View Full Version : The Drow War (IC)

2012-01-18, 09:37 PM
Here's a link to the OOC thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229331

Above you the massive crystal chandelier sheds gentle light throughout the room, reflecting magnificently off of the smooth mahogany dining table that has seated guests of the Colombe family for generations. The air of opulence is somewhat diminished by the still-warm but quite dead two-headed giant that lies slumped against the northwest corner of the room. On either side of the door you came through- which is in the south wall and leads to the main doors and the staircase up- lie the badly singed carcasses of two wyverns. The room is filled with the stench of undeath and the cloying vapor from over fifty empty wine bottles strewn about the floor, no doubt the work of the ettin you have just slain.

To the east a door leads to the corrider containing the family chapel, which you have already explored. A door each in the north and west walls lead deeper into the mansion.

What other fiendish minions could be lurking here, guarding the mad wizard Carolus? Why has the wizard occupied the Colombe family mansion in the first place? And what fate has befallen the family of nobles themselves?

2012-01-18, 10:41 PM
Myra carefully steps through the door, wrinkling his nose at the scent of rotting wyvern. After stepping carefully over the fallen creatures, he turns to the goliath.

"I am thinking zat ve should keep moving. Ze gods alone know what other abominations zis vizard has cooped up here," he says, slightly winded. After pausing a moment, he turns a concerned eye to the numerous cuts and bruises adorning his companion. "You're wounded, friend. Let me take care of that."

He'll cast Lesser Vigor twice on Slowface, healing a total of 30 hp, putting him at 90/135.

"Ze west door, I think, vould be ze best to take. I am thinking zat the North one leads only outside," he muses. He glances at Slowface for an answer.

2012-01-19, 02:28 AM
Slowface, still smacking his chops at the scent of rotting wyvern, turns to look at Myra.

(drawing his sword)Thanks. And yes I agree. Let us head west, for I sense there are still vermin lurking about who have not had the pleasure of meeting my friend cold steel.

Striding through the rubble, he pauses before pulling open the western door, and says over his shoulder "also let's remember to not kill the vizard until he is not longer useful to us"

2012-01-19, 06:57 AM
You step over the threshold and find yourselves in an enormous room whose ceiling is painted with scenes of gods looking over the clouds of heaven, cleverly drawn to impart a sense of perspective. On your side of the room the ceiling is the same height as in the rest of the manor, but about ten feet from the door it ends and the room extends into the second storey. This creates an overhang that stretches the length of the room from north to south and under which you now stand.
The floor is parquet and looks expensive. This would be an ideal place to hold a grand ball. Indeed, the southwestern corner of the room houses a small stage on which you can see a violin, a flute, a harpsichord and a double bass. It is uncomfortably warm in here, although it was chilly outside this morning- probably not the best place to leave an instrument. The only other furniture is a row of chairs along the north wall. There are two closed doors in the southern wall, one immediately to your left and one near the stage.

2012-01-19, 02:56 PM
Myra carefully walks into the room, wary of any attack coming from the balcony. He strains his ears, hoping to confirm that they are alone.

Listen [roll0]

2012-01-19, 05:05 PM
The only sound you hear is the echoing of your own footsteps. The silence is slightly eerie in a room so obviously intended for festive celebration.

2012-01-19, 05:22 PM
Myra turns back to Slowface. Assured that they are alone, he raises his voice to a normal level. "Ve are alone, it would seem. Shall ve continue in zis direction? I am not liking zis room- it is too warm in here."

We walks to the door further from the stage, stopping a moment to glance at the instruments curiously. "You know, vith the likes of zat ettin here, I am surprised that these instruments are not harmed. I wouldn't expect such a creature to leave them alone because they're too pretty." He pauses a moment, troubled by the thought. All the more reason to keep moving. I propose this door, he says, indicating the one further from the stage. "Ze other likely leads to some musician preparing room or something."

2012-01-20, 02:12 AM
Slowface sniffs the air suspiciously (my scent stance is active), and also listens and peers suspiciously at the musical instruments.

Listen [roll0]

Spot [roll1]

2012-01-20, 03:11 AM
Slowface, your hunter's eyes take in the room's every detail. The instruments are all very nice- not the kind usually left unattended. The bass is a Maggini from 1628.
Your nostrils flare slightly. Slowface: There is a faint stench of hot metal underneath the heady stank from the dining room behind you.
Under one of the chairs on the north wall there is a small object, roughly spherical and maybe eight inches in diameter. If you choose to examine it closely then you see that the outside of the ball is some sort of black paper, although it is surprisingly heavy for its size. On the side a crude cartoon of an ugly witch stirring a cauldron has been painted. A thick fuse protrudes from the top.

The two other doors from this room are on its southern side. There is one just to the left of where you came in from the east and one on the far side of the room, by the stage.

2012-01-20, 05:01 PM
Myra pauses at the door, and glances quizzically at Slowface. "What do you see?" he asks.

2012-01-20, 07:06 PM
Slowface moves over to the small object under the chair and picks it up. "A small explosive, by the looks of it" says Slowface, examining the small black object. "We had better not use it here, because when we get rid of this wizard the family will undoubtedly want their house returned to them sans blast damage." He pockets the device, saying "but it may come in handy later."

He moves back across the room towards Myra. "I agree, let's keep moving."

2012-01-20, 07:10 PM
Myra nods.'Yes, I find zat many issues can be solved vith explosions. It will be useful, no doubt. Though I vonder why their was an explosive here in ze first place. Perhaps a self-destruct item?

While talking, he reaches to open the door furthest from the stage.

2012-01-20, 08:12 PM
Stepping through the doorway you find yourselves in the eastern half a windowless corrider, 5 feet wide and stretching about 50 feet from east to west. A red carpet and a few tastefully placed and well-painted landscapes add to the general splendor. At the eastern terminus is a door that must lead back to the main entrance.
The corridor stretches the entire length of the previous room and through the shadows you can make out a door to the south at the midpoint of the hall, a small door at the western end, and the other door that leads back to the ballroom.
A chunk of flesh hanging from a nearby candle sconce, no doubt ripped off of a careless patrolling zombie, reminds you to stay on your guard.

2012-01-20, 08:32 PM
Myra grimaces at the grim totem, but says nothing. After pausing a second to get his bearing, he walks down the corridor to the west. Pausing before the door, he softly begins intoning the spell to detect any foes within, Detect Evil.

