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2012-01-17, 09:33 AM
Barrik Frothchops (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=361549) Dwarf Alchemist
Aikaru (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=367553) Elf Magus
Aislin Corta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=361725) Human Witch
(http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=361893) Human Fighter

All may pick a number between 1 and 48, this represents your draw from the Harrow deck as described in the adventure path introduction.

You all meet on the road heading for Ravengro. Coincidence or fate? Feel free to make introductions on your first post.

2012-01-17, 10:16 AM
If I have not yet gifted you with a third trait PM me. Thanks!

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 10:39 AM
I think 42 is the only realistic option, here. :smalltongue:

The creaking of wagon wheels, the heaving breaths of oxen, and the clink of a veritable mountain of copper stills, tubes, and containers provides a cacophony of sound on the road to Ravengro. Twin lamps drown in the morning fog of Ustalav, turning the limited surroundings into queer shades of green, gray, and yellow.

A tall, rotund dwarf well into his years, sits astride the wagon, whip standing at attention in his hand. A small cask sits next to him, and an empty tankard is strapped to his belt. As the minutes drag on, the dwarf becomes aware of another traveler on the road ahead. He fuddles in the wagon behind him for a moment before producing an oversized wooden mallet. Removing one of the lamps from its ring on the wagon, the dwarf calls his oxen to a halt and hops down.

"Ho, there!" His voice is a low rumble beginning to grow hoarse with age, but it hasn't lost its vigor yet. "Who travels on the road at such an hour?"

2012-01-17, 10:59 AM
I think 42 is the only realistic option, here. :smalltongue:

#42 "The Survivor"

Shields (Con): You can spend a shields card on your turn
to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.


Neutral Good: You channel positive energy
that cures a creature touched of an amount of
damage equal to 1d6 × your character level. This
effect damages undead creatures as spells like cure
light wounds.

2012-01-17, 04:04 PM

2012-01-17, 04:18 PM
A moderately tall man walks down the road, sticking to the sides as if moving from shadow to shadow. He has a blade out but is tossing it around lightly, throwing it higher each time. He stops, in partial shadow and gazes about him but not really looking. Lost in thought, Asher takes in a deep breath, then sighs.

"It's good to be home."

Startled by the dwarf, Asher takes an actual grip on his blade, in preparation. He begins eyeing him over carefully looking for threats.

"Greetings, friend. Simply a man wanting to return home after traveling far. And what about you who appears ready to fight?"

Card number 6

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 04:39 PM
"You must forgive a dwarf his wariness," he says from under the thick, white boughs of his moustache, the very bones of his face impervious to indignation. "I am new to these parts," he says, raising his full hands in a gesture of friendliness, "and this fog makes me fear for my belongings." The dwarf gestures back to his wagon, a seemingly haphazard pile of metal and wood.

"To answer your question, I am Barrik, and I am on my way to Ravengro to attend the funeral of a dear friend." It isn't clear whether Barrik pauses for grief or to study the stranger, but pause he does. He eyes the man warily, "I am not a creature of violence. Might you have a name as well as knife?"

Anybody seen Beauty and the Beast? I just realized that I probably look a good deal like Maurice with his contraption, with a moustache General Burnside himself would envy. :smalltongue:

2012-01-17, 05:06 PM
#6 The Winged Serpent

Stars (Wis): If you feel stuck at some point in the adventure,
you can spend a card of this suit and petition the GM for a
hint about what to do next. If the GM feels that there is no
information to be gained, the stars card is not spent.


Lawful Good: You may smite evil, as the paladin
ability, gaining the benefits until the start of your
next turn. If you have levels in paladin greater than
half your total Hit Dice, use your paladin level
to determine bonus damage; otherwise, your
bonus damage equals half your character level,
rounded down (minimum 1).

2012-01-17, 05:08 PM
"Oh i should think he has a name, everybody has a name, even if it's only what they call themselves." a sweet voice calls out of the fog. It swirls around the skirts of a striding figure, appearing ominous and tall in the fog. A young lady steps into the lantern light, far shorter than the fog first showed.
"Aislin Corta, witch. You dwarf, Barrik was it? You head to a funeral. Whose funeral might this be?"

The ethereal edge to her voice is suddenly cut by a hoot. "Hooo!" a small gray owl knocks the tophat resting at a jaunty angle on Aislin's head. "Damned owl, you could ruin the greatest of players entrance......." she mutters darkly to herself, replacing her fallen hat. Adjusting it upon her head, the owl settles on of it, peering at the other travelers with much too intelligent of a stare.
Respect to Douglass Adams, but you will find that 5 is in fact the answer. 5!

2012-01-17, 05:16 PM
#5 The Locksmith

Keys (Dex): You can spend a keys card to take your turn
immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your
initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You
may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.


Lawful Neutral: You gain a +10 bonus on any
single Sense Motive check.

2012-01-17, 05:19 PM
Asher takes his blade and continues tossing it as he was before, daring to go higher and riskier with it.

"Well, hello m'lady. Quite a fine specimen. People that know me call me Asher, friends call me Graves. The fog isn't as bad once you get used to it friend. I take a liking to it personally. Ravengro seems to be surrounded by death these days, I'm on my way to a funeral as well."

Asher looks Aislin up and down, studying the owl on her hat.

"Witch you say? You mean that hocus pocus stuff."

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 05:36 PM
Not even a child could fail to note the hunger in Asher's eyes when he looks at Aislin, and Barrik hasn't been a child for many years. No matter what the young human's impression of this strange woman might be, the word witch fills Barrik's head with images of kettles and potions; for all her youth, he might be looking upon a teacher.

Addressing Asher, Barrik narrows his eyes, "Strange that death has affected us all on this day." Turning to add Aislin to the conversation, Barrik's gravely voice echoes and dies in the hidden reaches of the fog around them. "Might either of you have the pleasure to know the explorer and scholar, Professor Petros Lorrimar?"

Are we going to have an OOC thread, or will be just continue to use spoilers? I'm kind of digging it.

2012-01-17, 05:43 PM
It is a beautiful day to be traveling to Ravengro. If you like fog, that is.

Having an OOC thread seems to be traditional. Any of you may set one up if you like. On the other hand I have always wondered if it wouldn't be easier to just use spoilers.

2012-01-17, 05:44 PM
Aislin crosses her arms and widens her stance slightly, and the owl thrusts its head forward, turning its head upside down then hoots suspiciously. "Hoo?"

One eye narrowing slightly Aislin responds,"Yes, that hocus pocus stuff *ha ha*." her laughter tinkles like fine silver against a crystal glass, a crystal glass whose edge was shattered by a sarcastic hammer.
"And I do hope that the eyes of Graves know how to behave. To answer you sir dwarf it does. Professor Lorrimar was a dear friend of my dearest Granny peacefindhersoul and a teacher to me. A great man, how come you to know him?"

Aislin leans slightly forward, her concentrated gaze more intense than is quite right for one so young. Her apt attention bounces from one wanderer to the other, waiting for the response.

I honestly would prefer spoilers. less load times, plus it's quicker alltogether. Just click spoilers AFTER you got the flavor, so you dont mess with the experience?

2012-01-17, 05:52 PM
Asher chuckles, "I believe you misunderstood me. Clearly, I meant the owl was a fine specimen."

He sheathes the dagger, stands arms crossed gazing at the two.

"Indeed I know him. Was manacled to the man for a while a year back. We got that business sorted out. Actually, it's his funeral that's called my attention back to Ravengro."

Asher waves his hands in mock gestures, "You'll have to show me what your smoke and mirrors can do sometime. Never seen any magic I couldn't explain with logic." He adds, more in friendly protest than intent mockery.

2012-01-17, 05:59 PM
The armor was placed on that body..hands scarred...the metal cool and pleasant against his skin. He stretched the armor making its usual sound. The waterskin picked up and some of its contents splashed upon his face. Daross was heading to his destination to buy a few supplies. He saw the owl and the others stopped in the middle of the rode. The mercenary instinct had his hand on his blade quickly. The others would notice he carried no shield. "What is going on here..that is causing everyone to stop and speak at such a time?"

I will take the bloody last number 48 sock it to me

2012-01-17, 06:07 PM
Asher's hand immediately dashes for his dagger, fingers tingling at the touch of the handle.

"Woah friend," he says, looking over the newcomer, looking for any places between armor plates just in case, " It might be hasty putting your hand on your blade. I don't believe any of us intends any harm on you," Asher concludes, removing his hand from his blade in good will. "We merely met up here and took to chatting."

Also, I'm not sure how you want to handle this Xeno but Asher has a wrist sheathe on each forearm under his sleeves with daggers in them that anyone might notice. They're hidden though so I could roll a sleight of hand for before story hiding.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 06:10 PM
As wary of the new stranger as he was of the old ones, Barrik nevertheless let out with an amused sigh. "Let me hazard a guess," he said, convinced he'd be sharing an inside joke, "You're here for Professor Lorrimar's funeral, too?"

2012-01-17, 06:10 PM
He looked to the man speaking and went back into reality not even realizing that his hand was upon the blade. "My apologies I am ...well just.. not use to large groups on the road." Daross was a little ashamed about the blade pulling a habit he had grown use to in his line of work. "I am just passing though to stock on supplies and pay my respects to a dear friend..who recently passed."

2012-01-17, 06:11 PM
#48 "The Empty Throne"

Crowns (Cha): You may spend a crown card to reroll any
one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the
second roll, even if it is worse.


Lawful Good: You may smite evil, as the paladin
ability, gaining the benef its until the start of your
next turn. If you have levels in paladin greater than
half your total Hit Dice, use your paladin level
to determine bonus damage; otherwise, your
bonus damage equals half your character level,
rounded down (minimum 1).

2012-01-17, 06:13 PM
Asher smiles, "Well friend, I can't blame you. Large groups do typically bring about suspicion. My name's Asher." Asher extends out a hand to shake.

After Barrik, "I assume you're in a dangerous line of work to be so quick to the blade?"

2012-01-17, 06:24 PM
"Aye it would be the very same Professor you speak of." :He then took the hand of the man that offered it in a firm handshake his own scars and calloused. "I am a mercenary...I do jobs that most won't I became it out of fate necessity often does that to a man wouldn't you say Asher?" :He relaxed a bit and looked to the wagon: "Is that ale your are carrying master dwarf ..merchant are you?"

2012-01-17, 06:26 PM
"Well of course he is, who else but those used to unremitted violence has their safety tied to the reflex of weapon grasping?"

Aislin turns to the new comer, as she turns so to does the owls body. But without moving its gaze from Asher its head stays unswivled. It gives asher a wink befor also turning its head to the armored man. Which was odd, because owls dont typically wink.

"Stand easy good sir we are all of us headed to Professor Lorrimar's funeral peacefindhissoul. And I am not surprised that he knew and cared for so varied a group. I see no reason we should stay standing about on a damp road and tell our tales. Might we travel together and share our stories?"

Aislin turns back to Asher and decides to join in his previous jocularity.

"As for you, I would be delighted to show you a thing or two. I'm sure we could have great Hex." again her laughter tinkling, she smiles darkly and waits for the motley collections replies.

2012-01-17, 06:34 PM
"Well I must admit traveling with a wagon would make me feel right at home." He looked to the woman and said. "Of course he knew a diverse group he was one of the most remarkable men I ever met.... Desna rest his soul." :He then spoke:"If no one objects to my presence I will travel with you."

Welp looks like we got a pretty diverse group that is good

2012-01-17, 07:08 PM
"Indeed it does, friend. May I get your name as well?" Asher says, looking to Aislin, and he chuckles. "True, but you and the dwarf could have great chemistry." He continues chuckling.

2012-01-17, 08:01 PM
"I am Daross..mercenary is my trade..":He then turned to continue walking as that was the choice it seemed the rest of the band of traveling people were making .: "Tell me how did you come to meet the professor Asher?"

2012-01-17, 08:18 PM
"Oh, yes. As I was telling the others I used to be manacled to him. It was a rather strange turn of events. Happened when I first left to search for my parents." He said, moving to walk side by side with Daross.

2012-01-17, 08:30 PM
Aislin runs forward and leaps up onto the cart, then pats the driver seat.
"C'mon old man, keep a young lady company. Those two seem to get along famously. You have an arcane aura about you. How's about you an I chat some hmm?"

As she lept the owl had flown from her hat and flew a quick course towards Asher, cuffing him with his wing. He looked over his shoulder and sniggered. "Hoo hoo hoo hoo". Owls don't normally snigger.....

"MOWMOW! You get back here right now and stop being a pestilent blight on decency, or so help me it will be ME who lights the fire should Graves decide to cook you!!!" Her scream of the owls name cracked the air like a bullwhip. MowMow turned and flew back to preen himself insolently on Aislin's shoulder. "Hoo?" he hooted with injured innocence. Damned owl thought Aislin.
"well what say you Barrik?"

Mwxkjmwrq. You'll understand should one of your characters get curious. Thought i'd get it down so i wouldnt get confused later XD

2012-01-17, 08:51 PM
Daross smirked and whispered low to Asher as he listened to the rants of the woman to the curious owl:"Now that there is my kind of woman stern and with a purpose." :he chuckled and pulled his waterskin taking a long drink and then passing it to Asher in a friendly gesture.

2012-01-17, 09:04 PM
Is it copacetic to roll a perception check to see if Aislin heard the whisper? I don't imagine she'll comment directly to Daross or Asher but probably make a snarky comment to Barrik. If so, [roll0] EDIT: LMAO looking at that roll, nvm irrelevant i doubt she heard anything either way

2012-01-17, 09:35 PM
Asher accepts the waterskin, takes a quick swig and hands it back.

