21, 03:12 PM
Haldier stops... turns around.. stares back at the Warforged and waves,
Yelling at the top of his lungs.

Bleh... those toy soldiers tasted horrible....

Haldier starts leaving the city across the bridge, he starts laughing and stares down at the ring now on his finger.

Well at least we stopped a catastrophe from happening

Your a strange one... your a demon but you dont want to destroy the world.. what sense does that make...

Why destroy it??? it would be boring if it was dead

Then how about ruling it..?
HAH that sounds like one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, havent you read any fairy tale, the demon takes over the world and the world throws heroes at him till he dies....ok sounds like fun.. I'll think about it...

heh heh heh...
By the way, why isnt this ring coming off... I've been trying for the past five minutes

He briefly sees a woman's face smiling at him inside of his mind, but he has more important things in hand such as running away from the city guard so he doesn't die a slow horrific death, so he puts it at the back of his mind as he continues to run across the bridge, he only notes the sound of Selph giggling in his mind... which is slightly creepy in its own manner.

2012-01-21, 06:26 PM
Sentry 112B4, was having his parts fixed when he recived a communication with his squad master.

“112-B4…. Has the demon crossed over the bridge yet?”

“Almost sir he will reach the other side within a few seconds….. Umm sir why did we let it escape?”

“Yours is not to question 112-B4. But if you must know, we aren’t letting it escape, a shadesteel has been sent to meet him on the way out. We didn’t want the fight to cause any more harm to the city and people. Of which, do the elf or gnome’s file say they have the money to pay for a resurrection?”

“No sir they don’t”

“Then remove them”

“….Yes sir”
Mean while a strange presence has Haldier on edge he feels like he is being watched.

Roll spot
Haldiers scale has changed
“ I thought money was the driving factor in this again, well we actually have already selected a team from them applicants shown, you may join them if you wish. Warn you though friend… This reward may not be worth what you put into it.”

If Manti decides to join he has 2 hours to ready himself and join the rest of the team at the dagger hilt south gate.

Quintus grabs the hand holds and begins to work his way around. The Ledge side, something telling him that there could be a hidden entrance nearby.
Search [roll0]

2012-01-21, 06:54 PM
Maintaining the connection, Zangretor begins to orchestrate the man's jumbled memories. He starts with now and works his way slowly back until the man is face to face with the Ilithid. Now, Zangretor, knows where they can find this beast. Hopefully this has restored some sanity to 'Alex's' broken mind.

Once he was satisfied with his information Zangretor, released the connection, withdrawing his mind from 'Alex's' and returning his scaled hands to his robe.

Exhausted from his mental exertion Zangretor was silent, barely giving any indication of life for several minutes. The pull of Alyassia's worried consciousness was the lonely thread with which he tied himself to reality and slowly and gently pulled himself back.

His eyes slowly opened and Tarallia hummed back to life, glowing her normal bright magenta.

Zangretor reached into his haversack and withdrew a glossed leaf of parchment and laid it on the table. He placed his scaled hands and as he smoothed it out the gloss began to darken and swirl into shapeless clouds at first, then lines and detail began to slowly form as the gloss gave way to ink. By the time the parchment was flat it was a fully animated map detailing every step of the way from the Spiral City to the Ilithid Dens.

Alyassia, used to Zangretor's arcane flourish, yet still utterly amazed at the grace with which he conjured such wondrous items, simply smiled and poured the two men a fresh glass.

Well, 'Alex', now we know where we need to go, thats the first step. Supplying our journey will be the next step, and Alyssia, the little darling can help us with that. She has quite a penchant for obtaining top quality rarities. The last step might be some what of a challenge; we don't want to do this alone. We will need a few as foolish as us to follow along. So what do you say young master 'Alex'?

And with that Zangretor lets out another silent laugh, and downs his glass.

2012-01-21, 06:57 PM
Haldier feels a chill go up his spine... he quickly looks around and prepares for combat... he pulls out Selph.


2012-01-23, 05:13 PM
2:02 PM
And indeed he does! On the inside of the handhold, there seems to be a button. Once pressed, a door built into the stone face of the cliff opens up. And what do you know? There is a path into this mountain! It seems to be a long path inside, but you do figure out the yellow glint. It was a lit torch just a few feet from the doorway.

12:32 PM
Do not worry. I don't know what I'm after either.

He gives a little chuckle, and nods at the mage official.

Good day, sir.

He heads to another portal and feels confident that he might get something out of this, whether it be money, an item or two, or something else of value.

12:35 PM

At this point, he has already stepped through a teleport circle and made it to the south gate, with more than enough time remaining.
4 hr 30 m remaining in disguise

2012-01-24, 12:39 AM
A sudden creek of steel, and a slashing of claws finds its way towards Haldier. As a shadsteel golem descends from on high.
Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Atk second [roll2]
Dmg [roll3]

All vs FF

Alex smiles a wide jolly grin.
“Fantastic I knew luck hadn’t completely given up on me. Tell me what is someone of your status doing in this city for so long any way? You know the waitress here very well so I can only assume you have been around for some time. Otherwise I’m ready and willing when you are.”
Alex takes out a bag of holding and reaches in, he then pulls out another smaller red bag and plops it on the table.

“I’m surprised you haven’t asked what the reward is, but this is for you to gather supplies and a team, it is not your money however. That will come after the job, and rest assured I will make it well worth your while regardless of how long this takes”

Inside the bag you will find several gems each worth several thousand gold, totaling to 10,000 GP

Several gruff looking men stand together just to the right of the closed gate, net to them a large mithril warforge leans against the wall, and on top it sits a quirky female gnome. Upon Manti’s arrival the gnome leaps of and goes to great you.

“You must be one of the men we are waiting for, you’re pretty early aren’t you? The team is not to meet for another hour or so."

Quintus grins widely.
“This is more like it….” He reaches up and pulls his goggles back down, he then reaches up tracing his fingers along the door way wall. Feeling every crack and lose pebble. Quintus breathed in strong and let out a long calm sigh. He smiled again, he was in his element. Quintus reaches up to grab the torch, but stopped just before touching it. He knew better than that, and began to check for any traps in the immediate area, including the torch its self.
Search [roll4]

2012-01-24, 01:38 AM
A Guildmage of the Thinning Veil, has many responsibilities which keep him in the Spiral City for a significant portion of the year. A majority of the remainder is taken up on special assignment from the Guild, Conclave or Regency. What little is left I reserve for personal whims and the like. However I can always find time for a good adventure. Especially to help someone in need. And always when there's something to be gained.

On that note, I do have someplace I need to be shortly. I'll see what I can arrange later today, so why don't you stop by the Guild, say around twilight? I'll leave word at the gate that I'm expecting company, they'll know who I am.

With that Zangretor pulls a scroll case out from his haversack and begins to roll up the map. He then slips both the case containing the map and the bag of gems into his haversack.

As he turns to leave and walks out the cafe, he reaches out to Alyassia again.

My dear, you know I do so love your company at the markets, would you do an old weary senseless man a kindness and accompany me this afternoon?

With that, Zangretor, exits the shop, un-furls his wings and with a mighty flap, speeds off back to the Guildhall guided once again by Tarallia flying in front of him. He twists and loops through the Guildhall's mighty spires, piercing through the countless wards and shields in place, and at last ducks through an open window in a recess of the central court. He touches down lightly, barely making a sound and furls his wings once again under his cloak, before taking out his walking stick again and shuffling off towards the meeting chambers.

He takes his place at the council meeting just moments before it begins, and looks over the agenda and reads that this meeting is in response to reports from Kryon's Keep, a sizable outpost for its location in the wastelands of the Western Winterlands on the Moon continent, that there has been a growing amount of concerning unusual activity near the sixth Hellsmouth.

The Watchers have convened a special assembly to hear the report from the representative from Kryon's Keep and determine what course of action should be taken, if any, and to assign an overseer to the task.

Zangretor, is hopeful that the Watchers at least dispatch a unit to conduct an investigation. It had been far too long since he last had a chance to visit an old friend of his out that way.

2012-01-24, 10:09 AM
No traps that could be seen or detected... Even the torch isn't a trap. It's just a simple torch just for lighting the way. The path inside is also lit with other torches that show the path into the mountain.

Is that so? I felt that I shouldn't be late. And I bet that if I were to come later, the party wouldn't be too fond of my near-being late.

He gives a little smirk and nod.

Nonetheless, you look to be quite capable.

He tries to gauge how strong or weak the current party members are in his head.

Gather Info: [roll0]
Knowledge (religion): [roll1]
Knowledge (local): [roll2]
Knowledge (nature): [roll3]

2012-01-24, 06:57 PM
Haldier skillfully dodges one attack and gets hit from only one, he then focuses his anger and counter attacks, then proceeds to preform another maneuver as well as a swing.

