View Full Version : Blackwool Mansion (IC)

2012-01-18, 04:51 AM
After a long journey, you arrived at Iriaebor, it still took the most of a day before you found a local who knew were the Blackwool estate was it seemed that "just south of Iriaebor" was actually 5 days walk south/southwest.
But finaly you arrived at your destination the Blackwool mansion
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cC5M-_v9kyY/SlwKYWxrLXI/AAAAAAAAA4g/68-mAtUZyhE/s400/2009_06_17_Mansion_Greenwich_American_Center_lo.jp g
Were you are greated by a creature about 2 meters high who presents itself "Hello im the Butler and im here to help you out in any way possibly" If he had had any facial expresion you would swear that it was contempt "Proffesor Knarkle is away on buisness but ought to be here withind a tenday" He steps back so you can get a look at the newly restored interior of the hall "The proffesor would like you to chose a bedroom and use the time to settle in, and get to know one and another" he then turns arround and head for the servants wing.
Right before he leavs the hall he turns and say "If You need anything do not hesitate to call" You have a feeling that he did not like you.

The master bedrooms are locked and if you enter the servant wing "the Butler" will show up withind a minut seeming anoyed

2012-01-18, 05:27 AM
After the butler moves on Ivellilos goes around the house looking for anyone else 'alive' or the mentioned bedrooms.

If she finds no one alive; she'll end up picking the bedroom in the lower left corner. The one with the balcony. Opening the doors to the balcony she mutters; "these brick houses tend to get so stuffy.. Air..."

If she does find someone; that person will see long and gauntly woman entering the room. She looks exquisitely beautiful; albeit a bit strange with bright red feathers on her head in stead of hair; and a long equally bright red cloak which after closer inspection turn out to be actual wings. She'll greet the person with a friendly smile; "You must have had that weird dream too, or not?"

2012-01-18, 09:32 AM
Arriving second, Mysk takes her time exploring the mansion. When she arrives on the third floor, she throws her bag in the first room she comes to. (The one between the stairs and the playroom).

A attractive young woman dressed in black, with a simple dark green cloak thrown over her head. Her hair is blonde, and her eyes a unusual red that carefully studies all that she comes to. She walks swiftly, but lightly with a bow over her shoulder as she enters the mansion, but only a dagger at her side as she wanders the mansion.

At Ivellilos she pauses only momentarily to look her over. A slightly rude lack of interest in her tone; "Strange dreams indeed. How rude to throw a get together and not be there to greet your guests.... If you need me, I intend to make full use of the study while we have the down time. "

Once getting settled, she intends to settle into the Library, absorbing what she can find. She can be found hidden behind stacks of books, reading.
"Did you need something?"

2012-01-18, 11:56 AM
After meeting Mysk, Ivellilos will do a thorough search of the house, taking her time. For anything useful about the host; but also for anything deliberately hidden(such as secret doors and rooms).

OOC; can't reach character sheet right now; but remember my INT modifier to be 2. Will take 20 on this(Ivellilos is taking her time) if the DM allows..

Otherwise a roll;


2012-01-18, 02:30 PM
A frail, rather lanky man enters next. On his face, he wears a manic grin, and, in his hands, a sourceless flame flickers on and off.

He stands at the entrance for a moment and breathes in the atmosphere. Above him, he hears footsteps pacing through the second floor. To his right, he hears the rustle of shifting papers.

Smoothing the grin from his face, he extinguishes his hands and enters the library. A blonde-haired woman sits hunched over desk, studiously examining a set of documents. To her, he asks,"I take it that you are not the proprietor of this fine establishment?"

2012-01-18, 02:42 PM
Jaisen enters with a simple "Thank you" to the butler. He moves to the second floor and deposits his bag in the bedroom at the top left of the floor plan near the nursery. After leaving his bad in the unattended bedroom Jaisen quickly visits the kitchen preparing himself a couple of large sandwiches and grabbing a drink before going to investigate the study and library.

Upon finding Mysk and the other man in the library Jaisen sets aside his heavily laden platter and offers a handshake Greetings Lady and sir, I see I was not the first to arrive. The butler didn't make any mention of others, but then he didn't seem the most friendly of fellows. My name is Jaisen, are you here at the request of our patron or is this your home as well?"

Jaisen is nearly the ideal specimen of mediocrity. Standing five and a half feet tall he is of average build, obviously familiar with the rigors of traveling life but not overly muscular. His clothing consists of simply styled trousers and tunic, a mix of brown and gray coloring.

((OOC))Edited to reflect Scotchland's post going up while I had this window open to type.

2012-01-18, 02:59 PM

Raahm steps in, and does his exploring around, but tends to sleep. Looking and walking about a man who isnt used to solid ground, anyone who sees him eating will notice he enjoys citrus i guess. to pass time, he mostly sleeps. Raahm is a man who knows the value of real sleep

dibs on the third floor bedroom with the balcony, to the left of the playroom

2012-01-18, 07:51 PM
*Knock on the front door* When the butler opens the door he doesn't immediately see anyone but as if peeling himself from the shadows Zyphonis appears.

"It seems as though I have been invited here."

Zyphonis walks in and takes a room on the third floor, he immediately takes the sheets from the bed and hangs them in front of the windows. Then he heads down to the study to see who else has been sent the same odd dream he was. He does not remove any of his gear and leaves no possessions in the room.

Zyphonis enters the study and see's a few odd characters reading and meandering about. Zyphonis heads instantly to the shelves and finds a book on local history and starts reading, he chooses not to remove his black greatsword at this time and so declines sitting down.

OOC: Anyone who approaches Zyphonis will notice he is a tall strongly built man swathed in shadows that seem to seep from his skin.

2012-01-18, 08:09 PM
"Understood," said Traumlos as he nodded in response to the butler. He then makes his way around the first floor, looking for the said bedrooms. He started moving in a counter-clockwise direction starting from the bathroom. Upon reaching the servant's wing and seeing the butler show up, he will politely ask the butler to do his job and help Traumlos find his way towards the bedrooms.
"Good mister butler--whose name I do not know of, for he did not introduce himself with one--I understand that you have a certain displeasure having an unknown guest at your master's house. I am not meaning to be your master, much less your friend, but I do hope you would treat me, or any other guests for that matter, with enough responsibility and show me the way to the rooms. Would you agree?"

2012-01-19, 12:12 AM
Smoothing the grin from his face, he extinguishes his hands and enters the library. A blonde-haired woman sits hunched over desk, studiously examining a set of documents. To her, he asks,"I take it that you are not the proprietor of this fine establishment?"

Without looking up, the woman responds.
"Nay. I should hope not! Although I would not turn down the resources he wields, simple manners does not appear to be among them. Like yourself, I presume, I was invited here. Yet the metal butler has informed me he will not arrive for a tenday. A TENDAY! How rude considering the distance...

Would you like a chair? There appears to be more than enough books for the two of us. Mysk motions to a nearby chair, glancing at you with her red eyes for just a brief second before returning to the documents.

Upon finding Mysk and the other man in the library Jaisen sets aside his heavily laden platter and offers a handshake Greetings Lady and sir, I see I was not the first to arrive. The butler didn't make any mention of others, but then he didn't seem the most friendly of fellows. My name is Jaisen, are you here at the request of our patron or is this your home as well?"

Without looking up, or getting up, or offering her hand, Mysk again responds with a dry tone of indifference.
"Mysk. A pleasure."
If Calvare is there, she will let him respond. If he has left her, she will say
"At this moment there are two more that I have seen. A feathery woman and a tall creepy man. Given the gnome's message, It would be logical to conclude that more may be on the way."

Just a note, Mysk is in the Library, not the study.

