View Full Version : Into the Woods IC

2012-01-17, 11:41 AM
You and your newfound companions stand in the main foyer of Syrnne City Hall, the largest building in miles. It is saturated with the smell of parchment and new ink, and a cursory look around will reveal why: behind the reception desk is a large, open portal, leading to room with dozens of people of every race and creed, speaking frantically with each other and with scribes who are struggling to document every request and demand. Already a bustling place due to Syrnne's complex docking procedures and business ordinances, it is made even worse by the large amount of foreign merchants seeking permit extensions pending the goblin problem being solved.

Turning away from the dull roar of the business room, you take a moment to observe your surroundings. The foyer's waiting chairs are mostly unoccupied, save a few merchants awaiting partners in the business room, and a lone, worried looking elf in a chain mail tabard. To the left is a doorway which leads to the offices of city officials, and to the right there is a small desk, your destination, with a large bulletin board behind it, labeled "BOUNTIES."

As you all approach the desk, the bored looking blonde human who sits behind it looks up momentarily, then sighs and opens a desk drawer. "Yup, yup, okay, party of five looking for bounty licences, right? We've got everything filed away for you," she says flatly, barely making eye contact as she places five envelopes with each of your names on them on the desk. She pulls a sheet of paper and a quill out of a drawer and looks back up at your party. "And which bounties are you gentlemen planning on pursuing today? As if we couldn't guess..."

2012-01-17, 07:39 PM
"Well, we are looking for either half dragon liches bent on world domination and enslavement of the human race, or goblins.Preferably goblins." Says Elgeon.

2012-01-17, 07:43 PM

The dark cloaked figure stands patiently inside the main hall. The noise and the heat from the mass of people begin to grate on his nerves. Glancing around, Caldax quickly remove his goggles and using a small cloth from his pouch, wipes away the moisture that threatens to cloud up the lenses. Replacing the strange eyewear, he is pleased to notice that no one seems to have seen his movements.

Vel'klar ph' nind?/Where are they? he whispers in the drow language.

After seeing the rest of the group arrive, Caldax quickly follows in behind them as the approach the blonde's desk. He takes the envelope and opens it, fumbling a few times because of the thick gloves he is wearing. After a few moments spent in reading the contents, he replaces and carefully folds the paper, placing it into his pocket.

My dear it seems to me that your talents are wasted here, by your lack of interest it shows that maybe you are looking for another profession, eh? Leaning his elbow on her desk, Cladax gets a bit confortable before continuing. Or maybe you are in need of an afternoon of relaxation. Can this humble servant be your guide?

Just to warm up the dice.
Diplomacy, I think: [roll0]
Bluff, if needed: [roll1]

2012-01-18, 12:34 AM
Jarret keeps quiet and lets the others in the party do the talking, making sure to glower at anyone who looks at him askance for riding Dog inside the building.

2012-01-18, 01:30 AM
Srock Bramson stands near the back, arms crossed, taking in the building. His training keeps him ready to possible arising situations.
He rolls his eyes as the drow makes advances after fidgeting with his equipment.

General Spot & Listen checks
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-01-18, 10:30 AM
Dirgal stands to the side while Elgeon talks to the blonde.

<Another bored human. If he only knew how bored I was with their lot> he thinks to himself. The rest of his little band had assembled, noticing the dark elf mumbling to himself but not knowing what he said. <Probably trying to figure out how to turn us into his mindless undead servant...>.

He wished that the human would hurry. He was feeling a bit claustraphobic here with so many bodies.

Do you have many seeking any other bounties? he asks gruffly, not carrying if he ruffled the bureucrats feathers.

2012-01-18, 06:56 PM
The papers in the envelope are an identification pamphlet listing your name, age, race, country of origin, and a physical description. There is also a large amount of smaller cards indicating a license to claim bounties, license to carry a concealed weapon, licence to carry a weapon indoors, license to carry class B dangerous equipment, license to carry class C dangerous equipment, license to purchase dangerous equipment, and a wealth of other miscellaneous rights.

You notice nothing beyond what was described.

The young woman looks at Elgeon without changing expression and nods. "Goblins it is," she says, making a note of it on the pad. She turns briefly to consult a paper pinned to the bulletin board. "The current bounty is 20 gold for each goblin for whom you can provide proof of death, and a 300 gold piece reward for anyone who can provide further information about goblin troop location or their motivation for attacking."