2012-01-20, 10:51 PM
There is no evil to be found on the other side of the door, or anywhere else in your field of vision

2012-01-20, 11:25 PM
Myra turns to Slowface. "Zere are no creatures in this room. It should be safe to enter." He reaches out and turns the doorknob, relinquishing his control of the spell.

2012-01-21, 12:27 AM
Sorry, are you opening the door halfway down the hallway on your left or the small one at the west end?

2012-01-21, 12:29 AM
The west door/the one which doesn't lead back to the main hall. Sorry, I should have specified that.

2012-01-21, 12:36 AM
There are two doors to the ballroom and one to the entrance, then there are two doors to unexplored areas, one midway down the hall and the other at the far end. You're checking out the one at the far end right?

2012-01-21, 12:37 AM
That is correct, yes.

2012-01-21, 01:00 AM
Cool cool. That door leads to a narrow staircase that plunges steeply and turns a sharp bend. Its pitch black down there but Myra can see fine because of his darkvision.

2012-01-21, 01:08 AM
Myra beckons Slowface over. "Zis, I am thinking, deserves more searching. Vould you care to lead?"

2012-01-21, 02:27 AM
Slowface lights his lantern and steps ahead of Myra down the staircase

2012-01-21, 02:52 AM
You cautiously step down the narrow steps. After a cramped landing the stairs double back and lead you into the wine cellar of the mansion. An entire wall (about twenty feet) is one massive wine rack, although it is mostly empty- probably the ettin's doing. The purpose of basement-based wine storage is to capitalize on the coolness common to most underground locales, but despite expectations it is rather warm down here. Against the far wall there are barrels and sacks, and from the roof several cuts of meat hang from hooks. They do not appear to have gone bad.

In the northern wall there is a heavy iron door which has two large and imposing locks on it. Right now however it is ajar, and behind it something is giving of a dull red glow...

2012-01-21, 02:55 AM
Silently cursing at himself for releasing his spell, Myra slowly moves around the room, hoping to stay out of sight and get a better glimpse at whatever is behind the door.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2012-01-21, 03:35 AM
Myra opens the iron door, which swings easily on smooth hinges despite its great weight. He stands in the exact center of the opening, so as to make certain that anything in the next room sees him. He is pretty quiet however and quickly takes in the wonderful view is able to get by not hiding behind the opaque door.
This is clearly a boiler room. There is a large store of lumber against the western wall, clearly a supply of fuel for the complicated furnace that dominates the eastern half of the room. The central boiler nearly reaches the twenty foot ceiling. About ten feet up the monstrous edifice is the lower rim of an large opening from which the red glow and waves of heat are emanating. (shadowy illumination)

2012-01-21, 04:54 PM
Slowface peers around Myra's shoulder into the boiler room. Adjusting his very stylish sunglasses of search, he steps into the room and gives it a quick sweep to make sure there isn't anything potentially useful to be found.


2012-01-21, 06:16 PM
Slowface, you take in a whirl of details about the room. The lumber, stacked neatly and precisely as if carefully sorted by size; the intricate maze of pipes, levers, wheels, and chutes that surrounds the furnace; the immense and brightly glowing spider crawling out of the main boiler; the mess of ducts leading into every part of the ceiling- *double-take*

The spider appears to be constructed from magma. Liquid flame drips from its menacing fangs, and its eight blazing eyes are devoid of emotion. The creature gives off palbable waves of heat, which explains the high temperature, though how on earth it got here without igniting the house is anyone's guess.
It's a good reason

(The corner squares of the rectangular boiler room are A1 (NW), D1 (SW),
D6 (SE), and A6 (NE). Columns 5 and 6 are impassable without climb checks because of the furnace. The door you came through enters into D2, so Myra is there and Slowface is in B2. The spider is perched on the rim of the opening in the boiler, so it is ten feet off the ground, is vertical, and is in squares B5 and C5. It gives off plenty of light to see by. You sure hope the wood doesn't ignite...)

Myra: [roll0]
Slowface: [roll1]

EDIT: looks like slowface will be going first, and Myra second

2012-01-22, 06:02 PM
Slowface reacts with ferocity. He drops his lantern, activates the Leaping Dragon stance, swings his fullblade above his head, and hurls himself towards the spider, calling upon years of rigorous training that allow him to execute the deadly maneuver called Death From Above.

Jump [roll0]

Attack with SSJ [roll1]

SSJ damage [roll2]

DFA damage [roll3]

2012-01-22, 08:21 PM
Slowface leaps up to the height of the ceiling, then brings his massive fullblade swinging down in an deadly arch- only to have it bounce harmlessly off of the spider's molten rock body. Also, coming close enough to strike it without protection makes you take 5 points of fire damage.
Slowface is now in square B4. Myra, you react before the spider can.

2012-01-22, 08:26 PM
Having taken an obligatory moment of mouth-gaping shock at both the sight of the large, flaming spider and the sight of slowface missing, Myra aims both arms at the goliath and begins casting Ray of Hope. Once the spell is completed, he'll pull a flask of cryofluid from his belt and take a five-foot step to C2.

2012-01-22, 10:08 PM
Alright, Slowface will get +2 on attacks, skills, and checks for seven rounds.

The spider darts forward to strike. Slowface raises his arm instinctively, and feels searing pain course down the limb as fangs slide effortlessly through his tough skin. Muscular action in the arachnid's terrifying mandibles pumps liquid flame through his veins. (This deals 15 damage, and do a fortitude save.)

After striking, the monstrous molten monster retreats vertically up the side of the boiler, ending its movement clinging to the ceiling directly above Slowface in squares B4 and C4. This provokes no attacks of opportunity (due to spring attack). Since its still partially on the side of the boiler, the lowest point of its bulk is about thirteen feet off the ground, close enough that Slowface will easily be able to reach it with the slightest hop.

2012-01-25, 02:12 PM

Slowface, infuriated by the repugnant arachnid and bolstered by his comrade's spell, attempts to reach the spider with a bone-crushing swing of his sword.

Jump [roll]1d20+19

attack [roll1]

damage [roll2]

Bonecrusher [roll3]

2012-01-25, 02:13 PM
sorry Jump [roll0]

2012-01-25, 06:45 PM
Slowface braces himself against the searing pain coursing through his veins, and although it would stop any normal hero in their tracks he ignores it and leaps at his foe.
With a roar, the ancient blade of starkweather john rends the fiery spider's abdomen, releasing a torrent of molten ichor. However, slowface takes note that as the creature is apparently composed of magma it is not quite as vulnerable as normal to weapon damage, and it also has no bones to be crushed.
Still, a powerful blow; the spider cringes in response to such fierce oppostition.

