View Full Version : Turn ons and turn offs of certain classes

2012-01-17, 09:33 PM
I just realized that one reason I never had much interest in a PsyWar is due to the picture in Expanded Psionics Handbook. Honestly, I think the class is not only mechanically cool but also the idea is appealing. A warrior who also uses his mind.

Similarly (well, kind of) is the CW Samurai. A freakin' Dwarf, and he looks so stupid. Granted CW Samurai actually sucks, but... a Dwarf Samurai. Nothing against Dwarves.

Another gigantic turn off is loss of caster levels, ergh.

I DO like to see full BAB on a class or PrC. I know it doesn't make a class, but it's the Timmy in me. Similarly for big flashy abilities, like the Pyrokineticist capstone.

2012-01-17, 09:37 PM

Turn on: Ultimate arcane power! Hahahahahaha!

Turn off: Too much arcane power.

2012-01-17, 09:44 PM
Anything that I look at and start thinking of a cool story to go with it is good.

Anything where other people can't agree on how the class abilities work is bad.

Anything that causes arguments is bad.

2012-01-17, 09:50 PM
Classes with Diety/Race restriction. Classes that require you to be a member of some silly but demanding organization. Typically I won't play them even when I already meet the restrictions anyway. RSoP is one example, MotAO and Dwarven Defender are two more.

EDIt: I don't even play them when the DM waives those restrictions or aspects of the class

2012-01-17, 09:54 PM

Turn on: COD at higher levels.

Turn off: At higher levels.

2012-01-17, 10:41 PM

Turn on: Skills, spells, Int focus.

Turn off: Getting dirty looks from the Rogue.

2012-01-17, 10:49 PM

Turn Ons: I can pretty much do anything magic related.

Turn Offs: If you are willing to deal with the massive bookkeeping on all those wands, staves, rods, wonderous items, scrolls, schema, potions, and... did I mention the wands?

2012-01-17, 10:56 PM
Turn Offs:

-PrCs that work great for classes that are better off taking more levels in the base class (Archivist, Druid)
-Caster Levels lost even if the PrC is super awesome (Ex: Mindbender, every Psion PrC ever)
-Spellcasting classes that have 2 important casting stats when they should really only have one (Archivist and Spirit Shaman are acceptable, Favored Soul is not)
-One normal melee attack per round at level 8+
-Being stuck as DM or with less than capable DMs for the rest of eternity

Turn Ons:
-Vancian Magic
-Strange/Obscure Races with low LA and no RHD (Empty Vessel + Shape Soulmeld (Planar Ward) = WIN)
-Magic Items
-Non-magic items
-Bag of Holdings full of more magic and non-magical items!
-Skill Points
-Intelligence based classes
-Tome of Battle
-Non-Tome of battle melee characters that can fight with multiple options and likely make use of Pounce
-Complex and expansive campaign settings
-Multiple campaign settings available
-My dreams about official post-2e Planescape material in book format
-Taven Wenches
-Bikini Mail
-Wait, what kind of things are we supposed to be talking about here?

2012-01-17, 10:56 PM
I like to play monks because it takes real effort to play a monk and not be just dead weight past lvl 3.
(If the character class were easy to excel at it would be a spellcaster class)

I like Swashbucklers and Duelists and other-such Finesse Characters because who doesn't want to be Errol Flynn?

Also, I tend to shy away from magic users because things are generally just easier for them, and I want to be challenged when I play.

2012-01-17, 10:58 PM

Turn On: Arcane magic FTW!

Turn Off: So many options, so few I can take.

2012-01-17, 11:13 PM
Any class feature that can only be used once a day is a turnoff for me. Would the Paladin be that broken if it could smite once an encounter or, heck, even at will? And don't even get me wrong with the Monk and its stunning fist.

Turnons I guess would be classes that have a lot of versatility and choice. The Samurai bugs me not because it's weak but because it's mostly just a Fighter with a bunch of feats already preselected for you. I love classes like the Binder or the Dragonfire Adept because two people can play it and make different choices as to class features.