2012-01-19, 06:22 AM
The butler looks at Traumlos and say "follow me then, good Sir.. or madam" he then shows Traumlos up to third floor and shows him a not occupied bedroom. "Now if you will excuse me, I have other duties to perform"
OCC: dam U Warlawk u stole his gray :smallwink:


For Mysk
As first to arrive in the library you find a letter and a map on the table
The Letter

Dear fellow users of The Invisible Arts, i am happy that you have answered my call, and deeply sorry that i can't be here to greet you but something personal have come up.
My manservant is a steelman from Halrua and answers the name butler, please use the time to get acquainted with each other, the house and maybe Pelgrim town.
If you go exploring the area please be advised that resently a clan of goblings have moved into the Bearwood and it is rumored that a bandit gang known as the ghostbacks, have a hideout somewhere in the hills southeast of Redlake
Proffesor Knarkle Greenhorn the III

The map
its up to you if you share the map and the letter with the others

For Ivellios

While you search the house you'll find out that you have access to the most, there are 3 locked doors on the second floor and when you try to search in the service wing (pink area) in the ground floor Butler quickly appers, the house is obviously restored recently and nicely furnished, you find nothing of great interest otherwise

The library is well stocked and seems to have focus on historical books and documents, a early edition of the well known Fauna and flora of Farûn by E. Greenwood is lying on the table.

2012-01-19, 07:32 AM
After searching the house top to bottom Ivellilos re-enters the library; or any room where most characters are located. She enters with a slight knock on the door; and speaks up. "Hi all, my name is Ivellilos, and it's nice to meet you here.. I guess we all had that curious dream with the gnome in it.. And we all are quite peeved at not meeting our host upon arrival... Let's put the joke on him.." After this statement she pauses for a second, looks around the room to check whether anyone is paying any attention, and then continues in a lowered voice; "I've checked just about every room in the house the butler would let me into for clues about our host. I've found none.. I did find three doors locked on the first floor; and the butler to be overly protective of an area on this floor. I am not of the sneaky or lock picking persuasion, but can keep the butler busy if necessary. Anyone feel up to either of those other two tasks?"

2012-01-19, 07:47 AM
Without looking up, the woman responds.
"Nay. I should hope not! Although I would not turn down the resources he wields, simple manners does not appear to be among them. Like yourself, I presume, I was invited here. Yet the metal butler has informed me he will not arrive for a tenday. A TENDAY! How rude considering the distance...

Would you like a chair? There appears to be more than enough books for the two of us. Mysk motions to a nearby chair, glancing at you with her red eyes for just a brief second before returning to the documents.

Upon finding Mysk and the other man in the library Jaisen sets aside his heavily laden platter and offers a handshake Greetings Lady and sir, I see I was not the first to arrive. The butler didn't make any mention of others, but then he didn't seem the most friendly of fellows. My name is Jaisen, are you here at the request of our patron or is this your home as well?"

Taking a seat, Calvare drops his rather gaudy bag and looks over the books and papers strewn across the desk. The material in question is quite dense and, to him, absolutely dis-interesting. He turns to the newcomer, stating,"My name is Calvare, prophet and amateur magician, at your service. And yes, we were invited here as well."

2012-01-19, 07:59 AM
Mysk sits up to look up upon Ivellios when she enters, and actually looks slightly surprised to see Ivellios. A small wall of books and scrolls have grown around Mysk's side (The side farther away from the door), and were she to dive to the other side of them she might manage to hide herself quite well. Despite the pile of books also on the table, she has very neatly left the other side of the table unused, except for a small folded document and a rolled up map which have neatly been left in the corner farthest from her.
"Ah yes, I was a bit too agitated earlier and forgot to introduce myself. You may call me Mysk."

"Although I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious what he is hiding, I'm afraid that how I get through locked doors are both loud and conspicuous. But I am good at going unnoticed however.... If we could only find the key I think I've gotten curious enough to help you find out what is behind the mystery doors."

You immediately notice a folded piece of paper and a rolled up map. It seems to be pushed to the edge of Mysk's "read" pile, almost in a inviting way....

2012-01-19, 08:04 AM
"I've checked just about every room in the house the butler would let me into for clues about our host. I've found none.. I did find three doors locked on the first floor; and the butler to be overly protective of an area on this floor. I am not of the sneaky or lock picking persuasion, but can keep the butler busy if necessary. Anyone feel up to either of those other two tasks?"

"I do believe I'm the man for the job.", Calvare says, fishing a box out of his bag.

((OOC - the box is a masterwork thieves' kit))

You immediately notice a folded piece of paper and a rolled up map. It seems to be pushed to the edge of Mysk's "read" pile, almost in a inviting way....
Having noticed the oddly positioned paper, Calvare takes a moment to read over it and the accompanying map.

2012-01-19, 08:08 AM
Ivellilos looks at Calvare; "so you can go check the rooms upstairs" and then looks at Mysk "while you check his area on the ground floor? All doors there seem to be unlocked" And then looks around the room again "While I, and anybody else in here, keeps mister butler busy on them interesting books"

OOC; little does Ivellilos know about it being the servant quarter; still might hold something interesting though

2012-01-19, 08:17 AM
Ivellilos looks at Calvare; "so you can go check the rooms upstairs"

"Great", Calvare says, still reading over the papers,"What rooms would you be referring to?"

2012-01-19, 08:21 AM
"If you get up to the first floor; all the doors on the left hand side.." Ivellilos answers

OOC; basically right hand of the map

2012-01-19, 08:21 AM
Then when the butler is sufficiently distracted, Mysk stands near the servant's quarters, she leans over holding out her hand. A tiny crystal in her hand grows ectoplasmic spider legs and crawls down onto the floor. She telepathically instructs it to move into the quarters, look around well, inform her of anything that stands out, and return once it has checked all the rooms.

Move silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2012-01-19, 08:24 AM
Once Calvare and Mysk have left the library; Ivellilos will call in the butler and try to keep him busy on questions about the books

bluff to feign interest in books, keep the butler interested and keep him occupied


2012-01-19, 08:34 AM
Calvare heads up the stairs and pretends to look over the room's decor. In truth, he's searching for any sort of device, magical or not, that may act to give away his presence. When the coast is clear, he pulls the box from hiding and sets to work.

If he finds any traps or alarms, he works to disable them first. Then, he works to get the door to the boudoir open.

If he finds no traps or alarms, he proceeds to unlock the door to boudoir.

Search: (14+7)[21]
Open Lock: (8+16)[24]
Disable Device: (9+11)[21]

2012-01-19, 09:16 AM
Zyphonis see's that a few people have left and the bird like woman is keeping the butler busy so he decides to head and do some research of his own, on his new housemates.

He leaves the room and as soon as he sees no one is around he melts into the shadows. Zyphonis chooses to follow Calvare to see how proficient his skills are, always wanting as much information as he can gather.

OOC: Zyphonis uses Invisibility and follows Calvare as quietly as he can.
Move Silently:[roll0]

2012-01-19, 11:18 AM
Jaisen sits quietly, introducing himself to anyone who seems interested while mostly staying out of the way and slowly enjoying his food. While he understands the curiosity driving the others, he does not share in it and is content to simply wait and be respectful of their host's home.

2012-01-19, 11:43 AM
Ivellilos calls to butler and start asking about the books and the library, the butler seems irritated, Ivellilos quickly perceive that the butler has no knowledge of the books' contents, nor an interest in it. But she managed still to keep him away for 5 minutes before he excuses himself and goes back to the service wing.


Meanwhile, Myst sends his crystal exploring the service wing, it only takes a few minutes before everything is examined without finding anything of interest except a locked door

OOC: all the locked doors are market at the blueprints now :)


Calvare searches the room outside the door without finding something there seems not to be traps on the door eighter, but when he looks through the keyhole, there is an unnatural darkness.