EDIT: almost forgot, slowface you take a single point of fire damage from the flecks of fiery spider guts.

2012-01-25, 06:54 PM
Myra grimaces at the sight of the still-standing creature. Praying that it has at least some intelligence, he call out to it, brandishing the vial in his hand.

"Ze pain you feel is but a fraction of vat you vill! Enjoy zis moment, for it shall be ze most pleasant you shall have for ze remainder of your short, short life!"

Intimidate [roll0]

Having spoken, he hurls the vial of cryofluid in his hand at the spider.

Attack: Ranged Touch [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-01-25, 10:36 PM
Fortunately the monstrous spider seems to have some understanding of the common tongue, and it cowers against the ceiling. Even the flames dancing at random across its bulk seem subdued for a moment.
The glass vial shatters when exposed to great heat, splashing the creature. Where the bluish liquid touches it it extuingishes any flame, leaving behind swaths of black charred rock which obviously causes it great discomfort. Far more in fact than would be inflicted on a creature not made out of magma.

Because of imperious command the fiery arachnid is now cowering, so it's slowface's turn again.

2012-01-26, 08:19 PM
Slowface leaps again towards his foe, making use of the ancient Emerald Razor maneuver. He is also power attacking for 5.

(assuming I don't need a jump check but just in case

attack ssj [roll1]

damage [roll2]

natural 17 threatens, to confirm: [roll]1d20+11

2012-01-26, 08:23 PM
lets try again [roll0]

2012-01-26, 10:03 PM
Slowface's outsized blade strikes home once again, this time slashing the arachnid's face and cutting off several of its smaller fangs. With a ragged gash ripped in its head you would expect to it drop but instead it hunches up and prepares to go back on the offensive. Apparently, because the creature is constructed of lava it has no need for any particular part of its party in order to continue functioning. Slowface takes one more point of fire damage for coming close to the spider.
The beast looks significantly weakened, and molten ichor oozes from its two gaping wounds, singing the floor. Myra has a quick chance to act before it regains its confidence.

2012-01-26, 10:04 PM
I think you're good enough at jumping that the check is irrelevant, go head and leave it out if you like

2012-01-27, 01:44 AM
Myra draws his heavy mace and charges the spider, cursing and yelling as loudly as he is able to, and activating Dreadful Wrath. As he nears the spider, he leaps into the air, hoping to kill the blasted creature at last.

Jump: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-01-27, 07:24 PM
Myra charges forward with a cry and leaps at the spider, weilding his fearsome mace with the fervor that ardent devotion brings. He throws all his weight into the blow, only to have it bounce off as against a stone wall. The impact leaves Myra's whole arm jingling, and flecks of lava spray his chest dealing 2 damage. (Myra is now in square C4; Slowface in B4)

The fiery spider crosses the ceiling, seeking to distance itself from the onslaught. It clambers down the west wall, ending up on the floor in squares B1 and C1 and still partially on the neatly stacked wood taking up the entire wall. It launches from its abdomen a thick stream of some sort of napalmesque webbing, which gets all over slowface. While covered in this goo you cannot move from your square. You can break out (str check), writhe your way out (esc. artist), or damage it with a slashing weapon, but if its not a light weapon it will also damage you by the same amount.

On this round slowface takes 11 points of fire damage from the webbing. He roars in pain and frustration. Its his action next.

The wood ignites.

2012-01-28, 03:50 PM
Slowface angrily tries to muscle his way out of his highly uncomfortable molten ensnarement

str check: [roll0] (6 from str 2 from ray of hope)

if successful, he will then take a 5 foot step to B3 and take a swing at the spider, praying that the igniting wood will not turn the boiler room into a fire trap before his increasingly bothersome adversary is safely neutralized.

if necessary, attack with SSJ (power attack 4) [roll1]
damage: [roll2]

2012-01-28, 10:35 PM
Slowface struggles against the molten goo holding him in place, but to no avail- its terribly strong.

Rules note- while entangles in the napalm web you cannot move from your spot, you take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, a -4 penalty to dex, and damage at the end of each of the spider's turns. There is no other restriction on movement or attacking however. Escaping and breaking out are both full-round actions.


2012-01-29, 12:00 AM
Myra reaches to Slowface, grimacing at the heat given off by the webbing, and begins intoning Freedom of Movement. Once the spell is complete, he pulls a new vial of cryofluid from his belt, noting the pain the last one seemed to cause the spider. Finally, he takes a 5-foot step to D4.

2012-01-29, 12:16 AM
Ok cool, with freedom of movement slowface can ignore all of the penalties from the webbing and move freely. He will still take fire damage though until he uses a full-round action to automatically succeed an escape artist check (thanks to freedom of movement).

Oh also I don't think I mentioned, the spider failed its save against Myra's frightful presence and it was already shaken. Its currently frightened, so it would flee if it could but its cornered as there is no entrance to this room (that you see) large enough for it to get through. So now its attempting to keep you guys immobile.

The arachnid spits fiery goo on Myra, so he's entangled now. The beast steps five feet to squares C1, C2, D1, and D2. Both Myra and Slowface take 5 fire damage this round from the webbing. Slowface's turn.

EDIT: The wood is lit but the fire is still contained. If left unchecked for three to fiveish rounds it will spread high enough to damage the house.

2012-01-31, 08:32 PM
Slowface will take a full round to escape from his entanglement thanks to Myra's extremely helpful spell (and if possible he will also scan the room looking for something that could potentially be used to put out a fire, like buckets of water or a heavy blanket or a fire extinguisher) Search check: [roll0]

2012-01-31, 10:51 PM
There are a few barrels in A1, and it looks a little damp around the base of them. Slowface can't tell without opening them if water is present right now.

Its Myra's turn

2012-02-01, 10:07 PM
Sorry, I'd like to take back that last action because I didn't realize Freedom of Movement would allow Slowface to shrug the webbing off simply by taking a 5 foot step. So, If I am allowed to re-move, here is what Slowface does:

Slowface takes a 5 foot step to B3, happy to be rid of the searing hot webbing. He then uses a swift action to recover his maneuvers, and unleashes upon the spider a Bone-Crushing smite with his massive blade.

attack SSJ [roll0]
damage [roll1]
Bone crusher [roll2]

that should be 4 less on my attack damage, I screwed up the numbers

2012-02-01, 10:55 PM
Slowface brings his blade crashing down on his foe. His strike cleaves a great rent in the spider's molten body, leaving it very very weak. Lava sprays back at him, dealing 4 fire damage. Myra springs into action to attempt to finish the beast off once and for all.