2012-01-17, 11:22 PM
Turn offs:
-Once per day abilities
-"Vancian" Prepared casting
-Extensive daily buffing routines

Turn ons:
-Low cost Actions (Swift, Immediate, Free)
-Complex attack routines
-High Mobility
-High "Accuracy" (including difficulty to counter, block, or be immune to)

2012-01-18, 06:30 AM
Classes that require you to be a member of some silly but demanding organization.This, so much. For the stuff that's tied to a specific setting, I can stomach it, but for the generic stuff from Completes and so forth…

One of the worst offenders: Fist of the Forest, which goes to inject it's fluff into the crunch (Code of Conduct as a class feature, :smallfurious:). It'd be a great PrC for, say, a bar brawler, an urban martial artist, anyone wanting a less mystical approach for unarmed and unarmoured combat… but that accursed Primal Living!

What I like are short and/or easy to enter PrCs for martial classes. A wizard or a cleric will be PrCing from levels 1-3 to great things (that they almost automatically qualify for), but for some reason martial PrCs seem to require 7+ BAB and loads of more or less crappy feats.

2012-01-18, 06:36 AM
Turn on:
-Spells are awesome
Turn off:
-You have to actively avoid certain spells/tricks/whatever to make sure it doesn't turn into a face melting next level bringer of doom
-DMs know about its power, so they'll disallow the class, and keep an extra eye on you even if they allow the class

Turn on:
-The fluff is cool
-You can turn it into quite a few cool archetypes such as the lone wolf, the guardian of the wild, the gruff and gritty bounty hunter etc. etc.
-Fighting with two swords is cool
-You get a free mount, opening up the route for mounted archery which is pretty damned strong (full attack AND faster movement than any of your dismounted party members?)
Turn off:
-All in all, the class is little better than mediocre
-Tracking looks cool at first glance, but is basically a DM railroading trick disguised as a free feat

2012-01-18, 07:01 AM
Turn Offs

- Classes that have few skill points are a real turn off for me. Even if the rest of it's abilities are super-awesome, the skill points deficit really puts me off.

- X/day abilities and "Vancian" casting are a huge turn off. I can get behind a Sorcerer only having a certain amount of "magical energy" that he can use in a day, but the "fire and forget" that Wizards and such have to deal with just makes no sense to me. Other X/day abilities bug me, but it's when an extraordinary ability (like Defensive Roll) is only usable X/day it makes even less sense than Wizards. I just avoid whenever possible.

Turn Ons

- Precision damage. Just gotta love it. None of this airy-fairy magic stuff or crude brute force...a well placed blade is efficient, neat and quiet. Bliss.

- Acrobatic endeavours. Any class that extolls acrobatic virtues is a go-to for me. Thief Acrobat is quite possibly my favourite PrC (it's just a shame it's got no precision damage :smallfrown: ).

2012-01-18, 07:38 AM
Turn ons:
Flavourful mechanics. There are mechanics you read once and immediately want to build a world around. Vancian casting (love it. No matter what anyone says, it's the most wonderful casting mechanic I've ever seen in any game.) Soulbinding. Incarnum. Certain prestige classes.

Mechanical diversity. It's wonderful when a class has ten ways to react to a situation (not all of which might actually be smart, but they are choices). And not just things that are different, but similar. Totally different things.

Spellcasters. I have a love for ultimate arcane power.

Talky characters. I love tricking people. I love talking way too much in character. I love convincing the entire party that I always was their leader, and that it was all part of the plan. Enemies are friends you have not told that they are your friends yet.

Sneaky characters. I also love not even being seen and doing my thing without others noticing.

As an expansion on that, certain creatures. I love Rakshasas, Succubi, Vampires, Lillendi, Fairies, Eladrin, high-level Yugoloth and high-level devils.