He pulls his dirk up and is about to begin when the door suddenly speaks with the voice from the dream "I would advise against continuing this deed just a friendly warning" a little scent a honey permeates the room briefly.

OOC: from now on always use the forum roller ;)

2012-01-19, 12:17 PM
Thinking there are additional guardians moving about, Calvare takes the hint, packs up his kit, but does not head back down to the library. Instead, he attempts converse with the door, asking,"Then, Door, what lies beyond here?"

2012-01-19, 12:33 PM
before openning up to the rest of the group, Raahm would prefer to stay silent and observe, when he is not doing his rituals for Banjo the Clown in the playroom.

everyone, however, is invited to worship banjo with me. when his holy day comes up (which should be, by the opinion of banjo's finest scholars, every day) we will have a pie eating contest.

after a little observance, i want to find the sneakiest person in the group, and we are going to go search the town to see if there is anything of interest to occupy/steal/barter for/protect the interests of (in the event that that involves us getting paid)

2012-01-19, 01:53 PM
Psicrystal returns. Mysk leaves the entrance to the servant quarters. What little information she gained will be passed along.

2012-01-19, 02:48 PM
everyone, however, is invited to worship banjo with me. when his holy day comes up (which should be, by the opinion of banjo's finest scholars, every day) we will have a pie eating contest.

Do not follow the Clown, for it is a trickster god. It intends only to deceive you!

2012-01-19, 03:44 PM
Zyphonis backs away from Calvare and decides to search around the house, coming upon Raahm in the play room dancing around with a puppet on his hand, he decides to let his shadowy veil drop and step toward him

Why do you play with a puppet and call it a god? Do you not fear for your soul being stuffed into the wall of the Faithless when you die like all short lived humans do?

Zyphonis however does seem to enjoy watching the puppet and decides to try to win Raahm over rather than berate him.

But I guess if you choose to worship the puppet Banjo then his strength grows from your following.

2012-01-19, 03:54 PM
Zyphonis backs away from Calvare and decides to search around the house, coming upon Raahm in the play room dancing around with a puppet on his hand, he decides to let his shadowy veil drop and step toward him

Why do you play with a puppet and call it a god? Do you not fear for your soul being stuffed into the wall of the Faithless when you die like all short lived humans do?

Zyphonis however does seem to enjoy watching the puppet and decides to try to win Raahm over rather than berate him.

But I guess if you choose to worship the puppet Banjo then his strength grows from your following.THIS PUPPET Raahm declares with vigor is but a holy symbol in the form of a puppet. i would surely be an honored man to have a god rest upon my hand

i make a mental note to not invite Calvare to any pie eating contests in Banjo's honor.

Autohypnosis check to memorize this info in case

2012-01-19, 06:23 PM
As the butler leaves the library, will wait a minute. And then follow him into the servant quarter. As she moves past Musk she will nod shortly. The moment the butler turns to her, she will say; "The trip here was quite a bit linger than I expected. So I ran out of food just as I got here. Thus I was wondering; come dinnertime, will we have to provide for ourselves? Or will you be serving a meal? If so, I'd love to help you cook, or pick out a wine with the food. I know lots of wines, and I bet this mansion has a well stocked wine cellar. I'd love to nose through that."

roll for bluff on food and wine knowledge[roll0]

2012-01-19, 09:13 PM
After being led to his bedroom, Traumlos started meditating and reflecting on the recent turn of events. He ponders for what purpose his arrival here is for.

He wondered why, of all time in the day, just when he was starting to concentrate, various noises started appearing from out of nowhere.

Noises... loud noises--the footsteps, the whispers, the conversations, the creaking of the floorboard...

He went outside and headed where the noise was coming from. He saw various movements--people going this way and that, searching for something, conversation in the library, some kind of small crystal-like creature skittering here and there... It was all chaos.

Yes, I was expecting company. But not like this...
He just stood there in the middle of the hall. Waiting for someone to pass by him. If someone did, he'll introduce himself and ask what is going on.
"Greetings, my name is Traumlos. I was one of, if not the only one, who saw that strange dream. What is going on?"

2012-01-19, 10:10 PM
Hearing footsteps behind him and now bored with the otherwise inanimate, insentient door, Calvare turns to face the new guest. Before him stands a purple-skinned, black-haired fellow. His eyes glow, and he possesses a solemn presence.

"Evenin' to you. My name is Calvare, prophet and amateur magician. What's going on is merriment albeit that of a rather somber sort. And as for the dream, well, I suspect you and I were not the only ones who saw him. Pleasant chap, no?"

2012-01-19, 10:48 PM
Zyphonis leaves the fool to play with his "god" and decides to wander the house in the open, even choosing to not alter any of the light levels in the rooms he enters. He comes across Calvare, the man he was watching earlier and another man with white eyes speaking about the odd dream they all seemed to have had that drew them to this place.

It seems that the dream message wasn't a simple dream at all, I thought it may have been a message from the Goddess but apparently it was shown to all of you also, so it must be something more earthly than that.

2012-01-19, 11:13 PM
As the butler leaves the library, will wait a minute. And then follow him into the servant quarter. As she moves past Musk she will nod shortly. The moment the butler turns to her, she will say; "The trip here was quite a bit linger than I expected. So I ran out of food just as I got here. Thus I was wondering; come dinnertime, will we have to provide for ourselves? Or will you be serving a meal? If so, I'd love to help you cook, or pick out a wine with the food. I know lots of wines, and I bet this mansion has a well stocked wine cellar. I'd love to nose through that."

roll for bluff on food and wine knowledge[roll0]

As Ivellilos walks away, MYSK mutters to herself "He's made of metal. Would you want to eat what he serves? Blech!"

Upon which she notices Traumlos and Calvare discussing the dream. She slinks behind a corner and does some "accidental" overhearing.


2012-01-20, 12:43 AM
It seems that the dream message wasn't a simple dream at all, I thought it may have been a message from the Goddess but apparently it was shown to all of you also, so it must be something more earthly than that.
He looked at the frail man before him, the one whom he heard was talking to some invisible entity for some reason. Apparently some merriment of sorts is happening today...or was it night already?

But before he could respond to the man named Calvare, he saw someone else approaching them from the direction of the playroom. What's strange was that it was almost as if some sort of shadow is covering the person, even against the light. Traumlos was surprised that the man was almost as tall as the former himself. He then replied to both fellows.

"All I know is that the dream should definitely be extraordinary. After all, my people are not capable of dreaming in this world...at all."
Just in case...Spot the stealthy one:[roll0]

2012-01-20, 03:24 AM
butler looks at Ivellilos and states "I stand for all cooking and should probably choose an appropriate wine for the gentlemen" He stands for a moment looking down at Ivellilos "Today's dinner will be duck with oranges with a red wine from vintage 1368 Amn" he goes back to the kitchen and says over his shoulder "And it is served in 20 minutes in the dining room"

2012-01-20, 05:48 AM
"All I know is that the dream should definitely be extraordinary. After all, my people are not capable of dreaming in this world...at all."
"Well, ain't that a shame.", Calvare replies, "And look, another friend!" He turns to the shadowman emerging from the playroom. "I don't believe we've met?"

2012-01-20, 09:48 AM
Zyphonis turns to Calvare,

I am Zyphonis, it is a pleasure to meet you. Do you know why we have been called here? Im unsure what could possible bind us together that such a diverse group of ahh.. people, would be here.

2012-01-20, 10:31 AM
"Well", Calvare says coolly,"if you look about, you will see that each person here, the butler aside, has exactly one thing in common....We're all total badasses. Therefore, the likely answer is that a task is at hand that requires the attention of a collection of badasses."

"Also, something about an Invisible Art was mentioned....."

"Actually, now that I think about it", he continues,"I don't know altogether that much about the butler."

2012-01-20, 12:03 PM
As he leaves the library Jaisen hears the group speaking and moves a bit closer to try and learn a little about these others who have been called here.