"Ya know, owl sounds mighty tasty. Never had it but I did pick up a recipe a while back..." he says, raising an eyebrow at Mowmow.

Under his breath, Asher whispers to Daross, "my type of woman is the sweet quiet type. Typically they cause less a problem. Pretty sure I got one waiting for me when I get back too. Also, I don't mix with that hocus pocus."

2012-01-17, 10:03 PM
You are greeted by Kendra Lorrimor.

Although he was getting on in years, Petros’s death was
rather sudden. His daughter Kendra, a 25- year-old
woman, is deep in mourning. Her eyes are red and puffy
and she dresses in dark, conservative clothes. Trim
and attractive, Kendra greets the PCs with a mixture
of curiosity, sadness, and relief—no one else has
come to pay their respects to her father, and “with
things the way they are in town these days,” very
few folks from Ravengro have come out for the
funeral as well. Kendra waves off questions for
now, promising the PCs that after her father
is buried and they return to her house, she’ll
answer any questions they have—both about
her father’s death and about his will.

She leads the party to the Restlands, the local graveyard where the professor will be buried. You are of course still in your traveling cloths, fully armed. She asks three of you (not the dwarf) to act as pall bearers. You have a choice of right front, left front, or right rear - servants are prepared for the remaining positions.

I hesitate even to post, the introductory roleplaying is of such high quality. But there is no reason you can't continue such dialogue as you like while the adventure progresses.

2012-01-17, 10:20 PM
Asher pays his respects to the daughter upon meeting her, and he offers to take up the rear right.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 10:26 PM
On the remaining ride to Ravengro, Barrik provided snippets of polite conversation with the young woman. From him, she and anyone else that gave half an ear learns that his dream since he was a boy is to brew the finest beers in existence, and he has dedicated his life to the study of brewing's minutest details. When she mentioned his arcane vibe, Barrik gave a humble chuckle, admitting that he is fascinated by the world of magic, but knows little enough about its practice.

After exchanging greetings and condolences with the professor's daughter, and upon reaching the Restlands, Barrik is taken aback to find himself excluded from the funeral procession. "M'lady," he says, his tone edged with grief for his friend that has passed, "I have known your father since you were a girl. I know I may not be of a height with my fellows, but I beg of you: I must help carry him to rest. The brilliance of a man such as him shines but for a moment in this world, and I feel I must pay him this respect."

Sorry about falling off a ledge, there! I had to get off for a few hours. FWIW, I figure that a strength score of 16 will allow Barrik to hold the coffin over his head for the length of the procession.

2012-01-17, 10:29 PM
Kendra blushes and speaks;

My apologies sir dwarf, I just assumed ... but of course you are welcome to take your place. I'm sure Petro would have intended you to do so.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 10:34 PM
"You have my deepest thanks, my lady." Making sure the front of his doublet is straight and clean, Barrik moves to the front-right corner of the coffin. Now, old friend... It is time to rest with your brothers.

2012-01-17, 10:45 PM
He looked to the young girl and nodded politely the lump in his throat keeping him from saying much. His eyes may have been watering a bit but who cared. He was a mercenary and the luxury of friends was not something they were abundant in. He took the right rear being that he if the dwarf faltered could easily pick up the slack. He would lift the coffin easily and whisper: "we will meet again old friend..but not yet."

If the dwarf has any issues I am sure a 20 strength can take the slack up

2012-01-17, 10:57 PM
I'm going to assume that the witch agrees to be a pallbearer, unless she objects.

Kendra, as the
deceased’s closest living relative, has the job of leading
the somber procession along the Dreamwake—a gravel
pathway that winds through the cemetery. Characters
serving as pallbearers are considered to have both hands
full as they carry the heavy coffin up the road.
As the procession reaches the halfway point along the
Dreamwake, rounding a corner onto a path called the
Eversleep, they’ll see that the way ahead is blocked by a
group of a dozen surly looking locals. The tallest of these
toughs is an elderly but wiry fellow who says:

“That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor
buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him
there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!”

Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into
anger. “What are you talking about?” she cries out. “I arranged it
with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already

“You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried
in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still
can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.”

The party may speak, take actions, or wait. I will await all four responses before proceeding.

2012-01-17, 11:11 PM
Asher looks at the group, attempting to size them up and see if any of them are carrying weapons.

"Gentlemen, we can be reasonable people I think. Don't let your superstitions and fears prevent this man from being at peace. I think you'll regret it if you do."

Attempting a perception check if necessary to see if any of the folks are carrying weapons: [roll0]


2012-01-17, 11:14 PM
The group of locals is unarmored, but some carry ax handles, hoes, and other improvised weapons.

2012-01-17, 11:16 PM
Would you like me to roll a diplomacy against them pre-emptively? If so: [roll0]

2012-01-17, 11:21 PM
Gentlemen, we can be reasonable people I think. Don't let your superstitions and fears prevent this man from being at peace. I think you'll regret it if you do

The group of locals are unimpressed with Asher's statement. They brandish their weapons.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-17, 11:44 PM
Necromancy?! The accusation was outrageous on any occasion, but at a man's funeral it was grotesque.

Broad, thickset dwarven shoulders lock into place, holding the corner of the coffin just above Barrik's head. "What right have you to stop a solemn funeral procession on its way to the grave?" The dwarf cannot manage to check his fury. "And with such horrid accusations? Have any of you a shred of decency?"

Enraged, Barrik almost drops the coffin when the peasants brandish their makeshift weapons. "Are you mad?! You would shed blood on hallowed ground? By the gods, put your weapons away!"

I forgot to mention my extracts prepared for the day! I get two (one for my level and a bonus one for my intelligence), so I'll go with Crafter's Fortune (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/crafter-s-fortune) and Stone Fist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/stone-fist).

I don't have any ranks (and a shabby charisma to boot), but that last paragraph is a diplomacy check:

Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-01-18, 12:17 AM
Asher whispers among the four of them, "Glad I'm not the only one as outraged about this."

To the crowd, "I'd listen to the dwarf."

2012-01-18, 12:33 AM
:Daross slowly pulled himself from the casket and set it down for just a moment before strolling out to the crowd and saying:"I hate to say this but..I lack the silver tongue my fellows do here...":He put his hand on a his blade: "You see this..this is a real weapon..and it has put people much braver and less foolish than you in their graves..you should all be off before I take time to dig another grave and put you all in it."


2012-01-18, 12:41 AM
Daross's movement throws the other pallbearers off balance - but they compensate and continue to hold the coffin upright.

One local says:

Shoulda figured the necromancer would have some merc thug to protect him.

Thoroughly intimidated, the mob backs away and disperses.


I can't believe....this is all ridiculous...Thank you all so much.

The party continues to the burial site.

2012-01-18, 12:45 AM
Father Grimburrow and a pair of gravediggers are
already waiting at the site of the professor’s burial—
as part of local tradition, they do not accompany the
pallbearers from the gate to the grave. Besides the PCs,
only a small handful of villagers are attending the
funeral procession. Old friends of Lorrimar, they too
have come to pay their respects. These NPCs consist of
Councilman Vashian Hearthmount, Councilman Gharen
Muricar, tavernkeeper Zokar Elkarid and his 13-yearold
son Pevrin, and Jominda Fallenbridge.

No further
complications prevent the lowering of his coffin into the
open grave by the gravediggers. Father Grimburrow gives
a short sermon, then invites Kendra to say a few words
about her father. Kendra fights back tears and briefly
recounts a few of her father’s more courageous or selfless
moments, thanking everyone once again for coming.
She then invites anyone else to share a few stories or

You may make a diplomacy or performance roll, should you decide to speak.

For scaring off the local thugs you gain 150xp each. You are on the fast track for experience.

2012-01-18, 01:43 AM
Asher, remembering fondly when him and the professor fought their way out of the bandit cave, stands up and speaks a few words about the adventure they had.

Diplomacy Roll:[roll0]

Also, you meant that we are using the fast experience gain chart right?

edit: Dear god, I'm appalled by that roll

2012-01-18, 02:49 AM
Daross said nothing he had already promised a whole town that he would dig a grave and place them in it. He felt out of sorts but the people where not going to be swayed they wanted blood. He cleared the thoughts from his head if the professor trusted these people throughout his life they must have been worth protecting. He in that moment and with that single concept convinced himself he did the right thing.

I am still sort of stoke it worked :)

2012-01-18, 05:53 AM
Kendra thanks Asher for his kind words.

Yes, I meant you are all on the fast experience gain chart.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-18, 10:58 AM
The day's experiences weigh heavily on Barrik as he gazes at the coffin in its grave. Barbarism is the soot that mars pure water. Lorrimar said as much. The dwarf's lips are drawn tight in effort, but tears still form in his eyes as he recalls the many nights spent in Lorrimar's company, discussing everything under sun and stone.

When asked, Barrik struggles to collect himself, draws a ragged, heavy breath, and steps forward. "A true man of knowledge lies before us. The tunnels grow darker without the light of his torch." Kneeling, Barrik takes a handful of dirt in his hand, and sprinkles it over the grave's yawning mouth. "May the arms of the earth hold you close, dear friend. May your sires welcome you to their deep halls of stone."

Maybe this will be better than my first pathetic attempt. :smalltongue:
Diplomacy [roll0]
If it's another worthless roll, Barrik breaks down into tears halfway through his benediction, and can barely choke out the words.

2012-01-18, 12:50 PM
Okay, i am REALLY sorry i missed all of that! and now i know better than to stay up till 5 am and sleep till noon thirty. Damn me, damn me so much.

Despite her strong will, despite the strength bred into her, taught to her, nearly drilled into her, Aislin is stirken with grief the entire procession. When the villagers barred their path she chose not to speak, because the only words out of her mouth would have been Hexes, and other incantations. It took every last shred of will power not to assault the crowd daring, DARING to bar the path to rest for the last person in this world she was close too.

it's not even the first roll in this post and i cant edit it....god they need to change ALOT qabout this system. see next post.

2012-01-18, 12:55 PM
Diplomacy: [roll0]

"I......I met.....Professor Lorrimar...he, he was a great man. He taught me so much, and we talked about so much more. I wish Granny was still alive when we met, i wish I'd asked him about....I, I'm sorry."

Hiding her face by looking down Aisling quickly retakes her seat, silently berating herself for not maintaining calm and coolness like Granny taught her. It was just too much, knowing that all the people left in this world were villagers back home who cursed her and scorned her with on side of their tongue, and begged her to cure their maladies and birth their children with the other. And this new bunch of ragtag travelers she met just outside the town, and she barely knew them. And lorrimar, one of the last few understanding people in this world, was gone.

MowMow, uncharacteristically quiet, cuddles against her cheek and hoots very softly to Aislin as she sobs."Hooo, hoo."

Spells prepared: 0lvl: Light, detect magic, read magic
1lvl:Ear Piercing scream

2012-01-18, 04:37 PM
Okay, i am REALLY sorry i missed all of that! and now i know better than to stay up till 5 am and sleep till noon thirty. Damn me, damn me so much.

My policy is generally that in a social situation the first to post is the first to speak. If the situation is resolved, as it was in this case by intimidation, I move on. PbP's are so slow that I feel it is most important to keep things moving. However this is not a perfect system. The party is free to discuss how fast they want the game to move along, any rules or standard operating procedures for working together, or whatever.

After the funeral is over and Kendra has said
her goodbyes to the other guests, she invites
the PCs back to her home (so recently
her father’s) for a drink and to hear
his last will and testament. The
Lorrimor residence is a modest
home with crowded bookshelves in every
room. The reading of the professor’s
will requires the presence of Councilman
Vashian Hearthmount (the closest thing Ravengro
has to a solicitor), and he has some other matters to
attend to after the funeral, so he doesn’t arrive for about
an hour.

Vashian arrives precisely on time, in any event. No
Sense Motive check is necessary to note that he doesn’t
completely approve of strangers being involved in local
matters, but he keeps his comments to himself, focusing
his involvement entirely on the reading of Petros’s will.
Kendra isn’t sure what’s contained in the will, since part of
its stipulation was that all of the PCs must be present for
its reading. Councilman Vashian produces a scroll case,
shows that the professor’s personal seal is unbroken, then
breaks the wax and opens the case. As he does, a small iron
key falls out of the tube, clattering noisily onto the table.
Undaunted by the key, the councilman begins to read,
eager to be done with the business and to get back home.

“I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this
parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with
the exception of the specific details below, I leave my home and
personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or
sell them as you see fit, my child.
“Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this
document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading
of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in
attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I
have two final favors to ask.
“To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are
few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of
what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many
of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and
inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge
of one’s enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.
“And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire
a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one
of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward
legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under
lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have
borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable
for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my
daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the
danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting
my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver
the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who
will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause.
“Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is the matter of
another favor—please delay your journey one month and spend
that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is
safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone,
and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she
desires over the course of this month, you would have my eternal
gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum
of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these
funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in
Lepidstadt—she has been instructed to issue this payment upon
the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one month
after the date of the reading of this will.
“I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this
first day of Calistril, in the year 4711.”