Really high levels. 15+ or epic. I'm bad at actually playing at these levels (inexperienced) and I'd never dare DM them, but they are just fascinating.

Really low levels: playing a guy with his boots in the mud, a rusty weapon in his hand and one hit away from being splattered over a wall? Just as fascinating.

For some reason, it's just the middle levels that interest me least. Those between raw recruit and planar force.

And someone mentioned Planescape, which is sadly not a class. :smalltongue:

Turn offs:
Well, the opposite of everything I said above. But especially, there's certain kinds of mechanics I dislike. Every time I open a new magic system and read "Teleport, psionic" or "This soulmend gives the benefit of Spell X" or "The Warlock can use Spell Y at will as an Invocation", I get a bit sad.

Generic boni. Why would I ever want anything that gives me a +2 to what I can already do? Equipment is especially bad here, because, as opposed to feats, where I can just take those that give new abilities and forget Weapon Focus ever existed, I need all those boring +6 ability boosters to be competitive and can't just buy 200 tree tokens, an apparatus of the crab, a hat of disguise and a cape of the mountebank at level 20 (I'm exaggerating, of course), or I wont be able to defeat an appropriate encounter without going cheesy.

2012-01-18, 08:56 AM
Turn Off:
Lack of support to create a good "rogue" druid without multiclassing into rogue/scout/etc. Clerics can become really good rogues if they are built with the "Cloistered Cleric" option for more skill points and taking domains like Kobold and Trickery. Druids... not so much.

Turn On:
Having a DM who sees the above and declares "Screw the rules, I have Homebrew". :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-18, 09:43 AM

Turn On: Arcane magic FTW!

Turn Off: So many options, so few I can take.

Seconded. Need-more-character!

2012-01-18, 10:44 AM
Turn-ons: cool power-learning mechanic
Turn-offs: UPD is either ridiculously high or ridiculously low with no middle ground.

Turn-ons: Cool abilities while staying balanced with Psywar.
Turn-offs: Very poor at being a skillmonkey/trapmonkey/face, so little reason to play one.

Divine Mind
Turn-ons: ....

2012-01-18, 11:09 AM
Spirit Shaman:
Turn-on: Druid casting list, nature veneration without ZOMG ROFLstomp powers from being a Druid.

Turn-off: Invisible spirit totem with no justifiable reason to exist in the crunch.

2012-01-18, 12:54 PM
Archivist: Turn-on: It's like a divine wizard. With actual class features!

Turn-off: It's got a sign around its neck asking the DM to troll you and be an ass.

2012-01-18, 01:06 PM
One of more prominent turn-offs in games for me lately is seeing a friend play a class that is impossible to thrive with if you don't specialize in something, not specializing and then looking slightly put-off when he is not useful at anything he does. Maybe I'm getting wussier as I grow up, but this is getting downright heartbreaking for me to watch over 6-hour play sessions. And trying to give unsolicited build advice only meets resistance and makes people look at me in disapproval, so I don't anymore. :smallfrown:

2012-01-18, 01:16 PM
One of more prominent turn-offs in games for me lately is seeing a friend play a class that is impossible to thrive with if you don't specialize in something, not specializing and then looking slightly put-off when he is not useful at anything he does. Maybe I'm getting wussier as I grow up, but this is getting downright heartbreaking for me to watch over 6-hour play sessions. And trying to give unsolicited build advice only meets resistance and makes people look at me in disapproval, so I don't anymore. :smallfrown:

I know that feeling. In a party of me (Killer Gnome Wizard), Druidzilla, (eventual drop-out) Clericzilla, and a Warblade we were all having fun, I spent about half of my actions buffing the warblade since the druid needs no help and the other half battlefield controlling, and everybody seemed happy. Then a new player joined and played a rogue... and suddenly every enemy in the campaign was a construct... why DM? Why? I pushed for him to switch to Factotum, but it never happened... he seemed bored, wanted to stop earlier than everybody else, and occasionally left mid-session to get food. I felt really bad.