He walks up to the group, waiting for a break in conversation to introduce himself "Hello everyone, I'm Jaisen."

He arches an eyebrow and shoots a questioning look at Calvare with his talk of Badassery. "If I may make an observation, it seems our host has called all of us here for something specific. Given the state of this home and the nature of the call which brought us here we can see he is both a man of means and personal power, if not physical stature. It may be in our best interests to respect the sanctity of his home."

2012-01-20, 01:23 PM
Looking back, Calvare replies,"The man called six strangers into his home with little notice or explanation. The explanation we have received consists of a map, a note, and a half-remembered dream. Then, his butler informs us that he will not be here for, at most, a tenday. Can't help but be a bit curious, ya know?"

((OOC: I realize there are seven. However, my character has seen only six.))

2012-01-20, 02:30 PM
He turned his attention to Jaisen and replied to him, "To be honest, though, I only went here to have my questions answered. It's not like I need anything else from this mansion... for now, anyways."

Then to Calvare he replied next. "There are fours of us conversing right now, which means there should be two more goofing around somewhere, huh... Or, does that person hiding against the shadows count?" He pointed at the corner from where he saw someone sneaking up a while ago.

2012-01-20, 02:48 PM
Maintaining a relaxed expression, ready to scorch at a moment's notice, Calvare sidesteps into sight of the shadows. He recognizes Mysk, the woman from the library, and shouts,"Hello, lass. No need to skulk about in the shadows."

Facing Traumlos again, he introduces Mysk.

"That's Mysk. Not to be confused with Myst or musk. Charming gal, really. At any rate, since we all seem to be acquainted now, shall we search for the others? It's about dinnertime, and I would just love to get to know that darling butler."

2012-01-20, 03:56 PM
A bell rings from the dining room, Butler has put plates, cutlery and glasses for 8 people, the duck is on the table and looks delicious. "food is served and after dinner there will be brandy and tobacco in the study room" He pulls out the chairs for the ladies, and pours wine up once all 7 of you have arrived, then he announces "I'm getting the last one" he leaves the room and shortly thereafter you hear the front door open and close.

2012-01-20, 04:06 PM
Raahm comes down from the play room, his puppet stowed away. he is dressed in his formal wear for this dinner, so a white shirt with brown fisher's trousers (i guess they are like baggy pants with strong cuffs so they can be rolled up for wading into water without falling) instead of his normal red shirt.

The brandy and tobacco sounds just as appetizing as this meal Raahm says. I may have this ring of sustenance, but i can not pass up a good meal

2012-01-20, 05:32 PM
Jaisen accompanies the others into the dining room and sits to enjoy dinner. Upon hearing his Raahm's comment he chuckles a bit "Now that's the spirit Raahm. Your ring will let you survive, but that's not the same as living now is it? The joy of good food is a rare pleasure enjoyed by almost everyone of nearly any race or social station, a point of common reference for us all and a custom we should heartily embrace as an important ritual both for survival and socializing."

2012-01-20, 06:01 PM
Maintaining a relaxed expression, ready to scorch at a moment's notice, Calvare sidesteps into sight of the shadows. He recognizes Mysk, the woman from the library, and shouts,"Hello, lass. No need to skulk about in the shadows."

Facing Traumlos again, he introduces Mysk.

"That's Mysk. Not to be confused with Myst or musk. Charming gal, really. At any rate, since we all seem to be acquainted now, shall we search for the others? It's about dinnertime, and I would just love to get to know that darling butler."

Mysk reveals casually. "I wasn't skulking... I was just testing your perception! You have impressed me."


"Oh, it appears dinner is served. Shall we?"

Upon entering the dining room, she sits down but proceeds to not eat or drink anything. "No thank you"

2012-01-20, 06:33 PM
Ivellilos will hang around the library. Checking the books for anything special or extraordinary until it's time for dinner. She will then proceed to the appropriate room, find herself a seat as close to the table's head as possible. Of she sees any new faces, she will introduce herself warmly;I am Ivellilos the Uncontrollable, nice to meet you.

As the duck is served she will exclaim; " aah, duck a la orange, long time since I last had that!"

spot check for any interesting books; [roll0]

2012-01-20, 09:40 PM
After being led to the dining room, Traumlos looked for a place to sit. He then expressed his gratitude to the butler with a short "Thank you" before finally settling down. After some woman named Ivellilos introduced herself, he will do the same to her.

He ate very slowly, pausing for some time--almost as if he's pondering what the next bite will feel like. He ate just enough for his daily needs--he believes that the burden of eating in excess is already reserved for the undisciplined mind.

He maintained his quiet demeanor as much as possible during the dinner, only nodding or shaking his head in response to the conversations. If subject of discourse becomes somewhat academic, he will try to join the discussion.

2012-01-20, 09:51 PM
Proceeding to the dining room, Calvare takes the nearest seat available.

Having heard Ivellilos from the hallway, he asks her,'May I ask why you have chosen the appellation "the Uncontrollable"?'

2012-01-20, 10:41 PM
Zyphonis enters the dining room and takes a empty chair, he glances at everyone to get their attention,

Hi everyone, if I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, my name is Zyphonis and I am looking forward, as I am sure you are, to learning more of why we are here and getting to become more acquainted with you all.

2012-01-21, 05:03 AM
At the question, Ivellilos smiles, and answers; aah, that is a story in itself. In my home town, I've always been a bit the outsider due to my particular qualities. 5 years ago, I was banished for a short period from my village, for an incident involving our local temple, 2 cows, 1 chicken, an elder and lots of flower. During that trial, they kept referring to me as the uncontrollable. I did kind of like the name, so I kept it. After her story she smiles, takes a sip of wine, and continues Actually, among my people it is a very severe punishment to be banished for any amount of time. But me, I loved it. I saw a lot of the world, developed my powers, and saw loads of things those boring people will never see. You should have seen their faces when I returned. The stories I told them, they were actually jealous of my punishment. Great!

2012-01-21, 07:49 AM
You hear the door open again, the sound is followed by a person who is stomping very hard before you see him,you smell him, a smell of sweat and unwashed hides and a faint scent of urine.
Into the room comes and a dwarf with a slightly wild look in their eyes, he grunts "ME KRAN" He sits on the empty chair between Raahm and Zyphonis.
He begins to eat food in a way that makes most people loose the appetite.


2012-01-21, 08:20 AM
In whatever moments that Kran may take a pause, Calvare will ask,"So, Kran, what brings you to this part of the country?"

2012-01-21, 09:35 AM
Zyphonis takes his measure of the dwarf and asks in the most polite fashion he is able to muster , So you also are a practitioner of the Invisble Art? That seems to be a common bond we all share, do you share it also?

OOC: In case he may be offended Diplomacy Roll [roll0]

2012-01-21, 09:36 AM
On the entry of the dwarf Ivellilos mutters, just loud enough for those closest to her to hear; "okaay, and the brandy with tobacco was served when and where? Let's leave mister loud to his food."

2012-01-21, 01:01 PM
Uncontrollable is a decent title

upon the entry of the dwarf with a lack of manners This guy has the right idea
if i ever get into one-on-one conversation with him during dinner, i ask how he likes pie eating contests

2012-01-21, 04:23 PM
while he stops more food in his face, he looks at Calvare "Spirits Tell KRAN, so KRAN Tell shaman, so Shaman Tell KRAN to go" he spits a go part of the food out while he says "Shaman even send best hunter, show KRAN The Way "

When Zyphonis talking to him he chews a little further before he says "That thing the spirits said two" with a big smile as if it explained everything.

After an explanation of what an pie eating contest is crane say "KRAN GOOD EAT"

2012-01-22, 05:23 AM
The sudden barging in of the dwarf almost caught Traumlos off-guard. He remained silent while eating, until the dwarf finally started talking about shamans and spirit and what they told the dwarf.