2012-02-01, 11:14 PM
Myra drops his mace, the metallic clattering overshadowed by the yell rushing from his lungs. He lunges forwards five feet towards the spider before he rears back, and hurls the vial of cryofluid at the abomination.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-02, 12:20 AM
Actually Myra is rooted in place because of the fiery webbing but its cool because if he moved any closer his attack would provoke and AoO. He hurls the vial and his aim is true, but the arachnid has grown wary and skitters to one side, narrowly avoiding the deadly missile as it flies overhead. Unfortunately for the beast the vial smashes against the wood piled against the wall, dealing seven damage to everything nearby (extinguishing the fire). The spider writhes in agony for a few moments before turning over and curling up. It begins to slowly grow dimmer as its body cools.

As the adrenaline wears off, Myra and Slowface are confronted with the blistering pain of the fiery ropes strung around them (right now Slowface takes 8 fire damage and Myra takes 7). Our intrepid heroes have one round to free themselves to avoid further damage.

EDIT: 1,200 experience each

2012-02-03, 02:29 PM
If Freedom of Movement is still in effect, Slowface will slip out of the webbing. If not, here is a strength check:


2012-02-03, 02:53 PM
Unwilling to waste another of his limited spell slots, Myra struggles to escape the webbing.

Escape Artist [roll0]

If he fails, he'll call out for Slowface to cut him loose.

2012-02-03, 03:16 PM
Slowface slips out of the webbing gracefully, while Myra struggles and only gets himself more entangled. Myra takes 7 points of fire damage.
Now that Slowface is free, some deft dagger work should help out his friend (automatic hit, just roll for damage). Remember any non-light weapons also damage the person who is entangled

2012-02-03, 08:24 PM
Slowface whips out his trusty dagger and slices at Myra's fiery imprisonment.


2012-02-03, 09:14 PM
Slowface cuts expertly at the ropes and because he is so efficient it only takes this attack and one more. Myra only takes 3 more fire damage before he is free from the burning gunk.
The spider lies cooling and adventure beckons. Where do you go next?

2012-02-06, 07:52 PM
Slowface sheathes his dagger and takes a moment to brush the ash off of himself. Turning to Myra, he asks "How about we check out the southern door in the corridor upstairs?"

He then reignites his lantern and holds it aloft with his left hand, leaving his right free to carry his hefty blade.

2012-02-06, 10:23 PM
Myra reaches down, picking up his mace and stows it over his back. Certainly. Let us make haste. As an afterthought he adds "After zis, I doubt zat I can keep channeling very longer. I fear I may need rest soon."

2012-02-08, 08:42 PM
Myra and Slowface trim their singed hems and trek back up the stone stairs. Once back on the first floor they head down the hall to the southern door. This door, unlike some of the grandiose carved mahogany affairs elsewhere in the mansion, is a subtle or perhaps even drab shade of brown. It leads to a narrow secondary corrider that heads to the south about twenty five feet. A door leads off to either side about midway down the hall.

The west door is open and leads to what must be the servants quarters. Bunk beds are arranged in an orderly row and the space is completed by a kitchenette and a few sofas. There are no servants here but the traces of them are evident; the beds are unmade and possessions are lying about as if the staff had merely stepped out for a moment. This part of the mansion feels much more homey and less austere than the other rooms you have explored.

The eastern door is pulled shut.

2012-02-10, 07:37 PM
Slowface will move in front of the eastern door and listen.


If he doesn't hear anything he will test the doorknob.

2012-02-10, 08:24 PM
The passage you stand in is quiet but for the faint rustle of wind outside.

Slowface turns the knob easily and the door swings inward, revealing a strange scene. The room is furnished comfortably, but not luxuriously. On the single bed there sits a tall figure clothed all in black with a long coat and scarf. His face is nothing but a naked skull. He is writing something on a piece of parchment by the light of a candle on the dresser.

When the door opens he looks up. "Well hello!" he cries cheerfully.

Slowface, your sword should have upgraded last level, i totally forgot. Its total enhancement bonus can go from +3 to +4, although the maximum attack/damage enhancement is +3. You can add +1 (either enhancement or ability) to what it does now or start from scratch

2012-02-10, 08:40 PM
Myra starts briefly and immediately begins intoning the power of Nusemnee, faltering as the words designed to destroy such abominations falter in his mouth. A far cry from the normal complex, grand syllables, he utters a small, confused grunt-like noise. Praying that the creature didn't understand the significance of his (attempted) words. He cautiously speaks to the undead-

"... hello. Wha- who are you?"

2012-02-11, 05:26 PM
Without hesitation the strange figure answers Myra's question in elegant clipped phrases.

"Relcong to the Colong Nansion! Ny nane is Croscero and I an the utler hor the Colong hanily. You nust he the grave sayhiers uh the are. I an your hungle serhent hor as long as you renain in ny naster's agode."

He accompanies this last proclomation with a bow and an elaborate gesture.

The man stands posed elaborately, desperately waiting for someone to say something so he can relax. Although his naked skull is permanently fixed in a rictus grin, Myra and Slowface can see his confidence and bluster begin to falter. "Oh ny. Hah I skoken aniss? Hray horgih ny inhertinence!"

2012-02-16, 10:47 PM
Slowface shakes himself out of amazement at the sight of someone that is on his side. Hastily, he tells the butler "At ease. Thank you for your welcome to this grand palace. I'm sure it is even nicer without the horrible infestation of vermin grotesque...present company excluded, of course," he adds even hastilier, gesturing apologetically. "That is, if you are vermin and not just wearing one of those masks" he adds hastiliest

He then catches his breath and asks the butler "At any rate, do you know where we can find the wizard in charge of all this nonsense?"

2012-02-23, 08:25 PM
"Oh! I keg your hardon! Nerely a nask, I gronise. I can't renooh it for sun reason, danned ih I know hy. As to the hizard, that scurrilous rogue is cloistered in the lihrary I suggose. Hilfering the hamily's heirloons no dut. I no good in a hight, hutal helk you in ny healed!"