2012-01-18, 01:18 PM
-Strange/Obscure Races with low LA and no RHD (Empty Vessel + Shape Soulmeld (Planar Ward) = WIN)

Someone mind explaining this combo to me?

big teej
2012-01-18, 01:20 PM
much to my chagrin, I've been stuck behind the screen (and will continue to be stuck) for quite some time. so some of these are colored by said experience.

lets see.... I think I'll start with the ones that spring to mind unaided.

turn-on: ultimate powah! and the ability to roleplay a crotchety know it all. plus the malicious joy of someone stealing a decoy spellbook with every cantrip in existence on it as a trap.

turn-off: the sheer volume of god-awful hairsplitting that comes with someone trying to get creative with their spells. the amount of extra work I have to do to work around one, and so help me if they refuse to follow the established policy of "play down, not up" *

*all of this doubles or triples in the presence of someone who knows what they're doing.

the Knight
turn-on: this is hands down, bar none, my favorite class in existence. I've been fascinated with the archetypal knight in armor for the great majority of my life. this class has a d12 hit die (which is my favorite die type) and is geared around protecting your buddies.

turn-off: to my knowledge, recieves effectively zero support outside of it's own class. and all the "knight" prcs I've seen are d10 hit die, and never justify giving up that capstone.

turn-On: seems really cool, lots of flavor and freedom to be had (and hands down the most readily approved homebrew subject for me)

turn-off: really complicated to explain to my players. nobody has tried it yet.

we can lump psionics in the same boat.

lets see.... what else.
well, I guess that's all that's springing to mind without too much effort.

2012-01-18, 01:27 PM
urn-off: to my knowledge, recieves effectively zero support outside of it's own class.MIC has quite a bit of swag for a Knight.

2012-01-18, 04:57 PM
Someone mind explaining this combo to me?

Empty Vessels (ECS 291) have large ability adjustments, the bonus feat/skillpoints of a human and the bonus power points of a Kalashtar for only LA +1. Their fluff however indicates that they are prone to possession by quori spirits, which would turn them into NPCs. If your DM seeks to enforce this weakness, the Planar Ward soulmeld (MoI 83) can protect your Empty Vessel by making it immune to possession indefinitely without needing an item or spell.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-01-18, 05:04 PM
I never really got why they got LA +1... I mean it actually says right there in their entry that they are not suitable for player characters and if players wanted to play a character with ties to the Quori they should play Kalashtar.... isn't that why LA: - was invented?

Also IIRC the massive bonus to ability scores are only when they are possessed >_> <_<

2012-01-18, 05:14 PM
It says Inspired (that is, empty vessels who are no longer empty, but possessed by quori) are not suitable for player characters, and they indeed have LA —.

Also, yeah, Chosen (Empty Vessels) have no ability score modifiers listed.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-01-18, 05:16 PM
.....well it is a fine distinction; but pretty clear cut I guess.

2012-01-18, 05:19 PM
I never really got why they got LA +1... I mean it actually says right there in their entry that they are not suitable for player characters and if players wanted to play a character with ties to the Quori they should play Kalashtar.... isn't that why LA: - was invented?

Also IIRC the massive bonus to ability scores are only when they are possessed >_> <_<

You're conflating Empty Vessels and Inspired here. Inspired are the ones that "aren't suitable for player characters" - i.e. they are always NPCs. Empty Vessels are humans that were bred to become Inspired, but have not yet received a quori spirit. (Accordingly, all Inspired have "LA -" as you expected they would.)

You're also correct that Empty Vessels get massive stat bonuses once they're transformed into Inspired. However, their stat bonuses even before possession are really good. Using the rules from MM1, we can back into them: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha, all for +1 LA. And that is on top of their bonus feat, bonus skillpoints, bonus power points, and racial skills.