Preforms Kensai Power SurgeMust beat DC15 [roll0]

Performs White Raven Strike extra 4d6+ ignores DR

Counter Attack[roll1]

White Raven Strike[roll3]

Second Swing[roll5]

2012-01-26, 01:52 PM
(random roll to see the action of the council) [roll0]
1-10 They do nothing
11-30 They send a small team to investigate
31-70 They find that this matter needs more investigation and send a large team
71-90 As above but a council member will be sent along to determine the severity of the situation
91-100 They decide upon a outpost to be constructed and heavy investigation of the area, along with a council member leading the unit, until the situation improves

After the hearing is finished, Zangretor finds Alex and Alyassia standing just by the gate waiting for his appearance. Alex steps forward with a wave and speaks
“A member of the Thinning Veil, well it seems that my trust is very well placed. So tell me, what is your first move on my request? While I do intend to help when necessary, my current state deems that I must take a back seat on this excursion ”

The Dark metal construct finds no care for the thrashing it just received and emits a negative wave pulse, followed by a slash of its claws and a tactical retreat into the air.

Fort save DC 24 or lose 1 level
Atk [roll1]
Dmg [roll2]
Raises 30 feet into the air at a slight diagonal away

The 2 look very capable in their abilities. While the gnome is unknown to Manti, the Warforge is a well known bounty hunter in the city, and has crushed many a villain under his mechanical boot.

Meanwhile the group of mercenaries nearby seem to grow louder in their conversation.
The female gnome looks at them with a disgusted look before replying to Manti
“I think that group over there is some of our competition, and a rowdy bunch no less

Satisfied with himself Qunitus stretches his arms to the edges of the wall and yawns. He lets them drop and swing fir a bit before he pushes a button on the side of his armor, that produces what could be described as a cross bow quiver coming from a secret compartment in the plate. He reaches in and pulls forth a wand with a ruby tip and dragon head pattern down the side. He closes the compartment and proceeds down the stone hall with his left hand tracing the wall. His eyes darting to all sides, wary of any traps that lurk within.
Goggles still on
Search [roll3]
Disable device [roll4]

2012-01-26, 06:28 PM
Haldier takes the blow and prepares to resist the darkness from the aura.

AWWWWW such a cute puppy!!! can i keep him?!?


AWWWWW please??!?




Haldier watches the golem jump away....

He focuses his rage once again and then prepares to slam his blade down on it

Fort Save (1d20+9)[24]
Kensai Power Surge Dc 20 (1d20+17)[26]

Leap attack
Jump roll [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage (2d6+143)[154] (10+16+7)x4+5+6

2012-01-27, 01:13 PM
Haldiers swipe fell short of the Shadesteel golem. It begins to fly slightly higher in the air, out of jumping range and starts to circle above. It then begins to emit a strange noise.

[roll0] – rounds left till wave pulse recharge

2012-01-27, 04:08 PM
Haldier drops back down to the ground slams the ground creating a small crater. He then hears the strange noise, he decides it would be best to run away.

He's calling for a more puppies!!!

O to hell with this!!!

Haldier starts sprinting and darting through the trees in cover.

2012-01-28, 02:47 PM
Quintus is still very cautious, but there do not seem to be any traps in this hallway. The way in seems very clear of any traps.

I assume you have plans to stop them? Or do we have to manage with their loud banter?

2012-01-31, 10:18 AM
Belonging to the Guild provides one with many privileges, one of which I suggest we avail ourselves in preparation of our hunt.

With that the aged dragonwrought leads his companions off through the twisting arcanic hardscape towards the Archives, the largest repository of knowledge in all of Blackmore.

I have requested that an alcove be prepared for us, it should be ready by the time we arrive. One of the attendants will assist us in sorting out the usable information for our purposes from the many relavent tombs.

A few minutes later the trio arrives at a large dias at the bottom of a long ramp resembling a trough leading down from the Archives. Tarallia speaks a command word on Zangretor's behalf and the dias begins to hum and glow blue white. With that the dias zips off up the trough and windes its way through a network of similar trough like structures until coming to rest just outside an alcove.

"Welcome Councilor, the alcove is prepared as you requested, my name is Lorn, I have looked through many of the tomes already and I am sure I can assist you in finding the information you require."

The trio steps off the dias and approaches the old man who had addressed them.

Well, we better get started.

Gather Information Check: [roll0]
Knowledge: Local Check: [roll1]
Knowledge: The Planes Check: [roll2]
Knowledge: Psionics Check: [roll3]

2012-02-03, 09:04 PM
The noise being emitted from the golem begins to silence as Haldier escapes into the forest.
Haldiers scale has change

Quintus twiddles with the wand in his hand, reaching the edge of the tunnel he does a quick sweep of the area by circling his head.

“For now we just have to stomach there nonsense, one we are out of the city though…….. there free games”

The handeler has a pile of books and scrolls set across a table. Much is found upon the Mind falyer race.

“Horrible tentacle like creatures that feed off the brains of others, they wields a deadly combination of manifestation powers, and spells. Most commonly found upon the moon continent, they are to be avoided at all costs only those sure of there abilities should ever attempt confrontation as one.”

While reading you find many verities of the race, but the one that seems to fit the bill of your mark, is no other then a Ulitharid. A power full and deadly leader of the Mind flayer race

2012-02-04, 05:04 PM
Contented by the information they were able to gather for now, Zangretor lead the group out of the Archives towards the administrative end of the Guild campus. The Guild frequently provided assistance to those in need, many times this took on the form of contracts paid by private citizens, or orders from the Conclave or Regency. However, occasionally missions were taken up gratis either because whatever involved posed a threat to the Guild, the Spiral City or Blackmore itself, or for more sociopolitical reasons. As they made their way across the campus, Zangretor explained all of this to 'Alex' and informed him that they were headed to seek such assistance in their endeavor. When they arrived Zangretor checked with a secretary to see which guild members were available for assignment.

2012-02-04, 08:42 PM
The receptionist peeks over the side of the desk down towards Zangretor.

“Oh… good after noon councilor, what may I help you with today…..(Pauses to listen)… Well much of the guild is in town, so I’m sure we can find you a match”

She begins to search through some files before stopping and looking back down at the kobold, she chews her lip for a second then speaks

“Ummm sir, if you don’t mind me asking…. How dangerous might this excursion of yours be. I fear slightly for those who go with you, and I want to make sure that the ones who follow along are skilled enough”

2012-02-05, 01:17 AM
Haldier wanders for a while and leans up against a tree exhausted.

We should of kept the puppy....

Haldier simply sighs and feels his adrenaline leaving him.

Enough about the damned thing, I need rest leave me to my thoughts.

Well you could be more grateful... without me around your life would probably be dull and boring

An image of a woman pouting flashed into his mind, Haldier startled by it quickly shook his head and was rid of it as fast as it had come in, he then looked down at his hand at the ring that was the cause of the mess.
So.... What does it do...?

err....I don't remember

...wait....WHAT?!? you mean I killed 2 circus acts and destroyed a town's toy soldiers... for something that neither of us knows how to USE?!?

Haldier just hears laughter for a slight while in his head... Now being slightly creeped out he realizes that he isn't being told everything but at the moment he didn't really care, all he needed was some rest. He lulled himself into a trance as he recovered and experimented with past battles in his mind trying to learn if he could have done anything differently.

2012-02-05, 12:12 PM

End of story arc.

Exp gain- 800 ( For future notice, exp will be decided upon by current and up coming DM for the player)

DM rotation to Zanfire

2012-02-05, 12:53 PM

"Oh this young lad here...(gestures to 'Alex')...seems to have misplaced a few of his memories. You know how absent minded wyrmlings are these decades. Luckily for us though his friend...(imparts an image of the Ulitharid to the secretary)...was helpful enough to find them and hold on to them. So all we're really going to do is go retrieve the memories from his friend for him. It shouldn't be all the deadly now should it? A few scrolls of 'Mind Blank' & 'Endure Elements' and there won't be much to worry about at all.

Oh...we will require a manifester of sufficient skill to facilitate the transfer....and that damn sneaky bastard what's his name, helped out with 'deposing' that usurper in Priam, he'd be nice to bring along..................oh you know what...that squad I lead a few months back to turn back that 'Nightwalker' incursion over in Eadra...if they're around that'd be a nice place to start..."


Unbeknownst to the Cambion, distracted by his reflective trance, a surprisingly daring or more likely surprisingly foolish band of Gnolls had been intrigued by the commotion at the city limits and had set out to investigate. Unbeknownst to the blundering scouting party they were about to fall upon a resting Cambion....until one unlucky soul literally did....

Time has advanced to late twilight [7:15 pm]

2012-02-07, 08:41 PM
The receptionist begins to sort through some more files, stopping every so often to pull one out and place it on the desk in front of her.

“Is there a price range you are looking for sir? It would will help with the selection process”

2012-02-07, 09:25 PM
Haldier is completely startled by the creature, but he stares it down and was curious as to how the hell this thing ended up here.
Selph simply whispered in his ear I saw him coming but I thought it would be funny... it was.... kick its ass...

