View Full Version : Hunter of the Dead Changes

2012-01-18, 11:32 AM
Hello again Playground,

I am currently running an Age of Worms campaign (whose journal is buried somewhere on the site as we have not played since November, first session in the new year this weekend) and have a player running a dwarven ranger. He is a great player but new to the game and not very book savvy yet. I have been looking for a prestige class to offer to him in game and the closest fit I have found is the Hunter of the Dead (CW).

He will not want to deviate from his Ranger roots and take a level of Cleric. Therefore I may have to entice him to leave his current plan of straight ranger to 20 (which I am fine with but most of the other players have PrCs that are kicking in nice special powers thathe is noting so I want to offer him a cool option in game).

He meets all the requirements for Hunter of the Dead except Turn undead which I would replace with Favored Enemy Undead +2 (which he has) and have been toying with ways to replace the granted powers of Extra Turning and Positive Energy burst. I am currently going with:

* +1 to Favored enemy vs undead bonus once at 4th and again at 8th to replace Extra Turning

* The ability to instill positive energy into a weapon 1/day at 3rd, 2/day at 6th and 3/day at 9th, giving it +1d6 damage for 1+Wisdom Bonus/Rnds in place of the Positive Energy Burst

So what do you think, can anyone think of a PrC that better suits an undead fighting, bow using, hard drinking, veteran dwarven ranger or provide suggestions to better modify the Hunter of the Dead?

He is currently 11th, all Official 3.5 WotC material , excluding Dragon Magazine, Eberron and Forgotten Realms specific material, is allowed.

Thanks in Advance

2012-01-20, 03:02 PM
Nothing eh?

Ok I am playing tomorrow so I will go with what I have,

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