2012-01-18, 04:38 PM
Once the will is read, Councilman Vashian looks to
Kendra, who thanks him and dismisses him. Putting on
a brave face, Kendra thanks the PCs again for coming,
and informs them that she’ll need at least a few weeks
to decide if she wants to sell her family home or remain
here in Ravengro—in the meantime, as stipulated by the
will, she asks the PCs to remain as well. She offers rooms
in her spacious house for the PCs, promising them free

The chest itself is a relatively small object of oak and
iron. Kendra, nervous about the contents, offers the key
to the PCs to give them the honor of opening the chest.
The key fits the lock perfectly, and within are several
old tomes and one relatively new one. The newest tome
sits on the top and bears the phrase “Read me now!”
scratched into the leather cover.

The other tomes comprise the books of dangerous lore
mentioned in his will—three of these have notes tucked
into them indicating that they should be delivered
to one Montagnie Crowl, a professor of antiquities at
Lepidstadt University. The fourth, Manual of the Order
of the Palatine Eye, has a note indicating it should be
delivered to Embreth Daramid, a judge at the Lepidstadt
Courthouse (although the note asks for this delivery in
particular to be handled discreetly, and includes the
address of Embreth’s home so that the PCs can deliver it

You are now free to ask questions, examine the books, or take whatever steps you think right. It is the late afternoon, and Kendra has a cook who is fixing you all dinner.

2012-01-18, 04:55 PM
"*sigh* Somehow I don't think any of those villagers even begin to understand what the Professor did and why it was important. Though I can only guess at details of his works..."

Aislin peers curiously at the three books, itching to know what properties and powers are contained within. However, both Granny and the Professor have always stressed the importance of caution when dealig with the Occult forces in this world. They had a habit of presenting themselves as benevolent willed, then tearing the skin off of your soul in strips. Aislin looks for any familiar markings on their covers, trying to remember if anything distinguishing about them has ever been discussed between her and the good professor.

This would be a Knowledge(arcana) check no? If so then [roll0]

"Hoo?" MowMow said peering closely at the books.

"Oh professor, 100 platinum would be gladly given if you could be here still."

2012-01-18, 05:09 PM
The other three books are:

On Verified Madness: A jet-black book tied with a blood red ribbon.

Serving Your Hunger: A thin book with a faded brown leather cover.

The Umbral Leaves: A thick text with a faded very light brown cover.

Any or all will open for your perusal.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-18, 05:14 PM
Twirling the fringe of one of his sideburns, Barrik digests the contents of the will in silence. These strangers must be more than mere acquaintances of the professor, for him to trust them so.

Rising, Barrik goes to Kendra as Aislin moves towards the chest. "My dear child," he says, taking her hands into his own. "Thank you for your hospitality. Should you lack any comfort for the rest of your days, you need of course only send word my way. I would be only too glad to help." The words carry the affection of an uncle to a favorite niece.

With a kindly smile towards Kendra, Barrik's eyes begin to wander around the room. Every shelf is full of books, and every wall is crowded with shelves. The knowledge in this home... Forgetting himself, the dwarf's mouth begins to hang open. "My dear, I should very much like to pore over your father's tomes. May I?"

I don't know if there's a story scripted for the intervening month, but--if possible--I'd like to spend the next IC day (or however long it takes) to give the professor's library a thorough once-over. I'd be looking for any information on alchemy especially, but also interesting tomes on related arcane subjects, books on growing and brewing cycles, and books about altering one's behavior via magic. In particular, if he's got a spellbook lying around anywhere, I'd love to copy any pertinent spells (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/spell-lists-and-domains/formulae-lists---alchemist) to my book of formulae.

I wouldn't start until the next IC day, but could I take 20 on this perception check? If so, then my result will be 28.

If not: Perception [roll0]

2012-01-18, 05:20 PM

All of you are welcome to make use of the professor's library, as much as you want. Depending on what you are looking for there is a library at the Temple of Pharasma, and archive at the town hall, and another library at The Unfurling Scroll.

To thoroughly explore the professor's library would take most or all of a day. This would count as a take 20. It is possible to explore based on different knowledge areas, this could take multiple days or multiple researchers.

2012-01-18, 05:24 PM
"My curiosity is peaking" Aislin mutters aloud. "Hoo, hoo!" MowMow hoots significantly.
"Shush. Now, Granny would have given me the biggest hiding of my life if she ever heard i opened strange books I know nothing of. Hmmmm, should I? I trust the professors judgment in these matters, but I dare say he would know better than I in dealing with books like these....Okay, let's." Aislin says with determination.

Casting detect magic, concentration: [roll0] EDIT: specifically on Serving Your Hunger

2012-01-18, 05:38 PM
Aislin casts a spell on the three books, one by one, and determines that none of them seem to be magic.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-18, 05:47 PM
"Many thanks, my dear," Barrik's thoughts race at the possibilities of what might be hidden in this little village. "I will be certain to investigate these places thoroughly on the morrow."

No sooner do these words leave his mouth than the scent of dinner begins to drift past. It is a matter of moments after this when his stomach takes up with a clamor of truly dwarven proportions. It is clearly audible everyone in the room.

"Ah," the dwarf says, his cheeks turning pink. "It would seem that I forgot my lunch." As always, Barrik's thoughts of food turned to thoughts of drink. "I don't suppose any in our company might enjoy a tankard of my beers? They are a labor of deep love."

I figure Barrik's got a half-dozen casks in the wagon that he brewed at an earlier date. Can I make a retroactive Profession (Brewer) check to determine how good they are?

Also, what season is it in-game?

2012-01-18, 05:49 PM
Asher is lost in thought as he listens to the will. Chuckling under his breath, he remembers the adventure the Professor and He had when they escaped. After Barrik walked to Kendra and Aislin moved to the chest, Asher followed behind her.

"Hm. Dark tomes eh? God rest my friends soul, but I still find it hard to believe a book could be evil," he said, then noticing the newest tome. "Perhaps a look couldn't hurt, though."

Asher picks up the newest tome and begins to read

While reading, "If you're offering, Barrik, certainly I couldn't refuse."

2012-01-18, 07:15 PM
He was not one for books but he knew how to protect..and if that was what the professor wanted to be sure that his daughter was safe he could do that. "I could use a long draw of something stout Barrik if you are offering." He then took the moment to place his traveling gear in a corner out of the way and said.:"The books I am not much for reading...but I will see they are delivered even if it causes more problems like earlier."

2012-01-18, 08:03 PM
I figure Barrik's got a half-dozen casks in the wagon that he brewed at an earlier date. Can I make a retroactive Profession (Brewer) check to determine how good they are?

Also, what season is it in-game?[/QUOTE]

Certainly you have at least 6 casks, and make checks as you like - you are the brewer and you paid for the privilege.

It is late autumn in Ravengro, post harvest.

2012-01-18, 08:15 PM
The newest of the books, with the scratched indication "read me," is a journal. The professor's journal is mostly a dense and boring account of his days, what he ate, observations of the weather, etc. However you discover some entries that are circled in red ink.

Circled Entries in the Professor’s Journal

Ten Years Ago:

The Whispering Way is more than just a cabal of necromancers. I see that now. Undeath is their
fountain of youth. Uncovering their motivation does not place me at ease as I thought it might. Their desire to be eternal simply makes them more dangerous.

Two Months Ago:

It is as I had feared. The Way is interested in something here in Ravengro. But what could it be?

One Month Ago:

Whatever the Way seeks, I am now convinced their goal is connected to Harrowstone. In retrospect, I suppose it all makes sense—the stories they tell about the ruins in town are certainly chilling enough. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked up about them, I’d rather not let the others know about my curiosity—there’s plenty of folks hereabouts who already think I’m a demonologist or a witch or something. Ignorant fools.

Twenty Days Ago:

It is confirmed. The Way seems quite interested in something—no, strike that—someone who was held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is the Way after? I need a list of everyone who died the night of the fire. Everyone. The Temple of Pharasma must have such a list.

Eighteen Days Ago:

I see now just how ill prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone. I am lucky
to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the foundation—hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to defend against spirits are already here in Ravengro. I know that the church of Pharasma used to store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down below. If my luck holds, I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items.

Seventeen Days Ago:

Tomorrow evening I return to the prison. It is imperative the Way does not finish. My caution has already cost me too much time. I am not sure what will happen if I am too late, but if my theory is right, the entire town could be at risk. I don’t have time to update my will, so I’ll leave this in the chest where it’ll be sure to be found, should the worst come to pass.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-18, 08:56 PM
Barrik chuckles at the tall mercenary. "I believe I have just the thing."

Heading out into the yard, Barrik unloads three small kegs from the wagon. Handling them like newborn babes, Barrik carts them to the kitchen, where he sets them prominently on the kitchen table.

"Miss," the dwarf says, addressing the cook, "I shall need your best tankards. We are about to partake of truly excellent beer."

So it turns out I can take 20 on a Profession roll, as there's no chance of failure. That means I rolled a 30 to brew this stuff. If this is comparable to the Perform skill (and let's face it, why not?), then this beer is eventually capable of attracting extraplanar customers. :smalltongue:

And it's too late IC (on purpose), but is the cook a woman?

2012-01-18, 09:05 PM
Kendra's cook, the elderly Ms. Teasdale, is pleased to add the dwarf's brew to the menu.

2012-01-18, 10:37 PM
"Aye Barrik good call, mind if i have a tankard? Preferably something stout, pale ales are too light for my tastes."
"Hoo, Hoo, HOO?"
"If you think you're getting any, you've obviously lost your birdy mind."
"SCREEEECH!!!" and MowMow tankes to a higher vantage and sulks as only an abnormal bird can.

"Well, these books dont SEEM to be dangerous. Graves....is it okay if i call you that? I figure we all might as well be friendly since we seem to be in this together......does the professors journal mention any of these books?" With that Aislin carefully lifts the lid of Serving your Hunger using a pen from the table.

This is assuming there is a readily available pen? i dont doubt there probably is one XD Asher: you dont gotta recount it all to aislin XD, im actually taking notes from X's post right now XD

2012-01-18, 10:43 PM
Serving Your Hunger

Your gluttony
Your disease
Your undeath

All for the Pallid Princess

“Seize what you can, tear it apart, and savor its sweet bloody taste.”
“Despite the consequences to others, throw off the natural order and claim your own desires.”
“Do not imagine the taste of the brain of an infant-experience it.”
“Be a faithful servant, my priestess, and you shall have the honor of being called my Daughter.”
“If I am pleased, common food shall be divine. If I am angered, it shall be of ash.”
“And my herald shall be Mother’s Maw, and the skull shall carry with it flies and maggots for my pleasure.”
“And my people shall know my servants – Barasthangas, Fjarn, Olix”
“Crush my enemies and feed on them… those of Sarenrae and Pharasma!"
“Protect those yearning for undeath, for their rapid propagation pleases me.”
“In the absence of the stars and moon shall my servant find strength”

{Divine Scroll} …to spread the feast and invite one to consume…

“Now is the time to reap the next harvest”

{Divine Prayer} Consume

{Arcane Scroll} Urgathoa’s Blessing

{Arcane Scroll} Eternal Hunger

[Herein is described how to create a magic item in Urgathoa’s honor: a pallid crystal]

“Existence is dull without the blessing of sensation.”

[Some common Aphorisms… Feed Your Pain, By the Blood and the Mouth]
[Some recipes for cooking humans and other humanoids]

Please deliver to Montagnie Crowl, professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. My notes begin here – PL

I have few notes for this tome. This is a poor quality book, a copy of the original text but full of mistakes and several portions missing.
The copyist is unknown, and it is anyone’s guess whether the errors are deliberate to mislead.
Be careful of the covers!

Serving Your Hunger is one of the unholy and profane texts of the goddess Urgathoa, goddess of undeath and disease.

2012-01-18, 10:57 PM
"....Oh....my...ugh! What could possess ANYONE to believe this? This carnage is sickening! I refuse to read more of this unless absolutely necessary. Mother's Maw? Barasthangas? I wont even go into the preparations for consuming men......." Aislin slams the cover shut and pushes the book away. I would pick what is most likely the most vile book of them first. Interesting title my rear.

"*Sigh* Perhaps i should read the cards the professor provided first, that way I'll at least have a hint of what atrocious subjects are within...."

2012-01-18, 11:06 PM
(The professor does not seem to have left any information regarding the other two books)

2012-01-18, 11:11 PM
Aisling grabs The Umbral Leaves with an air of apprehension. she opens the cover cautiously, eager to get this over with. If the professor saw reason to leave notes, perhaps there is knowledge that could be useful....or perhaps i shouldnt feed my curiosity and just have these delivered and be done with it.

2012-01-18, 11:17 PM
Umbral Leaves

The tenets of Zon-Kuthon’s faith are detailed in this grisly book, written in blood on pages of flayed skin.


“Look upon all flesh as a canvas for your works of pain.”
“Revel in envy, pain, darkness, and lies, my children”
“Cross the world with lash and chain and cruel laughter!”
“Praise to the wounded pale man!”
“Delicious pleasure comes in hideous pain.”
“Come forth, oh herald, oh Prince in Chains”
“And the worthy shall meet with Dominik the Unquenchable, who eats and drinks without end.”
“Vreet-Hall, slice your eyes and pour forth more horrid hatred”

“Start your day in sexual gratification to stay yourself until night falls again.”
“Understand dominance and submission, and one can conquer any.”
“Endure pain until it is pleasure, for the glory of Zon-Kuthon.”