Haldier simply heard his stomach growl and his first sight after coming back from a trance was this....thing...?
If you beg for your life, you won't be my next meal

Places his hand on Selph

Intimidation roll [roll0]


2012-02-07, 10:46 PM

Zangretor retrieves a pouch from the folds of his robes and places it on the counter.

5.5K in jems


The Gnoll quivered and cowered, it's eyes filled with fear and pure terror as they looked up at the Cambion. It scrambled away, dropping his weapons in the process. It began barking in a shrill tone calling out for assistance from the hunting band. Five Gnolls jumped down the over hang, two dragged their fallen comrad back a safe distance while the remaining three took up a defensive arc with their shields raised. Another Scout still on the ridge let forth a guttural trumpet call, while the remaining Hunters readied Arrows and Crossbows aiming down at the Cambion.

Gnoll Scout A: Initiative: [roll0]

Gnoll Charger A: Initiative: [roll1]
Gnoll Charger B: Initiative: [roll2]

Gnoll Raider A: Initiative: [roll3]
Gnoll Raider B: Initiative: [roll4]
Gnoll Raider C: Initiative: [roll5]

Gnoll Scout B: Initiative: [roll6]

Gnoll Hunter A: Initiative: [roll7]
Gnoll Hunter B: Initiative: [roll8]
Gnoll Hunter C: Initiative: [roll9]

2012-02-07, 10:56 PM
Haldier smiles as he looks up and notices all the little beasts, he then goes into a defensive stance.

Oooo fun fun, you should invite more people to play.

Prepares Thick of Blades Stance

2012-02-07, 11:40 PM
The fallen Gnoll rises to its feet and looses an axe at the crouched Cambion while the Scout on the ridge replaces his trumpet before letting fly a second axe, a Hunter adds a bolt to the mix, followed swiftly by a second Hunter's arrow. Not to be out done, a Raider maneuvers behind the Cambion and swings away with his axe.

Gnoll Scout A: Attack: [roll0]
Gnoll Scout A: Damage: [roll1]

Gnoll Raider C: Attack: [roll2]
Gnoll Raider C: Damage: [roll3]

Gnoll Scout B: Attack: [roll4]
Gnoll Scout B: Damage: [roll5]

Gnoll Hunter A: Attack: [roll6]
Gnoll Hunter A: Damage: [roll7]

Gnoll Hunter C: Attack: [roll8]
Gnoll Hunter C: Damage: [roll9]

2012-02-07, 11:55 PM
Haldier feels the arrow drag across his flesh but does not register the damage immediately.

Hp 140/140
Soak 9/30

He then twists immediately delivering a swing to the raider, bringing a second swing down on him and then finally bringing a third swing down on the poor soul.

Intimidation roll [roll0]

Thicket of Blades [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

First Swing [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Second Swing [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

2012-02-08, 11:46 AM

The Cambion's flurry of attacks tears into the Gnoll's flesh, blood running freely from his wounds, he stumbles, shaken from the wounds, but still standing.

Another Raider, angered by the site of his packmate's spilled blood dashes into the fray, sidestepping the brute and coming up from behind in a flanking position to strike his revenge. A third Hunter up on the ridge releases an arrow at the Cambion's head. The two Charger's fly into a wild rage and run headlong into the fray, swinging wildly with their Greataxes.

Gnoll Raider B: Attack: [roll0]
Gnoll Raider B: Damage: [roll1]

Gnoll Hunter B: Attack: [roll2]
Gnoll Hunter B: Damage: [roll3]

Gnoll Charger A: 1st Attack: [roll4]
Gnoll Charger A: 2nd Attack: [roll5]
Gnoll Charger A: Damage 1: [roll6]
Gnoll Charger A: Damage 2: [roll7]

Gnoll Charger B: 1st Attack: [roll8]
Gnoll Charger B: 2nd Attack: [roll9]
Gnoll Charger B: Damage 1: [roll10]
Gnoll Charger B: Damage 2: [roll11]

Another two members of the hunting party drop down off the ridge to pull their injured ally back out of the Cambion's range, while three more step up to the edge holding back a pack of snarling hyenas chomping at the bit to taste Cambion flesh.

Made a mistake when calculating damage for the chargers its supposed to be +14 not +10.

2012-02-08, 10:45 PM
Haldier feels the greataxe scrap across him and focuses his rage then counter attacks the fool, brings his blade back down on the bleeding raider, and then comes around and his the charger again.

Current Hp 131/140
Soak 15/30

Kensai Power Surge Must beat a concentration DC of 15 to gain + 8 strength
Concentration roll (1d20+17)[21]

Counter Attack On Gnoll charger B (1d20+28)[39]
Damage (2d6+36)[43]

Swing on Charger A (1d20+28)[48]
Damage (2d6+36)[48]

Final Swing on Gnoll Charger B (1d20+22)[35]
Damage (2d6+36)[47]

Locking in Critical [roll0]


2012-02-09, 04:14 PM

Gnoll Charger A: Dead
Gnoll Charger B: Dead

Gnoll Raider C: Damage: 82

Gnoll Scout A: Initiative: [roll0]
Gnoll Scout B: Initiative: [roll1]

Gnoll Raider A: Initiative: [roll2]
Gnoll Raider B: Initiative: [roll3]
Gnoll Raider C: Initiative: [roll4]

Gnoll Hunter A: Initiative: [roll5]
Gnoll Hunter B: Initiative: [roll6]
Gnoll Hunter C: Initiative: [roll7]

Flind Charger A: Initiative: [roll8]
Flind Charger B: Initiative: [roll9]

Flind Packmaster A: Initiative: [roll10]
Flind Packmaster B: Initiative: [roll11]
Flind Packmaster C: Initiative: [roll12]

Hyena A: Initiative: [roll13]
Hyena B: Initiative: [roll14]
Hyena C: Initiative: [roll15]
Hyena D: Initiative: [roll16]
Hyena E: Initiative: [roll17]
Hyena F: Initiative: [roll18]
Hyena G: Initiative: [roll19]
Hyena H: Initiative: [roll20]
Hyena I: Initiative: [roll21]
Hyena J: Initiative: [roll22]
Hyena K: Initiative: [roll23]
Hyena L: Initiative: [roll24]

2012-02-09, 07:24 PM
Haldier feels the life flow from the slain gnolls back into him, and then turns to see the horde gathering and yells at the top of his lungs toward them.

Come Fools I'm starving and it looks like I'm eating meat tonight!

Selph seems to be giggling and humming in the back of Haldier's mind.

(recovers 12 hp)

Current Hp 128/140
Soak 0/30

Prepares Thicket of blades stance

Intiative [roll0]

2012-02-09, 11:04 PM

After dragging their subordinate back to safety the two Chargers let forth a primal scream which quickly becomes a deep roar which echoes off the ravine walls as their fur grows long and deepens to a rusty brown and they nearly double in size as they begin to charge towards the Cambion, as one of the Hunters up on the ridge fires off another arrow.

Flind Charger A: Attack: [roll0]
Flind Charger A: Damage: [roll1]

Flind Charger B: Attack: [roll2]
Flind Charger B: Damage: [roll3]

Gnoll Hunter B: Attack: [roll4]
Gnoll Hunter B: Damage: [roll5]

Make a listen check.

2012-02-13, 11:34 AM

The receptionist counts out the gems before taking and storing the bag. She begins to sift through the papers on the desk once more, stopping every so often to tap one of the files. Each time they would glow lightly with a red hue before fading away.
When she finally finished, a list magically materializes out of the air. It floats down to Zangretors eye level (not that it would matter). If he could read, it would say

Guild Work Response
James Count – Team of 1 (5th lvl Cleric)
Bite Fang – Team of 2 (3rd lvl Druid, 2nd lvl Bard)
Member team 59 – Team of 4 (2nd lvl Sorcerer, 2nd lvl Sorcerer, 3rd lvl Paladin, 2nd lvl Ranger)
Member Team 38 – Team of 2 (4th lvl Wizard, 2nd lvl Wilder)
Kidna Pyrei – Team of 1 (6th lvl ranger)

2012-02-14, 04:36 PM

Tarallia floats over to examine the list and relays the information to Zangretor. He strokes his chin thoughtfully as he peruses the list. The old wyrm reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small basin, a vial and a stick of incense. Zangretor sets himself on the floor and places the items out before him. Picking up the vial he flicks off the stopper and pours some of the contents into the basin creating a small pool of the liquid. He then snaps his fingers and produces a small flame with which to light the incense. His preparations complete, Zangretor reaches out with his thoughts to commune with the Outer Planes. Once a deity answers his call, Zangretor asks his questions…

Would James Count, aid in the retrieval of 'Alex's' memories from the Ulithrid more than Bite Fang, Team 59, Team 38 or Kidna Pyrei?

Would Bite Fang, aid in the retrieval of 'Alex's' memories from the Ulithrid more than James Count, Team 59, Team 38 or Kidna Pyrei?

Would Team 59, aid in the retrieval of 'Alex's' memories from the Ulithrid more than Bite Fang, James Count, Team 38 or Kidna Pyrei?

