View Full Version : Help me survive the Hunger Games

Dragon Star
2012-01-18, 03:07 PM
First, an explanation. One of my groups DMs is planning a one or two session adventure based on the hunger games. Not the setting, that will be more like some cruel wizard controlled country, but otherwise pretty much the same. The rules on character creation are: level one, 20 point buy, no spellcasters unless they don't get spells at first level (like ranger and pally), and core races and classes only unless you show it to him and get permission. It's pathfinder, but as long as he approves it 3.5 material is fine. We start with no equipment, have to get it from the cornicopia, but I don't think that will be too hard. So, my question is, how can I make an Ubercharger at level one? Before you start yelling at me about game balance and making it fun for other players, I plan on having a second character (maybe a warblade) that I will switch to probably after one or two kills. Otherwise it wouldn't be a challenge to win. However, I've never made an Ubercharger before although I know the base concept, and this seems like a nice opportunity to try it (most likely the only chance I'll get once the others see it in action). So yeah, which feats, which weapon, which flaws, which race? And also, please give the book titles. I have 35 or so splatbooks, but I can't remember the contents of every one of them.

Let the rain of cheese begin!

2012-01-18, 03:16 PM
Whirling frenzy lion totem barbarian 1 gives you an extra attack and the ability to do both on a charge. In general you'd take power attack, but given yourcircumstances and low level it might be better to take extra rage.

2012-01-18, 03:16 PM
Ubercharger is a specific build that you can't do at 1st. For a regular charger, however:

Orc Barbarian 1: Whirling Frenzy (UA) and Spirit Lion Totem (CChamp) ACFs. Extra Rage. Reckless Rage. Mad Foam Rager. Take the biggest sword you can find, charge at opponents, wallop them twice with it, delay the damage they try to deal to you so that you can charge again next turn even if they got lucky and "killed" you.

2012-01-18, 03:17 PM
In core, there's no Whirling Frenzy, Spiritual Lion Totem, Leap Attack, Shock Trooper, Valorous Weapon, etc. If you really want an ubercharger, your best core bet is a spirited lance charger, but I doubt you're going to get anything to ride at first level from the cornucopia.

Also, I haven't read the Hunger Games (I've had it described), but isn't it set in a forest? That's going to put a crimp in the style of any charger. Also, aren't you going to need survival skills?

IMO a hide-based character, maybe a Swift Hunter, would work best.

2012-01-18, 03:20 PM
Orc (MMI) barbarian, with Spirit Lion Totem ACF (CChamp) and Whirling Frenzy ACF (UA). For feats, Extra Rage (CW), maybe twice if you think it's called for. Cleave (PHB) might be worth it, a reach weapon definitely is. For flaws, pick from Vulnerable, Shaky, Murky-Eyed.

So, a basic charger. Übercharger is a specific build that'd require more levels and equipment.

2012-01-18, 03:21 PM
In core, there's no Whirling Frenzy, Spiritual Lion Totem, Leap Attack, Shock Trooper, Valorous Weapon, etc. If you really want an ubercharger, your best core bet is a spirited lance charger, but I doubt you're going to get anything to ride at first level from the cornucopia.

Also, I haven't read the Hunger Games (I've had it described), but isn't it set in a forest? That's going to put a crimp in the style of any charger. Also, aren't you going to need survival skills?

IMO a hide-based character, maybe a Swift Hunter, would work best.

OP said core classes and races, with other material ok. That said, looking back OP said PF, so Power Attack is nerfed and the 3.5 barb ACFs are probably not allowed since they:'d be superseded by PF ones.

2012-01-18, 03:22 PM
Go Water Orc if you have access to UA... it's strictly better for your purposes than standard orc.