'That thing the spirits said two'...What could that possibly mean?

For a split-second, he realized that he never really understood a lot of Kran's words in the first place. He thought that maybe it was caused by regional variations of words and accent, but he isn't quite sure. Nonetheless, he asked the others, albeit in a whispering manner, what Kran just said.

"Excuse me, fellow guests, but what was it again that our newly arrived friend was talking about? Something about what the spirit said."

2012-01-22, 06:15 AM
The sudden barging in of the dwarf almost caught Traumlos off-guard. He remained silent while eating, until the dwarf finally started talking about shamans and spirit and what they told the dwarf.

'That thing the spirits said two'...What could that possibly mean?

For a split-second, he realized that he never really understood a lot of Kran's words in the first place. He thought that maybe it was caused by regional variations of words and accent, but he isn't quite sure. Nonetheless, he asked the others, albeit in a whispering manner, what Kran just said.

"Excuse me, fellow guests, but what was it again that our newly arrived friend was talking about? Something about what the spirit said."

"I will be honest, I do speak Common and dwarven. But I don't speak stupid, so I only understood a fraction of what he said. But from what I gather, he had the same dream we all had and interpreted it as the spirits talking to him. It's not uncommon for the uncivilized cultures of the world to interpret dreams as messages from the spirits. So he proceeded to think a spirit told him to come here, the local 'spirit shaman' agreed, and so he came here being led by someone who had navigational ability, and perhaps a IQ twice of that of Kran. Maybe even 2 digits worth."

::Clearing throat::

"I suppose since we are on that subject, let us all get a few obvious things out of the way. Could we all go around the table, say our name, and describe the dream (Or message from the spirits) in the best detail we can. I've gotten the impression from everyone here that we all had a dream of the same nature, so the next step would be to see if we all had the exact same dream"

"My name is Mysk, and I had a dream where I was standing in a mist. I could tell there were others around me, but I couldn't tell their features. A light appeared with a gnome inside it. He said to me
'I have a dream, a dream about the invisible art being given that respect it deserves. A dream about it taking it's rightful place alongside the other arts and powers, for in truth they are brothers'.
He then explained that most users of the invisible art did so in secrecy. He implied that coming here, just south of Iriaebor, we would be able to learn new knowledge that was well hidden. And that's when the dream ended."

She then sits back, and turns to her side for the next person to go.

2012-01-22, 11:11 AM
My name is Raahm. My dream was more or less the same, and i interpreted it as an opportunity to increase my grasp of the power, in quantity and in quality

2012-01-22, 12:21 PM
I too had the same dream, with a man of rather small stature speaking of the invisible art. I was hesitant to come at first but decided it would be worth trying to find out more about this man who has the power to call us all here.

Zyphonis then sits down and then turns to the person next to him and asks, Would you be interested in going to look for something more exciting to do, possibly go look around the town for something to do, if our host will be this long until arriving, I would rather not spend it in the company of a dwarf with less intelligence than my sword for too long.

2012-01-22, 02:17 PM
Taking the opportunity to speak, Calvare says,"My name is Calvare. Honestly, I don't remember much of the dream, but this place seemed like a safe harbor."

Turning to Zyphonis, he responds,"Yes, I have business there and would accompany you gladly."

2012-01-22, 02:24 PM
if you find anything that would... sharpen your sword... i would gladly involve myself, but as of right now i have little use for the town

2012-01-22, 03:43 PM
if you find anything that would... sharpen your sword... i would gladly involve myself, but as of right now i have little use for the town

"And the forest? Our gracious host left us a note describing the dangers that lurk within, including a pack of goblins. Surely there's some profit to be had there?"

2012-01-22, 04:08 PM
I am always willing to visit a bit of justice on monsters lurking in the forest, I would be very pleased to go to the forest and see if we can't rid the locals of the pest. And of course any rewards we may find from that can be shared among us as evenly as we can manage. Zyphonis says with a smile.

2012-01-22, 04:15 PM
Traumlos was about to introduce himself, when this Raahm--the one who came from the playroom a while ago--decided to be rude and reinterject himself in the conversation.

The audacity of this man... Seems to me like your creator didn't even bother adding a 'dash of manners' when he was making you.
The next thing Traumlos knows, Raahm, Zyphonis and Calvarre are talking about dispatching goblins for profit. Traumlos waited for them to finish before trying to reintroduce himself.

Traumlos. That's. My. Name. Dream's the same as yours all are. The reason I came here was to get some answers, not get stained by dirty blood.

So...about this whole killing business. While I'm certainly no pacifist, I'm not the type of person who does killings for petty reasons. I don't mind scouting the perimeter for you...but unless there's a good reason for me to do otherwise, that is all I can offer.

2012-01-22, 04:28 PM
"Traumlos", says Calvare,"Not everyone has had the benefit of having been raised in an ivory tower. When you've been hunted, you come to face certain uncomfortable truths. However, if you wish not to partake, that is entirely your prerogative."

2012-01-22, 06:16 PM
You're not quite a good judge of character, aren't you?

Traumlos looked back at Calvare. His blank stare assuring him that his own emotions are kept controlled. He replied in a matter-of-factly manner.
"Yes Calvare, not everyone, including me. You see, I am a bit of a hunter myself. Normally, the two reasons I have for fighting are for self-defense and hunting wild animals for food. After all, eating, sleeping and breathing are all that one needs to survive, is it not?
Just to make things clear, what I do not wish to partake on is the 'killing' part of our journey, if such is just done for sport. Anything else for which my help is needed, I'll be glad to do so."

2012-01-22, 06:30 PM
[INDENT]if such is just done for sport. "
for sport eh? i wasn't thinking of making it a competition, but now that you mention it i think a competition is exactly what we need to keep our skills honed. i would hate to be rusty when we have a real threat in our face

2012-01-22, 07:40 PM
TO Calvare's mention of needing food and sleep to survive, Zyphonis says "Hmm eating and sleeping being required for survival, what odd concepts..."

Zyphonis then sits and enjoys his drink thoroughly ignoring the others odd looks.

2012-01-23, 02:41 AM
"...I said nothing of food or water."

Now addressing everyone, Calvare continues,"At any rate, it is now immaterial. Those who have business in town can depart together tomorrow morning."

2012-01-23, 03:20 AM
During the whole conversation since Kran entered; Ivellilos seems to have been lost in thought... At the mention of competition her attention returns to the table.. She adds in a nearly apologetic way; "Yes, my dream was the same as yours as far as I can judge... I've done some research into the mansion... Besides some locked door upstairs, and a very protective butler.. There's nothing really of interest... Well except for the library, if you're into that sort of thing... Heading into town... Or delve into the forest.. Well I certainly feel like a competition... So who can kill the most townspeople before being thrown into jail??" She raises an eyebrow in a jokingly way, not exactly looking serious but still, "We could use this mansion as a base of operations until our host returns... If he deems to return... If not, we could always kill the butler, and have to mansion to ourselves..."

At this she finishes the last of her food and sits back.. Eyeing all in the room in turn...

2012-01-23, 03:24 AM
EDIT: Before begining, Mysk leans over to Ivellilos with a smirk and says
"If you get thrown in jail, you clearly played wrong. Total Town kill or stay home."

Clearing her throat, she sits up, folds her hands together on the table and begins to speak in a somewhat agitated voice.

"How disappointing that so few have an attention span to get past introductions and descriptions of their dream. So be it... let me draw my conclusions in large letters of crayon so that everyone may properly understand them....