[Herein is a description of a “scream choir”, a group of surgically altered slaves who can only sing a single note when “played” by a “torturer-conductor”]

{Divine Scroll} …to transfer your delight to another… [Seems as if the words are brands on this page of skin]

[The following pages detail techniques of torture] {+2 equipment bonus to Profession(torturer)}

{Arcane Scroll} Protect From the Holy

{Arcane Scroll} Flensing

{Arcane Scroll} Shattering Word

{Diving Scroll} Touch of Pleasure

[Herein are detail on how to make a spiked corset]

“Remember the Joymaking” [A description of a holy day when extraneous flesh is amputated from a willing victim]
Holy Day: The Eternal Kiss “Pamper your enemy for 6 days, and on the rest of his nights… torture”

Please return to Montagnie Crewl, professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. My notes start here. – PL

This lexicon first came to prominence in 4694 during the trial of Montague Brant in the city of Ardis. Charged and subsequently found guilty of heresy, Brant was burned alive with his blasphemous library serving as kindling for the purification pyre.
This particular copy is noteworthy as it is bound in human skin ans is rumored to be cursed of haunted in some way.
How this book escaped the flame is still unknown, but I have heard rumor that the notorious necromancer Joseph von Neus magicked it from the fire.
This is the assumption as this book was, of course, sold to a collector of the esoteric in Caliphas, Dr. Herman Block, by a group of adventurers who moved von Neus to the Boneyard and found the tome in his collection. Block was found skinned in his manse in 4707.

2012-01-18, 11:27 PM
"My these people are nothing if not creative....can't say I'm entirely against the spiked corset. Gentlemen! should seem previous owners of this tome have met....gruesome ends....I am beginning to believe needs be cautious while they're in our possession. Heh, I get it, Umbral Leaves indeed...."
"SCREEECH!" MowMow descends back to Aislin's shoulder and flaps his wings violently, then settles and stares unerringly at Aislin.
"Come now, MowMow, surely you dont think me ignorant enough to pay attention to the.....bonuses....they've included in here? Or are you still sore that you get no beer?"

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-18, 11:31 PM
Barrik emerges into the sitting room, masterfully holding 5 tankards full of a dark beer in his wide hands.

"Here we are!" His is the joy of a father, bringing a present home to a dear child. "This I brewed not three days past, with the last reapings of the harvest. I had intended to share it with the Professor... it seems only right that we should raise tankards in his memory."

Barrik strides around the room, handing tankards to each of them, Kendra last of all. "To Petros Lorrimar! May his name echoes through the world forever!"

As he raises the tankard to his lips, time seems to slow down for Barrik. Fragrances of fall spices blend dazzlingly with the fruits of summer's labor. He takes a long draw from the tankard, his eyes closed as he falls into deep concentration. Every moment of the first taste is important; other concerns fall away by necessity.

After a long time of silence and stillness, Barrik stirs as from a slumber. "It reminds me of dancing around a great pumpkin, with streamers in the rafters overhead as the last rays of the sun go down into dusk." The smile on his face is beyond contentment.

2012-01-18, 11:41 PM
"Aye, a stiff drink and deep praise would suite me JUST fine right now, thank you Barrik, truly you are a master of words. To the professor peastfindhissoul, scholar, wise-man, friend, mentor!"

Aislin takes a deep drink of the brew. She pulls the tankard away from her lips, her face melting rapidly into a rapturous gaze at the ceiling.

"Wow, your brewing ability overshadows even your abilities to praise justly. Tell me there is plenty of this! Here sir, care you to read what is within these tomes? I warn you, they are graphic, yet i feel the professor didn't write these notes for his health......."

Aislin pauses and her face sinks when she realizes her innocent statement could very well be interpreted with bad taste.

Is kendra in the room again?

2012-01-18, 11:47 PM
Kendra generally gives the party privacy, except during meals.

While it is assumed that party information is shared, it is assumed that you are not sharing info with Kendra unless it is declared, or the party makes it a general policy to do so.

2012-01-18, 11:53 PM
Is it copacetic to ask her to come in so i can talk to her? Also, is it assumed we know HOW PL died? if not Aislin is beginning to suspect dark tidings based on the notes and content of the books, and shes beginning to think she just might have to be quite irate. Though i would like to wait to call her in until after my teammates have a chance to post their responses.

2012-01-18, 11:58 PM
Is it copacetic to ask her to come in so i can talk to her?

of course

Also, is it assumed we know HOW PL died?

No one has asked.

if not Aislin is beginning to suspect dark tidings based on the notes and content of the books, and shes beginning to think she just might have to be quite irate. Though i would like to wait to call her in until after my teammates have a chance to post their responses.

Your choice. There is always a tension between fully including everyone and keeping the game moving.

You can hear Kendra moving about in the kitchen.

2012-01-19, 01:14 AM
"Of course you can, Aislin. Any of you can, in fact. I'm pretty sure you're right in your assumption."

Throughout all the banter between the others, Asher read's every bit he can find in the Professors journal. His face goes from lack of concern over evil books to almost a severe look of dread.

"Uh..." Asher starts, the words still snaking through his mind, "friends, I believe I might have stumbled onto why the good Professor was mistaken for one of those bone raisers."

Asher hands the journal to be passed around, noting the pages with the circled entires, then takes a mug of ale and downs the entire glass.

Assuming I need to roll a fortitude check for the guzzling of the ale: [roll0] Also, if I can make a local knowledge check on the Way? [roll1]

2012-01-19, 01:25 AM
He took the ale when the dwarf brought it in and raised his tankard. "Well let's hope this tingles the taste buds." Daross then took a long draw from the mug and when he lowered the tankard his lips were covered in that sweet flavor and foam. "By a dwarves beard my friend..this makes me want to slip into a dream of better times." Daross then looked to the others who were in the books. "Well are the professor's notes as interesting as you are making them sound?"

Sorry a little sick but trying to post at least a few times daily...and I love this so far.

2012-01-19, 02:01 AM
Aislin reads over the highlighted sections, emotions playing across her face. Finishing what she was reading Aislin settles on one emotion.

"After reading this" her voice shaky with constrained anger"and after what i have read in those evil, VILE tomes, i begin to suspect foul play, and i believe i have a notion of who did the deed. The only question is, how do we go about confirming a few concerns? Second to confirming my suspicion of the professors death would be clarification of the names and details in the professor's journal. Oh if I am right, i promise you..........." she finishes darkly, for the briefest of moments her very countenance seeming to flicker fitfully between her own face, and....someone else's. MowMow's wings hunch up and his body posture becomes more like a destitute crows, or a vultures. Aislin stands, and hands the book to Daross, and walks towards the kitchen door.

"Ms. Kendra when you have a second i would like for you to speak with us please, in your own time.

2012-01-19, 02:30 AM
Asher sets the mug down, wipes his lips.

"Certainly won't mind traveling with you Barrik, if you got plenty of ale on hand," he says heartily. "Aislin, we may want to be discreet with the information we present to Kendra. Mourning can do a lot to a persons mind, and I'm not entirely sure how she'll take it."

2012-01-19, 08:11 AM

Of course Aislin, I'm available to talk. I just want all of you to be comfortable during your stay here.

Asher can recall nothing about the Whispering Way.

2012-01-19, 10:31 AM
"Oh, i was merely wondering when dinner shall be prepared, and whether or not there are any immediate concerns you have about your father's estate." Aislin thinks perhaps Asher is correct and nods to him

Do i need to bluff check to see if she notices my change of mind? if so, [roll0]

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-19, 10:46 AM
Barrik nods amiably at the compliments given by his new friends, but even the pleasures of beer cannot distract Barrik from the menacing air in the room. I shall have to remember what Daross said... "Dreams of Better Times"...

Moving over to the table, Barrik glances at the books from the chest. He skims the notes circled in the professor's journal. "By the gods. How can mortals be so horrid?"

Looking over to the third book, the dwarf shudders at the title. "Verified Madness?" If anything served as a better example... With a morbid curiosity and the duty of a scholar, Barrik takes a fortifying sip of his ale, opens the musty tome, and begins reading.

Let's hope you don't need that Bluff check, Exuro. :smalltongue:

2012-01-19, 11:05 AM

We are planning dinner for 6 pm. And no, I have no immediate concerns...

She returns to the kitchen, a puzzled look on her face.

2012-01-19, 11:09 AM
On Verified Madness

Printed by Smails & Smails

Written by: Theophilus Wenn

Printed in Absalom

… , Theophilus Wenn, am a high-ranking member of the Pathfinder Society, and have contributed much in the way of written works and lectures. This will be my final volume, as dealing with the Dark Tapestry has drained me of much. I intend to retire to Bedrin’s Bluff now, to live out the rest of my days in peace. -T.W.

Chapter 1 “The Many Maw” This is a horrid mass of eyes, mouths, and formless flesh. It stares in all direction, and its countless maws yammer in union ceaselessly. It is disgusting, loathesome, and hungry. No other words can describe this beast. Those that listen to it are driven mad.
Chapter 2 “The Mind Worm” When I saw this, its slime-covered, drenched even, length coiled upon itself in a shuddering mountain, and the huge worm’s tentacled head rose like a snake. Legends say these creatures once ruled empires in the depths of the deepest reached of the underworld. Some say they are spawned by greater creatures from strange dimensions.
Chapter 3 “The Living, Breathing Slime” This immense mound of black slime thunders forward, and all the while eyes, mouths, and even stranger things form in its heaving bulk.Many say these may have been created before the first gods turned their attentions to the Material Plane, but rumors say they have rebelled against their creators and lurk in the lightless deep.
Chapter 4 “The Hound of Tindalos” This is a gaunt, long-limbed quadruped with huge, soulless eyes and a toothy maw. The lean creature moves with a predatory grace. Little is known about their nature outside of blood-spattered notes and deranged writings of nearly insane survivors of their attacks.
Chapter 5 “Neh-Thalggu” This is a crab-like nightmare with a lamprey mouth, twitching eyes on its legs, and several blisters along its back that hold human brains. The brains they eat are not digested, but instead increase their intellect Are they fuel for a dark apotheosis into an even more sinister form?
Chapter 6 “The Color Out of Space” This is an eerie radiance, a glow unlike anything else, that suddenly suffuses an area, bringing with it a stifling sense of latent malignancy. The lack of a physical body does little to impede incredible devastation. It feeds on the life of plants and animals, which is addictive to the victims and prevents flight from the region.
Chapter 7 “Mi-Go” These are unnaturally graceful creatures with a bulbous fungoid lump for a head, spiny insectoid wings, and a tangle of spiky, clawed legs. I think these are scientists and colonists from the Dark Tapestry, seeking biological resources for experiments. They speak in a strange, buzzing voice.

DANGER The following spells draw from the Dark Tapestry, Spellcaster beware

{Arcane Spell} Emerald Dart of P’tah

{Arcane Spell} Call Servant of C’thugah

{Arcane Spell} Grasp of the Eldest

{Arcane Spell} Ressurection

{Arcane Spell} Breath of C’thugah

{Arcane Spell} Curse of Hypnos

{Arcane Spell} Contact Azathoth

{Arcane Spell} Curse of the Eldest

{Arcane Spell} Stop Heart

{Arcane Spell} Fist of Yog-Sothoth

Please deliver to Montagnie Crewl, professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. My notes start here. -PL

I am not sure I trust the foreword of this book. Neither the Society, nor the printworks, have any recollection of a man by the name of Wenn.
The printworks cannot even recall printing the book at all. It is as if he never existed and has been purged from the minds of all who have ever seen or heard of him.
However, because he intended to retire to Bedrin’s Bluff, his existence must have been prior to the disaster that befell that quarter.

2012-01-19, 11:13 AM
"Okay, so, avoided that i suppose. I'll aske her later, or I'll ask one of these gentlemen......So what is our plan? Where too first? These books....need be returned i suppose."

Aislin crosses back to her seat and looks expectantly from person to person, thinking in her head all the while, planning what she needs to do to honor poor professor lorrimor.

MATRIX! dodged that bullet. >.>

2012-01-19, 01:37 PM
Daross looked to Aislin before glancing at the others."I would suggest possibly finding a map..and then I am sure the professor has told us where the people they are to returned to can be located." Daross the took another drink of that delicious ale before letting out a content sigh. "Then I suggest we set a course that would get them there quickly and safely." Daross nodded his own mind having been made up that he would return them. "Though I believe we heard from your readings that something could happen here in town."

2012-01-19, 01:51 PM
"Indeed. We will naturally ask questions about the professors death.....kendra needs time to mourn, i however have had time, and now im done being blinded by it. I think The Way may have had something to do with his death. The journal particularly makes it seem like someone may have wanted to stop him from stopping THEM. I intend to carry this on personally. If they're plotting harm on innocents, and especially if they killed the professor, then i will be making them regret it. Death and the kings taxes gentlemen.....and i have no care for money."

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-19, 01:57 PM
After spending a few moments catching up on the readings, Barrik take a long pull from his tankard. "I had hoped to spend the coming days in repose, but I fear we cannot." His fingers drift to his beard and begin to twirl a few strands. "If my memory serves, Lepidstadt is a good deal to the north, and it was Lorrimar's wish that we remain here for a month" he glances over his shoulder, making sure that Kendra is out of earshot, "and look after his daughter's well-being. After reading his journal, I believe her safety may be in grave danger."

Another drink of his ale seems to center the dwarf, bringing him into focus. "We may not have much time, but knowledge is a mighty weapon. We would do well to arm ourselves. I propose that we spend at least tomorrow going about the city and finding out what we can about these places mentioned by the Professor.

"For my lot, I want to know more about this Harrowstone place, and should like to question the Church of Pharasma about this mysterious fire."