Turning around, she finds herself subject to the advances of the half-drow. Her eyebrows raise in pleasant surprise, although her mouth stays unsmiling. "Mister d'Voyd, correct? Well, Mr. d'Voyd, I suppose-" she begins, before Dirgal cuts her off.

"Not too many for the goblins yet, just a few loners," she responds, turning away from Caldax to address the question. "That gentleman over there watching you got his license last week," she says as she points to the young elf sitting by the door. As he realizes that he's being pointed at, he quickly turns away, taking a great interest in the side of his left boot.

2012-01-18, 08:23 PM

The half-drow turns to look at the elf examining his boot. With a sigh, he returns his gaze back to the blonde at the desk.

Well m'lady, once we return with the proof needed and collect our reward. It would be my honor if you would join me in a drink of celebration.

As he finishes, he takes her hand and places his lips to the back side. With another bow to the woman and a wink to Dirgal, he walks over to the elf and nods in greeting.

Excuse me sir, but the lady here has stated that you have your license as well. Would you have any tips or information that we could use? Even rumors would be thankful.

Diplomacy (Blonde): [roll0]
Diplomacy (Elf): [roll1]

2012-01-18, 09:20 PM
Elgeon leans over the counter and begins whispering to the Blonde"Don't worry about my 'friend' over there. he's benign. Really. But there is onevery small favor you could do for us. Look at all my companions. Masters of the arcane, powerful warriors, even a Paladin. It is apparent that we are going to slay a ton of those goblins. With that said, we could possibly use some of that money in advance. Say, the bounty on two or three of them. His whisper lowers even more We would of course make sure you were rewarded for your help. I'll even wrte you into my will on the off chance I fall it combat. We have a plan?
[roll0]err that was diplomacy

2012-01-18, 10:20 PM
"O...okay!" the girl calls after Caldax, blushing with shock. After sitting for a moment in stunned silence, she clears her throat and composes herself. As she listens to Elgeon's proposition, her face gradually settles back into the bored expression it had when the party first entered. "Sorry, no advance payment. Do a good job and maybe the council will grant you all a stipend."

On the other side of the room, the elf rises when he is addressed and eyes the dark elf from head to toe. "Yes, well...shall we wait until your friends come over? I've got a little bit of knowledge, but I've also got a request that maybe you could all help me with."

2012-01-18, 10:37 PM
Jarret guides Dog with his knees and feet over to the elf, ready to hear what he has to say.

2012-01-18, 10:51 PM
Elgeon slinks over to the mysterious stranger.

2012-01-19, 08:37 AM
Dirgal walks over to the elf with the others carrying a bland look on his face.
Goblins messing with your favorite forest?
He eyes the elf, looking to see what kind of reaction his prodding elicits.
Should we call you elf-boy or do you have a name?

2012-01-19, 03:44 PM
After taking his own papers, Brice follows the ragtag group over to the elf, deciding not to say too much to anyone but trying to listen to it all. The behavior makes him seem almost stoic, but in reality he's just waiting for the right moment. "Thank you." Is all he mutters to the blonde woman before standing at the back of the group, unconsciously facing the door as he does.

2012-01-20, 04:24 PM
Come on Dirgal chided You don't have anything to worry about except Caldax trying to look up your skirt. Why don't you tell us what you want and then we can decide if we want to be friends?

2012-01-20, 07:54 PM
The elf looks down at Dirgal and flashes a smile full of forced pleasantry. "My name is Liam D'Croi, little one. And all I want is to share my experience in the forest, and maybe you can help me out if you go in."

"I went into the woods two days ago, hoping to cross through the forest and reach some of the dwarven settlements to the northeast. I went late in the afternoon, hoping to make quick passage and reach a town by nightfall. The goblin forces at the entrance aren't particularly tough, but they'll attack on sight, so be ready. You'll have to take care to slay them quickly, too, or they'll signal for reinforcements. I got caught up in fighting them off, and I ended up trying to camp in the woods. Just as I had set up camp, however, I heard footsteps from the south, and I hid for a moment. Fortuitous I did, too, because it took about five minutes for them to completely overrun the path. Dozens of them, a small army came from the path to the south and continued east. I decided a tactical retreat would be necessary, and so I stole out of the forest."

The elf clears his throat after the small monologue. "So that's the long and short of my advice. Dispatch the goblin scouts quickly, and don't get caught in the forest at nightfall. So will you all be going into the forest soon?"