You have all failed to notice a very important detail. None of us know what the invisible art is! Although I suspect we all have a guess based on what our own abilities are, we really don't have the fondest idea beyond a very poorly informed guess. What's worse is that I haven't seen much in the way of consistency of powers between us. So I bring to you this; Assume that we all do indeed possess this 'Invisible Art', why bring us together with such a broad power that really just made vague promises for loosely based reasons? The fact of the matter is, a individualized message tailored to each one of us would have had better results in getting us to come here. In addition, when we get here we receive cold greetings from the butler and no host, and no better indication of what our host really wanted with us. The pieces of this puzzle do not match. Perhaps we don't have all the pieces, I don't know. But based on these facts, I conclude one of two things are currently in motion.

The first possibility is that our host is very picky about who he chooses to share his secrets with, and left deliberately to observe us from afar. Seeing as how this is his abode, it wouldn't be hard to set up permanent scrying that we could not detect. If that is the case, then he is looking for people who seek knowledge, based on the promise of secrets for coming here and placing the map/note about the goblins not in a location where it would be easily found but instead where it would easily be found by someone looking for books. In addition, if he really does want us to go after these troublesome goblins, then he may be looking for those who are brave enough to risk their lives for very little gain.
However I find this possibility rather cliched and convenient, as such very unlikely.

Therefore I believe the second possibility to be more likely. Whatever invisible art that we do possess, it is a threat to someone with big plans. I know not of who or what, yet. If that is the case, a broad message to anyone with said ability makes perfect sense. Get the attention of anyone who is a threat to you, and promise them vague rewards. By gathering the bold ones willing to travel here into one place, we will be much quicker to eliminate. Afterwards, picking the remaining ones off will be that much easier because their social profile would be to hide, rather than gather together. We are the fools that gathered together, after all. So if they gather us together, and keep us from suspecting anything, we may all be killed in our sleep tonight. Or the goblin story is some elaborate setup to get us to walk right into a trap that we can't escape, and our remains are easy to clean up. Or who knows, perhaps the meal was heavily poisoned. It was served by someone who wouldn't be expected to eat any of it after all. But the good news is, if they were going to poison us, this would be the most logical time to do it. So if you seven don't die from eating this meal, you shouldn't have to worry about future ones.

But with that in mind, I think the most prudent thing for all of us to do is to play the field as if both things were true. We should assume this is both a test AND a trap. So this is what I suggest we do; We should split up, and those with no inkling for talking and thinking should go kill the goblins. Make the host happy, yadda yadda yadda. Meanwhile those of us with a little cunning, grace, charm, and maybe even stealth should go to town tomorrow. We can see what info we can gather on this place and 'Proffesor Knarkle Greenhorn the III '. That way, either way our rear end is covered."

2012-01-23, 03:26 AM
Kran have been trying to follow the conversation but seem to have missed all the trash talk about himself but when goblings are mentioned he lights up in a smile that show a few missing teeth "KRAN smash Gobo good"...

If nobody talks directly to kran he then leaves the house after dinner.

While serving brandy the butler says "I have instaled the smelly dwarf in the old shhep pen, It would be a waste to let him ruin a good bed with his smell" He presents pipes and tobaco to anyone who wishes to smoke and asks "any wishes for food over the next couple of days or should I just pick somthing for you" his comtempt is clear about what ever you chose it will be somthing without class and tastless

If nobody adresses him he will then excuse himself and retire for the night.

2012-01-23, 03:40 AM
Edit: Ivellilos answers Mysk with a private laugh "Total town kill, you and me..."

Enjoying her glass of brandy, and if possible pouring and drinking a few more Ivellilos ponders Mysk's words and replies... "Well if the goblins are a trap; sending only half of us would be both a smart and really dumb move... Smart in the way that only half of us can get killed if things go wrong. On the other hand, if it is indeed a trap, 8 of us would have more chance of survival than 4.." She winks to none in particular "I could certainly work my charms should we decide to go into town... Anyone any idea what we're facing? How big it is?"

2012-01-23, 04:48 AM
Calvare confronts the butler as passes.

"Butler. Tell us about your master."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

OOC: Well....That was a disaster....
Are we counting natural 1's?

2012-01-23, 08:50 AM
The Butler looks at you with disdain, "My lord is an educated man, he is proffesor at a very reputable university and a master wizard I do not understand why he wants to associate with the likes of you"

He stands and waits a while, but if no more questions so he leaves you for the night.

2012-01-23, 09:17 AM
On Calvare's obvious failed attempt at diplomacy, Ivellilos quickly tries to pitch in.. "Master butler, excuse for my good friend here... The brandy obviously went to his head quickly, as usual... The day was long and we all travelled hard... He must be very tired..."

At this she throws calvare a meaningfull look..

bluff about Calvare being a friend who gets drunk to easy.. [roll0]
diplomacy to ease the situation[roll]1d20+5[/roll

2012-01-23, 10:07 AM
"Yes, an idiot I am. My deepest apologies. At this point, I feel I should retire. Good evening all.", Calvare utters hastily. Standing up, he pushes in his chair and beats a retreat to the library where his bag still resides.

2012-01-23, 10:15 AM
As Calvare retreats Ivellilos turns her attention once again on the butler and tries a different path in Calvare's spirit; Now, I've lectured quite a few times at a university quite a distance from here.. But I haven't heard of your master, or his so called invisible art... Maybe you can tell me more

At this she flashes the butler her friendliest smile...

bluff on the university lie.. hopefully it goes as well as earlier...[roll]1d20+15[roll]

2012-01-23, 10:16 AM
Sorry double post again.. keep botching rolls...


2012-01-23, 10:48 AM
i highly doubt that any amount of goblins could be a trap... they tend to be more of a minor nuisance... irritating obstacle at most

and Raahm asks the butler, as far as food goes, to get citrus fruit for him for the next few days.

2012-01-23, 12:14 PM
At everyone’s seemed ignorance of the Invisible Art Zyphonis decides to mention, “How is it that those of you who have lived here so long do not know of the Invisible Art, it has been known as thus since the time that using magic had been known as “the Art”. He is of course speaking of mind magic, are none of you able to generate power with your mind, without accessing the weave or harnessing any kind of divine power?”

He waits a few moments before continuing “I am equally prepared to do battle in the wilds or in conversation if you will. I can accompany either party to accomplish their goals, I would ask that if we are to attack the goblins we can do so under cover of darkness, as my abilities are more powerful then, although I am by no means weak during the height of the day either.”

“I would suggest we do not damage or defile this gentleman’s house or possessions, as someone with enough power to call all of us in our dreams to this locale, and feel completely comfortable with a group of rather powerful strangers in his home, is not someone I want upset for a petty pleasure such as destroying his butler or breaking a vase.”

2012-01-24, 01:18 AM
Mysk waits until Raahm is out of the room, or at least distracted and out of earshot, and then turns to Zyphonis.

I understand why they call it the magical arts and the divine powers. Those things make sense. But 'the invisible arts' is a term I have never heard coined. And I read quite a bit. Nor does it make much sense, because the powers of the mind are no less conspicuous than many divine and arcane spells. So the assumption that the invisible art is mind magic may be presumptuous. Especially when calculating into the equation that both Kran and Raahn were called here because of their possession of such 'abilities'. Two individuals who don't strike me as capable of mastering large words, let alone subtle powers of the mind. That being said, I do concede the possibility, I just have trouble believing it.

Mysk turns back to the group

"So there doesn't appear to be too much controversy over dividing, but the question remains of who will go to town and who will go to the forest?

I personally have no interest in wasting my time with goblins, or jumping through hoops to appease invisible overseers, so I shall be going to town. I would prefer if Ivellilos came with. So that leaves two slots open to come with us. Anything larger than that may attract more attention then we desire, so those who do not wish to come may accompany Tweedledee and tweedle-needs-a-bath. Since Calvare seems to have left under the pretense of drunkenness, we can assign him wherever. He didn't care if I recall. So Zyphonis, Traumlos, and Jaisen, where would you like to go tomorrow?"