The butler then sets to sketching a map of the mansion's floor plan. Myra points out that only the second floor remains unexplored and so this is all he draws. There are five bedrooms (one master, four for children), a bathroom, a linen closet, a library, two hallways (an east and a west wing), and a central room in addition to the main entrance and ballroom balconies. He marks hatches in the ceiling to two seperate attics, one east and one west. He mentions that the west wing attic has been sealed off with plaster, but shows where in the hall to look for it, "In case it dehoogs you to heat a hasty retreat to a grearranged sahe roon".

Rather than give you a map, you can go to any room and I'll let you know which ones you'd have to go through first.

2012-02-26, 08:57 PM
Myra nods, and glances over the map. "Hm. I am zinking zat ve should tread carefully. I suppose zat I can still fight, but not for much longer. If ve do not fight with care, ve may need to flee. Worse, we may need to visit the circle- ze vizard has not had occasion to cast his spells today."

2012-02-27, 05:40 PM
Slowface says "I could use a little rest before we investigate the second floor. Kind butler, would it be a problem if my companion and I stayed in the servant's quarters across the way? After some rest, we should be much more able to defeat the unholy blight that has befallen your magnificent home."

2012-02-29, 03:05 AM
"Hy certainly!" exclaims the butler. "Ih you need to rest than dy all neans, nake use of the acconadations agandoned by those serhents less loyal, gerhats, than I. I nyself an hell rested, so i will kee watch and endeaher to ake you ih i detect any signs o' danger."

Do you accept the butlers offer to keep watch for you?

2012-02-29, 03:32 PM
Sense Motive- [roll0]

Myra will raise an eyebrow, attempting to get a feeling for the nature of the skeleton before him. He'll say nothing.

OOC: Ouch, first roll in more than a week, and it's a natural one. Not a good omen.

2012-03-09, 02:56 AM
The butler is clearly strongly loyal to the colombe family. He is certain that you are helping them, and so him by extension. He will obey any promise to you unflinchingly.

2012-03-09, 02:45 PM
Myra nods. "Very well," he says, before turning to Slowface. "Are ve forgetting anything, or shall ve sleep now?"

2012-04-16, 11:28 AM
After a much needed rest in the servants's quarters, Myra and Slowface prepare for a day of adventuring. As Myra meditates, his mind wandering in otherworldly fields, Slowface's calisthenics are interrupted when 'Croscero' the butler enters bearing a grand silver tray loaded with delicious breakfast foods of all sorts. His mask is still preventing him from making labial sounds, but the gist of it is that he left you guys alone this morning to take advantage of the now-safe food stores. He found the cellar and the kitchen to be spotlessly clean, so he prepared a feast for the mansion's saviors. You are both alive so presumably nothing crept in whilst you slumbered.

Only the upper floor of the mansion has yet to be explored. Who knows what surprising dangers may be lurking up there.

RECAP: You are here to warn the villagers and (ideally) to procure aid for the anti-drow war effort. However neither of these is forthcoming because a mad wizard has taken over the reigning noble house for some reason. Hopefully plumbing the mansion's heights will unravel this mystery and bring you one step closer to your goal.

2012-04-16, 05:15 PM
Myra stays all but motionless for nearly half an hour, unwilling to compromise his daily prayer for... delicious... sizzly... bacon....

Once he completes his daily soul-searching, he springs from the floor and takes a plate, onto which he'll pile as much food as he can manage. It's been nearly two days since they've had a meal, aside from trail rations. In other words, far too long. Once he finishes his meal, he'll pull a flask of antitoxin from his hip and drain it- he's met four wyverns in 24 hours, and he's not very optimistic about his chances of never meeting another. Even if there aren't any more, he reasons, a little more protection from poisons is never a bad thing.

Once he's completed his personal checklist of morning preparations, he begins casting his spells for the day. He'll cast Lesser Vigor on himself once, and three times on Anathathen, and he'll cast Celestial Brilliance on one of his gloves, before stowing both in a pocket. Then, he'll activate Word of Healing on Anathathen. He'll then cast Tyche's Touch as a blessing on both him and Anathathen. Once he and Anathathen are ready to finish their sweep of the 2nd floor, he'll cast Bull's Strength and Bear's Endurance (the latter from a scroll) on him (note that, due to his class abilities, this will increase his health by 28, as well as increasing attack and damage).

(I rolled word of healing in the OOC thread, and got a natural one. C'est la vie.)

*whistles*. Been a while. It'll be good to get back into this.
Also, I've marked down the spells and truespeaking I've mentioned previously, including the Stat-boosters. If anything happens, or we decide to do something else beforehand, just mention it.

2012-04-27, 01:18 PM
Slowface finishes stretching and considers Croscero's sketch of the mansion.

"My feeling is that we should try to apprehend the mad wizard as soon as possible. He might be holed up in the master bedroom, or perhaps lurking about the central room. When we find him, we can force him to call off his evil minions and free this village of his unholy presence. Then, we should try to garner as much support for our fight against the Dwerger as we can, and be on our way to the next town"

He turns to Myra. "Shall we be off? Which room do you think we should aim for first?"

2012-04-27, 01:40 PM
Myra nods in agreement. "Let us go first to ze bedroom, then. With luck, ve can end this here and now."

Myra casts his aforementioned spells, and begins the short (and likely eventful) walk to the master bedroom.

2012-05-01, 02:10 AM
Myra and Slowface steel themselves for adventure and leave the servant's quarters behind. A short jog down two hallways later, they emerge into the gleam of polished black and white marble tiles reflecting the glow of hundreds of enchanted everburning candles in the magnificent chandelier in the entrance hall of the manor. Twin staircases to the east and west lead to a balcony along the northern wall, from which hangs a massive coat of arms sporting a dove triumphing over a cowering serpent. Beyond is a set of double doors, currently thrown open.

Our intrepid heroes climb the stairs. Slowface has noticed recently that his sword always sends tingles down his arms when danger is about to strike unexpectedly, and so he grips the mighty leather bound pommel firmly in case it has anything to tell him.

The double doors open onto a gallery which, according to Croscero's map, is a central room which connects the two upstairs wings. As Myra and Slowface take in the domed glass ceiling of many panes, each fitted with an iron grille, and the similiar but smooth and grille-less dome in the center of the floor, they realize that this gallery must be directly above the dining room. This room is naturally quite well lit. There is another set of double doors to the north, with smaller doors to the east and west. In each corner is a padded armchair.