Would Team 38, aid in the retrieval of 'Alex's' memories from the Ulithrid more than Bite Fang, Team 59, James Count or Kidna Pyrei?

Would Kidna Pyrei, aid in the retrieval of 'Alex's' memories from the Ulithrid more than Bite Fang, Team 59, Team 38 or James Count?

Has the Ulithrid moved far from the area when it removed 'Alex's' memories?

Is the Ulithrid expecting 'Alex' to return for his memories?

Will it take longer than twenty four hours to retrieve 'Alex's' memories from the Ulithrid?

Does the Ulithrid possess a significant dominated guard?

2012-02-14, 09:59 PM
Blackened blood gushed from the Cambion, Haldier could ignore some of the damage, however he couldnt avoid most of it... he screamed at the top of his lungs and retaliated.

Current Hp: 58/140
Soak 30/30

Counter Attack against Charger B [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Listen check (1d20+1) [20]

2012-02-17, 12:12 AM
A voice echoes back into Zangretors mind

“Kidna Pyrei knows more than you think. Her insight may be of use in the future.
The Ulithrid has moved very far from where it once stayed, but fear not, it knows nothing of Alexs return and holds no dominated guards but it will take far past a day’s work to retrieve such a thing.”

2012-02-17, 02:23 AM
On a sweep of the place, Quintus finds a small, circular room, enough to house a person or two. There is a an empty cauldron on an unlit fireplace in the center of the room. There is an altar with various materials for making potions, items, and other sorts on it. The roof is dome-shaped, but no skylight can be seen. The room is lit with various magical torches. There is also a simple straw bed in one side of the room.

Well then. What are we waiting for? We should head out and get this job done.

2012-02-17, 11:27 AM

The Gnome gives a Manti a face “We can’t, where waiting for the other two members. They are probably off gathering supplies for the trip, since it is going to be a day or two of travel. Feel free to go look for them though. There a human and day elf, rather theatrical pair, can’t miss them.”
She then gestures at the market nearby.


Quintus stretches himself out again, letting his arms touch the ceiling and walls before droping them back to his sides. He strolls up to the altar, and begins to inspect the materials laid out. He has no intention of taking someone else’s components, but finds delight in knowing what they may be doing.

Taking 10 for all related rolls
Knowledge arcane: 28
Appraise: 28
Craft: 28
Use magical device: 27

2012-02-20, 03:17 PM

Zangretor opens his eyes and rests a moment on the cold floor. He looks to his dear friend Alyassia who helps him to his feet and to collect his spell components laid out on the floor. Reaching out to the secretary he instructs the guild member to notify Kidna Pyrei, to make contact at her earliest convince before the day is out.

Zangretor reaches into his cloak again, this time producing another bag of gems and a scroll listing the items he wishes for Alyassia to procure for their journey, as he hands them to her with a smile he tells her to meet up with him at the Griffen's Roost once she has all they need.

List of Items:

Scroll of Teleportation Circle
Scroll of Mind Blank
Scroll of Charm Monster
Wand of Fell Draining Acid Dart
Wand of Fell Weakening Acid Dart


The stones at Haldier's feet begin to begin to tremble and the tree begins to shake. The pack surrounding him begins to chuckle ominously as a sadistic gleam enters all their eyes. Haldier hears the wet crunching of entire tree trunks shaping under a massive weight as some unseen foe hurls itself at breakneck speed through the forrest towards the clearing.

The Packmasters release the hyenas and crack their whips at the beasts' backs sending flecks of wet blacked blood spraying into the air. The beasts, fleeing from their masters' sadistic wrath and eager to feed their own blood lust leap into the fray. They are no wild animals, but trained hunters who know this game well. They run towards the edge of the clearing snarling and shaping at one another's fur as they go. Once they reach the tree line they snap their heads back around contorting their bodies and digging into the dirt to reverse their momentum. Having stopped they fan out forming a living ring of wet gnashing fangs and muscle trembling with anticipation.

The Gnolls on the ground fall back a step, sheathing their axes and reading crude pole arms forming a cage of spear heads around the Cambion and the two shifted Flinds. The Packmasters on the ridge ready guisarmes of their own and drop down to reinforce the Cambion's cage. The remaining Gnolls left up on the ridge ready new bolts and notch fresh arrows, drawing a bead on the caged in Cambion.

2012-02-25, 06:50 PM
Alyassia takes the bag and scroll with a smile and heads off. The secretary picks up a Kidna’s file and traces the front of it. It glows blue for a second, then suddenly turns green. The secretary looks down at Zangretor. "Sir, it seems she is ready whenever you are, and asks where you would like to meet”

2012-02-25, 09:32 PM
Have her meet us at the 'Griffen's Roost'

With that Zangretor heads off down the winding passageway and exits the guild to head off to the tavern with 'Alex' in tow.

2012-03-04, 04:07 PM
Haldier stares down the flinds, he knows who his blade will feed on first...
His jolly sense of humor was now gone and he moved forward with merciless eyes.
It's time to feed Selph...
Current Hp 58/140
Soak 30/30
He side steps and immediately swipes at the injured flind... he then focuses his strength on the second one not giving it a chance to retaliate, then brings the blade down atop the fool again.
Preforms White Raven strike 4d6 and leaves opponent flat footed.

First Swing Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

White Raven Strike [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Final Swing [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2012-03-06, 04:24 PM
After a hour or two of waiting Alyassia shows up wearing leather amour and carrying a pack with all the requested items and a few things of her own. It would seem she has every intention to go with the party. A few more minutes pass before Kidna appears. She is a long slender Xeph with black braided hair and a black serpentine pattern that weaves down her left check. She stands at 4’5 inches with heels. A dark red bow is slung over her shoulder and blue fletched arrows hang from a quiver at her side held fast by a belt that links her elven chain armor together. Her black eyes dart from side to side seeking out the one who employed her. Seeing Zangretor she walks over and greets him.

“Good afternoon councilor I am Kidna Pyrei and I will be joining you on your hunt today”

DM change to Toxcydia due to time problems with Darkwolf1

2012-03-07, 03:03 PM
Two large candles marked the far corners of the alter. Sprawled across the surface were a multitude of dirty empty jars and flasks. A pile of wrinkled papers were scatter about with what looked like some sort of ancient scribbles.

Make a search check.

2012-03-07, 03:40 PM
Quintus takes one of the crumpled papers and smoothes it out. He begins to trace his fingers over the ruins and symbols. He stops for a second with a funny face, and then decides it might be best to look around just one more time.
Knowledge Arcane: [roll0] to understand writing
Artificer knowledge to see if its magically in tuned (auto class feature)

Search: [roll1]

2012-03-07, 05:37 PM

With their little party gathered around the table, Zangretor reaches out telepathically to each of them, weaving a web of mental energy to connect all their surface thoughts, allowing them to communicate privately with one another, without invading their personal privacy. Once the connection is established, Zangtretor welcomes them all and makes informal introductions, before asking 'Alex' to relay his sad story again so everyone would know first hand what they were getting themselves into. Zangretor, gave them all a few moments to digest what they had just heard before addressing Kinda.

"Well my dear, now that you know what you've gotten yourself into, do you have any questions or have any insight to offer us on the situation? Why don't you tell us a little about yourself too if you wouldn't mind, if time permits I make it a point to be familiar with those I work with. If it's not too forward of me, I'd also like to take a little peak inside your thoughts if it wouldn't be too much trouble? I must say I'm curious as to why the Outer Planes recommended you so highly over the others"

At this point Zangretor, commands the tavern rat to bring another round of ale and roast over.

Some point during the conversation Zangretor, beckoned Alyassia over to his side and thanked her in quiet admiration for procuring the supplies he had asked of her before stowing them in his haversack.


Both grizzly Flinds slump to the ground under Haldier's blows and revert back to their natural form. Their fur matted and slick with their own blood running freely from sizable wounds.

With a last resounding crunch and a primal roar the beast breaks into the clearing and launches itself into the air towards Haldier. The monstrosity latches on to the tree and swings itself towards the Cambion, hoping to connect with him squarely in the chest, while bringing the tree down on top of him.

Make a Reflex Save…

2012-03-07, 06:24 PM
After examining the parchment Quintus concluded that it was some sort of formula or recipe, though he could not make out most of the chicken scratch. Putting the paper aside, he decide that it may benefit him to take a second look around. On the right side of the room there was the straw bed pushed up against the wall with stacks of books laying on the floor at the foot end. To the left there hung a massive tapestry. The vivid colors depicted a dragon made of pure crystal emerging from a flash of light. in the center of the dragon's chest sat a a blue gem of some kind.

Upon looking up, Quintus noticed something particularly odd about the domed ceiling. The ceiling was black as night with hundreds upon thousands of stars dotting the surface. The stars glinted and shimmered so realistically that Quintus almost forgot that he was inside a cliff face. At the zenith of the dome sat what looked like to be the sun. It gave of a warm but intense glow. Scattered amongst the stars were small planets surrounded by moons, all of which seemed to be moving slowly around the sun.