2012-01-24, 02:40 AM
While listening to Mysk speak, Traumlos began analyzing what the former and Zyphonis have said. For him, who never had any prowess in the arts of arcane or divine magic, connecting these powers with the Invisible Art is a very alien concept. Sure, he can project strange weapons and armor with the power of his mind, but that's as far as his 'Invisible' ability goes.

He also began to think about their current decision. For a moment, he imagined his more chaotic companions ravaging, destroying, and pillaging the town. He quickly pushed the idea out of his mind. What's important now is that he knows what he will and say in this situation.

"While I cannot confirm nor deny Kran's or Raahm's ability for arcane or divine magic, I myself am no practitioner of such things. However, I don't believe that Zyphonis is assuming just that--quite the contrary in fact. I think Zyphonis is telling us that this so-called mind-magic is a separate ability that can be accessed without arcane and divine powers. Maybe its the usage of the term 'mind-magic' that causes confusion. Maybe just calling it Invisible Art, Mind-Power, Mental-Power, or something else without a 'magic' connotation, might prevent future miscommunications."

"Now onto our plan. While I believe that my abilities are better suited for observing and spying enemies in the wild, it's just that some of us are..." Well, how do I say this?

Traumlos knew what he wanted to say, but he nonetheless headed down the path with the less bloodshed. It wasn't a lie, but not a complete truth either.

"...some of use are more capable than me in combat, and are thus more suited in hunting goblins."

2012-01-24, 03:53 AM
Yes, going to town was definitely favourable over going into some dark goblin infested cave. So Ivellilos turns to Mysk and answers..

"I think we have indeed more or less defined the invisible arts now.. And yes, I shall join you to town... I'd love a chance to spread my wings.. And not go into some dark, dank cave.. No room to manoeuvre in there anyway. As for splitting the party, we should actually send one or two magic users with the tweedles just so they don't walk into every trap. Since Traumlos here probably also more on the melee side, I gather we've got our.." At this she eyes Traumlos apologetically "For the lack of a better word; meatshield."

After this Ivellilos eyes the room again "So who's joining us to town? Any of you got any civilised skills? Any of you got any info on the town whatsoever?"

2012-01-24, 11:49 AM
During the introductions Jaisen stands up when there is a lull and offers forth his words. "My name is Jaisen Brewer, I was called here by a dream vision which matches that sent to the rest of you."

During most of the conversation Jaisen remains quiet, nodding politely when a point is made or smiling in acknowledgement if anyone meets his gaze, mostly content to let the others speak their mind and take his measure of those around him. He does grimace a bit at the mention of slaughtering the townsfolk. Not squeamish about killing in general, he sees little reason or gain in destroying a rural town that was unlikely to have anything of value.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe Mysk raises a number of good points. While her findings are a bit more paranoid than my own, I mostly agree that her reasoning is sound. I however intend to at least hear out our host when he returns before judging what his intent may be and I do believe the 'Invisible Art' refers to the powers of the mind which we all seem to possess, though it manifests differently in each of us."

"I would urge a bit of caution and restraint in dealing with the townsfolk. There is not likely to be much of value in an isolated town such as this and the mass murder of their subjects is likely to anger the local nobles. While I have no doubt that each of us is a very capable individual it is best to remember that there is always someone out there who is stronger. There is little gain to be had in starting a war with the locals. It may be best if I go to investigate the woods, for while I hold little love for the local peoples, I refuse to become a hunted criminal for simply being unwise enough to associate myself with fools who are unable to restrain their own murderous impulses well enough to consider the long term implications of their actions. I mean no offense, but stupidity of that level is not something I will be party to. As I said, I have no love for these people, but I also see no gain to be had that makes the potential repercussions worth risking."

2012-01-24, 11:54 AM
Zyphonis decides to head into the forest, "While I do consider myself rather skilled in the art of speaking and befriending others, I will choose to accompany the others into the forest, I need to destroy some things and the sooner the better."

As he says this he removes the greatsword from his back and begins inspecting the blade, even though he knows there will be no imperfections.

2012-01-24, 12:46 PM
i am definitely heading into the forest, however, i would appreciate it if those going into town keep an eye out for interesting objects.

for those of us heading into the forest, we should figure out a formation, if any, that we wish to employ, and discuss each of our respective talents in combat.

i, personally, am both a ranged and melee combat enthusiast, so i can be in the front or the back. i have no talent for stealth, so i am not one for recon assignments unless that involves protecting the stealthy guy, or serving as a loud distraction while everyone else sneaks around

2012-01-24, 01:25 PM
During the introductions Jaisen stands up when there is a lull and offers forth his words. "My name is Jaisen Brewer, I was called here by a dream vision which matches that sent to the rest of you."

During most of the conversation Jaisen remains quiet, nodding politely when a point is made or smiling in acknowledgement if anyone meets his gaze, mostly content to let the others speak their mind and take his measure of those around him. He does grimace a bit at the mention of slaughtering the townsfolk. Not squeamish about killing in general, he sees little reason or gain in destroying a rural town that was unlikely to have anything of value.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe Mysk raises a number of good points. While her findings are a bit more paranoid than my own, I mostly agree that her reasoning is sound. I however intend to at least hear out our host when he returns before judging what his intent may be and I do believe the 'Invisible Art' refers to the powers of the mind which we all seem to possess, though it manifests differently in each of us."

"I would urge a bit of caution and restraint in dealing with the townsfolk. There is not likely to be much of value in an isolated town such as this and the mass murder of their subjects is likely to anger the local nobles. While I have no doubt that each of us is a very capable individual it is best to remember that there is always someone out there who is stronger. There is little gain to be had in starting a war with the locals. It may be best if I go to investigate the woods, for while I hold little love for the local peoples, I refuse to become a hunted criminal for simply being unwise enough to associate myself with fools who are unable to restrain their own murderous impulses well enough to consider the long term implications of their actions. I mean no offense, but stupidity of that level is not something I will be party to. As I said, I have no love for these people, but I also see no gain to be had that makes the potential repercussions worth risking."

"keep in mind Jaisen that it is only paranoia until proven right...."

"You misunderstand my intentions for the towns folk. I wish to go to town to gather information about our host. Nothing more. Ivellilos was simply joking earlier. No, however backwater this local city may be, as of right now they are the only source of information and supplies that we have. "

OOC: Is this correct?
Going to town

Going to the forest; hunting goblins
Calvare (Because we are jerks and didn't ask him)

2012-01-24, 01:31 PM
Ivellilos smiles at the result of her joke earlier.. "Yeah, don't take me too serious unless I look angry or actually serious.."

A wicked smile returns to her face "Of course, if things get boring... I've got some power penned up, ready to unleash... And yes, I always keep an eye out for interesting objects... How else do you think I came by this pretty thing..." During that last sentence she plays a bit with a very pretty gold banded ring around her finger..

2012-01-24, 03:45 PM
"And yes, I always keep an eye out for interesting objects... How else do you think I came by this pretty thing..." During that last sentence she plays a bit with a very pretty gold banded ring around her finger..
i assume the same way that i got this
as Raahm takes out his extra fluffy towel, and rubs it against his own face with sighs of satisfaction.

you wouldnt believe what kind of trouble one has to go through to get a towel THIS fluffy

2012-01-24, 10:08 PM
With the butler now gone, Calvare, now bearing a steel shield, slips back into the company of the others.

"I swear that butler's going to kill me in my sleep", he murmurs,"Anywho, have you all decided on a plan?"

2012-01-24, 10:14 PM
With the butler now gone, Calvare, now bearing a steel shield, slips back into the company of the others.

