View Full Version : Lin's Teleported Fail save adventure

2012-01-17, 05:43 PM
And Suddenly, you appear in what looks like a limitless plane. Under your feet, you feel metal parts, probably chains of some sort. You heard bubbles coming from behind you, and you feel a strong presence.

Lin realizes she was taken to another place immediately, not knowing where she is she instantly looks around, searching for anything that could lead her to understand more about this place.

Perception check: (1d20+28)[44]

What is that noise? It's behind me, sounds like bubbles...

She turns to see what is behind her.

2012-01-17, 07:25 PM
Before you stands what looks like a full nest of serpent. But with serpents the size of a manor. After a very short instant, you see that their heads all present 4 tongues, and that they are... seemingly interrested by your presence.

In the middle of the serpents, you see what appears to be a gigantic jar.

You feel a powerfull mind touching your own, full of anger, and feel something like a question.

2012-01-18, 12:13 AM
What is going on? Lin thought to her self.

She could feel a presence, a mighty overwhelming presence and it was pushing down upon her mind with something...what was that...a question?

"You have a question?" she said out loud to thing in front of her.

Is there a knowledge check she could try to identify this thing?
As a player I don't know what it is, so she has no clue....:smallbiggrin:
Knowledge checks:
Planes [roll0]
Religion [roll1]
Arcana [roll2]
Dungeoneering [roll3]
Geography [roll4]
History [roll5]
Nature [roll6]

2012-01-18, 06:40 AM
It was dungeoneering. The serpent like creatures are neothelid, creatures with potent psionic powers. But they aren't alone, there is something far more powerfull, probably in the jar.

I have. Why did you brought me here! I shall destroy you for this. You were one of my slaves, right... What are you thinking you will be able to do against me?

2012-01-18, 01:19 PM
Hearing the reply, Lin quickly replies in kind. An orb of ice forms in her hand and then streaks towards the thing suddenly splitting as it does, growing with size and strength.

She casts the following spell:

Maximized Admixtured[cold] Twinned Empowered Orb of Cold

Ranged Touch attacks
If hit Fort Save or be blinded for one round DC 24 and take 525 cold damage
If hit Fort Save or be blinded for one round DC 24 and take 525 cold damage

Orb of cold (21d6) >> Admixtured[cold] (42d6) Maximized (252) >> Empowered (378) >> Warmage Edge (+147) >> Total (525) Cold damage

2012-01-19, 03:53 PM
Azalhyr appears before Lin in a sudden focusing from blurred motion, as if slowing enough to become visible from a state of hyper-acceleration. The Avian faces the gargantuan enemies, wings wide and thrown back, brushing against and hopefully blocking their view of the warmage. "Honored Mistress, this loathsome degenerate stands ready to return you to the battle proper."

With a thought Azalhyr adds to the sorcerous fury Lin has unleashed upon the great worm. twinned empowered still silent invisible Wings of Flurry designating the Noethelid and if within reach the jar (Races of the Dragon p.119, caster level check [roll0], damage [roll1] times 2.5, Ref 76 for half, failure on save also dazes for 1 round, Azalhyr takes [roll2] from his Reserves of Strength feat. Will 74 saves from Voice of the Gods (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/3rd-party-spells/4-winds-fantasy-gaming---3rd-party-spells/voice-of-the-gods) may also be necessary.

Azalhyr also still has a readied action from Synchronicity which I'll defensively against the enemy counterattack.

Azalhyr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341410) HP 380/383 AC 62 (T 42 imm to FF) Saves 34/43/51 (Mass Conviction bumps the morale bonus up 1) (40/49/57 vs spells&spell-likes)
Buff listFont of Power (Metamind class ability): free manifesting

Voice of the Gods
Mass Conviction
Greater Arcane Sight
Ilyykur's Mantle: +6 saves vs spells&spell-like luck
Greater Heroism: +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks, immunity to fear effects, and temporary hit points equal to your caster level (maximum 20).
Divine Favor: +4 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage
Beastland Ferocity: function with negative HP
Adept Spirit +1 CL insight, +2 insight will saves, concentration, Int checks
Divine Grant: +4 caster level checks and concentration
Premonition: do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while flat-footed, cannot be surprised, and do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. You also gain a +2 bonus to Reflex saves and Dexterity checks
Eidetic Memory: take 20 on Knowledge checks
Delay Death
Freedom of Movement
Divine Agility: +10 Dex enchantment
Owl's Insight: +14 Wis insight
Favor of the Martyr: Immune to nonlethal, charm , compulsion, pain, dazed, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, staggered, stunned
Esoteric Aegis (Epic): protection from dispel effects

Synesthete: +4 Perception circumstance. immune to gaze attacks
Touchsight: 150'blindsight
Forced Dream: burn to restart round
Greater Concealing Amorpha: 50% concealment miss chance
Pierce the Veils: True Sight
Cosmic Awareness: Moment of Prescience
Greater Precognition: +4 insight to an attack roll, a damage roll, a saving throw, or a skill check
Personal Barred Mind: Mind Blank
Schism: extra non-physical action
Pierce the Veils: True Sight

2012-01-20, 10:45 PM
The three neothelids hitten by the wings fall to the ground, apparently at the boundary of death.

The others roar and breath acid toward Azelhyr.

Shortly after, Lin throws two orbs, frozing to death two neothelids.

2012-01-22, 02:32 AM
Azalhyr hesitates, looking back with a single, independently focusing, eye to make sure Lin is unharmed, "Would your worship like this putrescent abomination to attempt to extract information from the jar's denizen? Or is a change of scenery more desirable?"