2012-01-19, 02:36 PM
Party members may operate as a single group, or split up into smaller groups or individuals as they wish. You may engage in some kind of activity in the evening, or wait until after you have had a good breakfast the following morning.

As the sun goes down the night sky is clear and the stars are bright.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-19, 03:06 PM
After dinner, Barrik will spend the evening doing a search for books on spells, potions, and rituals designed to control behavior and/or separate the good and bad parts of a person's spirit.

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]

2012-01-19, 03:12 PM
You find nothing you don't already know.

2012-01-19, 05:28 PM
Asher listens intently to his friends, nodding where appropriate.

"I agree Barrik, I do wish to head to the church. I also want to get a chance to examine that false crypt. If we do intend to find out what happened, he seemed rather convinced that what they had down there would help. I don't buy into ghosts, but it's not worth taking chances."

2012-01-19, 06:36 PM
Daross looked to the others and said "Well I am not much for book smarts...I do know however that the people that were keeping him from finding stuff most likely have a few fellows like myself so I will accompany you wherever you need to go." He then looked to that cask of ale and decide to have on more drink before calling it a night.

I may be posting a little slower at work at the moment.

2012-01-19, 06:48 PM
Barrik is committed for the evening. The others may do as they wish.

2012-01-19, 07:00 PM
"Then the question is, who is going to do what? After Daross' bravery i believe the citizens shant be happy seeing him. Perhaps Barrik and I can go to the temple, and you two the crypt? Let us plot gentlemen."

"Hoooooooo." MowMow hoots softly, almost concernedly.

"Shhh, I'm sure no one will....object to me. They have no reason to think me anything other than a young woman and companion to these fine men. However I would prefer start8iing fresh in the morn with a bite to eat. As for tonight, perchance I may read this last book. Though I am sure to regret this....Manual of the Order
of the Palatine Eye hmmm?"

2012-01-19, 07:08 PM
Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye: The rich purple
cover contains a brass scarab set with a single eye in
its center. The book’s covers are rimmed in polished steel
and clasped with a small but intricate lock, the keyhole
of which appears to be for a key with a strange,
triangular shaft. The key is nowhere to be found.

2012-01-19, 07:20 PM
"Hmm a key that is nowhere to be found? Where is this key i wonder? And why is this volume locked? Questions do pile up. *SIgh* For now, rest."

I forgot to ask, i didnt give myself 150xp, im assuming thats correct since Aislin merely held her wrath in check?

2012-01-19, 07:27 PM
My usual policy is that everyone gets a share of experience, even if they did nothing. If the party votes for a different policy I would of course consider it, but for now each member of the party gets the 150xp.

2012-01-19, 07:55 PM
"I agree, and I'm fine with the split. The morning would indeed be a better time to go and investigate. I'm starting to think that THIS might be the reason the Professor wanted us to stay..." Asher says, refilling his mug as well.

After over hearing Aislin mention the lock, Asher asks for the book and attempts to pick it.

Disable Device Check:[roll0]

Wooo! Finally! It is what this character is supposed to do afterall.

2012-01-19, 08:33 PM
Daross spotted the lock and then seemed to recall something from earlier. "Did a set of keys not fall out of the papers that contained the will earlier..that man I can't remember but the fellow that read the will did he return them to Kendra?"

2012-01-19, 08:42 PM
Daross then recalls that the key that appeared earlier was used tot open the chest with the books.

Asher sets up his lockpicks for a perfect solution to open the lock - there is a click - and the lock fails to open!

2012-01-19, 08:51 PM
He thought for a moment then shook his head "Forgive my ignorance it was just the one key for the chest ..I apologize." He laughed a bit before looking to Barrick "Or perhaps it is the looks of a beautiful woman and your ale that is confusing me.."Daross then laughed once more before standing the beautiful woman words spoken in a jest at Aislin. "I think I will retire before I make more a fool out of myself."

Yeah realized that after i posted so edit and fixed :)

2012-01-19, 08:55 PM
"Ha ha good show. My favorite part was when the lock clicked and then didn't open. Oh I'm only teasing, it seems intricate. We may be able to talk to this Embreth woman about how it opens. However, this is a month down the road i fear."Hoo hoo hoo hoo.""MOWMOW don't laugh. I doubt even if i knew a spell it would be able to force it. Or perhaps it would? I know! allow me a second to browse the professor's library, perhaps there is a grimoire here that is able to shed some light......where to start?"

Aislin blushes at the comment, aware she has been called a beauty, but never the less pleased at the comment.
Checking for arcane texts on lock opening! [roll0]

AARATAGHSTYRDGHDYT these nat 1's gotta stop by combat time -_-

2012-01-19, 09:01 PM
Aislin spends a few minutes but does not find a directly relevant text.

You can spend the evening looking and it will count as a take 10, or spend a longer time searching and it will eventually count as a take 20.

2012-01-19, 09:16 PM
I'll take ten, then turn in, so 18 it tis?

"A moments more searching, another ale, and sleep for me."

2012-01-19, 09:38 PM
The take 10 finds nothing. Using my GM powers I am deducing that the party will is to sleep for the night, and awaken in the morning. Should anyone really want to do something different we will figure it out.

It is a beautiful morning in Ravengro, and the party enjoys a hearty breakfast supplied by Kendra and her cook.

The party is free to proceed as they wish.

Day 2

2012-01-19, 10:21 PM
Daross is already up with the morning outside his armor removed hands take the axe and with a loud THUNK! He splits another piece of wood for the cooking fires. He wanted breakfast so he figured he would be earning it. He was already a little uncomfortable staying in such a nice home for free. He was good and loose his old wounds being worked out so they did not ache as much. "Going to be a long day..." That whispered before he dumped a cool bucket of water over himself to get rid of the sweat.

2012-01-20, 01:31 PM
MowMow suddenly flutters down and perches on the haft of the axe.

"Indeed it is. Up early? Commendable. Are the others awake? i think it's time to get busy, not need to tarry when we can be ready to head out at the end of this month. I think i should talk to Kendra, see if she believes she may be troubled here at home......i daresay her fellow citizens might be upset. And if my suspicions have any merit, i fear she may need protection from.....others."

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-20, 04:29 PM
It was hard to fall asleep without a mountain draped over him, but Barrik managed to sleep soundly after a few more pints of ale. When he woke, he welcomed the hearty breakfast laid out for he and his companions, began to dig in.

"Kendra," he said between mouthfuls. "I have a long list of things to do today, and first among them is to speak to someone about selling my beer here in town. To whom should I direct my efforts, dear?"

2012-01-20, 05:42 PM

Well Barrik, the two taverns in town are the Outward Inn and the Laughing Demon. I should think either might be interested.

2012-01-20, 06:50 PM
Daross eyes the owl on the axe smirking as he heard the woman. "I am sure they are up..I myself wake with the sun." He looked to Aislin. "Yes, better you speak with her... I am not as talented with words as the rest of you seem to be." Daross placed the axe back where it belonged and put his arms full of firewood before taking it to the kitchen for the cook. He then sat and looked to Barrick. "They would be a fool not to buy some."

2012-01-20, 07:50 PM
"I myself can atest for the quality. I will go with you Berrik, afterwards we can go to Pharasma and make our inquiries. Sound like a plan to you?"

2012-01-20, 08:54 PM
Asher comes out, grabs a place to sit and eats.

"Don't forget, Daross. I believe we are going to head to the false crypt today."

2012-01-20, 08:57 PM
It seems that most or perhaps all of the party is ready to move into town. Therefore I will move the game along a bit. Asher in particular may, when he posts, decide he accompanied the group, or he may go off on his own.

As you stroll into town you notice some of the locals out and about. They seem skittish, and avoid eye contact.

You discover:

Ravengro Forge, being worked by an elderly, female dwarf.

Jominda’s Apothecary, a small, well kept building.

Ravengro Town Hall, built in the classic small-town style.

Ravengro General Store

Ravengro Sheriff's Office & Jail

The Silk Purse, money lenders and pawn shop

The Outward Inn, as advertised it is an Inn

This accounts for about half of the town. You may explore further, or investigate any of these individual locations.

2012-01-20, 08:58 PM
ninja Asher!

2012-01-20, 09:15 PM
Ninja...Rogue...it's pretty much the same :D

2012-01-20, 09:16 PM
"Kendra, has your father ever warned you or given you reason to believe that anyone is after him, or may harm you in anyway?"

"Well Barrik, what say we see what can be done at the Outward Inn? They may be smart enough to see gold layed before them. As well, we wil be able to ask where places are. Graves! be wary and be discreet, i dont want more trouble from the locals than necessary."

I lol'd hard at "The Outward Inn, as advertised, it is an inn.".....and NINJA!

2012-01-20, 09:21 PM

Father did not like the idea of my going out at night, or going anywhere outside of the village. But he never said anything about my not being safe at home. He did not warn me about the villagers, or seem particularly concerned about them. Anyway, I am sure I am perfectly safe here at home, there is no need for any of you to stay close to me if you have business in the village.

2012-01-20, 09:38 PM
If at least some of the party continues to the Inn below is what you see. If you don't then I will delete the post and respond to where you do go.

The door opens on steps going down into a half basement. It is indeed a tavern, in back is a staircase likely leading to rooms upstairs. There are a half dozen locals talking, drinking, and betting on a game of darts. The conversation gradually comes to a stop as they become aware of the party's presence. After a brief but uncomfortable silence the female bartender asks whoever entered what they will be ordering.

2012-01-20, 09:38 PM
Daross chugs the last of the ale in his tankard almost heart broken as if he had lost a great love and turns to Asher "Yeah ..let me go throw on the armor and we can get going..I sharpened the blade earlier..the mace is in good repair too." Daross looked to the others and then politely excused himself from the table before moving to get ready for the day.

2012-01-20, 09:46 PM
"My dwarf companion here can speak his piece to you, I'll have whatever stout you have on tap. As well dear, could you direct our way to the Temple of Pharasma?"

How do the customers look? any of them not necessarily "local" looking? any rougher looking sorts? perception check? [roll0]

EDIT: DAMN YOU DICE GODS CUT ME A BREAK. or i'll cut YOU. mmmmmkay?

2012-01-20, 09:57 PM
Welcome to the Outward Inn. Of course I'll pour you all a glass of our best.

Muted conversation begins again between the locals. A gravely voice asks:

Who's buying the next round?

Yep, they look local.

2012-01-20, 10:15 PM
I turn around to look, description of the person asking for a round plz?

Aislin has a plan to help Barrik's haggling go well. SO DONT TRY TO SELL UNTIL SHE TRIES THIS. Aislin will suggest the barkeep give her enough mugs for the speaker and his friends, then pour some of Barrik's ale, and wait for how they react. Good rxn=easier sell, and easier speech hopefully! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHA. *rubs hands*

Also: never burn a d12 as an offering to the dice gods. they take it as mocking. next time i suck it up and burn a d20 and 2 d10's. that should appease their plastic-thirsty natures.

2012-01-20, 10:27 PM
The speaker is the oldest of the locals, notable for his thin white beard and thick white eye lashes.

2012-01-20, 10:32 PM
"Barrik, i have a plan. Allow me to serve the old one a round of your ale. I think his reaction should make the innkeep curious as to how high a price she could charge for fine fare such as yours, and perhaps losen his tongue to be forthcoming with me, what say you?"

*muffled* "hoo!"

"Shush up there! you think theyd be happy to see an owl just perching on my hat as it were nothing? I'm not taking the risk and you can get over it, you damned bird."

*muffled* "hoo......".

Only MowMow could sound dejected.....damn owl.

Sorry i didnt mention hiding MowMow under my hat, it struck me suddenly as something Aislin would do to save trouble of stares and questions, and of course, MowMow's behavior. are we handling this special, or just letting it slide as narrative?

ALSO: i am moving back to my apartment tomorrow (winter break at my parents) so i wont be able to post till laaaaater in the evening. If i cant get on earlier: Aislin carries out the plan if Barrik agrees. If not, she pays for enough drinks to suite tthe old coot, and asks: Where is the temple of pharasma? what is it? no, im not from arround here originally, im here on BUSINESS with my dwarf friend over there ha ha, thanks old timer! goes outside lets owl out, continues traveling with Barrik. Sorry in advanced guys, gotta get my college on :P I'm also a maryland local, and a Ravens fan. So sorry i wont be posting while i watch them trash the patriots. WILL STILL BE POSTING AT NOT GAME TIME

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-21, 12:59 PM
Barrik sets the keg he's been carrying down by the bar, joining his companion Aislinn. "Of course," he says under his breath. "I had much the same plan, myself!"

When the barmaid asks his pleasure, Barrik produces a gold coin and sets it on the counter. "I am in the business of brewing, madam, and I should like to get the Inn's opinion on my latest ale." Barrik pats the keg at his feet before continuing. "But I find myself presented with a quandary. You see, I would hate to take any business from you because of the quality of my brew, so I should like to offer you a gold coin to let everyone have a tankard of Dreams of a Better Time, fresh-brewed from the harvest's last crop!"

Outward Inn... :smallbiggrin:
Just so it doesn't seem like I'm wasting my time pursuing my own RP goals, I'm considering this encounter as an olive branch toward the community. Barrik wants to win some friends in town, and this is the best, fastest way he can think to do it.

2012-01-21, 03:27 PM
The barmaid makes the gold disappear, and Barrick's brew is distributed to all, and it wins instant popularity.