2012-01-18, 05:19 PM
.....well it is a fine distinction; but pretty clear cut I guess.The fine distinction between being possessed by 6-20 HD LE outsider bent on world domination and being yourself, yes. :smallamused:

However, their stat bonuses even before possession are really good. Using the rules from MM1, we can back into them: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha, all for +1 LA. And that is on top of their bonus feat, bonus skillpoints, bonus power points, and racial skills.Why would we try to reverse engineer the stat points, when there's the "Chosen as Player Characters" spelling out what they get and what they don't?

Where did you find Empty Vessel sample character, anyway?

2012-01-18, 05:29 PM

Turn on: Skills, spells, Int focus.

Turn off Bigger Turn on: Getting dirty looks from the Rogue for rendering him slightly more useless than he already was.

Fixed that for you. :smallbiggrin:

Animal Totem Barbarians in the SRD!

Turn-Ons: Options for a fun class, adds some wild flavor, actually some useful class features and you get rid of Trap Sense

Turn-Offs: Except the boar, they all stop after 7th level. :smallfrown:


Turn-On: Hey, I get 18 feats while everyone else only gets 7!

Turn-Offs: 3rd Level: Rogue gets more sneak, barbarian gets Trap Sense, wizards get 2nd level spells...and I got nothing. Also, the wizard actually gets 12 feats, the rogue can get 10, the cleric can have 8 (with the War Domain), and the monk gets 11.

2012-01-18, 05:52 PM
[Edit]: Why would we try to reverse engineer the stat points, when there's the "Chosen as Player Characters" spelling out what they get and what they don't?

Where did you find Empty Vessel sample character, anyway?

I already gave the page cite - 291. I don't think there's a sample Empty Vessel.

2012-01-18, 05:55 PM
I already gave the page cite - 291. I don't think there's a sample Empty Vessel.What, you mean the part where they say "Empty Vessels generally have the following ability scores before racial adjustments" and give them Elite Array? :smallconfused:

2012-01-18, 06:03 PM
What, you mean the part where they say "Empty Vessels generally have the following ability scores before racial adjustments" and give them Elite Array? :smallconfused:

Yeah, missed that clause, still at work and tired.
But even so, Human feat + human skillpoints + kalashtar PP + other bonuses is still strong for +1 LA. *shrug*

Wings of Peace
2012-01-18, 06:14 PM
I get really turned on by the Pathfinder Witch. I'm not big on the spell list but hexes are incredibly cool to me for some reason. The familiar functioning as a spellbook is pretty stylish too.

2012-01-18, 06:56 PM
I get really turned on by the Pathfinder Witch. I'm not big on the spell list but hexes are incredibly cool to me for some reason. The familiar functioning as a spellbook is pretty stylish too.

The turn off is that if your familiar gets killed, you are either out a HUGE amount of money, or stuck using hexes-only. :smallfrown:

Wings of Peace
2012-01-18, 06:59 PM
The turn off is that if your familiar gets killed, you are either out a HUGE amount of money, or stuck using hexes-only. :smallfrown:

True. Though after level 10 beast-bonded does a pretty good job of fixing that.

2012-01-18, 07:12 PM
isn't that why LA: - was invented?No. LA - just means the designers were too lazy to come up with the perfectly good LA that every creature should have.

To make matters worse some LA - races or templates should be +0 L

2012-01-18, 07:19 PM
I have to say that finding ways to get the Ninja class from Complete Adventurer to work has occupied too many of my recent 'theoretical' characters. The Ninja must be a 'turn on' for me by now.

I guess they're just better from the side of the screen I sit on because NPCs don't have to worry about endurance for an adventuring day... or surviving at all, really, but my ninjas haven't actually died at all. In fact, what they accomplish with the combination of Ghost Step, Sudden Strike, Skill Knowledge: Iaijutsu Focus and a Warblade level has been pretty harmful to two PCs' enjoyment of positive hit points. :smallredface:

2012-01-18, 07:23 PM
True. Though after level 10 beast-bonded does a pretty good job of fixing that.

