View Full Version : Skill and Feat Retraining

2012-01-19, 10:23 AM

I'm starting a new campaign and was wondering how other DM's implement retraining or just flat out not allow it. The PH II is vague on how much retraining to allow; all I saw was a chart with time and money retraining costs and that was optional.

I have a few other general rule questions as well:
1. Can undead see in darkness and light just as well or does darkness affect their vision?
2. If a mob is within the radius limit of a darkness spell and attacks an adjacent target that is outside the spells' effect, does it still receive the 20% concealment bonus or does it reveal its location when it lunges out to attack?
3. Would a horde of non intelligent undead(zombies/skeletons) risk an aoo to get to player characters that are not in the frontline or would they just stay and focus on the frontline fighters until they are taken down?


2012-01-19, 10:30 AM
Assuming D&D 3.5:

Undead have, by the virtue of their creature type, Darkvision to 60ft., unless otherwise specified.
Assuming you mean "mob" in the MMO sense, not as a crowd of people, if it's in the effect that grants concealment, it has concealment.
They would do as they're instructed. If not instructed, they'd attack the closest enemy, I imagine. They have no initiative (in the general sense, not as the game term), don't weight risks, and, well, in general, think.

There is a thread for rules questions stickied on the top of the forum.

2012-01-19, 10:34 AM
The PH II is vague on how much retraining to allow; all I saw was a chart with time and money retraining costs and that was optional.

Did you see the few introductory paragraphs on page 192? They give suggested allowable retraining options per level-up.

2012-01-19, 02:41 PM
As was said above (just lending my 2 cents) non-intelligent undead follow their orders. Unless specifically told to "attack the wizard in back with the red robes" then they would more likely follow a standing order of "protect this castle from intruders other than <names/desctriptions of necromancer's allies>".

If given that specific order, they would indeed provoke the AoO's if a clear path was presented to them. If no clear path was presented, I would say they would try to cut one through any "intruders" until such a time as a path to the commanded target was available.

2012-01-19, 03:43 PM
Did you see the few introductory paragraphs on page 192? They give suggested allowable retraining options per level-up.


Your right I didn't see the per level allowance on page 192. That seems a little too generous to me. I was thinking of allowing feat retraining at levels 3, 6, and possibly 9. I figure past level nine you should have a build worked out.


2012-01-19, 05:10 PM
I figure past level nine you should have a build worked out.
...The whole point of retraining is to not penalize you as badly for not having a build worked out. If you want to go ahead and do that anyway, that's your call.

Also, note that you can only choose one of those retraining options at a time.