Elder Local:

Strangers! Sit down and join us. The short one's brew is...remarkable...I am inclined to recommend it to the management here...but does it hold up after the first mug? Perhaps we should all have another!

2012-01-22, 02:07 AM
Daross tires of waiting for Asher to get ready and yells back "I am going to have a drink when you get ready meet me there..you are wasting daylight." He with that strolled down to the tavern that blade on his side as he did so trying to make sure that he would not be jumped by the locals.

Sorry got tired of not being able to play..game slowed way down.

2012-01-22, 08:08 AM
Daross, when he enters, is also invited to join the locals in what they hope will be a second round of the dwarf's fine brew.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-22, 10:21 AM
Flashing a proud grin, Barrik pats his keg. "Of course! Drinks all around!"

After filling everyone's tankard, Barrik turns to the barmaid. "I've got many more kegs where this came from, madam. Perhaps there might be business between us?"

2012-01-22, 11:09 AM
The Barmaid, actually as it turns out the owner of the tavern, negotiates with Barrik to purchase his ale.

How many kegs do you want to sell? I'm guessing you are low balling the price, and you will spend some of what you make on new ingredients, so perhaps your profit would be 25gp per barrel.

Directions are given to the Temple of Pharasma. This leads to a discussion of the old prison ruins, and an argument as to whether or not they are haunted.

They say that Harrowstone’s executioner still
guards the execution balcony on the western side
of the prison, and that on some nights, his scythe
can be seen patrolling the balcony on its own, as if
carried by an invisible spirit.

Stories that Harrowstone is haunted are just
that—stories. The ruins are still dangerous, but
what folks think are ghosts are only the nasty
vermin that live there.

The older local speaks:

Strangers, you seem to be a colorful and odd, I mean unusual group. I bet you have many a tale to tell about your travels.

2012-01-22, 11:23 AM
"Oh, not many, not many. The woods where i come, it is rumored that giant bears, 15 ft in heights, sometimes come walking and talking to lone travelers and persuade them to come back to their cave with them, only to eat them up! Alas, thats is my only story to share" she finishes with an embarrassed grin, tipping her hat off her head. MowMow immediately pops out and lands on her shoulder.

Aislin continues as nonchalantly as possible: "uhhh, master Barrik are you about ready to conclude you business? I believe we should head to the temple shortly and ask them a few specifics....."

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-22, 12:12 PM
Barrik nods to Aislin. "Yes, certainly." Turning to the barmaid, Barrik negotiates the price and method of delivery for a few moments. He shakes hands on the deal, then rises and gestures toward the door, the very image of courtesy. "Shall we, Aislin?"

25gp/keg sounds AWESOME. I was planning on selling 6 kegs... is that reasonable?

2012-01-22, 12:25 PM
6 kegs are sold

The temple is devoted to Pharasma, the Lady of Graves.
Ravengro’s only religious structure, the temple is also the
town’s most elaborate building. Its eastern facade displays
an intricate stained-glass mural depicting a stern Pharasma
judging Count Andachi, one of Tamrivena’s most infamous
previous rulers. Elderly Vauran Grimburrow is officially in charge
of the temple, but the day-to-day tending of the flock and
maintenance of the temple and the Restlands is seen to by
a group of acolytes.

The party is met by a young acolyte, barely older than a boy, yet
with the attitude of an experienced bureaucrat.

Outsiders, why have you come? What would you have with the most holy church of Pharasma?

2012-01-22, 12:39 PM
"I have come seeking lore. I have heard much about a few points of history here, and am curious to have answers. My friend Barrik here may have additional requests of your temples time."

"Hoooo." MowMowflys about their heads and lands on Aslin's shoulder, leaning far toward the acolyte and peering at him steadily.

2012-01-22, 12:48 PM
Aislin attempts diplomacy:


Very well, I will bring you to see Father Grimburrow.

The father, who you met previously at the funeral, meets you in his humble office.

Child, what brings you here today? My acolyte said something about an interest in history.

2012-01-22, 01:20 PM
"Well father, i had heard an interesting tale involving Harrowstone. There was apparently a fire at this place, i was wondering what history there is of the harrowstone, and how the fire happened? It sounds a sad tale and history is somewhat of as hobby of mine."

2012-01-22, 02:12 PM

I doubt our records would contain anything of great interest to strangers visiting the town. Much of what we have are simply records of births and deaths. You might be better served by the town archives, which are more historical by nature.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-22, 03:41 PM
Shifting in his seat, Barrik says "But sir, surely a grown man such as yourself has heard tales of this fire? Was it a recent occurrence, or something that happened long ago?"

2012-01-22, 04:59 PM

This was all over fifty years ago, long before my arrival in Ravengro. A terrible tragedy, of course. But I must have my acolyte see you out, I have my responsibilities to attend to.

2012-01-22, 10:22 PM
"So where would the likliest source of information on this fire be? Surely a momentous event such as that would be well recorded."

2012-01-22, 10:43 PM

While the story might be entertaining to an outsider, it is something folks around here would just as soon forget. Possibly there is something in the town archives. Other than that I can not say.

2012-01-22, 11:30 PM
Asher follows Daross, wary of the daze that had affected him.

Sorry. Been sick and had to do a lot of art homework.

2012-01-23, 01:25 AM
Daross came in and had a stout drink before turning to look at Asher "About time...what were you doing?" He chuckled a bit "Do you have to look as if you are attending a ball before you will leave the comfort of your room?" Daross continued to jest having a bit of fun with the fellow.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-23, 10:41 AM
Barrik nods to Father Grimburrow. "Of course," he says, standing from his chair. "Forgive our ignorance; we meant nothing by it."

Turning on his heels, Barrik almost begins to walk away before he stops himself, remembering something. "Father, you wouldn't happen to have any scrolls in your library about the presence of ghosts? Or perhaps methods of dealing with them?"

2012-01-23, 03:48 PM
Grimburrow, obviously annoyed, replies:

Yes, we have various studies of the undead. We are the priests of Pharasma, sworn enemy of such abominations.

This is a different topic, so someone can have a fresh diplomacy roll if you want.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-23, 04:05 PM
Taken somewhat aback by the priest's tone, Barrik clears his throat. "Forgive me. I did not doubt that you had information, I was merely being polite."

"If you would be obliging, Grimburrow, I should love to spend some time in your library. Ghosts have been a fascination of mine for years," he says, patting his coin purse, "and I should be glad to have the chance to learn about them here."

Maybe this priest enjoys alms givers. :smalltongue:
Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-01-23, 04:12 PM

I suppose if you wanted to make a donation of, say, 40gp we could allow one of you to research in the archives, under supervision of one of my acolytes.

2012-01-23, 04:21 PM
Daross continued to drink in the bar..Asher was dragging feet so growing tired of waiting he looked over to one of the locals."Where can I find the temple of Pharsma?"


2012-01-23, 04:54 PM
Don't feel obligated to wait on Asher, especially in town where people can split up. We will assume for now that Asher is automatically following Daross, at least until he posts otherwise.

2012-01-23, 05:06 PM
Daross looked to person who gave him the information tossing him a silver piece before thinking "and what about some crypt around here..I have heard something about that where can I find that where is it located?" Daross remembered that was where he was suppose to be the whole time but information on the temple would be needed if they finished before Barrick and Aislin to find them.

2012-01-23, 05:18 PM
Is Daross thinking to himself or asking this question out loud?

(Asking aloud)

2012-01-23, 05:26 PM
The grizzled old local gazes at Daross suspiciously.

Now why would yea be looking for a crypt, stranger?

Conversations die out in the tavern, the locals look at Daross with varying degrees of surprise and hostility. They await his answer.

2012-01-23, 10:40 PM
"Why would I be looking for a crypt...well that is pretty simple isn't it..to visit someone dead " He laughed "I heard that is what people do when they visit graves...what has you fellows so up tight...do I even look smart enough to dabble with necromancy?" Daross looked to them before asking sternly "Is there some issue you all have that you want handled?"

2012-01-23, 10:52 PM
The locals back off, returning to their drinks.

Daross may stick around, or head over to the Temple as he likes.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-24, 08:38 AM
40 gold coins?! Barrik thinks, his cheeks burning red with indignation. It sounds as though the priest needs a new cloth-of-gold robe...

"If I were to donate 30 gold pieces to the temple," Barrik begins, reaching for his coin purse, "I would feed, clothe, and shelter this acolyte of yours for a full month's time. I am only asking to peruse your records... it's not as though I want to raid a crypt, good sir."

Diplomacy to haggle the price down: [roll0]

2012-01-24, 09:06 AM

If 30 is all you can afford then so be it. You may research the archives for a single day.

2012-01-24, 11:55 AM
Aislin whispers to Barrik as they are lead to the archives"That was amazing, i see your experience in sales has given you a better way of talking to others. Where i come from they know.....what i am....and offer respect and favors knowing that i will be the one delivering their child, or seeing to their sick. Even if they mutter darkly when they think i cant hear..."

Sorry for the not posting guys, had to put the first dog i ever had down yesterday. its been an ordeal.

P.S. Daross' line "is there na issue you guys want handled?" was badass XDD

2012-01-24, 12:05 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Having been there I can imagine how you feel.

Either someone in the party kicks in 30gp, or continues talking to Grimburrow, or individuals or the party may take other actions.

And yes, Daross is getting a reputation around town.

2012-01-24, 12:07 PM
Aislin hands over the 30 gp, since she has enough, and doesn't particularly care, since she sees her godl as her groups gold anyways.

and thanks X, it le sucks big.

2012-01-24, 12:16 PM
One party member may enter the archives and research. The most effective method is to take 20 with various knowledge types while focusing either on one question, or on whatever generally seems useful.

The other party members may continue their actions for the day as they wish.

2012-01-24, 12:26 PM
I'll discuss this with Barrik and we can decide.

"Barrik, i have training and teaching that centered around looking through history books, magic, and nature. Being knowledgeable is one thing Granny said bein' a witch was all about. Do you want me to take this job? If so, please make any suggestions that may aid in the search."

OOC: i got +8 to knowledge(arcana,history,nature) so unless im stretching the nature of the rule mechanics, that should be haggalable into a 28 on take twenties? Survey Says?

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-24, 12:56 PM
Barrik twirls the fringe of his beard. "Believe it or not, I too have a good deal of knowledge about arcane mysteries, which may be our best bet here. We would accomplish more by putting our heads together, but I fear this," the words seem to become distasteful in his mouth, "temple is going to be rather strict."

"Admittedly, for all my years I have very little knowledge in the realm of history. Perhaps it would be better for you to go to the city hall and research this mysterious fire?"

I've got a +9 in Knowledge (Arcana), and taking 20 will get me a 29. I don't have any ranks in (History), though, which would be more helpful in the city hall, I think.

2012-01-24, 01:53 PM
"This makes sense to me. So I'll head over to city hall, meet at the Outward Inn 2 hours after sundown?"

Aislin will be going to city hall to search the history archives. Keywords: fire, harrowstone, prisoners, obituaries.

2012-01-24, 02:31 PM

Aislin visits the town hall only to discover that the clerk is unfriendly and unwilling to admit her to the archives.

There is nothing to interest you here, outsider. Besides the archives are closed to all except townsfolk.

2012-01-24, 02:56 PM
"Indeed? Is there someone of higher authority on the subject?"

If Aislin fails whatever requisite check, she huffs and walks back to the house and enlists kendra to withdraw specific documents.

2012-01-24, 03:02 PM
The clerk suggests speaking with a member of the city council. Aislin returns to consult with Kendra. She is annoyed on behalf of Aislin, and agrees to accompany her back to speak with the clerk. They engage in a discussion, which turns into an argument, and then with ill grace the clerk allows entry into the archives.


I feel so useless, just sitting around the house. Perhaps I could help with your research? It's OK if you don't think it wise, ... I guess I'm just looking for a way to distract myself.

2012-01-24, 04:09 PM
"Of course, we're looking for information on a fire at harrowstone. Words to look for include fire, death, prisoners, harrowstone. Be on lookout for a list of people killed in the fire.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-24, 04:16 PM
Barrik sets to work looking for helpful information about ghosts.

I'm taking 20 on a Knowledge (Arcana) check (for a total of 29) to research the following keywords: Harrowstone Ghost, Executioner, Scythe, False Crypt, and how to fight ghosts in general.

If I have time, I'd also like to take 20 on (Arcana) to research the following keywords: Soul, Dominate, Enchantment, Compulsion, and Evil. This result would also be 29.

2012-01-24, 06:01 PM
Daross himself soon decides to take off looking to the locals his eyes furrowing... giving them that if someone tries to follow there guts will be on the ground this day. "Damn locals and there set in ways." He muttered when out of the place. He then decided to have a look about in town before heading to the to see Gharen Muricar perhaps he could give him a few answers.

2012-01-24, 06:20 PM
Daross himself soon decides to take off looking to the locals his eyes furrowing... giving them that if someone tries to follow there guts will be on the ground this day. "Damn locals and there set in ways." He muttered when out of the place. He then decided to have a look about in town before heading to the to see Gharen Muricar perhaps he could give him a few answers.

As you stroll into town you notice some of the locals out and about. They seem skittish, and avoid eye contact.

You discover:

Ravengro Forge, being worked by an elderly, female dwarf.

Jominda’s Apothecary, a small, well kept building.

Ravengro Town Hall, built in the classic small-town style.

Ravengro General Store

Ravengro Sheriff's Office & Jail

The Silk Purse, money lenders and pawn shop

The Outward Inn, as advertised it is an Inn

This accounts for about half of the town. You may explore further, or investigate any of these individual locations.