2012-01-20, 09:07 PM
"Hopefully." says Elgeon

2012-01-20, 10:23 PM
"I hope so," Jarret says, "if only to return to nature. I tire of the city."

2012-01-23, 06:54 PM

Giving Dirgal a small smile and a wink, Caladax listens to Liam's story. He tries to search his face for any clue that may mean the elf is lying about something or hiding some information from the group.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Not expecting much here.

How far away is the site of where you where attacked from here? Not doubting your counting skills, but a man, er elf, in your position could have made the mistake of adding to thier numbers. Fear, no disrespect, can lead one to imagine more than what is or was there.

Diplomacy:[roll1] for trying not to aggrivate the elf with the veiled 'coward' remark.

2012-01-23, 08:08 PM
Brice puts a hand down to his waist and clasps the gold chain with his holy symbol at the end, channeling the power of the holy order into his body in order to detect evil. His right hand moves to rest on the head of his hammer at his waist.

2012-01-23, 08:37 PM
Sense Motives and Evil:
Dirgal and Brice, you detect nothing out of the ordinary. Caldax, you sense that he's telling the truth, but also that he has a motive to helping you that he hasn't yet disclosed.

Liam assumes a serious expression and shakes his head while he speaks. "No, it was at least a few dozen. I know it sounds unbelievable, since the goblins have never been that active in these parts of the forest, but I'm sure of what I saw. Like I said, it was getting late when I entered the woods, so my campground wasn't very far in at all from the start of the path."

2012-01-23, 08:55 PM
"Hey pal, be a little more specific. I mean, I need to see if this is worth it. gotta balance my finances. I mean, I could play music on the street corner for a depressing amount of money." Elgeon jokes, then pauses. "Actually the money is fine, but I am scared out of my mind about those things. They might be weak, but I am really fragile. These brains don't come cheap! Please, tell me if you know they have some weakness. Like soap. I have a lot of soap.

Also bardic knowledge for said weakness [roll0]

Edit: Why RNG, Why am i rolling so badly. I'm a bard, if we roll badly we might as well be a commoner with money

2012-01-23, 11:25 PM

With a nod, Caldax shows the elf respet in not playing all of his cards. He reaches up and adjusts his goggles, a sign to his allies that he is already bored with the conversation.

Well Liam, I would like to thank you for your time and advice on the matter. Pray tell, when we return is there anything that we can return to you that you may have left in the woods?

To Elgeon, he smiles while saying: Most goblins, I have heard, suffer from the lack of a proper diet. Maybe we can force feed one something green to see what happens?

2012-01-23, 11:49 PM
Elgeon cracks a (increadably pearly) smile"Veggiecide. That is the most awesome thing ever. I am in your debt." He postrates himself before his ruler (not entirly ironicly) I tell you, I know the things language and i still have no idea what their problem is. Can't they just be normal? Or slightly greener then normal?"

2012-01-24, 11:31 AM
Dirgal looks at the group and thinks to himself <What a bunch of jokers. I hope when the fighting begins, they can keep it together>.

Then he gives a slight scowl to everyone, just for good measure.

2012-01-24, 07:42 PM
Bardic Knowledge: You rack your memory for information about goblins, but nothing surfaces at the moment.

Liam laughs as he taps his temple, then points at Caldax. "Oh, you're clever, I could get used to you. Yes, you see, I'm quite distressed. I has the wits to gather up my equipment on my way out of the woods, but I seem to have lost a particularly important envelope...the kind you gentlemen are already acquainted with," he remarks, gesturing at the papers you received at the bounties desk. "It contains all my registry papers and licenses, in addition to some...personal documents that I'd like back. Of course, getting it back would be no problem for me normally, but without my papers, I can't even leave the inn with my traveling equipment, much less exit the city. Perhaps if you gentlemen were to retrieve them for me, I could give you a cut of the bounty I'm due...say, 90%?"

2012-01-24, 08:55 PM
Looking up from the floor, (due to prior prostrations) Elgeon opens his mouth with a incredible gape. Then he grins"Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh of course kind adventurer, we shall obtain your envelope and trade it to you for tons of gold. Yes.

2012-01-24, 09:27 PM
Dirgal looks from elf, to elf, to (half)elf and groans. <Should have found some dwarves to go bounty hunting.>
He nods his head at Srock, hoping the human doesn't disappoint him.
Then he looks at the holy warrior and groans again. <That guy is going to ruin all my fun>

2012-01-24, 09:52 PM

The half drow pats Dirgal on his back and says with a light tone.