"I swear that butler's going to kill me in my sleep", he murmurs,"Anywho, have you all decided on a plan?"
i say that tomorrow morning, those of us who wish to go... hunting... start exploring the forest at around dawn. we should have the butler wake us up an hour before dawn to keep us on schedule. i dont want to be out exploring after dark, so that should give us enough time to thoroughly explore the area.

maybe we should stop in town on the way out to get a map, and maybe find someone who would know the best places to look.

2012-01-24, 11:00 PM
Zyphonis looks as if he is thinking hard on something, "I'd rather actually go during pre-dawn or dusk, I am somewhat inhibited in broad daylight, a unfortunate side effect of some of my abilities."

2012-01-25, 12:24 AM
There is a map in the library. Unfortunately the town is in the opposite direction... but dont worry, we have the townsfolk covered.:smallwink:

2012-01-25, 02:38 PM
Zyphonis looks as if he is thinking hard on something, "I'd rather actually go during pre-dawn or dusk, I am somewhat inhibited in broad daylight, a unfortunate side effect of some of my abilities."

as in inhibited in broad daylight, but okay in the shade? or as in you are inhibited during the daytime hours? if the former, i am sure you will be fine in a forest

as is, though, i am okay with going tonight

2012-01-25, 03:52 PM
"I prefer not to stand in open sunlight, just a personal preference, but I imagine that would be fine in the forest, the canopy should provide enough coverage for me to be at peak performance." Zyphonis says with a smile, and he continues,"Let's go see what we can round up in these woods."

2012-01-27, 05:05 PM
Kran, Raahm, Zyphonis and Calvare leave in the cover of darkness for the goblin infested wood --> Bearwood expedition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12610765#post12610765)

While the rest go to sleep

Next morning Butler servers freshly baked bun with cheese and salami, he also packs some of it in a canvas sack to go for lunch.
The trip into town takes small 6 hours and goes quietly, when you come to town you can see that people are crowding and a uniformed person walking around and talking to everyone you soon hear that in the night there was a group of goblins who has been in several homes to steal.

2012-01-28, 02:58 AM
Mysk again chooses not to eat the food or drink the beverage provided, but she again shows up for posterity.

"Thank you for the food for the road butler, that was quite thoughtful of you. If your master returns earlier than anticipated, please assure him that we will not be gone more than two nights. Is there anything we can get you while we are in town?"

Town OOC things
Are there any notable buildings within this town? Do we notice anyone that stands out from the other townsfolk, such as a sheriiff or town official?

If there are no buildings of note, these are the buildings Mysk is interested in;
General Supplies store (20 days of dried rations is what she wishes to purchase)
Book store
City municipal building of some kind
Tavern (The most likely to be there, but her last stop. 2 bottles of elven wine)

As they enter town and quickly come to the conclusion that the goblins have raided several homes, Mysk pulls her hood over her head. She motions for everyone to gather together and she begins to talk softly.
"Alright, does anyone have individual needs that have to be taken care of? Does anyone have any specific plan they would like to implement? I am open ears, but there are a three things I want you three to do. 1) Do not mention to anyone we are staying at the mansion, or that we are guests of Proffesor Knarkle Greenhorn the III. 2) Do not mention that our friends are off attacking the goblin raiders as we speak. 3) Try not to stand out too much, for some that will be easier than for others." ::Glancing at Ivellilos:: "Promise me these things." ::She waits::

"Alright, I suggest we split up to cover more ground. We will stand out less if we separate, but if any of you don't feel comfortable with that then we split up into two groups. Ivellilos and myself, Jaisen and Traumlos. Meet back here at dark. How does that sound?"

2012-01-28, 03:30 AM
Map of the very small town of Pelgrim

2012-01-29, 04:52 PM
Traumlos listened to Mysk's request, and immediately pondered on the redundancy to ask for something that is so glaringly obvious. He gave an obligatory nod nonetheless, just for the sake of formality. Afterwards, he glanced at Jaisen for confirmation after hearing Mysk's grouping suggestions.

"Alright. Any particular place, then, Jaisen?"

He hoped Jaisen opt for the town office. After all, is there a better way to address and inquire about the goblin problem, than going to the heart of the city?

Go for the throat, so they say. That's a weird analogy, coming from a person like me. Besides, town office may be more of 'brain' than 'heart' type of place, anyway.

2012-01-31, 06:22 AM
The uniformed person sees you and comes over "hello I am a constable Jaren, our little town have experienced several burglaries this night, so I'd like to hear who you are, what you are doing here and whether you have any information that could help solve this " he is a human male in the starting 30ish, 180 tall, wearing a chain mail, a morning star and a white coat with a green P on.

2012-02-05, 10:56 AM
(I believe Mysk's second stop was to be the City Hall, so if you don't mind I will assume the uniformed person's response would be similar to Mysk as well.)

Mysk extends her hand to shake with Constable Jaren.

"Mysk Hileweaver. I am just a simple traveler. I'm afraid I cannot give you much in the way of information, as myself and my associates entered town only a half hour ago. I actually came here to find out more information. I have overheard people talking about bandits. Are the roads safe to travel? Are the bandits the one's responsible for the break ins? Has a reward been offered for them?"

2012-02-06, 05:46 AM
After seeing Mysk heading towards the town hall, Traumlos looked for another place to go.
"Well, I guess I'll be heading to the local shop. You coming or what, Jaisen?"

Without waiting for his company's response, Traumlos headed for the shop, and looked for someone whom he could ask information about, concerning the previous goblin attack.

2012-02-07, 06:37 AM
(I believe Mysk's second stop was to be the City Hall, so if you don't mind I will assume the uniformed person's response would be similar to Mysk as well.)

Mysk extends her hand to shake with Constable Jaren.

"Mysk Hileweaver. I am just a simple traveler. I'm afraid I cannot give you much in the way of information, as myself and my associates entered town only a half hour ago. I actually came here to find out more information. I have overheard people talking about bandits. Are the roads safe to travel? Are the bandits the one's responsible for the break ins? Has a reward been offered for them?"
Jaren smiles lightly at Mysk "We've got a clan of goblins who took up residence in Bear Wood Not so long ago, it has created a bit of trouble especially when they come in refuge of the dark and steals, so far we have been lucky enough to avoid fighting as they run away as soon as they see large groups but we do not recommend people to travel alone, and The Watchers have increased their night patrols to see if they can captured or someone scared them away."
A lady comes screaming out of Henra's General goods, Jaren looks at her and quickly says "with regard to the bounty it is 2 gold pieces per set of goblin ears and by the way welcome to Pelgrim, I hope to have time to talk with you during less busy circumstances but I have to talk Henra down, you must have a continued good day" Jaren hurries over to the lady and begins to talk to her.


After seeing Mysk heading towards the town hall, Traumlos looked for another place to go.
"Well, I guess I'll be heading to the local shop. You coming or what, Jaisen?"

Without waiting for his company's response, Traumlos headed for the shop, and looked for someone whom he could ask information about, concerning the previous goblin attack.

Jaisen nods but when you have almost reached the shop a lady comes running out and right by you while screaming "They stole a barrel of Bors best brown ale"

2012-02-07, 07:51 AM
Annoyed that his attention so easily left her, a cold glare follows him as he steps around Mysk to attend Henra.
As soon as Jaren's back is turned on her she manifests a fully augmented (7 pp) Attraction power on him. DC 20 Will save. His attraction will be Mysk, granting her a +7 on social interaction checks.

She then turns and heads to the temple of helm.

2012-02-08, 07:12 AM
Jaisen nods but when you have almost reached the shop a lady comes running out and right by you while screaming "They stole a barrel of Bors best brown ale"

Traumlos looked incredulously the hysterical woman and tried to calm her down. "Hold right there, Madam. No worries here, we're not after your ale. But, please, do tell us what happened to you. Who is this Bors you speak of?"

sorry, had to get that fast. kind of in a hurry