After staring at the ceiling for a moment Quintus glances downward. The fireplace looked as if it had only gone out within the last few hours. Beneath the fireplace the floor was clad with very large tiles that radiate out from the circular stone slab at the center. At that moment Quintus noticed small pool of blood directly in front of him. The blood drops seem to make a path from the small pool towards the tiles around the fireplace.

2012-03-07, 11:46 PM
Selph absorbs the souls of the fallen sending energy back into Haldier, shortly after he heard the tree coming toward him and quickly attempted to dodge.

Heals 12 hp from slain foes.

Haldier uses kensai power of Withstand (Concentration in place of reflex)
Current Hp 40/140
Soak 0/30

Reflex Save [roll0]

2012-03-08, 11:43 AM
Kidna sits back in the chair arms folded and eyes closed, she is silent for a long while, but finally she speaks.

“Any Ulithrid is a very dangerous foe, especially since it normally holds many a body guard to protect it. However if what Alex said is true, then it must not have many minions left. For they dislike to get their hands dirty and prefer others do the work for them, if Alex fought it directly, then it had no other options open to it.
What confuses me is that Ulithrids are very rarely seen away from the mother brain, why would this one be on its own. If we are lucky… it means that it is an outcast for some form or reason. So it will not be obtaining any reinforcements any time soon.
Now as for why I’m so recommended, it could be that I have hunted illithid for my entire life, it’s been my family’s profession for many a generation.”

Quintus begins to circle the room debating with himself, after a brief moment he lets out a sigh and mutters under his breath “Curse my nature” He reaches over his back and pulls forth his great sword. He places it point down and lets go, amazingly it stands in place as Quintus takes out a vial of some odd smelling liquid. He takes a dab of it a rubs it into his hands, before clapping his hands together. What could be described as little arcs of lightning spring forth from his fingertips and cover the sword in front of him. The entire process does not take long and the weapon begins glow a feint white. Once finished Quintus picks up the sword once more, almost immediately his body seems to jitter, as if all muscle movement no matter how small are amplified in speed.
He then goes about the room, first examining the tapestry, then the magic of the ceiling, and then of course he searches the area of blood looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Casts Weapon augmentation lvl 4 - places "Speed" ability and a +3 enchant on sword

Knowledge Arcane on tapestry to see if any depictions look familiar [roll0]
Artificer knowledge and Knowledge the Planes on ceiling [roll1]
Search [roll2]

2012-03-08, 04:36 PM

Well, why don't we see if we can't confirm that this Ulithid is alone. The spell will take me some time to prepare. I'll leave word with the guards to escort you to my chambers, or if you wish, you man accompany me now, if not, be in my quarters in exactly one and a half hours.

Leading himself back to the Guildhalls with Tarallia, Zangretor takes to the air once again after clearing the throng of the market place and soars towards the spiraling towers overshadowing the Spiral City. Just as he alights and furls his leathery wings beneath his cloak, Janndatiss, his Janni familiar, made contact. Janndatiss, had finished his dealings with the Efritti, and would be returning to the Prime Material Plane soon, and would be by Zangretor's, side within the hour. The wyrm shed his cloak and heave robe, donning a thin spartan robe over his tunic and set to scurrying around the room preparing for the spell.

One and a half hours later on the dot the companions sat gathered around a large gold saucer, inlaid with ornate runic carvings, five feet in diameter, filled to the brim with perfectly sill crystal clear holy water. Zangretor, sat with Janndatiss at his right and Alyassia at his left, 'Alex' was on her other side beside the Xeph. Tarallia, held herself stationary above the center of the pool at eye lever with her master.

The spell complete, Zangtretor reaches forth with his minds eye to locate the Ulithrid as a series of slow ripples begin to emanate from the center of the saucer, leaving the surface of the water undisturbed by their passage without spilling a drop from the bowl......slowly an image begins to form...

DC to beat: 19


Haldier's fighting instinct kicks in just in time and he manages to sidestep the beast and roll out of the way of the crashing tree. He looks up to find himself face to waist with a sickly moss green troll.

Haldier may act now, but is flatfooted for the next round, and is denied his dexterity bonus.

2012-03-08, 11:01 PM
Haldier looks up to see a big... thing?... looking down at him.
This is not my day...

ITS SOOO CUTE....kill it...

Current Hp 40/140
Soak 0/30
Turns till Power Surge ends: 2
Turns till Withstand is usable again: 3

Haldier quickly puts a foot on the beast and lifts himself off the ground and strikes towards it's face.

Jump Roll: [roll0]

Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll [roll2]
(leap attack) (16+10+5)(4)

2012-03-08, 11:19 PM
Upon closer inspection of the tapestry Quintus notices five figures in white robes standing in front of the crystal dragon. By the size of the dragon on can only guess that it was a great wyrm. At first its scales appeared white but with any slight change in visual angle they scales would shimmer in a spectrum of colors.

Looking up at the ceiling once more, Quintus realizes that one of the planets does in fact have nine moons. Along the edge, the dome was lined with a gold molding. The molding had many tiny equally spaced tick markings on it. One of the markings, however, was much larger than the others. It glowed with a faint white light and had a worn rune etched next to it. The rune looked as if it was to represent a number though what number exactly Quintus could not make out.

Quintus then proceeded to examine the blood on the ground. It was fresh, less than a day old. The trail moved towards the fireplace. Along the rim of the cauldron a bloody hand print could be seen as if whomever was injured had used the cauldron to hold them self up.
Make a listen check.

2012-03-15, 04:56 PM
There is a faint mist that fills the room briefly for a second, but almost immediately it disappears in to the air. Zangretor is left with nothing, save a location. A lone boulder stands tall next to a grayed withered tree, the landscape is barren and life less, not an ounce of sun touches the cold blackened ground. In the far distance a city can be seen, a name pops into the kolbalds head “Deadfair”. Then everything returns to the blackness of his eyes.
Alex leans closer with a worried look on his face.
“Are you ok? You seem very tense, did the spell work?”

Quintus dips his marble fingers into the puddle of blood on the ground, he feels a uneasiness start to creep up his spine…… As he examines the blood on his fingers, he realizes the horrible truth….. HE LEFT THE FURNACE ON BACK HOME!!!!! Oh how terribly unhappy Moradin will be with him.
Listen check [roll0]

2012-03-17, 02:22 PM

The weakened old wyrm falls to Alyassia for support. He closes his scaled lids and a silent gasp escapes his dry scaly lips as he slips into a recuperative state of reduced consciousness. Jandaatis, having witnessed all his master had experienced via their bond turned to 'Alex' and Kinda and asked if the word "Deadfair" held any meaning to either of them. The Janni stands and aids the fey touched elf to lay his master to rest in bed. He the turns to the other two companions and bids them to find all the information they may concerning this new piece of information. He walks them to the door exiting Zangretor's chambers and passes them a token bearing his master's emblem to allow them access to the guild's records should they need to. The familiar then leaves his master in Alayassia's care and departs to bring back a draught and a meal for Zangretor. He returns later with the other's in tow.

Time is now 8 pm


The troll looks down at the cambion with his laughing eyes as the demonspawn lunges into the air, and raises its sword to strike at his face. Haldier's blade comes screaming down upon the troll's skull with a fiendish bloodlust. Haldier catches a glint of mirth in the eyes of the beast and a slight smirk roll across its fleshy lips as a blur swirls his vision for a fraction of a second. In an instant the troll snapped his forelimb up stoping the blade in its tracks and trapped it between the back of his wrist and his twisted claws. A resounding sloppy wet smack and a sick dripping crunch fill the small ravine with their echoes as Haldier feels the force of the blow reverberate throughout his very bones as he rattles in his armor. He feels as though time has stopped for him and everything else is moving in slow motion. Thick muddy blood begins to spew forth from the beast's wound and rains down on the demonspawn covering him in a thick slimy coat of the foul smelling sludge. Again he whiteness a flash of glee sweep across the face of the troll in the few seconds he hung there suspended in mid air before the troll let forth another primal roar which shook the leaves off the trees and the beast flung him like so many sacks of flour imbedding him into the far wall of the cliff face. The last thing Haldier heard before it all went black was the boiling laughter of the Gnoll band and their Flind commanders and the harsh guttural voice of the Troll…"WE'VE FOUND ONE AT LAST; THIS ONE WILL DO WELL, VERY WELL"…

When Haldier awoke he found himself an intriguing combination of sore through to his bones and numb throughout his flesh. He tried to flex his sinewy muscles only to discover he was tightly bound with foul smelling fleshy bindings, or was that still just the blood of that monstrous troll, nope, it was definitely bindings as he could taste the putrid rope gaging him pressed against his tongue. He couldn't tell however, if he was blindfolded or not, but either way the pervading darkness was far too heavy to discern any information concerning his surroundings. After a few moments had passed he could hear the soft crackling of a small nearby fire and tried to roll towards the flames. As he did he heard a gruff vocalization similar to the last voice he had heard…"Well have you finally decided that you're going to keep on living? Or have you decided to just keel over and cook yourself for my breakfast?"…

Time is now 3 hours until sunrise the next morning

2012-03-24, 03:20 PM
Haldier started to gag, the taste was unbearable, then he heard an annoying giggling familiar voice.
You looked like a clubbed seal, so cute.