Cheer up good gnome. Adventure....chaos...it's all the same. Breath in life and never look back.

At the mention of the high rate of pay, Caldax quirks an eyebrow. The platinum hair is seen breifly before disappearing again.

My, my, that is a very generous amount. You would have any kind of mark that we should be looking for? If not, perhaps a diary or personal momento?

Hear he lowers his voice and leans closer to whisper, It hopefully wouldn't have anything that would be considered illeagal in this city, eh?


Just got a feeling......

2012-01-24, 10:35 PM
Liam grins and claps Elgeon on his shoulder with a laugh. "That's what I like to hear." Turning to Caldax, he shakes his head. "No, I assure you it's all perfectly legal. There aren't any marks on it, but it shouldn't be too hard to find. My licenses look just the same as yours, so you can recognize them, and my personal papers are written on Hamlen papyrus, which is bright yellow. I'd think they would all be in the envelope; it'd be a rare goblin that would be able to read anything aside from Goblin."

2012-01-26, 11:05 AM
So, where did you lose your papers? Do we need to do anything before leaving town, besides picking up your stuff? Dirigal pointedly asks the elf.
Because, if you guys are going to be busy for a while, you can come get me at the pub.

2012-01-26, 01:02 PM
"If we're concluded here, you may find me at the town gate," Jarret says, ready to guide Dog from out of this hovel and back into the welcome glare of daylight.

2012-01-26, 05:27 PM
"The envelope should be at my campsite, which is south of the first crossroads in the woods. As for any other business in town, that's up to you, but I've said my piece. Just bring me the envelope, and I'll reward you all generously. Of course," the elf says, giving a meaningful look to the party, "I'm paying you mostly for your discretion. Don't read the green papers, don't go showing them to anyone, and we'll be square."

2012-01-26, 11:53 PM
"Alright," Elgeon says, I won't read your papers. Now if you could lend my a gold or two, maybe I could get some arrows to poke a few holes in the green jerks. I lost all of mine in a valiant battle.

ok 1d20+8 for bluff on the not reading papers, [roll0] to see if i could borrow gold,(diplomacy) and 1d20+8 to make the lost arrows sound more like a valiant battle and less like a desprete screaming retreat. (bluff) roller isn't working for now ima going to leave it

2012-01-27, 12:22 AM

The half drow stares in shock as Elgeon tongue ties himself. Patting him on the shoulder, he speaks as to offer him a way to compose himself.

Come, our elven guest is in a hurry to get these papers back and I for one am curious as to what has the goblins located there....maybe what kind of treasures they have?

At this point Caldax seems to ramble on as he follows Jarret and his canine mount away.

2012-01-27, 11:32 AM
Dirgal walks out the door and looks over his shoulder, seeing the elves still in discussion.

Quickly walking across the street, he finds a nice, shaded spot with a good view of the door while being partial blocked from view in the lee of a building.

<Let's see what are new friend is up to. I'm sure he's going to meet with someone after this> he thinks to himself.

Hide check:

Spot check to see Liam walk out:

And a check (not sure if it's spot or sense motive) to see if, when Liam walks out, if he notices Dirgal:

[roll2] +5 for spot or -1 for sense motive

2012-01-27, 07:50 PM
"Fine..." Elgeon shuffles off. "Unbelievable. I need like one gold for arrows, and i couldn't charm a dumb blonde, or some desprete elf guy. If my luck stays this way those goblins are going to be eating roast Elgeon tonight. And they'll trash my will too, and they'll roast me on a fire mad of my bow and harp, and eat me off my sword. Things are not looking too well." as he walks away he casts pretidigitation on the reception desk, disguising it as a jaunty tune about the virtues of whale blubber. He makes the desk incredibly filthy.

2012-01-28, 02:10 PM

After waiting for a few minutes, you see no sign of Liam. You can wait longer, if you wish.


You hear a cry of disgust from the bounty desk as you exit the hall, and you join with...

The Others:

You are assembled in the town square, a bustling marketplace lined with both shoddily-constructed stalls and permanent business places made of wood and brick. All around you, business people are making bargains and planning out business ventures. Several streets and alleyways branch off from the square, including a wide boulevard lead north, back to the town hall, and a southern road leading into a residential district and the city gate.

So, I think now we're just waiting on riccaru, and perhaps razorback if he'd like to continue to wait for Liam. Does anyone have any other business they were hoping to attend to, or are the rest of you ready to go?