2012-01-24, 06:30 PM
Barrik sets to work looking for helpful information about ghosts.

I'm taking 20 on a Knowledge (Arcana) check (for a total of 29) to research the following keywords: Harrowstone Ghost, Executioner, Scythe, False Crypt, and how to fight ghosts in general.

If I have time, I'd also like to take 20 on (Arcana) to research the following keywords: Soul, Dominate, Enchantment, Compulsion, and Evil. This result would also be 29.

Barrik discovers:

The method of execution at Harrowstone Prison was beheading by a scythe.

There is a record of supposed sightings of a ghostly scythe patrolling the Prison grounds.

When a soul is not allowed to rest due to some great injustice, either real or perceived, it sometimes comes back as a ghost. Such beings are in eternal anguish, lacking in substance and unable to set things right. Although ghosts can be any alignment, the majority cling to the living world out of a powerful sense of rage and hatred, and as a result are chaotic evil—even the ghost of a good or lawful creature can become hateful and cruel in its afterlife.

When a ghost is created, it retains incorporeal “copies” of any items that it particularly valued in life (provided the originals are not in another creature's possession). The equipment works normally for the ghost but passes harmlessly through material objects or creatures. A weapon of +1 or better magical enhancement, however, can harm material creatures, but any such attack deals only half as much damage (50%) unless it is a ghost touch weapon. A ghost can use shields or armor only if they have the ghost touch quality.

The original items remain behind, just as the ghost's physical remains do. If another creature seizes the original, the incorporeal copy fades away. This loss invariably angers the ghost, who stops at nothing to return the item to its original resting place (and thus regain the item's use).

Harrowstone is a ruined prison—
partially destroyed by a fire in 4661, the building has
stood vacant ever since. The locals suspect that it’s
haunted, and don’t enjoy speaking of the place.

Originally, Harrowstone housed only
local criminals, but as the prison’s fame spread, other
counties and distant lands began paying to have more
dangerous criminals housed within this prison’s walls.
At the time of the great Harrowstone Fire, the number of
particularly violent or dangerous criminals imprisoned
within the dungeons below was at an all-time high.

This research occupies Barrik until late in the evening. He is then escorted from the temple, and presumably returns home to Kendra's for the night.

2012-01-24, 06:37 PM
"Of course, we're looking for information on a fire at harrowstone. Words to look for include fire, death, prisoners, harrowstone. Be on lookout for a list of people killed in the fire.

Aislin assisted by Kendra discovers:

(50 XP): Harrowstone is a ruined prison—
partially destroyed by a fire in 4661, the building has
stood vacant ever since. The locals suspect that it’s
haunted, and don’t enjoy speaking of the place.

(100 XP): Harrowstone was built in 4594. Ravengro
was founded at the same time as a place where guards and
their families could live and that would produce food and
other supplies used by the prison. The fire that killed all
of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large
portion of the prison’s underground eastern wing, but
left most of the stone structure above relatively intact.
The prison’s warden perished in the fire, along with his
wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison
when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the
warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in
the months after the tragedy—that statue still stands on
the riverbank just outside of town.

(200 XP): Most of the hardened criminals sent
to Harrowstone spent only a few months imprisoned, for
it was here that most of Ustalav’s executions during that
era were carried out. The fire that caused the tragedy was,
in fact, a blessing in disguise, for the prisoners had rioted
and gained control of the prison’s dungeons immediately
prior to the conf lagration. It was only through the self sacrifice
of Warden Hawkran and 23 of his guards that
the prisoners were prevented from escaping—the guards
gave their lives to save the town of Ravengro.

(100 XP): Originally, Harrowstone housed only
local criminals, but as the prison’s fame spread, other
counties and distant lands began paying to have more
dangerous criminals housed within this prison’s walls.
At the time of the great Harrowstone Fire, the number of
particularly violent or dangerous criminals imprisoned
within the dungeons below was at an all-time high.

(200 XP): The five most notorious prisoners
in Harrowstone at the time of the great fire were Father
Charlatan, the Lopper, the Mosswater Marauder, the
Piper of Illlmarsh, and the Splatter Man.

The party gains 650xp which I will round up, each PC gains 200xp.

Aislin and Kendra feel that have exhausted the material in the town archive. They themselves are tired, and return home late in the evening.

2012-01-24, 07:50 PM
Asher is obviously having trouble keeping up, we will assume he waits at Kendra's until he posts again. It is Daross move if he wishes to do anything with the day, once Daross has finished it will be a new day.

2012-01-24, 08:22 PM
:He looked around and then heard the sound of a hammer before moving into the smithy...seeing the female dwarf he nodded politely:"Evening Mam...":He looked around the shop..trying to perhaps get an idea of what the lady had to offer.:-f-

Just trying to see if she has anything interesting or of quality

2012-01-24, 08:31 PM
The female dwarf introduces herself as Jorfa. Daross doesn't need an appraise check to notice a longsword and a breastplate of masterwork quality. Jorfa apparently has a locked storeroom in back which suggests that she may have other items of quality. Overall the shop is of better quality than one would expect in a small town like Ravengro.

2012-01-24, 08:59 PM
"Well nice to meet you Jorfa..I see you have some lovely items for sale..I might be here for a little time myself and was just getting familiar with the area..you seem to be someone who helps those in my line of work." He smiles "I am Daross friend of the professor." Eyes then looked to judge her reaction before saying anything else.

2012-01-24, 09:02 PM
Diplomacy [roll0]

There is no obvious reaction to your mention of the professor, but she seems happy to have met you as a prospective customer.

Most pleased to make your acquaintance. You are making a name for yourself around town.

Her eyes sparkle.

Your sword looks to be of quality, but not compared to this. For 300gp and your current blade I can give you this fine masterwork sword.

2012-01-24, 10:42 PM
Daross frowned and said "Yes my eyes caught it the moment I entered as did the breastplate I am a little low on funds however...so perhaps another time." Daross then looked to her "What I would like to get at this moment is a short sword or a good boot dagger...anything like that you might have would be splendid."

2012-01-24, 11:00 PM
Jaroff has any simple or martial weapon you want at the book price. She also has 6 masterwork arrows she will sell for 30gp.

2012-01-24, 11:23 PM
"I see well let me have two of those daggers." He pulled out some coin "I will be back for that sword..I assure you so keep it well oiled and sharp!" Daross paid for the daggers and placed one in his boot the other one he was going to keep in his backpack for purposes like cutting rope and carving. He then turned to the door hoping he left a somewhat good impression. "I will see you soon!" He then headed back to Kendra's home.

Pay the four gold and just fyi if I don't say he had the Mace equipped it is presumed in his backpack.

2012-01-24, 11:33 PM
It is a beautiful morning in Ravengro.

Day 3

Kendra provides a hearty breakfast.

2012-01-24, 11:53 PM
After breakfast the Sheriff appears, accompanied by a group of deputies and a mob of townspeople. Kendra answers the knock on the door and is surprised to see them.


The memorial to the warden has been desecrated. Splashed with blood. The strangers staying with you are obvious suspects. We are here to search the house and grounds.

Kendra, flustered, not knowing what to say, turns to the PCs.

Players may intervene or simply allow the search to proceed.

2012-01-25, 01:23 AM
how would we handle attempting to sneak the books out without being noticed?

2012-01-25, 07:27 AM
The books are large and therefore clumsy to hide. You could attempt to hide one or two on your person, but a perception check would find them. On the other hand the house is full of bookshelves, you could just add them to the hundreds of books already shelved.

2012-01-25, 12:35 PM
I like the hide among other books option. Requisite checks? Also, if the will is still lying around may one of us hide that as well?

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-25, 12:45 PM
Noticing gears turning is Aislin's head, Barrik gently guides Kendra aside and steps forward to greet the Sheriff. "Good morning, sir. Might I ask what time these atrocities were committed? I am alarmed to hear that someone would do such a thing. And might I also ask who "the warden" is?" Barrik smiles, almost apologetically, "I'm sorry, but you must forgive a foreigner his ignorance."

2012-01-25, 12:54 PM
Daross looks to the Sheriff and the other townsfolk "I think not...you go get a note allowing you..THE SHERIFF to do so from your town leader and then we may allow it...Kendra is a grieving daughter and it has been left to us to see to her care for a time." He looked to the Sheriff once more speaking again. "And secondly I would also like to point out..you are the law...why don't you do something about this mob that has come to disrupt Lady Kendra's mourning for now the second time?" He sternly stood and stepped in the door. "Or perhaps if you disperse the crowd ..Kendra may be a little more inclined to allow you inside."

If the sheriff is allowed in Daross will need a moment outside without him while he searches the house alone. Then I will do something to once and for all show these town folk to back off.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-25, 01:34 PM
Gently grabbing Daross by the elbow, Barrik mutters under his breath, "Now, now, just don't do anything hasty, my boy."

2012-01-25, 03:05 PM
Daross Intimidation:[roll0]

The Sheriff speaks slowly and hesitantly, and can't seem to look Daross in the eye.

Stranger, I see that you are protective of Kendra, and that is a good and noble thing. However I am the law in this town and this assembled group is my posse. I must inspect the premises, if only to rule out you and your friends as suspects. You may of course observe the search if you wish. I beg of you to allow me to do so. Otherwise I must place you under arrest.

2012-01-25, 04:25 PM
"I would judge by you coming up here with your posse as you say it that you do that typically assemble large groups to come to a grieving house ?" Daross eyes furrowed "Fair enough Sheriff..you may be the law in this town but I will being speaking to Vashian Hearthmount and Gharen Muricar about this." Daross stepped aside and then let the sheriff in "One last thing to your fellows..the house best be placed in the order that you found it in...or things may get a little more rough than you wanted them..your job is to search the house not let these ruffians and funeral disturbers damage it." Daross with that stepped outside and waited for any sign that he might be needed. He was armed with that sword to his side and of good mind to give some of these town-folk a good thrashing.

2012-01-25, 04:35 PM
The search takes all morning. Apparently the group does not find what they are looking for.

2012-01-25, 04:40 PM
Noticing gears turning is Aislin's head, Barrik gently guides Kendra aside and steps forward to greet the Sheriff. "Good morning, sir. Might I ask what time these atrocities were committed? I am alarmed to hear that someone would do such a thing. And might I also ask who "the warden" is?" Barrik smiles, almost apologetically, "I'm sorry, but you must forgive a foreigner his ignorance."

Barrik is eventually able to ask his questions of the sheriff. Sometime in the night the statue of Warden Hawkrun, who was a hero to the village, was splashed with blood. A large letter V was also painted on the base, in blood. The sheriff is baffled as to who would have done such a thing.

2012-01-25, 04:42 PM
Daross looks to the sheriff after the search is done and then speaks rather bluntly. "Now since you have disturbed my breakfast..why don't you sit and explain what exactly is going on and how we might be able to help?" Daross offered the sheriff a helping of food and then waited."I promise you regardless of what might have happened we have no desire to cause your town any trouble."

2012-01-25, 04:50 PM
The sheriff instructs his posse to disperse, puts one of the deputies in charge of clean-up at the statue, and sits down to eat.

I wish I could tell you more. The whole affair is bizarre. No one in town would desecrate the statue, it is well known that the warden gave his life to save the town. It was all a long time ago it is true, but I just can't imagine a townsperson committing such a vandalism. But then the whole thing feels wrong. Sense the death of Lorrimor I have felt a sense of wrongness about things, a kind of darkness...but that is ridiculous. Ravengro is a peaceful town.

It is now about noon.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-25, 05:22 PM
A large letter V was also painted on the base, in blood. The sheriff is baffled as to who would have done such a thing.

Duh. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQyqx1K495U)

Barrik twirls his beard as he listens to the conversation. "When we carried the late professor to his final rest, we were stopped by an unruly mob. Sheriff, you haven't heard reports of evil deeds recently, have you?"

2012-01-25, 05:29 PM

Everything has been quiet in town. Maybe too quiet. There has been nothing even remotely resembling "evil deeds."

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-25, 05:38 PM
"Too quiet indeed." Barrik leaves the room for a moment, before returning with tankards for each of the room's inhabitants. "A brief interruption, Sheriff. This is my latest ale, and a new addition to the beers at the Outward Inn."

Taking a sip, Barrik continues. "I don't mean to imply ineptitude, but that mob stopped us because they thought Lorrimar was a," he hesitates to say it, "a necromancer. Have you heard these terrible rumors?"

2012-01-25, 09:06 PM
Yes, such rumors have been brought to my attention,

says the sheriff, looking nervously at Daross,

But there is no evidence, it is just stories like the supposed haunts at the old prison, or the corpse chowder at The Laughing Demon. Ravengro residents love to gossip, little of it is true.

2012-01-25, 11:28 PM
Daross looked at the sheriff "Come now man...let us talk freely what has these bloody people so uptight and you what has you so scared of your own shadow?" Daross pulled his sword belt off and set it on the table before the man. "No need for us to be hostile to one another we both want the same thing peace in your city."

Daross is just trying to show the sheriff he wants things resolved.

2012-01-25, 11:38 PM

You strike me as a bold and competent warrior, who has I am sure fought many a desperate battle. But we are simple townsfolk. The desecration of the statue strikes us deeply. To you, I am sure it seems just a simple prank, that a child might do. To us it is a warning, a threat.