Irritated and aching all all over Haldier stops, and tries to speak despite his best efforts, but mentally saying.
DAMN IT WOMAN!! This is no time for games, AND WHAT THE HELL IS A SEAL!?

What was that, I couldnt hear you... it sounded like mmph bargle arrb

Selph was now histarically laughing, the image of a female on her knees crying from laughing too hard flashed through his mind. It was a small creature, probably a human, with chestnut hair and green eyes staring at him. The image left as quickly as it came, but the laughing still lingered, then Haldier remembered the big thing talking to him about food or something or other. He tried his best to sit up, failing a few times but he somehow managed to get into a position where he was sitting on his knees sitting on his legs facing the warmth of the fire. He turned his head to the direction of the voice and tried to speak.
Mind you what he really wanted to say was,
I have no wish to die in a musty swamp like this, and I will not fall without a fight, If you have a proposal then I'll oblige but if you try to eat me I will rip you open from the inside.
Unfortunately, it sounded like more muffled gargling, plus the taste of the rope didnt help, it made the poor cambion gag a few times. Because of this, Selph was laughing harder and mimicking the gargled gagging sounds which caused Haldier more grief. Unfortunately he had no time to yell at his companion because he realized his life was in complete danger in this situation so he waiting, testing the bindings and listening.

He started to focus energy trying to gain strength

Kensai power surge (must beat 25)
Concentration check [roll0]
Strength Check[roll1]
Listen Check[roll2]

2012-04-06, 09:24 PM
Quintus hears a very faint echo of blood dripping down onto a solid surface directly below him as it slips through the seams between the stone tiles.

2012-04-07, 10:16 AM
Quintus pushes the burning furnace out of his mind, he had slightly more interesting matters to attend to. Examining the blood once more he tried to determine what animal or being it could belong to although he highly doubted he knew. After which he pulled a small knife from his hidden pocket, searching the seam he wedged it in a proceeded to pry the area open. Searching once again for anything that might help him finish the task.

knowledge nature
[roll1] search
[roll] d20+4 Strength for trap door

Upon everyone’s return Alex decideds to share the good news. “We found out what Deadfair means, it’s a city within the moon continent. Lucky us that our city is already beginning to move in that direction, so the TC’s have already been reassigned to those cities. We will have a few days to prepare if need be, but I am quiet anxious to get going.” He pauses for a minute looking around, biting the back of his finger nail in thought. “Although we also found out that the city is ruled by a necromancer’s guild, while there are laws there, I wouldn’t really want to stick around long enough to learn them.”

2012-04-07, 10:17 AM

re for strength [roll0]

2012-04-07, 02:54 PM
After further examining the blood, Quintus concluded that it was that of a normal creature and more than likely, a human's.

Quintus' attempt to pry the stone tile open was met with surprising resistance. As he tried to wedge his knife between the stone tiles the seam began to glow with a faint red and he felt an unusual amount of force pushing his blade away. Unsure of how to proceed, Quintus returned to examine the bloody hand print on the cauldron. Looking carefully at the rim of the cauldron where the hand print resided he was able to make out a small cluster of runes that read:
"Provider, Devourer,
A double-edged blade,
Man he has tamed her,
Accepting this trade.

Ravenously hungry,
Must all the time feed,
Yet drink she must not,
This can kill her indeed.

Into the hidden darkness she will guide you."

2012-04-12, 11:09 AM
Quintus Stands up and frowns at the writing, he circles the cauldron twice in thought before stopping and exchanging his green wand for a red one with a ruby tip. He circles it in the air once as a spark jumps forth lighting a fire both in and under the pot. He then takes a step back to watch what happens.

2012-04-14, 04:34 PM
After taking a step back, Quintus watched as the fire under the cauldron roared to life, changing color from red to purple and then back again. The tiles around the cauldron glowed with the same faint red light and then faded back to normal. Immediately after, the floor began to tremble. The stone tile to the left of Quintus slowly began to descend, followed by the stone tile to its left. In a clockwise motion the stone tiles around the cauldron all began to descent, creating a spiraling stairway. Further down Quintus could see additional tile steps emerging from the rock wall of the stairwell. The passage descended out of his line of sight into pitch black darkness. The smell of burnt flesh rose from the depths.

2012-04-14, 05:22 PM

After being tended to by Alassia's delicate and gentle hands, and devouring the meal Jandaatis had laid out before him, Zangretor's strength was quickly returning. Zangretor slowly digested his meal and the new information 'Alex' and Kidna had uncovered. A sly grin creeped a crosses his fanged maw, and his dead eyes almost glinted with mischievousness. The wyrm, grabbed Tarallia out of the air and clutched the gem between his talons. His brow furrowed in concentration and she began to pulsate with a soft blue light as he relayed to her a set of commands. As soon as he released Tarallia from his grasp she zipped off out the door and Zangretor addressed the others.

"A contingent is being sent by the council to investigate reports coming in from the moon continent. Tarallia has just gone to make arrangements for their departure to be moved up to dawn. While they will be caring out their investigation they will requisition a facility to coordinate matters. Tarallia will insure that the facility will be in "Deadfair". We will leave with them at first light and make use of their requisitions as we carry out our search for the Ulithid."

"I suggest you all get a good nights rest. Jandaatis, will show you to accommodations near by. You'll be woken up to a hot breakfast two hours prior to our scheduled departure."

With that Jandaatis rises to follow his master's commands. Zangretor waits for the sound of his heavy door to close behind them before he settles himself down for the night and drifts off to sleep.


The troll reaches over and grabs Haldier buy the back of his bindings and lifts him over the flames and drops him down on the hard stone next to him. The troll then slides the cold steel of a small blade against the side of the cambion's face and yanks back, drawing a line of slick blood and severing the gag and blindfold. Haldier's head is still spinning and his vision is somewhat blurry, and he is unable to immediately make out much of his surrounding beyond that he was alone with the troll in front of a fire in some sort of cave.

Again the Troll lifts him up, this time setting him against a wall to lean his back against.

"My name is "Erch`kose". You, Cambion have two choices." He spat out with noticeable distain. "Under this mountain and the surrounding forrest, until very recently was my dominion. My clan roamed this region plundering and the coin, blood and meat, flowed well. Then that wretch came. The vile abomination is little more than half rotting flesh stretched too this over protruding bones. Yet somehow, he and his soulless minions decimated half my ranks and have enslaved the rest. Most of us are powerless to resist his will and are compelled against our will to follow the commands of his voice screaming in our minds. A small few, myself and the band which surrounded you in the forrest have been able to resist his magic, but only to a degree. The deeper in the caves we are, the less we can control, and try as we might, we are unable to raise even a stone against him."

"Your choices are this, you slay this bastard, or I lay you at his feet! I'm sure he would make a fine pet out of you. What do you say?"

2012-04-18, 05:49 PM
Well it doesn't look like I have much of a choice... So, what is this... "thing" you speak of and how do I kill it?

I'mmm hunnnngrrry...

Haldier looked glanced around the surroundings for anything suspicious... It was strange for creatures to try and kill people then ask for their help.

2012-04-18, 07:01 PM

"I know not what manar of vile wretch this creature is. I only know he smells of rotten flesh, he has mastery over my tribe and the undead and is a magicster of strength. He also covets treasure and a particular piece he keeps well guarded. Oh, and the coward distains physical confrontation and blinks from place to place. As to how to slay the foul wretch, you'll have to find that out on your own. None of my warriors were able to pierce his flesh.

I can offer you little aid in your fight for us, but the least I can do is give you the general layout of these caves, and I can assure you, if my men are forced to fight you, their hearts will be with you.


2012-04-18, 09:56 PM
Quintus waves his hand in front of his face, trying to push away the stink from below.
“Last time I smelt something this bad it was….”

Quintus stops shudders at the horrible memory.

“Well… perhaps I should take a look” Quintus takes the shield from his back and gently lets it go, it suspends its self in the air in front of him. With his left hand free to move about he begins to search the stair case as he goes down. Hey would be damned should he fall for a trap after putting so much effort into this excursion.

Search [roll0]

After their nights rest and well prepared meals, the party and company meets at the teleportation circle. After some minor delays and some major heckling, the team finally sets off to Deadfair. A brief flash of light followed by the sound of eternity piercing your mind, and suddenly your there.
The somber blue sky of the morning and disappears, to be replaced by a pitch black sky, the moons and stars being the only things to brighten the void of the horizon. The moon Necromancy sits like a cut out of the scenery , its aura is powerful, even now one can feel there life force fighting back against death.

As your eyes begin to drift back down, the site of magic lanterns and flashing signs, large powerful demons fly in and out of the skyline. Colors are not amiss to the area, with spiraling wheels of multi colored fire to cascading neon fluids. Seedie doesn’t even begin to describe the culture here, with succubus’s seducing on the street, and vendors selling all manner of drugs in the open. Surprisingly the city its self is rather clean in look. Its architecture is of large sprawling glass and stone towers. However magical pollution mars the air and it’s not uncommon to find puddles of floating acid, or rats the size of dogs walking about.
A lizard folk messenger steps up to the party and greats himself in a raspy voice. “Greetings, I am Dinz-zezy, I was requested by the counsel to be your guide, please let me know if you need any thing”

Characters now have personal contacts in the world that they can call on for help

This will be at a maximum number equal to your charisma modifier and a minim of 2

The Contacts will have a combined level equal to 10, and have no individual level higher than 6. Or you may have 1 powerful contact with a max level of 15. If one wishes to have a monster or similar ally then you may replace the

CR for the level

Contacts can be anyone or anything, and be found anywhere.

Players may accumulate more contacts over time

Standered Contact creation rules

Contacts follow standard Pc rules except as follows

Because contacts are a separate entity from the main character the current DM is allowed to take control of said contact at any given time. They are asked how ever asked to respect the players ideal of the contact

Contacts are made to be plot hooks to start quests or rest periods between them. As such you may only have 1 combative contact who is willing to go out in the field with you. Normally at a price or similar service later on.

Examples- Black market merchants, Bartenders, city guards, respected chefs, magic shop owners

Power Contact creation rules

Power Contacts follow standard Pc rules except as follows

Power contacts never help you personally in the field until you are a least 2 levels above them

Because Power contacts are a separate entity from the main character the current DM is allowed to take control of said contact at any given time. They are asked how ever asked to respect the players ideal of the contact
Power Contacts are made to be plot hooks to start quests or rest periods between them.

Examples- Mentors, Magic Counsel members, wondering sages

This will be on the front page

2012-04-18, 10:15 PM
"Very well, 'Dinz-zezy' was it? What we need the most is information. Specifically regarding an Ulithid that may be in the area. If you'd like to be of assistance, you can arrange a meeting with a local 'Shadow Broker'.

2012-04-19, 05:53 PM
Walking slowly down into the darkness below, Quintus finds nothing dangerous lingering in the wall or stairs. The light from the room above becomes completely swallowed up by the darkness as Quintus completes his first full circle of stairs. The stench of burnt flesh continued to intensify the farther Quintus went.

As he reaches the end of the stair case the passage opens up into a small room. In the center of the room sat a table with a blue crystal ball. Directly across the room sat another table with vials, jars, and flasks on top. A small shelving unit sat directly to the right of the table with various sized corked bottles scattered within its rows. Some of the bottles lay broken on the floor.
As Quintus begins to moves around to the other side of the center table he finds a hunk of charred cloth and flesh lying on the floor. In addition to this gruesome sight, a slumped figure also comes into view leaning up against the front of the crafting table. From where he was standing it was clear to him that the slumped figure was no longer alive It sat with its head leaning forward and its two hands clasped together in its lap. A faint blue glow seeped through the hairline spaces between the fingers.

2012-04-19, 07:13 PM

Starts to circle around the room carefully stepping over the charred body spread across the floor, after some thought, he figures that dead men don’t really need their material possessions anymore and quickly swipes up the crystal ball on the table, putting it away into his bag of holding. He then begins to pace back and fourth occasionally eyeing the dead bodies before heading back into deep thought.

Finally he kneels down to examine the two corpuses

“Well this explains the blood upstairs….” He says as he looks up and down the still intact body holding the light. “But what got you?” He nudges the charred lump of flesh with his foot. Pacing back and forth again Quintus figures he might as well put his new toy to use. Reaching back into his bag of holding he takes the crystal ball and holds it in front of him.

“Show me who killed the burned body in front of me” he commands, after the viewing he then asks a new question “Show me who killed the bleeding man in front of me”


Denz-Zezy bows slightly “right away councilmen” he keeps his head low so he can be at eye level with Zengretor “until then please enjoy yourself in the city, if you are sickened from the trip there is a hotel that has been paid for in your name just a few blocks from here. It’s called The flying coin purse. I will contact you once I have received an audience” With that the lizard man heads off into the bright lights of the city.

Kidna steps forward “I wouldn’t be surprised if the lizard folk comes up with nothing, this city may be monster infested, but even the stupidest leaders would avoid letting a ultraithilad into their city… unless of course it’s running this place.”

Alex nods his head then turns to Zangretor “So what should we do while we wait”

2012-04-19, 07:23 PM

Upon asking the crystal ball the first question it began to glow. The hazy cloud of smoke inside the ball began to slowly sharpen until the image of the bleeding slumped over figure appeared, hands still clenched together. Upon asking the ball his second question the image in the ball quickly turned into a wisp of smoke again and reformed into the image of the hunk of scorched cloth and flesh next to Quintus' feet.

2012-04-19, 07:29 PM

Quintus frowns at the images he just viewed. He looks down at the two bodies’s and rolls his eyes, he places the crystal ball back into his bag, and circles around the room one last time. Finally he shrugs and begins to carefully remove the man’s fingers apart to view what he died protecting.

2012-04-19, 07:42 PM

Met with the resistance of rigor mortis, Quintus slowly pried the man's fingers apart. Just as the fingers were parted enough to make a decent opening the blue light from inside shot out and hit Quintus in the right eye.

"That's what you get for killing my master!" yelled a small voice.

2012-04-19, 08:18 PM

Quintus leaps up clutching at his eye “WHYYYYYYY?!?!?!” he screams as he punches his hand through the table next to him. After hoping around in pain for a few seconds, he blinks a few times to check his vision then glares angrily at his shield. “One job! That’s all you had, one job….. and your failing at it!” The shield just floats in place.

“All right what’s the big idea!?”
Quintus turns around looking for the small voice that was yelling at him

2012-04-19, 09:13 PM

Quintus' eyes are immediately drawn to the floating blue light. It was in fact, a Pixie that had punched him in the eye. The Pixie was about 6 inches tall with shimmering blue and black wings. Her outfit was some sort of jester or harlequin outfit: Puffy trunkhose pants, asymmetrical top, miss-matched stockings, and a cincher with bell-tipped swallowtails. Her hair was done up in two neat pigtails with bells clipped at the ends. She had a furious look on her face as she brandished and flailed her fists in Quintus' direction.

The Pixie looked back at him and replied, "I said, that's what you get for killing my mas-". Her expression changed from angry to confused as she lowered her fists. "Oh... you're not that scary weird guy with the hood... Though I gotta admit, you are pretty weird looking."

2012-04-20, 08:27 AM
Quintus rubs his eye, with an annoyed glare at the little pixie. Without even listing to what it said Quintus removes one of his gloves turns it inside out and starts to wave it in front of the fey.

“shoo….shooo… I have no time for your tricks, I need to find out where the magical gem this man was holding fell, and why it was so important that he died protecting it.”

Quintus begins to scrounge around the room, after not finding what he’s looking for he stands up and puts his fist under his chin in thought.

“I suppose I could always just resurrect him then ask if he could give it to me as a reward … hmmm but I would have to return the crystal ball though.“

2012-04-20, 10:36 AM

The Pixie looked at Quintus with a look of horror and disgust as she backed away from the inside out glove. "Stop it, ugh please! It's horrible! I don't understand, what is this madness?!"
She puts her hands up in defense as if to stop the glove from getting any closer.

When Quintus finally stops waving the glove around and proceeds to search the room the Pixie replies "Magical Gem..? What are you talking about the only things in my master's hands were me and..." Her voice trails off as she flutters over to the opening between the dead man's fingers. She enters the opening and comes back out a moment later with a fine necklace strung with beads. "This." The Pixie placed the necklace over hear head and around her neck. The necklace quickly shrunk down to fit the size of it's wearer.

2012-04-20, 10:55 AM
Still in thought Quintus hears something talking to him again and looks over at the pixie “Still here? I thought I told you to…” Quintus spots the little necklace and swiftly walks over. “What is that?” finally realizing that this pixie wasn’t here by chance, he once over’s its figure, before continuing to stare intently at the jewelry. “So then, what are you doing here in a human’s layer? Were you an experiment of some sort?”

2012-04-23, 02:24 PM

"The three of you should familiarize yourselves with the city, there's no telling how long we will be here. It may behove us to understand how this city operates and who's really in control. See if you can't find out anything of use for our quest while you're at it. Or pick up something we'll find useful. Jandaatis and I will head to the Fly Coin Purse and make what arrangements I can with the expedition forces. Meet me there when you are finished."

2012-04-26, 05:51 PM

"Oh this? My master gave me this while the hooded guy was following us down the stairs... He said that as long as-" The Pixie's attention immediately shifted from Quintus' question to fluttering around in a frenzied search. She flew high and low with a panic stricken look on her face as she surveyed the room. "Where is it?!"
The Pixie then proceeded to fly up the stairway, not even giving Quintus a second thought.

2012-04-26, 06:55 PM
“Oi, talking here…. How rude to ignore someone you just met” Quintus’s eyes follow the little being around the room. When it goes up and out of view Quintus just stares at the ceiling for a second before letting out a long yawn. Stretching his hands as far as they could go, and letting them drop to his sides. Reaching over to grab his shield out of the air, and sling it over his back. He proceeds up the stairs. Shouting after the fairy

“Hey what are you looking for? I’m pretty good at finding things I’m not supposed to, maybe I could help”


The group acknowledges Zangretors commands and heads off to their chosen destination.

Zangretors’s journey to the Flying coin purse was rather eventful for only a few blocks. Merchants peddling anything and everything on the streets, from miracle growth formulas, to pendants that ward off “Evil Vodo”. The streets are beyond overcrowded with everyone heading in all directions, and with no clear lines of navigation to speak of, the shear amount of traffic in the area was astounding, especial when the warforged guard regiment raided a nearby whore house for “for pimping without a permit” . Zangretor was ready to attempt gliding his way to the hotel, when all airborne civilians were grounded do to a fire giant wandering out of its designated district and caused a massive air current too well up around it.

Finally he finally made it to the door, only to experience the oddest thing since entering the city. He felt what could be described as a “nagging feeling” in the back of his head.

Roll a will save

2012-04-26, 07:12 PM

About 3/4s of the way up the stairs Quintus hears the faint sound of a muffled scream. As he reaches the top of the stairway he catches a glimpse of a shadowy figure darting down the passageway out of the room. The Pixie was no where to be seen.

2012-04-26, 09:25 PM

Sensing something amiss with his master, Jandaatis springs into action. He silently draws his massive weapon, deftly twisting it in his wrist as he shifts around Zangretor and into a defensive position, to buffet away the crowd, clearing a perimeter around his master and himself.

Tarallia yearns to protect her master as well, spiraling into the air, pulsating with deep violet hues of Psionic energy.

Zangretor, crouches low, settling in behind Jandaatis, as he slips a thin ebony wand etched with glowing green runes, from his sleve.

Together the trio reaches out with their telepathic abilities to search for the source of the attack, Tarallia spiraling out to increase the radius of their covered area. Jandaatis and Tarallia also feaverently scour the croud and their surroundings to try and spot the attacker.

Will Save: [roll0]
Spot & Listen: [roll1]

2012-04-28, 01:54 AM
As long as my blade remains fed then I shall help you in this matter.

In the back of his mind he was aggravated to be taking orders from something that just tried to kill him, but in his current situation, he didn't have much of a choice.

I'm bored can we hurry up already...?

May I see the maps?

2012-06-20, 09:44 AM
With a slight grunt of disappointment and slumped shoulders, he reaches into his bag of marbles and pulls out a hand full of all different sizes. Infusing them with his own innate abilities as a stone child, the marbles begin to glow a soft yellow, and almost seem to move and twitch on there own. Then with a great step he lines up his shot, and chucks the marbles down the hallway at the shadows feet. Clattering around the floor; they damage and hinder its movement.
Aim [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
Balance DC 25

He seems to have jumped the gun a bit. There is nothing in the immediate area that was going to or even could harm him. The residents begin to give him some funny looks but go on about their business.
Make a knowledge Arcane check

2012-07-02, 05:36 PM
In the water near the Summer Continent, the port city of Arktopia gleamed in the summery sky. Westrin, the wordly wavekeeper wandered into a shop to sell some of the goods he acquired from a ship said to have been sunk decades ago.

"Shopkeep, may I interest you in some of these treasures found on the S.S. Anne a few miles off the coast?"

"Well Mr..." "Westrin." "Westrin, upon closer inspection....this is all faux treasure."

"..." "..." "WHAT!?!? You must be mad! All this must be worth-" "Nothing. Well some to certain collectors, but in all honesty its probably 150 gp at best."

" I spent days getting there and back! I almost died! I spent over 500 gp getting there and back!" "Do you want the 150 or not?" "Yes. Just, yes."

Saddened and still a bit angry, Wes stormed out with the measly gold and started to look for new sites to explore and conquer. As a mer-dragon many people do not like to make him angry, and Wes was appalled at the way the shopkeeper was so blunt.

"Only 150 gp? How?" "Well sir, you seemed to have stumbled upon a fake jewelery ship. Sure, everything looks nice and all, but it's almost completely worthless."

A FOOL! I WAS MADE TO LOOK A FOOL! he thought to himself.

As he turned around to give the shopkeep a piece of his mind.


The store was no longer there.


Unfortunately for Westrin, this infamous Warlock Corialis had been scamming people for months. And Wes was just another victim of circumstance. Corialis has been running from police for a while, and now he has one more enemy to contend with should he keep his scamming ways.

2012-07-12, 01:16 PM

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]


The troll hastily scratches out a rough map in the dirt. You're unsure of the runes with which he marks the map, but from what you can gather, the cave has a general pinwheel shape to it with a centerel chamber connected by a main circular tunnel and a system of internal and external branch chambers. You seem to be in an antechamber to the south east. There is a guarded exit from the mountain in the east and a heavily guarded exit in the north west flanked by two armories. In the south west there is a remote prison, and between the armory and the prison there seems to be a hidden pathway to the Lich's private chambers and out of the mountain. The throne room is behind a large hall in the north east, another secret entrence is located between this chamber and the eastern exit. The small chamber in the north appears to be a treasury.

You just manage to gleam these small tidbits of information from the crude map when you hear the echoing of footfalls down a side corridor. As soon as the thuds reach the troll's ears he hastily kicks dirt onto the fire putting it out and hiding the map. As you're plunged into the darkness you hear him wish you luck and reminding you in a not too friendly mannar that you are trapped in here and will be watched.

2012-07-12, 06:08 PM
As the strange fishman curses and shouts at the sky, several shadows linger in the alleyway not too far off. A trio of Warforge guards, initiate there cloaking and pier around the corner to look at the enraged merman. They seem puzzled and retreat back into the alleyway. One brings his hand to the side of his head and activates his communication setup.

“Sentry 821 reporting, we found a merdragon… but it does not match the description of the scryer. What would you like us to do boss.”

“Capture him, and bring me the pendent peace as ordered”

“……But he doesn’t fit the…” “It’s a mer-DRAGON, on the summer continent, in the middle of a city, with no water for miles. How many other merdragons have u seen today? Or will you see today? I am aware that you have only recently had your link cut from the guard to serve us, but that is no excuse to not think for yourself. Now get me that pendent fragment! I am short on time and even shorter on patience”

The Warforged look at each other and shrug, they ready their weapons (two bows, and a greatsword) and remaining invisible they begin to circle there target, surrounding Westrin on all sides.
(Roll spot, and sense motive, along with anything else you think might be useful)

The kolbald mages sense to begin cool down, only to spike up again when he realizes what happen to him. Someone somewhere just attempted to scry upon him.

2012-08-28, 08:26 PM

The aged scaly wizard, dismissed the Jin to prepare their room with a nod and with a flick of his wrist sent his Psicrystal off to infiltrate the local magistrates' office. Devoid of his sighted companions, the gifted lizard shakily sauntered off towards the pull of the darkest minds in the city, producing a gnarled walking cane from his sleve as his cloak began to fade and fall into tattered shreds. Within twenty paces the wizard looked like any other of the cities thousands of panhandlers.

2012-09-04, 08:33 PM
Zangretor moves through the crowd with general ease, only bumping into another on occasion. After a short walk, he finds himself at a slight loss, for the stone floor had given way to a new grassy like texture, and the sounds of the city turned into the chirping of crickets. Finally in the back of his mind he hears a whisper. "There you are my kolbald friend, tell me what is it that you seek in this city"

The voice sounds familiar yet unplaced, and is akeen to that of a vampires

2012-09-04, 08:50 PM

Unfazed, the old kobald reaches out, to the limit of his power searching for any minds to connect to, and for his links to Janndatis and Tarallia.

"You'll forgive an old man's forgetfulness, your name escapes me my friend."

Feigning a fall, the old lizard stumbles to the ground...

"Would you come close my friend, and help a poor old man to his feet?"

2012-09-05, 12:56 PM
A slight smirk can be heard, followed by a short silence. As if the creature is deciding whether or not to play the kobalds game.

"No need to worry yourself about who i am, this is our first formal meeting. But i have been watching you since you entered this city with your friends. I must also admit; your mental defenses are stronger then originally anticipated."

A hand can be felt lifting the kobald up from underneath the elbow. The mere touch of the creature is depressing, and Zangretor can almost feel his life force sapping away. Although no damage is being done.

"Shall we go for a walk? There are things i wish to talk with you about."

2012-09-05, 05:18 PM

Still on guard, and slightly uncertain; Zangretor, cautiously accepts the creature's hand, if only to deftly slip a small arcane rune on the creature's ring.

"Well, you might as well tell me why you've gone through all this trouble to take me on a lovely walk."