View Full Version : Chameleon Spell selection...

2012-01-18, 08:28 PM
...to fill every role.
Obviously, not all at once, but I would really love to be a different character everyday.
One day, I want to be a melee type. Another day I am a sneaky archer. Or a double caster. Or a gish.

To do this, I'll need the right selection of spells.

For example,

Battle: Thunderlance, Divine Power, Heroics
Stealth: Divine Agility, zone of silence, hunter's eye
Blaster: Arcane Fusion, Wings of flurry

(and so on...)

What are the spells that I absolutely can't miss to perform a certain role decently?

I already read online guides on the class and made some research, but I feel that I need further advice, being a novice with spellcasting characters.

Thank you very much :smallsmile:

2012-01-18, 08:41 PM
You want all of them. Honestly.

Edit: Except Tensor's Transformation. That one is useless unless you can figure out a way to cast it on enemy casters.

Hunter Killer
2012-01-18, 08:45 PM
You can pick spells from ANY list, so it's best to cherry pick the best ones at the lowest level you can find. Example: Trapsmith from Dungeonscape (Page 53) gets Haste as a 1st level spell.

2012-01-18, 08:51 PM
You can pick spells from ANY list, so it's best to cherry pick the best ones at the lowest level you can find. Example: Trapsmith from Dungeonscape (Page 53) gets Haste as a 1st level spell.
Caveat: Unless they're Divine, you'll usually need to go through the trouble of getting these in character, as you need them in a spellbook to use them.

Hunter Killer
2012-01-18, 08:55 PM
If the DM doesn't hand-waive that, then you grab Extra Spell with your changeable feat every day. Scribe it before the end of the day. Repeat. Since your spell list basically reads "ANY" that should work just fine.

2012-01-18, 09:07 PM
What level are we talking? Do you have multiple focuses, or just one?

One trick you can use once you get high enough level to change your focus is to start the day with Divine Focus, cast a bunch of long-duration buffs, and then switch to Arcane Focus and something else. That way, you're effectively getting the advantages of three focuses at once, instead of two.

Oh, and what books are you allowed? A Chameleon can do some absolutely insane things with Magic of Incarnum, for instance. And even just looking at the spells, again, it's any list, so there are lots of hidden gems out there.