Fifty years ago the warden of the prison sacrificed his life to stop a breakout of dangerous prisoners who would likely have killed everyone in the village. True, it was a long time ago, and newcomers to the town doubt the story. But the statue of the warden is a kind of talisman to many, and it's desecration suggests that we are perhaps no longer protected as we once were.

I fear I cannot explain it any better. I don't expect any of this to make sense to outsiders, when I'm not sure I understand it myself.

2012-01-26, 03:47 AM
Daross looked to the man "I understand more than you believe...your people see bad times ahead. I assure you if I catch wind of the people who did this I will do the spirit of your warden proud.." He then asked curiously "would we be able to possibly check out the site where it took place before your men clean it up?"

2012-01-26, 08:26 AM
The sheriff brings Daross and any others who wish to accompany them to visit the statue.

Other than the looming ruins of Harrowstone on
a nearby hill, Ravengro’s most distinctive
landmark is a 25-foot-tall, moss-covered
stone statue that overlooks the river. The
statue depicts a proud, muscular human
man dressed in leathers and wielding
a truncheon—a depiction of Warden
Hawkran. A total of 25 names—the
guards who died in the fire of 4661, as
well as the warden’s wife, Vesorianna—
are chiseled into the statue’s stone base.
The memorial is a popular meeting spot
for late-night trysts among Ravengro’s young
lovers, for it has just the right mix of tragic
romance and spooky ambience without
actually being on Harrowstone’s supposedly
haunted grounds

The memorial is mostly clean of blood by the time the PCs arrive. The sheriff points out different places where blood was splashed. A large V was painted in blood over the list of names. The sheriff has no idea what that could mean.

Party members are free to proceed with actions as they wish.

2012-01-26, 09:00 AM
Asher is way behind in posting and has been so notified. He has a day to respond. Should he not respond we will assume his character has moved on to some other adventure. The party may then recruit a new member, or continue on with the current three. Either approach is workable.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-26, 10:27 AM
As a dwarf, I can make a Perception check with a +2 bonus to notice unusual stonework. Just in case, I'd like to examine the statue:
Perception [roll0]

Whether or not I find anything, I'd still like to make a normal Perception check around the area to see if I can gather any clues. Just out of curiosity, where is this statue located? Near the ruins? On the outskirts of town?
Perception [roll1]

I officially hate this roller. :smalltongue:

2012-01-26, 10:36 AM
As a dwarf, I can make a Perception check with a +2 bonus to notice unusual stonework. Just in case, I'd like to examine the statue:
Perception [roll0]

Whether or not I find anything, I'd still like to make a normal Perception check around the area to see if I can gather any clues. Just out of curiosity, where is this statue located? Near the ruins? On the outskirts of town?
Perception [roll1]

The stonework is of good quality by human standards, which isn't saying much. The statue is south of town, very close to both the town and the ruins. The ruins are a 5 minute walk to the southeast, the town a few minutes to the north. You perceive nothing else of interest.

2012-01-26, 08:21 PM
Daross looks to the V on the statue and kneels down trying to look at the blood that was left..sticking his finger into it before taking it to his tongue gently trying to make out what it could be from..rather animal or human. He then looks at the ground searching for any overly unusual tracks. He then looked to the names of the men and women who died. " Rather sad when someone can not let the dead rest peacefully." Daross then spoke to Barrick and Aislin"What do you suppose the blood is from animal or something worse?"

So yeah Xeno just roll whatever checks you think might be needed for such.

2012-01-26, 09:10 PM
Many people have left tracks all over the area, none of the tracks are distinctive or unusual. The most Daross can determine about the blood is that it could be human.

2012-01-26, 10:06 PM
"I wonder, how did they base their judgement on us? Did someone present any palpable evidence? Specifically, did anybody witness anything happen here? Perhaps we can get sheriff's blessing on investigating, and perhaps convince him to speak in our favor. That way people may be more willing to work with us. Who saw who dunnit? However, allow me to feel for any lingering arcane forces."

"Hoooo?" MowMow becomes suddenly alert, he flys from somewhere, and circles Aislin's head several times, hooting incessantly.

"Knock it off you damn bird, before i pluck you. Lets make with the magic."

Casting detect magic: [roll0]. Looking for any evidence of a ritual, or spell with somatic components similar to these.

Additionally: im really sorry about the no post. UMBC's flippin internet died.

2012-01-26, 10:12 PM
Casting detect magic: [roll0].

No magic is detected.

2012-01-26, 10:36 PM
Daross looked to the others "I have to tell you that this may well be human blood." Standing he then went on to further say "I think that crypt needs to be investigated still..." Daross would shrug and wait for the rest to express their opinions.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-26, 11:06 PM
Twirling his beard, Barrik looks at his compatriots from eyes squinted in thought. "It might do well to examine the Restlands for foul play before the sun sets."

2012-01-27, 01:20 AM
Daross looked to the Barrick wiping the blood on his own cloak and then looking up to the sky checking the time of day. "If we must go best we do it quickly we don't want to be seen out after night fall..." Daross laughed "We would be called necromancers and burnt or hung then no?"

2012-01-27, 02:27 AM
" Alright. So how does this plan suite: allow my fresh eyes a quick look, and then we retire to a tavern by evening to ask if anyone saw anything? Im really itching to know why they chose to blame us. Outsiders...the root of all evil apparently."


2012-01-27, 07:55 AM
Arian perceives nothing unusual in and around the memorial statue. There are known to be two taverns in town, the Laughing Demon and the Outward Inn. The party may also go to the Restlands, or take other actions. It is barely mid afternoon, there is plenty of daylight remaining.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-27, 11:33 AM
Thinking of the false crypt, Barrik lowers his voice. "I think it would be wise to go to the Restlands while daylight is on our side." Glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one is listening, "We can always come back under cover of darkness."

Is the Sheriff still around?

2012-01-27, 01:37 PM
Daross looks to Barrick and nods. "Well let us get a move on I suppose." He them looked to Aislin. "are you ready to go now?" Daross looked about trying to determine the direct to the Restlands. "Which direct do you think they are in?"

2012-01-27, 05:19 PM
The sheriff has moved on. The Restlands are to the north, about a 15 minute walk. Any party members that move ahead to the Restlands see this:

The false crypt mentioned in the professor’s journal is
located in the northeast corner of the Restlands, near
the junction of the paths known as the Eversleep and
the Black Path. The crypt itself is a freestanding granite
mausoleum, the roof of which is decorated with a pair of
leering gargoyle statues. A single stone door with a rustylooking
lock sits in the mausoleum’s south facade.

Party members would have actually seen this earlier before the burial, but not yet realizing it's significance.

So PCs may go to the crypt and take actions, or not, as they wish.

2012-01-27, 05:34 PM
When they arrived to the crypt he looked to it an let out a low whistle before whispering softly "Rather unwelcoming isn't it?" He glanced at the two statues before moving toward one to look it over a little more closely."The only way to know what is going on is to go down there." Daross looked to the others and waited for a response.

Daross looks around for anything noticeable.

2012-01-27, 05:51 PM
About 100 feet away 2 townspeople are laying flowers upon a grave.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-27, 07:21 PM
"Aislin, my dear," Barrik says, eyeing the strangers, "perhaps you and I should go pay our respects to the professor." Barrik makes eye contact with Daross, then glances toward the rusted lock before raising his eye in question. It wouldn't do for three people to be staring at a strange mausoleum with unfamiliar eyes watching.

2012-01-27, 07:25 PM
The party visits the professors grave. After a time there are no longer any townsfolk in sight, and the party returns to the false crypt.

2012-01-27, 08:08 PM
Daross looked to the dwarf then moved over slowly toward the lock on the door. He then took that dagger from his boot and using the hilt slammed with all his might against the rusty lock trying to break it off and open. "Always gotta do the dirty work." He chuckled and then said "Professor this better be worth it you crazy old man."

Trying to break the lock.

Strength Check [roll0]

2012-01-27, 09:38 PM
The lock breaks easily.

He opens the door.

Within, a flight of stone steps leads down into the
cold earth to a crypt lined with empty niches—no
dead are interred here, though Church records report
that the crypt was one of the first filled in Ravengro’s
early days. There are tracks in the dust and dirt of the floor
which look like a single person has entered and exited recently.

2012-01-27, 09:40 PM
There is a small outer room, a 5' wide staircase going down, and then an inner room. The building is old, there are cracks in the floor and walls. There is a stone sarcophagus in the inner room on a 2' raised dais. There is nothing else of interest.

2012-01-27, 09:46 PM
The way down is single file, so the adventurers must decide who is going first, second and third.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-27, 11:40 PM
The stench of ages lingers in the room, and Barrik coughs and sputters, doing his best to cope. "I'd prefer tavern privy to this place."

A simpleton could notice the tracks doing down into the crypt. "Maybe this fellow's gone, but he may have friends down there... Aislin, perhaps you should stay behind Daross and myself." Looking at Daross, Barrik doesn't need words to convey that chivalry is well and good, but he's not going to be the first one down the steps.

Doom, I love reading Daross' inner monologue. :smallsmile:

2012-01-28, 12:25 AM
Daross nodded saying nothing to Barrick before pulling free that sword and taking in the smell of death. He spoke then to the party."Barrick I might need a little light I can't see down here as well as you." He then kept an eye open for anything that caught his eyes."Seems this place has been used recently..false crypt indeed." He then looked around finding it a little troubling that there was no corpse..thinking to himself he remembered his training and placed the sword back in its sheath pulling his mace.

Glad you like it..if it ever annoys let me know.

2012-01-28, 07:08 AM
The crypt is empty and silent. The stone sarcophagus appears to have a stone top which may be slid to one side.

2012-01-28, 01:20 PM
"A curious scene. I wonder, is there anything in the sarcophagus?"

Does anything else look suspicious? or are there any other outstanding details?

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-28, 01:50 PM
The sarcophagus seemed an obvious place to hide tools, but things have been strange in town. Moving into each corner in turn, Barrik studies the walls, ceilings and floors, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Can I take 20 on a Perception check for unusual stonework in the room? If so, then my result is 30
If not:
Perception [roll0]

2012-01-28, 01:56 PM
No unusual stonework, typical shoddy human construction, nothing unusual or interesting in the corners of the rooms.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-28, 02:52 PM
"I can find nothing out of place in the stonework." Barrik twirls his beard. "Aislin, my dear, I think you may be right. Daross, shall we?" Rubbing his hands together, Barrik moves toward the sarcophagus.

2012-01-28, 02:52 PM
"Daross? Barrik? would you like to shift the lid? I would help but, im a lady." Asilin's voice dripping sarcasm. It's not so much she thinks shes a lady, it's more of shes not denying she's useless at moving things. ' I will take a quick look for any body stickin their nose where it dont belong."

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Trying to hear/ see if anybody is nearby. How far up are the stairs? Aislin isnt trying to go to far from the party just in case.

Wooooooow. srsly, this dice roller hates me. idk what i did to it.

2012-01-28, 03:02 PM
The staircase is about 15' long.

We will wait on Daross to see if he will help move the lid.

2012-01-28, 05:06 PM
Daross looked to the others and laughed a bit "Oh you want me to help with the lid..good I was hoping to get the smell of the dead on me." He then looks to Barrick "Well let's get this done..watch your feet Aislin." Daross then pushes the lid with a grunt and the muscles straining from the weight.

This is going to suck without a rogue lmao.
Strength Check [roll0]

I am at work will be posting a little slower for now.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-28, 05:23 PM
Barrik moves to help Daross push.

I think the smartest thing for me to do would be to use Aid Another on Daross. I need a 10 or higher to give him a +2 to his check.

Aid Another [roll0]

That should actually have been a +3, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I passed!

2012-01-28, 05:24 PM
Sunlight partially lights the area through narrow windows above. Barrik and Daross slide the top of the sarcophagus a foot or so, enough to see inside. It looks promising, there are arrows, some with silvery tips, also potion bottles, rods, scroll cases and a larger case of some kind.

Less promising are the two giant centipedes emerging from a crack in the wall and slithering towards the party.

Perception Rolls:


2012-01-28, 05:27 PM
Aislin is surprised.



2012-01-28, 05:28 PM
Sadly for the centipedes, Daross may take action before they close with the party.

Zap Dynamic
2012-01-28, 05:31 PM
In the dim light of the tomb, Barrik's hears the clicking of the monstrous vermin as much as he sees the glint of their carapaces. "Friends! Look!" Barrik curses himself for not having a bludgeon of some kind to hand... then remembers something. Patting the pockets of his jacket, Barrik produces a fist-sized bottle filled with a green liquid that is so dark it's almost black. Not that one... A moment longer, and he holds another phial, this one filled with a grey liquid with dark particles floating in it.

28?! So what gender are they? :smalltongue:

And I thought we were in the tomb during the afternoon?

Either way, if I've got time I'd like to gobble down my extract of Stone Fist

2012-01-28, 05:38 PM
Damn my eyes! this should prove t be interesting. :P

2012-01-28, 05:42 PM
It looks like one of each gender - better stop them before they breed! I will edit moonlight into sunlight for continuity.

There is certainly time to drink an extract, I believe it would be a standard action. It would occur after the centipedes move because they have initiative over you.

2012-01-28, 10:59 PM
Daross growls muttering before taking that mace and swinging it down on the fist one he comes to. He then moving light on his feet afterwords yells."Keep back these things may be poisonous!" He looked to the other hoping the issue would not be to bad and it would focus on him.


Declaring Dodge on the One I attacked.

2012-01-28, 11:10 PM
Daross smashes one with his mace, killing the creature, and the other centipede attacks Daross in turn.