Oh yeah, and also Myra and Slowface notice that on either side of the double doors to the north there crouches a creature with the body of an enormous golden lion, wings like an eagle's, and a large humanlike head with a mane of thick hair. Both are majestically unclothed and clearly female. The creature on the left smiles silently as the risen demon and the goliath step onto the balcony, but the one on the right laughs out loud.

"Hold, little ones!" she chortles.

How do you react?

2012-05-01, 02:05 PM
Myra's mind races. There are three... no, four kinds of sphinx. Ze... Androsphinx and Gynosphinx, and... a few others. Ze difference between zem is... I think that one of zem is good, and another evil. I vould suppose that zese are of ze latter variety. Hmm... He finds himself wishing that he had found more time for books during his stay in Visk. He is, if nothing else, relieved that they have little room to fly.

Abandoning his efforts to remember more, he pulls from across his back both his shield and mace. Having taken a few seconds to strap the shield to his arm, he leans on his weapon. "Very well, ve hold. And you vill tell us vat you are doing here, no?"

Myra will begin casting Detect Evil on the sphinxes, as subtly as one can.

2012-05-02, 04:26 AM
Myra belts out a faux-latin incantation, bel canto, gesticulating mysteriously. The laughing sphinx seems content however and continues her speech.

"Ho ho! My master may be willing to grant you audience. But I warn you, he does not give his time to every man-jack who comes a-calling. You must select one of the two of you who shall speak for you both. That person alone may stay, and answer the riddle of Speech and Silence. The other one must depart by the route by which you came. Choose swiftly! For if more than one of you remains in a minute's time, my sister and I shall devour them posthaste!"

2012-05-02, 01:07 PM
Myra stops, his face blank. He glances between the sphinxes incredulously, and then sighs quietly to himself. Composing himself, he smiles charmingly at the sphinx who just spoke, attempting to bring to bear that aspect of him which seems to make people much more willing to agree.
He'll activate his star sign to make the talking sphinx more friendly.

"Noble sphinx, you see before you, not a group, but two individuals. Ve each come of our own accord, and neither of us vould claim to speak for the other. 'Twould be, I must say, to ze detriment of your master to give audience to only one, when both of us have reason to seek it. However, should mere reason not be sure enough, merely think of us as ve are- two separate people, to whom you can offer the same deal. Ve come alone at ze same time, and vould both ask to see your master."

Diplomacy (Or Persuasion, by the Giant's Rules)

2012-05-03, 07:05 PM
The speaking sphinx laughs louder than ever.

"Ho ho! If you fleshlings indeed come separately, than you shall have to pick one of you to speak first. The other can make themselves at home downstairs whilst they wait."

The left sphinx's grin grows wider, sinisterly.

There is definitely evil present in a 60 foot cone in front of you. Hopefully you will be able to concentrate long enough to learn more.

2012-05-03, 07:13 PM
Myra frowns. "Allow us, then, a moment to decide."

He'll turn to Slowface and whisper to him "I am thinking zat fighting ze vizard alone is more dangerous zen fighting these two together. If ve come to fighting, as I think ve will no matter our choice, I vould be happier to do it at your side than alone." He grimaces slightly. "I do not think zat either of us boast great success when fighting alone. What say you?"

2012-05-06, 12:24 AM
Aaaaand if I could get will saves from both of y'all that'd be fine, just fine

2012-05-06, 10:56 AM
Will Save- [roll0]

I emailed Anathathen about the PbP. I haven't gotten a response yet, but he probably won't be posting much in the near future. I'll let you know when he responds.

So, I heard back from Anathathen just now. I'll quote the relevant portion of his message here-

Hey man, thanks. I'd be ok if [SpiritofGravity] wanted to play Slowface for now, I could maybe hop in later. I'd love to be posting right now, but I'm going to be super busy in the next couple weeks. It'll be fun for me to follow along anyways though. We'll have some more time this summer to play for real too.

2012-05-06, 03:46 PM
It probably makes more sense for you to play Slowface, I am running everything else ha ha.

Myra hears something strange in the sphinx's voice. The sound is definitely issuing from the sphinx on the right but it has a tinny, slightly canned quality like it was being broadcast through a speaker.

2012-05-06, 06:20 PM
Okay. I suppose Anathathen can just join in when he's ready.

Myra's eyes narrow imperceptibly. He brings to focus his spell, all but certain that the only evil within its range stands before him, grinning. He takes a single step forward, before calling out "Very well, sphinx. Ve have made a choice."

Slowface tightens his body, preparing to charge at the closest sphinx and activate Bone Crusher should either sphinx act aggressively, or should combat begin.

2012-05-06, 11:57 PM
Myra focuses his divinely granted sight, piercing the veil and searching for evidence of tainted souls. While maintaining a cool facade and constant banter he discerns that all of the evil detectable ahead is emanating from a single aura of moderate strength.

Still chortling, the sphinx on the right crows a response. "Ahhh haha hah. I see. A brave choice, although a foolish one. Heh. In that case..."

Assuming that Myra and Slowface do not want to hear the end of that sentence, go ahead and roll up some initiative.

2012-05-07, 01:33 PM
Myra frowns, vaguely discontented. The situation does not make sense in the slightest. Why a single aura, and one ahead? Why does it seem that ze sphinx is being spoken through? Suddenly, a thought occurs to him. A proxy. A clever vay, perhaps, to catch those zat come calling alone?

Myra Initiative- [roll0]
Slowface Initiative- [roll1]

2012-05-07, 06:22 PM
A flick of the tail, a spark in the eye, a flex in the haunches- Slowface's keen eye takes it all in. He leaps forward instinctively before the two sphinxes spring into action. Myra, distracted as he is, is left to act after the two beasts.

Rows: A-F
Columns: 1-8
Party entered through doors into squares F4 (Myra) and F5 (Slowface). The multicolored domed skylight set in the floor covers the rectangle [C3, C6, D6, D3]. The sphinxes crouch in [A2, A3, B3, B2] and [A6, A7, B7, B6]. Additional doors open from squares A4, A5, D1, and C8. The domed skylight in the ceiling extends five feet beyond the one in the floor in each direction, and even the flat part of the ceiling is a lofty fifteen feet above the expensive and twistedly ornate crimson rug covering the flat part of the floor. The walls are hung with pale yellow wallpaper featuring a fading flower motif. The stench of sweat and stale death lingers in the still air.

2012-05-07, 06:40 PM
With a vicious war cry, the gladiator charges forward, drawing his blade and swinging at the closest sphinx in a single motion. Confident in the beast's surprise, he aims to crush his sphinx's skeleton, putting his full weight behind the blow.