So after you're out of the realm of the game that's most often played and you've gone through the levels where a familiar is most likely to buy it.

Just one more poor choice that leads to more dilemmas for DMs between being an ass or going soft and risking being called out or thought of as a "carebear"

2012-01-18, 07:25 PM
Stuff them in your bag of holding with a bottle of air. Bring them out when you need to prep spells.

It's not like you'd go around with your spellbook tied to your waist if you were a level 10 wizard, right?

I guess they're just better from the side of the screen I sit on because NPCs don't have to worry about endurance for an adventuring day... or surviving at all, really, but my ninjas haven't actually died at all. In fact, what they accomplish with the combination of Ghost Step, Sudden Strike, Skill Knowledge: Iaijutsu Focus and a Warblade level has been pretty harmful to two PCs' enjoyment of positive hit points. :smallredface:

Well, Skill Knowledge and a Warblade level would probably improve monks too :smallwink:

The Ogre
2012-01-18, 07:37 PM
Turn-ons: It's a great dip for the saves and the various vestiges such Naberius. The binder offers so much utility and can cover a variety of different roles.

Turn-offs: Not a great selection of PrCs outside Tome of Magic.

Dragonfire Adept
Turn-ons: Solid battlefield control and tactical nuking if need be. Has a great skill list selection which can help cover several roles such party face. Plus, Use Magic Device is never bad. The only major stat that you need to focus on is Con.

Turn-offs: Can't select metabreath feats by default without jumping through some hoops first. I wish you could select Warlock invocations without needing to take some cruddy feat from Dragon Magazine.

2012-01-18, 07:52 PM
Stuff them in your bag of holding with a bottle of air. Bring them out when you need to prep spells.

It's not like you'd go around with your spellbook tied to your waist if you were a level 10 wizard, right?

Well, Skill Knowledge and a Warblade level would probably improve monks too :smallwink:

Fair enough, but Ninjas in particular synergize with Tiger Claw stuff (TWF and the mobility to use it are loved by all sneak attackers) and already enjoy producing the conditions that Iaijutsu Focus needs, so it fits together pretty well. The damage was kind of absurd even.

2012-01-18, 09:58 PM
Turn ons: Classes with lots of tactical options. Having the option to turn invisible, or incapacitate an enemy, or defend an ally, or turn a friend into a twelve headed pyrohydra.

Classes that can do one thing incredibly well, be that turning a single enemy into two halves of an enemy, firing dozens of arrows into an enemy before they know you're there, or being an impassible, indestructable barrier.

Turn offs: Classes that can't do much of anything.

Classes that fail at what they were designed to do.

Classes that don't seem to be designed to do anything.

big teej
2012-01-18, 10:11 PM
MIC has quite a bit of swag for a Knight.

well now.... :smallbiggrin:

I know what I'm looking for next time I get to buy new books.

2012-01-18, 10:23 PM

-I get to hit things with my fists.

-I hit things with my fists.
-Flavor is bad.
-Flavor doesn't fit in DnD's general setting.
-"Ethics"? What are those? And Monks have code made of them?
-Average BaB
-"Class Features", and by class features I mean thumbtacks in your fingers.
-Swordsages exist.
-All of the Monk players I know are arrogant jerks.


-Full BaB
-Some good spells.
-Turn Undead. That's good.
-Cool flavor.
-Some good class features.

-Having a code really sucks.
-This class starts arguments. I've had groups destroyed because of it.
-Only up to 4th level spells.
-Crusaders accomplish battlefield healer and holy striker a lot more effectively. Clerics are straight up better.

-Sneak attack!
-Some skills.
-An excuse to be a slimy jerk.

-Sneak attack sucks.
-Obsolete at this point.
-3 levels in generic classes can get you 18 levels worth of SA. Look it up.
-Warlocks, Dragonfire Adepts, and Warmages are cooler.