2012-01-28, 05:55 PM
"Let's get out of this godforsaken town before the bounty desk tries to kill me.

If anyone has anything to do, Elgeon plays on the street corner and buys arrows with proceeds. If said event happens,[roll0] otherwise he plans to steal some from the goblins.

2012-01-28, 09:43 PM
"Well then, I guess it's time to go do what we've come here for." With that, he'll take his place at the head of the group, walking through the marketplace and whispering prayers to those in need and otherwise staying out of their lives.

2012-01-29, 12:29 AM
Seeing the rest of the group come out of the building, he quickly considered.
<I don't see Liam. Either he's still in there or he slipped out another exit... I can try to hunt him down and risk loosing these pyrite-heads or I can go with them.> He thought to himself. Not for the last time today he grimaced and walked briskly across the street, falling in line with the savage halfling.
I hope you have a sense of humor and aren't one of those moody halflings, or this is going to be a really long day he said, trying his best to try and make friends with at least one of the party.
<Bacon's been in the fire before and someone else has pulled it out. Best if I can pick who that is now> he quickly calculated as he looked back to see if Liam appeared.

2012-01-29, 02:50 AM
"I have been told I possess a sense of humor," Jarret replies to Dirgal. "...Though I've yet to see it myself," he adds with a grin.

2012-01-30, 11:31 AM
If I see it, I'll let you know. You may have noticed, I haven't seen it yet. he said with a wicked grin.

2012-01-30, 09:04 PM

Listening to Dirgal and Jarret trade witty comebacks, Caldax laughs aloud. He casually places a hand on Jarret's shoulder and points to the gnome.

Aye, be carefull with this one. He possess a dry wit and a demeanor to match.

Pausing in his steps, the half drow looks down at the street. Shaking his head, he reaches down and picks up an imaginary object. Shaking it as if it was covered in dirt, he speak aloud.

Jarret wait, I think I foun.....nevermind, it was just my ego.

Sorry for the delays, new job and all that. I am ready to continue when-ever everone else is.

2012-01-31, 11:42 AM
<He thought I was trying to be funny?> thought to himself... and then laughed.

2012-01-31, 07:15 PM
Alright, let's go ahead and at least pretend to be mature adults and go kill some self aware creatures because we want gold. Also, I feel like a failure due to my complete inability to charm anyone in that building, consequently wasting a spell, and seeing other people have fun is making me angry. Rawr.

2012-01-31, 08:16 PM

Cheer up friend. The lady of luck will smile upon you again, just give it time.

2012-01-31, 08:59 PM
Elgeon's eyes begin watering."You- you just don't understand. I'm a bard. If I can't charm people, it's like if you couldn't cast magic. Or whatever it is you do. I feel like I am a worthless hunk of elven meat. Worse, because I should be able to sell a wothless chunk of elven meat to a veggieatian. And now how am I to unleash my horrible revenge upon all of the fusty wizard on this world if I can't lie to them! Tell me now! Tell me or I shall unleash my vengeance upon you all!" Elgeon relaxes. I'm totally messing with you. Least my luck didn't fail in anything moderately important. I'm going to go play a faintly insulting elven folk song in the street for a few copper. He proceeds to attempt to do that untill someone comes to get him.

2012-02-01, 03:21 PM
Dirgal watches Elgeon's little tirade. And sighs.

2012-02-03, 10:57 PM
Dirgal looks at his companions for another moment and, through gritted teeth, asks Are we going to be on our way?

2012-02-03, 11:18 PM
Elgeon stops, turns around and says."Why not? not like i have any money to buy anything." He dances a jig for no reason. "See. My jig dancing truly shows my inner thoughts like nothing else.

2012-02-04, 05:12 AM
"Truly, we are like the many heads of the river hydra--pulling in separate directions, but going nowhere unless we move as one," Jarret says with mock sagacity.

2012-02-04, 11:02 AM
Elgeon turns wide eyed. "Wow! Jarret, do you do palm readings? 'Cause there's this girl I like back in the wizard school... He clears his throat "Alright, can we please get going?evidently i have a deathwish

2012-02-08, 06:58 PM
"If there's nothing else, we'll be off. Remember, we have business to attend to and I'd prefer to get there before nightfall." Brice says through gritted teeth before walking toward the nearest exit of the city, dragging anyone he has to in order to get on their way.

2012-02-08, 08:19 PM
Jarret follows Brice, keeping to the outside of the main column, silently offering to act as an outrider and scout.