Bone Crusher (Power Attacking for four and charging) [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] for a total of 57, and a DC 21 fortitude save to avoid having her skeleton crushed.

2012-05-09, 03:13 PM
The mighty anscestral blade swings a huge arc and slices deep into the creature, delivering tremendous force. No bones are crushed, but a gout of crimson showers the carpet. The sphinx, however, continues laughing in delight, and even as the sword leaves the wound it has begun to heal with supernatural speed. Within seconds it is as if no blow had been struck. After the blow lands, Slowface, do a will save.

The twin sphinxes exchange a brief and malicious glance before stepping directly into each other. Then, to our heroes' chagrin, not two but ten identical and majestic sphinxes step out from the single creature. They shift and weave together, constangly overlapping, so when you attack one it will be random which it is unless you use some method of discerning them. Because of the skylight they spread out to encompass the the area [A1, A8, C1, C8] not including C3-6. This whole area may be considered to be teeming with sphinxes. None of this provokes any attacks of opportunity because it is executed with such grace.

Myra's action, he is still in F4. Slowface technically cannot charge over the corner of the skylight, but the situation is the same either way in this case. He is in D7 I assume.

2012-05-09, 03:30 PM
Slowface Will Save- [roll0]

Myra nods to himself. Zey are fake. From his pack he pulls his scroll of Dispel Magic. He edges slightly away from the sphinxes into the doorway (5 ft. step) before glancing at the scroll. He chants from it for several seconds, before outstretching his hand toward the sphinxes. The ensuing burst of magic is centered between A4-5, so as to avoid Slowface but affect the largest number of sphinxes.

The dispel check is at a +5 bonus (since it's from a scroll).

2012-05-09, 04:08 PM
A burst of antimagical energy sweeps over the sphinx-infested portion of the room, but leaves it unchanged. The magic is apparently too powerful for Myra's scroll.
Slowface's action again.

2012-05-09, 04:16 PM
Staying resolute, Slowface hefts his blade, before bellowing and swinging it forth, hoping to cleave through as many of the sphinx as possible.

Steel Wind- [roll0] [roll1]

Damage- [roll2] [roll3]

(I'll let you roll any (hypothetical) cleave attempts).

Grunting at the effort of the exertion, Slowface will bellow "What, hiding behind slaves and illusions? Truly, the mark of a mighty wizard!"

2012-05-09, 04:54 PM
With a might slash, Slowface hews a sphinx in twain, causing it to dissipate with a puff of black powder and a stinging smell. A second slash destroys two more shadow sphinxes, leaving seven monsters in the room.

The sphinxi swirl and merge, but during the chaos Slowface feels a very real touch from a large clawed paw. His mind swirling from confusion, his eyes dart from sphinx to terrible sphinx, paralyzing his judgment. He takes two points of wisdom drain (yes, drain).

The occupied squares are now [A1, A7, B7, B1] as well as C1-2.

2012-05-09, 05:04 PM
(I forgot to mention this, but casting Dispel Magic should activate Myra's Dreadful Wrath).

Myra laughs. "You imagine that you can fight us? You, whose greatest strength is but deception? Pah! I shall see you suffer an eternity for this insolence... beginning now!"

Intimidate (With Never Outnumbered)-

He'll then raise his fist, and taking careful aim, will let fly a single poisoned bolt at one of the sphinx.

Bolt (drow poison)- [roll1]

Incidentally, Myra will do a Knowledge check to try to establish what the hell is going on.

Knowledge (Religion)- [roll]1d20+10 (Hopefully, gods and goddesses, mythic history, ecclesiastic tradition, holy symbols, or undead apply here).

EDIT: Let's try that again. Knowledge (Religion)- 1d20+10

2012-05-09, 07:22 PM
Dreadful Wrath's 20 ft radius prevents it from affecting the monsters. They are still shaken though from intimidate

Myra's bolt rips through another illusory copy, leaving six identical sphinxes to contend with. His words have a clear effect; The leering laughing looming faces begin to show hints of doubt, and the peels of laughter are somewhat less confident than before.

2012-05-09, 07:32 PM
Slowface pauses, disoriented. He shrugs it off, however, and maneuvers around the glass dome to D2 before smashing into the closest sphinx with his fullblade, hoping that the momentum from his swing will allow him to take down more.

Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]

Remember that, because of Imperious Command, they don't get dex to AC and take a -2 penalty

Also, here's Myra's knowledge (religion) roll that wouldn't work in the last post- [roll2]

2012-05-10, 02:25 AM
Myra wracks his brain, but none of the great tomes he read in the cathedrals of Visk spoke of any such creatures.

Slowface circles warily, stepping inbetween his friend and the sphinx swarm. When he spots an opening, he strikes! With a single mighty cleave the goliath champion destroys two more shadow copies.

Now only four remain. One of them calls out, still laughing but somewhat forced. "Ha ha! And yet our great strength has deceived you! You fail to realize that no blade can harm us. You saw with your own eyes how the wounds inflicted by your ungainly sword heal instantly!" Despite the brave words, for the moment the sphinxes are recovering themselves.

2012-05-10, 02:37 AM
Myra laughs freely. "And it would seem, sphinx, that your ungainly claws cannot touch us, even as they disappear into dust. Perhaps you should retire before you all suffer the same fate? We vill let you flee, if you so desire."

Raising his spiked fist, he'll take a five-foot step to E3, before fullattacking against one of the sphinx (using a poisoned bolt).
This should activate Dreadful Wrath. With luck, the frightened sphinxes will take Myra's offer.
Attack- [roll0] (+2 because it's the crossbow and not the gauntlet)
Damage- [roll1] (-1 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " )

So, I found out that you can't edit in rolls, which is why I haven't rolled again for attack and damage.

2012-05-10, 01:30 PM
Myra's gauntlet attack pops another illusory copy, leaving three sphinx on the field of battle. However, his brash confidence has its intended effect, ending their chances of recovering from fear during the course of the conflict.

2012-05-10, 01:53 PM
Relieved to see so few sphinx before him, slowface will activate Hunter's Stance and full attack against the closest (scented) sphinx.

Attack- [roll0] , [roll1]
Damage- [roll2] , [roll3]

2012-05-10, 03:03 PM
Slowface lunges forward, surprising the scented sphinx with his acuity. His blade strikes home with devastating precision. Even as the stench of blood fills his super-sensitive nostrils, however, the wound heals completely in a matter of seconds! This is so disturbing, the mighty warrior takes pause, causing his second swing to go awry.