-Maneuvers!!!! You know the most, and you prepare the most.
-Way broken skills.
-Unarmed SS makes the Monk look like- well, a monk!
-You are the coolness incarnate!

-Average BaB. TT^TT
-Crummy Maneuvers recovery. Full round for 1, or take a feat for all of them.
-I'd rather be a Crusader or Warblade.

2012-01-18, 10:59 PM
well now.... :smallbiggrin:

I know what I'm looking for next time I get to buy new books.

To save you some time, the 'swag' is the Healing Belt and the 'quite a bit' is buying a wagonload of them. There are also two separate items which can improve your challenge's save DC by 1 passively. They are the Surcoat of Valor and the Noble Pennon. Ignore the other Knight-specific items, they are a waste of money.

2012-01-19, 12:13 AM

-Maneuvers!!!! You know the most, and you prepare the most.
-Way broken skills.
-Unarmed SS makes the Monk look like- well, a monk!
-You are the coolness incarnate!

-Average BaB. TT^TT
-Crummy Maneuvers recovery. Full round for 1, or take a feat for all of them.
-I'd rather be a Crusader or Warblade.

On the one hand, I'm worried that you didn't say "One of your class features is turning people into shot puts". On the other hand, I am almost 98% confident that is part of "You are the coolness incarnate!"

2012-01-19, 07:10 AM
I have to say that finding ways to get the Ninja class from Complete Adventurer to work has occupied too many of my recent 'theoretical' characters. The Ninja must be a 'turn on' for me by now.Related, OA's Ninja Spy is a cool PrC with goodies like HiPS, Poison Use, some SA, and huge bonuses on movement skills.

The problem is that it has relatively late entry, meaning most of the stuff isn't quite up to the snuff even if you get that far. :smallfrown:

2012-01-19, 07:22 AM
Soo many to list for this thread... I guess will just stick with recent ^^

Outdoing 14 year old villains in being a total ass while still looking stylish and civilized (black guards, almost all from Vile Darkness, Etc.)
Ability to have Utilities of any kind, be deadly and be ready for anything
Coming up with way to stack modifiers for Death attack by Raw
Using "unconventional" solutions sometimes gives issues to the game... hehe

Come ON! Picture looks like freaking Geralt (the Witcher game)!
Reading thru class for the first time and realizing that it barly out does CW Samurai & Soulknife on tiers
Scouting thru all books and finding Hexbands[A cruel cruel cruel joke WotC..] and PHBII... Setteling on 4lvl dip >_>

Sword Sage
Shadow Hand, Setting Sun, and all awesome that class is
Realizing how futile the efforts competing with ToB really are after repeatedly dipping into it heh... >_>

Heh ^^
P.S. Tons of others, but it seems this thread is similar to "guilty pleasure" thread.

2012-01-19, 09:39 AM
ON switch:
I'm going dwarven themed melee, with lots of CON.. OMG look at deepwarden, cool theme and perfect lvl2 dip!

OFF switch:
Basically only a ranger can enter early enough be interesting. Realy WotC?

ON switch:
Muahha, I burn vegetation for joys... muhaha, picture that, a deranged Druid! Rapid casting progression too! Good Fort and Will saves, must be the Ur-Priest for Druids!

OFF switch:
You loose all druid spells? Limited spell list? No spells for you if you're in the desert, or other region without vegetation, your no longer casting anything!

ON switch:
OMG that's seriously cool stuff, nice artwork too! I want that Legacy Item!

OFF switch:
Ehm, I read through the books twice and I still have no clue what the feats and the rituals are for...

2012-01-19, 11:43 PM
On the one hand, I'm worried that you didn't say "One of your class features is turning people into shot puts". On the other hand, I am almost 98% confident that is part of "You are the coolness incarnate!"

Are you talking about Setting Sun? That falls under "Coolness" AND "owning Monks". :smallbiggrin: