View Full Version : would like gaming suggestions

2012-01-16, 11:52 PM
I am a Lawful Evil mage in a low magic setting.

One if not two of the new players are Paladins. I have been put on notice if I do any evil they will kill me. I think that is poor role play.

I need to do sneaky evil and corrupt these Player Characters.

Rourk follows Asmedaous in pathfinder.

Any suggestions.

I do not want to hear kill a player character I will not do that. I have spell that will heal but it makes one radiate evil for one hour. 10 hit points total.

2012-01-16, 11:55 PM
I am a Lawful Evil mage in a low magic setting.

One if not two of the new players are Paladins. I have been put on notice if I do any evil they will kill me. I think that is poor role play.

No it's not. It'd be poor role playing if they DIDN'T try and kill you. You're evil and they're paladins. They took a vow to exterminate evil and protect the good. You fall in their radar.

2012-01-17, 12:01 AM
Dr. They rolled up new characters.

Why they chose paladins when the game they voted for was a neutral and evil mix.

They retired there previous characters after sacificing most of the party to there almighty I must rule and everybody else does as I say game playing style.

2012-01-17, 01:56 AM
Try to create a situation where they have to do evil, make them kill the innocent father or you kill the innocent mother, 3 children and family dog.. One can only atone so many times... They are going against the agreed upon game. I would punish them for messing up my game. nothing worse than making a character that you don't get to or cant play..

gl, Blood

2012-01-17, 02:04 AM
Since you are LE, try to use the LAW against them.

Make contracts with them, only to have their souls sold.
Blackmail them, then crush them (mentally of course).