The trio of sphinxes remaining cackle in triumph. "You may be strong, fleshlings. But even your strongest attacks cannot pierce us! Ho ho, when will you learn that all of your efforts are worthless?"

With this declaration, the three beasts reach out in a sinuous, twisting, darting sort of motion, clutching at Slowface's armored arms and torso. With mind-numbing negative energy, he feels his senses dull and his mind fog as he suffers 4 more points of wisdom drain. Leaving a trail of swirling black tendrils, the fearsome trio hurl themselves across the room and away from the tight corner they were caught in (no AoO's). They are now along the east wall, in [A7, A8, D8, D7].

Slowface: Will save!

2012-05-10, 03:32 PM
Will Save [roll0]

2012-05-10, 04:42 PM
Slowface notices that the flesh of the sphinx he struck did not respond normally. His keen hunter's sense tells him only two sphinxes have a scent- a telling clue. The new information given by his blow is enough to allow his eyes to see that one of the scented sphinxes is slightly transparent! Because of the constantly weaving pattern, the location of the one true monster cannot be communicated, but slowface at least knows now which to aim for.

2012-05-10, 05:03 PM
Myra frowns, his mind racing. Zere is a vizard here. I am sure. But ze vizard is not the sphinxes. The sphinxes sound as if they are talked through- perhaps they themselves are more powerful illusions? Zey touch Slowface, but do not cut him. Rather, zeir touch seemed to disorient and confuse. And zat... that was negative energy. Myra shrugs to himself. It's worth a shot.

Composing himself, he begins chanting and slowly stepping toward the sphinx (E5), first pronouncing the complex and alien syllables softly, then swiftly crescendoing to a shout. As he ends the phrase, positive energy streams from his body, enveloping the room.

Word of Channeling- [roll0]

2012-05-10, 05:05 PM
Word of Channeling Damage- [roll0]

2012-05-10, 06:20 PM
For a moment it looks as though the heavenly glow might erase the shadowy sphinxes for good. However, in the afterglow of the wave of positive energy all three remain standing, indiscernable to Myra. Unaffected by the attack, they regain some composure and laugh boldly at the attempt. (Still shaken though)

2012-05-10, 06:27 PM
Gritting his teeth, Slowface takes a step away from the sphinxes, carefully looking about. He recognizes the energy that Myra released, and though he can't see any undead, trusts in the cleric. From his hip, he pulls a potion of Invisibility to Undead, and in a single motion, he downs it, praying that Myra's knows something that he doesn't.

2012-05-10, 07:41 PM
The sphinxes crouch in the corner, looking on in distress. One calls out, "Manling! You challenge us and then drink deadly poison? If you don't purge yourself immediately the both of you will surely perish this day!"

Slowface, will save to resist the suggestion.

2012-05-10, 07:47 PM
Slowface grits his teeth, mustering all of his willpower to resist that siren's (or sphinx's, as the case may be) call.

Will Save- [roll0]

I'm a bit worried about what 'purging' entails... ech.

2012-05-10, 07:48 PM
He holds it in, for now... barely. Myra's action.

2012-05-10, 07:50 PM
Cursing softly to himself, Myra levels his fist at one of the remaining Sphinx, before releasing a third poisoned bolt. He calls out "Your numbers dwindle, sphinxes. Perhaps it vould be wise to flee now? Ze only alternative seems to be your death." Myra licks his lips, his forked tongue softly flicking in and out of his mouth, as is savoring the prospect of sphinx meat.

2012-05-10, 11:27 PM
Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]

2012-05-11, 01:57 AM
Myra notices with glee that his detect evil spell is still active. Focusing on his foes, he discovers that only one radiates an evil aura. Grinning to himself, he takes aim at one of the others, hoping to pierce another illusion. However, when his bolt strikes home it sinks deep into the target sphinx. Roaring, the wounded creature rips the bolt out even as the wound heals. She bites the shaft of the bolt in half, spitting the two halves on the floor in disgust before melding with her two sisters.

2012-05-11, 12:33 PM
Slowface edges around the glass dome to B6, growling softly to himself. For a moment he pauses, studying the (scented) sphinx's every movement, before lunging forward, hoping to sink his fullblade into the beasts hide for the last time.

Emerald Razor (Power attacking for 6)- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]

2012-05-12, 04:08 PM
He hits! For the first time during this battle, the goliath warrior feels the unmistakeable resistence of flesh and bone. The sphinx struck gives out a harsh cry of pain and fury, much harsher than any voice it has used thus far.
Slowface, do a will save.

2012-05-12, 04:09 PM
Will Save- [roll0]

2012-05-12, 05:00 PM
Slowface realizes that although his strike must have struck flesh, the impact did not occur when it should have given the beast's bulk. Staring intently, he realizes that the wounded sphinx before him really isn't quite as large as it seemed. Nor is it quite so tall, nor does it even have wings! What it certainly does have, on the other hand, is a powerful lion's body affixed with a humanoid torso. While it's right hand is free, it's left clutches a dagger defensively. Screeching in fury, it retreats to the lower right hand corner of the room, two illusory doubles still trailing. Then with a mighty cry it unleashes a blast of powerful magic in a burst around it. Will saves from both Myra and Slowface are in order.

2012-05-12, 05:07 PM

Myra Will Save- [roll0]
Slowface Will Save- [roll1]

2012-05-13, 04:47 AM
The gods smile upon our heroes! The foul beast's ploy has begun to unravel. She roars in frustration as her spell fails despite Slowface's lack of common sense.

2012-05-13, 10:50 AM
Myra pulls from his side a tanglefoot bag, hoping to cripple the beast before it can escape slowface's blade. He'll take a five-foot step to C7 before heaving the projectile at the Lamia.

Tanglefoot Bag (Ranged Touch Attack) [roll0]

2012-05-13, 03:34 PM
A hit! The lamia is now entangled. One of the illusory copies illusorally becomes entangled but the other does not as the creature shrieks.

2012-05-13, 04:54 PM
Slowface flourishes his blade above the head, the brief pause in combat granting him the mental acuity to recall those maneuvers that he had already expended. Grinning at the entangled Lamia, he brings his fullblade down over his head, hoping to reduce the dishonorable bastard to a fine pulp.

Bone Crusher (Power Attacking for 4) [roll0]
[roll1] + [roll2]