View Full Version : Is Elocator viable?

2012-01-18, 08:03 PM
Originally I wanted to make a samurai, not knowing the class. I had already done Warblade (which seemed best), then a bunch of discussion ensued, with me finally deciding on PsyWar. I was looking at PrCs for PsyWar and found... not much that looked appealing. However, Elocator looks pretty cool. I realize it doesn't mesh with the samurai idea AT ALL, but that's okay. I find sneaky dudes cool too.

Long story short, does Elocator seem worth it? I don't recall seeing any builds with them in it, but then again, at the time I wasn't looking for it. In particular, PsyWar Elocator rather than, say, Psionic Rogue/Elocator or Lurk/Elocator.

EDIT: I did find this (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19858194/Help_with_PsywarElocator) but the build seems to be about... harrying others, as the poster says. I'm more interested in a mobile warrior person, preferably with the soulbound weapon ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a)(just 'cuz that's so cool to me).

2012-01-18, 09:17 PM
It has its uses, to be sure, but I can't really see any way it'd complement Psychic Warrior. It sounds like you might be trying to do too many things at once: Psionics and melee and sneakiness. Any two of those you can pull off, but trying to do all three means you'll just be bad at all three of them.

2012-01-18, 09:26 PM
Elocator is okay, I love it for a 1 lvl dip for flying :smalltongue: and if you are okay with ToB you can probably rely on Shadow Hand maneuvers to pull off basically anything an Elocator can do anyway :/ Pissed me off a little because I like the look and feel of the class, but Swordsage can do it so much easier and better.

Piggy Knowles
2012-01-18, 09:44 PM
I like Elocator, but I much prefer it with Ardent than with Psychic Warrior. Cobra Strike Monk (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#cobraStrike) 2/Ardent 8/Elocator 10 is a pretty solid and straightforward build that I would play in most campaigns.

2012-01-18, 09:51 PM
Frankly, there's nothing the elocater grants that makes up for the fact that it loses so many manifester levels and has such horrible entry prereqs. Anything that wastes 2 feats and 3 manifester levels had better be a sight better than a pair of boots and a UMD item.

I suggest skipping it and finding a way to UMD horseshoes of the zephyr boots instead.

2012-01-18, 10:23 PM
Elocator is weaker than just a pure manifester, but it's still playable. If you want to try it, I say go for it.

2012-01-18, 10:30 PM
Elocater is quite good, and works best with Psyrogue. Here's why:

- You don't lose skills (in fact, you even gain one - Psicraft.)
- Free proficiency with all martials.
- 10-foot step gives you a nice short-range pounce.
- Combine that with Flanker and you'll be zipping around the battlefield and getting iterative SA-damage on just about everything that's even close to someone else in the party.
- Scorn Earth lets you ignore difficult terrain - not just for 10-foot stepping all over the place, but also for sneaking around.
- Transporter gets you teleport and plane shift - as third-level powers. This is the equivalent of Expanded Knowledge twice, thereby compensating you for the less than stellar feats needed to qualify.

You are now the most efficient party taxi in the game. You can get anywhere with the latter (you don't need a metal rod for each destination) while you can Overchannel the former for free with Talented to bring along extra passengers.

The key thing to remember is to only go up to 7; DSA and AA aren't worth losing the third ML and SA die. Psyrogue 5/Elocater 7/Psyrogue +8 gets you 5d6 sneak attack, the above benefits, 5th-level powers, and the coveted Skill Mastery (which by the time you get it, will apply to a lot of skills since your Int will be very high.)

They're also okay for Nomads and Lurks, but Psyrogue is my preferred entry. Psywars don't get quite as much out of it imo.

Elocator is okay, I love it for a 1 lvl dip for flying :smalltongue: and if you are okay with ToB you can probably rely on Shadow Hand maneuvers to pull off basically anything an Elocator can do anyway :/ Pissed me off a little because I like the look and feel of the class, but Swordsage can do it so much easier and better.

Swordsage, however, doesn't advance manifesting.

2012-01-19, 12:02 AM
Elocater is quite good, and works best with Psyrogue. Here's why:

- You don't lose skills (in fact, you even gain one - Psicraft.)
- Free proficiency with all martials.
- 10-foot step gives you a nice short-range pounce.
- Combine that with Flanker and you'll be zipping around the battlefield and getting iterative SA-damage on just about everything that's even close to someone else in the party.
- Scorn Earth lets you ignore difficult terrain - not just for 10-foot stepping all over the place, but also for sneaking around.
- Transporter gets you teleport and plane shift - as third-level powers. This is the equivalent of Expanded Knowledge twice, thereby compensating you for the less than stellar feats needed to qualify.
Don't forget the part where it's INT-based, which makes it so you can get a lot more tasty skill points in your Elocator levels compared to PsyWar or Wilder or Ardent.

The key thing to remember is to only go up to 7; DSA and AA aren't worth losing the third ML and SA die. Psyrogue 5/Elocater 7/Psyrogue +8 gets you 5d6 sneak attack, the above benefits, 5th-level powers, and the coveted Skill Mastery (which by the time you get it, will apply to a lot of skills since your Int will be very high.)
Interesting ... AA always just seemed so tasty, I've not been able to resist finishing the class. But your suggestion is logical.

Nitpick: you'll have to take a sixth level of PsyRogue before you can get into Elocator, since Level 6 is the first time you'll be able to take Spring Attack. (Yes, it's silly that the BAB prereq for Elocator is lower than the BAB prereq for another one of Elocator's prereqs.)

Circle of Life
2012-01-19, 12:05 AM
Well, there's always the homebrew remake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192374) of the Elocater, if you don't mind going that route.

2012-01-19, 12:07 AM
If an Elocator goes adventuring in the Underdark, does that mean the Elocator goes down the hoolllee?
Bye bye, Elocator.